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Characterization of Polyurethane Foam Dielectric


Article in IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation · May 2008

DOI: 10.1109/TDEI.2008.4483452 · Source: IEEE Xplore


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2 authors, including:

Mehmet Argin
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona


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350 M. Argin and G.G. Karady: Characterization of Polyurethane Foam Dielectric Strength

Characterization of Polyurethane Foam Dielectric Strength

M.Argin and G.G.Karady
Department of Electrical Engineering
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona 85287, USA

Internal flashovers in hollow insulation systems can produce serious damage.
Frequently, SF6 or N2 is used to eliminate this problem, but possible gas leakage may
endanger the insulation. This paper proposes the use of polyurethane foams to fill the
hollow spaces in insulation systems. Thus far, few publications deal with the dielectric
properties of foams. This paper demonstrates the dielectric strength of three different
foams which are investigated using ac and lightning impulse voltages under different
humidity and temperature conditions. The results show that polyurethane foams have
2-3 times better dielectric strength than air. The breakdown strength decreases with
the thickness of the foam; temperature and humidity have negligible effects on the
breakdown voltage. The major parameter is the size of the voids in the foam. Reducing
the size of the voids increases the breakdown strength. This can be achieved by
improving the manufacturing technology.
Index Terms — Breakdown strength, impulse voltage, insulation, polyurethane

1 INTRODUCTION of a single pore. Findings showed that, in a short time, partial

discharges in a few pores would not cause a breakdown of the
POLYURETHANE foams have been in use for decades by foam [3, 4]. In 2003, the authors of this paper investigated the
the industry [1]. Although the use of polyurethane foams is rigid pour polyurethane foam’s electrical property under ac and
common in low voltage switchgears, few applications are lightning impulse voltages. The effects of the water and foam
reported in medium and high-voltage (HV) systems [2]. At high skin on its electrical strength were also considered. The outcome
voltages, SF6 and/or N2 are applied in the hollow insulation revealed that the average AC breakdown strength of 36.2±6.6
system, for example Optical Instrument Transformers (OIT), to kV/cm and average lightning impulse breakdown strength of
avoid internal flashover. Firmly sealing these gases within the 97.6±11.5 existed in the samples that contained skin [5]. In
insulating system over a long period of time as well as over 2004, the authors investigated the use of foam for insulation of
variable temperatures are difficult. As a result of this sealing an Optical Instrument Transformer (OIT). The insulation of the
problem, gas pressure drops, moisture may penetrate into the OIT was modeled with rigid polyurethane foam-filled tubes and
insulation medium, and the dielectric strength of the insulation appropriate electrodes. The AC voltage test and partial
system decreases. In addition, there is a growing concern about discharge measurements proved that foam insulation met with
the release of SF6 into the atmosphere given that SF6 is one of the requirements set for 69 kV class instrument transformers [6].
the greenhouse gases. In comparison with these gases, Recently, one type of the rigid pour polyurethane foam
polyurethane foam allows for a much easier seal in insulation insulation was investigated in different humidity and
systems and eliminates the potential risk of gas leakage. Also, temperature conditions. The results showed that the effect of
the water penetration and condensation effects can be humidity and temperature appeared to be less significant than
minimized more with polyurethane foams because polymeric that of voids on the dielectric strength of the material [7]. All of
materials have better hydrophobic properties. Furthermore, the these studies demonstrate that polyurethane foams have a high
lightness of the polyurethane foam encourages its application in breakdown strength, which suggests their use as an alternative
HV insulation. for high voltage insulation.
In early studies, the electrical properties of particular
polyurethane foams were investigated with ac and lightning At this point, the query is whether all types of polyurethane
impulse voltages under dry conditions. The ac breakdown foams have identical dielectric characteristics. This will be
strength and partial discharge performance of polyurethane investigated by looking at the differences between the foams in
foams were verified, and breakdown models of the terms of dielectric strength and the main parameters determining
microporous structures were built up based on the breakdown the foams' electrical strengths. The objective of this paper is to
characterize the electric properties of polyurethane foams and to
Manuscript received on 1 February 2007, in final form 10 October 2007. identify the parameters affecting dielectric strength.

