Ahmed Body Analysis: Star CCM+

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Computational Fluid Dynamics Table of Figures: Figure 1 Ahmed Body Dimensions (WIKI, 2015} Figure 2 SolidWorks Model of Ahmed Body... Figure 3 Domain for the CFD (Casta, 2015) Figure 4 Domain created for import in Star COM Figure 5 Imported Geometryin StarCOM Figure 6 Split by Patch Figure 7 Boundary Regions Figure & Mesh Base Size 0.05, Figure 9 Mesh Base Size 0.1 Figure 10 Mesh Base Size 0.15. Figure 11 Physical Condition K-Epsiian Turbulence ens Figure 12 Velocity Streamline Plot Figure 13 Velocity Scalar Plat Figure 14 Velocity Vectar Plat. Figure 45 Pressure Plot 10 uO a a 1a wu 5 15 16 Abstrar CFD for fluid dynamics is used for the purpase of finding the solutionsaf complex equations af the systemsfor different flaw scenario which uses gasor liquid. The system can also be used for conservation of mass, momentum conservation and the energy conservation scenarios and using different differential equatians quickly and efficiently. In this Project Ahmed model with 25 deg. Slant has been used forthe flow analysis. The CFD analysis was cerried out in the Star CCM software with K epsilon solver, which isdiscussed deeply in the repart. Coefficient of drag, coefficient of lift, drag force, lift force, frontal area such parameters were found aut from the analysis. The method and critical discussion was carried aut for the praject which isdiscussed in the result and discussian. Different mesh conditions and the changes in the resultswere checked respected to the change in mesh sizes and change in number of mesh elements, Introduction: Ahmed Body: 5.R. Ahmed created Ahmed Body first in 1984 in his research "Some Salient Features of the Time- Averaged Ground Vehicle Wak Ahmed Body which is asimplified car, was preduced for investigating the effect of the structure of flow on the drag in automotive industry. Wake flow is related with rear slant. Itis 2D forlow occurrences of rear slant, when the angle closes to 30" it converts three dimensional, above 30° returns two dimensional. Weinvestigate 25°, 35° angles and compare with experimental data, Following the simulations of the turbulence models with 25° and 35°, for slant angle which are larger, calculations with or without supports sowed the similar results in the wind wnnel. 25° slant anglesimulations showed us massive separation unlike the experiment. (Guilmineau, 2008) It might become the standard for the tools of simulation in aeradynamics. The geometry of the body is very simple with the length of 104 mm, 288 mm of height, 389 mm of height, With slantedge at the back sideof 22 mm, for this project the slant angle i taken 25 deg. (Costa, 2015) 1044 mm, 389 Figure 1 dhmed Bey Dinensdons WA, 2685) In the “Effects of suppressing the 3D separation.on the rear slant on the flow structures around an Ahmed Body” by A. Thacker twe model configurations were used for figuring out the flow features canceling separation using flow control for drag reduction on Ahmed Body, Drag discrepancy is 10% between these configurations. Near rear stir which gives to the weaker level of drag is affected significantly by the absence of the departure bubble on the rear window. On the rear window without flow separation drag level is 10% smaller. Skin friction line and wall pressure distributions dité not show any majer differences around longitudinal vertical structures, (A. Thacker, 2012) The journal article of "Effects of rear slant angles on the flow characteristies of Ahmed Body" by Tural Tunay gives information on Ahmed Body as with rear slants (a=25', 30° and 35") is a simplified ear used for investigating of rearsiants on the instantaneous flow characteristic. In the Ahmed body PIV technique is used to measure the flow area at downstream at 2=0. In the wake downstream of Ahmed body F1 (Focus point), S (saddle point) and F2 (focus point 2) are founded out, Characteristic of the wake flow is effected by slope: angle of the slanted surface: Vorticity contours (w) with 25" is almost attached to the surface but 30° and 35" angles are detached. (Tural Tunay, 2034) In the “Characterization of synthetic jet actuation with application to Ahmed Body wake" by Azeddine Kaurta it is been given that on a read vehicle wake flow Synthetic jet with active flow control is applied. 0.7 Scaled Ahmed Body mounted on aerodynamic balance using static pressure measurements, wall visualization PIV and hot wire techniques are an experimental model. Using different parameters the aerodynamic efficiency of the drag control is found and checked, For the control efficiency Momentum coefficient is Cm important parameter, Drag reduction may increase related to increase of Cm. Also, Reynolds number the key parameter for drag reduction, (Azeddine Kourta, 2013) ‘The literature "Effect of the vortex dynamics on the drag coefficient of a square back Ahmed Bedy: Application to the flow control” by Charles-HenriBruneau elves information on Drag coefficient which is effected considerably by vortex generated behind a car which creates a pressure at the back wall. The distance of the vortex to the wall and its width or circulation are two parameters that effects pressure force. For this reason, moving the vertices away and changing their amplitude or dynamics are two ways to decrease drag coefficient. Pressure force and drag coefficient decreases in consequence of these twe way based on analytical studies and simulations. Using pulsed jet is an active control procedure to achieve first action and porous layers is a passive control procedure that change vortex shedding, The best way toreduce drag coefficientis combine these two procedures. 