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Chapter 2


2.1. Local Literature

According to AISIS Online (2006), an exact meaning of Ateneo Integrated

Student Information System (AISIS) fills in as the entrance for Ateneo understudies,

workforce and staff. Through the AISIS Online authoritatively selected Ateneo

understudies may see appropriate school data including their Individual Program of Study

(IPS), grades, class plans and so forth. Understudies may likewise in the long run enroll

utilizing AISIS Online. Ateneo personnel and staff with access to AISIS, then again, may

submit evaluations and access their class plans from outside the grounds.

According to Villafania (2007), in the Philippines, the Commission on Higher

Education (CHED) has started projects to secure scholastic records. CHED and the

National Printing Office (NPO) have consented to an update of arrangement (MOA) on

the Securitization of Academic Records for school and college graduates starting school

year 2007. The move is a piece of CHED's drive to stop the utilization of phony

certificates and school records. CHED previous executive Carlito Puno said the MOA

expects to secure genuineness of scholastic records, for example, confirmations,

transcript of records and uncommon requests from all schools and colleges in the

Philippines. Along these lines, secure the picture and trustworthiness of Filipino College

understudies to potential managers both locally and universally. Puno underlined

facilitate that the MOA would support the focused edge of the graduates in the work

showcase for it will guarantee the uprightness of accreditations of the graduates while

securing the notoriety of higher organizations of learning.

According to the PUPWebSite (1998), PUPWebsite keeps on advancing

significantly as it gives its guests data and online administrations that is applicable and

valuable to them. What's more, PUPWebSite has developed into one of the University's

most imperative advancement medium. New Internet and Web innovations permit the

conveyance of customized and significant data to our customer bases, who react by

enlightening us concerning themselves. That client data encourages us center our

substance and give benefits that help guests in rapidly finding the data they require.

According to Viloria (2009), this investigation built up an online interface for the

Philippine Science High School – Ilocos Region Campus (PSHSIRC). It additionally

decided the profile of the PSHS-IRC; level of mindfulness and requirement for

consideration in the advancement; level of openness and sufficiency of offices and

hotspots for Internet get to ;) improvement of the school online interface model, its level

of ease of use; and the advancement of web-based interface for PSHSIRC. This

examination is an engaging formative research which influenced utilization of survey and

eye to eye meet in get-together information in Phase I (Descriptive). Programming

Development Life Cycle (SDLC) was utilized to handle Phase 2 of the investigation

(Development of the Web Portal). It was reasoned that the school, clients, partners'

experience, and specialized necessities are basic information to be considered to address

limitations and shortcomings in the improvement. Mindfulness and requirement for

school data of the objective client plays an essential viewpoint in the advancement and

incorporation of web-based interface content. Openness and sufficiency on web sources

and offices adds to the entrance get to. Recognizing prerequisites control the designer

planned a model web-based interface that is reasonable to clients and partners.

2.2. Foreign Literature

According to Tatnall (2005), an online interface gives a customized door that

totals data and enables access to an assortment of assets and administrations that are

applicable to the individual looking for them. For guardians this would incorporate the

capacity to associate with data and administrations pertinent to their tyke's learning and

action at school, through any PC associated with the World Wide Web.

According to Wikipedia (2014), previously, colleges and vast school locale

specifically have made their own particular bespoke understudy record frameworks. One

such illustration is the Repository of Student Information (ROSI) framework at

University of Toronto. With developing multifaceted nature in the matter of instructive

foundations, most associations now purchase adjustable programming, and expanding

numbers are purchasing programming as an administration (SAAS). Most understudy

data frameworks being used today are server-based, with the application living on a focal

PC server, and being gotten to by customer applications at different places inside and

even outside the school. However, understudy data frameworks have been moving to the

web since the late 1990s and that pattern is quickening as foundations supplant more

seasoned frameworks.