1070-9878/08/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE

IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 15, No. 2; April 2008 351

2 CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF Table 1. Properties of polyurethane foams.

POLYURETHANE FOAM Chemical Chemical PH Boiling point

Isocyanates, a range of polyols of different molecular Family Name level
Type Part A Part A Part B Part A Part B
weights and additives are utilized to produce all types of
Aromatic isocyanic 7.5- 207.7 14 lbs
polyurethane materials. Foam 1 Isocyanate acid 8.5 °C boils at
Polyols are reactive substances that contain at least two 32°C
isocyanate-reacting groups attached to a single molecule. NA polymeric NA 210 °C Above
Polyols are manufactured based on either polyether or Foam 2 diisocyanate 204.4°
polyester and are named as polyether-based or polyester- Aromatic isocyanic 8 207.7 Above
based, respectively. Polyols have been developed to have Foam 3 Isocyanate acid °C 204.4°
the required reactivity with isocyanates and to produce C
polyurethanes with specific properties. The choice of
polyol is especially contingent on the size and flexibility
of its molecular structure and its functionality. 3 DETERMINATION OF THE VOID
Isocyanates are divided into two groups: Toluene DISTRIBUTION
diisocyanate (TDI) and Diisocyanate-diphenylmethane
(MDI) and its derivatives. In addition to isocyanates and The previous study indicated that the electrical property of
polyols, at least some of the additives, including catalysts, the foam depends on the void size and distribution [7]. These
cross-linking chain-extending agents, blowing agents, properties of the foams were analyzed by preparing 10 cross-
surfactants, coloring materials, fillers, smoke cut samples from each of the foams and scanning the samples
suppressants, and flame retardants, are also incorporated using an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope
in order to control and modify polyurethane reactions and (ESEM). The images were then analyzed to calculate the
the properties of the final product. average size of the voids. Figures 1, 2, and 3 show sample
ESEM pictures for each type of Foam.
Polyurethane foams are mainly manufactured by simply
mixing the required ratios followed by hand pouring into
a mould and by high-pressure foaming machine that have
been designed to measure the required ratio of chemicals
followed by reaction injection molding (RIM). Most
polyols and isocyanates used in the manufacturing of
polyurethanes are liquids at ambient temperatures and are
easy to manage. The comparison of the chemical
properties of the different foams resulted in the selection
of three different foams.

Foam 1 is a low viscosity, high yield, low pressure,

rigid, closed-cell, two component flotation foam ideal for
use in filling large voids. Foam 2 is a two-part
polyurethane backfill product designed to straighten
utility poles. Foam 3 is a low viscosity, high density,
Figure 1. Void distribution in Foam 1.
rigid, closed-cell, two component molding foam. Table 1
lists the physical properties of these foams.

In this study, the manufacturing of the foams is as

follows. Each of the foams consists of two parts, namely
parts A and B. Equal amounts of components A and B are
poured into a beaker and mixed for 45 seconds. This
mixture is then poured into 30 cm long square molds. The
foam is covered completely with a plate, and 125.7 kg/m2
pressure is applied to the plate; this pressure prevents the
foam from rising. This process is completed in 30 s, but
the foam is removed from the molds after 2 h. In order to
manufacture uniform and reproducible foam samples, the
foam production took place at room temperature (24 °C)
and room RH (30-36%). One sample at each temperature
is used for each test. Figure 2. Void distribution in Foam 2.
352 M. Argin and G.G. Karady: Characterization of Polyurethane Foam Dielectric Strength

with transformer oil. Prior to preliminary testing, whether the

transformer oil penetrates into the foam samples or not was
investigated. The results proved that transformer oil does not
penetrate into the foam samples with skin. The identical
electrode system made of steel was used in both tests. The
occurrence of the discharge was observed visually on an
oscilloscope. The gradual increase of voltage permitted
accurate detection of discharge development a few seconds
before the breakdown but may not detect short duration (1/2-1
cycles) discharge immediately before the breakdown.

The heat tests were conducted with samples exposed to

different heat conditions (24 °C, 40 °C, and 60 °C) to observe
Figure 3. Void distribution in Foam 3. the effect of heat on the foam’s electrical properties. The
samples tested at 40 °C and 60 °C were heated for an hour in
An ESEM investigation of the foam samples indicated that an oven. Immediately following the samples’ removal from
the size and the distribution of the voids inside the the oven, electrical tests were completed.
polyurethane foam are not homogeneous [5, 7]. Table 2
reveals the results of the ESEM investigation. The samples were also tested at an ambient humidity of 36%
RH (Relative Humidity), 45% RH, and 80% RH. Humidity
Table 2. Average size and distribution of voids. conditions were generated according to the ASTM Standard
104-02 [9]. The samples were kept under 80% RH for the
Type Avg. diameter void ratio Foam Density duration of 48 hours, and then high voltage tests were
in µm (%) g/cm3 performed. Water absorption was not apparent at these three
Foam 1 130 50 0.13-0.14 different levels of humidity; thus, measurements show less
Foam 2 200 90 0.10-0.11 than 1% water absorption under all three conditions. Each
Foam 3 200 70 0.125-0.13
sample was manufactured using the same method; this assures
the uniformity of the samples.
The smaller voids and dense structure suggests that Foam 1
retains better dielectric performance.
Table 3. Number of tests conducted with each foam type under different

