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From: Steve Kamber

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block

Subject: ?
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 9:49:18 AM

Who is teaching your Shoplifting 101? Seems you need someone who explains it might not be the best plan for a
visitor in China to try that caper.


PS. Nice publicity you your school.

From: Charles Schrade
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: "Hsll in a handbasket
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 11:15:46 AM

Sear Sir,
When I was a youngster, about 75 years ago, I would hear old
geezers, such as I am now myself, moaning about how "our
country is going to Hell in a handbasket." I was too young to
understand, but now I do perfectly. The criminal action of
your three basketball players will serve as signposts on how
we are going to get there.
No response is wanted, needed, or expected.
Charles A. Schrade, retired high school and college teacher
From: Jacquie Wagner
To:; Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: "What would John Wooden do?"
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 11:07:33 AM

As i heard this on the radio this morning regarding your idiot basketball players and that they should at the very least
be suspended for a year, I could only think how completely appropriate that would be as a guideline.

Do not let them play!! And I say this as a lifetime fan of UCLA basketball.

Jacquie Wagner
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: 3 basketball players behavior in China
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 7:02:34 AM

I am writing to express my sadness in the behavior of the 3 basketball players during their time in
I sincerely hope that there will be some punishment for their actions.
Their possible incarceration in prison for stealing deserves a response from UCLA.
Fortunately the President was able to intervene.
Giving them a free pass to return to school/basketball is essentially condoning their actions.
As a UCLA alum this reflects poorly for our school and send a poor message to the world.
Theft. Is this what we expect from our athletes?
I do not think so. Nor for any student.
I think it is fortunate that this was not done in North Korea
Or the expectation of them not returning alive would have been a possible outcome..
Watching the news for your response

UCLA 1972

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: michael gohrig
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: 3 basketball monkeys
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 11:09:13 AM

Sent from Mail for Windows 10
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: 3 Basketball players
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 5:13:04 PM


Psychology, B.S. (1986)

M.Ed. (1987)
From: Suzy Hutton
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: 3 basketball players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 1:22:01 PM

So disappointed in the behaviors of the 3 young men representing not only UCLA but also America. I do believe
expulsion would be appropriate.

Sent from my iPhone

From: Jeff Gariepy
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: 3 Basketball players conduct
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 12:19:21 PM

As a tax payer for the past 30 years in CA, I’m beyond disgusted at the lenient treatment of the 3 young men from
the mens basketball team. I’m appalled that as a tax payer, we continue to fund these 3 through scholarships while
they admittedly committed crimes while representing the university, as well as all that contribute.

I’m even more angry at the lack of will from the school to remove these 3 from
scholarship. The young men made a mistake, they need to live up to that responsibility. A softened blow of a
suspension is not a lessoned learned from 3 who clearly feel entitled. A lesson learned is to realize the gift they are
provided. That won’t happen with a mere suspension.

I expect more from he University as well as from those empowered to make the right decisions.
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD;
Subject: 3 Basketball Players Released from China
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 11:47:34 AM

Dear Dr. Block, Mr. Guerrero and Mr. Alford,

I write to the three of you as a 1977 UCLA graduate, -

I am thankful for all the efforts that UCLA and the US government did on behalf of the three basketball
players, for their swift removal from China. I am not in a position to judge their quilt
but have read that there is video surveillance showing them shoplifting from three stores. Should that be
true, and I am assuming UCLA has been shown the surveillance tapes, I hope that UCLA will expel these
three students. UCLA has had the highest standards of admittance and to allow any or all of these three
students to remain at school and/or to play basketball would be a travesty. Anything less than full
expulsion signals to all that winning a game or a conference title or a national title is more important than
integrity, more important than ethics, more important than lawfulness. If we as the UCLA community don't
stand up for those values, what do we stand for? What is left to be proud of? Win, even if you need to
cheat? Look the other way when a player breaks the law, just to win. That produces meaningless
victories and robs UCLA's great past of their athletic victories.

In conclusion, UCLA's standard of excellence is under assault. It is an honor to play for UCLA, in any
sport. There are so many deserving talented student athletes who would cherish the opportunity to play
for UCLA and would represent the high values and ethics that UCLA has always stood for. Please expel
and and recruit and reward three new student athletes with the honor to play for UCLA,
with students who will be grateful for the opportunity.

Thank you all for your time.

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: 3 Basketball players stealing
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 4:41:00 PM

I don't want to even say or write their names. I am so sad and very embarrassed how
they treated and acted in a foreign country. They were representing the United
States of America. What do you think the Chinese people think. Many of them are
poor and dream of coming to the United States. How many are thinking their citizens
would have to serve 10 years. The 10 years there is hard labor. That figures these 3
are Americans, every good thing goes to them.

They get to come to our country easily, we are unable to go across some of our
countries own borders without approval. We can't visit America without a very
intrusive interview with many Officers.
I am ashamed of UCLA so far with just a suspension. I pray they are expelled from

These 3 adults know right from wrong, they know about shop lifting. I'm sure they
were given the rules, by the athletic directors. They were given instructions and the
rules on how to act in a foreign country. China has to give you an invitation.

I HOPE UCLA EXPELS THESE 3 STUDENTS. They embarrassed the USA. They
represented a great school and what they did was huge. I am so disappointed on
how they represented and embarrassed the United States of America. They
represented the Americans and I am proud to be one of them.

I hope the chancellor is able to read my email. I have never written to an any
organization, however, this is our Country. The world is watching. This is not a small
thing that they did and didn't know the consequences. It wasnt game they were
playing. Not a suspension from the basketball team. I pray that UCLA does the right
thing and expels these 3 college adult students.

Thank you.
Mrs. Lockhart

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: 3 basketball players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 12:40:28 PM

Dr. Block - I believe the three (3) young men arrested for shop lifting in China should be expelled from
your campus or at least the basketball team (for the duration of their academic career at UCLA).

They not only badly represented UCLA, but every citizen of the USA being high profile individuals in the
sports world.

Susan Prichard
From: Jim Robb
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: 3 Basketball Players
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 12:49:28 PM

graduated from UCLA and is really upset. Shame on you as the Chancellor. 3 spoiled brats can get away
with Grand Theft in a Foreign Country. They should be expelled. Sports and money from TV is more important
than doing the right thing.
You are a disgrace to Education. You take the responsibility and tell your coach that makes millions to be a Man.
UCLA is a disgrace. You are a puppet to the sports program.

Shame on you

James Robb
Technology Consultant Economic Development

City of Prescott
City Managers Office
201 S. Cortez Street
Prescott, AZ 86303
From: Bob Johnson
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: 3 BB players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 6:40:59 PM

I would hope these 3 hoodlums are suspended from playing for some significant amount of time, and they make
apologies to the nation, let alone all UCLA people and Alumni for embarrassing the USA with their criminal
behavior as guests in a foreign nation.

Bob Johnson
From: Wendy Woodworth
To: AD
Cc: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: 3 Basketball Players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 7:41:24 PM

Director Guerrero - It is my hope that if the allegations against your 3 basketball players are
true, then UCLA will impose severe penalties, even to the point of dismissing them from your basketball
team. While in China, they represented both UCLA and the United States of America. They have
embarrassed your university and our nation. Please demonstrate to our nation as well as to China that
you take this situation seriously and will not tolerate their disrespectful and dishonest behavior.

Wendy Woodworth
From: blisserts
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD; UCLA BBall
Subject: 3 players arrested in China
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 11:17:42 AM


I have been following the storyline of your three men's basketball players arrested in China and would like
to voice my opinion before you render any decisions on their fate as both team members and students at

Although I have not seen the video, assuming the video is the proof in the pudding, these three men were
caught stealing goods from a store in China, were arrested, and brought embarrassment to the team,
your school and our country. The dollar value of the goods was not reported, but it has been has been
alleged these items were of such value that the resulting charges would have been a felony.
The fact that our President had to get involved to get
these boys home and possibly save them from a brutal work camp is a big deal!

one of the many things we always stressed to our young athletes was
being a good citizen. To allow these young men to remain on the team, let alone stay at the university
would be a slap in the face of every young student athlete who has strived to be a good student and
citizen! If you choose to reward then rather than punish them then I ask you what would be next -
allowing a player to continue as a student athlete after being charged with sexual assault, rape or assault
with a deadly weapon?

These young men were given a gift, a god given talent that has allowed them to partake in activities that
other mortals could only dream of. The fact that they have chosen to throw away this opportunity is no
one's fault but their own. Please do not choose to ignore this criminal activity and reward them by
allowing them to remain on the team. Instead, revoke their scholarships, remove them from the
school and award their scholarships to someone who is a qualified athlete, has been a good student and
also a good citizen.

Should you choose to allow these three individuals to remain on the team and at the school, please take
the time to respond to me as to how to explain this to my kids.


Stephen F Blissert
From: Sheila McHugh
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: 3 players back from China caught shoplifting.
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:12:36 PM

These players should be kicked off the team permanently & expelled from your school. This was not a small faux
paus, but an international embarrassment. President Trump was very gracious to these 3 ingrates & to your school.
SD McHugh

Sent from my iPad

From: Kenny Sample
To: Kenny Sample
Subject: 3 Privileged Morons
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 4:31:08 PM
From: Janet Hubbard
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: 3 shoplifters
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 6:04:47 PM

I would like to see these 3 young men expelled.

They showed incredibly poor judgment. Why should the US president be put in the the awkward position of having
to ask a favor from the president of China. How embarrassing!

Jan Hubbard

Sent from my iPad

From: Darlene Espinola
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: 3 shoplifting UCLA basketball players
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 7:09:04 PM

Dear Chancellor Block:

I believe the 3 UCLA basketball players who have been accused of shoplifting in China, if
found guilty, should never be allowed the privilege of playing for UCLA again.

Their playing would be a total disgrace to UCLA, California, and the United States of
America. These athletes are representatives of all of us......they are role models to the
young....they must be held accountable for their actions and pay the consequences.

I trust you will make the right decision, if and when, the time comes.

Thank you.

Darlene Espinola
From: Donna Mcpherson
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:41:20 PM

Suspended from playing. What is the schools stance on their demise? Expulsion is the answer in my book!

Obviously academics are moot. I listened

to these 3 speak and find it hard to believe they received admission on an academic basis. Shame on UCLA!

Really?!? That shows the amount of remorse in this incident.

Please do the right thing. These 3 are not only a disgrace to UCLA, but the country. Hold them accountable.

D. McPherson

Sent from my iPhone

From: lhove
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: 3 thieves on your baketball team
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 8:15:20 AM

Dear Chancellor,

Please expel the 3 thieves that represented our country and your state school in China this

Those thieves showed their true colors. Reward them appropriately please.
Getting into Ucla is dream for some. Traveling to China to play an important game, a life
altering privilege to others.
To the 3 thieves, business as usual, just another opportunity to take what was not theirs.

Show the world that UcLa is not the home of thieves.


Lara Hove

Sent from my Sprint Phone.

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: 3 UCLA Basketball Players / China
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 6:31:52 PM

Hi Chancellor Block,

I graduated in 1974 from UCLA. Am active in many things from Dinner for 12 to athletic endeavors.

I wish to voice my opinion on the UCLA players and the unfortunate thing they did in China. As much as I
am a huge fan of UCLA Athletics and am passionate about it, and I know it will hurt the team immensely
this year, I think all 3 players should have to sit out a year. And they should have to do a lot of Public
Service during this time so as to get a better understanding of things. Part of the reason for my opinion
is that the media and nation and world are now saying that this is on UCLA and nobody else, as far as its
reputation and what we will do about it. It will make a great statement that we do care about these things
if we do what I suggest, and I know that there has been precedence on this at UCLA for similar bad
judgement, like in 2011 when 3 football players were caught stealing and they had to sit out a year per
Coach Neuheisel. This situation is now far more visible, and I hope we follow through with similar

My wife (Class of 1975) thinks they should be expelled. I don't.

