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Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 103–109

Biosorption of cadmium and lead ions by ethanol treated

waste baker’s yeast biomass
Yekta G€ €
oksungur, Sibel Uren, Ulgar G€
uvencß *

Department of Food Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Ege University, 35100 Bornova, Izmir, Turkey
Received 10 February 2003; received in revised form 15 March 2003; accepted 10 April 2003
Available online 6 May 2004

The biosorption of cadmium and lead ions from artificial aqueous solutions using waste baker’s yeast biomass was investigated.
The yeast cells were treated with caustic, ethanol and heat for increasing their biosorption capacity and the highest metal uptake
values (15.63 and 17.49 mg g1 for Cd2þ and Pb2þ , respectively) were obtained by ethanol treated yeast cells. The effect of initial
metal concentration and pH on biosorption by ethanol treated yeast was studied. The Langmuir model and Freundlich equation
were applied to the experimental data and the Langmuir model was found to be in better correlation with the experimental data. The
maximum metal uptake values (qmax , mg g1 ) were found as 31.75 and 60.24 for Cd2þ and Pb2þ , respectively. Competitive bio-
sorption experiments were performed with Cd2þ and Pb2þ together with Cu2þ and the competitive biosorption capacities of the yeast
biomass for all metal ions were found to be lower than in non-competitive conditions.
 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cadmium; Lead; Biosorption; Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Adsorption isotherms

1. Introduction tions is one of the most promising technologies which

can be used for this purpose (Veglio et al., 1996; Vole-
The intensification of industrial activity during recent sky, 1999). Biosorption process offers the advantages of
years is greatly contributing to the increase of heavy low operating costs, minimization of the volume of
metals in the environment, mainly in the aquatic systems chemical and/or biological sludge to be disposed of and
(Marques et al., 2000). Conventional methods like high efficiency in detoxifying very dilute effluents
chemical precipitation and ion exchange used for (Marques et al., 2000).
removing dissolved heavy metal ions from wastewaters In the concept of biosorption, several physical or
have significant disadvantages including incomplete chemical processes may be involved such as physical
metal removal, requirements for expensive equipment and/or chemical adsorption, ion exchange, coordina-
and monitoring systems, high reagent or energy tion, complexation, chelation and microprecipitation.
requirements or generation of toxic sludge or other Biomass cell walls, consisting mainly of polysaccharides,
waste products that require disposal (Aksu et al., 1999). proteins and lipids offer many functional groups which
These disadvantages of conventional systems together can bind metal ions such as carboxylate, hydroxyl, sul-
with the need for more economical and effective meth- phate, phosphate and amino groups. In addition to
ods for the removal of metals from wastewaters has these functional binding groups, polysaccharides often
resulted in the development of new separation technol- have ion exchange properties (Sag and Kutsal, 1996;
ogies. Biosorption which is a property of certain types of Veglio et al., 1996; Zouboulis et al., 1999). Non-living
inactive, dead microbial biomass to bind and concen- biomass appears to present specific advantages in com-
trate heavy metals from even very dilute aqueous solu- parison to the use of living microorganisms. Killed cells
may be stored or used for extended periods at room
temperature, they are not subject to metal toxicity and
Corresponding author. Fax: +90-232-3427592. nutrient supply is not necessary. Moreover pretreatment
E-mail address: (U. G€
uvencß). and killing of biomass either by physical or chemical

0960-8524/$ - see front matter  2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
104 Y. G€oksungur et al. / Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 103–109