According to Russel (2009), The Parents Portal gives the parent a chance to see

their understudy's timetables, execution, and proclamation of records. Guardians

additionally approach survey current contact data, which might be utilized to enable the

school to keep up exact contact information. Web based Reporting is the creative

utilization of media and correspondence innovations, for example, messages, online

journals, sites and text-based notifications with a specific end goal to keep guardians

educated about their kids' accomplishments, advance, conduct and participation. It is

critical for instructors and schools to counsel guardians on how they might want to be

kept educated on the advance of their youngster. A few guardians incline toward confront

– to – confront contact, though others may support the comfort of instruments, for

example, text-based notifications or internet answering to pick up a fast understanding of

their tyke's advance. A site is a standout amongst the best specialized devices that is

effortlessly available for most schools and guardians. It enables access to consistent

updates, for example, timetables, school outings, and learning devices supporting

guardians and including them in school life.

According to Swartz(2013), Student Information System process is ordinarily

finished into understudies school vocation and typifies each of the aspects of information

developed and proficiency esteem, including realizing what sort of SIS is accessible,

finding and getting to framework grouping, assessing devices for the data and after that

combining the understudy data framework into certain and item for a superior profession

designs as it appeared like the perfect undertaking to center SIS and relate it to adequate

education guideline around. While the understudies had all performed database looks

some time recently, they were less inclined to have exploited the hunt administration

instruments accessible to them through instructive database, how to set up programmed

inquiries to help streamline the exploration procedure.

According to Evangelista (2011), the University's Student Information System

(SIS) of Nueva Vizcaya State University is a safe, web open intelligent PC framework

that permits client access to review reports, transcripts, calendar of classes, and remaining

equalization for the semester and enroll for classes on the web. Through the framework,

understudies would be appointed an interesting distinguishing proof number. All

information to and from the college would utilize that one of a kind identifier. The

utilization of individual understudy records would: 1) Increase the affirmations ability to

take after an understudy's advance after some time; 2) give better quality information to

drive more illuminated arrangement choices bringing about improved instructive open

doors for all understudies; 3) diminish information gathering load through a web

empowered SIS; and 4) as a device of guardians in checking the scholarly execution of

their kids.

According to Richard (2012), data about understudies is key, yet time‐consuming

to oversee and it is fundamental that the best devices be utilized to help both staff and

understudies approach their work and studies. The Cambridge Student Information

System (CAMSIS) supplanted different understudy records framework utilized by the

schools, offices and colleges. CAMSIS gives far reaching and exact data about

understudy body and furthermore enhances information quality, lessen the managerial

weight drastically and gives better administrations to both scholastic staff and


According to Parrett (2004), the solid ramifications for training is that abilities in

viable internet looking ought to involve more esteem and more essential place inside the

instruction educational modules at all levels wherein the adjustment of SIS is most

esteemed for academe adequacy. From the point of view of the individual understudy,

SIS consolidates massively expanded potential for speaking to and controlling data in

scope of organized training ideal models and key investigation shapes as proper for a

legitimate utilization of various learning styles. Moreover, the understudy data

frameworks do gives more prominent scope of routes through which students can express

their insight, including the distribution of sight and sound introductions to the world

everywhere through the Internet. Aside, a portion of the data framework know-how needs

that specific understudies must think about incorporation to finding how to finish

extensive surveys of the such research examines, figuring out how to assess sources

inside the setting of their tasks, and appropriately referring to and including these sources

inside their propositions or papers.

2.3. Local Studies

According to the University of the East (2009), Student Portal is a passage for

online understudy data, addresses, dialogs, assets and different administrations select to

UE understudies. It encourages correspondence amongst educators and understudies past

class hours and is accessible every minute of every day. A graphic research was led

which expected to survey the ease of use of the University of the East Student Portal as

saw by one hundred-eighteen (118) Statistics understudies. Ease of use is the

straightforwardness by which an understudy can explore, find data, and acquire

information from the UE understudy entry. For this investigation, convenience is

measured regarding appearance, route, content, security, execution and productivity, and

intelligence. The scientist executed the utilization of the UE Portal in educating and

endeavored to discover the understudies' appraisal of the gateway's level of ease of use.

Discoveries uncovered the understudies' general evaluation on the high ease of use level

of the Student Portal. The outcome suggested that the high appraising of the understudies

on the ease of use of the UE Student Portal is the same over all the three schools, and that

school course is superfluous in deciding the understudy's capacity to legitimately use the

UE entrance.