Thank you for your consideration.

From: bob friedlander
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Cc: liz Friedlander
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 12:15:00 PM

they should be suspended for the entire basketball season and put on probation and mandatory community service-
no way allowed back on the team this year—will be closely watching to see if you do the right thing bob
From: MB Vanderzee
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: 3 UCLA Basketball Players.
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 9:18:46 AM

Sent from my iPhone

All 3 basketball players, released after being held for shopping in China, should suffer consequences here in the
USA, because of their actions in another country.
Our POTUS saved them, from being retained in China for an unknown amount of time.
At the least, all 3 UCLA Players, should be placed on the sidelines for a basketball season, to sit and watch their
teammates holding a basketball, instead of a stollen Louis Vuitton Item.
From: Pamela Kern
To: AD; Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: 3 UCLA Basketball players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 1:41:17 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero and Dr. Block:

I am a teacher and a principal intern at an elementary school in Monument, CO. I hope you
are reading all of the communication you are receiving surrounding the recent arrest, and
release, of the 3 basketball players in China.

While I am all about using mistakes as a way to teach students to make better decisions, I was
appalled at the behavior of the 3 students. I also did not see remorse or shame during
today's press conference. I'm not sure these student athletes truly understand that they
were representing the United States in a foreign country. They were representing me. The
rest of the world forms an opinion of citizens of the United States by the contact they have
with our citizens who travel to these countries. The reputation of the citizens of the United
States has been tarnished. And, all of the young athletes around the country who look up to
them now think that crimes committed in other countries are easily dealt with and there are
no repercussions.

I'm sorry that UCLA has had to deal with this situation. I'm sure this has consumed your
administrators, athletic staff, and legal counsel. As well as taking time away from our
President while on a diplomatic trip, who should be asking China for help with many other
things besides asking for leniency for 3 spoiled basketball players.

Please ensure that this will be a learning experience for these students, and that their
education is of the utmost importance, rather than the importance of their athletic career.

Thank you for your consideration. This is the first time that I've reacted to a news story by
reaching out and emailing those involved. I am a sports fan---a Buckeye, no less. I know that
Ohio State has had its discipline issues with athletes in the past. is a perfect
example of a discipline decision that was handled improperly.

I have confidence in your wisdom and experience in dealing with these players. Good luck as
you move forward with the process.

Pamela Renfroe Kern
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD; UCLA BBall
Subject: 28-year season ticket holder
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 4:27:24 PM
Attachments: image002.png

We have had basketball season tickets for twenty-eight years. We gave up our
football tickets a few years ago because of my mobility issues. We were
regulars for years at women’s volleyball.

My husband and I feel that you have let us and UCLA down with the decision on
the three young men who admitted to shoplifting. They should be suspended
for the entire season. If we as adult role models and parents don’t practice
tough love, how will the young people ever get over their sense of entitlement?
From your stated decision, my guess is that the boys will turn on the charm
and worm their way back. That really shouldn’t happen.

When we left Pauley last night, someone commented, “it’s great that the good
boys won.” We want a team we can be proud of. We’re not naïve about the
role of money in college athletics, the pressure on the athletes to move to the
next level, and the UCLA legacy (I was a student during the national
championships and travelled with the team in to all the regional and
national championship games). Nobody loves basketball more than I, but the
value I place on ethics, morality, and good citizenship trump that.

Please make “indefinite” for the entire season so we can hold up our heads as

Thank you for your attention.

From: Reagan Nilsson
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD
Subject: A Concerned Parent ~ Your Basketball Athletes
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:24:31 AM

Dear Dr. Block and Mr. Guerrero:

I am a concerned citizen and writing to inform you of my disappointment with the

behavior of your three basketball athletes, accused of shoplifting in China. I am contacting
you because I think it's imperative that these three athletes are punished and held accountable
for their actions.

I have the utmost respect for the institution of UCLA and I do not believe their actions
represent your school well. They have been fortunate to have superior athletic ability and a
scholarship to your university. Yet they find expensive sunglasses more important than being
good role models and representatives of your school.

I am so embarrassed that they were given this wonderful opportunity to travel to China (for
free) and they chose to represent your university and our country in this manner. I hope they
face retribution for their actions both in China and here. Maybe that's a fine or community
service in China. I would expect that would mean being benched from their sport for a time
for their reckless actions.

are watching what happens. Please show that talent isn't all that is required to play for UCLA.
Please show that character is just as important. We all make mistakes, and I'm
not saying they need to be kicked off the team but they need to feel that their are
consequences to bad actions so that they may learn from them and others as well. Thank you
for your time.

Reagan Nilsson
San Clemente, CA
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: A disgrace
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:09:51 PM

My son just graduated Cum Laude from UCLA…..loved the entire experience. Amazing school

You need to show courage and expel or at least remove from the team those 3 boys who shoplifted
in China

A disgrace to USA, UCLA, etc.

China may have let them go for international good will……….YOU should not also pass the buck

Thank you
From: Janet Lyons
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: actions have consequences
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 3:15:40 PM

As a U.S. taxpayer, and federal dollars contribute to the UCLA budget, I would like to register an opinion. If UCLA
ballplayers touring abroad shoplift - shaming our country - they should be thrown off the team.

Janet Lyons
Hamden, CT
From: John Briggs
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD
Subject: Alford
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 2:52:53 PM

Why would any basketball coach want three thieves on his team?
If Alford doesn't understand the damage these three have done to UCLA's reputation, he should be discharged as

John Briggs
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: An Ethical Disgrace
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 9:17:38 AM

Fact: Three UCLA basketball players admitted to criminal activity

while representing our esteemed university while abroad. The lack of
serious consequences for this egregious behavior has left us
bewildered and ashamed by the choices made by our leaders of UCLA. How
do we reconcile this 'looking the other way' with our life long views
of UCLA as a world class institution of higher learning? Is 'winning
at all costs' more important than the ethical behavior of our student
athletes and the actions of our University?

Regretfully Yours,

Jesse Thompson, MD
Emeritus Professor of Surgery
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Cc:; UCLA Alumni Association; AD; Iacoi, Christopher
Subject: An Important Decision
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 4:39:59 PM

Dear Chancellor Block:

I applaud UCLA’s decision to temporarily suspend the UCLA basketball

players to account for their criminal conduct and thievery in China.

Our great university doesn’t deserve this poor example of conduct.

I advocate that the suspensions remain permanent in order to affirm

accountability at UCLA….and to re-establish the high standards of conduct
expected of the student body and the UCLA sports organizations wherever
they may be.


china-to-calls-for-lengthy-suspensions/?utm term=.856bdb01a3ce
shoplifting-charges/2017/11/14/54aa5bca-c95a-11e7-aa96-54417592cf72 story.html
From: Christine Ameen
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Another idea about the three basketball players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 3:36:56 PM

Dear Chancellor Block,

Like many people, I’ve been following this story. And like you and others, I’m disappointed at the actions these
student athletes took. I’m hearing they are young, they made a bad decision, they showed poor judgment. That’s
all true. But I wonder if that gets to the question of why. And these sound like excuses.

I’d ask that you consider perhaps these young men felt entitled, that rules don’t apply to them, that they’re such
good players, everyone will look the other way. The vast majority of student athletes who go on to become sports
stars are, I believe, well grounded in what is right and wrong. I hope those student athletes who end up in more
ordinary lives also know right from wrong. There are a few who believe they can break laws, assault women, and
so forth because everyone looked the other way.

I hope you will consider making these men truly accountable by sitting them on the bench for a year. This is an
opportunity to make sure they get the message that rules apply to everyone.

I hope you get this message, Chancellor. Thank you for listening.

Sent from Chris Ameen via iPad.

Ameen Consulting & Associates
From: pjd.jmj@
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Apologize for Disgracing our County!
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 3:51:11 PM

Re: The Three Basketball Thieves.

Our country has been disgraced by your spoiled

criminals. Why do you allow your students to
disgrace our country here and overseas? Do you
not teach them proper etiquette? You and they
must apologize for disgracing our country and
again, thank our President who saved their
worthless selves.

When I was young there was an old saying, “UCLA

is the little red school house by the sea”.
Surprises you that Communists in other countries
do not put up with your entitled garbage, doesn’t


Sent from Windows Mail

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD; UCLA BBall; Broussard, Duane; Grace, David; Edney, Tyus; Barnett, Kory; Alford,
Kory; Erickson, Doug; Walker, Briana
Subject: Appeal to UCLA"s decision to only suspend UCLA MB athletes that stole in China
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 9:57:04 PM

Dear Chancellor Gene Block,

My name is and I am writing as a UCLA alumni (class of 2012). I also come

from a family of Bruins. Sufficed to say, we are all very disappointed in how the incident
involving stealing while representing the school in
China was handled. These men, while young, committed a crime and was only given a slap
on the wrist by the university. An indefinite suspension allowing them to "earn their way
back"? This is an insult to all Bruins, past and present. What kind of example are we setting
for our children and future student athletes when we tell them that playing sports is more
important than doing the right thing and taking responsibility and being disciplined. Besides
the fact that these men broke the law, they have most definitely broken the integrity we expect
from our student athletes. If you are making an exception just because of the high profile
nature of the Ball family then all of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Application - No More
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 9:02:10 AM

Good morning Chancellor,

My name is and I am a seventeen year-old middle-class, white young man born and raised on
the outskirts of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I go to public school, and although I am involved in numerous
activities and sports, I know that that the career path that I take after college will be based upon my
education. I work part-time after school five days a week and on weekends to earn enough money to
help offset some of my future higher education and because my parents have taught me to work hard for
everything in life because no one will just hand you something.

My goal since I was fourteen has been to go UCLA to further my education. I have worked tirelessly in
and out of the classroom to get the grades needed to apply and, hopefully, be accepted to the one
institution that I wanted to attend. That has all changed in the last week or so and I am no longer
considering UCLA for my future academic career.

As you are well aware, the basketball player incident has been in the national spotlight. I have been
holding out hope that you and the disciplinary board at UCLA would have taken the correct stand from
the outset of this incident, but believe that you have failed not only me, but the rest of your future
students, current students and alumni. Had this been another group of students who did not play sports,
or were over in China doing a work study, I am sure that they would not have gotten the same help that
these basketball players did. And, I am sure that their punishment would have been more excessive (that
is, if they were even allowed to leave the country and not have to jail time).

I have had to work hard for everything I have in life with the exception of the house I live and the food and
clothes my parents provide. I know that if I receive any scholarship money it will be because I have
worked hard in and out of the classroom and have earned it. I would appreciate any scholarship money
and would work hard to exceed all expectations of myself.

In this day and age, we students know that stealing is wrong. We students know that stealing from
another country is completely and utterly wrong and a disgrace to the citizens of this country. The old
adage of, "they are young and will make mistakes" doesn’t exist in this situation. These athletes on
scholarship do not have a clear understanding of the gift their scholarship truly is to their future; to throw
that back in to your face and the institution of UCLA is a disgrace.

However, I now blame you and the disciplinary committee. These students should be expelled regardless
of their athletic ability. I have an idea of how much money sports can bring in to a college, but the
school’s ethics and values should rise above the all-mighty dollar. And, by suspending them for only a
season while they still receive an unattainable education for many hard working, middle class students at
your prestigious school is the reason why I will no longer be applying to UCLA to live out my dream.

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Appropriate action is required now
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 10:34:41 AM

Dear Chancellor Block,

It is a shame UCLA is currently trying to raise donations for its UCLA Giving campaign as I
currently find myself unable to support the university. I've been a loyal Bruin and donor since
graduating, but the current lack of leadership and action in regards to the three "student"
athletes' illegal actions while representing the university in China leave me deeply upset.
They embarrassed both our school and our nation. Around the world UCLA is now know as
the school whose students break the law and have no respect for their hosts.

Students are accepted to UCLA based on huge number of talents and experiences. However,
anyone failing to have the basic common sense to not steal while on a university trip in a
foreign country does not deserve to attend UCLA. When people make terrible decisions, they
need to face the terrible results.

