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Presented to The Graduate Program in Language Studies in Partial

Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Magister Humaniora (M.Hum.)

in English Language Studies


Retno Sukesi










Presented to The Graduate Program in Language Studies in Partial

Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Magister Humaniora (M.Hum.)

in English Language Studies


Retno Sukesi











Presented by






The Gra tto Piogram,Diiector

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This is to certiff that all ideas, phrases, and sentences, unless otherwiJe

stated, are mine. I undsstand the firll coffi€quences including degree cancellation

if I took sorf,rbody ense''$ i6em, ptragw" or,s€Medss without proper rcferences.

Yogyalrarta, August 5, Z016

Retno Sukesi




Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama : Rebro Sukesi

NIM : 14 6332023

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, memberikan kepada Perpustakaan

Universitas Sanata Dharma karya itmiah saya yang berjudul:

English Vocabulary Acquisition by a Young

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Leamer in Tumbuh 2
Elementary School: A Case study
beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian, saya memberikan
kepada Perputakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan,
mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan
data, mendistribusikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis
tanpa perlu meminta ijin maupun memberikan royalty kepada saya selama tetap
mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal: 5 Agustus 2016

Yang menyatakan

Retno Sukesi


It will be a delightful opportunity for me to express my deepest gratitude

to all of those who have supported me in accomplishing this thesis. Firstly, my

deepest gratitude goes to Allah SWT for showing me the light to have my courage

finishing this thesis.

I dedicate my deepest gratitude and appreciation to my advisor F. X

Mukarto, Ph.D. for his guidance and patience. He has been a good advisor who

has listened and shared opinion regarding the ideas contributing in this thesis.

My best gratitude is also dedicated to my thesis reviewers Paulus Sarwoto,

Ph. D. and Dr.E. Sunarto, M. Hum. for their advice and criticism so I can improve

my thesis.

I dedicate this thesis to my parents, Bapak Sualman and Ibu Sumarti thank

you for the support and every prayer you spell till I achieve this degree. Thank

you for my beloved sisters and brothers mba Tuti, mba Susi, mas Danang, mas

Silih, mas Dono, Rendra, you guys are so inspiring.

Many thanks are also presented to all people in English Language Studies

especially batch 2014, Anita, Kiki, Prast, Dangin, Anggi, Indra, Mba Kristin,

Chaca, Vita, Endah, Eli, Fafa, Dita, Titi, Pak Marwan, Ruli, Mike, Sari, and Adit

thanks for the lovely friendship, all the staff, and lecturers. I am grateful for

getting best friends in this stage of life.

I would also say thanks to SD Tumbuh 2 Yogyakarta for allowing me to do

the research and to access the information about the participant. Thank you for

Pak Jamil, Bu Mila, Pak Eko, Bu Yaning for being the participants. They gave me


complete information that became one of the most important keys for my


My deepest gratitude goes to Salwa, thank you very much for being

cooperative during the research. She knows the schedule for the research so when

I came to school, she was ready and she chose the comfortable place to talk. I also

want to say thank you very much for Salwaa’s mother for allowing to know much

information about Salwa.

Last but not least, I present this thesis to Ryanko for his best support from

a far.

Retno Sukesi


When you educate women, you build



TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL PAGE…….…………………………………………………………ii


STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY ...................................................... iv


KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS ..................................................................................v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................... vi


TABLE OF CONTENT…………………………………………………………ix

LIST OF TABLES………………………….……………………………………xii

LIST OF FIGURES………………………….………………………………….xiii

LIST OF APPENDICES………………………………………………..……….xiv

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS…………………………………………………...xv



CHAPTER 1 ........................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1

1.1 BACKGROUND...................................................................................... 1

1.2 PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION .............................................................. 5

1.3 RESEARCH DELIMITATION ............................................................... 6

1.4 RESEARCH QUESTION ........................................................................ 6

1.5 RESEARCH GOAL ................................................................................. 6


1.6 BENEFITS OF THE STUDY .................................................................. 7

CHAPTER 2 ........................................................................................................... 8

LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................ 8

2.1. THEORETICAL REVIEW.......................................................................... 8

2.1.1 First and Second Language Acquisition Theories ................................. 8

2.1.2 The Nature of Vocabulary................................................................... 13

2.1.3 Inclusive Classroom ............................................................................. 17

2.1.4 Learners’ Disabilities ........................................................................... 20

2.1.5 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) ............................. 22 Causal Theories of ADHD ............................................................ 25 Problems in Children with ADHD................................................. 26 Learning with Students with ADHD.............................................. 28
2.2 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK .............................................................. 30

CHAPTER 3 ......................................................................................................... 33

METHODOLOGY................................................................................................ 33

3.1 RESEARCH DESIGN ............................................................................... 33

3.2 RESEARCH SETTING .............................................................................. 34

3.3 SOURCES AND NATURE OF DATA...................................................... 36

3.4 DATA COLLECTING INSTRUMENT..................................................... 37

3.5 DATA GATHERING ................................................................................. 38

3.6 DATA ANALYSIS..................................................................................... 39

3.7 TRUSTWORTHINESS .............................................................................. 40

CHAPTER 4 ......................................................................................................... 42

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .......................................................................... 42


4.1. RESULTS .................................................................................................. 42

4.1.1 The Need to Understand the Learner with ADHD.............................. 42

4.1.2. The Role of inclusive classroom to support learners with ADHD...... 44

4.1.3 How a Learner with ADHD Acquires New Vocabulary ..................... 46

4.2 DISCUSSION ............................................................................................. 54

4.2.1 Behavior ............................................................................................... 54

4.2.2 Interaction ............................................................................................ 56

4.2.3 Innateness............................................................................................. 58

4.2.4 Direct Vocabulary Learning................................................................. 60

4.2.5 Receptive Learning .............................................................................. 62

4.2.6 Team Teaching..................................................................................... 63

4.2.7 Tutoring................................................................................................ 64

CHAPTER 5 ......................................................................................................... 67

CONCLUSION, IMPLICATION, AND SUGGESTION .................................... 67

5.1 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................... 67

5.2 PEDAGOGICAL IMPLICATION ............................................................. 69

5. 3 SUGGESTIONS ......................................................................................... 70

Bibliography.......................................................................................................... 72

Appendix .............................................................................................................. 75




TABLE 3.1 RESEARCH SCHEDULE...…..………………………………35

TABLE 4.1 CARD GAME……..……...…...….…………………………….50



FIGURE 2.1 CONSTRUCT MAP………………………………….…….32

FIGURE 4.1 VOCABULARY GAME………………….………..………51



Appendix 1 Transcript 1 interview with the head master…………………75

Appendix 2 Transcript 2 interview with the home room teacher /English


Appendix 3 Transcript 3 interview with the coordinator of inclusive


Appendix 4 Transcript 4 interview with Laut’s mother……………….….81

Appendix 5 Transcript interview with the coordinator of inclusive program

for data triangulation………………………………………..83

Appendix 6 Observation note…………………………………………….85



R researcher

P participant

ITR interaction

INT innateness

RCT Receptive

DLV direct vocabulary learning

TTC team teaching

BHV behavior

TTR tutoring



Retno Sukesi. 2016. English Vocabulary Acquisition by a Young Attention Deficit

Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Learner in Tumbuh 2 Elementary School: A Case
Yogyakarta: Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma

The background of this study is the stereotype towards students with

special needs and the emergence of inclusive schools. The research aims to find
the way how a student with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
acquires new English vocabulary. The process starts with the question: How does
a student with ADHD acquires new English vocabulary?
Five theories are used to analyze the data and later to find the way how a
student with ADHD acquires new English vocabulary. The theories are 1) first
and second language acquisition that shows the process how someone acquires
new vocabulary, 2) the nature of vocabulary that elaborates how vocabulary can
be taught, 3) inclusive classrooms that tell the principle and value of inclusive
programs, 4) learner’s disabilities to show different types of disabilities including
the strength, weaknesses, and how to deal with them, and 5) theory of Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to see the detail information about the
The method of this study is case study in which it is preferred to get deep
and detail understanding about a certain issue. The type of the case study is
observational case study since the major data gathering technique is participant
observation, supplemented with formal and informal interview and review of
document and the focus of the study is a particular student. Case study is
appropriate because it will concern with rich and vivid description of event that is
relevant to the case, it provides a chronological narrative of event, and it focuses
on an individual actor.
Observation and interviews were done to collect information about the
participant. The instrument for observation is observation note, and the instrument
for the interview is interview guideline. The participant is a student with ADHD,
the other participants are the teacher, parent, the headmaster, and the coordinator
for inclusive program.
The result of the analysis shows that the student with ADHD uses seven
ways in acquiring new English vocabulary namely 1) habit formation, 2)
interaction, 3) innate, 4) direct vocabulary learning, 5) receptive learning, 6) team
teaching technique, and 7) tutoring. The result about behavior, interaction, and
innateness are taken from the theory of first and second language acquisition,
direct vocabulary learning and receptive learning are


derived from the theory of the nature of vocabulary, team teaching technique is
related to inclusive classroom theory, and tutoring is based on the theory of first
and second language acquisition theory.

Key words: English vocabulary acquisition, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity

Disorder (ADHD), case study



Retno Sukesi. 2016. English Vocabulary Acquisition by a Young Attention Deficit

Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Learner in Tumbuh 2 Elementary School: A Case
Yogyakarta: Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma
Latar belakang dari penelitian ini adalah prasangka buruk terhadap anak-
anak berkebutuhan khusus dan munculya sekolah- sekolah inklusi. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk menemukan bagaimana seorang anak dengan ADHD (Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) memperoleh kosakata baru bahasa Inggris. Proses
penelitian dimulai dengan pertanyaan: Bagaimana seorang anak dengan ADHD
memperoleh kosakata baru Bahasa Inggris?
Ada lima teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisa data dan selanjutnya
digunakan untuk mengetahui bagaimana seorang anak dengan ADHD
memperoleh kosakata baru dalam bahasa Inggris. Teori teori yang digunakan
yaitu: 1) first and second language acquisition yaitu teori yang menjelaskan
tentang bagaimana seseorang memperoleh kosakata baru, 2) the nature of
vocabulary menjelaskan tentang bagaimana kosakata diajarkan, 3) inclusive
classroom yang menjelaskan tentang prinsip-prinsip dan nilai-nilai tentang
program inklusi, 4) learner’s disabilities untuk mengetahui berbagai macam
ketidak mampuan termasuk kekuatan dan kelemahannya serta bagaiman
menanganinya, 5) teori tentang ADHD yang digunakan untuk mengetahui
informasi yang mendalam tentang partisipan utama dalam penelitian ini.
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kasus dimana
penelitian lebih untuk medapatkan pemahaman mendalam tentang suatu kasus.
Tipe studi kasus dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi studi kasus dima
pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi serta didukung dengan
wawancara secara formal dan informal, mengulas dokumen, dan penelitian ini
fokus pada satu anak. Studi kasus tepat digunakan untuk penelitian ini karena
studi kasus berkonsentrasi pada gambaran hidup tentang suatu kejadian. Studi
kasus memaparkan kronologi kejadian dan berfokus pada satu orang individu.
Observasi dan wawancara dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi
tentang partisipan utama. Alat yang digunakan untuk observasi adalah catatan
observasi, sedangkan untuk wawancara, peneliti mengunakan panduan
wawancara. Partisipan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah seorang anak dengan
ADHD, partisipan yang lain adalah guru, kepala sekolah, dan koordinator inklusi.
Hasil dari analisis menunjukkan bahwa anak dengan ADHD
menggunakan tujuh cara dalam memperoleh kosakata baru bahasa Inggris yaitu
dengan cara: 1) behavior, 2) interaction, 3) innate, 4) direct


vocabulary learning, 5) receptive learinng, 6) team teaching technique, 7)

tutoring. Behavior, interaction, innateness diambil teori dari first and second
language, direct vocabulary learning dan receptive learning diambil dari teori
tentang nature of vocabulary, team teaching diambil dari teori tentang inclusive
classroom, dan tutoring berdasarkan teori tentang first and second language

Kata kunci : English vocabulary acquisition, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity

Disorder (ADHD), case study




This chapter elaborates the background of the research, problem

identification, research question, delimitation or the scope of the research. The

next part will discuss the objective and the research benefits.

1.1 Background

Inclusive classroom system has been applied in Indonesia since 1960s. To

support this program, the minister of education released a decree number

002/U/1986 about integrated education system for disabled learners. The response

to develop inclusive classroom was quite positive during 2004-2007. In 2005

there were 1200 schools applied to apply inclusive program in their school but

only 504 schools were granted (Sukadari, 2006). The number of inclusive

classroom kept increasing and in 2007 there were 769 schools.

Inclusive classroom is the development in education system. Each of the

students with his or her special need is accommodated and schools that have this

program will provide curriculum, facilities, and special teachers to support their

students with special need. Heihir, (2007); Swedeen, (2009) say:

“Inclusive classroom is a classroom that accommodates disabled and non-

disabled learners. Inclusion seeks to provide all students with
collaborative, supportive, and nurturing communities of learners that are
based on giving all students the service and accommodation they need to
succeed, as well as respecting and learning from each other individual

In inclusive classroom all learners have the right to be educated in general

education classroom. They have full access to the general education curriculum

and all instructional and social activities. A full range of services is integrated into


general education setting. Inclusive classrooms help learners to foster academic,

social emotional, behavioral, and physical development of students and to prepare

them to be contributing members of society (Salend, 2011).

Inclusive program aims to provide an environment that enables the

disabled learners to receive education as much as possible. The environment will

also enable them to interact with non-disabled learners. Inclusion program is

expected to give positive impact on the disabled students’ social interaction and

also the academic achievement. This program allows disabled learners to have the

same opportunity to learn and they can get special treatment so they can maximize

their ability to receive knowledge.

In 1960s students who face learning difficulties are categorized using the

term ‘specific learning difficulties’. In the past they were labeled as lazy,

disorganized, and unmotivated. According to Samuel Kirk as cited by Alan Bowd

(1986) says:

“Learning disabilities refer to a group of disorders or delays in the

development of speech, language, reading, spelling, writing or arithmetic
which he believed resulted from possible brain damage and/or emotional
or behavioral disturbance, and could not be primarily attributed, to mental
retardation, sensory deprivation, or cultural or instructional factors.

Salend (2011) categorizes different types of learners disabilities based on

the characteristics of the learners.

One of the disabilities is Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). ADD refers to

a condition where students face difficulties to identify and maintain attention to

relevant classroom directions, information, and stimuli, which affect their school

performance (Zental, 2006). There are three types of ADD. The first type is

attention that is accompanied with hyperactivity called Attention Deficit


Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The second type is attention deficit without

hyperactivity or undifferentiated attention deficit disorder (UADD). The third type

is students with combination of hyperactivity and distractibility (ADHD-C). This

research focused on the first type of ADD called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity

Disorder (ADHD).

