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ESSENCE - Intern

national Joournal for Environme

E ental Rehab
bilitation an
nd Conserv
Deoodiya et al./VIIII: Special Ed
dition: 1: 20177/17 - 20
Volume VIII:
V Special Edition:
E 1: 20117 [17 - 20] [ISSN 0975
5 - 6272]

Gandhhi’s Khaddi: A new trend in Apparel Designing

D g throughh Resist Printing
and Traditionaal Embroiidery as a Value Ad
ddition off Khadi S

Deodiya, Sangita; Ojha, Divyaa and Purwar, Shrishti

Receiveed: June 18, 2016  Acccepted: Juuly 12, 2017

7  Online: August 20, 2017

Gandhi ji used ‘Khadi’ ass a ‘Liveryy of objective
o off ‘Antyodaya’. One of thet way forr
freedomm’ and ‘toool for self-rreliance’ duuring empowering
e g the Khadi and making g it popularr
freedomm movemennt. Khadi,, the ‘fabriic of globally
g is value
v additiion. Value Addition is
freedomm’, has beenn a sources of empoweering th
he process where
w we eenhance thee saleabilityy
millionss of spinnners, weavvers and other o of
o the produuct by addinng some in ncentives to
artisanss spread across thee country and itt. One way of value adddition used on khadi
makingg them self-rreliant. Khaadi is traditional, in
n the presennt study waas different techniques
ethnic and artisann intensivee. He had also of
o Tie and Dye. Pressent study was done
foreseenn Khadi as a a tool for Econoomic under
u the scheme PRODIP (Productt
Indepenndence. Khhadi has always a beeen a Developmen
D nt, Designn Interven ntion andd
fabric with
w attitudde. It has now becom me a Packaging)
P u
under whichh Khadi app parels were
fashion statementt. Its jouurney from m its developed
d using tie andd dye metho od and were
eventfuul birth as the fabric favouredd by ornamented
o through different traditional
revolutiionaries, too designer boutiques and embroidery
e techniques.. These prooducts were
elite consciousne
c ss is worrth enoughh of sold in Khaddi Bazar andd a fashion show were
mentionn in the hiistory of thhe country. The organized
o foor the samee. As a resu ult, a huge
need off the hour is to make Khhadi a ‘Natiional positive
p respponse and bbig sale waas recordedd
Fabric’ and a toool of mass movementt for for
fo the develloped produucts.
achievinng the objective of socio s econoomic Keywords:
K Khadi | Vaalue additio
on | tie andd
developpment of thhe most vullnerable secction dye
d | apparell
of the society thereeby fulfillinng the Gandhhian Introduction
For Coorrespondence:: I believe thaat where thhere is pure and active
Departmment of Home Science,
S Vasantt Kanya lo
ove for the poor there is God alsoo. I see Godd
Mahaviidyalaya, Varannasi
n every thrread that I draw on th he spinning
Centre for
f Fashion Design and Technnology, Universsity
of Allahhabad, Allahabaad wheel….....
w Mahatma G Gandhi
Email: vkm.sangita@

Deodiya et al./VIII: Special Edition: 1: 2017/17 - 20

Khadi is defined as any cloth hand spun and as a fashion fabric and making them as a
hand woven. The raw materials may be fashion fabric.
cotton, silk or wool, which are spun into Khadi as a Brand: These days Khadi has
threads on a spinning wheel called a become a brand name and under the name of
Charkha. Khadi is an Indian fabric, also this brand many of products is being
known by another name Khaddar also said to launched some of the products are: Woollen
be the essence if India. During pre- products, Hospital linen, Leather products,
Independence era, the movement of Khadi Organic manure, Handmade paper and
manufacturing gained momentum under the products, and many more.
guidance of father of nation, Mahatma Value addition on Khadi: VALUE
Gandhi. This movement of khadi ADDITION is the process where we enhance
manufacturing and weaving started as the salability of the product by adding some
symbol of defiance to discourage the Indians incentives to it. Design usually means
from wearing the foreign clothes. Khadi production of coloured pattern however it is
before Independence was considered as the possible to produce pattern even without
fabric for the political leaders and rural using colour eg. Printing, Tie and Dye,
people. But, now it has found its way into the Category of Embroidery etc. In the present
wardrobe of fashion conscious people. study tie and dye technique has been used for
Khadi is geographically a wide spread designing garment and different traditional
economic activity encompassing all the states embroidery techniques has been used for
in the country. Given the high involvement of ornamentation of the garment.
women and marginalized groups in the KVI PRODIP: The PRODIP Scheme has the
sector this approach will consolidates the potential to impact on quality of khadi & V.I.
developmental efforts to promote inclusive products. A need has been felt to simplify
and wherever necessary, to broaden the
“Khadi” means any cloth that is hand spun operational guidelines so as to facilitate
and hand woven, made of cotton, wool, silk implementation of the scheme in a result-
and their blends. Hand spinning and weaving oriented manner and procedure. It is run by
imparts it a rugged texture, a unique look, directorate of Khadi commission.
feel and hand, which can be modified by
Methodology: The present study was
finishing treatment. It’s a ‘Gift for today
conducted under the scheme PRODIP
from the treasury of the past’. Mahatma
(Product Development, Design Intervention
Gandhi elevated the brittle thread of cotton to
and Packaging). In this development of
a symbol of strength and self-sufficiency, and
product under PRODIP jointly with khadi
to provide employment for the millions
institution was done. Materials and method
during India's freedom struggle, and that
used for the study are as follows:
symbolism of wearing cloth made by human
Materials Used
hands has continued till this day. In the
present scenario renowned designers such as Fabric: Silk fabric with having st and dt with
Ritu Beri, manish Malhotra are using Khadi epi 70, ppi 65 and epi 60, ppi 54 was chosen
Deodiya et al./VIII: Special Edition: 1: 2017/17 - 20

