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ESSENCE - Intern

national Joournal for Environme

E ental Rehab
bilitation an
nd Conserv
Pooothia et al./VIII: Special Ediition: 1: 2017//51 - 57
Volume VIII:
V Special Edition:
E 1: 20117 [51 - 57] [ISSN 0975
5 - 6272]

ning and styling off Poncho’ss with Ka
alamkari Motifs

Poothiaa, Suvritti1; Juneja, Shaalini2 and Raastogi, Shiv


Receiveed: June 05, 2016  Acccepted: Juuly 17, 2017

7  Online: August 20, 2017

Abstract Introduction
In this study, inveestigator hass tried to giive a A Poncho (symbol
( of Mexican) is an outerr
new loook to Ponchho inspired from Kalam mkari garment
g dessigned to kkeep the bo ody warm.
motifs. Purpose off study was to t come up with Poncho
P is a piece of cloothing that is
i used as a
a designn solution that
t appealeed to youngger’s coat
c and thaat is made of a singlle piece off
taste as well as theeir pockets. Main aim ofo the cloth
c or plasstic with a hhole in the middle
m for a
study was
w to Desiign and Styyle of Ponccho’s person’s
p heead to goo through. Alternate
with Kalamkari
K m
motifs. Thee present study
s Ponchos
P aree now desiggned as fash hion items.
was connducted in Banasthali Universityy. To They
T are deesigned to look fashio onable andd
achievee this is a feew interventtions were made
m provide
p warrmth while remaining breathable
in the design proccess.The coonsumer suurvey and
a comfortable, ratherr than to warrd off windd
was doone for chhecking thee awarenesss of and
a rain. These are ofteen made outt of wool orr
responddents for Indian Kalaamkari painnting yarn,
y knitteed or croccheted. Pon nchos withh
and Pooncho’s. For this purppose, Kalam mkari festive
fe designs or collors can be b worn att
motifs were colleected and selected
s forr the sp
pecial evennts as well.
present study. Theen, design sheets with most Consumer
C i
increasinglyy demands variety inn
preferreed motifs were developedd and clothing
c & fabric, therefore innovative
evaluateed by 100 responndents. Finnally change
c in designing & designing techniques
selectedd designss were evolved into are
a need of the t hour. K Kalamkari iss an ancientt
prototyppes. The developed
d p
prototypes were In
ndian art thhat originaated about 3000
3 years
assessedd with resppect to diffeerent parammeters ago.
a It derivves its namee from Kalamm meaning
such as aesthetic apppeal, cost and uniquenness. Pen,
P and Kaari meaningg work, liteerally Pen-
T Kalamkkari art incluudes both, printing
p andd
For Correspondence: painting.
p Thhe colors uused in maaking these
Home Science
S Departmment, Clothing and Textile paintings
p aree organic. MMost of thee colors are
Banasthhali University, Rajasthan
Email: suvritti1302@g
p usiing parts off plants – rooots, leaves
a with mineral
m saltts of iron, tin,
t copper,