ADHD refers to students who suffer ADD and their attention deficit

disorder is associated with constant motion. These students are referred to as

students whose inattentiveness is accompanied by hyperactivity, impulsivity,

distractibility, and disorganization. In the classroom their high level of activity

and impulsivity may lead them to engage to such high-activity behaviors as

fidgeting with hands and feet and objects, squirming, calling out, being out of

seat, talking excessively, and interrupting others, which result in their failing to

follow instructions and complete their work (Murline, Parter, & Jenkins, 2008).

Similar description is also stated by Allan Bowed in his book “Exceptional

Children in Class”. Children with attention and hyperactivity problem are less

attentive and easily distracted than their peers. They usually fidget, move about

and seem unable to remain seated in class. They are so active and their behavior

constantly interferes with learning (Bowd, 1986).

This research aims to find out how students with ADHD acquire EFL

vocabulary. This research is different from the previous study in which the

purpose of the study is to determine the effect of focus strategies on

vocabulary learning of ADHD students at two junior high schools. This research

does not focus on certain strategies since the participant is not aware of the

strategy in learning vocabulary.


The research was done in SD Tumbuh Yogyakarta. It has some classes of

inclusive classroom with different types of disabilities such as slow learners,

students with autism spectrum disorder, hearing impaired, and ADHD.

The latest research on ADHD that the researcher found for the reference

was published in January 2015. Mosoud Khalili Sabet conducted a research

entitles the effect of focus strategies on ADHD students’ English Vocabulary

Learning in Junior High School. The second study was conducted by Magda

Bodnar entitled: Teaching English to young learners with ADHD and dyslexia.

The study focused on the appropriate vocabulary teaching methods for students

with ADHD and dyslexia. The result of the study showed that total physical

response and suggestopaedia are the most the most appropriate methods of

teaching ADHD young learners. Another research was done by Natalia Turketi in

2010. She conducted a research on students with ADHD and she found three

results. The first result was the obstacles for students with ADHD, language input,

language output, learning styles and motivation. The second result was on the

appropriate teaching methods for students with ADHD, TPR –Total Physical

Response, The Silent Way and the Task-Based Language Teaching. The result was

the appropriate activities to teach vocabulary and grammar based on those


There have been also some research on the similar topic but they focus on

different disabilities. Gracia Sudardo conducted a research in 2009 to find the

meaningful teaching strategies for learner with hearing difficulty in regular high

school. In the same year another research on hearing impaired was conducted by

Antonius Setiawan. He wrote the teacher’s lived experience of teaching


vocabulary to hearing-impaired students. Far before that, there was a research on

visually-impaired students. In 1999, Sakundiningtiasari conducted a research to

design a set of English materials for visually-impaired measures at Mardi Wuto

social agency.

1.2 Problem Identification

Children with attention and hyperactivity problem have difficulty to

control themselves. It results in their ability to absorb the materials and the

knowledge that the teacher transfers. As they are in inclusive classroom, the

students should be able to adjust themselves with the other learners. They are

supposed to absorb the same materials and they are expected to be able to show

the same performance as well. It becomes the challenge for the teacher to help the

learners catch up the materials. The teacher is supposed to be able to handle the

students, and they should apply special learning strategies to help the learners.

In Indonesia English is a foreign language. In some school English is

thought since elementary school including SD Tumbuh. It becomes another

problem that the teachers who teach inclusive classroom. Besides dealing with

their students’ behavior in the classroom, the teachers should help the learners

learn new language. The teacher should give special treatment so that their

disabled learners can still acquire the new language as well as the other students.

Vocabulary as one the most important aspects in learning new language needs

special attention. Teacher should have strategies to help the learners acquire

sufficient vocabulary as the basic to learn in further level.


1.3 Research Delimitation

From various types of disabilities, this research focused on one of the

types of disabilities called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Other disabilities were not included on the research. Since English had a lot of

aspects to learn, the research is delimited on vocabulary aspect. The research

aimed to find out how a student with ADHD acquires ESL vocabulary.

1.4 Research Question

This study focuses on a student with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity

Disorder (ADHD) in which the student has problem in controlling emotion and

giving attention. This problem raises questions: How an Attention Deficit

Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) learner acquires English Vocabulary? The

answer for this question is expected to reveal the way a student with special need

especially ADHD acquires new vocabulary.

1.5 Research Goal

The main goal of this research is to describe how ADHD students acquire

EFL vocabulary. Before answering this question, this research also needs to find

how the teachers and the people around the student contribute in the learning

process. It is important to see how they treat the symptoms and deal with the

student’s emotional problems and to see how they deliver the materials so that the

student can grasp the materials well.


Another goal of this research is to understand students with special need in

general. The theory tells a lot about students with special needs so that later when

we deal with students with special need we know how to handle.

1.6 Benefits of the Study

The research is expected to give some benefits for the improvement in

education especially in the development of English for special need students. For

the researcher, this research is expected to give an opportunity to learn learners’

differences especially learners with special need, in this case learner with ADHD.

The researcher doesn’t not only know the theory but also can observe and get

deeper information about the strategies that the learner uses to acquire ESL


This research involves special teacher who assists student with ADHD, so

the result of the research is expected to help inclusive classroom teachers who

have students with ADHD in their class. The teachers can apply the same

strategies in the learning process to help their learners acquire ESL vocabulary.

ADHD is only one type of learners’ disabilities. After this research is

conducted, the researcher expects that it can give an idea for other researchers to

conduct similar studies that focus on other types of disabilities. The results of their

studies will be very helpful for students with special needs and they can give more

opportunity for disabled learners to learn in general education.




This chapter is divided into two parts, theoretical review and theoretical

framework. Theoretical review elaborates the theories underlying the study that

consist of the theory of vocabulary acquisition, inclusive classroom, learners’

disabilities, and ADHD. The next part is theoretical framework to describe how

the theories are applied in this study.

2.1. Theoretical Review

In this part the researcher is going to elaborate the underlying theories

related to the study. There will be five theories applied in this research; the theory

of The Nature of Vocabulary, Second Language Learning, Inclusive Classroom,

and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

2.1.1 First and Second Language Acquisition Theories

Lightbown & Spada (1993) proposed three different theories about first

language acquisition theories; behaviorist, innatist, and interactionist . According

to behaviorist theory, language is acquired through stimulus, response, and

reinforcement as well, postulating imitation and association as essential process.

According to this theory, children will be focused on the meaning of utterances

rather than on the grammatical pattern.

The second theory of first language acquisition is innatist theory by Noam

Chomsky (1957). In his theory he believes that children’s development of

grammar in language acquisition could only be accounted for by an innate,


biological language acquisition device (LAD) or system. Chomsky claims that

children have ability to innate universal grammar to absorb the grammatical rules

from the language that they hear. Gradually they will formulate the rules and they

will be able to use the rules correctly.

The third theory about first language acquisition is interactionist theory

that believes children learn their first language from the interaction with the

people around them. In this case mother and caretakers play an important role.

Care takers facilitate the development of children vocabulary, develop the ability

to use the language in appropriate situations and to get the things done through


The theories of first language acquisition are actually the same with the

theories of second language acquisition or foreign language acquisition. The

theory of second language acquisition also consists of behaviorist, innatist, and

interactionist theory. According to behaviorist theory, the process of second

language acquisition includes imitation, repetition, and reinforcement of

grammatical structures. If children make error during this process, they need to be

corrected immediately in order to avoid forming bad habits that would be difficult

to overcome.

The second theory is innatist theory proposed by Dulay and Burt (1974).

The theory says:

“Second or foreign language learners creatively construct the rules of the

second language in a manner similar to that observed in first language
acquisition. Therefore, second language acquisition is similar to first
language acquisition.


In relation with innatist theory, Stephen Krashen (1981) developed

hypotheses about second language acquisition (1) the acquisition-learning

hypothesis, (2) the monitor hypothesis, (3) the natural order hypothesis, (4) the

input hypothesis, and (5) the affective filter hypothesis. According to acquisition-

learning hypothesis language is naturally used by the language learners to interact

with native speakers. In this process the language learners do not pay special

attention on form.

Second, Monitor Hypothesis, this is the internal grammar monitor. In this

process children become both the language user and language monitor. It means

that when they produce utterances, they will also monitor themselves whether

they use the correct language or not. Third, The Natural Order Hypothesis.

According to the natural order hypothesis, language learners acquire (rather than

learn) the rules of a language in a predictable sequence.

The next hypothesis is input hypothesis. Krashen says that:

“According to the input hypothesis, the acquisition of a second language is

the direct result of learners’ understanding the target language in natural
communication situations. A key element of the input hypothesis is that
the input language must not only be understandable, thus the term
comprehensible input, but should contain grammatical structures that are
just a bit beyond the acquirer’s current level of second language
development (abbreviated as i+ 1, with i standing for input and +1
indicating the challenging level that is a bit beyond the learner’s current
level of proficiency).”

The input hypothesis (Krashen 1985, 1994) relates only to acquisition. It

makes the four claims: 1) learners’ progress along the the natural order by

understanding imput that contains structures a little bit beyond their current level

of competence (i+1), 2) although comprehensible input is necessary for

acquisition to take place, it is not sufficient, as learners also need to be actively



disposed to ‘let in’ the input they comprehend, 3) input becomes comprehensible

as a result of simplification and with the help of contextual and interlinguistic

clues, 4) speaking is the result of acquisition, not its cause; learner production

does not contribute directly to acquisition.

Krashen’s fifth hypothesis addresses affective or social–emotional

variables related to second language acquisition. Citing a variety of studies,

Krashen concludes that

“The most important affective variables favoring second language

acquisition are a low-anxiety learning environment, student motivation to
learn the language, self-confidence, and self-esteem.”

According to Krashen, the main point in acquiring second language is

comprehensible input. It means that listening and understanding is very essential

in second language acquisition. In this process the teacher should allow the

students to have silent period to acquire knowledge by listening and

understanding rather than requiring the students to be productive.

Krashen’s second language acquisition theories have been influential in

promoting language teaching practices that (1) focus on communication, not

grammatical form; (2) allow students a silent period, rather than forcing

immediate speech production; and (3) create a low-anxiety environment.

The third theory of second language acquisition is interactionist theory

proposed by Long & Porter (1985). According to this theory children acquire the

second language through natural conversation. They said that:

“Communication gives and takes of natural conversations between native

and non-native speakers as the crucial element of the language acquisition
process. Their focus is on the ways in which native speakers modify their
speech to try to make themselves understood by English-learning
conversational partners. Interactionists are also interested in how non-


native speakers use their budding knowledge of the new language to get
their ideas across and to achieve their communicative goals.”

A second language can be acquired in a variety of ways, at any age, for

different purposes, and to varying degrees. Second language acquisition can be

categorized in two, tutored (guided) and untutored (spontaneous) (Klein, 1986).

Spontaneous learning occurs where the learning process through daily

communication, in a natural fashion, and free from systematic guidance. Whereas

guided learning refers to a learning process that is open to systematic and

intentional influence. This learning process usually takes place in school. Krashen

(1981) proposes similar process of second language acquisition using the term

learning and acquisition. The former refers to tutored, the latter refers to


In learning a new language we have to consider the position of the target

language, whether the new language is a second language or as a foreign

language. Foreign language is used to denote a language acquired in a milieu

where it is normally not in use and in which, when acquired, is not used by the

learner in routines situation. A second language, on the other hand, is one that

become another tool of communication alongside the first language; it is typically

acquired in a social environment in which it is actually spoken (Richard, 1978).

In the process of acquiring a new language, in this case acquiring English,

children are influenced by the speech from their surroundings and children

typically adjust their speech in a number of ways. The register resulted from this

process are called care taker talk, foreigner talk, and interlanguage talk.

Caretaker talk is an input that the children receive from their caretaker

Miller and Chomsky, 1963) care takers adjust their speech formally so that the


input that the children receive is both clearer and systematically simpler than the

speech they address for adults. Caretakers’ speech is categorized by interactional

modification which means the language is modified in order to be understood by

their children. It can be done through checking the comprehension and repeating

the utterances.

According to Ferguson (1977) caretaker talk has three purposes 1) to aid

communication, 2) to teach language, 3) to socialize the child. While Brown

(1977:26) stated that the primary motivation is to communicate, to understand and

to be understood, and to keep two minds focused on the same topic. When the

children make mistakes during this process the feedback can be done explicitly or

implicitly. The explicit correction is given by showing the children that they make

errors, while implicit correction is given by giving the correct prompt. Some care

takers sometimes pay little attention of the grammatical errors.

The second input is foreigner talk which means a talk used by native

speakers when communicating with non-natives speakers. Foreigner talk has three

functions: 1) it promotes communication, 2) it signals, explicitly or implicitly,

speakers’ attitude toward their interlocutor, and 3) it teaches the target language

implicitly. The third input is interlanguage talk. It is the language that the learners

receive as input when addressed by other learners.

2.1.2 The Nature of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is central to language and of critical importance to the typical

language learner. Teaching and learning vocabulary are presented through several

methods such as grammar translation method, direct method, reading method or

situational language teaching, audio-lingual method, communicative language



teaching, and natural approach. In grammar translation method, the learners were

exposed to wide literary vocabulary (Rivers, 1981) that was selected according to

its ability to illustrate grammatical rules, and direct vocabulary instruction was

included only when a word illustrate grammatical rule (Kelly, 1969). The next

method is direct method. In this method, concrete vocabulary was introduced with

labeled pictures and demonstration, while abstract vocabulary was taught through

associating of ideas (Rivers, 1983, Richard & Rodgers, 1986).Another method in

teaching and learning vocabulary is reading method. At first this method was

aimed at the development of reading skill then it was used to improve vocabulary.

The primary thing in learning a language is the acquisition of a vocabulary and

practice using it (which is the same as acquiring (West, 1934, p. 154). The idea

was that the learners need to have basic vocabulary before understanding text.

After the students get sufficient vocabulary then they need to use that in a real

context. The next method, audio-lingual method, believes that learning is a

process of habit formation. It paid systematic attention on pronunciation and

intensive oral drilling of basic sentence pattern.

The next method is communicative language teaching. The goal of this

method is to bring the language learner into closer contact with the target

language (Stern, 1981). It is in line with River’s theory that skill-getting such in

audio lingual-method is insufficient. Learners should have skill-using that is the

ability to use the language in a real communication.