Expulsion from the university is the only acceptable decision. These individuals have forfeited
their chance to attend UCLA. They absolutely should never represent the school again or be
associated with it any longer. I hope you will take appropriate action quickly to prevent
greater damage to UCLA's reputation and finances.

Thank you.

BA 1988
From: Eric DuBois
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Aren"t You Ashamed?
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 2:40:19 PM

Lets face facts here because the basketball team and its reputation mean more to UCLA than setting
kids on the right path. I’m sure you are going to keep these kids and get them back on court as soon
as possible and let this blow over. They are not “good kids” that made a bad mistake they are kids
that were warned to be on their best behavior and that they are representing their country. Their
choice to ignore the school, the law and their own morals will be put aside, this will be talked about
for the next month or two, and I’m sure all will go back to normal. Thank you for telling the world if
your good enough at a sport and you receive enough pressure of a parent, all will be forgiven. You
must be very proud of the university right now after all it’s not about the education…it’s the dollars,

Eric B DuBois

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: bret mosher
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Arrested basketball students
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 2:25:51 PM

Those students are an embarrassment to your institution. I hope some form of action is taken
against these embarrassments. What kind of students do you allow in your school. Their
actions represent your school, our state, and our country. Are sports so important that you
will recruit criminals. Those students should be expected from your school. I would hope
you have some sort of bylaws that this would be seriously addressed.
Very disappointed.

Bret Mosher
From: christopher abel
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD
Subject: Arrested Players - China
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 9:22:53 AM

Hello -

I hope you are planning on rescinding the scholarships of the young men that got arrested in

Taxpayer funded scholarships, taxpayer funded trip to China, taxpayer funded luxury hotel in
China.....taxpayer funded EVERYTHING.

How do these young men repay the generosity of the school and state? By shoplifting in a
foreign country.

They are an embarrassment to UCLA.

The is already a complete and total embarrassment to begin with. This simply adds
to pathetic "legacy." instill no values beyond the almighty dollar
and their own self-interest. This latest incident is testament to that fact.

Perhaps the Chinese will simply throw them in jail for the next few years and make the
decision easy for you. I doubt this very much as this is high-profile and I imagine UCLA (and
others) are pulling every string and greasing every palm to get these young men out of the
mess they created.

In the end, it is up to you to show that UCLA has zero tolerance for criminal behavior which is
an embarrassment to your institution.

Or you can just continue accommodating criminal behavior and teaching young men that
there are no consequences for their actions, provided they can put a little ball through an

It's up to you what message you want to send to UCLA players, recruits, students and alumni.

Best of luck with this.


Chris Abel
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: athletes embarrass UCLA
Date: Friday, November 10, 2017 11:53:23 AM

Dear Chancellor Block:

I have been a member of the UCLA family since 1964. During this 53-year
period I have usually been very proud of my UCLA association.
Unfortunately, the athletic department has caused me to be embarrassed
for UCLA from time to time. But what is currently happening with the
basketball program is beyond the pale. These players who have been
accused of stealing in China have embarrassed and shamed UCLA on an
international stage. By putting the university in a negative light,
their actions reflect on alumni such as myself. I no longer feel proud
to wear my UCLA cap and sweatshirt.

In my view UCLA, like most major universities, has allowed the athletic
department to have too much power and influence. The coaches recruit
athletes who have no intention of getting an education. The goal is to
get into professional sports as soon as possible. The whole system is a
national scandal.

Clearly Steve Alford has lost control of his players. The athletes show
no respect for themselves, the coach or the university. As a supporter
of UCLA, I would rather see UCLA recruit athletes who are interested in
an education and plan to get a degree, even at the expense of team

Dr. Robert Korechoff
From: Laura Weir
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Athletes returning from China
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 3:50:11 PM

Suspended indefinitely? They were representing the USA. They should be expelled! What low standards you have.

Sent from my iPhone

From: Reyes, Bob
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Athletic Shoplifters
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:32:39 AM


The UCLA basketball players should be kicked off the team! What an embarrassment to the USA and the

Goes to prove that some college athletes are nothing but thugs!!!

Sent from my iPhone

Bob Reyes
Executive Driver
From: georgedeb
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 3:06:28 PM


Just want to say that was the most insincere apology I have ever seen.

These guys, should have, at the very least, been made to memorize their

It was so obvious that they were just reading what had been given to them. Really sad.

Debbie Kyriax
Gilford, NH
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 11:19:06 AM

Dear Sir
We are UCLA alumni, class of ’69 and have a large Bruin family. We are always proud of attending such a world
renowned and excellent university. We were shocked to read that these three young men (not boys) who
represented UCLA in a foreign country stole merchandise from not one but three stores. We would expect nothing
less than their suspension from the university for the entire school year. Serving community service would show
that they are truly sorry for these selfish and immature acts.

Presently, Coach Alford has suspended them from the team indefinitely. That is not enough. Coach Neuheisel had
the character to suspend his three players for the remainder of the season. We can ask what would Coach Wooden
do? We all know he would have suspended them immediately.

From: Tina Mytych
To: UCLA BBall; Broussard, Duane; Grace, David; Edney, Tyus; Barnett, Kory; AD; Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 2:23:33 PM

To the Chancellor, AD, and men's basketball coaches,

I would like to say how sorry I am that you are having to deal with the situation created by .I
just read an article that said the three players are suspended indefinitely. As a long time fan of UCLA basketball, I
would ask that you permanently remove these players from the team and take away their scholarships.

To say these are good young men and they just made a bad decision is an understatement. Good young men don't
steal anything, period. These are young men who think they are above the law and can do anything they want. This
is evident in their behavior. They are very fortunate in China that the charges were dropped and they could travel
back to the USA.

Thousands of young kids look up to these three individuals and consider them roll models. Now, these kids will
think they can wield the same attitude and nothing will happen to them. Shoplifting is not a roll model behavior.
Actually, it is a behavior of a criminal and thug.

I know I'm a nobody in the world of UCLA basketball (I'm a fan), but I implore you to impart sanctions on these
young men that is fitting their behavior and crime. Please remove these players from the team.

Tina Mytych
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:08:35 AM

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

I have 3 graduate degrees from UCLA and I value the school’s reputation. The 3 basketball players
disrespected their hosts and the Chinese people. They put shame on UCLA, their race and our
country. They should not be associated with UCLA in the future. They should be expelled, period.
Otherwise, they will not learn there are serious consequences to criminal behavior (they have
already have been given a free pass by being allowed to return to the USA), and allowing them to
continue at UCLA would set a very bad precedent. The basketball program will live without them.
With them, the stigma will continue to reflect negatively on UCLA.
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Baseketball Players Conduct in China
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 11:06:31 AM

I am writing as an interested and caring US Citizen as well as the parent of two UCLA
graduates. I share your priority to keep your students safe. I hope the University is viewing
and reviewing this incident as not only a violation of the law but also as an embarrassment to
this country and UCLA. My expectation is that the penalties for these three young adults will
be as significant as possible and should be related to their status as students, basketball
players, and likely recipients of scholarships. It would be refreshing to see that they receive
some combination of season or multiple game suspension, loss of scholarship, and probation
of their student enrollment status. It's long overdue that individuals such as these three stop
feeling above the law and privileged compared to the average student and citizen.
I am looking forward to hearing about appropriate and swift accountability.
From: rfamdeals@
To: AD; Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball - China
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:21:53 AM


As a fan of UCLA, I sincerely hope that the basketball team members involved in the incident in China will be made
to understand that they represent not only UCLA but our country when traveling abroad. Undoubtedly, this will
never happen again.

Additionally, I believe that the UCLA administration and the team members involved owe a debt of gratitude to the
President for intervening in this matter. A humble and public thank you would go a long way to not only build
character for these students, but also set an example that showing gratitude is important and necessary.

R. Kae
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 1:20:43 PM

As a graduate from the BEST University west of the Mississippi I find it appalling what these young men did in
China...Chancellor I’m also a donor to our university...if these young men continue to find their place at UCLA , I
will STOP the donations to the university. I know it’s a difficult decision but there’s NO place for theft! Remember
our future Bruins, there must be standards at UCLA, and incidental like what just happened in China will not be


Class of ‘01
From: William Henderson
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:46:50 PM

There is no way your three basketball players should stay on the team or on scholarship. I’m sure there are others
that will not break the law while on a university sponsored trip. How you handle this will determine how the people
of United States view you and your institution. If they are not dismissed from the team and school everyone will
know you put winning above morals and what’s right.

Possibly a former fan,


Sent from my iPhone

publically via a press conference NOW. Had the president not intervened, the three players
might have found themselves in prison and may be tortured. “I would say they could be in
quite a bit of trouble if they have solid proof that they shoplifted,” William Nee, a Hong
Kong-based researcher of the Chinese court system for Amnesty International, told Yahoo
Sports prior to their release, adding, “It will depend on whether their lawyers, the university,
or the U.S. consulate can advocate and negotiate on their behalf.”

“What they did was unfortunate. You know, you’re talking about very long prison sentences.
They do not play games,” Trump said of the Chinese prison system aboard Air Force One on
his way back to the U.S. from his five-nation tour of Asia. We the people are furious that
when the players returned home Tuesday, they did not even say thank you, admit guilt, say
I’m sorry, or offer comments on their release.

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From: James Hall
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 7:14:08 AM

Dear sir,

I would like to say that and I were disappointed in your schools handling of this recent controversy. What
better chance to show the young people that you oversee, that there are strong repercussions for your actions.

That the three individuals were only suspended from the team makes it look like that if you are athletic, than you are
above the rules of society.

At the minimum these three should be removed from the team permanently. The excuse that they were “young “
does not matter. Their actions have embarrassed your school, the country and themselves.

I am sure you are very busy and we appreciate your reading this email.

Jim & Hall
Portsmouth, RI

Sent from my iPhone

From: Mario Godinez
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball China
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:00:04 PM

Mr Chancellor
Please do the right thing in EXPELLING the three basketball students from ANY association this fine
institution, UCLA. Instead accept Freshman on their academic

Mario Godinez, Native of Los Angeles, since 1950

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball Dilemma
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 5:44:02 PM

Dear Chancellor Block:

I am a double degreed alumnus of UCLA that grew up in the shadows of USC in South-Central Los Angeles.
I was not fortunate enough to have the athletic skills to have a scholarship and had to attend with loans,
working part-time, and financial aid. After graduation I have continued my support of the University so
that others can have the benefits that I enjoyed.

When I initially heard about the three members of our Basketball team being detained for shoplifting, I
was shocked. What kind of students are we recruiting for our teams?
I realized the answer to my question.

These young men stole from MULTIPLE stores in China!! This is an embarrassment to Americans,
Bruins, and an insult to the people of China. A one year suspension, loss of one year of eligibility, and termination
of enrollment at UCLA is the MINIMUM that I would expect. For these athletes to steal with the comfort level
displayed showed they clearly had done this before. Only this time they got caught. We do not need them or
of their family involved in representing UCLA. Our President saved them from a possible 10 years in prison but
at a cost we do not know. These three deserve due process during the indefinite suspension, but in the end they
need to go. I’d like to think that character counts in our Athletic Department as well as the General Student Body.

discipline. I can’t imagine Wooden would only bench them
for a few games. Perhaps banishment from playing in the
NCAA ever again might bring lawsuits the school dares not
brook. Unfortunately collegiate sports have become a
convenient farm system for academically challenged athletes
to shine for a single season then dash off to the pros and
multimillion dollar paydays, dropping the school like
yesterday’s laundry. One and done! What a shame. And of
course there is always that nagging pressure coaches and
administrators feel to field a championship team, bringing
glory to the old institution. But, there are some infractions
so egregious that demand administration of severe justice so
no one thinks these miscreant prima donnas can get away
with grand larceny. On the other hand, if we can watch a
traitor get off with a slap on the wrist in the military
following a court martial we can’t hardly let these poor
disadvantaged Bambi’s look like we walked up behind them
and blew their spots off with a shotgun.