According to AISIS Online (2006), posted an exact meaning of Ateneo Integrated

Student Information System (AISIS) fills in as the entrance for Ateneo understudies,

personnel and staff. Through the AISIS Online formally selected Ateneo understudies

may see germane school data including their Individual Program of Study (IPS), grades,

class plans and so forth. Understudies may likewise in the end enroll utilizing AISIS

Online. Ateneo workforce and staff with access to AISIS, then again, may submit

evaluations and access their class plans from outside the grounds.

According to Evangelista (2008), the college's Student Information System (SIS)

of Nueva Vizcaya State University is a protected, web available intelligent PC framework

that permits client access to review reports, transcripts, timetable of classes, and

remaining parity for the semester and enroll for classes on the web. Through the

framework, understudies would be relegated a one of a kind distinguishing proof number.

All information to and from the college would utilize that one of a kind identifier. The

utilization of individual understudy records would: 1) Increase the affirmations ability to

take after an understudy's advance after some time; 2) give better quality information to

drive more edified strategy choices bringing about upgraded instructive open doors for all

understudies; 3) lessen information accumulation trouble through a web empowered SIS;

and 4) as a device of guardians in observing the scholarly execution of their youngsters.

According to Jose Rizal University (2010), the online interface is flawlessly

incorporated in the learning procedure of the college's projects. The essential destinations

of this undertaking are: a) give speedier access to understudies to data and assets, b)

advance association among the group clients; c) give cooperation between the

understudies and educators d) furnish instructors with creative apparatuses for guideline

e) empower consistency through a uniform front end interface in the introduction of data

assets (Mercado and Genove, 2006). Dokeos is an open source E-Learning stage with a

solid group bolster.

According to Villafania (2007), revealed that in the Philippines, the Commission

on Higher Education (CHED) has started projects to secure scholarly records. CHED and

the National Printing Office (NPO) have consented to a reminder of arrangement (MOA)

on the Securitization of Academic Records for school and college graduates starting

school year 2007. The move is a piece of CHED's drive to stop the utilization of phony

recognitions and school records. CHED previous administrator Carlito Puno said the

MOA means to secure genuineness of scholastic records, for example, certificates,

transcript of records and exceptional requests from all schools and colleges in the

Philippines. In this way, secure the picture and trustworthiness of Filipino College

understudies to potential bosses both locally and globally. Puno underscored facilitate

that the MOA would support the aggressive edge of the graduates in the work showcase

for it will guarantee the honesty of qualifications of the graduates while securing the

notoriety of higher foundations of learning.

2.4. Foreign Studies

According to Fuangvut (2005), he expressed that a grounds entrance is an

energizing late wonder shaping piece of the new age of online administrations for all

partners in foundations of advanced education. He included that the general idea of a

gateway ought to be to be recognized from that of other online application and the

customary intranet of the foundation. Fuangvut shows the two noteworthy recognizing

qualities of a grounds entry; they are as per the following :( 1) personalization, by which

end-clients are just ready to get to data and online administrations apropos to their

exercises, and (2) customization, by which end-clients can choose their favored data

channels and discretionary online administrations.

According to Tojib et al (2008), with the expansion of information mining on the

Internet, Web gateways rapidly ended up noticeably a standout amongst the most

encouraging Web administrations. Web-based interfaces not just gave clients

incorporated access to dynamic substance from different data sources, yet in addition

made it feasible for clients to actually tailor their data recovery.

According to Richard (2004), emphasized that data about understudies is key,

however tedious to oversee and it is fundamental that the best apparatuses be utilized to

help both staff and understudies approach their work and studies. The Cambridge Student

Information System (CAMSIS) supplanted different understudy records framework

utilized by the schools, offices and colleges. CAMSIS gives far reaching and precise data

about understudy body and furthermore enhances information quality, diminish the

authoritative weight significantly and gives better administrations to both scholastic staff

and understudies.

According to Chalmers (2012), on the Student Portal you will discover data about

examinations at Chalmers and the administrations that encourages your investigations.

Here you can discover data about courses, Master's theory work, degrees and that's just

the beginning. The Student Portal is gone for dynamic understudies at Chalmers.