Another method in learning vocabulary is natural approach. Natural

approach is based on the theory of input hypothesis and affective filter. According

to the theory of input hypothesis, the learner will learn better if the materials as


the input are not too difficult meaning it is only slightly above the learners’

current level of competence, and the interesting and relevant. While in affective

filter hypothesis, the learner will learn better if the materials are interesting and

relevant with their everyday life.

Vocabulary can be promoted since the very first day of children’s life

under natural learning condition. Parents, siblings, peers or anyone can involve

during the process. Other resources like book, magazine, and television can also

support the process of learning new words and word meanings. The factors that

affect the learning of word meanings are frequency, variety of the situation, and

standard of performance that are set.

In helping the children to provide variety of situation and frequency, it

takes dedicated parents and teachers. They can help to use new words frequently

in various conditions so that children can use the word appropriately. When the

children frequently meet and use a certain word they will remember the word.

Remembering is one of the ways to develop mnemonic strategy. Mnemonic refers

to systematic procedures specifically designed to improve one’s memory

(Belezza, 1983).

Vocabulary can be taught through two different methods, direct and

indirect. Direct method means that the students get the translation of the new word

in their language. It is beneficial for those who have lower ability. Different from

direct method, in indirect method the students get the meaning of a word by

guessing the meaning from the context from reading.

Researchers propose different result from the implementation of the two

methods. The first result related to indirect method shows that the more natural


and the more open the procedure, the more they lead to cognitive development

and to greater satisfaction with school than the more direct and structured

approach (McKweon & Curtis, 1987). Another result shows that direct programs

teach more, give children independence earlier, the children seem to have better

self-concepts (Chall, 1983a, p.41). Curtis and McKwoen elaborate their ideas on

the different results on the effectiveness of the two methods. Carol Chomsky

(1972) studied the effect of reading to, and the independent reading of, elementary

school children on language and reading development. She found that the students

who were read to most and who read more for their own pleasure were highest on

reading achievement test (vocabulary and reading comprehension) and on

language development (syntax).

Vocabulary learning is divided in two types, receptive and productive.

These types are categorized based on the needs of the learners. According to

Nation (1990) receptive knowledge is being able to recognize a word when it is

heard or when it is seen. Receptive knowledge also involves having an

expectation what grammatical pattern the word will occur in. While productive

knowledge is being able to pronounce the word, to write and to spell it, and to use

it in correct grammar along with other words it usually collates with.

There are some reasons why vocabulary needs to be taught systematically.

First, the information about what to do about vocabulary, and what vocabulary to

focus on. Second, a wide variety of ways for dealing with vocabulary in foreign

or second language learning. Third, both learners and researchers see vocabulary

as being a very important, if not the most important, element in language learning.

Finally, giving attention to vocabulary is unavoidable even the most formal or



communication-directed approaches to language teaching must deal with needed

vocabulary in one way or other (Nation, 1990).

Vocabulary is divided into three groups, high-frequency words, low-

frequency words, and specialized vocabulary. In the learning process, it is

important for the teacher to decide which group that the learners need to learn.

Some consideration should be taken such as whether the words are very frequent

and important for the learners, whether the words cause particular difficulty,

whether the words are needed for another activity, and last, the teacher should

consider whether the words contain feature or regular patterns.

Vocabulary learning process results different vocabulary size between

native speakers and second language learners. A study by Yoshida (1978) showed

that native speakers acquires 1000 words in a year, while second language

learners like in Indonesia acquire 1000-2000 words after five years (Barnard,

1961; Quinn, 1968). One of the reasons of this result is because native speakers

have two or three hours contact with English per day, while second language

learners have four or five classes a week.

2.1.3 Inclusive Classroom

The inclusion method is a basic model where both disabled and non-

disabled students are educated within the same classroom. Educational inclusion,

then, offers education geared to include all students, even those with disabilities in

the same learning environment. This may include special needs children who

have emotional and/or behavioral problems. Teachers may encounter a variety of

situations in the classroom, including those with learning disorders, emotional

disabilities, and mental retardation.



Special needs students are placed in the regular education classroom and

are involved in instructional settings that may have the general education teacher,

the special education teacher, the teacher assistant and possibly parental or

community volunteers (Wiebe & Kim, 2008). The most popular inclusion method

seems to be a co-teaching model.

“Co-teaching may be defined as the partnership of a general education

teacher and a special education teacher or another specialist for the
purpose of jointly delivering instruction to a diverse group of students,
including those with disabilities or other special needs, in a general
education setting, and in a way that flexibly and deliberately meets their
learning needs” (Friend, Cook,
Chamberlain & Shamberger, 2010, p. 241).

Inclusion of all children within the classroom has brought about a new

challenge for teachers. A typical class may consist of gifted children, slow

learners, mentally retarded, children, hyperactive children, emotionally challenged

children, and low socioeconomically status children.

Inclusion is a philosophy that brings diverse students, families, educators,

and community members together to create schools or other social institution

based on acceptance, belonging, and community (Rose, 2008). Inclusion

recognizes that all students are capable learners who benefit from a meaningful,

challenging, and appropriate curriculum delivered within the general education

classroom, and from differentiated instruction techniques that address their

diverse and unique strengths, challenges, and experiences (Forlin, 2008;

Giangreco, 2007; Tomlinson, Brimijoin & Narvaez, 2008). Inclusion seeks to

provide all students with collaborative, supportive, and nurturing communities of

learners that are based on giving all students the service and accommodation they


need to succeed, as well as respecting and learning from each other individual

differences (Heihir, 2007; Swedeen, 2009).

Based on the definition above, inclusive classroom has some principles.

The first principle is that all learners are equal access. It is stated by Frattura and

Chapper, (2006), Heihir, (2007) and Rose (2008).

Effective inclusion improves the educational system for all learners by

placing them together in general education classrooms- regardless of their
learning ability, race, linguistic ability, economic status, gender, learning
style, ethnicity, cultural, and religious background, family structure, and
sexual orientation. Inclusion program also provide all students with equal
access to a challenging, engaging, and flexible general education
curriculum and the appropriate services that help them to be successful in

The second principle is that inclusive classroom respects individual

strengths and challenges and diversity. It is stated by Taylor and Whittaker (2009)

that says

Effective inclusion involves sensitivity and acceptance of individual

strengths, challenges, and diversity. Educators cannot teach students
without taking into account the diverse factors that shape their students
and make them unique.

In inclusive classrooms, all students are valued as individuals capable of

learning and contributing to society. They are taught to appreciate diversity and to

value and learn from each other’s similarities and differences (Black Hawkins,

Florian, &Rouse, 2007; Swedeen, 2009).

The third principle is that inclusive classroom pays attention on reflective

practices and differentiated instruction. Teachers and other parties that involve in

inclusive program realize that the students have strength and challenges. They will

make sure that the learning process run well and students with special need


understand the lesson as well as the other students. Cushing (2009) and Sapon

Shevin (2008) say that:

Effective inclusion requires reflective education to examine their attitudes

and differentiate their assessment, teaching and classroom management
practices to accommodate individual’s strength with meaningful access to
and progress in the general education curriculum. In inclusive classroom,
teachers are reflective practitioners who are flexible, responsive, and
aware of, and accommodate student’s strength and challenges.

The last principle is community and collaboration. In order to achieve the

goal of inclusive philosophy, to provide the same environment in general

education for both disabled and no-disabled learners, it need collaboration from

all parties that are involved in the system. Giangreco (2007) and Sapon Shevin

(2008) say that:

Effective inclusion is a group effort, it involves establishing community

based on collaboration among educators, other professionals, students,
families and community agencies. Inclusion seeks to establish a nurturing
community of learners that is based on acceptance and belonging and the
delivery of support and service that students need in the general education

2.1.4 Learners’ Disabilities

Disabled learners or exceptional learners are those with special needs.

Learners who belong to disabled learners are different from the average because

of developmental disorders or irregularities. The criteria to distinguish the

disabled and non-disabled learners are 1) disability is multidimensional. Rather

than using a single criterion, it is necessary to examine the child’s behavior in a

variety of situation and in response to different kinds of problems and challenges.

2) Disability is continuous and 3) disability is culturally relative.



According to Allan Bowed (1990) there are eight categories of disability

namely intellectual impairment, behavior disorder, specific learning disabilities,

visual impairment, hearing impairment, communication disorder, physical

impairment, and giftedness. Each of the disabilities is described as follows:

1. Intellectual impairment: most often this category is further subdivided

according to rough levels of assumed overall competence: mild, moderate,

and severe. This division is based on the person’s assumed competence for

learning and degree of dependence of others.

2. Behavior disorders: it is divided into two sub-categories 1) mild disorders

and 2) severe disturbance. Mild disorder children show a variety of mildly

to moderately maladaptive social and emotional characteristics, e.g.

withdrawn behavior, acting out, and anti-social aggression. While

children’s behavior with severe disturbance is extremely maladaptive, for

example childhood psychosis, and autism.

3. Specific learning disabilities. They refer to learning difficulties which are

of a particular kind (e.g. reading disability) rather than general disability.

4. Visual impairment: it is divided into two sub-categories 1) partially seeing

that refers to children with mild to moderately impaired vision, 2) blind

that refers to children with severely impaired vision.

5. Hearing impairment: it is divided into two sub-categories 1) hard of

hearing that is used to individual who have partial or substantial hearing

loss, 2) deaf usually refers to the child who has little or no hearing and has

suffered the loss at birth or before the acquisition of speech.



6. Communication disorders: Difficulties in communicating with other

people. It is divided into two sub-categories 1) speech disorders that refer

to difficulties in the mechanics of speech, 2) language disorders that

involve problems in understanding of meaning or the expression of


7. Physical impairment and special health conditions: this term brings

together a wide variety of condition which relate to physical ability.

8. Giftedness: children of exceptionally high general intelligence or of

special aptitude.

2.1.5 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Salend (2011) differentiates the types of learners disabilities based on the

characteristics of the learners. One of the disabilities is Attention Deficit Disorder

(ADD). ADD refers to condition where students face difficulties to identify and

maintain attention to relevant classroom directions, information, and stimuli,

which affect their school performance (Zental, 2006). There are three types of

ADD and in this research the researcher is going to focus on one type called

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD refers to students who

suffer ADD and their attention deficit disorder is associated with constant motion.

These students are referred to as students whose inattentiveness is accompanied

by hyperactivity, impulsivity, distractibility, and disorganization. In the classroom

their high level of activity and impulsivity may lead them to engage to such high-

activity behaviors as fidgeting with hands and feet and objects, squirming, calling

out, being out of seat, talking excessively, and interrupting others, which result in


their failing to follow instructions and complete their work (Murline, Parter, &

Jenkins, 2008).

ADHD is considered to be a cognitive disorder intrinsic to the individual.

It can include difficulty gaining and/ or sustaining attention; it may additionally or

alternatively include difficulty regulating one’s own behavior which appears as

hyperactivity and impulsivity (Scanlon & Boyle, 2010). According to Diagnostic

and Statistical Manual (DSM) definition, ADHD critically impacts functioning,

occurs in two or more setting and has its onset before the age of seven (American

Psychiatric Association [APA] 1994;2000).

Authorities agree that there are four important components to assessing

whether a student has ADHD or not. The first one is through medical examination

to see medical condition such as brain tumors, thyroid problems, or seizure

disorder, as the cause of the inattention and/or hyperactivity (Barkley & Edwards,

2006). The second one is a clinical interview of the parents and the child provides

information about the child’s physical and psychological characteristics, as well

as family dynamics and interaction with peers. Teacher and parent rating scale is

another important component. It consists of the list of the items that the teacher or

the parents should fill. The last component is behavioral observation.

ADHD has three types 1) ADHD, predominantly inattentive, 2) ADHD

predominantly hyperactive impulsive type; and 3) ADHD combined type. The

following are the diagnostic criteria for ADHD :

1. Inattention:

a. Often fails to give close attention to details or make careless

mistakes in schoolwork, works, or other activities.



b. Often has difficulties sustain attention in tasks or play activities

c. Often doesn’t seem to listen when spoken to directly

d. Often does not follow through on instruction and fails to finish

schoolwork, chorus, and duties in the workplace

e. Often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities

f. Often avoids, dislikes, and is reluctant to engage in tasks that

require sustained mental effort

g. Often loses things necessary for tasks or activities

h. Is often easily distracted by extraneous stimuli

i. Is often forgetful in daily activities

2. Hyperactivity

a. Often fidget with hands or feet or squirms in seat

b. Often leaves seat in classroom or in other situation in which

remaining seated is expected

c. Often runs or climbs excessively in situation in which it is


d. Often has difficulty in playing or engaging in leisure activities


e. Is often “on the go” or often acts as if “driven by a motor”

f. Often talks excessively

3. Impulsively

a. Often blurts out answers before the questions have been completed.

b. Often has difficulty awaiting turn

c. Often interrupts or intrudes on others



ADHD occurs in boys than in girls with estimates being about 3 to 1 in

community-based samples (Barkley, 2006d). Some have speculated that boys are

identified more often than girls because boys tend to exhibit the highly noticeable

hyperactive or impulsive type of ADHD, while girls tend to be inattentive type. Causal Theories of ADHD

ADHD can be caused by several factors. The first factor is

neurotransmitter. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that help in the sending of

messages between neurons in the brain. Researchers have found that abnormal

levels of two neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine appear to be

involved in ADHD (Barkley, 2006b; Solonto, 2002; Volkowal et al., 2007).

Second, ADHD is heredity factors. ADHD can be inherited genetically. The first

study, family studies, indicates that if a child has ADHD the chance of his or her

siblings have ADHD is about 32 % (Barkley, 2006b). Children of adults with

ADHD run 57 % risk of having ADHD (Biederman et al., 1995). Parents of

children with ADHD are two to eight more likely to also be ADHD than parents

of non- ADHD children (Faraone & Doyle, 2001). The second study, twin study,

shows that if an identical twin and fraternal twin each have ADHD, the second

identical twin is much more likely to have ADHD than is the second fraternal twin

(Levy & Hey, 2001, Nigg, 2006). The third study, molecular genetic study,

believes that genes that are involved in regulating dopamine have been implicated

in persons with ADHD (Barkley, 2006b Nigg,2006).

