Cornelia A R Resume ENG Version 2

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Mother of a young child

Citizenship Malagasy
Date of birth May 5th, 1978

Early in her career Cornélia ANDRIAMASY was involved in different fields of activities in the
private sector including trade, communication, event oversight, and economic journalism, before
working in development. These helped her to get acquainted with some recurrent problems that
affected the private sector. It also helped develop her versatility and global knowledge about each
of the fields in which she worked.

Almost 20 years of professional experience have given her to the expertise to manage and to
coordinate a wide range of activities and projects as well as to foresee and have a global vision of
different aspects of development. Furthermore, this experience (including some unsuccessful
ones), have developed her capacities for adaptation as well as a result-based response to
problems. These qualities have helped her to operate in almost any field of activity and to be able
to manage any given crisis situation.

She is the founder of a local Association aiming to involve youth and women in a behavior change
in Madagascar. In 2016 she launches the Make It Happen Project or MIH, a Motivation mentoring
project destined to bring a new behavioral approach focused on action and construction. The aim
of this project is to shape minds in order to develop progressively behaviors more accurate to

She is a writer during her spare time and she has published in 2016 a poetic collection entitled “De
vous à moi”, with some poetry based on everyday life situations that most require courage and
strength to keep going on.

Cornélia ANDRIAMASY has a versatile profile which helped her coordinate a variety of activities
and development based projects. Her experience in the development field began in 2006 when she
worked as Partnership and Communication Officer at Vakinankaratra Region, on behalf of the
Integrated Growth Poles Project (PPIC). The same year, she left the Vakinankaratra Region and
worked as a Training Technical Assistant at the PPIC Project Antananarivo until 2010. During this
mandate, she implemented professional training, capacity building programs as well as training
centers in the centers in Fort Dauphin, Nosy Be and Antsirabe. Her functions also led her to get
involved in the implementation of some institutional programs such as the System of Quality and
Accreditation for Higher Education (SAAQ), the National Training Agency (NTA) for professional
training and the Tourism Referential Trade for Catering (Référentiel des Métiers du Tourisme),
Hotel and Tourism, with the relevant ministries (Civil Service, Tourism, Employment and Social

In 2010, while Madagascar still struggled with a long socio economical crisis, she left the PIC
Project in order to bring her experience to local development and work in a Consultancy Agency
focused on conservation through the valorization of natural resources. In 2012, she becomes
Lot B7F Ambohidroa, Antananarivo 101
(261) 34 06 885 76
Associate Manager while coordinating the projects of the office. One of her priorities was to make
the Agency contribute to the implementation of the Access and Benefits Share (ABS) System.
Unfortunately, the Government priorities were still focused on other ways to lift Madagascar up
after several years of crisis. She conferred the ABS project to another person and tried to involve
the Consultancy Agency in institutional negotiations and dialogues concerning natural resource
valorization and enhancement of local vegetable production. She left the management of the
Agency in 2015.

Proactive, dynamic and passionate, she likes both to continue to learn in order to develop her
knowledge, and to share her achievements and experience.
She is an part time author of poetry focused on different asoects of life.

She has created an Association aiming to develop Malgasy youth and women by various means
including entrepreneurship.

She has founded the Make It Happen Project, focusing on general life skills in order to enhance the
life quality and values of Malagasy youth and women.

She has a Marketing-Management (Negotiation option) and International Trade background

obtained from the Higher Institute of Business, Trade and Management (ISCAM). This training,
added to her professional experience, has helped her to develop a wide range of competencies
such as: i) implementation and coordination of projects, ii) implementation of trainings and training
centers, iii) communication (involving public relation, document redaction, communication support,
etc.), iv) event organization, v) journalism, vi) and translation.

She speaks and reads fluently in Malagasy French and English. She has good notions of written
English and Spanish.
Areas of expertise

 Author.
 Training focused on life skills.
 Implementation, management and coordination of activities and development
focused projects;
 Enterprise Management;
 Implementation of professional training, training centers and training
 Communication: public relation, improvement of technical documents,
communication media, etc.
 Events organization;
 Economic journalism;
 Translation.

Professional experience

2015 to this day

Founder and Coordinator
Client: Make It Happen Mada
Coordinating activities, relationship, programs conception.

2012 to 2015 Projects Coordinator

Client: Label CBD
Coordination of activities and projects of the Consultancy Agency. This
globally includes financial, administrative, partnership and technical aspects.

2010 to 2015 Projects Coordinator

Client: Label CBD (Cosmetic industry of Europe, ONG l’Homme et
l’Environnement, Man and Nature Foundation)
Support to the implementation and the compliance of the local system
to the process of Access and Benefit Sharing. This includes the draft of a Prior Informed
Consent document, the draft of an Access and Benefit Sharing frame, the identification
of technical partnerships to meet the required standards, etc.