Notwithstanding consistent site pages, the Student Portal fills in as an interface to a scope

of administrations in various frameworks. Connections between frameworks can now and

again influence the Student Portal to moderate. The Student Portal has a responsive

outline i.e. the outline adjusts to fit the measure of the screen paying little respect to

program or gadget.

According to Central Michigan University (CMU) (2010), utilizes an online

entrance for its understudies, staff, and workforce to pay charges, enroll for classes,

remain current with school occasions, and to achieve numerous other essential and

helpful errands. Since such huge numbers of individuals rely upon this gateway structure,

the interface must be natural and simple to utilize and navigational chains of command

must be plainly sorted out. Keeping in mind the end goal to test another gateway

framework, an ease of use contemplate was conceived and connected. Examination of the

outcomes recommended an arrangement of adjustments for a more effective client

encounter. A moment level of research was performed on the changed entrance and the

outcomes were again broke down. The two arrangements of investigation were contrasted

with check whether the progressions had a quantifiable effect in ease of use. The

outcomes showed that first time clients will probably have issues exploring the entry than

clients who have utilized it before the examination. It was evident that the first run

through clients experienced considerable difficulties finding what the expected to move

to the following spot they needed to go. This demonstrates the navigational chain of

importance of gateway structures is a basic factor for exploring clients to assets


2.5. Synthesis

Based on the local literature of Tatnall (2005), a web-based interface gives a

customized door that totals data and permits access to an assortment of assets and

administrations that are important to the individual looking for them. For guardians this

would incorporate the capacity to associate with data and administrations significant to

their kid's learning and action at school, through any PC associated with the World Wide

Web. On the other hand in the Wikipedia (2014), previously, colleges and expansive

school regions specifically have made their own customized understudy record

frameworks. One such illustration is the Repository of Student Information (ROSI)

framework at University of Toronto. With developing many-sided quality in the matter of

instructive foundations, most associations now purchase adjustable programming, and

expanding numbers are purchasing programming as an administration (SAAS). Most

understudy data frameworks being used today are server-based, with the application

living on a focal PC server, and being gotten to by customer applications at different

places inside and even outside the school. In any case, understudy data frameworks have

been moving to the web since the late 1990s and that pattern is quickening as

establishments supplant more established frameworks. In the studies of Russel (2009),

The Parents Portal gives the parent a chance to see their understudy's calendars,

execution, and articulation of records. Guardians additionally have entry to survey

current contact data, which might be utilized to help the school keep up exact contact

information. Internet Reporting is the imaginative utilization of media and

correspondence innovations, for example, messages, web journals, sites and text-based

notifications with a specific end goal to keep guardians educated about their youngsters'

accomplishments, advance, conduct and participation. It is critical for instructors and

schools to counsel guardians on how they might want to be kept educated on the advance

of their tyke. A few guardians lean toward face – to – confront contact, while others may

support the comfort of apparatuses, for example, text-based notifications or internet

answering to pick up a brisk understanding of their youngster's advance. A site is a

standout amongst the best specialized apparatuses that is effectively open for most

schools and guardians. It permits access to customary updates, for example, timetables,

school treks, and learning instruments supporting guardians and including them in school

life. In the studies of Swartz (2013), Understudy Information System process is

commonly finished into understudies school vocation and embodies each of the aspects

of information developed and education esteem, including realizing what kind of SIS is

accessible, finding and getting to framework grouping, assessing devices for the data and

afterward incorporating the understudy data framework into certain and item for a

superior profession designs as it appeared like the perfect venture to center SIS and relate

it to sufficient proficiency direction around. While the understudies had all performed

database seeks some time recently, they were more averse to have exploited the pursuit

administration apparatuses accessible to them through instructive database, how to set up

programmed ventures to help streamline the examination procedure. In the studies of

Evangelista (2011), the University's Student Information System (SIS) of Nueva Vizcaya

State University is a protected, web open intuitive PC framework that permits client

access to review reports, transcripts, timetable of classes, and remaining parity for the

semester and enlist for classes on the web. Through the framework, understudies would

be doled out a one of a kind ID number. All information to and from the college would

utilize that one of a kind identifier. The utilization of individual understudy records

would: 1) Increase the confirmations ability to take after an understudy's advance over

the long haul; 2) give better quality information to drive more illuminated approach

choices bringing about upgraded instructive open doors for all understudies; 3) lessen

information gathering trouble through a web empowered SIS; and 4) as an apparatus of

guardians in checking the scholarly execution of their youngsters. In the studies of