Toxins and medical factors can also cause ADHD. Toxins can cause

malformations in the developing fetus of pregnant woman. Pregnant woman who

exposure to lead and the abuse of tobacco and alcohol place the unborn child at


increased risk of developing ADHD ( Faraone Doyle, 2001). Other medical

condition can also put children at risk for having ADHD. Complication at birth

and low birth weight are associated with ADHD (Levy, Barr, & Sunnohara, 1998,

Millberger, Biederman, Farone, Guite, & Tsuang 1997). Problems in Children with ADHD

In Barley’s model, children with ADHD have four problems related to

executive function. The first deals with working memory (WM). WM refers to a

person’s ability to keep information in mind that can be used to guide one’s action

either now or in the near future (Barkley & Murphy, 1998, p.2). In children with

ADHD the deficiencies in WM can result in forgetfulness, a lack of hindsight and

forethought, and problem with time management. The second one is they have

delayed inner speech. Inner speech is the inner voice that allows people to talk to

themselves. This inner voice helps to guide their behavior. The third problem is

that children and adults with ADHD have problems controlling their emotions and

their arousal levels. They often overreact to both negative and positive

experiences. The last problem, children and adults with ADHD have difficulty

analyzing problems and communicating solution with others. They often respond


In the social interaction, children with ADHD have problems in working

with pairs. They are rejected more often by their peers, have fewer close friends,

and are disliked by students who enjoy high social status (Hoza, 2007).

Unfortunately, this problem is difficult to overcome and is usually long lasting.

Children with ADHD typically have characteristics of being easily

distracted, day dreaming during the class, feeling the urge to get up and walk


around, or becoming interested in another student’s work. Some behaviors from

the children with ADHD like distractibility and inattentiveness are some difficult

to notice. Distractibility means the children can easily divert their attention from

the important tasks. Inattentiveness usually occurs when they stop paying

attention to the other even on one-on-one conversation. The behaviors of the

children with ADHD are different at age levels. The table below shows common

behavior of students with ADHD.

Table 2.1 Characteristic of children with ADHD

Accidents due to acting Resist routines Excessive talk
independently Aggressive in play Easily upset
Elementary/Middle school
Fidgeting Interrupting Dependence on adults
Out of seat Inconsistent productivity Poor social skill
Middle/ Senior High
Restless Low-self concept Impulsive
Substance use Procrastination Difficulty follow

Children with ADHD deal with cognitive processing difficulties in which

they do not self-regulate their thought processes. Barkley (2000) suggested that

children with ADHD are uninhibited in the areas of time awareness and time

management. They do not organize task based upon priority or take into account

the proportion of time and effort to complete a task efficiently (Scanlon & Boyle,

2010). Children with ADHD also face Academic skill difficulties as the

secondary effect as the consequence of being easily distracted and inattentive. The


result is they miss important information that lead to poor quality work. They

usually rush when doing the assignment and they do not want to check again after

they finish. Another difficulties faced by children with ADHD is social skill

difficulty. Having distractibility behaviors can disturb other members of the class.

Classmates do not have idea about what happen to their friend. They see their

friend with ADHD as a miss behaving student because he/she is usually out off

seat and off task. Learning with Students with ADHD

Some research shows that learning with students with ADHD and without

ADHD is different. Teachers who deal with students with ADHD are supposed to

understand the characteristics and the differences between students with ADHD

and without ADHD. When teachers give instruction, they should give time

between asking a student to do or say something and expecting the response.

Teacher should avoid overloading student’s working memory. When teacher

asking a question, it is better to provide the type of the expected answer.

In conducting lessons with students with ADHD can be challenging. In the

previous section it has been discussed the problems faced by students with ADHD

so teachers should be able to able to handle the situation. U.S Department of

Education, office of special Education and rehabilitative services, Office of

Special education Programs (2004) suggest some steps in conducting the lessons.

The lesson is divided in three phases introducing, conducting, and concluding


In introducing the lessons, the teacher can start with providing an advance

organizer to summarize the activities in that day. Before starting the lesson the


teacher can review the previous lesson. In this section the teacher also needs to

explain the materials that students need during the lesson. Teachers should make

sure that they use simple language in their instruction.

The second step is conducting lessons. In this step the teacher plays a big

role in helping the students in the learning process whether the students can

participate well or not, whether the students can grasp the material or not. In

conducting the materials the teacher should be predictable because structure and

consistency are very important for children with ADHD. The teacher should

check the students’ understanding by asking question. It will help the teacher to

figure out which student who needs more assistance. Another challenge in this

step is the teacher should maintain the students’ attention. It can be done by

encouraging the students to participate in the classroom activities. The third step,

concluding lesson, teacher can review the lessons they have learned and preview

the next lesson.

In inclusive classroom where children with ADHD learn in general

education classroom, the teacher can modify their instructional routines that can

serve both the students with ADHD and without ADHD. Research has shown the

technique that can be applied in teaching inclusive classroom. Stage one, pre-

planning, simplify the instruction in to meaningful chunks or step (Resenshine,

1995). It helps the students with ADHD to stay focus in shorter period of time.

Stage two, introduction, the teacher explains the rationale for the lesson,

present a model of what the end result of the lesson will be, and inform the

sequence of instructional activities (Allsopp, 1999).



Stage three, instruction and modeling, the teacher demonstrates a

procedure or phenomenon, presents student with a problem to be solved, and

engage the students in the activities. Giving a model is important because a

student with ADHD might have difficulty in making connection between the

instruction and the activity.

Stage four, giving practice, is divided into two types of activity; guided

and independent practice. Guided practice is like a bridge for the learner since it is

the transformation between receiving and producing phase. In this step the teacher

assists the learner doing the exercise and makes sure that the student understand

the material well or not so that the teacher know whether they can go to

independent practice or not. The last step is closure and review. The teacher can

recap the lesson and review vocabulary that the students have learned.

According to Rief (2005) one of the strategies that can be used to help

students with ADD/ADHD develop their vocabulary is directly teaching words. In

this strategy a new word is defined using simple explanations or synonyms and if

possible using antonyms. It is in line with Hubbard (1983:50) that claims,

vocabulary should be presented in a memorable way in order to foster the long

memory retention. It can be done by using realia, body language, flash card,

examples, definitions, and concept forming.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

In order to understand and be able to interpret the data, some theories are

used. As elaborated in the previous part, this research uses five theories. The first

theory is about the first and the second language acquisition, the second theory is


about the nature of vocabulary, the third theory is about inclusive classroom, the

fourth theory is about learners’ difficulties, and the last theory is about ADHD.

The first and the second language acquisition consist of some theory about

how a student acquires a new language. By elaborating this theory, it will be easy

to relate the data with the theory. The theory of the nature of vocabulary will be

used to see whether the student acquires new vocabulary learning through direct

learning or indirect learning. The next theory, the theory of inclusive classroom, is

used to see some principles applied to the students and to see how it supports the

student in the learning process. Basically these three theories have been able to

answer the question, but it is very important to understand students with special

needs. That is why this research also includes the theory about learners’

disabilities that describes the types of learning difficulties. The last theory

elaborates one type of learning difficulty, ADHD, because this research focuses

on a student with ADHD.

According to the theories that I have reviewed, there will be some

meaningful ways of how a student with ADHD acquires new vocabulary. From

the characteristic that the student has problem in controlling emotion and

processing complicated information, the students will use direct learning in which

it needs short process. The student does not need to guess the meaning from the

context. In this learning process the student can learn new vocabulary using

pictures, gesture, or real objects.

The next important factor that helps the student to learn new vocabulary is

the topic of learning. When the topic is interesting and related to her daily life, the

process of learning will be faster. The support from the people around her will


also play important role in the learning process. The feeling of acceptance can

make the student feels secure and it can also support the learning process.

Figure 2.1. Construct map




This section is going to elaborate the steps to gather data. It includes the

research design, research setting, nature of data, data collecting instrument, data

collecting technique, data analysis, and trustworthiness.

3.1 Research Design

The study in this research explored and developed a detailed

understanding of a central phenomenon. The role of literature review yield little

information, to justify the problem. The data were gathered from participants

through exploration and the participants were only few people. These are the

characteristics of the study and based on Creswell (2012) who differentiates the

characteristics of a research based on the steps, the question, and the literature

review, this research is a qualitative research.

This study aims to find how a child with attention deficit hyperactivity

disorder acquires ESL vocabulary. In order to get the answer of this phenomenon,

the researcher needs to interact with the participants to gather complete

information. The data from the participant(s) can be used to generate a new theory

related to the phenomenon. The existing theory will be used as the guideline to

see whether the result of the current study supports or opposes the existing theory.

This study deals with a student with ADHD acquires ESL vocabulary.

Case study is preferred to get deep and detailed understanding about a certain

issue. Case study is a detailed examination of one setting, or a single subject, a

single depository of document, or one particular event (Merriem, 1988). The type



of case study is observational case study since the major data gathering technique

is participant observation (supplemented with formal and informal interview and

review of document and the focus of the study is a particular student). Case study

is appropriate because it concerns with rich and vivid description of event that

relevant to the case, it provides a chronological narrative of event, and it focuses

on individual actors.

3.2 Research Setting

3.2. 1 Place

The research was conducted in Tumbuh 2 elementary school Yogyakarta.

The first reason of choosing this school was due to the accessibility. When the

school held an English training for the teachers and staffs I became the trainer

and built good relationship with them including with the headmaster. The idea of

the topic for this research also came when I saw the phenomenon about disabled

learners study with non-disabled learners in the same classroom. That was the

first time I got the idea about inclusive program. The interesting thing about

inclusive classroom is that in inclusive classroom program students with

disabilities can learn in the same school environment. Students with disabilities

get the same opportunity to learn as well as non-disabled learners. The disability

is not ignored so the school provides teacher with special skill to accompany the

students with special need and also facilities to support the learning process.

Since then I was interested in learning more about the program and I was curious

how the program runs.



The observation took place in the classroom, the interview with the

headmaster, the teacher, and the mother took place in the head master’s office, the

interview with the coordinator in inclusive program was done in his office, while

the interaction with the participant took place in the school’s library.

3.2.2 Time

The research was done in May 2016. During this period I conducted

observation and interviews. The following table is the research schedule:

Table 3.1 research schedule

No Day, date Activity

1 Wednesday, April 27th Meeting with the research coordinator,

2016 to discuss the research schedule

2 Monday, May 2nd 2016 Interview with the head master

3 Wednesday, May 4th 2016 Classroom observation

4 Monday, May 9th 2016 Interview with Laut’s mother

5 Wednesday, May 11th Interview with the homeroom teacher


6 Thursday,May 19 2016 Data triangulation (interaction with

Laut, the participant)

7 Friday, May 20th 2016 Interview with the coordinator of

Inclusive program

9 Tuesday, may 31st 2016 Data triangulation



3.3 Source and Nature of Data

This research uses purposeful sampling to gather the data. In purposeful

sampling, researchers intentionally select individuals and sit to learn and

understand the central phenomenon. The standard used in choosing participants

and sites is whether they are “information rich” (Patton, 1990, p.169). The

purposeful sampling in this research referred to the participants that consisted of

one participant and four other participants who were expected to give more

information about the participant.

The participant was one female student with ADHD. When the research

was conducted she was nine years old and she was in grade four. This student was

first recognized having problem in speaking in her first language when she was

two years old. When she was 4,5 years old her teacher in kindergarten found

behavioral problem. She was brought to an authorized institution to get

psychological test and the result showed that she had Attention Deficit

Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and since then she got a therapy.

The data collecting from the participant was done through interaction. The

participant was asked to do finish some activities. It aimed to find the information

of how she acquired new vocabulary. During the interaction I also asked some

question as supporting data. It was actually an informal interview but the situation

was casual to make the participant comfortable.

The other participants were the headmaster, the homeroom teacher, the

English teacher, the coordinator for inclusive program, and the parent.

Considering the problem with the participant, it was very important to interview


them. They were considered as “information rich” so they can contribute to this


The interview with the headmaster aimed to get the information about

inclusive program in relation with the support to disabled learners in general and

especially for ADHD students and to see how the school provides friendly

environment for disabled learners.

The next interviewee was the homeroom teacher. The information from

the homeroom teacher was important to see the student’s daily performance and

behavior during the class. The result was related to the participant’s performance

in English subject. Fortunately the homeroom teacher was also the teacher for

English Subject. So the interview also aimed to see how the student learns English

in general and in more specifically how she acquires new English vocabulary.

3.4 Data Collecting Instrument

Data collection instrument is any instrument used by the researcher to

gather information in a form of data. Since there were three types of data

collecting techniques, there were also three different types of instrument. For the

observation technique, the instrument was field notes. It was used to record what

happened during the observation. For the second technique, interview, the

instrument guideline. The guideline was about the topics to dig out information

about the participant. The coordinator of inclusive program was an important

participant. He had all the information and the background of all inclusive

students. The questions to the coordinator were about the background of the

participant and what happened to her during and after therapy and also what to do

to help the participant to maximize the learning process.



The questions to other participants, the head master, the homeroom

teacher, the mother, were mainly about the participants and also questions that

support the existing theories. The supporting questions were based on the

participant’s position.

The questions with the headmaster were related to the background of

inclusive program, the principles of inclusive pragmas, the different types of

disabilities in the school, the teachers who deal with disabled learners, the specific

program, and the facilities for disabled learners. The questions to the mother were

about the student’s background, what happened to the student, and what treatment

that the student had. The questions to the homeroom teacher were about the

student’s behavior during the learning process and its impact in the learning

process. The questions for the English teacher aimed to find the answer the

research question about how the participant acquired new English vocabulary.

The third instrument was learning media in a form of handout, cards, and

pictures. The media were used during the interaction for data triangulation. It was

used to see whether the participant learned new vocabulary from the use of

pictures as the example of direct learning vocabulary.

3.5 Data Gathering

The data were gathered through interview to the student. When conducting

interview to the participant the interview was done in a semi structured interview,

so the questions were prepared but after the student answered the question and

spontaneous questions could be given in order to get in-depth information. The

interview was conducted in informal and friendly situation. To make the student

felt comfortable the special teacher was also involved.



Another interview was also conducted to ask the homeroom teacher, the

special teacher and also the parent. This interview was different from the

interview with the student because I will apply snow ball interview so the

researcher can ask further question after the interviewees answer question.

The data were also collected through classroom observation to see the

student’s behavior during the class. The participant will be observed to see how he

acquires vocabulary during the lesson and also to see his challenge in learning

English especially the vocabulary.

3.6 Data Analysis

The data analysis was done through several steps. The data were in a form

of voice recording. After the data were collected, the voice recordings were

transcribed. The next process was reading through the result to get general idea

about the information. After that, the next reading was done to get specific

information that can answer the research question.

After reading the transcript I read the theory in literature review. Some of

the information refers to a certain theory and can be used to answer the question.

After finding the result, the information was coded. The code consists of three

letters that represent terms from the theory. The codes are BHV that means

behavior, ITR means interaction, INT means innateness, DLV means direct

vocabulary learning, TTC means team teaching, RCT means receptive learning,

and TTR means tutoring.

