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Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 @nacvac ChemQuest Modul Analisis Bertopik SPM 2003-SPM 2016 chemistry Chapter 11: Carbon Compound Sebatian Karbon p Usahasama susunan oleh: CoM rohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor (SMK Pesisiran Perdana) 4 Cf Adura Azlin Bin Ishak (Sekolah Sri Puteri Cyberjaya) Nama Sekolah Kelas To Excel in Chemistry is to Love Chemistry dd MWS "Ipzeyn6y19 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 24 Organic Compound ‘Sebatian Organik [SPMO03-10] A hydrocarbon is a chemical compound consisting of Hidrokarbon adalah sebatian kimia yang terdiri daripada ‘A carbon and oxygen only unsur Karbon dan oksigen sahaja B carbon and hydrogen only unsur karbon dan hidrogen sahaja © carbon, hydrogen and oxygen only unsur karbon, hidrogen dan oksigen sahaja D carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen only unsur karbon, hydrogen, oksigen dan nitrogen sahaja [SPM12-1] What is the meaning of saturated hydrocarbons? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan hidrokarbon tepu? ‘A Compounds containing only hydrogen atoms and carbon atoms ‘Sebatian yang mengandungi atom hidrogen dan atom karbon sahaja B Compounds containing only hydrogen atoms and carbon atoms with only single bond Sebatian yang mengandungi atom hidrogen dan atom karbon sahaja dengan hanya ikatan tunggal © Compounds containing only hydrogen atoms and carbon atoms with one double bonds ‘Sebatian yang mengandungi atom hidrogen dan atom karbon sahaja dengan satu ikatan ganda dua 1D Compounds containing only hydrogen atoms and carbon atoms with one triple bonds Sebatian yang mengandungi atom hidrogen dan atom karbon sahaja dengan satu ikatan ganda tiga [SPM11-2] Which compound is a saturated hydrocarbon? ‘Sebatian manakah adalah suatu hidrokarbon tepu? A Propene B Propane Propena Propana © —— Propanol D —_Chloropropane Propanol Kloropropana [SPMO6-15] Which of the following is a saturated hydrocarbon? ‘Antara yang berikut, yang manakah hidrokarbon tepu? A Alkane B Alken Alkana Alkena Alcohol D Carboxylic acid Alkohot Asid karbosilik [SPM14-27] Which compound is an unsaturated hydrocarbon? Sebatian manakah adalah hidrokarbon tak tepu? A CHsCHCH:CHs © CHsCHCH:CH:CHs B CH:CH:CH:CHo D CHsCH:CH:CH:CHs [SPMO8-16] Which of the following is the structural formula of an unsaturated hydrocarbon? Antara berikut yang manakah formula struktur hidrokarbon tak tepu? A HHH 8 H Ho n-b=b-8-H H-6-6-8-0H A ho c HHH HHH nb-bb-n nd-b-b- oI Hah dd MWS "Ipzeyn6y19 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 [SPM11-14] What is the correct functional group for the following homologous series? ‘Apakah kumpulan berfungsi yang betul bagi sir homolog berikut? Homologous series Functional group Siri Homolog ‘Kumpulan Berfungsi A Ester ° Ester I -C-0- B Alkane TI Alkana -C=C- c ‘Alcohol ° Alkohol I -C-OH D Carboxylic acid -OH Asid karboksilik [SPMO3-09] Which of the following pairs of general formulae and homologue series is correct? Antara formula am dan siri homolog berikut, yang manakah dipadankan dengan betul? ‘General formula Homologue series Formula am ‘Nama siri homolog A CoH alkane B CoHareo ‘Alkene c ‘CiHnes OH ‘Alcohol D CoHane COOH Ester [SPM10-36] Which structural formula does not correspond to the named compound? Formula struktur manakah yang tidak sepadan dengan sebatian yang dinamakan? Compound name] Structural formula ‘Nama sebatian | Formula struktur ‘A. | Bthanoic acid A Pe etalk Arid etanoik — |[H-C—C—-0-C-0- H an B | Ethanol HH Evano! noon © | Ethene WM tena EeAehee alc HH Etana een wi é a ‘oecanagare wonders 0 ‘dura Ain Ishakaal | Update 13 Jan 2017 [Since 2007S 3 3 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 2.2 Alkane Alkana [SPMO08-12] What is the general formula for an alkane? Apakah formula am bagi alkane? A Coton Bo CHa CC CHane OH. D ——CrHone1COOH [SPM14-06] Which of the following is correct about alkanes? ‘Antara yang berikut, yang manakah betul tentang alkana? A The compound has hydroxyl group Sebatian mempunyai kumpulan hidroksil B The compound is a saturated hydrocarbon Sebatian adalah satu hidrokarbon tepu © The compound has general formula of CrHon ‘Sebatian mempunyai formula am C:Hen 1D —_The compound consists of double bond between carbon atoms ‘Sebatian mengandungi ikatan ganda dua antara atom-atom karbon [SPM13-24] Diagram 7 shows the structural formulae of two hydrocarbons, Rajah 1 menunjukkan formula struktur bagi dua hidrokarbon. H HH HH HH | Legal I H-C as (ee ! | 1 H HH H H Diagram 7/Rajah 7 Which property of both compounds is similar? Sifat manakah yang sama bagi kedua-dua sebatian? A Melting point B Molar mass Takat lebur Jisim molar © Solubility D Density Keterlarutan Ketumpatan [SPM14-10] Compound X has the following properties. Sebatian X mempunyai sifat-sifat berikut ‘+ Insoluble in water Tak larut dalam air + Has a boiling point of -89 °C ‘Mempunyai takat didih - 89°C ‘What is compound x? ‘Apakah sebatian X? A Ethane B Ethanol Etana Etanol C Ethanol acid D Ethyl ethanoate Asid etanoik Etil etanoat [SPM14-10] What are the products formed when propane is burnt in excess oxygen? Apakah bahan yang terhasil apabila propana terbakar dalam oksigen beriebihan? 1 Water Carbon Air Karbon Il Carbon dioxide IV Carbon monoxide Karbon dioksida Karbon monoksida A Land tt Blandi Idan It Idan iil ‘ 4 Adura Azlin Ishak@Pazdli | Update 13 Jan 2017 [Since 2007 dd MWS "Ipzeyn6y19 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 Cc Mandiv D —Illand iv Wdan Vv idan IV [SPM14-16] Cyclohexane, CsH: is an organic solvent. Which substance is soluble in cyclohexane? Sikloheksana, CsHy2 merupakan suatu pelarut organik. Bahan manakah yang larut dalam sikloheksana? A Limestone B Naphthalene Batu kapur Naftalena C Sodium sulphate D Aluminium oxide Natrium sulfat Aluminium oksida [SPM10-37] Which statement is correct about alkanes? Pernyataan manakah yang betul tentang alkana? ‘A Undergo polymerization reaction B Undergo hydrogenation reaction ‘Mengalami tindak balas pempolimeran ‘Mengalamnitindak balas penghidrogenan © Undergo substitution reaction D Undergo hydration reaction ‘Mengalami tindak balas penukargantian ‘Mengalami tindak balas penghidratan [SPMO8-14] The structural formulae of two isomers are as follows. Formula struktur dua isomer adalah seperti berikut, H HHH HoH OH Br robot Fobob ok H-C-C-C-C-H H-C-C-C-C-H fio foloid HoH BrH H HHH Which of the following names can be used for both isomers? Antara nama berikut yang manakah boleh digunakan untuk kedua-dua isomer? A Bromoethane B —_ Bromopropane Bromoetana Bromopropana ——_Bromobutane D —_Bromopentane Bromobutana Bromopentana [SPM10-34] Which structural formulae are isomers of butane? Formula struktur manakah adalah isomer bagi butana? HoH H—-C=C—C—C—-H 1 | HHH OH Hou Mm H v H | | HCH cH H | H H | ou HCC HCCC HAW Hoo4 A Land