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Name: ___________________ ( ) Marks: _________ %
Class: 1 ( ) Date: ___/8/2017
Parent’s Signature: _____________

A. Read the passage carefully and circle the letters of the correct
answers. (10 Marks)

One day, Mother Hen took her twenty chicks for a walk up the hills.
The chicks ran all over the hills. “Cluck! Cluck! Cluck! Come back!
Come back!” cried Mother Hen. But only fifteen of the chicks came back.
Mother hen was sad. She took her fifteen chicks back to their home.

1. Where did Mother Hen take her chicks?

A. The hills B. The home

2. How many chicks did Mother Hen take for a walk up the hills?
A. 15 B. 20

3. How many chicks did not come back?

A. Five B. Ten

4. What is a baby hen called?

A. A puppy B. A chick

5. What did the chicks do when they were at the hills?

The chicks ran ________________________________.

Mak Tuck Choy/Bahasa Inggeris/Tahun 1/Ogos/mukasurat 1

B. Read the sentences carefully, then match and complete the sentences
in the spaces given. (12 marks)

The ant gives some food

1. ∞ ∞
to the grasshopper.

In the end, the

2. ∞ ∞ grasshopper learns to
collect food.

The ant works. The

3. ∞ ∞
grasshopper plays.

∞ ∞ The grasshopper has no

food to eat.

The ant and the grasshopper are friends.

1. The ant works and _______________________________________

2. The grasshopper has _____________________________________

3. The ant gives ___________________________________________

4. In the end, the grasshopper ________________________________

Mak Tuck Choy/Bahasa Inggeris/Tahun 1/Ogos/mukasurat 2

C. Choose and group these words. (10%)

table desk goose February monkey

black August yellow fifth seven

Colours Things Animals

1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

Numbers Months

1. 1.

2. 2.

D. Choose and fill in the missing letters. (12 marks)

1. 2. 3.

__ut __irl __id g
4. 5. 6.
__ick ro__ __oat

Mak Tuck Choy/Bahasa Inggeris/Tahun 1/Ogos/mukasurat 3

E. Choose and fill in the correct answers. (10 Marks)

illustrator Pussy author title Piggy

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Pussy & Piggy

By Liew Yan Mei

Illustrated by Devaraj

By Liew Yan Mei

1. The ______________ of the
Illustrated by storybook
Devaraj is “Pop! Pop! Pop! Pussy & Piggy”.

2. Devaraj is the ______________ of the storybook.

3. The story is written by Liew Yan Mei, the _____________ .

4. The names of the animals in the story are ___________ and _________.

Mak Tuck Choy/Bahasa Inggeris/Tahun 1/Ogos/mukasurat 4

F. Look at the pictures, choose and fill in the correct words. (10 marks)

box gum mop peg bag





G. Read carefully and put a question mark ? or a full stop .

(6 Marks)

1. What is your name ( ) 4. Where is your school ( )

2. Today is Tuesday ( ) 5. My birthday is in April ( )

3. My name is Hayley ( ) 6. When is the party ( )

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H. Rearrange the words to form correct sentences. (10 marks)

1. park. / a / children / The / are / at

2. my / I / ride / Sunday. / bicycle / on


3. ducklings / yellow. / are / The


4. to / invites / Ebin / his / Sam / party.


5. May. / is / My / in / birthday

I. Look at the pictures carefully, then write ( √ ) or ( X ) (4 marks)

1. The balls are on the box. ( )


2. The boys are under the big tree. ( )

Mak Tuck Choy/Bahasa Inggeris/Tahun 1/Ogos/mukasurat 6

J. Read the invitation card carefully, choose and write the correct
answers. (10 Marks)


May and Sam are good friends. (1) __________ ( Sam, May ) has a

birthday party on (2)____________________ ( 18 April, 14 August ).

She (3)_____________ ( swims, invites ) Sam to her party. The party

is held in (4)______________________ ( Taman Perling, Taman Ros ). It

starts at (5)_________________ ( 5 o’clock, 4 o’clock ).

Mak Tuck Choy/Bahasa Inggeris/Tahun 1/Ogos/mukasurat 7

K. Look at the pictures, choose and write the correct answers in the
spaces provided. (6 Marks)

Thank you. Yes, please.

I’m sorry. Excuse me.





3. May I help you?


Set by: Mr Mak Tuck Choy

Vetted by: Madam Chong Ah Mui

Mak Tuck Choy/Bahasa Inggeris/Tahun 1/Ogos/mukasurat 8

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