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Andrew Christian Timothy.

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So what is rain? And how does it happen? Rain is liquid precipitation where water
falling from the sky. Rain is something that surely happens in our lives. Although it’s not
always happens, but it must happen once or twice a month, depending on the season. Rain is
related to water because as I said that rain is like water falling from the sky. So, how does
rain happen is a part from a cycle that called Hydrology Cycle. Now, I will tell you about the
process of Hydrology Cycle.
First, Hydrology Cycle begins with a procss called Evaporation. It’s a process where
water on the earth evaporate to the sky. That water turn into vapor because of the sun’s heat.
Evapoation changes the water from liquid form into gas form so that the water can be enabled
to lift on the earth’s atmosphere in the form of gas.
The next process is Transpiration. The vapor is not only obatained from water in our
environtment, but also from living things such as humans, animals, and plants. Transpiration
on plants and Respiration on animals and humans also produce water vapor. This kind of
things affect in Hydrology Cycle.
The next process is Condensation. When the vapor is all on the atmosphere, it will
turn into many water particles by condensation. This happen because the temperature on the
atmosphere is low, so the vapor turn from gas form into liquid form in the sky. That water
particle combine each other and form clouds. The more droplets, the clouds also getting
bigger and bigger.
Then happen a process called Advection. Advection is a process where clouds move
from one point to another because of the air pressure and wind current. Advection can make
the clouds move from seas to lands or even mountains.
The next process is Presipitation. Presipitation happens because the droplets inside
the clouds is too much. So, droplets fall on the earth’s surface in form of raindrops.
Presipitation can happen anywhere on the earth’s surface as long as the clouds can hold the
The next process is Run Off. Run Off is a process of water movement from higher
place to the lower place. So when the raindrops fall on the land, they follow the water stream
such as river. Then the rivers will take the raindrops to the sea. But raindrops fall on the
mountains, they are in the form of snow not water because of low temperature. These snows
will accumulate into gletser. Then, the gletser melt and create a river stream and the stream
flows into the sea.
Andrew Christian Timothy. P
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But not all the raindrops will flow on the surface. A minor part of the raindrops will
move inside the soil and later become ground water. This process is called Infiltration.
Infiltration will slowly carry the ground water into the sea. So, basically, the process of rain is
like this Raindrops fall to Earth when clouds become saturated, or filled, with water droplets.
Millions of water droplets bump into each other as they gather in a cloud. As this continues to
happen, the droplet gets heavier and heavier. When the water droplet becomes too heavy to
continue floating around in the cloud, it falls to the ground and become rain. We can conclude
that rain is affected by hydrology cycle and rain is also take the main part to keep water

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