Poothia et al./VIII: Special Edition: 1: 2017/51 - 57

alum, etc., which are used as mordants. There expect something new, something in tune
are numerous forms and styles of this type of with expectation from world and societies.
painting throughout the Indian Methodology
subcontinent.The creation of a Kalamkari This work is a part of a master thesis in
product is a time consuming, meticulous Clothing and Textiles. The study was
process wherein the fabric can undergo up to conducted in BanasthaliUniversity, because
20 washing processes before all dyes are of the ease of approachability for the
applied to complete the design. Needless to researcher. Total 100 respondents were
say, Kalamkari’s outstanding characteristic is selected randomly in which 95 were students
the fine details and colors of its intricate hand of adolescent age group (18-22 years) and 5
drawn pen work. Motifs drawn in Kalamkari were faculty members to find consumer’s
spans from flowers, peacock, paisley to preference, to assess and select developed
divine characters of Hindu epics like designs and to find out acceptability of
Mahabharata and Ramayana. Nowadays, this developed designed Poncho’s with
art is primarily done to create Kalamkari Kalamkari motifs. These respondents were
sarees. selected purposively who have knowledge of
Traditional art is an art which is originated apparel designing and latest fashion trends. A
from the past time &eventually as the fashion Self–structured questionnaire was prepared to
is changing at every second today, the collect information about consumer’s attitude
tradition art is losing its identity. As toward Poncho’s with Kalamkari motifs.
Kalamkari being an art done with the help of Total 30 design sheet were prepared for
kalam, in the study it is done with the Poncho’s with the selected motifs and
modified enrichment techniques i.e. Block arranging them in different pattern such as
printing, applique work, embroidery work random, border, horizontal, allover and
(running stitch), zari work. Hence, as attempt diagonal arrangement and then the designed
has been made by researcher through this sheets were evaluated and after evaluation
study to bring something new & also help the data was collected. Assessment of sheets
people in restoring the beauty of the tradition were by 5 point rating scale i.e. 5-excellent,
whether in the art or else with respect to 4-very good, 3-good, 2- average and 1- fair.
changing fashion. Best preferred 5 prototypes were developed
Now a day, we are bound to get confused for Poncho’s by using selected motifs. Khadi
among the distinctive range of adolescent silk blend fabric was selected purposively for
girl’s attire. Various different works is done the construction of Poncho’s. The selected
on adolescent girl’s attire which gives them a Poncho’s were cut and stitched according to
pleasant look. the design by the researcher. Researcher
Consumers are becoming more fashion traced selected motifs with the help of tracing
conscious, more sophisticated and more paper on stitched Poncho’s for different
active for clothing & accessories. They techniques such as embroidery, applique
work, zari work. As per traced motifs,

Poothia et al./VIII: Special Edition: 1: 2017/51 - 57

researcher did embroidery by herself. “PONCHO’S” and 14% were among those
Suheb’s creation, Jaipur was allocated for who were not aware.
applique work and Tehleen Boutique, Jaipur S. No. Factors Percentage (%)
assigned for Zari work. For block sample,
blocks were given to workers in Sanganer, APPEARANCE
Jaipur toprepare as per selected design. After 4 QUALITY 28
receiving blocks, then printing was done in Table 2: Distribution of factors considered while
the dyeing and printing laboratory of clothing selecting the “PONCHO’S”

and textile department, Banasthali The above table shows that the 4% of
University. For Original work of Kalamkari respondents are considering the price factor
on 5th prototype, the poncho was given to the while purchasing the Ponchos, 30%
owner of a Kalamkari unit, Chittoor(Andhra respondents consider the general appearance
Pradesh). The researcher traced the workers factor, 38% respondents consider the fashion
of Kalamkari for her work at Delhi Haat fate, factor and 28% of them consider the quality
New Delhi. Researcher completed costing of factor while purchasing the Ponchos.
all 5 prototypes according to expenses S. No. Fabric Percentage (%)
incurred in capital & services (i.e. 1 Particular Fabric 33
2 According to Ponchos 67
development, construction & finishing).
Table 3: Distribution of the respondentpreference of
All the prototypes were displayed to the fabric for “PONCHOS”

respondents and evaluation was done on the The above table depicts that majority of the
basis of 3 parameters i.e. uniqueness, cost respondents preferred to purchase fabric
and aesthetic appeal. Total 100 respondents according to ponchos and only 33% preferred
were taken for data collection. Five point a particular fabric.
rating scale was used for evaluation and S. No. Length of ponchos Percentage (%)
weighted mean score was calculated for each 1 SHORT 23
3 LONG 14
Results and discussion Table 4: Distribution of respondent preferencesfor
different length of “PONCHOS”
Results of preliminary consumer survey
It was necessary to conduct consumer The above tableshows that 63% respondent
survey to determine the preferences and preferred medium length of the Ponchos,
needs of the consumers in respect of various 23% respondent preferredshort length and
parameters related to Ponchos. The results 14% respondents liked to wear long length of
are given in detail: Ponchos.
S. No. Awareness Percentage (%) S. No. Awareness Percentage (%)
1 YES 86 1 YES 65
2 NO 14 2 NO 35
Table 1: Distribution of respondents based on Table 5: Distribution of respondents based on
awareness about the term “PONCHO’S” awareness about the term “KALAMKARI”

The above table reveals that 86% of the The above table reveals that the majority of
respondents were aware of the term the respondents know about the term