treatments (Brady et al., 1994; Huang et al., 1990; 1 mol l1 NaOH and sterilizing the resulting solution at
Zouboulis et al., 1999) or crosslinking (Leusch et al., 121 C for 15 min. After NaOH treatment, yeast cells
1995) are known to improve the biosorption capacity of were collected by centrifugation (4000g; 10 min) and
biomass. It has also been reported that cell wall soluble washed several times with distilled water to remove ex-
proteins, which make complexes with metal ions can be cess NaOH. Heat treated cells were prepared by mixing
fixed by some denaturation processes such as heat and 5 g of yeast cells with 100 ml of distilled water and
ethanol treatment. Deactivated yeast cells do not release sterilizing the resultant solution at 121 C for 15 min.
protein and exhibit higher metal ion removal capacity After treatments, yeast cells were collected by centrifu-
than live yeast (Huang et al., 1990). gation (4000g; 10 min). All the treated cells were dried at
There are many reviews and reports on algae, bacte- 70 C for 12 h and then ground to a gritty consistency to
ria, fungi or higher plants that remove and/or accumu- yield granular biosorbent samples. For the untreated
late large amounts of heavy metals from their external control sample, baker’s yeast biomass was directly used
environment (Gadd and White, 1993; Veglio and Beol- in the biosorption experiments.
chini, 1997; Volesky, 1987; Volesky and Holan, 1995).
The work reported by Volesky and Holan (1995) iden-
tifies organisms that have potential as adsorbents and 2.3. Biosorption experiments
establishes also references of adsorbent capacities in
these kind of processes. Among the microorganisms The stock solution of Cd2þ and Pb2þ (1 g l1 )
used for biosorption, Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an was prepared by dissolving a weighed quantity of
inexpensive, readily available source of biomass for (CH3 COO)2 Cd Æ 2H2 O and Pb(NO3 )2 in deionized
heavy metal removal from wastewater. Investigations water. Batch biosorption studies were carried out in a
conducted by several researchers demonstrated that S. rotary shaker (B. Braun Certomat) operated at 200 rpm.
cerevisiae is capable of accumulating heavy metals such In the first group of experiments, the highest metal up-
as Cu2þ , Cd2þ , Pb2þ , Zn2þ , Cr2þ and Ni2þ (Brady and take was determined for 25 mg l1 metal ion solutions
Duncan, 1994; Engl and Kunz, 1995; Huang et al., 1990; for biosorbents prepared from treated and untreated
Leusch et al., 1995; Lu and Wilkins, 1996; Volesky and baker’s yeast cells. The effect of pH and initial concen-
May Phillips, 1995; Wilhelmi and Duncan, 1995). tration of metal ions on biosorption and adsorption
The aim of this study was to test and compare treated isotherms were determined for biosorbent prepared
(killed) and untreated waste baker’s yeast cells (S. cere- from ethanol treated yeast cells with which the highest
visiae) for their capacity to adsorb Cd2þ and Pb2þ . metal uptake was obtained. 0.1 g of granular biosorbent
Two adsorption models, the Langmuir model and the was used in all experiments.
Freundlich equation were applied to the experimental The effect of pH on biosorption was investigated in
data obtained for treated yeast biomass and correlations the pH ranges of 2.0–8.0 and 2.0–5.0 for Cd2þ and Pb2þ ,
were found for these models. The results were compared respectively. pH values higher than 6.0 could not be used
with the study on Cu2þ biosorption by yeast biomass due to the rapid precipitation of Pb2þ ions. The pH of
treated with sodium hydroxide (G€ oksungur et al., 2003), metal solutions were adjusted to the desired value with
which was published elsewhere. Competitive biosorption either 2 mol l1 NaOH or 2 mol l1 H2 SO4 solutions. For
of Cd2þ and Pb2þ together with Cu2þ ions were also biosorption, 0.1 g of granular biosorbent was added to
studied. 100 ml of metal solutions containing 25 mg l1 of the
desired metal in Erlenmayer flasks. The flasks were agi-
tated on the shaker at 30 C for 3 h. The effect of the
2. Methods initial metal ion concentration on the biosorption was
studied at pH 6.0 for Cd2þ and at pH 5.0 for Pb2þ ions as
2.1. Microorganism described above except that the concentration of metal
ions in the adsorption medium varied between 5 and 25
Waste dried baker’s yeast (S. cerevisiae) was obtained mg l1 . The samples were centrifuged at 4000g for 5 min
from Pakmaya Yeast Company, Izmir. This waste yeast and the supernatant liquid was used to determine metal
consists of oversieved (>1.5 mm) dried granular yeast ions concentration. All biosorption experiments were
particles. done in triplicate and mean values reported.
Competitive biosorption of Cd2þ and Pb2þ together
2.2. Physical and chemical treatments of yeast cells with Cu2þ from their mixture was investigated in the
same manner. The medium (100 ml) containing 25
Ethanol treated cells were prepared by suspending 5 g mg l1 of each metal ion was incubated with 0.1 g of
of yeast cells in 100 ml of 700 g l1 ethanol solution for biomass. Samples of 5 ml were taken at the beginning of
20 min at room temperature. Caustic treated cells were adsorption and at certain intervals for 3 h as described
prepared by mixing 5 g of yeast cells with 100 ml of above.
Y. G€oksungur et al. / Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 103–109 105