tl 8B landill Idan it Idan Ill © Mandiv D —illand iv Idan IV idan IV [SPMO3-36] Which of the following are isomers of butene? Antara berikut, yang manakah isomer bagi butena? : HHH ‘ Adura Alin Ishak@Pazdli | Update 18 Jan 2017 [Since 2007 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 uM H H Wy H H—C=c—C—H H—C=C | H H—C—H H A | and Ill only B Wand IV only Idan Ill sahaja MW dan IV sahaja c |, Wand Ill only D 111, tll and WV 1, Idan Il! sahaja 1M Ml dan Vv [SPMO3-45] Which of the following hydrocarbons is most suitable to be used as cooking gas? Antara hidrokarbon berikut, yang manakah paling sesuai digunakan sebagai gas memasak? [Relative atomic mass/ Jisim atom relatif: H=1 ; C=12] A Colts Bo Cate Cc Gitte Do CeHs 2.3. Alkene Alkena [SPMO7-14] What is the product formed when ethene is burned in air? Apakah hasil yang terbentuk apabila etena dibakar dalam udara? A Ethane and water B Carbon and hydrogen Etana dan air Karbon dan hidrogen Carbon dioxide and water D Carbon dioxide and hydrogen Karbon dioksida dan air Karbon dioksida dan hidrogen [SPMO7-15] Butene can be transformed to butane by the process of Butena boleh ditukar kepada butana melalui proses A Fermentation B Oxidation Penapaian Pengoksidaan © Dehydration D Hydrogenation Pendehidratan Penghidrogenan [SPM11-44] Diagram 11 shows the structural formula of a compound, Rajah 11 menunjukkan formula struktur bagi suatu sebatian, a HH H Diagram 11/ Rajah 11 ‘What is the name of the compound? Apakah nama sebatian itu? A 2ethylbut-t-ene 8 2ethylbut-4-ene 2eetibut-t-ena 2etibut- 4-ena © Semethyipent-4-ene D —_ 3:methylpent-tene & 3-metiipent- 4-ena S-metiipent- 1-ena = a 6 Adura Actin Ishak@Pacdl | Update 18 Jan 2017 [Since 2007S 3 3 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 [SPM10-38] When but-2-ene is shaken with bromide water, the brown bromine water is decolourised, ‘What is the product of this reaction? Apabila but-2-ena digoncang dengan air bromin, Apakah basil bagi tindak balas ini? warna perang air bromin dinyahwarnakan. A 1,2-dibromobutene B _2,3-dibromobutene 1,2-dibromobutene 2,3-dibromobutena C —1,2-dibromobutane D —_2,3-dibromobutane 1,2-dibromobutana 2,3-dibromobutana [SPM13-43] Diagram 13 shows the structural formula of an organic compound Rajah 13 menunjukkan formula struktur suatu sebatian organik. 1 bad Tort HOH H Diagram 13/ Rajah 13 What is the IUPAC name of the organic compound? Apakah nama IUPAC bagi sebatian organik itu 1 A 2-methylbut--ene B ——2-methylbut-2-ene 2-metibut-1-ena ‘2-metibut-2-ena C —_2ethylbut-2-ene D ——_ 3-methylbut-3-ene 2-etilbut-3-ena 3-metilbut-3-ena [SPMO4-28] The figure shows the structural formula of pent-t-ene. Rajah menunjukkan formula struktur pent-1-ena. Which of the following are structural formulae and correct names for isomers of pent-1-ene? ‘Antara berikut yang manakah formula struktur dan nama yang betul bagi isomer pent-1-ena? ' HHH HH " H-C-C=C-C-C-H H HH Pent-2-ene H 3-methylbut-L-ene u HHH H oi H HH H-6-C=6-6-H H-¢-c=C—C-H H H H H Pent--ene H-¢-H H 2-methylbut-2-ene A Land IV only 8 Hand iilonly © land ivonly Dithilland iv a 7 Adura Actin Ishak@Pacdl | Update 18 Jan 2017 [Since 2007S 3 3 H H-C-H H H Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 [SPM15-26] What is the product formed when hydrogen and propene are passed over a nickel catalyst at temperature 180°C? Apakah hasil yang terbentuk apabila hidrogen dan propena dilalukan ke atas mangkin nikel pada suhu 180 *C? A Propane B _Propanol Propana Propanol © —_Propanoic acid D —_Propyl propanoate Asid propanoik Propil propanoat [SPMOS-29] The following is the equation that represents the reaction between propene and chlorine. Berikut adalah persamaan yang mewakilitindak balas antara propena dengan kiorin. Propena + Ch => @ Which of the following is the structural formula of Q? A wow oH 8 uoHOoR doanher sh lie | | w—c—e— c—a pe ie Biddlown, Paenf Tere tort J x aoa c x aoa D a " lsck I | w—c—c— cn 1—o—e— en a I | ania " a [SPMO5-11] The diagram shows a polymerization process. Formula struktur dua isomer adalah seperti berikut. 4 H HoH \ fs bie | me et 7 \ 1 ot H H H H Substance R Substance S Which of the following properties is identical for substance R and S? Antara nama berikut yang manakah boleh digunakan untuk kedua dua isomer? ‘A Melting point B Density Takat lebur ‘Ketumpatan C Relative molecular mass D _ Percentage composition Jisim molekul relatif Peratusan komposisi [SPMO7-11] Polyethene is a polymer that is formed from the combination of ethene molecules. ‘Which of the following represents the process of the formation of polyethene? Polietena adalah polimer yang terbentuk daripada gabungan molekul-molekul etena, ‘Antara yang berikut, yang manakah mewakili proses pembentukan polietena? Aun wn 4a HHH HHH f Hee He Hee He Hee He He ec ¢ < ¢ H HH wn hi hanna e HOH H i 7 7 i i 1 + He ced ‘ ¢ H Tit hanna a H ° ' z nf C= . é lag 5 HoH Mn 8 a 8 Aura Ain nhac | Update 19. Jan 2017 [Since 2007 & 3 3 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 Q HH i H Nt f nf wc-cn) —» [cc rs ' HH HH Ms [SPM10-33] The following equation represents the complete combustion of a hydrocarbon Persamaan berikut mewakili pembakaran lengkap bagi satu hidrokarbon. GiHay + yO2 > xCO: +y HO What are the values of x and y? Apakah nilai bagi x dan y? oa lea A T[2 B 2 [3 c 3 [4 D 4 [5 [SPM15-06] Which substance is used to differentiate between butane and butene? Bahan manakah yang digunakan untuk membezakan antara butana dan butena? A Lime water B Bromine water Air kapur Air bromin © Phosphoric acid D Sodium hydroxide Asid fosforik Natrium hidroksida [SPM12-35] Which statement shows the difference between butene and butane? Pernyataan manakah yang menunjukkan perbezaan antara butena dengan butana? A Butene dissolved in water but butane does not Butena terlarut dalam air tetapi butana tidak terlarut dalam air B The carbon percentage per molecule of butene is higher Peratus karbon per molekul bagi butena lebih tinggi © The number of hydrogen atoms per molecule of butene is higher Bilangan atom hidrogen per molekul bagi butena lebih banyak D Butane decolourised the brown colour of bromine water but butene does not Butana menyahwamakan wama perang air bromin tetapi butena tidak menyahkan wama perang air bromin, [SPMO04-10] Which of the following substance can be used to differentiate ethene from ethane? Antara bahan berikut yang manakah boleh digunakan untuk membezakan antara etana dan etena? A Lime water B Bromine water Air kapur Air bromin Dilute sulphuric acid D Sodium hydroxide solution Asid sulturik cair Larutan natrium hidroksida 2.5 Alcohol Alkohol [SPMO7-13] Which of the following represents a structural formula of an alcohol? Antara yang berikut, yang manakah mewakill formula struktur bagi satu alcohol? . HH 8 HoH id 1 i H-C-C-H H-C-0-C-H it ! H OH HOH Col ey > HO 0 1 iW H-C-O0-C-H H-C-C-OH 1 F ‘ 9 Adura Azlin Ishak@Pazdli | Update 13 Jan 2017 [Since 2007 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 [SPMO3-08] Which statement is true of both methanol and ethanol? Pernyataan yang manakah benar bagi kedua-dua methanol dan etanol? A They have different functional groups Kedua-duanya mempunyai kumpulan berfungsi yang berlainan B __Ailltheir physical properties are similar ‘Semua sifat fziknya sama © Alltheir chemical properties are different ‘Semua sifat kimianya berbeza D They can be represent by the same general formula Kedua-duanya boleh diwakili oleh satu formula am yang sama Production of alcohol/ Peng! coho! [SPMO03-07] The equation below represents the reaction in the industrial preparation of ethanol Persamaan berikut mewakil tindak balas penyediaan etanol secara industri, Catalyst X CH=CH: + HO ——__» CH:CH:OH (Ethane) (Steam) 300°C/ 60.atm (ethanol) ‘What is catalyst X? Apakah mangkin X? A Platinum, B Phosphoric Acid Platinum Asid fosforik Aluminium Oxide D Concentrated Hydrochloric Acid Aluminium oksida Asid hidroklorik pekat [SPMO6-14] Diagram 2 shows the set up apparatus for the reaction of yeast with glucose solution. Rajah 2 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi tindak balas yis dengan larutan glukosa Diagram 2/ Rajah 2 What is the product obtained in the conical flask after a few days? Apakah hasil yang diperolehi dalam kelalang kon selepas beberapa hari? A Ethanol and ethane B —_Ethanoic acid and water Etanol dan etana Asid etanoik dan air © Carbon dioxide and water D Carbon dioxide and ethanol Karbon dioksida dan air Karbon dioksida dan etanol Reaction of Alcohol/ Tindak balas alkohol [SPM16-31] The following information is about compound R. ‘Maklumat berikut adalah tentang sebatian R. © Organic compound Sebatian organik ‘+ Has a hydroxyl group ‘Mempunyai kumputan hidroksil ‘© Produced by addition reaction Dihasilkan daripada tindak balas penambahan Which structural formula represents compound R? Formula struktur manakah yang mewakili sebatian R? ‘ 10 ‘Adura Aalin Ishak sli | Update 13 Jan 2017 | Since 2007 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 [SPMO04-11] What are the products formed when ethanol bums completely in excess air? Apakah hasil-hasil yang ferbentuk apabila etanol terbakar dengan lengkap dalam udara berlebihan? ‘A Water and carbon dioxide gas Air dan gas karbon dioksida B Water, carbon and carbon dioxide gas Air, Karbon dan gas karbon dioksida Water, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide Air, kerbon monoksida dan gas karbon dioksida D Water, carbon, carbon monoxide gas and carbon dioxide gas Air,karbon, Karbon monoksida dan gas karbon dioksida [SPMO6-16] Which of the following substances can undergo a dehydration reaction? Antara bahan berikut, yang manakah boleh mengalami tindak balas pengdehidratan? A Ethanol B Methane Etanol ‘Metana C Methanol D ——_Ethanoic acid Metanol Asid etanoik [SPM14-45] Alcohol undergoes dehydration reaction to form alkenes and water. Which alkene is formed when butan-1-ol undergoes dehydration reaction? Alkoho! mengalami tindak balas pendehidratan untuk membentuk alkena dan air. Alkena manakah yang terbentuk apabila butan-1-ol mengalami tindak balas pendehidratan? A CHsCH»CH=CH> B CHsCH= CHCHs CHs | © CHC = CH CHs | D Ch =C-CHs [SPMO04-12} The following chemical equation shows the conversion of ethanol to ethane Persamaan kimia beriktut menunjukkan penukaran etanol kepada etena, piece of porcelain/serpihan proselin CoHsOH | 5 CHjo) + H20) Heat/Panaskan ‘What is the name of the process shown by the above equation? Apakah nama proses yang ditunjukkan oleh persamaan di atas A Dehydration © Reduction g Pengdehidratan Penurunan 2 8 Oxidation D Fermentation g Pengoksidaan Penapaian 2 a 4 Adura Actin Ishak@Poz | Update 19 Jan 2017 [Since 2007 & 3 3 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound [SPM13-29] The following equation shows the conversion of butanol to butene. Persamaan berikut menunjukkan penukaran butanol kepada butena, Process X Proses X CaHcOH > Cis + = HO Heat Panaskan What is process X? Apakah proses X? A Oxidation © Dehydration Pengoksidaan Pengdehidratan B Hydrolysis D Hydrogenation Hidrolisis Penghidrogenan [SPMO5-15] The diagram shows the set up of the apparatus for a reaction, Gambar rajah menunjukkan susunan radas bagi satu tindak balas. Porcelain chips Glass wool damped + with Heat ethanol —_vigorously What isthe reaction? Apakah tindak balas itu? A Esterification B ‘Cracking Pengesteran Peretakan c Dehydration D ‘Oxidation Pengdehidratan Pengoksidean [SPM16-19] Which of the following is the similarity between ethene and ethanol? Antara yang berikut, yang manakah persamaan antara etena dan etanol? A Both have double bond ‘Kedua-duanya mempunyal ikatan ganda dua B Both are soluble in water ‘Kedua-duanya larut dalam air C Both decolourised bromine water ‘Kedua-duanya menyahwarnakan air bromin D —_Both decolourised acidified potassium manganate(VIl) solution Kedua-duanya menyahwarnakan larutan kalium manganat{VIl) berasid 2.6 Carboxcylic Acid Asid karbosilik {SPM12-11) The molecular formula of ethanoic acid is CH:COOH. What is the empirical formula of ethanoic acid? Formula molekul asid etanoik ialah CHsCOOH. Apakah formula empirik asid etanoik? ‘A CHO B CH:O © CaH2O2 D C:HsO2 [SPMO5-17] A liquid produced effervescence when reacted with sodium carbonate solution. ‘What is the molecular formula of the liquid? ‘Satu cecair menghasilkan pembuakan apabila bertindak balas dengan larutan natrium karbonat. Apakah formula motekul cecair itu? A HCOOH © CHCOOCH: B CHsCH2OH D — CHeCOONa \ 2 Adura Aclin Ishak@Pazdli | Update 13 Jan 2017 {Since 2007 ChemQuest 2017 dd MWS "Ipzeyn6y19 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 27 Ester Ester [SPMO09-10] Which of the following is the structural formula of ester? Antara yang berikut, yang manakah formula struktur bagi suatu ester? A CH)~CH>-OH B om-0 2° OH c H c ° ci) -0-6-cH cin-b-0-cHs k [SPMO7-21] Which of the following is the correct apparatus set-up for the preparation of an ester? ‘Antara yang berikut, yang manakeh susunan adas yang betul untuk penyediaan suatu ester? Airtel [SPMO4-31] The diagram represents the structural formula of a carbon compound. Rajah mewakili formula struktur bagi suatu sebatian karbon. HHH O HH rit w 1 t H-C-C-C-C-0-C-C-H Ioiod Io H HH HH ‘The compound is produced by the reaction between ‘Sebatian ini terhasil daripada tindak balas antara A Ethanol and propanoic acid B Ethanol and butanoic acid Etanol dan asid propanoik Etanol dan asid butanoik © Propanol and ethanoic acid 1D —_Butanol and ethanoic acid Propanol dan asid etanoik Butanol dan asid etanoik \ 13 ‘Adura Aalin Ishak@Pazdli | Update 13 Jan 2017 |Sinee 2007 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 [SPM13-33] What is the structural formula for an ester formed when ethanol, C::OH reacts with propanoic acid, (CsHsCOOH? Apakah formula struktur bagi suatu ester yang terbentuk apabila etanol, C2HsOH bertindak balas dengan asid propanoik, CsHsCOOH? ' Sys I I H—C—C—C—0—C—C—H ee | I H 4H H H ei He Ola Feeney [SPM12-48] Diagram 9 shows the structural formula ofan ester. Rajah 9 monunjukkan formula struktur bagi saty ester Oo CH, | CH, -C-O-CH-CH, Diagram 9/ Rajah 9 ‘What are the names of alcohol and carboxylic acid used to prepare the ester? Apakah nama alkohol dan nama asid karboksilik yang digunakan untuk menyediakan ester itu? A Propan-2-ol and ethanoic acid B —_Propan-I-ol and propanoic acid Propan-2-ol dan asid etanoik Propan-I-ol dan asid propanoik C Ethanol and ethanoic acid D —_Ethanol and propanoic acid Etanol dan asid etanoik Etanol dan asid propanoik [SPMO6-45] Which of the following equations can produce fruit flavouring? Antara persamaan berikut, yang manakah boleh menghasilkan perisa buah buahan? 