for the development of the apparels such as techniques such as Zardozi, Chikenkari,
Kurta, Shalwar, Saree, Dupatta, Stoles, Computer embroidery and crotchet work.
scarfs, skirts, Balloon tops and many more. Preparation of the Apparel: Prototypes of
Dye: Acid dye and metal complex dye were apparel were developed approx.100 from the
used for tie and dye technique on silk fabric value added silk fabric (tie and dye and
for making design. embroidery) such as Kurta, Shalwar, Saree,
Dupatta, Stole, scarf, Skirts and many more.

Organizing Fashion Show: National and

State level fashion show was organized for
the developed value added Khadi apparel.
State level fashion show was organized at
Varanasi and National level show was held at
Allahabad, Kumbh Mela.
Sale of the Product: Finally, to analyse the
acceptability of the developed product, sale
of the same was done in the Khadi Bazar of
Designing: For designing on the silk fabric Varanasi and Allahabad city.
for the apparel production, various tie and
dye technique were used using acid and
metal complex dyes.

Result and Discussion

The present study was conducted under the
scheme PRODIP (Product Development,
Design Intervention and Packaging). In this
development of product under PRODIP
Ornamentation of the Fabric: Fabric
jointly with khadi institution was done.
prepared with tie and dye was ornamented
Result obtained from the study are:
with different traditional embroidery
1 Range of garments were developed on
Khadi using value addition technique such
Deodiya et al./VIII: Special Edition: 1: 2017/17 - 20

as Tie and dye and traditional embroidery It would be a request to all, to buy Khadi
techniques. instead of buying foreign brands. By buying
2 Marketing of the developed product was Khadi we will help to generate employment
also done in the khadi Bazar of Varanasi and also get quality products.
and Allahabad city and the acceptance of References
the product was analysed. Approximately
Sheikh. Hafizur Rehman: Estimation of value
140 meter were developed worth rupees addition in the manufacture of textile
400 to 500 per meter. The cost of the products, Textile institute of Pakistan.
fabric was increased to rupees 40 to 50
Balasubramanyam, K. (2015): A study on
after tie and dye and approx. 100 to 300
Khadi and village industries sector,
rupees as increased after ornamentation
International journal of Academic
with zari and traditional embroidery and
crochet work.
3 Acceptability/saleability of the developed Dodamani. M. T. and Kunnal, L. B. (2007):
samples were analysed on 120 customers value addition to organically
in which 70 customers purchased the produced Naturally- colored cotton
developed apparels and 50 customers under contract farming, Agricultural
didn’t accepted the samples. Economical Research Review, vol.20
(conference issue) pp 521-528.
Upadhyay, Garima and Deodiya Sangita
Mahatma Gandhi elevated the brittle thread
(2013): Awareness of youth towards
of cotton to a symbol of strength and self-
Khadi, Academicia: An international
sufficiency, and to provide employment for
multidisciplinary research journal, 3
the millions during India's freedom struggle,
(7): 156-162.
and that symbolism of wearing cloth made by
human hands has continued till this day.
Considering various aspects of khadi present
study focuses on awareness of youth towards
khadi and value addition on Khadi. It can be
concluded that adding some value on Khadi
such as printing, dyeing and embroidery
increases the acceptability of the Khadi
products nationally and globally. Majority of
youth view khadi as a fabric associated with
Swadeshi Movement and the major cause of
low acceptability of khadi is higher cost of
purchasing as well as maintenance cost and
lack of user friendly attribute.


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