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ESSENCE - International Journal for Environmental Rehabilitation and Conservation

Arora & Kumar/Vol. VI [2] 2015/86 – 93

Volume VI: No. 2 2015 [86 – 93] [ISSN 0975 - 6272]

Tree Borne Oilseed (TBOs): Competitive Source for Biodiesel in Rural India

Arora, Gurveen and Kumar, Dinesh

Received: October 27, 2015  Accepted: November 08, 2015  Online: December 31, 2015

Non-edible oils (TBOs) obtained from seeds In this direction, genotypes of wild apricot
of tree species can be used as potential have been selected from limited area for the
biodiesel source in rural areas and contribute identification of plants having high seed yield
towards attaining self-sufficiency. TBOs are and oil content.
grown in the country under different agro- Key words: Tree Borne Oilseeds (TBOs) |
climatic conditions in a scattered form in Transesterification | Wild apricot |
forests, non-forest areas, waste land, deserts propagation techniques
and hilly areas. The country has enormous Introduction
potential of oilseeds of tree origin like mahua Energy is vital for social and economic
(Madhuca indica), simarouba (Simarouba development. High energy prices, increasing
glauca), wild apricot (Prunus armeniaca) energy imports and to recent petroleum crisis
etc. in varied agro-climatic conditions. (Venkataraman, 2004) and the demand for
Participation of community in growing petroleum diesel is increasing day by day
selected trees in agroforestry system as a hence there is a need to find out an
component and processing of seeds for oil appropriate solution. As the energy demand
extraction requires concerted R&D works on increases worldwide, governments are
bio-fuel species. Oil obtained from wild beginning to explore renewable energy
apricot can be used locally for diverse options. In India, oil provides energy for
pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food and allied 95% of transportation and the demand for
industries besides generating revenue for transport fuel continues to rise. As per the
local communities. Standardisation of third assessment of IPCC, the global oil
cultivation practices, development of quality demand will raise by 1.68% from 75 million
planting material, and establishment of barrels (MB)/day in the year 2002 to 120
demonstration plantations need to be focused MB/day in 2030 i.e. a tenfold increase.
upon for mainstreaming TBOs. Energy input in agriculture is also increasing.
For correspondence: Part of this energy should come from
Silviculture division, Forest Research Institute,
renewable source for continuity for efficient
Email: 86
Arora & Kumar/Vol. VI [2] 2015/86 – 93

and effective and it can be fulfilled by infrastructure. The use of biodiesel in

biofuels. conventional diesel engines results in
Biofuels are being given serious substantial reduction of unburned
consideration as potential sources of energy hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and
in the future, particularly in developing particulate matters. Its higher cetane number
countries like India. Biofuels are a sub- improves the ignition quality even when
category of bioenergy, which refers to any blended in petroleum diesel. The use of
energy sourced from non-fossil biomass used edible oil to produce biodiesel in India is not
for heat, electrical power, or transport. feasible in view of big gap in demand and
Bioenergy currently accounts for roughly supply of such oil (Padhi and Singh,
10% of total primary energy supply globally 2011).The major source of bio-diesel in India
but most of this energy is consumed as wood is non-edible oil seeds (TBOs) and the
for cooking in developing countries. Biofuels technology for its production is indigenously
make up only a small fraction of current available. Some of the important TBOs used
bioenergy use. in India are Neem (Azadirachta indica),
Karanj (Pongamia pinnata), Mahua
It is increasingly acknowledged that the
(Madhuca indica), Jatropha (Jatropha
biofuels hold the potential to offer a
curcas), Kusum (Schleichera), Pilu
sustainable energy future which would create
(Salvadora oleoides), Bhikal (Prinsepia
opportunities for achieving environmental
utilis), Undi (Calophyllum inophyllum),
and socio‐economic goals of the sustainable
Thumba (Citrullus colocynanthis), Sal
development (US Department of Energy
(Shorea robusta), Jojoba (Simmondsia
1998; Kartha and Larson 2000, Hardy 2002).
chinensis), chullu (Prunus armeniaca),
All fuels can be broadly divided into modern
Cheura (Diploknema butyracea) ,wild walnut
and traditional biofuels (Rajagopal and
(Aleurites molucana) and Tung (Vernicia
Zilberman 2007; Goldemberg and Coelho
fordii). The oil content varies between 21 to
2005). Modern biofuels typically include
73% in these species. There are at least four
liquid fuels (ethanol and biodiesel) and
ways in which oils and fats can be converted
biogas. The details on biofuel production is
into biodiesel, namely, transesterification,
given in Table 1. Ethanol and biodiesel are
blending, micro-emulsions and pyrolysis—
the two most common forms of biofuels that
transesterification being the most commonly
are widely used in the energy sector.
used method (Ramdhas et al.. 2005, Ma and
Biodiesel is a clean burning alternate fuel,
Hanna, 1999). Transesterification refers to a
both edible and non-edible. It can be used in
catalyzed (KOH/NaOH) chemical reaction
compression-ignition (diesel) engines with
involving oil/fat (triglyceride) and an alcohol
little or no modifications .Bio diesel is simple
(methanol/ethanol) to yield fatty acid alkyl
to use, biodegradable, nontoxic, and
esters (i.e., biodiesel) and glycerol. The main
essentially free of sulfur and aromatics. It can
factors affecting transesterification are the
be stored just like petroleum diesel fuel and
amount of alcohol and catalyst; reaction
hence does not require a separate
temperature, pressure and time; the contents
Arora & Kumar/Vol. VI [2] 2015/86 – 93