This research belongs to qualitative research in which the discussion is a

narrative story based on the data. According to Cresswell (2012);



“A study may begin with a long, personal narrative told in storyform or

with a more objective, scientific report that resembles quantitative
research. Good qualitative reports, however needs to be realistic and
persuasive to convince the reader that the study is an accurate and credible
account. Qualitative reports typically contain extensive data collection to
convey the complexity of the phenomenon or process.”

The result of the data analysis is presented in narrative story. The format

of the result is firstly presenting similar findings than presenting the theory that is

related, then writing the theory related to the finding. The answer of the research

question is the elaboration of how a student with ADHD acquires new English


3.7 Trustworthiness

After collecting data and analyzing them, I interpreted the data then

findings are written. In order to see whether my interpretations and findings are

valid and accurate, I need to do the next process called validating findings.

Validating findings means the researcher determines the accuracy or credibility of

the findings through strategies such as member checking or triangulation

(Cresswell & Miller, 2000 ;Loncoln & Guba, 1985).

To check the accuracy of the research qualitative research employs

validation procedures such as triangulation and member checking. The intent of

validation is to have participants, external reviewers, or the data sources

themselves provide evidence of the accuracy of the information in the qualitative

report (Cresswell, 2012). Triangulation is the process of corroborating evidence

from different individuals, types of data, or methods of data collection in

description and themes in qualitative research. In qualitative research, the

researcher also checks their findings with the participants in the study to see if the


findings are accurate. Member checking is a process in which the researcher asks

one or more participants in the study to check the accuracy of the account.

After analyzing the data, interpreting the data, and getting the findings, I

did member checking to the participants of this study. It aims to make sure that

the interpretations and the findings were related to the information they gave

during the data collection process. During the member checking I also got some

inputs that I used to improve my findings.

Member checking was done to the participant and the coordinator of

inclusive program. The member checking to the participant was done to

triangulate the result of the interview with the teacher about the use of pictures in

acquiring new vocabulary. The second member was the coordinator of inclusive

program that aimed to make sure that the data were well interpreted.



This chapter is a narrative of the result from data collection. It will

elaborate the analysis based on the data that I get from the data obtain in this

research. This chapter will focus on how a student with ADHD acquires new

vocabulary. Let us call the participant as Laut. This name is used to keep the

student’s privacy. To give background for the readers, this chapter will provide

short information about Laut as student with ADHD. Then the readers can see the

meaningful ways of how Laut acquires new English vocabulary.

4.1. Results

This section presents the result of data gathering activities. Firstly it is

important to describe the participant to understand her strength and weaknesses.

Secondly, it is also important to know the role of inclusive school to support

learners with special need. Finally, the result of the research is presented in the

last part of this section.

4.1.1 The Need to Understand the Learner with ADHD

It was my first experience to deal with student with ADHD. I was

challenged to know more about student. Generally, students with ADHD have low

self-control within themselves. They tend to be hyper active in physical activity,

oral, or both. They do not focus on learning activities well, never seem to

listen, cannot sit still and are always in motion, act without thinking, do

not follow clear instructions and are daydreaming. They may understand

what is expected of them, but they have trouble following through because



of lack of attention to details and feeling bored to do the tasks and are

reluctant to engage in the activities of the classroom.

When Laut was two years old her mother realized when other children

already could speak while Laut couldn’t. Fortunately Laut comes from open

minded and well educated family. Laut was brought to check the symptoms and

the result showed that she had motoric problem that made her unable to produce a

word. Since then she got therapy to train her to speak. After she got therapy she

could speak normally like the other children.

Another symptom appeared when she went to kindergarten. The teacher

said that Laut was very active and difficult to control. The family decided to have

another test and it resulted that Laut suffered from ADHD. Laut got therapy that

focused on her hyperactivity. She was 4.5 years when she got the therapy and the

therapy lasted for almost 2.5 years. When I conducted this research I was allowed

to access information about Laut including the report from the therapist. The

report stated that in the beginning of the program Laut was very impulsive, low

attention, has low level of awareness and is easily distracted. She needed extra

guidance from the therapist in order to be able to complete the tasks. By the end

of the program Laut showed positive result. She could complete the tasks well

although she is sometimes still impulsive.

After graduated from kindergarten, her parents registered Laut to inclusive

school. In this school all parties who are involved understand the different needs

of every student. All the teachers, staff, and the students get education the

principles of inclusive program. It helps her to survive in the classroom. To get

more information about Laut, I interviewed the homeroom teacher, Ibu Samudra,


and fortunately she is also the English teacher for Laut. Ibu Samudra gave a lot of

information about Laut related to symptoms that appear in each grade. In every

grade Laut shows different symptoms. In grade one and two Laut was very

impulsive. When things did not go as she wanted she screamed very loudly even

she rolled on the floor. In the third grade the symptom changed. She did not show

tantrum and rolled on the floor but she still spoke very loud. The new symptom

that appeared in this grade was she suddenly shouted at her friends and even hurt

her friends. She also preferred to be alone and drew pictures. In her grade now,

grade four, she also shows different symptoms. She tends to be cooperative, she

almost never rolls on the floor but she sometimes shouts loudly when she can’t

finish the tasks. The positive attitude that she shows in this level is she becomes

friendlier and she is willing to play with her classmates.

In her behavioral problem, Laut has great potential in language area. From

the report of the therapy it is also stated that she is competent in English. It was

proved when she studied in kindergarten.

4.1.2 The Role of inclusive classroom to support learners with ADHD

To get the detail information about inclusive program especially in

Tumbuh 2 elementary school, I interviewed the Head master of Tumbuh 2

elementary school, Pak Gunung. Inclusive program in Tumbuh 2 elementary

school Yogyakarta was first established in 2010. This vision of inclusive program

is to provide the same environment for all the students who come from different

background, characters, and even different abilities. All children have the same

opportunity to study in this school.



In the registration process, the school provides a team that is responsible to

analyze the candidates’ characteristics and needs. Students with special needs

usually bring a recommendation letters from authorized institution that explained

their special need. After the registration process, the team will decide who will go

to which class. Usually one class consists of twenty students with two students

with different special need.

The school uses team teaching technique in which each class is handled by

two teachers called homeroom teacher. The teachers are responsible to handle all

the subjects in their grade. The interesting thing in this school is that not all the

teachers have background to deal with students with special needs or PLB

(Pendidikan Luar Biasa). Anyone who is interested in teaching in this school get

the opportunity to be involved in this inclusive program as long as they have

capacity. During the process, SD Tumbuh will facilitate the teachers to join

training, seminar, or workshop to give them opportunity to learn about students

with special need. Actually this school has special teachers called GPK ( Guru

Pendamping Khusus). They are responsible to handle students who still need

special attention and special treatment.

According to the headmaster, inclusive program in this school gives

positive environment to students with special needs. All parties, the teachers, the

staffs, the students, and the parents, get the education about inclusive values in all

aspects. They realize that everybody has different abilities, different characters,

different strengths and weaknesses but they have the same opportunity to learn

with the same access. By understanding this non-disabled learners will understand

their friends with disability.



To get more specific information about the role of inclusive program to

support learners with ADHD I also interviewed Bu Samudra as Laut’s homeroom

teacher. Similar to Pak Gunung, Bu Samudra agrees that inclusive school plays an

important role in helping students with ADHD to learn. Laut often shows strange

behavior during the class. She often shouts without any particular reason, she

sometimes hurt her friends when she gets angry. Since her classmates already get

the knowledge of inclusive values then they understand what happens to Laut.

When Laut has problem they will help. Even when the teacher asks them to work

in group with Laut, they will not reluctant although sometimes Laut can’t work in

group. Laut is usually busy with herself drawing.

Another role of inclusive program for students with special need is that

this school provides RPI (Rencana Pembelajaran Individu) or individual lesson

plan. This RPI aims to facilitate special need students with specific learning

activities. RPI consists of specific points that should be done by the teacher to

maximize the learning process. By applying RPI, the standard for students with

special need will also be adjusted. For example if the standard for a certain subject

is 7.00 for non-disabled learners, the standard for disabled learners will be lower

than that.

4.1.3 How a Learner with ADHD Acquires New Vocabulary

The focus of this research is to find out how a learner with ADHD

acquires new vocabulary. In order to get the answer I conducted interview to

Laut’s English Teacher, Laut’s mother, the coordinator of inclusive program who

knows Laut very well, and the most important data collection is by interacting

with Laut.


The first interview was done with Laut’s mother. The purpose of

interviewing her was to get information about Laut’s background especially about

the symptoms in the early stage and its impacts to her language acquisition both

the first language and the second language. The mother said that at the age of

two Laut had difficulty to speak. She brought Laut to a doctor and the doctor said

that Laut had a problem in her mouth that made her unable to produce words. The

doctor suggested giving therapy and the therapy the therapy worked well. Laut

went to kindergarten when she was 4,5 years. Another symptom appeared in this

stage. The teacher told that Laut had behavioral problem that made her difficult to

concentrate, to focus on the activities and to socialize with other members of the

class. This problem was serious and needed special treatment to overcome.

The parents took her to a therapist and since then Laut got regular

treatment until she was 6,5 years old. The therapy helped her in the learning

process. Her kindergarten teacher said that Laut could memorize lots of

vocabulary. The teacher started introducing new vocabulary using real things

around her. Laut showed her interest and curiosity and in this stage she could

mention things in the classroom and things in the house and things around her. To

support this process and to dig out her potential, her mother list new vocabulary

for Laut. The mother was surprised that Laut could memorize the words well.

The process continues when she entered elementary school. To get

information more information about Laut’s progress in learning English, I

interviewed Laut’s English teacher, Bu Samudra. Bu Samudra teaches English to

Laut in the fourth grade. In the beginning of the semester Bu Samudra was

transferred the information about Laut from the previous teachers so she knows


Laut’s background knowledge. From the previous grades Bu Samudra get the

information that Laut has good competence in English. It is proved by her score.

Laut does not need to adjust her score as a student with special need, the passing

grade for English subject is the same with other students.

During the interview Bu Samudra described Laut’s performance in English

subject in more detail. Bu Samudra agreed that Laut is talented in English subject.

She is rich of vocabulary and she can grasp the material well. She has been

familiar with lots the vocabulary in her book. It really helps her following the

lesson. She shows great interest in learning English. When Bu Samudra introduces

a new topic Laut shows her curiosity. In introducing new vocabulary uses some

techniques to help the students especially Laut understands easily. The first

techniques are using pictures and explanation related to the context.

According to Bu Samudra the handbook for the students is quite good. It is

very helpful for Laut. Each lesson is completed with songs, pictures, and well-

structured activities. The pictures really help Laut to guess the new vocabulary.

The problem that Laut has in the learning process in grade four is

controlling emotion. The symptom that suddenly appears affects Laut’s

performance. The symptoms usually appear when she gets angry with her friends

and sometimes she gets angry for no reason. She shouts at her friend then leaves

the class. Another reason that makes her emotional is when she cannot do the

assignments. She will be demotivated and Laut doesn’t do the assignments well.

When it happens, the teacher and the other friends will give Laut time to calm

down or let Laut do whatever she wants because when they try to give attention

Laut will be getting worse.



The next data collection was done by interacting with Laut directly. It

aimed to see directly how Laut acquires new vocabulary. The process was not

easy since Laut was a bit difficult to meet strangers. Before the activities were

conducted the mother and the teacher had told her that there would be another

‘teacher’ who would play game with her. The teacher suggested using the

material that was related to the lesson and she gave one topic, my hobbies.

I provided some activities such as pictures about hobbies that required

Laut to label the pictures and card game. I also used another media, reading text,

for the second topic. The aim of using this media was to see whether Laut can

acquire new vocabulary by guessing the meaning from context or not.

This data gathering process was the most challenging one. The teacher

asked Laut to follow me by saying ‘play game’. Then she went out the class. She

was very quick and disappeared. The security guard told me that she was in the

toilet. I waited for about five minutes. Then again the security guard told me to

call Laut because if not she would be in the toilet for quite long. Finally after

almost ten minutes she appeared then she ran to school health care unit. When I

came she was lying on the bed. I was afraid that she was not in the good mood. I

approached her and talked to her as the ice breaker. I prepared the materials and

she seemed interested. She had a look at the handout and saw some pictures on it

but then she found my cellphone. She took it and tried to open. I asked my phone

back and hide it under the pillow. Then I started the activity.

The topic of the materials was hobby. It was related to the topic discussed

that week. I started with questions “What is your hobby?” as the warming up. She

did not answer. I elicited some more question like “Do you like drawing?”


Then I directly introduced vocabulary with pictures. Laut could pronounce

the words correctly. Then I chose randomly the picture and asked her to name the

hobby. She did the exercise while still lying on the bed but she did seriously. I did

not take quite long time to finish. I checked the answer and surprisingly she

answered all the questions correctly.

The second activity was using card. The cards were still about hobbies. I

gave the cards and asked Laut to pronounce the. She did not have problem in

reading and pronouncing the words. Then I mention some vocabulary related to

the hobbies then Laut should give me the correct card. Here are the words that I

used in card game for the second activity:

Table 4.2. Card game

Knitting Painting Playing chess Cycling

Drawing Diving Keeping pets Playing musical


Learning Taking photos Collecting stamps Sunbathing



The figure below is the illustration from the activity:

camera Taking photos


sun sunbathing

forest hunting

bicycle cycling
sport shoes

beautiful fish diving


English learning language


stamp collecting stamps

post office

playing musical


Figure 4.2. Vocabulary game



The target of this activity is to see whether Laut understands the

vocabulary about hobbies so the clue cards were for me and the hobbies cards

were for Laut. I read the clue and Laut was supposed to give me the suitable card.

Laut was great. She could answer correctly. I tried to initiate conversation but she

only replied with short answer. The interaction lasted for about twenty minutes. I

stopped the activity because Laut suddenly cried. I saw tears dropped on her

cheeks, and then I decided took her back to the classroom.

The other students were presenting their collection in front of the class one

by one. Laut sat in the first row and enjoyed the activity. After the class I told Bu

Samudra that Laut cried, but she said it happened quite often. Laut could suddenly

cry or laugh when she was doing activities. Those situations of the symptoms of

ADHD that appeared in grade four. The interaction with Laut gave me lots of

information. Unfortunately, I could not record or even take picture because the

device could disturb her attention.

The last participant of this research was the coordinator of inclusive

program, Pak Rimba. The interview aimed to gather detail information about Laut

related to her attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In the first year Laut had

emotional problem, she had problem in controlling emotion so she usually

shouted very loudly when she did not like something.