1 CHsCOOH+NaQH ==> ~~ CH;COONa + H:0. I GsHsOH + C2HsCOOH => — C:HsCOOG:Hs + H-O ML CaHrOH + 2[0] C:HsCOOH + H20 IV GaHOH+CHsCOOH > — CHsCOOCsHi7 + HO A {and tl only B land IV only dan Il sahaja Hi dan IV sahaja c Mil and IV only D |, Hand IV only Iii dan 1V sahaja Ii dan IV sahaja a “ Adura Actin Ishak@Poz | Update 19 Jan 2017 [Since 2007 & 3 3 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 [SPMO7-44] The following equation shows a chemical reaction. Persamaan berikut menunjukkan satu tindak balas kimia, Propanoic acid + Ethanol -> Compound X + Water Asid propanoik + Etanol -» Sebatian X + Air ‘What is the structural formula of compound X? A HO HHH a HHO HH w6- b-0-6-6-6-4 wd-b- b-0-6-b-n AoW Ah Ah ha co oHHHH 4 > HHHO HH dp G-6-6-0-6-4 Wo- G-6-8-0-6- 6-4 Addo hha #h [SPMO6-31] Diagram 12 shows the structural formula of an ester molecule. Rajah 12 menunjukkan formula struktur bagi satu molekul ester. ° Il (CHs - CH» - C = 0 - CH: — CH - CHp - CHa Diagram 12/ Rajah 12 What is the name of the ester molecule? Apakah nama molekul ester itu? A Butylethanoate B —_Propyl ethanoate Butil etanoat Propil etanoat C —__Propyl butanoate D Butyl propanoate Propil butanoate Butil propanoat [SPMO7-45] Diagram 14 is a molecular formula which represents an organic compound. Rajah 14 ialah formula molekul yang mewakili satu sebatian organik. ° Il H-C-O-CoHs Diagram 14/Rajah 14 ‘What is the name of the organic compound? Apakah nama sebatian organik itu? A. Eythlethanoate B. —_Eythimethanoate Etil etanoat Etil metanoat C. Methyl ethanoate D. Methyl methanoate Metil etanoat ‘Metil metanoat [SPM11-37] Diagram 9 shows a structure formula which represents a food flavouring substance. Rajah 9 menunjukkan formula struktur yang mewakili satu bahan perisa makanan, H H O H HH Lod H-—C—C—-0O- | HH Diagram 9/Rajah 9 Which of the following can be used to make the flavouring? Antara yang berikut, yang manakah boleh digunakan untuk membuat perisa itu? ‘A _ Propanol and propanoic acid B —_Butanol and ethanoie acid Propanol dan asid propanoic Butanol dan asid etanoik ‘ 15 Adura Aclin Ishak@Pazdli | Update 13 Jan 2017 {Since 2007 dd MWS "Ipzeyn6y19 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 ——_Efanol and butanoic acid D _Propil propanoat and etanol Etanol dan asid butanoic Propil propanoat dan etano! Property of ester/ Sifat ester [SPMO04-13] Perfume contains esters. Which of the following is a property of an ester? ‘Minyak wangi mengandungi ester. Antara berikut, yang manakah sifat ester? A Dissolvesin water B Low boiling point Larut dalam air Takat didih rendah © Denser than water D Gan conduct electricity Lebih tumpat daripada air Boleh mengkonduksikan arus elektrik [SPMOS-30] The diagram shows the process of producing compound Z. Gambar rajah menunjukkan proses penghasilan sebatian Z. CoH Propanol |, | y | _____y9*) * steam (C3H;OH Oxidation ‘Compound Z Which of the following is the structural formula for compound Z? Antara berikut, yang manakah formula struktur bagi sebatian Z? A ° B ° cH-6-0- cH cH ci -0- CH= CH= cH c ° D ° (CHy ~ CHe = C-O~ CH ~CHs (CH ~ CH) - C—O ~ CH? ~ CHe - CHs 28 Fat Lemak [SPMO08-18] What is the structural formula of a monounsaturated fatty acid? Apakah formula struktur bagi asid lemak monotaktepu? ° I ‘A CH ~ (CH2)r - CH= CH (CH) -C- OH ° i B CHs—(CH2)s-C- OH CHs O tol © CHs=(CH2)u-CH-C-OH ° I DCH — (CHa): - CH= CH - CHo — CH=CH ~ (CH); C- OH [SPM13-10] Which statement is correct about fats and oils? Penyataan manakah yang betul mengenai lemak dan minyak? A Fats and oils are not important because lead to health problems Lemak dan minyak tidak penting kerana membawa masalah kesihatan B Fats found in animals while oils found in plants Lemak didapati dalam haiwan manakala minyak didapati dalam tumbuhan © Fats and oils are mixtures of organic acids and glycerol Lemak dan minyak adalah campuran asid organik dan gliserol ‘ 16 Adura Aclin Ishak@Pazdli | Update 13 Jan 2017 {Since 2007 dd MWS "Ipzeyn6y19 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 D Fats and oils are chemically different Lemak dan minyak berbeza daripada segi kimia [SPM13-20] Diagram 4 shows a process of preparing margarine from palm oil through process X. Rajah 4 menunjukkan proses menyediakan marjerin darjpada minyak kelapa sawit melalui proses X. Process X Palm oil Pok Margarine Minyak kelapa saw. |——————*]_Marjerin Diagram 4/ Rajah 4 What is process X? Apakah proses X? ‘A Halogenation B Hydrogenation Penghalogenan Penghidrogenan © Saponification D Oxidation ‘Saponifikasi Pengoksidaan 2.9 Natural Rubber Getah asii [SPM16-17] Which statement is not correct about latex? Penyataan manakah yang tidak betul tentang lateks? A Obtained from rubber tree Diperolehi daripada pokok getah B ——_ Withstands high temperature Tahan terhadap suhu yang tinggi Made of monomer calied isoprene Terbina daripada monomer yang dipanggil isoprena D —_Exists as a white solid at room temperature Wujud sebagai pepejal putih pada suhu bilik [SPM10-48] Which substance is a natural polymer? Bahan manakah adalah polimer semulajadi? A Polythene B —_Polypropene Politena Polipropena © —_Polyisoprene D Polyvinyl chloride Poliisoprena Polivini Korida [SPM18-15] Which of the following are the correct properties for vulcanized rubber and unvulcanized rubber? Antara yang berikut, yang manakah sifat yang betul bagi getah tervulkan dan getah tak tervulkan? Vulcanized rubber Unvuicanized rubber Getah tervulkan | Geta tak tervuikan | [Less elastic More elastic Kurang elastik | Lebin elastik [Hard Soft Keras | Lembut ll [Become more sticky when heated Not sticky when heated ‘Menjadi lebih melekit apabila dipanaskan Tidak melekit apabila dipanaskan IV | Not easily oxidized Easily oxidized Tidak mudah teroksida ‘Mudah teroksida A Land it Blandi Idan It Idan iil Cc Mandiv D —Mlland iv Wden IV idan IV ‘ 7 Adura Aclin Ishak@Pazdli | Update 13 Jan 2017 {Since 2007 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound [SPM12-03] Which pair is correctly matched? Pasangan manakah