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Usability Engineering and Analysis 2010/2011 – General Information

Your lecturer:
Dr Jacob Jolij
Office: room 276, Heymans Building (Grote Kruisstraat 2/1)
Office hours: Friday, 11 – 12

Course book:
Rosson and Carroll (2002). Usability Engineering. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San
Francisco. Later editions are fine!

Lectures and Practicals:

The differentiation between lectures (‘hoorcolleges’) and practicals (‘werkcolleges’) is
entirely artificial. The module consists out of six lectures; the rest of the time is devoted
to the project. During scheduled lecture hours I will be on call at the Zernike complex to
help you out with your project (i.e., my personal presence is the ‘practical’ part of it).
Please see the course schedule for an overview of lecture topics and times.

• Exam with essay questions, accounts for 20% of your final grade, but has to be at least
a 5.5 in order to pass the module.
• Project grade accounts for 80% of the final grade – has to be at least a 5.5.

House rules:
• I will observe the ‘academic quarter’, i.e. classes will start at 15 past the hour.
• No compulsory attendance (though not attending will not help in getting good grades)
– so no need to contact me if you cannot make it to a class.
• Interaction is encouraged – ask questions whenever you want to.
• Need help during the project? Drop me a line or give me a ring – I’m actually getting
paid to help you out.

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