Richard (2012), data about understudies is fundamental, yet time‐consuming to oversee

and it is basic that the best devices be utilized to help both staff and understudies

approach their work and studies. The Cambridge Student Information System (CAMSIS)

supplanted different understudy records framework utilized by the schools, divisions and

colleges. CAMSIS gives exhaustive and precise data about understudy body and

furthermore enhances information quality, decrease the managerial weight drastically and

gives better administrations to both scholastic staff and understudies. In the studies of

Parrett (2004), the solid ramifications for instruction is that aptitudes in powerful web

based looking ought to possess more esteem and more imperative place inside the

training educational modules at all levels wherein the adjustment of SIS is most esteemed

for academe adequacy. From the point of view of the individual understudy, SIS joins

tremendously expanded potential for speaking to and controlling data in scope of

organized training ideal models and key review frames as proper for a legitimate

utilization of different learning styles. Besides, the understudy data frameworks do gives

more noteworthy scope of routes through which learners can express their insight,

including the production of sight and sound introductions to the world everywhere

through the Internet. Aside, a portion of the data framework know-how needs that

specific understudies must think about consideration to finding how to finish far reaching

audits of the such research examines, figuring out how to assess sources inside the setting

of their activities, and legitimately referring to and including these sources inside their

postulations or expositions.

2.6. Theoretical Framework


Students, parents, Verify the username Display information of

Faculty, administrators and password of each the user who logged

use their smartphones user. in.

to access the Portal.

Fig 2.1: Theoretical Framework of the Study

The paradigm shows the process of the proposed Portal for the St. Michael

Academy of Meycauayan. Due to lack of mobility access to the portal, the proposed

system will help the user to have new features that we’ve added on the application.

Students, teachers, parents, and administrators were still required to log in their username

and password to open their accounts. Student Portal mobile application displays their

grades that were given to them by their teachers, personal information, subject and

schedules that were assigned to them before the start of the school year. Teachers can

have access on faculty portal which they can post grades, upload lectures, and

announcements. Parent portal will have some of the features and access like the Student

Portal. The list of information per child that were enrolled on the school, their grade,

schedules, and the matters that the child are facing in school. Administrators have access

on adding new user such as student, parent, or faculty member.

2.7 Conceptual Framework

Fig 2.2: Conceptual Framework of the Study

There are three stages of the conceptual framework of our research, which would

support the process to be used to develop the Web Portal. First is the Input, which

includes Programming, Database and Graphical User Interface or GUI. The programming

involves writing the tasks to be executed in the Web Portal. Then, the Database is where

all the information or data will be organized, including the personal information of the

students, grades, etc. The GUI involves visual indicators and graphical computer icons

that are part of the program itself. The second stage is the Process. The Data Gathering

involves collection of facts, details, and statistics from different sources like the students

and teachers. The Data Analysis involves inspecting the data collected to discover useful

information. The Design Strategy involves choosing the appropriate design that matches

the school and abides by their academic and ethical standards. Prototyping would be

creating a model or sample of the Web Portal for testing purposes. Then the last part of

the Process is implementation or execution of the Program. The Final Stage is the Output

of the process, will be the said Web Portal for St. Michael Academy.

Chapter 3


3.1. Research Method

The researchers used Online Research Method in which information and

evidences are collected by means of the web. This Online Research Method are ways in

which researchers can collect data via the internet. It is the practice of using Internet

information, especially free information on the World Wide Web, in research.

3.2. Project Design

3.2.1. Context Diagram

Fig 3.1: Context Diagram

Figure 3.1 presents how data flows inside St. Michael Academy Portal. Each user

should use their User ID and password to access the portal. Each user has different access

to the portal. Student Portal allows viewing of grades, personal information, class section,

and downloading lectures uploaded by the teachers. When teachers log in to the portal,

they are allowed to view all their student, to encode grades, to upload lectures and to talk

to the parents of the students for their concerns. Parent Portal also allows parents to view

their children’s personal information, grades, and status in school. Parents are also

allowed to message their children’s class adviser for their concerns. Administrator who

logs in to the system can view all students currently enrolled on the school year. Personal

information, sections, and grades can also be viewed by administrators. Editing of the

records will be shown in the activity log.