2.4. Analysis of cadmium and lead ions our previous work (G€ oksungur et al., 2003), the effect of
caustic, ethanol and heat pretreatments on Cu2þ bio-
Concentrations of Cd2þ and Pb2þ ions in the super- sorption capacity of S. cerevisiae cells were determined.
natant fluids were determined by atomic absorption The highest metal uptake was obtained with caustic
spectrophotometer (Varian Spectra AA, 220 Fast treated yeast cells and this effect of caustic treatment on
Sequential). metal uptake was explained by the removal of protein
Metal uptake (q) was determined as follows: groups of the cell wall that make non-adsorbable pro-
q ¼ V  ðCi  Ce Þ=S tein complexes with Cu2þ ions. Huang et al. (1990) used
heat, ethanol and acid treated yeast biomass for Cu2þ
where q (metal uptake, mg g1 ) is the amount of metal removal from dilute solutions and stated that when
ions adsorbed on the biosorbent, V (ml) is the volume of proteins are dissolved from the cell wall of yeast cells,
metal containing solution in contact with the biosor- the protein molecules in the liquid phase compete for
bent, Ci and Ce (mg l1 ) are the initial and equilibrium Cu2þ ions with the protein molecules on the cell wall and
(residual) concentrations of metals in the solution, these Cu2þ ––protein complexes were not adsorbable,
respectively and S (g) is the amount of added biosorbent thereby impending the copper binding. They obtained
on dry basis. higher Cu2þ removal capacity with treated yeast cells
than untreated yeast cells by fixing the soluble protein in
the cell wall by some denaturation processes such as
3. Results and discussion heat and ethanol treatment. Ruiz-Manriquez et al.
(1997) used Thiobacillus ferrooxidans cells for Cu2þ
3.1. Effect of pretreatment of baker’s yeast on biosorption biosorption and found an increase in biosorption
capacity capacity of cells due to NaOH treatment. Yin et al.
(1999) studied biosorption of Cd2þ by using calcium
In order to investigate the effect of different pre- treated fungal biomass and found that pretreatment of
treatments on metal uptake of S. cerevisiae cells, the the biomass with calcium solution and heat improved
cells were treated with ethanol, heat and caustic. Fig. 1 the stability and settling property and increased heavy
shows the Cd2þ and Pb2þ uptake values obtained by metal uptake capacities of the biomass. Brady et al.
these cells and untreated cells. As seen in Fig. 1, physical (1994) and Lu and Wilkins (1996) also found that
and chemical treatments of the live yeast cells alter their caustic treatment of biomass enhanced biosorption
metal uptake capacities. The highest metal uptake values capacity of the biomass.
which were 15.63 mg g1 for Cd2þ and 17.49 mg g1 for
Pb2þ , were obtained by ethanol treated yeast cells. Heat 3.2. Effect of pH
and caustic treated cells gave similar metal uptake values
for both metal ions, which were higher than the uptake The effect of pH on biosorption was examined in the
values obtained with untreated cells. The higher metal pH range of 2.0–8.0 and 2.0–5.0 for cadmium and lead,
uptake values obtained by ethanol treated yeast cells respectively. At pH values higher than 6.0, biosorption
may be explained by the increase in the availability of studies could not be performed due to the precipitation
binding sites and thereby the improvement in the access of lead ions. Ethanol treated yeast (0.1 g per 100 ml
of metal ions to the metal binding sites of yeast cells. In medium) was used as the biosorbent and a medium

20 20
q (metal uptake), mg g-1
q (metal uptake), mg g-1

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
(a) (b)

Fig. 1. Effect of different pretreatments on the (a) Cd2þ and (b) Pb2þ uptake of S. cerevisiae (1. untreated yeast; 2. caustic treated yeast; 3. ethanol
treated yeast; 4. heat treated yeast). The biosorbent concentration was 0.1 g/100 ml (dry mass per volume), initial metal concentration was 24 mg l1 ,
pH ¼ 4.0.
106 Y. G€oksungur et al. / Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 103–109

pH=2 pH=4 pH=5

pH=2 pH=3 pH=4 pH=5
pH=6 pH=7 pH=8

Liquid phase Cd2+ conc., mg l-1

Liquid phase Pb2+ conc., mg l-1


15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
0 5 15 60 120 180 0 5 15 60 120 180 240
t (min) t (min)