of free fatty acid (FFAs) and water in oils. can prevent separation of the biodiesel from
Conversion is complicated if oil contains the glycerin fraction (Srivastav and Prasad,
large amount of FFA (41% w/w) that will 2000).
form soap with alkaline catalyst. The soap
Biofuel Feedstock Processes
Ethanol Agricultural crops Fermentation: sugars are converted into ethanol using micro-organisms under
containing starch; anaerobic conditions.
sugar; Hydrolysis: the long chains of polymers of starch molecules are first broken
lignocellulosic down to simple molecules of glucose and then glucose is fermented to produce
biomass ethanol.
Pretreatment and acid hydrolysis cellulose and hemicellulose in the
lignocellulosic biomass are broken down to simple individual sugars and sugars
are fermented to produce ethanol.
Biodiesel Oilseed crops such Transesterification: fat or oil is mixed with an alcohol to form methyl esters
as soybean, canola, known as biodiesel and glycerol
sunflower, palm oil
Biomass, cow Hydrolysis: insoluble organic materials (e.g. lipids, proteins, fats etc.) are
dung, animal transformed to soluble organic materials.
carcasses, etc. Fermentation: where soluble organic materials are fermented to acetic acid.
These are converted into a mixture of methane called biogas and carbon dioxide
Table 1: Details on biofuels production by type of biofuels
Tree borne oilseeds are the multipurpose tree the food stock of the country. (ICAR-Central
species in agriculture system. TBOs are Agroforestry Research Institute report, 2015).
cultivated/grown in the country under Major Tree Borne Oilseeds (TBOs)
different agro-climatic conditions in a
Wild apricot (Prunus armeniaca syn
scattered form in forest and non-forest areas
Armeniaca vulgaris)
as well as in waste land /deserts/hilly areas.
Wild apricot belongs to rosaceae family. It is
The best characteristic is that it can be grown
an endangered plant. Locally called as chullu,
and established in the wasteland and have
is an important oilseed of tree origin. It is a
varied agro-climatic conditions. They are
hardy plant species and can be grown in most
also of domestic and industrial utility like
of the deep well drained soils. Wild apricot is
agriculture, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, diesel
quite hardy and can be grown in most of the
and substitute, cocoa-butter substitute, carbon
soils, which are deep and well drained. The
sequestration in wasteland, consumption of
cultivated apricot has its origin in North-
oil etc. besides generating additional
Eastern China, whereas, wild apricot appears
employment for vast rural populations. They
to be indigenous to India. In India it is found
are found in forest and non-forest areas but
in the dry temperate regions of North-
are scattered and are not properly collected,
Western Himalayas particularly in the valleys
what so ever collected is of poor quality due
of Jammu & Kashmir (especially Ladakh),
to the lack of awareness of their uses. There
Chenab; Kullu and Shimla regions of H.P.
is favorable environment for large scale
and Garhwal hills of Uttarakhand at altitudes
cultivation of this plant in the country which
up to 3000 m. The tree starts flowering after
will further add not only in the reduction of
a gestation period of 4 years. The cultivation
biodiesel production cost but will also add to
Arora & Kumar/Vol. VI [2] 2015/86 – 93