Pooothia et al./VIII: Special Ediition: 1: 2017//51 - 57


( and only 35% embellishme
e ent but 39%
% of responndents were
responddents didnoot know about
a anytthing among
a thosee who don’’t want emb
K ARI. on
o Ponchos.
S. No. Attractive loook Percentage
P S. No. Typee of embellishm
ment Perceentage
1 YES 61 1 SEQUENCE 30
2 NO
O 39 2 MIRROR 13
Table 6:: Distribution of respondeents based onn 4 BEADS 27
attractive look of “KALAMKAR
“ RI” motif onn Table
T 9: Disttribution of rrespondents based
b on
“PONCHO OS” prreference of typpe of embellishhment

The abbove table depicts that the 61% % of The

T above table
t revealls that majo
ority of the
responddents opineed that Kalamkari
K m
motif reespondents like sequeence and faabric glitterr
would give attracctive look to Poncho and (3
30%) and 27% resppondents lik ked beads.
only 399% were am mong those who responded Only
O 13% respondennts preferrred mirrorr
that theese motifs will
w not givee attractive look work.
on Poncchos. S. No. Prefeerence Perceentage
S. No. Preferencce Perrcentage 1 YES 84
2 NO 16
1 YEES 69
2 NOO 31 Table
T 10: Disstribution of respondents based
b on
prreference of KALAMKARII motif with different
Table 7:: Distribution of respondeents based onn
teechnique on Ponchos
P will turn on the field of
preferencee of Ponchos with
w KALAMKKARI motif byy
different techniques
T above table depiccts that 84 4% of the
The tabble shows that 69% of responddents
reespondents agreed froom the stateement that
preferreed differennt techniquees on Ponnchos
K ARI motiffs with different
with KALAMK KARI mottif but 31%
teechniques on
o Ponchos will turn on n the field
responddents respoonded that these willl not
o designingg but 16% diid not agreee.
prefer Ponchos
P witth KALAM MKARI mottif by
differennt techniquees. Preference
P of design sh
S. No. Preferencce Perrcentage Evaluation
E o design shheets was affected
of a byy
1 YEES 61 consumer
c prreferences aand experien
nce. On the
2 NOO 39
b of questionnaire, 30 design sheets
s were
Table 8:: Distribution of respondeents based onn
preferencee of embellishhment on “PO
ONCHOS” withh prepared
p annd assessed by consum mer on the
KALAMK KARI motif basis
b of five points sccale. Finally
y best five
The abbove tablee depicts that 61%
% of designs
d weere selecteed to dev velop into
responddents preeferred P
Ponchos with prototype
p as shown in ggraph.

Pooothia et al./VIII: Special Ediition: 1: 2017//51 - 57

The aboove graph depicts

d thatt most prefeerred heet no. 300(4.30) got 4th preferen
sh nce and lastt
design sheet
s was design
d no. 13(4.38). Neext in in
n order wass design sheeet no. 10(4..27).
order of
o preferennce was deesign sheett no. Assessment
A of Devveloped Prototypes
14(4.333) &desiggn sheet no. 17(44.32) Developed
D prototypes were evaaluated byy
respectiively. Theree was not much
m differrence reespondents on the bassis of aestheetic appeal,
in scoree of design sheet no. 14
1 &17. Deesign uniqueness
u a estimateed cost.

Aestthetic A


Aestheetic …


The abbove graph shows thaat prototypee no. preference.

p Not much difference was foundd
4(3.46) was rated first in terrms of aesthetic in
n weightedd mean scorre of proto otype no. 3
appeal, next preferred prototype
p was and
a prototyppe no. 1, w when aesthetic appeal
prototyppe no. 2 (44.57), and prototype
p n 3
no. was
w evaluatted. Prototyype no. 5((4.20) was
(4.39) and
a prototyype no. 1 (4.36)
( got third leeast preferreed respectivvely.


4 Uniqu
P1 P2 P3 P4
P P5

The abbove graphh in terms of uniqueeness prototype

p noo. 2(4.47) wwhich was ranked
r 2nd,
reveals that protottype no. 4(44.57) was given
g prototype
p noo. 3(4.44) ranked 3rd, prototype
highest preferencee as it got maximum
m s
score no.
n 5(4.38) ranked
r 4th aand then pro
ototype no.
st th
and rannked 1 . Neext preferredd prototypee was 1(4.32) rankked 5 respeectively.