yang dipadankan dengan betul? ChemQuest 2017 Polymer Monomer Polimer Monomer A Starch Glucose Kanji Glukosa B Natural rubber ‘Amino acid Getah asi Asid amino c Protein Isoprene Protein Isoprena D Polythene Propene Politena Propena [SPM11-42] A rubber tapper finds that latex coagulates after several hours, ‘What substance should be added into the latex to prevent it from coagulating? ‘Seorang penoreh getah mendapati susu getah menggumpal selepas beberapa jam. Apakah bahan yang perlu ditambah ke dalam susu getah untuk mengelakkannya darjpada menggumpal? A Sodium chloride solution B Ammonia solution Larutan natrium Korida Larutan ammonia © —— Ethanoic acid D Nitric acia Asid etanoik Asid nitric [SPM12-17] Which substance coagulates latex? Bahan manakah yang menggumpalkan lateks? A Ammonia B Formic acid Ammonia Asid formik © Sodium chloride D Sodium hydroxide Natrium Klorida ‘atrium hidroksida [SPM14-19] A pupil wants to produce a rubber strip that is harder and resistant to heat. He dips the rubber strip in a beaker containing methylbenzene and substance Q. What is substance Q? ‘Seorang pelajar ingin menghasilkan kepingan getah yang lebih keras dan tahan haba. Dia mencelupkan kepingan getah itu ke dal am bikar yang mengandungi metilbenzena dan bahan Q. Apakah bahan Q? A Potassium hydroxide B —_Disulphur dichloride Kalium hidroksida Disulfur aiklorida © Hydrogen chloride D —__Ethanoie acid Hidrogen kiorida Asid etanoik [SPMO06-46] A rubber tapper faces a problem of coagulated latex. To solve the problem, he has to add a substance into the latex. Choose the correct substance and explanation to solve the problem, ‘Seorang penoreh getah mnghadapi masalah lateks menggumpal. Untuk menyelesaikan masalah itu, beliau perlu menambahkan suatu bahan ke dalam lateks itu.Pilin bahan dan penerangan yang betul untuk menyelesaikan ‘masalah it. ‘Substance Explanation Bahan Penerangan A | Ammonium solution Contains OH ion that neutralizes the H” ion from the lactic acid Larutan ammonia ‘Mengandungi ion OH yang meneutralkan ion H” daripada asid laktik B | Ethanoic acid Asid etanoik | Sodium chioride solution Larutan natrium Klorida | zarah getah | Menjadi pengawet untuk mengekalkan keadaan asal lateks Contains H" ion that neutralizes the negative charge on the membrane of the rubber particle ‘Mengandungi ion H yang meneutralkan cas negative pada membran ‘As a preservative to maintain the original state of the latex D | Water To make the latex more dilute Air Menjadikan lateks lebih cair ‘ 18 Adura Aclin Ishak@Pazdli | Update 13 Jan 2017 {Since 2007 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 [SPM15-43] A group of students visit a rubber estate. They want to bring back the latex for conducting their experiment in the school laboratory. Which substance can prevent coagulation of latex? ‘Sekumpulan pelajar melawat estet getah. Mereka hendak membawa pulang lateks untuk menjalankan eksperimen di dalam makmal sekolah. Bahan manakah boleh mengelakkan penggumpalan lateks? A Ethanol B —— Methanoic acid Etanol Asid metanoik Sodium chloride D Ammonium hydroxide atrium Klorida ‘Ammonium hidroksida [SPM10-35] What happens when natural rubber is vulcanized? Apakah yang berlaku apabila getah asi divulkankan? ‘A The melting point of rubber decreases Takat lebur getah berkurangan B The vulcanised rubber is less resistant to heat Getah tervulkan kurang rintangan terhadap haba Rubber molecules slide more easily over each other ‘Molekul getah menggelongsor lebih mudah antara satu sama fain D Sulphur atoms form cross-links between rubber molecules ‘Atom sulphur membentuk pautan silang diantara molekul getah [SPMO8-03] Which of the following statements are true about vulcanized rubber? Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah benar tentang getah tervulkan? 1 Easily oxidized ‘Mudah teroksida Il Not heat resistant Tiada ketahanan terhadap haba IIL —-Stronger than unuvulcanized Lebih kuat daripada getah tak tervulkan IV More elastic than unuvulcanized rubber Lebih kenyal daripada getah tak fervulkan A Land tt B landill Cc Wandiv D —Illandiv ‘ 19 Adura Aclin Ishak@Pazdli | Update 13 Jan 2017 {Since 2007 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 Structure {Paper02} 2.3 Alkenes/ Alkena [SPMO9-04] Table 4 shows the molecular formulae and boiling points for three compounds, which are members of ‘a homologous series. Jadual 4 menunjukkan formula molekul dan takat didih bagi tiga sebatian, ahii suatu siri homolog. ‘Compound Molecular formula Boiling Point (°C) Sebatian Formula molekul Takat didih (°C) P CoH I 103 Q CoHs -48 R CaHs 6 Table 4/ Jadual 4 (@)() Name the homologous series for these compounds. ‘Namakan siri homolog bagi sebatian-sebatian ini t ‘mark (ii) Write the general formula for this homologous series. Tulis formula am bagi siri homolog ini [1 mark] (b) Explain why the boiling for the members of this homologous series increases when the number of carbon atoms per molecule increases. Jelaskan mengapa takat didih bagi ahii ahii dalam siri homolog ini meningkat apabila bilangan atom karbon permolekul bertambah. [3 marks} (© Wiite the chemical equation when compound P react with the steam in the presence of phosphoric acid at the temperature of 300 °C and 60 atm pressure, Tulis persamaan kimia apabila sebatian P bertindakbalas dengan stim dengan kehadiran asid fosforik pada suhu 300°C dan 60 tekanan atm, [2 marks} (@) Compound P undergoes polymerisation. The structural formula for compound P is given below. Sebatian P menjalani proses pempolimeran. Formula struktur bagi sebatian P diberikan dibawah. HOH It c=c Il HH ‘Write the equation for the polymerisation of compound P. Tulis persamaan bagi proses pempolimeran sebatian P. [2 marks} ‘ 20 Adura Aclin Ishak@Pazdli | Update 13 Jan 2017 {Since 2007 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound (@) Draw the structural formula for Q. Lukis formula struktur bagi Q. ChemQuest 2017 [1 mark] [SPM13-05] Diagram 5 shows alkene P, CHs undergoes reaction | to form compound Q. Compound Q undergoes reaction II to form alkene P. Rajah 5 menunjukkan alkena P, C:Hs melalui tindak balas | membentuk sebatian Q, Sebatian Q melalui tindak alas II membentuk alkena P. Reaction I/Tindak balas | HO [H,PO, , 300°C, 60 atm] AlkeneP,C,H, | | > Compound Q Akena PCH, |< Sebatian Q Reaction Il/Tindak balas II Diagram S/Rajah 5 (@ State the name for alkene P, Cabs Nyatakan nama bagi alkena P, CsHs {it mark] (©) Draw the structural formulae for two isomers of alkene P, C:Hs Lukis formula struktur untuk dua isomer bagi alkena P, CH [2 marks} (c) () State the observation when alkene P is passed through into bromine water. ‘Nyatakan pemerhatian apabila alkena P dialirkan melalui air bromin. {1 mark] (i) Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction in 5(c)) Tuliskan persamaan kimia seimbang bagi indak balas dalam 5(c)) [2 marks] (@ Based on Diagram 5: Berdasarkan