Room temperature 24 °C Room RH 30-36%
The performance of the polyurethane foam has been 36% RH 45% RH 80% RH 24 ºC 40 ºC 60 ºC
investigated through the ac and lightning impulse breakdown Foam
15 15 16 15 15 17
tests. Foam
16 26 17 16 15 13
The ac breakdown test was conducted according to the IEEE Foam
11 NA 14 11 10 NA
Standard 4-1995 [8]. The test was performed with 60 Hz AC 3
voltages on a flat foam sample using a metal sheet as the
bottom electrode and a standard cylindrical electrode at the
top. The top cylindrical electrode dimensions were 51 mm in 5 TEST RESULTS
diameter and 25 mm in height with the edges rounded to a 6.4
mm radius. The high voltage tests were performed to determine the
A low voltage was applied to the foam sample and raised dielectric strength of polyurethane foam insulation exposed to
slowly with 0.8 kV/sec speed until breakdown. The different humidity and temperature conditions. The AC and
breakdown usually occurred at the edge of the electrode. The lightning impulse tests were conducted with samples that were
breakdown voltage was recorded. exposed to 36% RH, 45% RH, 85% RH and (24 °C), 40 °C,
and 60 °C. Table 4 illustrates the number of tests conducted
The dielectric strength of rigid pour polyurethane foam was with each foam type under different conditions.
also studied with standard positive polarity 1.2/50 lightning
impulses. The breakdown voltage was determined by a The test results are given in Table 4 and Table 5. The Tables
stepwise increase of the impulse voltage, thus applying five exhibit the values for breakdown strength. The strength is the
impulses per step with a 10 seconds time interval between two division of breakdown voltage to the thickness of the sample.
impulses until breakdown.
In general, the breakdown strength of solid insulation
The partial discharge was measured using a Haefely made materials tends to decrease with increasing temperatures and
partial discharge detector. In order to prevent surface humidity [10]; however, that is not true for polyurethane foam
discharges, the foam samples were tested in a vessel filled insulation.
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 15, No. 2; April 2008 353

Table 4. Comparison of ac breakdown test results. The average AC breakdown strength is calculated as 49.7±9.8
kV/cm. The breakdown stress of air insulation, measured with
ac breakdown strength (kV/cm) the same arrangement, is 15 kV/cm. Hence, this foam
Room temperature 24 °C Room RH 30-36 % breakdown stress is about 3 times higher than that of air. The
36% RH 45% RH 80% RH 24 ºC 40 ºC 60 ºC figure shows that the breakdown strength is practically
Foam 36.5 6 53.2 2 55.9 7 37.0 1 54.6 6 44.6 6 independent from the thickness of Foam 1, which possesses
1 the thickness range of 0.7-1.6 cm.
Foam 39.2 7 45.5 3 35.3 6 39.2 7 40.3 8 40.3 5
2 120
Foam NA 44.2 5 40 4.2 44.2 5 51.2 2 NA

Table 5. Comparison of lightning impulse test results.

Breakdown Strength(kV/cm)

Lightning impulse strength (kV/cm)

36% RH 45% RH 80% RH 24 ºC 40 ºC 60 ºC

Foam 40
161.2 2 147.7 3 187.8 4 162.1 8 177.5 3 155.3 3
139.6 1 148.5 2 117.6 1 141 1 169.5 2 168.4 2 20
157.3 9 NA 131.9 1 162.3 8 146.9 2 NA
3 0
0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.81.85

The test results reveal that in some cases the strength Figure 5. The ac breakdown strength versus thickness of Foam 2.
decreases, while in other cases it increases. In addition, the
standard deviation of the breakdown voltage is substantial. The breakdown strength decreases due to increasing
The study of void distribution presented before suggests that thickness as shown in Figure 5. All data points are within the
the voids have a major effect on the breakdown voltage [7]. 95% confidence interval except one. The average ac
breakdown strength is calculated as 39±7.0 kV/cm. This foam
During the tests, the partial discharge was measured as the breakdown stress is about 2.6 times higher than that of air.
voltage increased. The samples were immersed in oil, which
eliminated the surface discharge. The significant finding is
that partial discharge was not observed during the increase of


Breakdown Strength(kV/cm)

The test results show that the effect of humidity and 60
temperature on the breakdown strength of polyurethane foam
is small compared to the internal voids produced in variation 40
of the breakdown voltage.