needs specific chilling hours ranging from and also biofuel. The oil can be used as cocoa
350-900 hrs below 7oC (45oF), for proper butter substitute/ extenders in confectionary
foliation and bloom in spring. It comes to full and bakery industry. The oil cake is valued
bearing of fruits from 5-6 years onwards. Oil organic manure. It could grow under a wide
content ranged from 50.05 - 57.97%, while range of agro climatic conditions like warm,
range of stone length, breadth and thickness humid and tropical regions. Its cultivation
was from 14.64 - 26.48, 12.26 - 21.49 and depends upon rainfall distribution (around
8.63 - 14.65 mm, respectively. Stone and 400 mm), water holding capacity of the soil
kernel weight varied between 66.60 - 295.10 and sub-soil moisture. It is suited for
and 18.20 - 68.18 g. Kernel size (length, temperature range 10 – 40 0C, pH of the soil
breadth and thickness) and weight are most be 5.5 – 8. It produces bright green leaves
desirable characters which affect oil 20-50cm length, yellow flowers and oval
percentage. The oil is used for medicinal, elongated purple colored fleshy fruits
cosmetic, confectionary purpose and also as (Yadvika et al.., 2004) Its seeds contain
biodiesel source. The cake extraction of oil about 40 % kernel and kernels content 55-
can be used as manure and as cattle feed after 65% oil. The amount of oil would be 1000 –
detoxification of hydro-cyanic acid. 2000 kg/ha/year for a plant spacing of 5m
Ullah et al., 2009 calculated the benefit/cost x5m. It is used for industrial purposes in the
ratio of wild apricot in Pakistan was manufacture of soaps, detergents and
evaluated for biodiesel produced from wild lubricants etc. The oil cake being rich in
apricot kernel oil on laboratory scale. They nitrogen (7.7 to 8.1%), phosphorus (1.07%)
found that the cost of biodiesel produced and potash (1.24%) could be used as valuable
from wild apricot kernel oil was 1.2 U.S $L. organic manure (Yuan et al.., 2008).
This high cost is due to problems associated Simarouba glauca can easily be propagated
with collection of kernels from farmers and through seeds provided they are sown as
laborious pressing of kernels for oil fresh seeds. It is a polygamodioecious tree
extraction. The above estimated price for and seed-raised plantations result in
wild apricot kernel oil biodiesel appears high segregation of male, andromonoecius and
than existing price of high speed diesel (0.70 female plants and in certain instances the
U.S $/L) in Pakistan. However, the cost of frequency of male plants reaches 60-70%.
production can be further reduced by Even in female plants, only a few are
utilizing byproducts of biodiesel such as generally, heavy bearers.
glycerin for industrial uses (soap, cosmetics Cheura (Diploknema butyracea)
etc) and kernel cake as animal feed and Cheura belongs to sapotaceae family and
preparation of inocula for biofertilizers. popular known as Indian butter tree and
Siamrouba (Simarouba glauca) mainly found in Uttarakhand state. It is a
Simarouba or the paradise tree, belongs to multipurpose tree. It is a medium size
family simroubaceae is an ever green multi deciduous tree with straight trunk attaining a
utility tree. It is a both source of edible oil height of 15-22m and girth of 1.5-1.8 m. The
fruit is a berry ,2.0-4.5 cm long , bright green
Arora & Kumar/Vol. VI [2] 2015/86 – 93

in colour with three seeds which turns juicy 1.5 kg /plant to 5 kg/ plant at 2 m x 2 m
and grey after getting ripen. The exterior of spacing. The plant comes into seed bearing
the fruit is thick, soft, and rich with glucose from the second year onwards and stabilizes
and fragrance. It contains black and sparkling by the 4th or 5th year. Normally, the seed
seeds of 1.5 to 2.0 cm in length which has yield from one-acre plantation is in the range
almond shaped white coloured kernels inside of 800 – 1000 kg depending on the local
itself. Seed coat is thin to thick, woody to climatic and hydro-geological conditions
crusty. (ICAR, 2006 and Rao et al., 2006).
Cheura may be propagated through seeds and Recovery of oil from seed of 28 percent, it
cuttings. It is used as food, fodder and would take 3,571 kilograms (kg) of seed to
medicines in kumaon hills and kalp-vriksha. produce one ton of oil. Assuming a cost of
Cheura leaves are used as fodder for animals. US$0.11/kg for seed and processing costs of
Leaves are also used for biodegradeable approximately US$19.60/ton, the overall cost
plates for serving food.Useful for preparing of production would be approximately
medicines, ointment, candles, cream and US$407.80/ton, which translates to
other user-friendly products. Cake is used as US$0.53/liter of biodiesel. The sale of the
manure and can also has pesticidal glycerin and seedcake byproducts could
properties. Average fruit yield per annum is optimistically reduce the net cost to
about 100-250 kg/tree. approximately S$0.40/liter. Annual
Jatropha (Jatropha curcas) production of non-edible oil seeds in India is
given in Table 2.
Jatropha curcus is a drought-resistant
perennial, growing well in marginal/poor Current scenario of Tree Borne Oilseeds
soil. Jatropha, the wonder plant produces (TBOs)
seeds with an oil content of around 37%. The At present, the tree borne oilseeds (TBO’s)
oil can be combusted as fuel without being contribute an insignificant portion of
refined. It burns with clear smoke-free flame, vegetable oil production in the country
tested successfully as fuel for simple diesel mainly due to lack of improved varieties,
engine. The by-products are press cake a elite planting material and agronomic
good organic fertilizer, oil contains also practices. A National Biodiesel Mission,
insecticidal properties. Jatropha grows almost 2009 was launched by the Planning
anywhere, even on gravelly, sandy and saline Commission to cover 2.5 million ha area in
soils. It can thrive on the poorest stony soil. the country, to meet 5 % replacement of the
Its water requirement is extremely low and it diesel requirement of the country.
can stand long periods of drought by Government of India had fixed the target to
shedding most of its leaves to reduce replace 20 % petrodiesel with biodiesel up to
transpiration loss. Jatropha is also suitable for 2011-12 by producing 13.38 million tons of
preventing soil erosion and shifting of sand biodiesel annually through plantations of
dunes. The seed productivity of Jatropha Jatropha alone in 11.19 million ha. The
under block plantation varies from as low as