2010 to 2015 Projects Coordinator

Client: Label CBD (Cosmetic industry of Europe)
Supervision of research and development activities in a social approach.
This includes ethical, fair and responsible sourcing, technical support (quality,
production, infrastructure, etc.), identification of opportunities for the local production
supported, desk researches, etc.
2010 to 2015 Projects Coordinator
Client: Label CBD (Man and Nature Foundation)
2012 Coordinator
Client: Groupement des Opérateurs en Technologies de l’Information et de la
Communication (GOTICOM)
Global coordination of the activities and administrative follow-up.

2012 Coordinator
Client: Groupement des Opérateurs en Technologies de l’Information et de la
Communication (GOTICOM)
Development of communication tools and strategies.

2012 Coordinator
Client: Groupement des Opérateurs en Technologies de l’Information et de la
Communication (GOTICOM)
Event organization (B2B, technology fair, sectorial and technical meetings, etc.)

2012 Coordination
Client: Groupement des Opérateurs en Technologies de l’Information et de la
Communication (GOTICOM)
Development of training and capacity building programs.

2007 to 2010 Jr Training Technical Assistant

Client: Integrated Poles of Growth (PPIC)
Contribution to the implementation of professional trainings, training centers and
capacity building for the enhancement of the investment climate. This included the Coordination
and the follow-up of the training programs and training plans with the partners and the
beneficiaries, as well as with the internal administrators concerned (follow-up and assessment
officer, decentralization officer, communication).

2007 to 2010 Jr Training Technical Assistant

Client: Integrated Poles of Growth
Contribution to the implementation of reference frame trade in Tourism, Catering
and Hotel. This included the launching of a decree implementing this reference framed trade, as
well as the implementation of a joint project based for the official outlines in BEP, BAC PRO and
BTS Tourism.

2007 to 2010 Jr Training Technical Assistant

Client: Integrated Poles of Growth
Implementation of the Accreditation Service and Quality Insurance (SAAQ), which
is an international standard of most Higher Education Systems. It includes infrastructure standards,
contents of the outlines, level of the trainers, partnerships engaged, as well as measures designed
to: i) enhance the quality and the relevance of Higher Education in Madagascar, in order to achieve
international standards and ii) Contribute to the economic growth of the country by developing a
culture of quality and relevance for higher education in Madagascar.

2007 to 2010 Jr Training Technical Assistant

Client: Integrated Poles of Growth
Implementation of a National Training Agency, a structure destined to: i) respond to
the qualification and training requests of the employers; ii) mitigate the insufficiency of skilled labor
in some key sectors; iii) make public expenses in Professional and Technical Training (FPT) more
efficient and effective; iv) enhance access to qualification for employees and workers of modern
and informal sectors

2007 Communication and partnership Responsible

Client: Region Vakinankaratra, on behalf of Integrated Poles of Growth
Analysis of the requests, diagnostic of the communication system. Development of
communication strategies. Research for partners.

2006 Economic reporter

Client: L’Eco Austral Magazine
Research, analysis and synthesis of socio-economic information and data

2003 to 2004 Projects Coordinator

Client: Agence Iman (communication agency)

1999 to 2003 Radio Coordination officer.

Client: Mafm/Matv
Global coordination of the radio activities and programs, as well as desk research
and investigations.

1997 to 1999 Commercial and lead prospector.

Client: Edicom, Aloalo concept, RockAir
Prospection and commercialization of goods and services




2005 Behavioral Psychology MDA, Madagascar,

1998 Diploma of Higher and Deepened Studies in ISCAM, Madagascar,
Marketing Management Antananarivo
1996 Diploma of Higher Studies in International Trade
ISCAM, Madagascar,
Other seminars and trainings
2015 Consultant Platform Training of trainers (implementation of trainings)
2014 Friedrich Ebert Foundation Youth Leadership Training Program (YLTP)
2014 Hariasa Business model / Business plan
2014 ITBM/EFOI International trade / Marketing
2013 Search for Common Ground Role of reporters in electoral and conflict
2012 Goticom-Antananarivo Chamber of Managing commercial events
2012 Exchange- /Goticom- Project management
Antananarivo Chamber of
2008 ENLIM/Institut Francklin Covey The 7 habits
Octobre INSCAE/World Bank, Training in Procurement for Borrowers of the
2008 Antananarivo, Madagascar World Bank
1998 Jeune Chambre Internationale Various training (management, public
speeches, and so on)

Languages (ranked between good, average and poor)


Spanish Good Good Good

English Good Good Good
Malagasy Good Good Good
French (mother tongue) Good Good Good

Membership of professional associations

Plateforme Entreprendre au Féminin Ocean Indien-Madagascar/ Women Entrepreneurship
Platform Indian ocean - Madagascar (EFOI) : Headfile of « Communication » and « Award »
Commission (2014)

I, the undersigned, certify, in all conscience, that the above information accurately gives an account of
my situation, my qualifications and my experience.


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