100 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

Figure 6. ac breakdown strength versus thickness of Foam 3.

Breakdown Strength(kV/cm)


As in Foam 2, the breakdown strength of Foam 3 decreases

due to increasing thickness, as seen in Figure 6. All points are
within the 95% confidence interval. The average ac
breakdown strength is 44.7±6.3 kV/cm. This foam breakdown
stress is about 3 times higher than that of air. The standard
deviation is much less than those found for Foams 1,2.
0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 In Figure 7, the lightning impulse breakdown strength of
Foam 1 decreases rapidly with increasing thickness. All the
Figure 4. ac breakdown strength versus thickness of Foam1. data points are found to be within 95 % confidence interval.
354 M. Argin and G.G. Karady: Characterization of Polyurethane Foam Dielectric Strength

280 300

260 280


Breakdown Strength(kV/cm)
Breakdown Strength(kV/cm)


140 140

120 120

100 100

80 80
0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6
Thickness(cm) Thickness(cm)

Figure 7. Lightning impulse breakdown strength versus thickness of Foam 1. Figure 9. The lightning impulse breakdown strength versus thickness of Foam

There are no outliers. The average lightning impulse 7 DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS
breakdown strength is calculated as 166.2±37.3 kV/cm. The
breakdown stress of air insulation, measured with the same 7.1 EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE
arrangement, is 55 kV/cm. This foam breakdown stress is It is believed that temperature does not affect the breakdown
about 3 times higher than that of air. stress of gases in the 20 – 100 °C range. However, an increase
in temperature may decrease the breakdown stress of the solid
part of the foam. ESEM investigation revealed that voids
composed of gases occupy 50%, 90%, and 70% of Foam 1,
Foam 2, and Foam 3, respectively. If a breakdown initiates in
the voids and the temperature does not affect the breakdown
stress of gases there, then the temperature effects on the foam
Breakdown Strength(kV/cm)

breakdown voltage must be negligible.



150 Exposure to high humidity produces water penetration in the
foam. In our previous paper [5], we performed tests and
measured the weight increase due to humidity exposure. It
was determined that exposure to 100% RH increases the
sample weight by only 0.05% if the sample has skin and 2% if
0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 the sample has no skin. These findings verify that humidity
must have only a small or negligible effect on the foam
Figure 8. Lightning impulse breakdown strength versus thickness of Foam 2. breakdown voltage.

Figure 8 shows that the lightning impulse breakdown EFFECT OF FOAM DENSITY AND VOIDS
strength of Foam 2 decreases with thickness. All data points Foam 1 has the highest breakdown strength. It also has the
are within the 95 % confidence interval except for one highest density and smallest average void diameter. In
outlier. The average breakdown strength is 147.9±28.8 addition, voids only occupy 50% of the foam.
kV/cm. This foam breakdown stress is about 2.7 times
higher than that of air. Foam 2 has the lowest breakdown strength along with the
lowest density and a significantly greater average void
In Figure 9, the lightning impulse breakdown strength of diameter. In addition, voids occupy 90% of the foam.
Foam 3 decreases rapidly with increasing thickness. All
points are within the 95% confidence interval. The average Foam 3’s breakdown strength is in between that of Foam 1
lightning impulse breakdown strength is calculated as and Foam 2. Foam 3 has the second lowest density with voids
144.2±20.7 kV/cm. This foam breakdown stress is about 2.6 occupying 70% of the foam.
times higher than that of air. The standard deviation is much
less than that of found for Foam 1 or Foam 2, as in the ac These findings show the relationship between the
test. breakdown voltage and foam density as well as void size and
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 15, No. 2; April 2008 355