This school applied team teaching technique. In the first three years Laut

studied with two teachers with one was the educator who was responsible to

teach, while the other one is GPK (guru pendamping khusus) who was responsible

to assist special need student during the lesson. In these three years Laut showed

significant progress in which she could manage the emotion better. In grade four


Laut could learn without GPK, both of the teachers in grade four were educators.

Although the educators did not have specific education background dealing with

students with special need they had had trainings, workshops and experiences to

handle students with special needs. The reason of pulling out the GPK was

because Laut had been able to learn in more independently. The coordinator of

inclusive program kept monitoring her by doing observation in her class


The assisting program for Laut focused on controlling her emotion. When

she showed emotional, the teacher approached and helped her. Laut often went

out from the class when she got angry then she would come back to the classroom

when she got better. This treatment was very important because her emotional

affects her academic performance. When her emotion was fine she could complete

the task well, but when she was in a bad emotional condition such as angry, panic,

or frustrated she was usually unable to do the task well. Another problem was she

was easily distracted. To overcome this problem the teacher had strategy to put

Laut in the first row to minimize disturbance especially the classroom situation.

The assisting program to help Laut had been developing based on Laut’s

progress and need. The school provided assistance to control Laut’s hyperactivity

both social emotional and behavior. RPI was applied as part of the treatment since

the symptoms were usually appeared when Laut got frustrated in completing task,

so some subjects need to be adjusted. Involving peers was also applied, in which

the classmates were invited to help Laut when she got problems during class.

During the interview I also asked about Laut’s performance in English

subject. In line with the teacher, the coordinator said that Laut had strength in this


subject. He noticed that Laut often spent time in the library reading English books

for children and it became one of the inputs for Laut. The great potential in

English subject was also proved from the score she achieved in this subject, she

could meet the passing grade without which is the same with other friends. The

difference is on the process. For example when laut was supposed to compose a

short essay about a certain topic, Laut need a clear illustration about the topic. In

this case teacher needed to provide pictures to give Laut clear idea about what the

topic is about.


This part is the answer of the research question “How does an Attention

Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) learner acquires English Vocabulary?”

The answer is derived from the result of data gathering and relating it with the

existing theories. Based on the analysis of the data these are the ways of how a

student with ADHD acquires English vocabulary:

4.2.1 Habit Formation

When Laut was in kindergarten, the teacher started introducing new

vocabulary about the things around her as a stimulus for Laut to learn a foreign

language. The respond was positive, Laut was interested. She looked enthusiastic

and attentive. The teacher realized that Laut had great potential in English then

she introduced more new vocabulary. Laut became curious and actively asked the

English of the objects around her. She asked quickly, “what is this, what is that?”

and it seemed that she did not pay attention when the answered. The teacher

understood that Laut was a student with ADHD so she followed Laut’s learning


style and she patiently taught her. By the end of kindergarten school she could

mention a lot of objects in English. Laut’s mother said (see appendix 4 transcript


How did she learn vocabulary in early stage?

The teacher introduced vocabulary around her. At first it seemed that she
did not pay attention, but later she asked a lot of questions. Luckily the
teacher was patient, so she kept teaching Laut new vocabulary.

After Laut finished her kindergarten, her mother continued the learning

process but she did in a different way. She gave stimulus by giving list of words

to Laut then Laut memorize the words. Laut was happy to learn the list and she

also kept asking new vocabulary and sometimes the mother got stuck because she

did not know the English of certain words. (see appendix 4 transcript 4)

She sometimes asked the English objects she found. But sometimes I don’t
know the English of a certain word. I gave her list of words. At that time I
gave her around 250 words. I asked her to read the list then I sometimes
asked her. She could answer and finally she could memorize all the words.

When Laut studies at school, English is her favorite subject. Being rich of

vocabulary helps her a lot. Usually the problem appears when she finds new

vocabulary. She will suddenly scream and feel frustrated. When it happens the

teacher gives her time then Laut asks lots of questions.

The examples above show that Laut acquires new vocabulary through

behavior. According to behaviorist theory, the process of second language

acquisition includes imitation, repetition, and reinforcement of grammatical

structures. When Laut learns new vocabulary from the teachers especially her

kindergarten teacher, shows that she learns by imitating them. The treatment that

what her mother did actually gave her reinforcement.



According to behaviorist theory if children make error during this process,

they need to be corrected immediately in order to avoid forming bad habits that

would be difficult to overcome. In this case people who are involved in Laut’s

learning process will correct Laut when she makes error.

4.2.2 Interaction

In Laut’s learning process of acquiring new English vocabulary happens

through interaction with the teacher in kindergarten, the mother, the English

teacher, and her classmates. From the interview, in the first stage Laut learned

vocabulary from the teacher and the parent. The teacher introduced English

vocabulary when Laut was in kindergarten and it became the greatest moment

because since then the teacher found that Laut showed her interest then regarding

the problem that Laut had, she was still encouraged to dig the potential.

After kindergarten, Laut’s vocabulary mastery improved since her mother

also participated in the learning process. The mother gave her list of vocabulary

and asked Laut to memorize. The mother monitored the learning process and she

usually asked Laut to mention the words from the list and Laut could memorize

the well. Laut got more interested and asked more and more words and until

sometimes the mother clueless when she did not know the words in English.

Laut also learns better by interacting with her teacher and classmates at

school although she has problem in controlling her emotion and it can appear

anytime. She was usually bad tempered when she had difficulties in doing task,

then her friends were willing to help and Laut could do the task. Inclusive

program gives positive environment for disabled learners. This school educates


non-disabled learners that they study together with disabled learners so they are

supposed to respect and help their friends with disabilities. This situation makes

the students with disabilities including Laut feel comfortable so Laut did not

hesitate to learn with her classmates. This interaction is effective since Laut could

perform better after her classmates help her. The coordinator of inclusive

classroom said (see appendix 3 transcript 3):

How does she learn with other students?

Non-disabled learners in this school are open-minded. They know tha they
have friends with special needs. They are willing to help their friends with
special needs. Laut feels happy when her friends help her. She feels that
her friend care.

Also see the statement from the head master in appendix 1 transcript 1.

We apply spirit of inclusion. We educate the students that they learn with
student with special need so they are expected to be helpful and give their

The interaction with the English teacher also gives great contribution in

the development and improvement of Laut’s vocabulary. The teacher understands

Laut’s psychological condition during the learning process. Laut’s always feels

frustrated when she can’t complete the task the teacher patiently helps. When Laut

has problem in understanding certain vocabulary, she will help to explain or

illustrate or use media so that Laut has clear picture about the word.

Those findings show that people around Laut play important role in

helping Laut to acquire new vocabulary. They support Laut to cope with her

problem and give opportunity to develop her potency. Based on interactionist

theory it is believed that children learn their first language from the inter action

with the people around them. In this case mother and caretakers play an important

role. Care takers facilitate the development of children vocabulary, develop the


ability to use the language in appropriate situations and to get the things done

through conversation.

4.2.3 Innate

The third result that I found after interpreting the data is that emotional

feeling really influences Laut’s performance. The syndromes that appear related to

her ADHD appear in different way in different level but the result is always the

same. When the syndrome appears Laut becomes less motivated or even she does

not want to do anything. The performance is not satisfying enough. For the

homeroom teacher, the result of Laut’s work can tell what is happening to Laut

when she is doing the work. Even for English subject, her favorite subject, she

makes errors in doing the task or even she does not want to do at all. Another

syndrome that appears in grade four is that she becomes anxious then suddenly

screams when she cannot do the exercise from the book. When it happens she

usually leaves the class to take sometimes to calm down and after that she comes

back to the classroom. After that she will feel better. The coordinator of inclusive

program said, (see appendix 3, transcript 3)

When the symptoms appear, we control her emotion. She needs time to
calm down. In grade 4 she knows how to control herself. When she feels
uncomfortable she leaves the class. After some time she comes back to
class. When the mood is fine the learning process will be good as well.

See also the statement from the teacher in appendix 2, transcript 2

How is her performance in English subject?

She is good at English. Her listening, reading, and writing are good. But
when she is not I a good mood she becomes careless. It is merely because
of her emotion and mood, she does not have problem in understanding


This situation is related to Krashen’s fifth hypothesis that addresses

affective or social–emotional variables related to second language acquisition.

Citing a variety of studies, Krashen concludes that

“The most important affective variables favoring second language

acquisition are a low-anxiety learning environment, student motivation to
learn the language, self-confidence, and self-esteem.”

Another factor that influences the learning process that happens to Laut is

the high interest toward English. Since she was in kindergarten she showed that

she was interested in English subject then becomes more curious. It makes the

learning process is easier. Beside that the topic of the learning is something

related to Laut’s daily life like introducing the objects around her. (see appendix 4

transcript 4)

It is related to Krahen’s theory of input hypothesis and affective filter

hypothesis. The input hypothesis says that the input should be comprehensible and

the challenge is only a bit beyond the learner’s current knowledge while affective

filter hypothesis says that the learner will learn better if the materials are

interesting and relevant with their everyday life.

Inclusive classroom is a really suitable for Laut and other students with

special needs. The education about value of inclusive program given to all the

staff and students has brought positive attitude. Students who deal with disabilities

are respected and helped so that they feel comfortable and of course it impacts to

their psychological feeling. When they feel comfortable and secured the learning

process will be easier for them.



4.2.4 Direct Vocabulary Learning

From the interview with the mother I found that in the early stage when

she was in kindergarten the teacher introduced the new vocabulary about the

objects around her. It was effective since Laut shows that she could remember the

words well, and she was interested and curious so she asked more and more

words. From this activity the teacher realized that Laut had great interest in

learning English. Then the mother gave 250 words list. Laut are supposed to learn

the words without any time limitation but the mother controlled by asking Laut to

mention words from the list regularly. Surprisingly Laut could remember the

words well. This vocabulary building process was very effective and helpful.

When Laut started elementary school she could follow the lesson well had been

rich of vocabulary. In this stage Laut still showed her interest and curiosity by

asking lots of question to her teacher.

In grade four, when the vocabulary become complex in which the words

were not familiar and frequently used, Laut often feels stressful then suddenly she

left the class, screamed, or cried. The teacher used different way to explain the

words. The teacher used pictures to help Laut understand a new word. The use of

pictures was helpful to give clear idea about the meaning of a word. For example

when I did the first observation, the topic was about past event. At that time the

teacher displayed the lyric of a song entitled in the way back then. Laut did not

know the meaning of the title, then the teacher showed some pictures about old

times when people travelled on foot, people did not have gadget, the road was not

crowded. After seeing those pictures Laut got the tittle was about the past. (see

appendix 2, transcript 2)


I usually use songs, pictures, dialogues. The book that we use is

interactive. When there is a new vocabulary, it is introduced with picture
or video. For example when laut asked the meaning of in the way back
then (song title) I showed her the video then she got the meaning. Another
example when I asked her “what do you think about collecting coins?”, I
provided picture so she had idea of collecting coins.

The coordinator on inclusive program also agreed that the direct

vocabulary learning using pictures was good for Laut. When I conducted

interview with him, he said that pictures help Laut a lot to get clear picture about

something. He mentioned one case, when Laut had to compose story, Laut was

very stressful because she did not know what to do, then the teacher help her by

providing pictures and asked her to tell a story related to the pictures. By having

some pictures Laut got clear idea what she had to write. (see appendix 3 transcript


The difference between Laut and the other students is that she needs clear
stimulus. For example when she is asked to compose paragraphs she needs
a picture so she has clear picture what to write.

The data triangulation that I did with Laut proved that pictures helped Laut

to understand the word better, she was engaged in lesson and she showed her

interest. The topic was about hobby, I introduced some hobbies with pictures, and

Laut could understand easily the words. Then I gave exercise related to previous

activity and she could do it well.

Referring to the theory of vocabulary learning by Nation (1990), Laut

acquires vocabulary through direct learning. According to Nation (1990) in direct

vocabulary learning the learners do exercise and activities that focus their

attention on vocabulary. Such activities include word-building exercise, learning



words in list, and vocabulary games. Another theory said that in direct method

concrete vocabulary was introduced with labeled pictures and demonstration,

while abstract vocabulary was taught through associating of ideas (Rivers, 1983,

Richard & Rodgers, 1986). In this learning process both of the theories appeared

during data gathering process.

4.2.5 Receptive Learning

Laut learns new vocabulary from many sources, from the teacher, from the

parent, from her classmates, and from story books she reads. She is attentive and

she can grasp the inputs very well when she is in a good condition. When the

teacher introduced her new vocabulary she seemed ignore because but when the

teacher asked her she could answer. When she got list of new vocabulary she

could also memorize the words well and she could mention the words when her

mother asked her.

During the interview with the coordinator of inclusive program, he said

that Laut often spends her time in the library. She likes reading English story

books and from this activity Laut learns new vocabulary. The new words she finds

in this activity become the input for Laut and when she unconsciously learns and

understand the words. It helps Laut to enrich her vocabulary.

When I interacted with Laut, I introduced her new vocabulary. The use of

pictures to introduce the words was really helpful and she could remember the

words quickly. After introducing the words, I gave her exercise and she could

answer the questions very well.

In these activities receptive process appears. After she learns new

vocabulary she could remember it and when later she is asked to use it, she can do


it correctly. As Nation says that receptive learning involves being able to

recognize a word and recall its meaning when it is met.

4.2.6 Team Teaching

The participant emotional feeling is unpredictable and it influences her

learning performance. When she does not want to do anything and when she

panics or stressful usually the result is not really good. When it happens she needs

special attention from the teacher in which the teacher needs to calm her down or

assist her doing the assignment. Since the classroom has many students who also

need attention, team teaching seems very appropriate for Laut. Friend et all say


“Co-teaching may be defined as the partnership of a general education

teacher and a special education teacher or another specialist for the
purpose of jointly delivering instruction to a diverse group of students,
including those with disabilities or other special needs, in a general
education setting, and in a way that flexibly and deliberately meets their
learning needs” (Friend, Cook,
Chamberlain & Shamberger, 2010, p. 241).”

Team teaching allows the teacher to share responsibilities to monitor and

manage the classroom so that the learning process runs smoothly. This

environment really supports Laut to learn better. She can grasp the material well

because she realizes that the teacher is there to help. In the first until the third

grade the team teaching consists of educator and special teacher and the special

teacher focuses on assisting Laut during the class. In grade four the two teachers

are all educators because now Laut is so much better. She rarely shows emotional

behavior, but when it happens the educators are already experienced to handle.


4.2.7 Tutoring

From the result of the interview, Laut needs people to tutor her in the

learning process. They can be the teacher, the parents or friends.