Rajah 5: () State the name of compound a Nyatakan nama bagi sebatian Q. imark g von citguadura. a1 ‘dua. AatinIshakePod | Uplate 19 Jan 2017 [Since 2007 & 3 7 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 (i) Write the balanced chemical equation for the conversion of alkene P to compound Q in reaction I Tulis persamaan kimia seimbang bagi penukaran alkena P kepada sebatian Q dalam tindak balas |. [2 marks] (©) Draw a labelled diagram how reaction II can be carried out in the laboratory. Lukis rajah berlabel bagaimana tindak balas 1! djalankan dalam makmal. [2 marks] 2.4 Isomerism/ /somerism [SPM12-01] Diagram 1 shows the structural formulae of compound M and compound N. Both compound M and compound N are isomers of a carbon compound. Rajah 1 menunjukkan formula struktur bagi sebatian M dan sebatian N. Kedua-dua sebatian M dan sebatian N adalah isomer satu sebatian karbon. www wun eo wa a" i Compound M Compound 8 Sebaian M Sebatan N Diagram 1/Rajan 1 (@) (@ State the meaning of isomer. Nyatakan maksud isomer. [1 mark] (W Write the molecular formula for the carbon compound in Diagram 1. Tulis formula molekul bagi sebatian karbon dalam Rajah 1. [1 mark] (li) State the names of compound M and compound N using IUPAC nomenclature. ‘Nyatakan nama sebatian M dan sebatian N dengan menggunakan penamaan IUPAC. Compound M ‘Sebatian M Compound N Sebatian N [2 marks] ‘ 22 Adura Aclin Ishak@Pazdli | Update 13 Jan 2017 {Since 2007 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 (v) Draw the structural formula for another isomer of the carbon compound. Lukis formula struktur untuk satu lagi isomer bagi sebatian karbon itu. [1 mark] (b) An alcohol can be prepared from compound M. Satu alkohol boleh disediakan daripada sebatian M. () What is the general formula of alcohols? Apakah formula am bagi alkohol? [1 mark) (i State the name of the process for the conversion of compound M to the alcohol, ‘Nyatakan nama proses penukaran bagi sebatian M kepada alkohol it. [1 mark] (i) State two of the conditions used in the conversion. Nyatakan dua keadaan yang digunakan dalam penukaran itu. 1 2, [2 marks} 2.5 Alcohols! Alkoho! [SPMO8-04] The following information is about the compound C2HsOH. ‘Maklumat berikut adalah mengenail sebatian C2HsOH. ‘* Miscible in all proportions with water Larut campur dalam air pada sebarang perkadaran ‘+ Undergoes combustion ‘Mengalami pembakaran © Amember of a homologous Ahii suatu siri homolog (@) What is the name of this compound? Apakah nama bagi sebatian ini? [1 mark] (b) What is the general formula for the homologous series of this compound? Apakah formula am bagi siri homolog sebatian ini? it mark] (©) One mole of this compound undergoes complete combustion to form gas X and water as shown below. Satu mo! sebatian ini mengalami pembakaran lengkap untuk menghasilkan gas X dan air seperti ditunjukkan di bawah. CzHsOH + mOz—> nX + 3H20 @ State the name of gas X. Nyatakan nama gas X. [1 mark) ‘ 28 Adura Aclin Ishak@Pazdli | Update 13 Jan 2017 {Since 2007 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 (i) What are the value of m and n? Apakah nial bagi m dan n? m= n= oe ea [2 marks] (@) Compound C2H:OH reacts with ethanoic acid to produce compound Y which has a sweat smell Sebatian C:HsOH bertindakbalas dengan asid etanoik untuk menghasilkan sebatian Y yang berbau wangi. (@_ State the name of compound Y. ‘Nyatakan nama sebatian Y. [1 mark] Gi Draw the structural formula of compound Y. Lukis formula struktur bagi sebatian Y. [1 mark) (e) Compound C2HsOH undergoes dehydration to produce ethane. Sebatian CoHsOH mengalami pengdehidratan untuk menghasilkan etena. () Suggest one dehydrating agent for this reaction. Cadangkan satu agen pengdehidratan bagi tindak balas ini. [1 mark] (i) Draw an apparatus set-up for this dehydration reaction to collect ethane. Lukis susunan radas untuk tindak balas pengdehidratan ini untuk mengumpul etena. [2 marks} 2.7 — Ester Ester [SPMO3-04] Diagram 4 shows the setup of apparatus for the preparation of ethyl ethanoate from the reaction of, ethanol with ethanoic acid, Rajah 4 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi penyediaan etil etanoat daripada tindak balas etanol dengan asid etanoik. ‘anes, and Soncentrated lps sed Hew Figure 4 {@ On he Lebig condenser in Diagram 4, marks X'to indicate the place where wate flows in and ‘Y'where water & flows out ‘ ‘ 24 Adura Aclin Ishak@Pazdli | Update 13 Jan 2017 {Since 2007 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 Pada kondeser Liebig dalam Rajah 4, tandakan ‘X' pada tempat air mengalir masuk dan ‘Y' pada tempat air ‘mengalir keluar. [1 mark] (b) Why is mixture heated using a water bath? ‘Mengapakah campuran dipanaskan dengan menggunakan kukus air? [2 marks] (©) ()_ Name the reaction for the preparation of ethyl ethanoate. Namakan tindak balas bagi penyediaan etil etanoat. “Tt mark] (i) Write the chemical equation for the reaction in c() Tuliskan persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas dalam (o)() [2 marks} (@ The experiment is repeated by replacing ethanol with propanol, Eksperimen itu diulang dengan menggantikan etanol dengan propanol. () Name the ester formed, ‘Namakan ester yang terbentuk, [1 mark] (i) State one physical property of the ester. ‘Nyatakan satu sifatfizik ester. [1 mark] (@) The flow chart below shows the conversion of ethanol to ethane and ethanol to ethanoic acid. Carta alir dibawah menunjukkan pertukaran etanol kepada etena dan etanol kepada asid etanoik. ethane Process! etanot __Proc U_, Ethanoic acid Based on the flow chart, write the chemical equation for Berdasarkan carta alir ini, tuliskan persamaan kimia bagi @ Process | Proses | [1 mark) (i) Process 1! Proses I [1 mark] (f) An alkane has a structural formula as shown below ‘Suatu alkana mempunyai formula struktur seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah H HH OH a H-C-C-C-C-H [eee H HHH ‘ 25 Adura Aclin Ishak@Pazdli | Update 13 Jan 2017 {Since 2007 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 What is the name of the alkane? Apakah nama bagi alkane itu? {i mark) Essay {Paper02} ISPM16-07] (a) Ahmad is a rubber tapper. Every day he collects the latex that tum into solid. Explain how the latex. changes to solid form. (4 marks} Ahmad adalah seorang penoreh getah. Setiap hari dia mengutip lateks tersebut yang bertukar menjadi pepejal. Terangkan bagaimana lateks bertukar kepada bentuk pepejal. 