3.2.2. Diagram 0

Fig 3.2: Diagram 0

In Figure 3.2 is the expanded understanding of the Context Diagram from Figure

3.1. It states the process that occurs in the system and the data involved. After the user

logs in to the portal, the system will automatically show the functionalities that each user

can access.

When the student enter their student ID and password. The system will grant

them access to the Student Portal were students can view their quarterly grades which

their adviser will provide, class section and adviser, download lectures uploaded by the

student’s teacher, and their personal information that they filled upon enrolling at the


Faculty enter their Faculty ID and password will be given access to the Faculty

Portal. Faculty now upload grades, upload lectures and view each student’s information

under his/her advisory class, communicating to any student’s parents regarding any

behavior issue or academic issue.

Parent enter their Parent ID and password will be given the access to the Parent

Portal were parents communicating with their child’s class adviser, view child’s personal

information, class schedule and quarterly grades.

Admin have access to add new user to the portal whether it is student, faculty, or

parent. Viewing of each user personal information, schedules, grades is granted to the


3.3. Project Development

Fig 3.3: Prototyping Process

Planning - Planning phase is the beginning of the project. In this stage, the idea

for the project is investigated and explained. The objective of this stage is to inspect the

possibility of the idea. Also, choices are made concerning who is to complete the idea,

which gathering or gatherings will be included and whether the idea has a sufficient base

of support among the individuals who are included. The researchers decided to choose

this project, Web Portal of St. Michael Academy, because we know that this will be more

feasible to the school for them to use. They plan that this portal has a function of

downloading of lectures, assignments, pointers to review, viewing of grades and

announcement, uploading of lectures, assignment, pointers to review, grades of the

students, and also posting announcements. The researchers are expecting a fully working

system in the end of the project. So that the end users will become satisfied to the system.

Analysis – After all of the plans that has been approved, the project enters to the

second phase which is that Analysis phase. In this stage, the requirements that are related

with a project result are indicated as plainly as would be prudent. The researchers have

done this phase by separating all the modules of the system and what will be the function

of each part. They’ve already done the detailed analysis of the system. Like for example,

the design of the system, they should clearly agree what will be the design of the system.
Design – In this phase, one or more design are developed, with which the project

result can apparently be achieved. In here, the researchers have decided what will be the

outcome of the design that will be put in the system. Once the design has been chosen, it

cannot be changed in a later stage of the project.

Implementation – This phase involves the construction of the actual project

result. In here, the researchers have a programmer that are occupied with encoding and

designers are involved in developing graphic material. Implementation phase is where the

researchers are doing something about the system and that is the codes of how will be the

system more feasible and useful. It is the doing phase and the most important is to

maintain the momentum. After the researchers have done all the encoding and designing,

the result, which is the system, is evaluated according to the list of requirements that was

created in the planning phase. This phase will be complete if all the requirements have

been met and when the result corresponds to the design.

3.4. Project Planning and Management

3.4.1. Gantt Chart

Table 3.1: Gantt Chart (First Semester)

ACTIVITIES July August September October





Propose System

System Title


Features &


Research of

related studies

Synthesis, Scope

& Limitation

Diagrams and



GUI Layout

GUI Design

Database Design


Initial Prototype



Partial Testing


Table 3.2: Gantt Chart (Second Semester)

November December January February March

Planning w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w

(2) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

















Scope &


















Table 3.1 shows the expected time frame of the whole system for the first

semester. It shows the estimated frame-work’s end and upcoming activity developments

for four months. The columns show the months for the first semester namely July,

August, September, and October, for doing such activities and developments. Time is

expressed in weeks through W1, W2, W3, and W4. The figure also includes the activities

to be held in the first semester such as Planning, Analysis, Design, Implementation, and

Testing, which are divided to sub activities and shaded yellow. Red marks signify the

duration for each activity.