Fig. 2. Effect of pH on biosorption of Cd2þ and Pb2þ by ethanol treated baker’s yeast cells. The biosorbent concentration was 0.1 g/100 ml (dry mass
per volume), initial metal concentration was 25 mg l1 .

containing 25 mg l1 of each metal ion was used as the biomass increased with increasing pH of the solution
biosorption medium. As seen in Fig. 2, the removal of and gave a peak at pH 5.5. Ferraz and Teixeira (1999)
both Cd2þ and Pb2þ ions from aqueous solution was used brewer’s yeast for Pb2þ removal and found that
affected by medium pH. The biosorption of metal ions metal uptake increased with increase in medium pH and
was completed after about five minutes contact with the had a maximum value at pH 5.0. Park et al. (1999)
biosorbent. The short contact time of biosorbent with found the optimum pH for Cd2þ uptake as 6.0 for
metal solution for biosorption suggests that adsorption immobilized Zoogloea ramigera cells.
onto the biosorbent surface is the main mechanism of
uptake. The maximum biosorption of heavy metal ions 3.3. Effect of initial concentrations of cadmium and lead
on the biomass was observed at pH 6.0 for Cd2þ and at ions
pH 5.0 for Pb2þ . The highest metal uptake values ob-
tained for Cd2þ and Pb2þ ions were 15.38 and 15.59 Biosorption experiments with ethanol treated yeast
mg g1 , respectively. cells were conducted using solutions containing 5–25
There was an increase in biosorption capacity of mg l1 metal ions. pH 6 and pH 5 were used for Cd2þ
biomass with increasing pH from 2.0 to 5.0–6.0 for both and Pb2þ biosorption experiments, respectively. As seen
metal ions, and it seemed to level off with Cd2þ ions at in Fig. 3, biosorption was very fast for both metal ions
pH higher than 6.0. The lowest metal uptake values were in the first 5 min and in the remaining time period, final
determined at pH 2.0 for both metal ions. At pH values metal concentrations in the liquid continued to diminish
above the isoelectric point, there is a net negative charge and reached an equilibrium concentration value.
on the cell wall components and the ionic state of After biosorption, residual cadmium concentrations
ligands such as carboxyl, phosphate and amino groups were 1.26, 3.17, 5.04, 8.51, 12.56 mg l1 and metal up-
will be as such to promote reaction with metal cations. take values were 3.29, 7.29, 10.52, 14.36, 15.23 mg g1
As the pH is lowered, however, the overall surface for 4.56, 10.47, 15.57, 22.88, 27.80 mg l1 initial cad-
charge on the cells will be positive, which will inhibit the mium ion concentrations, respectively. Residual lead
approach of positively charged metal cations. It is likely concentrations were 1.05, 2.25, 3.48, 4.60, 6.79 mg l1
that protons will then combine with metal ions for the and metal uptake values were 3.91, 7.60, 11.47, 14.85,
ligands and thereby decrease the interaction of metal 17.66 mg g1 for 4.96, 9.85, 14.95, 19.45, 24.45 mg l1
ions with the cell components (Sag and Kutsal, 1996). initial lead ion concentrations, respectively.
Several researchers have also investigated the effect of
pH on biosorption of heavy metals by using different 3.4. Adsorption isotherm of cadmium and lead
microbial biomass and found similar results with this
study. Say et al. (2001) investigated the biosorption of Cadmium and lead sorption isotherms are shown in
Cd2þ , Pb2þ and Cu2þ metal ions by filamentous fungus Fig. 4. Ce (mg l1 ) is the final equilibrium concentration
Phanerochaete chrysosporium and determined the opti- of metal remaining in the solution and q (mg g1 ) is the
mum pH for biosorption as 6.0. Yin et al. (1999) metal uptake. Two adsorption models, the Langmuir
determined that biosorption capacity of R. arrhizus model and Freundlich equation were applied to the
Y. G€oksungur et al. / Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 103–109 107

30 30

Liquid phase Cd2+ conc., mg l-1

25 25

Liquid phase Pb2+ conc., mg l-1

20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
0 5 15 60 120 180 0 5 15 60 120 180
t (min) t (min)

Fig. 3. Biosorption of Cd2þ (pH ¼ 6.0) and Pb2þ (pH ¼ 5.0) by ethanol treated baker’s yeast cells at different initial metal concentrations: (¤) 5
mg l1 ; (n) 10 mg l1 ; (m) 15 mg l1 ; (h) 20 mg l1 ; (d) 25 mg l1 . The biosorbent concentration was 0.1 g/100 ml (dry mass per volume).