So what would I do? I would withdraw their scholarships for

a full year and if possible orchestrate they could not transfer
and play for another school during that period. A one year
delay would serve notice such severe lapses in discipline will
be dealt with severely.

Having commanded troops deployed around the globe there

were times when I had to pick up the slack of discipline
parents failed to instill in their kids. And of course many
never had father figures to serve as good role models.
Whenever I administered punishment under the Uniform
Code of Military Justice I had three criteria before looking
myself in the mirror the following morning. I had to be
absolutely right, absolutely fair and absolutely defensible. So
may God guide your actions as an entire nation looks upon
you to administer justice. And these lads can thank their
lucky stars it is not dispensed by the country that welcomed
them to serve as ambassadors for America.

Good luck and Go Bruins!

Respectfully Yours,

Sent from my iPhone

To: UCLA BBall; AD; Chancellor Gene D. Block
Cc: Rebholz, Joshua; Smith, Brian; Junker, Alicia;
Subject: Basketball incident in China
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:28:44 PM

Dear Coach Alford, Mr. Guerrero and Chancellor Block,

I am a proud alumnus of UCLA having graduated in 1966. I have also been an ardent
supporter of UCLA athletics and have proudly donated in excess of 100K during my lifetime. I
have also been a football season ticket holder for over 35 years. And, I am currently a
member of the and have been a member of the
for many years.

Based on the press conference this date, all three of our UCLA basketball team players
admitted to shoplifting during their recent visit to China. It is my understanding that the
shoplifting occurred in three or four stores, not just Louis Vuitton. This crime is appalling and
embarrassing, not only to UCLA and our entire nation, but on an international scale as well.
Students, alumni, China and the entire world will be watching what form of punishment you
impose on these three players. We all are waiting for you to do the right thing, which is a
swift and strong penalty. This is about student integrity and accountability and these players
need to be educated on the responsibilities of representing our great university and our
country. Playing basketball for our esteemed basketball program is a privilege that includes
being responsible.

I am further appalled that recently told ESPN:

I ask you, do you really care that continues to play on our
team (for at most one year) with such an outrageous and disgusting comment

I therefore urge you to take the appropriate and only action in this matter, which is to
suspend these three players for the ENTIRE SEASON, if not expel them from school, no matter
how much it may hurt the basketball program in the short-run. A short-term suspension for a
handful of non-conference games would only be a slap on the wrist and a further
embarrassment to the school, athletic department, community and the world. What is also
galling to me is that all three players admitted to this crime, so why in the world would the
university impose “an indefinite suspension” while assessing the incident? There are no
tapes to review, so with their public admission today, why did you not impose a swift and
strong penalty TODAY? The facts are the facts!

I promise you that if the punishment is anything less that an ENTIRE SEASON suspension, I will
immediately give up my long-standing football season tickets and immediately drop out
entirely from the . This should not be taken as a threat but merely
what I feel would be the right thing for me to do, speaking of doing the right thing.

Thank you all for your consideration in this matter!

UCLA ‘66
From: Kim Pilger
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; Guerrero, Dan
Subject: Basketball Incident in China
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 9:11:39 AM

Chancellor Block and Mr. Guerrero- I am sure you share a special level of disappointment at the recent behavior exhibited
by the three UCLA players in China.

I would hope that the school's integrity as an institution and what it stands for far outweighs the contributions of three good
athletes on a basketball court and that you will take an appropriate course of action. I am heartened after reading the UCLA
Student Athlete Handbook in Mr. Guerrero's welcome letter that you will, ".......not compromise character for
championships" -

It was disgusting to hear the .

I haven't watched the news closely so clearly the first question is did the young men really shoplift - - - from there if the
answer is 'yes' - - I can only think of what my parents would have done - - I would still be sitting in jail in China and I
would have received a call from

Character is forged during difficult challenges and how you all handle this will send far reaching messages to every corner
of your university and the country. Good luck in getting it sorted out.

Kim Pilger,
North America New & Small Deal Sales Leader,
IBM, Global Technology Services

***Hours T-Th; OOO Monday/Friday - If Urgent Call Cell

From: Mark
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball issue with your players who steal.
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 10:30:16 AM

Dear Chancellor Block,

How disappointing this entire situation is. If you are rich you can get away with stealing and now return home and
play basketball.

These players need to be arrested when they arrive home, do their time, and need to be kicked off the basketball

No justice when you commit crimes and you play sports or are rich. They are in no way role models for anything.

Where's the 500 hours of community service they need to perform helping the poor and picking up trash for the
state...? Oh, I forgot, they are basketball players for UCLA and nothing will happen to them.

More than disappointed in the entire situation, and the lack of justice.

Mark Zimmer
From: Ron Finke
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball or Thiefs
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 5:55:05 AM

What message are you sending to America? It is disgusting to allow your athletes to tarnish
your reputation as a premier learning institution. To suspend them is a joke. Immediate
dismissal from UCLA should be the only option, not a slap on the hand then bring em back.
America is watching.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

From: David Madole
To: UCLA BBall; AD; Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball player suspension
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 12:01:06 PM

As a long time UCLA basketball fan I am dismayed to see that, according to the news conference, the 3 players
involved in the shoplifting in China may get off with what appears to be a slap on the wrist. The thought that they
may be allowed to play this season after the shame their actions have brought on their families, UCLA and the
United States is inconceivable. At the least they should be suspended for the entire season and lose an entire year
of eligibility if not losing their scholarships and being dismissed from the school altogether. I hope clear thinking
will prevail and the high standards of UCLA and their athletics programs will be upheld and these students will be
dealt punishment that is in line with the crime. They need to know that their actions have SERIOUS consequences.
They should be thanking their lucky stars that they are facing missing some basketball and not spending the
foreseeable future in a Chinese prison. Show that doing the right thing is more important than winning some
basketball games.

David Madole

Sent from my iPhone

From: Lori Kunzi
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Cc: Lori Kunzi
Subject: Basketball Player’s Discipline
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 5:52:39 AM

UCLA stands as a revered institution that is a model for young students striving for excellence. Don’t let the illegal
and careless actions of 3 athletes
be resolved with a mere slap on the hand as excuses are made about their immaturity or sense of post crime regret.
They are not worthy of wearing the UCLA logo and should be expelled. The world is watching to see if UCLA
stays true to their high standards for student conduct.
Sent from my iPhone
From: Thomas FIORI
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 9:14:08 PM

What an embarrassment for your university. You should suspend these kids for the entire season if you have any

Tom Fiori
From: Jennifer Cartier
To: Long, Wes; Besedick, Shane; Iacoi, Christopher; Rebholz, Joshua; Mitchell, Scott; Palanjian, Scott; UCLA BBall;
Broussard, Duane; Grace, David; Edney, Tyus; Barnett, Kory; Erickson, Doug; Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players - suspension not enough
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 7:57:19 AM

Mr. Guerrero , et al-

As a college basketball fan, I am writing to you to express my frustration and irritation with
your "light sentence" for these three young men . UCLA is a institution that
prides itself on a solid reputation, solid ethics, high academic standards, great sports teams,
and enjoys deep support from community and high profile alumni. Do you not feel that you
owe the reputation of the institution more than an "indefinite suspension"?

UCLA is the pinnacle of "in the spotlight" being right in the heart of LA, and this issue is beyond
embarrassing, and for UCLA to not either bench the players for the year, or kick them off the
team or supply a SOLID STATED plan of discipline is suspicious.

These three men did something on a SCHOOL SPONSORED TRIP, at what one could argue is
their "job", and they have even admitted guilt. Is that how it works, they break the law while
on their job, and they get a slap on the hand?
Nobody is fooled by the "indefinite suspension" being code for, as soon as this dies down we
will let them back on the court. UCLA needs to take a stronger stand. These men were in
FULL UNDERSTANDING of the fact their actions were illegal and did it anyway - like some sort
of entitled brats - they could have paid for them. As is sickeningly familiar, these athletes feel
they are above the law, that they can do what they want - no matter how depraved, illegal,
insulting etc - and they will incur no response from their life line of sports. REALLY? Can you
see that there is an opportunity here to set these boys in a corrected line by letting them reap
the rewards of their actions, give them an opportunity to become less of a GIMME and YOU
OWE me mentality, and more of a responsible, respectable person that they obviously do not
have the tools to comprehend? You allow them to reap the rewards in the positive actions,
so alas, it would be appropriate here in response to their negative actions, to apply the same

They should be in jail in China, if it had not been for the POTUS luckily being in Asia, they
would be. The Chinese, like most Americans, do not give two hoots about what you do for a
living, when it comes the application of the law.

Please do what is right, please uphold the integrity and the honor of the program and take
a stand that is definite. To do anything other is to condone what they have done because
of who they are, and because it is self serving for the University. Your actions will be
scrutinized, and will set the stage for other lesser programs to follow - please set the standard
high - these men are responsible for self - let them take the penalty that they themselves

Jennifer Cartier
Folsom CA
From: Bob
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball Players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 12:08:53 PM

Your basketball players are a disgrace!!! They should be suspended.

Thank God for Donald Trump or they would be rotting in a Chinese jail for a long time!

Sent from my iPhone

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball Players
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 1:25:27 PM

Chancellor Block,
I am writing to you as a UC Alumni, one that is currently sending for pre-med, and
. I feel that I need to voice my concern that if the three
basketball players are allowed to re-join the basketball team I will be forced to withhold all of my
donations to the University. What they did is completely unacceptable and they should not be a member
of the UC!
From: Brian
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players
Date: Friday, November 17, 2017 3:16:21 AM

Just wondering why those 3 young men are not getting kicked out of school for causing an international incident? I
can almost guarantee that this was not and or will not be the first or last time they have done this!

Sent from my iPhone

From: rplassmeye@
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: basketball players
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 1:43:47 PM

Those basketball players should be kicked off the team and out of school.

Bob Plassmeyer
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball Players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:53:08 PM

Dear Chancellor Bloch,

I am writing to urge you to expel the three basketball players who have admitted to
shoplifting in China.

An “indefinite” suspension conveys the wrong message.

With morality at a low point in our country, it is more important now than ever to “do the right
And if you allow these students to remain at UCLA, is it because they are basketball
I have committed to leave a gift to
UCLA on my death, and have provided for that gift in my estate plan. However, if these young
men are allowed to remain at UCLA, it gives me pause to leave that gift.
Thank you.


Please excuse the typos from either my fingers or my voice

Sent from my iPhone

From: Steve Bossi
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball Players and China
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 11:20:02 AM

Those basketball player who were caught shoplifting in China MUST be expelled from your
institution immediately. Failure to do so will only enhance the image that college athletes are a
protected group, above the law and will reflect te3rribly on UCLA and all college athletics.

Do the right thing send them packing immediately. Do not allow there to be any inconsequential
slap-on-the-wrist disciplinary action. They must go.
From: Margie Faciana
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball Players and China
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 4:08:28 PM

I am sure you have probably received many emails in regards to the incident that happened in China over the last
week with the Basketball Team.

I hope that you decide to withdraw the Scholarships and privileges these young men received when they decided to
play for UCLA Basketball. I understand their age comes into play but their actions did not happen in just one
store. Therefore, they continued to do what they knew was wrong.

The young adults in our society today expect to have no consequences when they do something wrong. I hope that
in this incident they receive a consequence for their actions. Maybe, just maybe, UCLA will do the right thing for
these young me and show them that all actions have consequences. That would be the best lesson you could teach

Thank you for your time.

