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Press Association

Name of Photographer or Agency:

Press Association

What type of Photographs do they take?

They take press images of news, sport and entertainment.

What media products are their photographs used in?

Their images are used in press mainly and also for digital brands, businesses and public sector

5 Images –
This image is good because of the
lighting used keeps both people well lit
and shown as equal.

I like this image because it shows the

other side of a photo that you would
not normally see.
I like this photo because of how it’s only the
cricketer who is in focus since he is what you
are supposed to be looking at.

I like how in this image you have the who

halves of it which are similar but contrast each
other with the police on one side who should
be stopping anything bad and the fire and
destruction on the other.

I like this image because even though it’s the

girls you are supposed to look at it keeps
everything behind it in focus for you to see.

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