14 markahy 4. Bacteria produces 1 Batteria menghasikan 2. Acid neutralize the 1 Asid/Ht+ meneutrakan cas 3._ Rubber particles colide 1 Zarah zarah getah 4, The rubber molecules Molekut-moleklu! getah (b) Diagram 7 shows the conversion of compound P into compounds, Q and R. Compound P is a colourless liquid that can be produced from the fermentation of glucose. Rajah 1 menunjukkan penukaran sebatian P kepada sebatian Q dan sebatian R. Sebatian P adalah cecair tidak berwama yang boleh dihasilkan melalui penapaian glukosa. Glucose Glukosa Fermentation Reaction Dehydration ‘Compound R} Tindak balas 1 |Compound P| Pendehidraian | Compound Q SebatianR |*————— | SebatianP_ |__| Sebatian Q ‘Acidified potassium manganate( VI) Kalium manganan VW berasid Diagram 7/Rajah 7 () State the name of Reaction | and identify the homologous series, molecular formulae and structural formulae of compounds, P, Q and R. [10 marks} ‘Nyatakan nama bagi Tindak balas | dan kenal pasti sii homolog, formula molekul dan formula struktur bagi sebatian P, sebatian Q dan sebatian R. [10 markahy Aspect ‘Compound P ‘Compound Q Compound R Aspek | ‘Sebatian P ‘Sebatian Q Sebatian R Homologous series ‘Siri homolog ‘Molecular formulae Formula molekul Structural formulae Formula struktur ‘ 26 Adura Aclin Ishak@Pazdli | Update 13 Jan 2017 {Since 2007 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 (i) Calculate the volume of carbon dioxide gas produced when 7.0 g of compound Q is bumt in excess oxygen. [Relative atomic mass; H=1; C=12; O=16] {1 mole of gas occupies 24 dms at room conditions} [6 marks] Hitung isi padu gas karbon dioksida yang terhasil apabila 7.0g sebatian Q dibakar dalam oksigen berlebihan. Lisim atom relat: H=1; C = 12; O=16] [1 mol gas menempati 24 dm’ pada keadaan bilik] {6 markahy i. Chemical equation: Persaman kimia ii, Molar mass Q: slisim molar Q ili, Number mole compound Q: Bil mol sebatian Q iv. Mole ratio: Nisbah mol v. Volume of Coz Isipadu CO2 [SPM15-08] Table 8 shows the information of four organic compounds R, S, T and U. Jadual 8 menunjukkan maklumat bagi empat sebatian organik R. S. T dan U. ‘Organic compound Information ‘Sebatian organik ‘Maklumat Has 4 carbon atoms Contains carbon and hydrogen only Decolourises brown colour of bromine water ‘Mempunyai 4 atom karbon ‘Mengandungi karbon dan hidrogen sahaja Menyahwamakan warna perang air bromin Has 4 carbon atoms Contains carbon and hydrogen only Does not decolourise the brown colour of bromine water ‘Mempunyai 4 atom karbon ‘Mengandungi karbon dan hidrogen sahaja Tidak menyahwamakan wama perang air bromin Has 3 carbon atoms Soluble in water fT Reacts with zinc to produce hydrogen gas ‘Mempunyai 3 atom karbon Larut dalam air Bertindak balas dengan zink menghasilkan gas hydrogen Has 3 carbon atoms Soluble in water i Reacts with ethanoic acid to produce sweet smell ‘Mempunyai 3 atom karbon Larut dalam air Bertindak balas dengan asid etanoik menghasilkan bau manis Table 8iJadual 8 (@ Based on the information in Table 8, Berdasarkan maklumat dalam Jadual 8, (Determine the molecular formulae of organic compounds R. S, T and U. Tentukan formula molekul bagi sebatian organik R, S. T dan U (W_ State the name of the homologous series for each of the compound. ‘Nyatakan nama siri homolog bagi setiap sebatian itu. ‘Aspect ‘Compound R ‘Compound S ‘Compound T ‘Compound U Aspek ‘Sebatian R SebatianS | _Sebatian T ‘Sebatian U ‘Molecular formulae Formula molekul Homologous series Siri homolog ‘ a7 Adura Aclin Ishak@Pazdli | Update 13 Jan 2017 {Since 2007 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 (ii) State the functional groups of compound T and compound U. ‘Nyatakan kumpulan berfungsi sebatian T dan sebatian U Aspect ‘Compound T ‘Compound U Aspek ‘Sebatian T ‘Sebatian U functional groups Kumpulan berfungsi [10 marks} (b) Both compounds R and S bum to produce sooty flame. Kedua-dua sepadan R dan S terbakar menghasilkan nyalaan berjelaga () Determine which compound produces more soot, Explain your answer. [Relative atomic mass : H= 1;C = 12] Tentukan sepadan yang manakah menghasilkan lebih jelaga. Terangkan jawapan anda, isim atom relatif: H= 1; C =12] Percentage of carbon Peratusan karbon Compound ..... produces more soot ‘Sebatian ...... menghasilkan lebih banyak jelaga, Percentage of carbon in ....... 1S Peratusan karbon dalam lebih [4 marks} Gi) Write the chemical equation for the complete combustion of compound S. Tulis persamaan kimia bagi pembakaran lengkap sepadan S. [2 marks} (©) Compound U can form two isomers. Draw the structural formulae for the isomers and state the name of each isomer. Sebatian U boleh membentuk dua isomer. Lukis formula struktur isomer itu dan nyatakan nama bagi setiap isomer. [4 marks} ‘ 28 Adura Aclin Ishak@Pazdli | Update 13 Jan 2017 {Since 2007 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 [SPM14-08] (a) Compound Q is a hydrocarbon. The molecular formula of compound Q is C:Hro. ‘Sebatian @ adalah suatu hidrokarbon. Formula molekul bagi sebatian @ ialah CsHy. (Draw the structural formulae for any two isomers of Q. State the name of the isomers. Lukis formula struktur bagi mana-mana dua isomer Q. Nyatakan nama bagi isomer itu. Structural formulae Formula struktur Name Nama [4 marks} Carbon dioxide gas is produced when @ is burnt completely in oxygen. Write the chemical equation for the reaction, Calculate the volume of carbon dioxide gas produced when 10.5 of Q is burnt completely [Relative atomic mass: H=l, C=12, 0=16] [Molar volume of gas al room conditions = 24.0 dm mol" J Gas karbon dioksida dinasilkan apabila Q terbakar dengan lengkap dalam oksigen. Tulis persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas it. Hitung isi padu Karbon dioksida yang terhasil apabila 10.5 g @ terbakar dengan Iengkap. [disim atom relatif: H= 1, C=12, 0=16] [si padu molar gas pada keadaan bilk -24.0 dm mot] i. Chemical equation: Persaman kimia ii, Molar mass Q: isim molar Q ili, Number mole compound Q: Bil mol sebatian Q iv. Mole ratio: Nisbah mot v. Volume of COs Isipadu CO2 [6 marks] (©) Table 5 shows the properties of four organic compounds. Each compound has three carbon atoms per molecule. Jadual § menunjukkan sifat empat sebatian organik. Setiap sebatian mempunyai tiga atom karbon per molekul. ‘Organic compound Properties ‘Sebatian organik« Sifat Miscible with water in all proportions a Bums with blue flame to form carbon dioxide and water Larut campur dengan air dalam semua bahagian Terbakar dengan nyalaan biru menghasilkan karbon dioksida dan air ‘Soluble in water. 7 Reacts with zinc to produce hydrogen gas. Larut dalam air Bertindak balas dengan zink menghasilkan gas hidrogen Insoluble in water. a Decolourises the purple colour of acidified potassium manganate (Vil) solution, Tidak larut dalam air. ‘Menyahwamakan warna ungu larutan kalium manganat(VU) berasid. 