Sent from my iPad

From: John Whelden
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players back from China
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 8:58:39 PM

Chancellor Gene Block,

I read with great interest your statement that UCLA is "weighing it's options" as to how to
handle the issue of the recently returned three members of the school's basketball team
accused of shoplifting in China.
I am a defense attorney by profession and there is no greater proponent of and believer in the
concept of "innocent until proven guilty".
That being said, if such guilt is proved - and not necessarily "beyond a reasonable doubt" as in
a court of law - but rather by either an admission by the accused or by clear and convincing
evidence, I certainly hope that you would exercise all "options" at the university's disposal -
rescinding the players' scholarships, removing them from the basketball team and expelling
them from the school. Harsh though that may seem they are are mature enough to be students
at a preeminent and prestigious university, they are ambassadors of that university and this
country in a foreign land and they have shown absolute total disrespect for that land, it's
people and it's laws as well as a total lack of respect for their teammates, coaches, school and
country. OUT!

John M. Whelden, Esq.

Albany, NY

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: basketball players China
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 1:14:42 AM

Dear Chancellor Block,

I am a UCLA class of 1993 graduate, and have spent most of my career working
internationally . The recent incident in China disgraced UCLA's name around
the world, damaged the reputation of the entire UCLA community, and the eyes of the world
are now on UCLA to see if it will do the right thing. Unless the players in question are
suspended for at least one year (frankly, they should be expelled), I will never donate any
money to UCLA again.


From: Julie Baumann
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players Chins
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 11:10:53 AM

Enough! Fire these 3 from the team and put them on academic probation. Is this the best UCLA can do? If so time
to shut your doors.

Julie Baumann
Sent from my iPad
From: RICHCH @
To: UCLA1; Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD
Subject: basketball players in China
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 10:32:39 PM


I want to express my disappointment in the character of the men who disgraced our country and ruined
UCLA's reputation with their unacceptable behavior. Three members of my family graduated from UCLA
over the past 3 decades and we are ashamed.

To Dan Guerrero and Chancellor Block, why have you allowed this to happen? Why have standards and
expectations for decent behavior been lowered? College athletes are spoiled and entitled, and you along
with their bullying parents have created this.

These players do not deserve the privilege to attend UCLA let alone play basketball. I refuse to support
any UCLA athletic programs until appropriate measures have been taken. Indefinite suspension? Right.
You know what it involves, and I hope you have the courage to make it happen.
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: basketball players in china
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 11:55:58 AM

Dear Chancellor Block,

As an alum of UCLA I think that the three shop-lifting basketball players

should be suspended from the team for this season. Letting them off
easy (e.g., one-game suspension) sends a terrible message to the public
that "good basketball players" are held to a different standard ("winning
games is everything") than the average student. This message would
give young athletes and the general public the wrong example of bad
behavior having no consequences. UCLA must take appropriate action
that demonstrates a commitment to honesty and not to letting athletes
get away with bad, criminal behavior just because they are good players
recruited to play basketball.

Thank your for your consideration.

From: Alexandra Spencer
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball Players in China Shoplifting Incident
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:38:09 AM

Not good ambassadors for UCLA!

Sent from my iPhone

To: AD
Cc: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 11:01:29 AM

Dear Director Guerrero and Chancellor Block;

I am writing to you as a retired Judge who graduated from UCLA Law School, and a
long time member of the and contributor, and a lifetime
member of the . As you know, Dan, is a very successful head
men’s basketball coach for the past 18 years at . Fortunately has not had to
encounter something like this that is so embarrassing to our school.

If it is true that the evidence supports the fact that these three players stole property while they
were on this school trip to China, then in my opinion there can be only one outcome that would
satisfy my concerns, and that is they be thrown off the team, and probably should be expelled from
school. Anything less than this would not serve the school well, and will get me to send my
contributions elsewhere like to Cal, which was my undergraduate school.

I respectfully hope that UCLA takes firm and swift action, and that we can move past this regrettable
and embarrassing incident.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: george franklin
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players in China
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 9:19:47 AM

Who is paying for their room there?

George Franklin

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Patti Everts
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players in China
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 7:44:52 AM

Dear Chancellor,
I hope you can use the shoplifting incident in China by your basketball players to teach the values of right and
wrong. If in fact, these young men felt initialed to doing whatever they wanted without worrying about the
ramifications, my hope is UCLA can teach them in a strong way. People, including many impressionable young,
prospective players are watching.
Patricia Everts

Sent from my iPhone

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players in China
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 9:24:01 PM

Dear Chancellor Block,

While the wheels of UCLA’s Office of Student Conduct will turn slowly and silently, I see no reason why UCLA
Athletics need do the same. These players should be immediately and permanently excluded from the team. They
brought dishonor upon themselves and tarnished UCLA’s reputation.

From: Barbara Perry
To: UCLA BBall
Cc: Broussard, Duane; Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball Players News conference
Date: Friday, November 17, 2017 12:37:56 PM

Mr. Alford, Mr. Block and Mr. Broussard,

I have been following the story of the 3 basketball players and watched your news conference this week. I appreciate
the statements made by the players and they seemed sincere . Coach Alford, I also appreciate all that you said. You
addressed the ramifications of the players actions on the University, the team , staff and the community. You failed
to address the taxpayers of the state of California. I worked in California for over years and I paid
tax . As you are aware, a majority of the state budget is allocated to
education. Millions of that budget go to higher education . UCLA is a beneficiary of these funds used for sports
scholarships, travel, clothing, food, trainers and coaching staff. For over years millions of other taxpayers
got up at 5:30 a.m. To work hard to earn the money given to the players, and UCLA staff. There was no
recognition or gratitude mentioned for those of us who pay for the athletes education and sports experiences, that
can enrich their lives I lived and worked
in for over and do not think that these men understand the shame they put on the
Community and State.
I believe that the scholarships should be rescinded for the 3 players. That privilege was not taken away from them as
you are allowing them to continue to go to school along with students who do not steal and disrespect UCLA and
our country. If you allow them to return to the team, they should at least be suspended for 1 year. A part of the
season is not adequate. I am still shocked at what they did, the amount they stole and the time and money they have
wasted for others to deal with the consequences. What moral compass do they have that made them think it was ok
to steal items they did not need?How fortunate they are to have President Trump and UCLA staff (coaching and
legal) intervene on their behalf. They have escaped any legal consequences, unlike other UCLA students who have
shoplifted and paid a legal price. At minimum I request that you make them do many hours of community work in
downtown Los Angeles where the homeless live so they will understand how privileged they are. And they should
spend sometime volunteering in the LA County jail with those who did have to pay a price for shoplifting. They
can be ambassadors for the University if you make this a teachable moment . They need to learn that actions have
consequences and not just taken out of a few games.
Thank you for reading this. California taxpayers have invested a lot of our hard earned money to UCLA. I hope you
will share with the players where the money comes from.
Barbara Perry
Sent from my iPad
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players punishment
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:40:20 PM

Dear Chancellor, as an alumni of UCLA, as my , and are as well. I’m shocked and
embarrassed for the University, the student body, the city and our country on the action of three of our school
basketball team. Team members that represented our school and country
To see that your administration has come pour with a weak punishment to their actions is shocking
What should have been done immediately is to suspend all three for one year, period.
If this action isn’t take, I will circulate a petition to the NCAA asking them to put sanctions on the team
Let’s do the right thing and send the right strong message now
Thank you
To: AD
Cc: Chancellor Gene D. Block; UCLA BBall
Subject: Basketball players" shoplifting in China
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 12:20:32 AM

Dear Mr. Dan Guerrero:

I think President Trump was wrong in putting the U.S. in a weakened position in order to bring home the
three UCLA basketball players who created an international incident. These spoiled players, who are
recruited with athletic scholarships (paid for by UCLA donations), brought shame to UCLA, USA athletics,
and the USA. They should have served their time, as others who have broken the law in foreign
countries have done; that would have taught them a lesson. In the U.S., shoplifters are prosecuted, and
the average citizen does not get charges dismissed. Instead, our country now owes a Communist
country a favor. This is serious. Sure, everyone makes mistakes, but these players were warned
beforehand that they were representing UCLA and the U.S. and to be on their best behavior. They
ignored the coach's warnings and embarrassed us all.

In my opinion, the three players should be permanently suspended from the basketball team, their
scholarships rescinded and given to others more worthy. They are a disgrace and do not set an example
for our youth or for what UCLA expects of their students. By coddling them, UCLA has sent out the
message that a person who is athletically talented can get away with anything. Think of the other
nefarious athletes who will be attracted to UCLA knowing they are above the law. Please stop this now.


C.W. Walker
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Cc: Alford, Steve; AD
Subject: Basketball players should be expelled
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 9:45:16 PM

Dr. Block -

I had the privilege of attending your inauguration as Chancellor in 2008 and have appreciated
your work on behalf of the University in the last several years.

It is imperative that the University send the right message to not only the UCLA community
but to the U.S. and the world. The University needs to communicate that its basketball
program is less important than are the University's ethics and expectations of the members of
its community.

The only reason the charges were dropped against these three players was because of their
high profiles and the work done on their behalf by President Trump, the U.S. government, and
the University. We all know that, had any U.S. "civilians" committed the same crimes, it is
highly likely they would be sentenced to lengthy prison terms in China.

I will be ashamed of UCLA if these three players are allowed to remain at UCLA. and will
make no further donations to the University if they remain.

Best wishes,

B.A. 1980
Los Angeles, CA
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players stealing in China.
Date: Thursday, November 9, 2017 9:48:19 PM

Dear Chancellor: If these three players are allowed to play this season, I will never give another dime to UCLA or
UCLA Athletics. As a former UCLA athlete and 1983 graduate, I am saddened that they have shamed UCLA’s
good name. Pathetic. Now lets see your leadership.

From: Steve Stokes
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball Players Suspension
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 1:23:25 PM

Dear Chancellor,

The 3 UCLA thiefs who are extremely lucky not to be in jail in China, thanks to President Trump,

What does indefinite suspension mean – in two – three weeks they will be back. What a joke “work
their way back on the team”. Putting wins over morals and ethics.

Those three idiots embarrassed the university, current students and alums not to mention the entire

Shame on you and the athletic department for fumbling the right thing to do.

Stephen R Stokes, CPA

Stokes, Visca & Co., LLP. - CPA's
29 Goodway Drive
Rochester, NY 14623
585-427-0850 x205 phone
585-427-2394 fax
From: Linda
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players theft
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:02:32 PM

Dear Mr. Block,

After careful consideration I’m writing to give you my perspective on the matter of the three young men that were
not only representing UCLA but the United States Of America, willingly commit a felony in China. I am shocked
that our country is producing young citizens that have so much to look forward to, deliberately and willingly
committing felonies as ambassadors of their great university.
The university has a moral obligation to remove these boys from the team. Not only to set an example to the other
players but to set an example to every young person that looks up to them and wants to follow in their footsteps.
Please do not allow these boys to get away with committing a felony. Any other young person would be punished
with jail time and have a felony on their record. Do you really want to be a part of allowing felons to represent your
school ? Because that is exactly what they are. They are over and know better and chose to commit this
felony. Don’t let this crime go unpunished.
Linda Del George

Sent from my iPad

From: Rita Pasten
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players!!
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 11:57:22 AM

I,m so disappointed these players are receiving no consequences for their actions.
by this age kids know right from wrong. This goes against all we teach our children what
example are you setting for future want to be Bruins!!!!

Thought I wanted to go there, not anymore.