Regarding that Laut is a special need student all the process are using clear

system in which all the tutors use a certain way to teach Laut. As elaborated in the

previous parts Laut first learned English from her kindergarten teacher. The

teacher exposed Laut positive behavior, interest, and curiosity to learn English to

introduce new vocabulary. The way she introduced the new vocabulary worked

well so that Laut could memorize.

After she finished kindergarten Laut’s mother continued the process. In

this stage the mother also played a role as a tutor who assisted Laut in the learning

process. She introduced new words in a form of list. Then she asked Laut to

memorize and she still monitored and gave assistance.

In inclusive school Laut gets knowledge from the teacher and helped by

her friends. In this stage the system is so much better because the school does not

only give new knowledge but they also treat the syndromes. The school provides

facilities that can ease the challenge. One of the most important things is

providing experienced teachers who can deal with special needs student. Teachers

play an important role in the learning process at school. They are expected to be

able to handle Laut’s psychological condition because when the psychological

condition is good the learning process can run well.

Beside the teacher, classmates are also actively involved in the learning

process in school. Pair tutoring is an effective technique to support Laut to learn at



school. It can help Laut to reduce anxiety because she knows that her friends care

and her friends are willing to help her whenever she finds difficulties.

Learning with a student with ADHD is not easy. Laut has a lot of

challenges in learning so it is very hard to ask her to learn independently and

expects her to learn spontaneously in which learning occurs through daily

communication, in a natural fashion, and free from systematic guidance. Laut is

special so she needs guidance, intensive and effective guidance so that she can

learn as well as the other students. The help from people around her plays

important role. According to Klein (1986) this learning process is called tutored or


From the elaboration above it is concluded the people involved in tutoring


a. Teachers: Tutoring activities take place in school and it happens during the

teaching learning activities.

b. Care takers: In this study mother belongs to care taker. Tutoring happens when

the mother introduced list of new English vocabulary.

c. Peer: Peer tutoring happens in the classroom when Laut works with her

classmates. According to the coordinator of the inclusive classroom peer

tutoring is an effective way to support Laut when Laut has problem in

learning, not only the teacher helps her but also her classmates. It can

reduce her anxiety and she can do the task well.

After finishing writing the result, the next step is doing data triangulation.

The data triangulation was done through member checking. Data triangulation

aims to make sure whether the interpretation of the data is true or wrong. The


participant for the data triangulation was the coordinator of inclusive program.

The consideration was that the coordinator knows Laut very well. Although he

does not interact with Laut every day, he monitors Laut’s development including

the problem and the progress.

The result of data triangulation was positive. The participant agrees with

the result of the study. He said that it is interesting to relate the phenomena, in this

case the phenomena are Laut’s attitude, with theory. Generally the result is

accepted but he added some points on the result. The first point is for the

description of the participant. He said that it is important to state that ADHD is

not a sickness and it can be cured. Thinking that ADHD is a sickness that should

be cured is wrong perception. The thing that should be done is managing the

symptoms and training them until the person can control the symptoms. It needs

time and long process. In Laut case, it can be seen the progress as the result of the

process. There are different symptoms in every level. The changing is in positive

way, and now in grade four Laut can manage herself better.

The second point he added is one of the result, tutoring. He wants to

emphasis on peer tutoring. it should be elaborated because peer tutoring gives

positive influence especially the emotion and it influence her academic


After conducting data triangulation I revise the result and the result of the

data triangulation was used to improve the result.




This research aims to find the way how a student with ADHD acquires

new English vocabulary. The previous chapters have discussed the background,

the theories, the method, and the result of the research. This chapter discusses the

conclusion, the implication and the suggestion.

5.1 Conclusion

Learning with ADHD students is challenging. In order to be able to help

the students learn well teachers should understand the psychological condition

from the student. Psychological condition including emotional really influences

the learning process. When the psychological condition is good, the learning

process can run well but when the students are having psychological problems,

the performance is usually not really good.

It happens also to the participant of this research, Laut. She has a great

potential in English subject, and she shows positive behavior in learning new

vocabulary. Generally Laut does not have significant problem in learning English,

but the problem occurs when her ADHD symptom appears such as being anxious,

stressful, or distracted by the classroom situation. When it happens Laut will not

be able to perform well. It can be seen from the result of her work.

ADHD students need to be understood. They still have opportunity to

perform as well as other students as long as people involved in the learning

process understand the condition and they understand how to treat the difficulty.

According to the coordinator of inclusive program, ADHD is not a sickness that



should be healed, what can be done is treating the symptoms. That is why the role

of the people around the students is very important.

The second important aspect that can support students with ADHD is the

learning environment. They need to feel secure and accepted in the society.

Inclusive program is a positive environment for them. Schools with inclusive

program provide special teachers called guru pendamping khusus (GPK) who

really understand special students’ problems. The schools also provide special

lesson plan called rencana pembelajaran individual (RPI) that can accommodate

the specialty.

All the people such as teachers, staff, and students are educated the value

of inclusive program to respect the differences. It gives positive impact for

students with special need because they can socialize normally and can get a lot of

friends without being worried that they will be labeled as student with ADHD,

student with autism, student with selective mutism, etc.

In Laut’s case cooperative friends are very helpful. During the learning

process in the classroom Laut often faces difficulty and her classmates are very

helpful. After they finished with their own work they are willing to help Laut. So

far pair teaching is very effective to help Laut in the learning process since it can

reduce her anxiety. She feels comfortable and encouraged.

Third, beside the social life, interesting and comprehensible materials

should be highly considered to supports the learning process. The materials should

be able to encourage the learner and the way they are delivered should also be



After reading some theories and conducting some interviews I found that

Laut, the participant, acquires new English vocabulary through 1) habit formation

by showing positive behavior during the learning process, 2) interaction, she

learns something new as the result of the interaction with people around her, 3)

innate in which the learning process is influenced by inner motivation and

psychological condition of the learner, 4) direct learning vocabulary that is really

helpful to give clear picture about something, 5) team teaching technique that

enables Laut to get attention when she has difficulties in both understanding

materials and handling emotional problem, 6) receptive learning in which she

receives input from many sources and she can use it whenever required, and 7)

tutoring by teachers, parent and classmates.

5.2 Pedagogical Implication

As a result, if I may contribute to pedagogical implication, I would

encourage all teachers in all levels to pursue deeper understanding about the

learners especially those who have special needs. They have the same opportunity

to learn, to access regular education, and they also have the same opportunity to

perform as well as the other normal students. The way to help the learners with

special needs is paying attention to both academic aspect and socio-emotional

aspect. Seeing that socio-emotional aspect is very important, the way of teaching

should touch this aspect in order to support the learning process.

The conclusion in this research has some weak points. First of all the

participant of this research is a learner with ADHD. The interaction with the

learner is very limited. The psychological condition of the participant is highly



considered since it influences the whole process. Secondly the conclusion is

derived from my understanding after reading the theories. I relate the result of the

interview with the existing theory. However it is quite difficult to evaluate the

objectivity, thus I triangulate my judgment through triangulation

5. 3 Suggestions

Considering the weaknesses and the delimitation of the study, I suggest

some points. Firstly, all the school elements especially inclusive schools or

schools that have students with special need should cooperate to support those

students. The cooperation among them will bring the success for the student with

special needs. Positive environment is an important element to support the

learning process.

Secondly, teachers should understand the psychological condition of the

students with special need. It is an important aspect so the teacher can learn how

to handle students with special needs. Appropriate teaching techniques and

strategies will help them to ease the learning process.

Thirdly, the government should also pay attention on the education system

for students with special need. This study was conducted in inclusive school

where the systems for the students with special need are well organized and well

prepared so the students are well treated. But unfortunately not all students with

special need have opportunity to study in inclusive classroom. There are a lot of

students with special need go to conventional school so their special need is not

accommodated. We often see that students are left behind. Maybe the problem is


not because they cannot perform as well as the other students, but it is because

they cannot get special treatment in the learning process.

There are several types of disabilities; this study focuses on one of

disabilities called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In the

beginning of the study, I found difficulties in finding journals or research about

this. I reviewed some journals, thesis and theories from books. Considering this

problem I suggest other researchers to conduct research on students with special

need. There are some other types of disabilities so they have opportunity to

explore them.


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Appendix 1

Interview Transcript 1 with Head master

Name : Pak Gunung

Location : Head master’s room

Type of interview : Snow ball interview.

Time : May, 2nd 2016

Text Code
R Selamat siang Pak
P Selamat siang mba
R Terima kasih atas waktunya Pak dan terima kasih sudah
bersedia menjadi participant untuk thesis saya. Thesis saya
tentang anak yang berkebutuhan khusus yang belajar
bersamadengan anak yang tidak berkebutuha khusus di
lingkungan inklusi dan saya memilih sekolah ini karena
memang sudah menerapkan program inklusi. Terima kasih atas
ijin dari bapak selaku kepala sekolah. Apakah background
dari mendirikan sekolah inklusi?
P Prinsip dari sekolah inklusi adalah pendidikan untuk semua
yang intinya memfasilitasi semua anak dari latar belakang
karakter, agama, suku, budaya, bahkan perbedaan kemampuan.
R Anak yang berkebutuhan khusus apa saja yang diterima disin?
P Kami tidak mengkhususkan kebutuhannya apa. Steiap anak
yang datang kesini baik yang normal katakanlah ataupun
berkebutuhan khusus tetap kami fasilitasi. Yang berkebutuhan
khusus banyak seperti autis, ADHD, MR atau gangguan
mental, tuna rungu juga kami terima. Lalu kaita berproses di
sekolah ini tapi intinya tidak ada pengkotak kotakkan. Selama
guru dan sekolah siap dan orang tua mensuport saya rasa tidak
perlu ada yang dikhawatirkan.
R Apakah anak-anak yang berkebutuhan khusus itu membawa
surat semacam surat rekomendasi sewaktu mendaftar?
P Ada. Jadi itu merupakan salah satu prasyarat kelengkapan
untuk mendaftar. Jadi anak- anak yang berkebutuhan khusus
kita harapakan untuk membawa surat rekomendasi baik dari
medis maupun terapis atau bahkan psikolog. Jadi kami bisa
mengetahui perkembangan anak dari sebelum masuk, saat
berproses disekolah ini dan setelah selesai. Biasanya
rekomendasi itu kami gunakan untuk kajian dikelas, karena
ketika anak anak itu bermasalah dan kami tidak memiliki
rekam medisnya kami akn kesulitan. Selain itu kami juga
menggunakanya untuk membuat RPI (rencana pembelajaran


R Apakah sekolah memberikan pendampingan pada anak anak

berkebutuhan khusus?
P Ada. Kalau anak yang berkebetuhan khusus masih dalam
kondisi berat, sekolah menyediakan pendampingan dari guru
kelas, psikolog atau GPK ( guru pendamping khusus). Tapi
kalau anak itu tidak terlalu berat maka pendampingannya
cukup dengan team teaching.
R Apakah semua guru mempunyai background pendidikan yang
berhubngan dengan anak berkebutuhan khusus?
P Sekolah tidak mementingkan latar belakang pendidikan guru
jadi tidak semua guru disini berlatar belakang PLB
(pendidikan luar biasa) tapi sekolah memfasilitasi guru dengan
training, penguatan, dan kami kirim ke pelatihan pelatihan.
R Dalam satu kelas apakah hanya ada satu anak yang
berkebutuhan khusus?
P Tidak. Dalam satu kelas ada dua anak yang berkebutuhan
khusus. Penempatan anak berkebutuhan khusus dilakukan di
ajaran baru dan dilakukan oleh team dibantu oleh psikolog
sekolah dan coordinator inklusi.
R Bagaimana sikap anak anak terhadap anak yang berkebutuhan
P Kami menerapkan spirit edukasi, artinya kami ingin ITR
mengajarkan kepada anak anak yang lain bahwa ada teman INT
yang perlu dibantu. Dan untungnya anak anak yang lain juga
terbuka. Artinya mereka tau bagaimana kondisi teman mereka
yang berkebutuhan khusus. Dan sekolah memang megajarkan
kepada anak anak untuk memilki rasa kemanusiaan, empati,
pertemanan dan saling membantu. Dengan demikian anak pun
semakin terbuka. Dengan begini anak anak yang berkebutuhan
khusus pun merasa nyamana dan diterima.
R Bagaimana dengan anak ADHD? Karena mereka
P Setiap anak harus di edukasi terus. Guru yang mengajar saat
ini mendapatkan transfer program dari guru sebelumnya dan di
harapkan program it uterus meningkat setiap tahun. Anak yang
ADHD yang sekarang duduk di kelas 4 ini perkembangannya
sudah bagus artinya ada perningkatan di setiap tahun. Intinya
peroses edukasi berlangsung terus dan kami menjalin kerja
sama dengan orang tua agar program yang dilakukan di
sekolah juga dilakukan dirumah. Nanti akan dijelakan lebih
mendalam oleh wali kelas
R Terima kasih sekali Pak atas penjelasanya.


