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1 Activity Sheet 1

1 Write.

sculpture painting drawing

1 2 3

2 Watch and number. Write.

Tib Street Manchester Art Gallery Tib Street Horn Tree of Remembrance
Firework sculpture City of Manchester Stadium

a b

c d

e f

16 Art 1
Introduction PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press | Incredible English 5

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1 Activity Sheet 2

1 Look and tick the sculptures.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

2 Read. Underline the incorrect words and rewrite.

Remembrance realistic Horn

on top of outside big

1 The firework sculpture is very small.

2 The firework sculpture is inside the City of Manchester stadium.

3 The metal tree is called the Tree of Happiness.

4 The tree sculpture is quite unrealistic.

5 The huge musical instrument is called the Tib Street Harp.

6 The sculpture on Tib Street is next to a building.

3 Draw your favourite sculpture. Write why you like it.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press | Incredible English 5 Art 1

Introduction 17

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1 Activity Sheet 3
Can you
help me?

1 Answer Jake’s Art challenge.

help us remember celebrate tell us about Second World War

Commonwealth Games people who live in the area

My Challenge Jake
1 Why is it here?

It was made

2 Why is it here?

It was made

Why is it here?

It was made

2 Complete Jake’s homework.

scary big steel recycled rubbish exciting metal fun sad realistic

What is it made of? Adjectives

18 Art 1 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press | Incredible English Kit 5

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1 Activity Sheet 4

1 Read. Ask and answer with a friend. Pupil A

This is the WEEE Man. It was designed by

1 . It is at the Eden Project in Cornwall in
2 . WEEE stands for Waste 3
and Electronic 4 . It is built from three tons
of 5 . It was made to show how much waste
a person will throw away in their lifetime. It is hoped that it
will make people think about recycling.
The WEEE Man is made from 6 fridges, 35
mobile phones, 7 kettles, six microwaves,
8 toasters, four lawnmowers, and many
other pieces of equipment. His teeth are computer mice. His
9 is made from old washing machines. His
neck is made from vacuum cleaner tubes.

2 Write a list of all the electrical and electronic equipment your family owns.
Design and write about your own WEEE man or woman.
Find out about a sculpture in your area. Make a poster encouraging
people to visit it.

1 Read. Ask and answer with a friend. Pupil B

This is the WEEE Man. It was designed by Paull Bonomini. It

is at the 1 in Cornwall in the UK.
WEEE stands for 2 Electrical and
3 Equipment. It is built from
4 tons of waste. It was made to show how
much waste a person will throw away in their lifetime. It is
hoped that it will make people think about 5 .
The WEEE Man is made from five fridges, 6
mobile phones, twelve kettles, 7 microwaves,
eight toasters, 8 lawnmowers, and many
other pieces of equipment. His teeth are computer mice.
His spine is made from old washing machines.
His 9 is made from vacuum cleaner tubes.

2 Write a list of all the electrical and electronic equipment your family owns.
Design and write about your own WEEE man or woman.
Find out about a sculpture in your area. Make a poster encouraging
people to visit it.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press | Incredible English 5 Art 1 19

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1 Activity Sheet 1

1 Write.

Romans cave men dinosaurs

245–208 million years ago 130 000–24 000 BC 43–410 AD

2 Watch and number. Write.

Vindolanda fort museum Roman numbers Hadrian’s Wall sock letters

a b

c d

e f

20 History 1 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press | Incredible English 5

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