5 Insoluble in water. Sweet smell Tidak larut dalam air. Berbau wangi Table §/ Jadual § Based on Table 5, stale the names for the homologous series for compounds W, X, Y and Z. Berdasarkan Jadual 5, nyatakan nama bagi siri homolog untuk sebatian W, X, Y dan Z ‘ 2 Adura Aclin Ishak@Pazdli | Update 13 Jan 2017 {Since 2007 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 Aspect ‘Compound W ‘Compound X ‘Compound Y ‘Compound Z Aspek ‘Sebatian W_ ‘Sebatian X ‘Sebatian Y ‘Sebatian Z Homologous series ‘Siri homolog [4 marks] (©) Diagram 7 shows the conversions of organic compound W to compound X and compound Y. Rajah 7 menunjukkan pertukaran sebatian organik W kepada sebatian X dan sebatian Y. dehydration oxidation Compound ¥ pendehidratan Compound W pengoksidaan Compound X Sebatian Y Sebatian W p> Sebatian x Diagram 7/ Rajah 7 () Draw a labelled diagram to show how to prepare and collect compound Y from compound W. Lukiskan rajah berlabe! menunjukkan bagaimana menyedia dan mengumpul sebatian Y daripada sebatian W. [2 marks] (i) State the condition and reagent used for the conversion of compound W to compound X and write the chemical equation for the reaction. ‘Nyatakan keadaan dan reagen yang digunakan bagi penukaran sebatian W kepada sebatian X dan tulis persamaan kimia untuk tindak Balas itu. Condition and reagent. Keadaan dan reagen Chemical equation: Persamaan kimia [4 marks} [SPM13-09] Diagram 9 shows the conversion of an organic compound from one homologous series to another. Rajah 9 menunjukkan penukaran sebatian organik daripada satu siri homolog kepada yang fain, Hydration Oxidation Penghidratan Pengoksidaan AlkeneQ Compound w | P" Compound x ———| — > Sebatian W | Sebatian X | — Esterification Pengesteran Ester Ester A Diagram 9/Rajah 9 (a) The possible relative molecular masses of alkene Q are 28, 42 or 56. By choosing any one of the relative molecular masses = determine the molecular formula for the alkene - draw the structural formula and state the name of the alkene. [Relative atomic mass: H=1; C=12] ‘ so Adura Aclin Ishak@Pazdli | Update 13 Jan 2017 {Since 2007 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 Jisim molekul relatif yang mungkin bagi alkena Q adalah 28, 42 atau 56, Dengan memilih salah satu daripada jisim molekul relatif itu, ~ — tantukan formula molekul bagi alkena itu = lukiskan formula struktur dan nyatakan nama bagi alkena itu. [isim atom relatif: H=1; C=12] Relative molecular masses of alkene Q sJisim molekul retatif yang ‘mungkin bagi alkena Q ‘Structural formula Formula struktur 14 marks} (b) Based on Diagram 9 and answer that obtained from (a), = Draw the structural formulae and state the names of compound W and compound X = White the chemical equation to show the conversion of compound W to compound X. Berdasarkan Rajah 9 dan jawapan yang diperoleh dari 9a), = Lukiskan formula struktur dan nyatakan nama sebatian W dan sebatian X. - Tuliskan persamaan kimia untuk menunjukkan penukaran sebatian W kepada sebatian X. [6 marks} (© By using compound W and compound X that obtained in 9(b), describe how ester A can be prepared in the laboratory. In your description, include: « List of materials and apparatus * Procedure = Observations * Chemical equation = Name of ester A Dengan menggunakan sebatian W dan sebatian X yang diperoleh di 9(b), huraikan bagaimana ester A boleh disediakan di makmal, Dalam huraian anda, sertakan: * Senarai bahan dan radas + Prosedur » Pemerhatian * Persamaan kimia » Nama bagi ester A i, Material and apparatus! Bahan dan radas ii, Procedure/Prosedur ‘ 31 Adura Aclin Ishak@Pazdli | Update 13 Jan 2017 {Since 2007 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 Chemical equation’ Persamaan kimia ISPN11-09] (a) Diagram 9 shows the structural formulae of hydrocarbons A, B, C, D and E. Rajah 9 menunjukkan formula struktur bagi hidrokarbon A, B, C, D dan E. H I H-C—H | i H—C=C—¢-H H H Hydrocarbon B- Hydrocarbon A ‘arbon Hidrokarbon A a s ' HoH HOH H-C-H HOC—C= C0 0-H | a H H HH H—(—C=C-(—H H HOH Hydrocarbon D- "yarocaroon¢ roxarbon B H H-C—-H a; H— am —o- H Hee H-C-H H Hydrocarbon E Hidrokarbon E Diagram 9/Rajah 9 (Based on Diagram 9, identify which hydrocarbons are isomers and state the names of the isomers. \ 2 ‘Adura Aalin Ishak@Pazdli | Update 13 Jan 2017 |Sinee 2007 dd MWS" lIpzeynBy!9 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 Berdasarkan Rajah 9, kenal pasti hidrokarbon yang merupakan isomer dan nyatakan nama bagi isomer- isomer itu. [3 marks} (i). Describe briefly a chemical test to differentiate between hydrocarbons A and C. Huraikan secara ringkas satu wian kimia untuk membezakan hidrokarbon A dan hidrokarbon C. [3 marks} Gi) Alkanes and alkenes burt completely in oxygen to produce water and carbon dioxide gas. By using one of the hydrocarbons in Diagram 9, write a balanced chemical equation for the complete combustion for that hydrocarbon. Calculate the volume of carbon dioxide gas produced when 0.02 mol of that hydrocarbon is completely burnt,[Molar volume at room conditions = 24.0 dm® per mol] Alkana dan alkena terbakar lengkap dalam oksigen menghasilkan air dan gas karbon dioksida. Dengan ‘menggunaken satu daripada hidrokarbon di dalam Rejah 9, tulis persamaan kimia seimbang bagi pembakaran lengkap untuk hidrokarbon itu. Hitung isi padu gas Karbon dioksida yang terhasil apabila 0.02 ‘mol hidrokarbon tersebut terbakar lengkap. {isi padu molar pada keadaan bilik = 24.0 dm* per mol] i. Chemical equation: Persaman kimia ii, Number mole compound: Bil mol sebatian il, Mole ratio: Nisbah mot iv. Volume of CO»: Isipadu CO2 [4 marks} (b) Table 9 shows the properties of three carbon compounds, X, Y and Z. Jadual 9 menunjukkan sifat-sifat bagi tiga sebatian karbon, X, ¥ dan Z. Carbon compound Properties ‘Sebatian karbon Sifat Insoluble in water 2 Tidak larut dalam air Decolourises the brown colour of bromine water |Menyahwarnakan warna perang air bromin ‘Soluble in water [Larut dalam air uM Reacts with magnesium to produce hydrogen gas /Bertindak balas dengan magnesium untuk menghasilkan gas hydrogen ‘Soluble in water a [Larut dalam air Bums with a non-sooty blue flame Terbakar dengan nyalaan biru tak berjelaga Table 9/ Jadual 9 Based on the information in Table 9, state which of the carbon compound is an alkene, an alcohol or a carboxylic acid ‘ 33 Adura Aclin Ishak@Pazdli | Update 13 Jan 2017 {Since 2007 Chapter 11 - Carbon Compound ChemQuest 2017 Berdasarkan maklumat dalam Jadual 9, nyatakan sebatian karbon manakah yang merupakan suatu alkena, alkohol atau asid karboksilk. x: Y: z [3 marks] (©) Alcohols react with carboxylic acids to form esters and water. By using one named example of an alcohol and ‘one named example of a carboxylic acid, describe the preparation of an ester in the laboratory. In your description, include the chemical equation for the reaction. Alkoho! bertindak balas dengan asid karboksilik untuk menghasilkan ester dan air. Dengan menggunakan satu alkohol yang dinamakan dan satu asid karboksilik yang dinamakan, huraikan penyediaan ester di dalam makmal. Dalam huraian anda, sertakan persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas itu i, Name of alcohol and carboxylic acid/ Nama alcohol dan asid karboksilik i, Procedure/Prosedur ili, Chemical equation/ Persamaan kimia [7 marks} ‘ 3a Adura Aclin Ishak@Pazdli | Update 13 Jan 2017 {Since 2007

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