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 6:38:37 PM

Dear Dr. Block,

I write to you as a very faithful, proud UCLA alumnus. I attended my first UCLA football games with
my parents when I was 5-6 years old. I grew up knowing I was to be part of the next generation of
UCLAN's (class of 1965.) and we attended UCLA football and
basketball games together from 1962 on. Everywhere we went, we were proud to be a part of a highly
distinguished school.
We believe that the transgressions of the three basketball players in China have brought
shame to us as alums in the community, the U. S. and in the world. It is fortunate that the thefts did not
create an international incident that would affect our relationships with China and the world.
What do we think should be done about it? Not a lukewarm suggestion that they will be suspended
from play, practice for a while. They should be suspended from participation in ANY basketball
activities and practice for the entire school year. They need to concentrate on their studies, and
should be given some education in ethics, and responsibilities. They let the whole UCLA family down.
Too, it is SO embarrassing that UCLA gave not only entrance, but scholarships to students who cannot
even speak English properly and accurately. It says to the world (who is watching) that UCLA is willing
to forfeit academic standards for athletic skills. Always true to some extent, every word spoken by
and remind the world that UCLA is willing to compromise to win. If the
boys decide to leave to play elsewhere, so be it. As Rick Neuheisel said, his "harsh" punishment to
suspend the three students for the whole school when they broke the law was the right thing to do and
allowed him to "sleep at night."
Coach John Wooden would have never allowed such behavior to be swept under the rug. He was
there to teach, not just basketball, but ethics, morality, and the responsibility of being not only a UCLA
ambassador, but of and American citizen.
Hopefully, you, Dan Guerrero, and Coach Alford will live up to Coach Wooden's legacy. We in the
UCLA family deserve that.
Thank you,

Faithful UCLA alums.

From: Zeke"s Spin Doctor
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD; UCLA BBall
Subject: basketball players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 11:58:22 AM

They weren't kicked off the team for a felony?? Even a cheap pair of
Louis Vitton sunglasses goes for hundreds of dollars - a felony in most

Guess you didn't want to hurt feelings!

Talk about a corrupt institution!

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To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball Players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 1:54:17 PM

UCLA’s handling of the basketball players is pathetic. The punishment is ambiguous and noncommittal. Basically,
UCLA is waiting for this to blow over in the course of public opinion, so you can bring the players back in time for
when the schedule gets tough. As a higher education facility, what lesson are you teaching the players? The
punishment is as disgusting as the act of the players stealing. No respect, UCLA is an embarrassment on so many
levels-educationally, nationally and internationally. At a minimum they should be suspended from UCLA, no
ability to transfer and ineligible for basketball for 1 year. Their punishment would have been much worse had it not
been for U.S. Government intervention. Totally disgusted, Jerry
From: Don Brown
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 1:47:47 PM

Dear Chancellor Block,

Your recently arrested athletes have

embarrassed your university, the state of California and the United States.

Your student code of conduct should tell you what to do. However, for an incident of this
magnitude, you probably need to have a long discussion with your boss.

I'm not in favor of destroying a young man's career at any stage, but this is a tough call - one
you are paid to take the lead on.

What I will tell you is that "indefinite suspension" is making UCLA look as if they are taking
the weakest of all possible outcomes for one of the most serious cases.

Your call. Make it a strong one for the betterment of the University of California system.


Don Brown
MA Education, SDSU

From: Patrick mcgrath
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: basketball players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 9:10:54 AM

Chancellor Block,

Certainly was disappointing and telling that in your statement you did not thank President
Trump for his intervention. He should have been thanked exclusively, not "everyone for their
involvement". These players and you should not only express sincere thanks to him, the
idiots should thank their lucky stars that President Trump just happened to be in China and
with the Chinese President when they exhibited their stupidity and arrogance in committing
these crimes. If President Trump were in DC, who knows how long it would have taken to go
through diplomatic channels. Maybe President Trump should have done nothing, and
allowed the entitled future millionaire thugs to rot in a Chinese jail cell for a few years. The
incident was an embarrassment to the country and the President, but apparently not
sufficiently embarrassing to UCLA for you to thank the President.

Pat McGrath
From: relliftnek@ on behalf of Ted Filler
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball Players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 10:34:51 AM

After a full and honest review....

If, in fact, these players are guilty they should be taken off the team permanently.

From: Cathy Tyler
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 10:02:41 PM

Dear Sir,

Those three basketball players should be suspended for the entire year at the very least. They really should be
thrown off the team!! They are not middle school boys, who made a mistake. They are young men, representing
UCLA and the United States. There is no excuse for their behavior. They are very fortunate to have avoided legal
repercussions, now they need to pay a real price for their crime.

Catherine Tyler
Corvallis, Oregon

Sent from my iPhone

From: tarnoldwgm@ on behalf of Tim Arnold
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: basketball players
Date: Sunday, November 12, 2017 9:06:30 PM

I hope the University doesn't give in the pressure and treats these kids like they
need to be treated. Suspend them for a year; or better yet kick them off the team. Is this how
you want UCLA represented? Shame on them for putting you in this position

From: Mike McLain
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball Players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 9:43:49 AM

became a UCLA fan with John Wooden. Lived in CA for years.

The minimum sentence would have been three years. Recommend they not play this season and NCAA not allow
transfers. They embarrassed not only UCLA but USA. Someone has got to start holding folks accountable for their

Big Alford fan as we played New Castle every year and have been watching his career.

Do the right thing.


Mike McLain (cell)

From: Gregory Dobie
To: AD
Cc: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:23:40 PM



admitted to stealing items from stores while on a UCLA basketball trip to

China. There is no excuse, no suspension, no apology that excuses that kind of stupidity. It brings shame to UCLA
and reinforces the impression that student athletes are able to get away with things that ordinary students would be
expelled for. Those basketball players should be thrown off the team and expelled from the university.


Gregory A. Dobie
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 11:26:57 AM

As a UCLA graduate I am bothered by the celebration of getting these three basketball players back
much more so than the hard question of the disrepute they’ve exposed UCLA to on an international
basis. The question of responsibility and moral behavior seems to be lost in the dialogue. To excuse
them because they are young is a dodge. I knew as a young child that stealing was wrong. To
tolerate this for any reason spoils the messages of ethics that your office puts out. In the end they
are coddled, spoiled and told they can get away with anything because they play basketball well. Is
it any wonder why we wind up with pro athletes that flaunt what most consider acceptable
behavior? Too often these traits are learned in college sports that seem to honor money and TV
ratings ahead of ethics.
My recommendation is that they should not be representing UCLA on the basketball floor regardless
of their skills and family name.

Engineering-Class of 1979
From: Diane Wilkerson
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 11:03:46 AM

Good morning,

I know that you have been overwhelmed by correspondence related to the current situation that you are
dealing with in regard to your freshman basketball players. I don't need to tell you that what they did was
wrong and completely disgraceful to UCLA and the United States. But, please bare with me.

I am in charge of housing for the l Tournament in Gridley, CA. Our

tournament is in it's 64th year and we host only the best of the best in basketball. I have had the
pleasure of coordinating housing for players who participate in our tournament for over 12 years. We
have roughly 100 players invited to our tournament so I do have my work cut out for me but love the job
because I meet each and every one of the players that come through.

About 10 years ago we housed the players from and I had housed those
players in my home. One of those players was . At that time,

The reason I tell this story is because was a defiant bully and .
The three basketball players did something against the law and in China and could have been
imprisoned for 10 years. Thank goodness for our government for stepping in and negotiating their return
to the states, but what is the next step? Not that anyone needs to be made an example of, but if you kick
someone off your team for being an arrogant and disrespectful kid, what are you going to do about
THREE arrogant and disrespectful kids? Athletes on any level are NOT above the law...even though
many of them seem to think they are. Our younger generations look up to these people and this is how
these "role models" behave?

I know that there is money involved in college basketball, but I hope that your conscience will do what is
right in this situation.

Diane DeMeyer Wilkerson
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 9:40:06 AM

Dear Chancellor Block;

and I, as UCLA alumni and basketball fans, hope you will take strict action against the young
men who allegedly shoplifted in China. If there is sufficient evidence, I would hope for a suspension
of their scholarships for at least a year. This is not how our university should be represented.
From: William V White
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:49:15 AM

UCLA should set an example by suspending the three (3) student basketball players from the school immediately.
They certainly do represent what a student/athlete should be.
At best they are common thieves/shoplifters who do not represent what an American student/athlete should be.
Lead by example and suspend them and take away their college scholarships.
Thank you,
William V. White
From: Brian Kerecz
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 4:13:44 AM

The basketball playets caught stealing in China need harsh punishment. Being a
cannot be an excuse to excuse this sort of behavior; they need to be held to the same standards
which would be applied to anyone else.
From: Johnson
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 8:29:07 PM

Sir, the three basketball players should be kicked off the team and expelled from school.
I'm sure this was not their first time in trouble. Maybe the first time caught.
By expelling them it shows the school standards and will help the three students in the long run.
Thanks for reading.
From: Marshall
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 7:53:36 PM

I cannot believe how stupid the basketball players have acted. It doesn't help that the
. I hope that the players will not be with the team in the future and not part of the fine

Robert Marshall
GSM '82

Sent from my iPad

From: Alan Sherman
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 4:25:06 PM

Dear Chancellor Block,

As someone that has been involved with local, national and international sportsmen and women and International
sporting events, for over years, I am hopeful that after investigating the facts surrounding the accusations of the
shoplifting charges, you will (if they are guilty) impose a minimum of 100 hours of community service. They
should also be benched for at least six games and made to attend the games dressed in jackets and ties and hold a
press conference at which time they individually should offer their apologies and remorse for their actions.
If they do not know about Otto Warmbier who was held for 17 months in North Korea and subsequently died shortly
after his return because he took a souvenir, they should read about it.
They should be forever grateful for President Trump intervening on their behalf.
Looking forward to a reply.
Sincerely yours,
Alan Sherman

Sent from the iPad of Alan Sherman

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:10:56 PM

Hi, I expect the three basketball players to be kicked off the UCLA team. If all three were equally guilty.
My guess one or two actually stole.
If not I will cancel my business sponsorship. Hi ethics are expected for me to support the UCLA teams,
Thank you,
P. J. S.

Sent from my iPhone

From: Doug Johnson
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 2:16:39 PM

I have been a strong supporter of UCLA athletics all my life, I beg you to make an example of these "criminals".
They should be removed from the team, and suspended from school at a minimum.

Sent from my iPhone

Doug Johnson
From: Stefanie Livolsi
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 7:49:39 AM

Dear Chancellor,

As a California resident and tax payer, I certainly hope UCLA expels the three basketball players accused of
shoplifting. Being a team member is more than just playing a good game, one should also have a high standard of
ethics and be an example to their fellow classmates. It is great to win, but these men cannot go through life
believing that bad behavior is acceptable because they play well. They are fortunate that the Chinese government
did not punish them accordingly as they had every right to prosecute them.

On another note, I will be eternally grateful to UCLA, Ronald Reagan Medical Center and

Thank you,

Stefanie Livolsi

Sent from my iPad

From: George Dell
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players
Date: Monday, November 13, 2017 9:57:24 AM

Nice group of clowns you sent to China. Didn’t anyone yell them shoplifting was illegal? What a joke.

Sent from my iPad

From: Tracy Jaffe
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players
Date: Sunday, November 12, 2017 12:21:51 PM

Dear Chancellor,
and a long time admirer of UCLA for its athletic and academic
prowess I was dismayed to read about the thefts commited in China by your three UCLA
basketball players. I do hope that they are dismissed from the team and expelled as students
for their transgressions. I hope that you will be able to admit three deserving students, who
perhaps are on a waiting list to gain admission to UCLA, in the three open student vacancies.
Please consider moral character when recruiting athletes. Evidently, moral character was
overlooked in this case.


Tracy Jaffe
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players
Date: Saturday, November 11, 2017 7:14:13 AM

Dear Chancellor Block,

As a Bruin alumni and basketball lover, I am thoroughly disgusted and ashamed of the three
basketball players who were arrested in China for alleged shoplifting. They have been an
international embarrassment, and have darkened the reputation of UCLA worldwide, as well as
shown the world the “ugly American.” I really don’t think there is any excuse for what they did if
they are found guilty. This was premeditated behavior by three young men that have probably
done this before and gotten away with it, which is likely why they were so brazen. I believe UCLA
should uphold VALUES and morality above anything else (such as the win-lose record of the
basketball team this season), and expel all three men from UCLA immediately if they are found
guilty. You have an opportunity to turn wrong into right on the national stage by expelling them,
and set an example for all of the young people who are following this unfortunate mess (such as
). Please do what the basketball players DIDN’T,
and put morals over money. Thank you very much,

Class of 1985

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From: Steve Trutanich
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players
Date: Thursday, November 9, 2017 10:11:29 AM

Please sir, get rid of those three basket players (BOZOS) they just ruin the UCLA program and stature. I'll never go
to another game with them on the team.
Steve Trutanich
Sent from my iPad
From: Mark Brewer
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball players.
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 10:46:51 AM

Scholarships revoked and players expelled. Anything less and the university clearly doesn't
understand it's own value statement.