0 Cost
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5

Pooothia et al./VIII: Special Ediition: 1: 2017//51 - 57

The above graph depicts thaat prototypee no. raanked 2nd, prototype
p nno. 5(1.15) was
w rankedd
2(1.36) was given highest preference as it i got 3 , prototyppe no. 4(1.11) was rank ked 4th andd
maximuum score and a rankedd 1 . Not morem laast preferennce was giiven to proototype no.
differennce in prototype no. 1(11.34) whichh was 3(1.02)



P1 P2 P3 P4 P

The above graph reveals thaat prototypee no. Conclusion

2(3.46) and protottype no. 4(33.46) was given
g Through
T thhis work, an ancient art off
highest preferencce as it got maxim mum Kalamkari
K was reviveed by evo olving new w
weighteed mean sccore which was rankedd 1st. designs
d of poncho’s
p w
which could satisfy the
Next prreferred proototype waas prototypee no. consumer
c n
needs and market trrends. The
1(3.34) which wass ranked 2nd n
, prototypee no. designed
d prooducts weree an amalg gamation off
3(3.28) was rankked 3rd andd prototypee no. trrends with tradition bbut tried to o keep the
5(3.24) was rankedd 4th respecttively. essence
e of thhe art intactt. So, it wass concludedd
Summaary from
fr the stuudy that thee developed d Poncho’s
A survvey was conducted to find out were
w liked by majorityy of the reespondents.
consummers preferennce towards the Khadii silk They
T were ready
r to addd these desig gns in theirr
Ponchoo’s and Kalaamkari mottifs with surrface wardrobe.
w A
Also the iddea of bringing aboutt
enrichmment techniiques like block prinnting, in
nnovation in Kalam mkari with h differentt
zari woork, embroiddery work, applique work.
w teechniques can
c bring unniqueness in n designing
On thee basis of consumer preferences
p s, 30 of
o Ponchos. It was ffound that design off
design sheets weere developped with most Poncho’s
P w
were accepteed by conssumers andd
preferreed Kalamkaari motifs. To
T evaluatee, the suuccessfullyy incorporaated in thee field off
design sheets weree assessed on
o 5 point raating designing
d too create neww looks. 
scale. Out
O of theese, 5 desiggn sheets were References
selectedd by 100 reespondents with respeect to Anderson
A (1977): C Crewel Embroidery.
design of Poncho’s and placeement of mootifs. Indiaan journaal of In nternationall
Then, Ponchos
P werre developeed with diffe
ferent Acaddemic research forr
surface ornamentaation technniques suchh as multiidisciplinaryy, Published byy
zari woork, appliquue work, bloock printingg and Hoddder and Stouughton.
embroiddery work.. Finally, acceptabilit
a ty of Betala
B (20055): Designn Compreheension andd
Ponchoo’s was judgged by 100 respondentts on Visuaalization. A
Ane Books Pvt.
P Ltd.
the baasis of aessthetic apppeal, cost and
Poothia et al./VIII: Special Edition: 1: 2017/51 - 57

Devi(1987). Roopalekha.vol. xliv, published contemporary embroidery.

by All India fine art and craft society, Unpublished master’s dissertation,
New Delhi. Banasthali University, Rajasthan.
Jain (2015): Designing wall panels with Purohit (2013): The Study of Traditional
Chintz and patola pattern using Hand Painted Kalamkari to Design a
applique work. Unpublished master’s set of New Age Prints. National
dissertation, Banasthali University, Institute of Fashion Technology.
Rajasthan. Mumbai.
Jangwan (2010): Rejuvenate the Kalamkari Saini (2008): Designing of western dresses
with heat transfer printing on kurties. using Kalamkari Motifs with
Unpublished master’s dissertation, embroidery and other techniques.
Banasthali University, Rajasthan. Unpublished master’s dissertation,
Kavita (2011): Embellishment of Denim Banasthali University, Rajasthan.
Kurties with Block Sharma (2012): Designing Kurties using
printing.Unpublished master’s Kalamkari Technique. Unpublished
dissertation, Banasthali University, master’s dissertation. Banasthali
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