Appendix 2

Interview Transcript 2 with the Homeroom Teacher/ English Teacher

Name : Ibu Samudra

Location : Head master’s room

Type of interview : Snow ball interview

Time : May, 20th 2016

Text Code
R Sebelumnya terimaksih Bu atas waktu dan ketesediannya
untuk menjadi participant untuk peelitian saya
P Sama sama
R Ibu, bisa dijelaskan keadaan tentang Laut
P Pertama saya mengajar Laut saya meminta transfer
perkembangan anak dari guru sebelumnya agar kita tau.
Catatan dari guru sebelumnya Laut itu ADHD dengan
emosi. Di kelas 3 masih sering tantrum sengan guling
guling dilantai, berteriak, agresif karena dengan melukai
temannya. Tantrum ini terjadi ketika ada sesuatu terjadi
tidak sesuai dengan keinginannya atau ketika dia tidak bisa
mengerjakan tigas atau dia kadang menyakiti temannya
yang mengingatkan dia.
Di kelas 3kekuatan salwa di mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
Di awal kelas 4 dia sering menyendiri, kadang
menggambar di perpus atau pergi ke kelas adiknya.
Tantrum yang mencul dikelas 4 berbeda, tidak lagi guling
guling tapi dia sering teriak. Cara menanganiny dengan
membiarkankanny karena jika direspon dia makin menjai.
Lalu memberikannya waktu untuk menengankan diri.
Seiring berjalannya waktu di kelas 4 tantrumnya berkuran,
tapi dia masih suka menyendiri dan berteriak, kadang
kadang menangis dan masih sering melukai temanya.
Di semester 2 agresifnya makin berkurang, tetapi dia masih
sering menyendiri. Tantrumnya sesekali muncul ketika dia
tidak bisa mengerjakan tugas
Gejala baru yang muncul dikelas 4 ini adalah laut sering
tiba tiba berbicara sendiri atau tertawa sendiri. Jadi
memang ADHD nya masih muncul.
R Bagaimana dengan pelajaran bahsa inggris?
P Kekuatan salwa memang di pelajaran bahasa inggris. Jadi INT
dari speaking, listening, reading, writing, dia memang
bagus Cuma kadang kadang kalu sudah emosi sering ga
teliti. Kalu moodnya sudah ga bagus dia megerjakan
lembar kegiatannya sudah tidak teliti., yang penting cepat
selesai.Tapi itu karena pengaruh emosinya, kalau


pemahamannya dia bagus. Dan bahasa inggris dia

standarnya sama dengan temannya tidak ada penyesuaian
R Bagaimana cara Laut belajar vocabulary?
P Biasanya saya selalu pakai lagu, gambar, dialogue, game, DLV
dan buku yang kami pakai memag lengkap, menarik, semua
skill sudah ada dan bukunya interaktif. Kalau ada kosakata
baru ada yang saya bantu pakai gambar atau video.
Contohnya kemarin ada lagi in the way back then. Dia
bingung. Setelah melihat video yang gambarnya jaman
dulu, dia bisa menbak arti dari in the way back then.
Kalau mengerjakan tugas dia kesulitan biasanya saya bantu
pakai gambar. Misalnay ada pertanyaan what do you think
about collecting coins? Nanti saya kasih gambar orang
mengumpulkan koin. Dulu ada bikin word bank, jadi
menulis kosa kata baru lalu ditempel dikelas, itu juga bagus
untuk dia belajar vocabulary. Kadang dengan game. Dan
slawa mudah menyerap tapi yaitu asal dia sedang tidak
R Bagaimana Laut belajar dikelas?
P Dia perlu bekeja sama dengan teman temannya, dank arena ITR
ini sekolah inklusi anak anak yang lain paham kondisi anak
yang bekrbutuhan khusus jadi mereka bersedia membantu.
R Jadi inklusi memberikan lingkungan yang posotif untuk ITR
anak berkebutuhan khusus.
P Memang, sangat membantu. Jadi anak yang berkebutuhan
khusus, khususnya anak ADHD pun merasa mereka
diterima di lingkungannya. Berbeda nanti kalau kita
melihat mereka belajar di sekolah konvensional, pasti
hasilnya akna sangat berbeda dan kita bisa merasakan
R Beruntung anak anak berkebutuhan khusus yang
berkesempatan sekolah di sekolah inklusi.
P Iya benar sekali, tidak semua sekolah bisa mengakomodasi
dan memfasilitasi anak anak yang bekebutuhan khususu,
bahkan sekolah yang inklusi pun kalau programnya belum
berjalan baik masih sering terjadi ‘pelabelan’ pada anak
yang berkebutuhan khusus.
R Oh…begitu. Terima kasih sekali, Bu atas penjelasannnya.
P Sama-sama


Appendix 3

Interview Transcript 3 with the Coordinator of Inclusive Program

Name : Pak Rimba

Location : Head master’s room

Type of interview : Snow ball interview

Time : May, 13rd 2016

Text Code
R Selamat siang Pak, sebelumnya terima kasih atas waktu untuk
bercerita tentang Laut.
P Iya, jadi saya harus cerita dari mana?
R Saya mau bertanya dulu tentang latar belakang dari Laut
P Jadi Laut ketka mendaftar kesekolah ini membawa surat
rekomendasi dari psikolog dan terapis. Dia memang sangat aktif
dan memang memerlukan penanganan untuk emosinya. Di awal
penerimaan kami memang mengkaji anak anak dan saya
bersama team menentukan anak ini ditempatkan dikelas yang
R Lalu bagaimana keadaan Laut ketika belajar disekolah ini?
P Pada awalnya Laut masih sering tantrum dan sangat agresif. TTC
Sekolah ini menerapkan team-teaching. Ketika dikelas 1,2,3
komposisi team teaching adalah satu guru sebagai educator, dan
sau guru pendamping khusus.
R Aa yang biasanya menyebabkan hal itu muncul, Pak
P Biasanya kalau dia sedang panik, kalau dia tidak bisa INT
mengerjakan soal, atau sedang emosional. Dia bisa berteriak
bahkan berguling di lantai.
R Bagaimana cara menangani ketika gejala ADHD itu muncul?
P Penanganannya adalah penyesuain penanganan emotionalnya.
Dia memerlukan waktu untuk menenangkan diri. Di kelas 4 ini
dia mulai bisa menangani dirinya sendiri. Jadi ketika dia sudah
merasa tidak nyaman dia akan keluar kelas. Biasanya lari ke
UKS, setelah beberapa waktu dia akan kembali ke kelas. Kalau
moodnya sudah oke proses belajarnya tidak ada amaslah.
R Lalu sejauh ini perkembangannya bagaimana Pak?
P Sejah ini Laut menunjukkan perkembangan yang positif. Di TTC
setiap level laut menunjukkan sikap yang berbeda tapi kea rah
yang positif. Sekarang ini gejala ADHD sudah berkurang. Dia
tidak lagi tantrum tapi masih suka menyendiri. Dan dikelas 4 ini
teachingnya adalah edukator dan edukator, tidak ada lagi guru
pendamping khusus. Artinya Laut sudah mulai bisa mengintrol
dirinya. Tetapi tentunya guru-guru tersebut sudah memiliki
penglaman menangani anak yang berkebutuhan khusus. Jadi


mereka tau apa yang harus dilakukan ketika terjadi sesuatu

dikelas yang berkenaan dengan ABK (anak berkebutuhan
R Lalu bagaimana dengan laut ketika belajar dikelas?
P Untuk Laut yang memiliki ADHD tentunya sering terganggu INT
perhatiannya. Untuk menagnganinya kami melakukan
akomodasi penempatan tempat duduk. Laut biasanya duduk di
paling depan agar tidak terganggu konsentrasinya. Akan tetapi
hal ini pun masih sering terganggu dengan keadaan emosinya
bahkan suasana pagi dan siang pun berbeda. Makin siang
tantangannya makin besar. Hal ini menuntut kemampuan guru
untuk menanganinya. Yang pasti dia memerlukan ketenangan
R Lalu bagaiman dia menyesuaikan dengan teman sekelasnya?
P Anak-anak disini sudah terbuka, mereka tau bahwa dikelasnya ITR
ada anak yang katakanlah ‘berbeda’. Tapi pendidikan inklusi
yang diberikan sekolah sudah dipahami anak anak. Jadi mereka
juga bersedia membantu anak- anak yang berkebutuhan khusus.
Bahkan kalau saya bilang Laut ini senang sekali belajar bersama
temannya. Dia merasa temannya peduli.
R Suasana dikelas sudah postif, ya Pak. Kalo untuk pelajaran
bahasa Inggris saya dengar laut tidak ada masalah ya Pak.
P Kekuatan laut memang di pelajaran bahasa inggris dan INT
menggambar. Kalau bahasa inggris dari awal memang laut tidak
memiliki kesulitan. Dia senang dengan pelajaran ini dan
hasilnya bagus. Untuk pelajaran ini tidak ada penyesuaian,
nilainya bisa menyesuaikan dengan teman-teman yang lain.
R Bagaimana cara dia belajar?
P Mungkin karena dia sudah senang dengan pelajaran bahasa RCT
Inggris ya. Lalu saya sering melihat di baca -baca
diperpustakaan buku-buku bahasa inggris. Dan keluarga pun ikut
R Jadi secara umum tidak ada masalah ya Pak
P Yang berbeda dengan laut ketika mengerjakan soal adalah dia DLV
harus diberi stimulasi yang jelas.
Misalnya ketika didalam soal ada instruksi untuk membuat
tulisan, dia harus diberi bantuan berupa gambar. Jadi dia tahu
apa yang harus dia tulis. Kalau hanya diberi instruksi biasanya
dia kesulitan memahami harus mengerjakan apa.
R Menarik sekali. Terima kasih seklai Pak atas penjelasannya
P Sama-sama, Bu.


Appendix 4

Interview Transcript 4 with Laut’s Mother

Name : Mama Laut

Location : Head master’s room

Type of interview : Snow-ball

Time : May, 9th 2016

Text Code
R Selamat siang ibu. Sebelunya terima kasih sudah
mengizinkan saya untuk melakukan penelitian tentang cara
laut belajar.
P Iya mba, saya tidak keberatan
R Ibu, bolehkah saya tau latar belakang laut sampai akhirnya
laut terindikasi memiliki (maaf) ADHD
P Jadi saya melihat nya dari laut umur 2 tahun. Saya melihat
perkembangan laut berbeda dengan teman seumurannya.
Teman teman sebayanya sudah bisa berbicara kok laut belum.
Kalaulau yang lain sama, laut adlah anak yang saktif. Lalu
saya membawanya ke dokter
R Boleh tau hasil dari pemeriksaannya, Bu
P Dokternya bilang ada gangguan motorik di bagian rahangnya.
Lalu dokter memberikan terapi dan saya teruskan sndiri.
Pakai sikat gigi itu saja mba. Dan berhasil. Setelah itu laut
mulai belajar berbicara.
R Setelah itu semua normal, Bu?
P Saya melihat ya sama saja tapi ketika Laut sekolah di TK
saya sering mendapatkan cerita dari gurunya kalau Laut
emosinya berlebih. Dan itu sering sekali terjadi. Sampai pada
akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk membawanya ke psikolog.
Sampai di tes juga mba. Hasilnya memang laut memiliki
masalh dalam mengontrol emosi. Kalau emosinya terganggu
dia agresif sekali.
R Lalu bagaimana tindakan ibu dan sekolah?
P Laut dulu sempat terapi lama sekitar 2 tahun.
R Hasilnya positif bu?
P Iyah ada hasilnya.
R Syukurlah. Bu ,saya sedang meneliti cara anak ADHD belajar
bahasa inggris, khususnya cara dia memperoleh kosa kata.
Laut dulu awalnya bagaimana belajarnya?
P Dia mulai belajar bahasa Inggris di TK. Kalau yang saya liat ITR
gurunya sering mengajari nama-nama benda disekitarnya. BHV
Guru TK nya bilang laut seperti tidak memperhatikan pada
awalnya, tapi kalu ditanya bisa. Lalu lama kelamaan dia


malah yang banyak tanya.

R Lama- lama dia suka ya bu
P Iya. Untung gurunya sabar dan telaten. Sampai dirumah juga BHV
sering Tanya sama saya, saya sampai kewalahan. Karena ada
yang saya tidak tahu bahasa inggrisnya
R Berarti motivasi belajarnya besar ya bu
P Iya. Dulu saya sempat membuatkan daftar kosa kata, waktu DLV
itu saya buat 250 kata. Saya suruh baca saja itu lalu sering RCT
saya tanyai sedikit sedikit sampai akhirnya dia bisa
mengingat semua mba.
R Sampai sekarang masih rajin belajar bahasa inggris bu
P Saya sudah tidak membuatkan. Tapi kalau saya lihat dia bisa
mengikuti pelajaran di sekolah. Dia memang suka
R Terima kasih sekali ibu, atas informasinya. Kalau nati saya
ada pertanyaan lagi apakah ibu masih bersedia untuk
P Iya boleh mba silakan.


Appendix 5

Script 5 interview for data triangulation (member crosscheck)

Name : Pak Rimba

Location : Head master’s room

Type of interview : Snow-ball

Time : May, 31st 2016

R Selamat siang, Pak. Terima kasih sekali lagi karena sudah memberika
waktu untuk interview.
P Jadi samapai mana thesisnya, mba
R Saya sudah menulis semua hasil interview saya pak. Dan di bab 4 ini
pertama tama saya menjelaskan keadaan laut secara detail bahwa anak
anak tersbeut memiliki ADHD. Saya uraikan apa symptoms yang
muncul disetiap level
P Iya benar sekali mba. Jadi itu sangat penting karena banyak orang
menganggap ADHD itu sebagai penyakit da nada yang bilang itu bisa
disembuhkan. Sebenarnya sebutan penyakit dan bisa disembuhkan itu
ga benar. Yang benar kata mba tadi tentang symptoms. Dan symptom
itu kita latih, dan yang mba temukan itu kan hasil dari latihan latihan
dimana si anak mampu mengontrol emosi. Di grade 4 ini dia Laut
sudah bisa mengontrol.
R Lalu yang ke dua saya menguraikan tentang peran sekolah inklusi,
tentang fasilitas diantaranya pembuatan rencana pembelajaran khusus
termasuk guru pendamping khusus. Kemudian sekolah juga
mengedukasi anak anak yang lain agar menerima dan membantu
teman teman yang bekrbutuhan khusus.
P Iya benar seperi itu
R Setelah saya menganalisa data dari hasil interview saya menemukan
tujuh cara Laut belajar kosakata baru (menunjjukan hasil kepada
P Saya setuju dengan temuan –temuan ini. Sangat betul sekali. Saya
setuju dengan setiap poin Tapi saya ingin menambahkan di poin
interaksi. Jadi interaksi denagn guru itu sering terganggu dengan
suasana dikalas. Yang kedua yang tutoring, itu tutoringnya tidak
hanya dari dari guru tapi juga peer tutoring. saya juga menambhakan
satu point penting bahwa ADHD itu bukan penyakit yang harus
disembuhkan. Tetapi bagaimana gejala yang muncul berkaitan dengan
ADHD itu di tangani.
R Baik Pak semua masukan itu akan saya gunakan untuk memperbaiki
tulisan saya. Tetapi secara umum Bapak setuju dengan hasil yang saya
P Iya mba saya setuju


R Terima kasih sekali Pak atas bantuannya

P Sama-sama mba


Appendix 6

Observation notes

(The class runs for 70 minutes)

Time Activities Notes

9.30 The teacher greets the student
9.35 The teacher and the students sing The students looked
songs enthusisastc. The teacher
played three different
9. 45 The teacher started the lesson and
introduced the material
9. 50 The teacher asked the students to There was one student
read the dialogue in pairs. The who did not want to read
students took turn to read the the dialogue and later I
dialogue with their partner knew that this student has
selective mutism
10. 10 The teacher did presentation about The students were
the material attentive. Laut also
listened attentively
10.20 The teacher asked the students to do The teacher monitored
the exercise while the students were
doing the task
10. 35 The teacher discussed the assignment
10.40 The teacher ended the class


Additional notes:

During the observation I did not see any specific events that can describe Laut’s

attitude. Everything ran smoothly and the interaction between laut and the teacher

was limited since the teacher should monitor the whole class. Considering this I

decided not to do another class observation because I thought that classroom

observation only gave little information. Instead, I decided to have one on one

interaction with Laut.





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