This behaviour is completely unacceptable.

A concerned fan.
From: Donald Manning
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:59:10 PM

Chancellor - The three basketball players that committed a crime in China should be permanently removed from the
University. Donald Manning
To: AD; Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: basketball scandal
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 3:00:21 PM

To whom it may concern,

As an alumni of the class of 1985, I applaud the University for suspending indefinitely the
three basketball players for their actions in China.
Personally, I don't think they should represent UCLA at all or be let back onto the team.
It is a complete embarrassment for players at one of the best Universities in the world to steal
anywhere, much less in a foreign country.
I don't care if our team is terrible this year because they are not allowed to play. They need to
be punished for their illegal actions.
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball Shoplifters
Date: Monday, November 13, 2017 4:49:52 PM

Dear Chancellor:

As an alumni of the UC system, I find it appalling that the representatives of UCLA took it
upon themselves to partake in shoplifting while on a goodwill trip to a foreign country. It is
an embarrassment to UCLA, an embarrassment to the basketball team, and even to the
citizens of the United States.

My question to you is: What are you going to do? Personally, I think you should expel these
students from the university. Cheating on a test or plagiarism have always been grounds for
expulsion. I think shoplifting falls in the same category as it speaks to the character of these

The Chinese
government seems to think shoplifting is a big deal since they assign 3-10 years in jail for the
offense. I wonder what UCLA thinks.

UCLA'a reputation is on the line. You either condone this behavior or you take action. I
suggest the latter.


UCSB 1999
From: Cheryl
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball Statement
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 9:58:24 AM

Shame on you, for not thanking President Trump (in your Statement) for his efforts in interceding and getting the
UCLA players released. Without him, your players would have gone to jail in China. I am a Californian and am
embarrassed at your lack of manners and decorum. Your political prejudice is glaringly obvious for you to have
committed such a faux pas.

Cheryl LaPorte

Sent from my iPhone

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball Suspension
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 6:31:05 PM

As a UCLA Alumni and avid UCLA Basketball fan for the last 55 years my opinion is that the
scholarship commitment(s) made to the three players involved in the China incident should be
honored until the end of the Fall Quarter and then revoked. If UCLA has a commitment until the end
of the Spring 2018 Quarter then that commitment should be honored. In the interim they should be
dismissed from the team. Let them take their act someplace else.

To me this is just another incident of pampered athletes who think the rules do not apply to them.
But, hey, we’ve got a President who has the same frame of mind. How ironic is it that he rides to
their rescue. I wonder if the same courtesies would have been extended to three other average
students visiting the country and were caught shop lifting. Shoplifting at one store may be a lapse in
judgement. Three stores! Really! Somewhere along the line the buck has to stop.

Students who accept a scholarship and are offered the opportunity to attain an education from a
world class university need to understand that in return they have a responsibility to represent
UCLA on and off the field. That’s the type of Student Athlete UCLA should be recruiting and
extending scholarship offers to.

I can endure lower playing teams but I can’t put up with lower caliber individuals wearing a UCLA

Worse yet, I can’t accept having an Administration that rationalizes things away and lacks the
determination to send to its current and future athletes a clear message as to an honor it is to
attend and play for UCLA and their responsibilities to the University.

I hope the Administration will step up and do the right thing and bounce these guys.
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball suspensions not enough
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 2:40:19 PM

Chancellor Block:

I attended every UCLA home basketball game Fall 1965 to Spring 1969. It looks to me like UCLA
athletic dept. is letting those three basketball players off lightly for stealing from THREE stores in

What kind of a traveler steals while in a foreign country? They must be experienced thieves to have
even thought of it. They had 90 minutes free time to look around a Chinese city and they used it to
steal from 3 stores! Apparently it was the first thing that occurred to them.

UCLA could set an example in ethics by banning these players for the entire season, at the least. This
was not “a mistake in judgment” as the players said at their news conference today. They obviously
feel entitled. No doubt their athletic talent has brought them adulation and special favors. Now they
expect special treatment for their crimes, as well as with their academic programs.

They have embarrassed the UCLA community, UCLA alumni, the University of California, and the
United States by their actions on an official trip to China.

I am disgusted with my alma mater for not standing up to be counted among those taking a moral
stand on this issue. Coach John Wooden would not have done what your athletics department has
done regarding these players. Wooden was widely recognized for his integrity. That quality appears
to have gone by the wayside at UCLA.

As chancellor, you share in that falling off. I am disappointed in you as well as in those thieving
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball suspensions
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:42:15 PM

Dear Mr. Block,

I am a baseball alum who played for back in the late 's. I still contribute to the
university in many areas, including playing in many golf tournament fundraisers over the

However, my donations will stop unless the 3 basketball players are suspended for a year. You
need to make a moral and ethical stance. They embarrassed themselves, the university, the
conference and our country. I am shocked that something like this could happen. When I
think of "lack of institutional control" it is not a reach to apply that here.

Please do the right thing and show that our proud university will not put up with this kind of

- 1978

From: Susan De Arcos
To: AD
Cc: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball suspensions
Date: Friday, November 17, 2017 8:29:11 AM

Good morning,
Indefinite suspension….what a joke.
These athletes should be kicked out of school and their scholarship
money given to other worthy candidates. Candidates that will not
go out and embarrass UCLA and the U.S.
Athletes believe they are entitled and this is a classic example of
why they feel that way.
I am disgusted with this entire situation. I hope you guys do what is
right and teach these kids a lesson. Their apologies are not enough
and neither is your punishment.
I have lost all respect.

From: Paul Hungerford
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball team
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 7:08:48 PM

Those three players that disrespected our country, your school,and their team,should be suspended for a year
They are not entitled,I’m so tired of smugg athletes that aren’t held accountable.

Sent from my iPhone

From: Tom Peeples
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: basketball team members
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 7:16:01 AM

Mr Gene Block
Chancellor, UCLA

Dear Sir,

I was disappointed in the disposition accorded your three student

basketball players. What they did in China was a disgrace and reflected
very poorly on the reputation of your university and our nation.

we were very aware that we were ambassadors of the United States of

America, representing the best that our nation had to offer the world
and were, therefore, constantly on our best behavior. It appears that
your basketball representatives were not versed in this concept before
accepting to travel to China as role models for your school and our nation.

I had expected that these three individuals, exhibiting a complete lack

of maturity in their disgraceful acts, would have been summarily
dismissed from your fine center of learning. The coach and athletic
director deserve a reprimand, at the very least. I intend to fervently
dissuade and any future contacts I may have
from considering UCLA in their college plans.


Thomas C. Peeples, MD
Muskegon, MI
From: bob curt
To: AD; Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball team thieves
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 9:13:33 AM

You should be ashamed of you thieving BB players. They should deeply apologize
and thank President Trump for keeping them out of jail.
If the team!
RP Curt
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball Team Thieves
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 5:34:32 PM

Chancellor Block,

I want the basketball player thieves thrown off the team PERMANENTLY.

I want the thieves expelled from school without the right to return at any other later date.

It would be nice if UCLA would be known and remembered for academia instead of the
constant theft incidents with the school sending a loud and clear message that THEFT is
acceptable and encouraged both within the United States and Internationally.

I am livid that these pieces of shit have once again embarrassed the United States and that the
players behavior is deemed acceptable without severe consequences.

That’s why UCLA athlete’s continue to break the law, because they know the only
consequence is a slap on the hand.

Your basketball players knew exactly what they were doing, and knew they would get away
with it just like the UCLA football players.

They are not the least bit sorry for stealing in 3 stores no less. They were surprised they got
caught; AND they will continue to steal every time they are not on the school campus,
domestic and international.

Your players would have been held accountable if loud mouth criminal Donald Trump, piece of
shit, had not interfered.

Donald Trump believes because he is a liar, cheat and criminal everyone should be able to
constantly break the law just like him and his family without consequence.

Clearly they do not have any upbringing or manners, which is evidenced by

Clearly the players, each of them individually and all of them collectively do not know right
from wrong which will result in repeat behavior and criminal acts.

Throw those players out of UCLA PERMANENTLY.

There are literally thousands of people with athletic skills who would like to be accepted to
UCLA and play team sports that are not criminals.
From: Richardorr
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball theives
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 9:04:43 AM

They should lose their scholarships!

Sent from my iPhone

From: Lynne Lerner
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: basketball thieves
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 10:18:30 AM

Dear Sir,

These three students are a disgrace to UCLA and the country. They were invited to another country and they
admittedly stole expensive items there. They didn’t steal a loaf of bread because they were hungry. And what did
they get? Confined to their luxury hotel.

In some countries, they would still be in jail. They could get years of hard labor or maybe even their hand cut off.
Even in this country, more would have been done to them. Because it didn’t happen in the States, this country can’t
do anything.

BUT UCLA CAN. They are in college to learn to be better men to get along in the world later in life. UCLA needs
to act on this.

They have been very lucky so far. And suspended from playing basketball? What? Is this all UCLA cares about?

THESE “MEN” NEED TO BE EXPELLED FROM UCLA. No slap on the wrist. This was a terrible thing they
did. Treat it as such.

And I speak for everyone I know I would have been expelled, as well as anyone else,
who did this.
From: deeenis
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball thieves
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 10:28:32 AM

Dear Chancellor,
You are faced with a very important decision
You must decide on a proper punishment for the three basketball players caught stealing in
The reputation and integrity of UCLA in on the line here as well as that for the entire United
States of America.
These young men should be thankful for intervention by President Trump.
Without it they would surely have face significant jail time in China.
I, and many others believe that a just punishment would be permanent banishment from
UCLA Athletics as well as the loss of their scholarships.
A one year suspension is the precedent set previously and that should be the minimum for you
to consider, however since this crime was committed in a foreign country and these young
men were there as ambassadors of our culture, the punishment should escalate accordingly.
The entire World will be watching and will expect for appropriate action to be taken by you
and the UCLA Athletic department.
Current and future athletes must understand that there are consequences for such egregious
Please do the right thing for your University and Our Country.
Thank you.
Dennis B. Gurling

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD; UCLA BBall
Subject: Basketball thieves
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 7:43:50 AM

Dear Chancellor, Mr. Guerrero, Mr. Alford:

I am an alumna from 1988 and . We are huge Bruin supporters in
sports, as alumni, and in our hearts.
It means something to be a Bruin. We are the good guys.
What these players did should not be forgiven with a simple apology, there are consequences
to actions.
Do not let them play basketball in our uniform this year.
What will you be saying to all athletes? all students? all alumni? the world? if you suspend
them for a short time and then move on like nothing happened.
This will be remembered for a very long time. Our PRESIDENT had to help get them free.
Let's have some character here. Some integrity. We are not USC. We are different and this is
why, and it is your moment to do the right thing.
Thank you.
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball trio
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 7:25:59 PM

Please relay this message to Chancellor Block.

The basketball trio does not deserve to be enrolled at UCLA. They were an embarrassment to UCLA and the nation.

Also, I have already checked the Galapagos Islands off my bucket list. I'd be happy to share my experience with


Summer of ............
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 6:46:54 AM

Dear Chancellor Block,

A suspension for the basketball players is not sufficient. They need to be kicked off the team. Please do
the right thing and forget whether or not they might be needed for the bench. They have embarrassed all
of us alums and you.

