Y9 Crit A1 Action

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MYP Film Studies Elective

Criterion A Task 1
Introduction to Film Analysis

Name __________________________________

First draft due - Final draft due –

Task Description

You are to write a critical analysis essay on how the opening 5 minutes of a selected
film sets the tone for the whole movie. This task requires you to individually prepare
and write a 1000 word essay. The titles for selection are:

Citizen Kane
Good Will Hunting
Day After Tomorrow
Blue Velvet
War of the Worlds
Forrest Gump

The title of the essay shall be: How is dramatic meaning created in the opening
scene of [Name of Chosen film].
Criterion A : Knowledge and Understanding (Maximum 8)
You are expected to have a knowledge and understanding of the film studies concepts covered in the elective. You will be assessed
on whether you can show:

- Understanding of the what are signs, signifiers and signified and how they apply to a film text;
- Understanding of what ‘genre’ means and how we identify different genres;
- Understanding of the different camera shots and angles available to a director;
- Understanding of the different ways in which a camera can move;
- Understanding of the difference between diegetic and non-diegetic sound;
- Understanding of how the use of visuals and sound improve the viewer’s viewing experience;
- Use subject specific terminology.

LOA Task Specific Descriptor

0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below
- Limited understanding of what are signs, signifiers and signified and how they apply to a film text;
- Limited understanding of what ‘genre’ means and how we identify different genres;
- Limited understanding of the different camera shots and angles available to a director ;
- Limited understanding of the different ways in which a camera can move;
- Limited understanding of the difference between diegetic and non-diegetic sound;
- Limited understanding of how the use of visuals and sound improve the viewer’s viewing experience;
- Limited use of subject specific terminology.
- Some understanding of what are signs, signifiers and signified and how they apply to a film text;
- Some understanding of what ‘genre’ means and how we identify different genres;
- Some understanding of the different camera shots and angles available to a director;
- Some understanding of the different ways in which a camera can move;
- Some understanding of how the use of visuals and sound improve the viewer’s viewing experience;
- Some use of subject specific terminology.
- Broad understanding of what are signs, signifiers and signified and how they apply to a film text;
- Broad understanding of what ‘genre’ means and how we identify different genres;
- Broad understanding of the different camera shots and angles available to a director;
- Broad understanding of the different ways in which a camera can move;
- Broad understanding of the difference between diegetic and non-diegetic sound;
- Broad understanding of how the use of visuals and sound improve the viewer’s viewing experience;
- Broad use of subject specific terminology.
- Thorough / outstanding understanding of what are signs, signifiers and signified and how they apply
7-8 to a film text;
- Thorough / outstanding understanding of what ‘genre’ means and how we identify different genres;
- Thorough / outstanding understanding of the different camera shots and angles available to a director;
- Thorough / outstanding understanding of the different ways in which a camera can move;
- Thorough / outstanding understanding of the difference between diegetic and non-diegetic sound;
- Thorough / outstanding understanding of how the use of visuals and sound improve the viewer’s
viewing experience;
- Thorough / outstanding use of subject specific terminology.

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