Arora & Kumar/Vol. VI [2] 2015/86 – 93

Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas has locations, high dormancy and problems in
launched biodiesel procurement policy w.e.f. picking and harvesting in avenue and forest
Type Production Oil% plantations, non-availability of quality
(MT) planting material or seed, limited period of
Neem 500 30
availability, unreliable and improper
Karanja 200 27-39
Pilu 50 33 marketing channels, lack of post-harvest
Ratanjot - 30-40 technologies and their processing, non-
Jojoba - 50
remunerative prices, wide gap between
Bhikal - 37
Wild walnut - 60-70 potential and actual production, absence of
Undi 04 50-73 state incentives promoting bio-diesel as fuel,
Thumba 100 21
and economics and cost-benefit ratio. At
Kusum 80 34
Table 2: Annual Production of Non-edible Oil present, the tree borne oilseeds (TBO’s)
Seeds in India (Interim Report of “Auto contribute an insignificant portion of
Fuel Policy”).
vegetable oil production in the Research and
01.01.2006 @ 25 / litre through state owned
development on germplasm resources,
petroleum companies in 12 states. However,
identification of elite planting material,
recently for the XIIth Plan, the Department of
propagation techniques, production
Agriculture and Co-operation, Ministry of
technology for management of large scale
Agriculture, has formulated the Mini Mission
block plantations of single or few species,
III to promote the oil seeds in addition to
performance of progenies under different
TBOs for biofuel. The aim of Mini Mission
agroclimatic situations, the resultant pest and
III of National Mission on Oil Seeds and Oil
diseases situation, quality parameters etc.
Palm (NMOOP) from the current year is to
need to be undertaken as a priority.
promote 11 tree borne oilseeds (Simarouba,
Promoting TBOs has many benefits to the
Neem, Jojoba, Karanja, Mahua, Wild
country and the environment in terms of
Apricot, Jatropha, Cheura, Kokum, Tung &
additional supplies of vegetable oils,
Olive). Moreover, with both National Biofuel
employment to needy population, eco-
policy (2009) and National Agroforestry
friendly system, foreign exchange earnings,
Policy (2014) being launched in the country,
diesel substitution and pollution reduction is
the first policy targets the replacement of
required. Table no. 3 explains the integrated
fossil fuels by biofuel to the extent of 5% by
R&D programs for biofuel feedstocks.
2012, 10% by 2017 and above 10% beyond
2017 and the second policy aims at integrated Conclusion
land use option for livelihood, environment Producing biodiesel from tree-borne oilseeds
and energy security. (TBOs) is seen by many as a win-win
Problems and priorities of Tree Borne opportunity to solve India’s most pressing
Oilseeds (TBOs) problems. It will stimulate rural development
and will bring rural infrastructure. Better
Under the existing situation of tree borne
management of marginal and wasteland can
oilseeds being of forest origin, the problems
be helpful with extensive cultivation using
encountered are: collection from scattered

Arora & Kumar/Vol. VI [2] 2015/86 – 93

Modeling Studies Process Technology Agronomy Basic R&D

Life cycle analysis and Optimization of oilseed Crop yield analysis Fatty acid profiling
Industrial ecology processing and extraction testing of local Identification and isolation
Aspects varieties and hybrids of potential high value
Net energy and CO 2 Development of jatropha Testing of various Toxicological
emissions estimation oil purification/refining and farming practices (e.g. studies
other feed stocks for optimal crop spacing)
Ecological risk Optimization of Development of organic Germplasm bank
assessment transesterification fertilization
Socioeconomic Impact Construction of integrated Identification of potential pests Engine performance and
assessment pilot plant and diseases. Start up of a pilot emissions testing
farm to be integrated with the
pilot plant
Table 3: Integrated R&D programs for biofuel feed stocks

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