20 ues were 1.450 and 1.195 for Cd2þ and Pb2þ , respec-
Metal uptake (q), mg g-1

16 The coefficient b in Langmuir equation is a measure

of the stability of the complex formed between metal
ions and biomass under specified experimental condi-
tions (Say et al., 2001). The small b values (0.092 and
0.066 l mg1 for Cd2þ and Pb2þ , respectively) obtained in
this research implied strong binding of metal ions to
ethanol treated yeast biomass. Maximum metal uptake
capacities of ethanol treated yeast biomass (qmax ) were
found as 31.75 and 60.24 mg g1 for Cd2þ and Pb2þ ,
0 respectively. Say et al. (2001) found the maximum metal
0 3 6 9 12 15
uptake between 20.33 and 69.77 mg g1 for biosorption
Equilibrium metal conc. (Ce), mg l-1
of Cd2þ , Pb2þ and Cu2þ by dried fungal biomass. Yin
Fig. 4. Adsorption isotherms of Cd2þ and Pb2þ by ethanol treated
et al. (1999) found the maximum cadmium uptake
baker’s yeast: (¤) Cd2þ ; (n) Pb2þ . capacity of fungal biomass of R. arrhizus as 62.95
mg g1 . Mattuschka and Straube (1993) found the metal
uptake values for Cd2þ and Pb2þ as 3.4 and 36.5 mg g1 ,
respectively for waste biomass of Streptomyces noursei.
experimental data. The correlation coefficients obtained
Veglio et al. (1996) found the highest value of lead up-
for cadmium from the Langmuir model and Freundlich
take as 130 mg g1 when a high biomass (Arthrobacter
equation were 0.998 and 0.9673, respectively. For lead
sp. cells) concentration of 1.4 g l1 was used for bio-
ions, the correlation coefficients for the Langmuir model
sorption. In our previous study (G€ oksungur et al., 2003)
and Freundlich equation were 0.9986 and 0.990,
on biosorption of Cu2þ by caustic treated baker’s yeast
respectively. Langmuir equation was more in correlation
cells, the experimental data fitted well to Langmuir
with the experimental data. The Langmuir model makes
model and the maximum metal uptake was 181.8
several assumptions, such as monolayer adsorption and
mg g1 . The comparison of the biosorption capacities of
constant adsorption energy, while the Freundlich
biomass used in this study with those reported in the
equation deals with heterogeneous surface adsorption
literature shows that ethanol treated yeast biomass is
(Zhou and Kiff, 1991). The agreement of the experi-
suitable for biosorption processes.
mental data with the Langmuir model implied that
monolayer adsorption existed for the experimental
conditions used. 3.5. Competitive biosorption
The Langmuir model and Freundlich equation
parameters were derived from the fitting of experimental Competitive biosorption of Cd2þ and Pb2þ together
points. K (l mg1 ) and n are Freundlich constants which with Cu2þ ions with ethanol treated yeast cells were
are indicators of adsorption capacity and adsorption conducted for solution containing 25 mg l1 of each
intensity. K values obtained in this study were 3.080 and metal ions at pH 4 and 5. In our previous study
3.865 l mg1 for Cd2þ and Pb2þ , respectively and n val- (G€
oksungur et al., 2003), the highest biosorption
108 Y. G€oksungur et al. / Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 103–109

capacity of Cu2þ ions was determined with caustic Acknowledgements

treated waste baker’s yeast cells; but for comparison,
ethanol treated yeast biomass was also used for bio- The authors gratefully acknowledge Ege University’s
sorption of Cu2þ ions in competitive biosorption Scientific Research Project Fund for providing financial
studies. The competitive metal uptake values were 7.35 support.
mg g1 for Cu2þ , 2.93 mg g1 for Cd2þ and 7.88 mg g1
for Pb2þ at pH 5 and 5.38 mg g1 for Cu2þ , 2.80 mg g1
for Cd2þ and 6.48 mg g1 for Pb2þ at pH 4. The References
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