Table 3.2 shows the expected time frame of the whole system for the second

semester. It shows the estimated frame-work’s end and upcoming activity developments

for five months. The columns show the months for the second semester namely

November, December, January, February, and March, for doing such activities and

developments. Time is expressed in weeks through W1, W2, W3, W4, and W5. The

figure also includes the activities to be held in the second semester such as Planning,

Analysis, Design, and Implementation, which are divided to sub activities and shaded

yellow. Red marks signify the duration for each activity.

3.4.2. Work breakdown structure per proponent

Fig 3.4: Work Breakdown Structure

Figure 3.4 demonstrates the piece of each part in each phases and their exercises

directed in the review. Some proponents focused on research and plan while the others do

the programming and troubleshooting.

In the Initial Planning, the proponents make an exploration about web portal to

accumulate thought and get ready how to conceptualize the entire proposed system.

Documentation starts in this stage. On the following period of planning, some proponents

were assigned to recognize the company problems through the existing system. System

features and functionalities were later recommended and broke down in light of the

assembled data through related literature and studies of the system. Models were likewise

arranged to have a more profound comprehension of the review.

In the design phase, significant undertakings includes the Graphical User

Interface (GUI) physical design and layout, and the design of the database. After

designing the GUI and database, the proponents assigned in programming started coding.

Afterward, proponents who are not included in coding were assigned to run and test the

modules of the system to make prompt revisions.

3.5. Description of Respondents

The types of respondents who will test the system are the following:

 SMA Students’ Parents

The parents of the students of St. Michael Academy will test and evaluate the

system because they are one of the users and beneficiary of the system. It is important for

us to know the feedback from the respondents if there are any difficulties on using it and

if the system needs some improvements.

 SMA Students

The Students who are currently enrolled in St. Michael Academy of Meycauayan

will test and evaluate the proposed system as per they are the main beneficiary of the

system. It is very important to know the respond of each student if it is useable for them

and make it easier for them to do such things as we proposed.

 SMA Faculty and Administrator

All faculty members and administrator of St. Michael Academy must test and

evaluate the system. Considering they are one of the main beneficiaries of the system,

making things easier for them and if the system works accordingly. We need the respond

of each faculty member and the administrator if there are any lapsed and if it is hard for

them to communicate with the system.

3.6. Population, Sample Size, and Sampling Technique

3.6.1 Population

The Respondents of this study is composed of six hundred twenty (620) students,

Fifty (50) faculty members, and Five (5) admins.

3.6.2 Sample Size

The proponents held a test of the system with a total of 30 high school students,

30 parents, 10 teachers, 1 admin of the St. Michael Academy with the first year students

making up the 10 percent, the second year students making up the 20 percent, the 3rd

year students making up the 30 percent, and the fourth year students making up the 40

percent of those who took the survey.

3.6.3 Sampling Technique

Systematic random sampling will be used because the researchers will select a

group of students, parents, teachers and admin from the population that will test the


3.7. Data-Gathering Procedure

The researchers conducted a personal visit to the St. Michael Academy of

Meycauayan to ask authorization for the development of the web portal. They gathered

information by interviewing the school’s academic coordinator Mr. Mark Juan, to support

the validity of the data. The researchers have visited the library to have a detailed

research on the study being conducted. They also read and analyze different materials

that are relevant to their study to help them develop their system. They have also sought

information through searching the internet.

3.8. Statistical Treatment of Data

Ex / n


X: response

N: total no of respondents

The Four-Point Scale rating below is the verbal interpretation of the Likert’s 4-

point rating scale and its interval to be used in evaluating the overall responses of the


Verbal Interpretation Weight Interval

Strongly Agree 4 3.25 – 4.00

Agree 3 2.50 – 3.24

Disagree 2 1.75 – 2.49

Strongly Disagree 1 1.00 – 1.74

3.9. Testing and Evaluation Procedures

3.9.1. Criteria

Likert’s Scale (1-4)

4 – Strongly Agree / Outstanding / Excellent / Recommended

3 – Agree / Very Good / Above Average / Acceptable

2 – Disagree / Needs Improvement / Below Average / Not Acceptable

1 – Strongly Disagree / Poor / Fail / Extremely Not Acceptable


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