void distribution. Foam with a higher density, smaller voids, The high density foams, with smaller void diameters,
and less void distribution is expected to have larger electric have higher breakdown stress.
breakdown strength. Therefore, high density foams should be The test indicated that isocyanic acid foam is better
used for electric insulation. than polymeric diisocyanate foam.
The foam breakdown stress is about 3 times higher
DIELECTRIC BREAKDOWN HYPOTHESIS than that of air under similar conditions.
The temperature and humidity effects are negligible
The breakdown behavior of porous dielectrics and solid
in the 0-100% RH and 20-60 °C range.
insulation materials has been studied by many authors [11,
12]. Partial discharges, one of the main factors that have
The overall average ac breakdown strength is calculated as
major impact on the breakdown mechanism of solid insulation
49.7±9.8 kV/cm, 39±7.0 kV/cm, and 44.7±6.3 kV/cm for
materials, has also been studied [13-15]. The influence of the
Foam 1, Foam 2, and Foam 3, respectively.
void parameters upon the induced charges due to partial
The overall average lightning impulse breakdown strength is
discharges for spheroidal voids was discussed. It was noted
calculated as 166.2±37.3 kV/cm, 147.9±28.8 kV/cm and
that the void orientation with reference to the applied field has
144.2±20.7 kV/cm for Foam 1, Foam 2, and Foam 3,
most important effect on induced charges in addition to void
location, geometry and dimension, void gas pressure and
composition [13, 14]. In another study, decay of charge
accumulated by partial discharges deposited on the wall of a 9 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
gaseous void due to surface currents at the void wall was We gratefully acknowledge the use of facilities within the
studied [15]. The paper concludes that the decay rate is Center for Solid State Science at Arizona State University.
significantly reduced by an increase in the permittivity of the
bulk medium.
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the solid particles. In addition, higher voltages increase “Electrical properties of rigid pour polyurethane foam applied for high
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the other voids. This further increases the voltage across Distribution Conf., Vol. 3, pp. 870-874, 2003.
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partial discharge was observed prior to the breakdown at different humidity and temperature conditions for high voltage
during the voltage increase. Cursory electrical field insulation”, Proc. IEEE Power Eng. Soc. Transmission and Distribution
Conf., pp. 1070-1075, 2006.
calculations show that the electric field is similar in the
[8] IEEE Std 4-1995: “IEEE Standard Techniques for High-Voltage
voids independent of the void location and size. Because Testing” , 1995.
of the more-or-less uniform distribution of the electric [9]ASTM Standard Practice for Maintaining Constant Relative
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[10] A. Schwaiger, “Theory of Dielectrics”, John Wiley & Suns, 1932.
electric field and produces an avalanche breakdown. [11] M.G. Danikas, “Discharge studies in solid insulation voids”, IEEE
Additional electrical field studies will be performed to Conf. Electr. Insul. Dielectr. Phenomena (CEIDP), pp.249-254, 1990.
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It was found that 1997.
[15] I.W. McAllister, “Decay of charge deposited on the wall of a
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356 M. Argin and G.G. Karady: Characterization of Polyurethane Foam Dielectric Strength

Mehmet Argin was born in Germany. He received the George G. Karady (SM’70, F’78) received the BSEE
B.Tech degree from Istanbul Technical University and D.Eng. degrees in electrical engineering from the
(ITU), Turkey, in 1997 and the M.S. degree from Technical University of Budapest. Dr. Karady is the
Yildiz Technical University (YTU), Turkey, in 2000. Salt River Project Chair Professor at Arizona State
Between 1998 and 2001, he worked for YTU as a University, where he teaches electrical power and
Research/Teaching Assistant. He is currently pursuing performs research in power electronics, high voltage
his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering at Arizona techniques, and electric power systems. Previously,
State University. he was with EBASCO Services, where he served as
Chief Consulting Electrical Engineer, Manager of
Electrical Systems, and Chief Engineer of Computer
Technology. Prior to that, he was Electrical Task supervisor for the Tokomak
Fusion Test reactor project at Princeton. He has worked for the Hydro Quebec
Institute of Research as a Program Manager. Dr Karady started his career at
the Technology University of Budapest, where he progressed from a Post
Doctoral Student to Deputy Department Head. Dr. Karady is a registered
professional engineer in New York, New Jersey, and Quebec. He is the author
of more than 200 technical papers. Dr. Karady is active in IEEE, and he was
chairman of the Chapter/Membership’s Award Committee, the Education
committee’s Award Subcommittee, and WG on Non-ceramic insulators of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society. Dr. Karady also served in the US National
Committee of CIGRE as Vice President and Secretary Treasurer.

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