31 %reduction of drag coefficients possible in that way. Modelling: The task is to use Ahmed Body in Star CCM+ generate a flow analysis for the velocity 90 km/h , the average temperature is 18 degree Celslus and the slant edge of the Ahmed Body is taken 25 degree, Se first using SolidWorks software the sketch was created as given in the figure 2, with slant edge of 25 degree. Which was then extruded using extrude feature from the feature menu, ‘The created body is.as given in the figure below: ise Tel Se Figure 2 SolidWorks Mode! of Ahmed Body The domain needs to be created first for the simulation purpose in Star CCM, For that taking the reference length of Ahmed Body of 1044 mm, different parameters of the domain is chosen, The total length of the domain isto be taken & L, Height 2 and the width of the domain body is to be taken a8 L. The body is to be put on the symmetry wallfrom 2L distance of the edge of the domain, for better understanding check the picture given below: Figure 3 Domain for the CFD (Costa, 2015) Then after creating the domain, using the Combine feature of the: SolidWorks from (Insert > Features > Combine), the Pre-processing body is to be imported in to the star ccm + software is created, from the SolidWorks the model exported in to Para solid format (*.x_1). SHES Figure 4 Domain created for import in Star CCM The above model is created and then imparted into Star CCM+ software, for further preprocessing and CFD Analysis. Setup & Pre-processing: J SolidWorks exported Parasol file can be imported into the StarCCM+ software, which afterimported can be seen as a geometry; imported geometry is then converted to the: part in Star CCM¢. Figure Simported Geometry in StarcEld+ © Asgiven in the domain figure 3, the surfaces of the domain must be assigned to different names, it ean be done by split by Patch feature of the Star CCM+. Which was, used and different planes of the domain were given namies as per the: needs of ther, Inlet, outlet, symmetry, ground, sky etc. as given in the figure below. ‘lire & Spc by Patch Created planes (inlet, outlet, symmetry, ground etc.) are given the specific regions according to their nature in the regians>boundaries. Here different features/values are changed according te the need of the project, Automated mesh |s used with Surface remesher. Trimmed cell mesher, prism layer, mesher for creating meshed elements in the model, Here 3 base sizes are used for generating and comparing results with each other and see the change in the results if there isany. The mesh model is having 274029 cells, 815130 faces and 362439 vertices, Figure 9Afosh Base S201 The mesh model is having 81935 cells, 241557 faces and 103501 vertices. Fojire 10 Mesh Base Sie 5 The mesh model is having 36876 cells, 107928 faces and 47598 vertices. > After generating the mesh model the solvers is selected, which was given that the K- epsilon mode! needs to be used for the purpose of solving the current setup, So for that In the Star CCM+ menu Physics option is there (Continua>Physics 1>Select models). In this different conditions for solving the problem are selected. As this is a Turbulent flow analysis, the turbulent model was selected. With that Constant density, cell Quality remediation, exact wall distance, gradients, Airas a material, segregated flow, segregated fluid enthalpy, steady flow etc. models were selected. As well as was mentioned for solving K-Epsilon Turbulence model Is selected for the current sit uation, BS Conte @ rxomeshes @ Pye z 1 Nades Cal Quay Reece Conatont Senay amt Yel Care Sockets Ye paten Turblonce Pca Ean Twortayst Rewroids Averaged texwer Stokes Seyested Faw Scoragated Hud Entrabpy ‘imedy Trrce amensana Tistadert | Two Layer Al y | Wal restment GD Peleretne shes Figure 1d Pasta Condition Epson Tubulence > The boundary conditions which are90 Kkmph (25mps) speed and 18 degree Celsius averaged temperature are selected, In the condition. 300 iterations for each mesh was generated for generating reliable result.