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Kelompok 4

Oleh :

 Clara Fajrillah
 Mutia Oktori Yelfitri
 Rivaldi Marzel
 Shintya Devi Bachan
 Taufik Akbar
Kelas 7.3


( Program Layanan Keunggulan )

Akbar : Good afternoon , rival !

Rival : Good afternoon too !

Akbar : Rival , where is our friend ?

Rival : I don`t know . Maybe our friend go to mall

Akbar : How we following mall ?

Rival : Ok , but with what we go to mall ?

Akbar : How if we go to mall with my motor cycle ?

Wait a moment !

Clara : Mutia , Shintya , what we will buy ?

Mutia : How you flock me buy a bag ?

Shintya : Ok , I will buy a wallet too

Clara : I`m too

I will buy some food

Rival : Carefull , there is gate of forbid be parket .

Akbar : How we stay this motor cycle in here ?

Rival : Ok , i`m get of

Akbar : That mall , let`s we look for they !

Shintya : look ! Younder there is discont .

Clara : come on , we go to younder !

Mutia :


Special Bag

50 %
Start from 1st until 28th , January 2012

Shintya : How this bag for you Mutia ?

Mutia : Don`t ! I dislike this bag .

This is like brokenly . But I like simple .

Clara : join me too

We look for to other place .

Shintya : hey ! those Rival and Akbar

Mutia : do what they in here ?

Clara : hmmp,,, I don`t know , maybe they are following we !

Shintya : Let`s go younder !

Rival : Hi all !

All : Hi !
Rival : Do you forget we will make duty now ?

Clara : Oh my god ! I forget it

Shintya : I`m sorry wait a moment . We will pay for this items purch .

Mutia : Wait a moment guys 1

Can you wait we for a moment ?

Akbar : of course ! . We for a moment in here .

( Afterwards )

Shintya : uh,,, very tired !

Clara : come on guys . let`s we go to Akbars house !

Mutia : With what we go to Akbars house ?

Rival : Hey ! Those there is my brother . How we get on my car ?

Akbar : ok !

Rival : Taufik , do you can accompany . we go to my friends house ?

Akbar : certainly ! please get on

( In road )

Clara : mutia and shintya ! , what you already buy ?

Shintya : if me buy a wallet and food

Mutia : Me buy a bag and one kg of orange . and you ?

Clara : cheese , bread , milk , and mises

( in Akbars house )

Akbar : Las , till in Akbars house , please outside !

Shintya : Thanks , sir !

Taufik : your welcome !

Akbar : please enter and sit down !

Shintya : now , beter we make various foods

Clara : ok , but what we make ?

Mutia : how we make bread burn ?

Rival : ok , let me and Akbar wait in here !

Clara : Akbar , where is your khitcen ?

Akbar : ok , follow me !

Akbar : in here , if you need water , please fuse this tap

Beside that , looked this caution !

Shintya : thank you ! please waiting .

This stove hipertention.
Clara : how to make this bread burn ?

Shintya : ready all mater

The ingredients is bread , cheese , misses , and butter .

The steps is ,

First , lubricated the butter to bread

Second , grater the cheese in bread

Thirth , sowing the misses to bread

This is it , bread burn bye shintya , clara , and mutia already to eat !

Mutia : let me take a plate !

Clara : well , this bread burn already impossible

Shintya : mutia , where a plate ?

Mutia : ok , this is

Rival : how many wombthis cheese ?

Clara : ( reading the food lable )

Rival : while we eat in relax room .

( in relax room )

Clara : oh yeah , do you know in our school there is a now ITC labor ?

Mutia : I know it , that weary beside science labor

Shintya : what the purpose ?

Rival : maybe , to Indonesian language labor

Akbar : how we subsidistute topic ?

Rival : what about ?

Clara : how we player game about antonym and synonym ?

Mutia : ok , what the synonym of bread ?

Shintya : cake , biscuit , etc

Rival : what the antonym of father ?

Clara : this is very easy , it`s mother

Shintya : hey look ! today will rain 1

I`m back to home , because my home very far

Clara : I follow you

Mutia : i`m too

Akbar : Rival , i`m last morning look a post card in your house , wait me take !

( akbar is running )

Clara : let me reading this post card !

( Clara is reading the post card )

Akbar : Rival , would you sleep in my house ?

Rival : of course ! moreover my parents another in house !

Clara , Shintya and Mutia : ok , bye…! Thanks for your food and house !

Akbar : your welcome !

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