(Stopping Criteria), Values and parameters were given to the faces as per the needs'and the nature of the analysis; For all wall faces : Kappa value 0.42 and =9.0 Static temperature =15 degree Celsius, Intensity of Turbulence = Viscosity Ratio of Turbulence = 10, For the outlet region similar parameters are used, Pressure under the relaxation factor was taken 0.3 as well as 0.7 factor was used as relaxation factor under velocity for segregated flow. The results obtain for coefficient of lift, lift force, drag force, frontal area and coefficient of drag were to be calculated using Reports Reference Density: 1.225 kg/m, Reference Velocity: 25 mas, reference area: 1.57 mt? Results & Discussion: Mesh 0.05. Mesh 0.1, Mesh 0.15 ‘Coefficientof Drag | 0.01938 00193865 0.019457 Coefficient of lift | 0.01389 0.01389 0.01630 Drag Force | 11.652 N 11.652 N 11.69403 N Frontal Area (Total) | 2.896258£-01 m’ 2.896258E-1m? 2.896601 m? Lift force | 8.34834 N 8.348337 N 9.7985N The above Results were generated in different mesh sizes, which different element numbers, The results seemssame in Mesh 0.05, Mesh 0.1 whereas in Mesh .15 the results seems changed that’s why it can be understood that asthe mesh sizes is reduced the results generated are clear and more authentic, And as can be seen there is nat much difference In Mesh 0.1 and Mesh 0,05 results, Sot can be understood that there is no need of going to more fine meshing then this as it won't generate any finer results. The current results are fine, and they can be used fer further requirements, Analytically the Drag force, frontal area, coefficient of drag can be calculated from, The results from each were counter checked forthe current scenari¢ from the equation above the coefficient of drag were found 0.1053, 0.1051, 0.1055 for 0.05,0.1,0.15 Mesh values. So it can be seen that there are errors in the results while comparing this values to the results found, which is because of the results calculated analytically |s calculated upon a particular velocity but as can be understood from the velocity scalar plat the constant velocity can’t be used for whole area, and that is the reason for the difference in the results calculated, The results found out in the Mesh 0.1 for different scenarios are given in the pictures below, Figures 12-15 are the results generated from the CFD analysis, it contains different plots of different parameters. Figure 12 Velocity Streamline Plot Streamline plot in figure 12 is the most effective plot to understand the movement of air flowing around the Ahmed Body, as can be seen that in the slant edge the velocity of the air is least (sky blue color) which is because of the slant portion of the Ahmed Body. As well as such shape gives very good pressure difference due to different velocity in front and rear which generates good efficiency in the speed. Figure.13 Velocity Seely ot In the figure 13 the scalar velocity magnitude plot Is given, as can be seen thatthe air velocity is maximum at the fillet portion of the body in frontal area, As well as the least velocity is seen at the flat surfaces, and as the velocity is high in aerodynamicshapes it helps the body to maintain its balance and to generate higher velocity. : Pesepe ont Figure-14 Velooty Vector Plat In the figure 14 the velocity vector plot the Drag Force and lift force can be understood in a better way, as the normal vectors in the fillet section (frontal area) generates the forces and which contains the maximum velocity as well, That’s how it can be understood that the aerodynamic design for car is wery preferable rather than flat design. As can be seen in the plot of Pressure maximum pressure is generated at the frontal area of the Ahmed Body which is red-colored portion in the figure 15. And'the curvature areas and the slant edges have the lowest pressure, which suggests that the aerodynamic shapes have least pressure, Condusion: The projecton Ahmed Body flow analysis was carried out on StarCCM+ software for different Mesh conditions, the results are discussed eritically. Which suggest that there is no need of very simall elements in mesh as the results generat ed in the medium sized mesh elements are as well very fine and efficient, More-te that it suggests that If the mesh sizeis more than the requirement then as well the results are less efficient. That's why the Mesh size is most important in the CFD. Moreover from the different streamline and pressure plots it can be seen that the pressure and velocity difference generated due to aerodynamic shapes helps the Car more efficient working. That's the reason of aerodynamic shapes are used more in the F car as well as in high speed cars. Furthermore in future aspect for different slant edges of the Ahmed Body the different velocity, pressure difference can be checked so the effective and most efficient slant angle can be found for the Ahmed Body. References A. Thacker, §, A. (2012). Effects of suppressing the 30 separation on the rear slant om the flaw structures around an Ahmed body. Journal of Wind Engineering ond industrial Aerodynamics, 107-108, Azeddine Kourta, CL, (2033). Characterization of synthetic jet actuation with application to Ahmed body wake, Sensars.and Actuators: a Physical, 13-26. Costa, B. (2015). Studying the Airflow Qver 0 Car Using on Ahmed Bady.. Retrieved from camsok: https://wanw.camsol.com /blogs /studying-the-sirflow-ave-acar-using-an-shmed-bady/ Guilmineau, €. (2008), Computations! study of flow around ¢ simplified carbody. Journal af Wind Engineering ond industrial Aerodynamics 96 (2008) 1207-1217, 96, 1207-1217 Tural Tunay, B.S. (2014). Effects of rear slant angles on the flow characteristics of Ahmed body. Experimental Theimal and Fluid Seience, 165-276. WIKI (2015). Ahmed Body. Retrieved from CFO Online: https; /www.cld-anline.cam/Wiki/sahmed_body

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