From: Roger.ErringtonJr
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:15:31 PM

Why are those three idiots still referred to as UCLA Basketball players? If you have any shred of dignity they should
no longer be associated with your team.
Roger Errington
Cypress, Texas

Sent from my iPad

From: Cynthia Jensen
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 5:36:11 PM

Dear Chancellor Block,

I am a Southern California resident and would like to voice my opinion on the three basketball players who just
returned from China. Not only did they represent UCLA in an official capacity but were also representing the
United States of America. They were fortunate that the President intervened and kept them out of prison, but I
believe they should be held responsible for their acts in order to deter others from committing similar activities
especially while representing the school and our country.

The punishment you administer should be a deterrent to others who consider committing unlawful acts. Any student,
whether an athlete or scholar representing the school, should be held accountable for their actions. It is my sincere
hope that a temporary suspension from playing is not the only response to this matter.

Cindy Jensen
From: Teresa Loftus
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 6:53:35 PM

Dear Chancellor Block,

I just read your website

Throughout this past year, UCLA scholars took daring leaps forward, developing breakthroughs in an
incredible breadth and variety of fields.



From: Scott Reilly
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 6:08:51 PM

Dear Chancellor,
As one of millions of avid college basketball fans I am writing to protest the unlawful actions of the
three UCLA players while in China. Anything short of a one year suspension of these players sends
the wrong message to young players everywhere and would set a very bad precedent.
This is an embarrassment for UCLA but also an opportunity to do the right thing and send a powerful
message that student athletes at UCLA are held to a much higher standard than these players
Please don’t let the tail wag the dog.

Scott Reilly
Marquette, MI.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball
Date: Saturday, November 11, 2017 7:52:16 PM

As a graduate of UCLA and a follower of Bruin sports

I am embarrassed and horrified by the actions
Of the three basketball players in China
There is no doubt in my mind that they should be dismissed I'm mediately from the basketball team
And the school


Sent from my iPad

From: Mimilu
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Basketball
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 6:57:19 AM

Hi. I'm a hardcore . I watched your three young men apologize on the news last night.
Pitiful display by your young stars. I hope you make the right move on this one. If I see them play basketball in the
near future- it would be the wrong message. I hope you bench em and have them do hardcore community service
with kids that are currently shoplifting. You have an opportunity to show young people that to be on a team at
UCLA is a privilege, not a right of athletic prowess.
Good luck. Hope you do the right thing.

Mimi Little.

Sent from my iPad

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: BB players back from China
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 4:05:42 PM

Dear Chancellor:

I am not a UCLA alumni, although I am a alumnus of San Diego State. I am years old and have no affiliation
with any organization just . I feel compelled to write you today as I am
appalled that these three students are not suffering any consequences. As you and I both know championships equal
money and I would hate to think that UCLA would stoop so low as to allow these three young men to play in order
to make the school money or notoriety. As of late I have heard that the students are suspended indefinitely but I
honestly feel they should be removed from the school.I don't need to tell you that the public knows that
I am a very compassionate person and yet I find this inexcusable with the way today's atmosphere is in so many
areas of crime, sexual misconduct, and verbal abuse. I just feel that you and the chancellor of UCLA needed to
know how I felt even though I'm only one person, but I know many are outraged. Please think of your actions as a
lot of people are watching how UCLA handles this.
Elaine Olson
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From: John Dawson
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:18:40 AM

UVA’s Otto Warbier suffers horribly in N. Korean prison, arrives home in a coma and dies.

You should publically get down on your knees and kiss Pres. Trump’s ass for orchestrating the
release of YOUR thieves.

AND …..

You won’t let them play in NC as we don’t want deviants with a penis hanging out in the Ladies room
or showers ..but China is OK with you???????????? WTF


J. Dawson
From: suzanne johnson
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Black Basketball Thieves
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:38:19 PM

By accepting the President's intervention on behalf of these undeserving thieves, you enabled
him to gloat once again portray athletes in a bad light. Better to provide them therapy to
better understand their need to act out a stereotype from a position of privilege.
Unfortunately, the only message these arrogant athletes may conclude is that, younger away
with bad behavior. China certainly does not have a judicial system that assure fair treatment,
but certainly a more onerous sanction than looking sheepish before a gaggle of reporters was
warranted. I hope the university will provide them with a meaningful life lesson.Shameful all
Suzanne Johnson
From: Cheril Dragon
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Bruins
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 8:19:24 AM

How disgraceful your students are for stealing from the Chinese people. These three students
should never again be allowed to play basketball for UCLA. Your school has shamed the
United States. How embarrassing for us. Who taught these adult creeps that its OK to steal?

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

From: Delfosse, Erin
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Call for expulsion!
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 10:29:23 PM

Dear Chancellor,

As an alumni of UCLA and current employee with the UCLA Health System, I find it incredibly deplorable that
players have received essentially a slap on the wrist for their actions overseas. Myself and all of
my colleagues agree that the three men do not represent the values of UCLA and definitely do not deserve to
continue to receive the PRIVILEGE of a free education. If they are permitted to remain as students, and members of
the basketball team, You will be just as guilty for creating a system that condones criminal behavior and bail-outs
for the privileged.

Sent from my iPhone


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From: Chancellor"s Office Receptionist
Cc: Tamberg, Tod
Subject: Call from Dr. John J. Neary re cost of men"s basketball travel to China
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 10:48:15 AM

Good afternoon,

Dr. John J. Neary called the Chancellor’s Office at 10:35AM.

He had a question regarding the trip the UCLA men’s basketball team has taken to China recently. He
had made similar inquiries with the Athletic Department and the Dean of Students among other
offices and couldn’t get a response.

As a tax payer, he would like to know the total cost of this trip including airfare, hotel, food, etc.

If the trip is being funded by private donations to the Athletic Department or to UCLA in general he is
OK with that (he does not need to know).

However, if this trip is being funded by the tax payer he believes that, as a tax payer, he has a right
to know.

Dr. Neary can be reached by e-mail at:

Chancellor’s Office Receptionist

2147 Murphy Hall
(310) 825-2121
From: Chancellor"s Office Receptionist
Subject: Call from Mr. Joe Olson, former president of Umpqua Community College in Oregon, re basketball player issue
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 1:23:02 PM

Good afternoon,

Mr. Joe Olson, former president of Umpqua Community College in Oregon called the Chancellor’s
Office to state how he felt the actions of the basketball players was an embarrassment not only for
UCLA, but for California and the United States.

He feels that these players should all be dismissed from the basketball team and from UCLA as well.

-Chancellor’s Office Receptionist

Chancellor’s Office Receptionist

2147 Murphy Hall
(310) 825-2121
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Checking in
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 2:03:49 PM

I sincerely hope the 3 basketball players are kicked out off the team and out of school! I
know first hand, the backlash will be bad if not!

Michael Beckman
Vice President
From: Robert Bennett
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: China and Basketball Players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 11:20:02 AM

The one person who was not thanked was The President of China! For international diplomacy, this apology should
be extended to the President of China and his office!

Thank you,
Robert H. Bennett

LCSW# 21107
ACSW# 885024075
CSUSB - Department of Social Work
Adjunct Faculty
From: James Vincent
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: China Basketball Players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:15:39 PM

I have been reading with interest the story of the three players shop lifting in China. It seems
to me this is the time for the "system" to stand up and say enough is enough. They should be
removed from the team. Getting out of China with a slap on the wrist was the biggest gift
they could ever get. If it were someone else they wouldn't be worrying about playing
basketball. They would be more concerned if they would ever get out of prison.

It's time for a life lesson.

Jim Vincent
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: China case
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 6:24:44 PM

As a UCLA alumni and compliance and ethics VP for a fortune 100 company I am hoping
UCLA has a zero tolerance policy if violations are proven

None of us need individuals who violate ethics or perform illegal acts in respective companies
and schools must set the example for allowable conduct
From: The Moffett"s
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: China Disgrace
Date: Monday, November 13, 2017 8:59:50 AM

Suspend the 3. What a disgrace upon your college. Just because they are “student athletes” they
should not be given a free pass.
Pat Moffett
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: China Incident
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 11:01:04 AM

To Gene a 1963 Graduate of UCLA I am highly offended by the actions of the 3 basket ball
players who got caught shop lifting while representing UCLA.

If the following reported items are true:

1. Caught on camera at three locations stealing.

2. Received orientation prior to the trip on what and what not to do.
3. Read to the press carefully written & edited statements. No real remorse.
4. Are benefiting from financial support from UCLA.

My remedy: 1. Off the team permanently.

2. Pull any financial support.
3. Probably expelling.

Anything less will effect contributions to the school and reduce the prestige of UCLA.

It is highly doubtful that this is the first time any of these guys have done this type of thing, or worse.


Fountain Valley, Ca.

From: Rod Runyan
To: Community Relations; Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: China incident
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 5:58:05 AM

Dear Chancellor Block,

Regarding the "indefinite" suspension of the three basketball players for shoplifting while in
China representing UCLA (and America at large), I have one question: Seriously?

These selfish players cause an international incident, and they are suspended with the
opportunity to return this season? This wasn't a case of beer from a 7-11; this wasn't a kid
dropping a pair of Raybans in his bag and walking out; this was systematic theft of goods from
several different stores. But for the unusual timing of the president being in Asia at the same
time, they would still be there. But for the fact that they are high-profile college athletes, they
would still be there.

Stealing beer from a 7-11 warrants an indefinite suspension; stealing expensive jewelry from
multiple stores, in a country like China, causing an international incident, warrants removal
from the team. This was an easy call, and your University blew it. Athletes are indeed
privileged above and beyond regular students.

Rodney Runyan
Former college athlete and coach
From: JC
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: China incident
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 2:37:50 AM

What an embarrassment, are wondering if it is ok to steal,

Sent from my iPhone

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: China Incident
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:07:51 PM

Dear Chancellor,
I am an alumni from 1978, I played volleyball year for the Bruins. I have taught and coached in for
years. I have never felt compelled to write a letter until this China incident.
Please suspend their scholarships, this behavior has no place on the campus! Many young adults are watching!

Sent from my iPhone

From: Charles Reynolds
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: China incident
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:31:38 AM

As a native Californian who has been paying taxes for over years as well as a retired member of the UCLA
Health System I demand swift action for the embarrassment to UCLA, California, and the USA caused by the three
students visiting China. Whatever action you take, it must send to them a message that they are NOT entitled, but
are responsible for foolish behavior. Personally, I was hoping they would be tried in China, but they escaped this
trauma unscathed. At a minimum your action must cost each of them at least one year of NCAA eligibility, this
would be a clear message that they would understand. Anything less would be a further slap to UCLA’s reputation.

Charles A. Reynolds, PharmD, BCPP

Reynolds Consultants
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: China incident
Date: Monday, November 13, 2017 11:21:19 PM

As a UCLA alumni, I think the incident with the three members of the basketball team is an embarrassment to the
UCLA community. I would support extreme disciplinary action if and when the Chinese government releases them,
including expulsion from the team and the university.

Class of

Sent from my iPad

To: UCLA BBall; Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Saturday, November 11, 2017 6:01:51 AM

As an alumni of UCLA, these players have humiliated not only
UCLA but our country. These are spoiled brats and think they are
above the law. These are the guys that become the same as the
NFL players that have been coddled by our society and have the
audacity to disrespect our flag. If YOUR PLAYERS get out of this
mess in China ... quite honestly we hope they have to serve time
there ... and you let them come back to BE ON THE TEAM, we will
never support UCLA on any level ever again. SHAME on you if
you do.

Chancellor Block, this will reflect on you as well, sir. Do the right
thing and reprimand the coaches for not have better control of
their players.

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: China situation
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 9:53:42 AM

Kick the three players off the team. Pull their scholarships and dismiss them from
UCLA! What a disgrace to UCLA amd the USA!
From: Kerry McManama
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: China trip
Date: Sunday, November 12, 2017 7:10:48 AM

How embarrassing it is for you and for the US to have three of your (our) representatives steal from a Chinese
merchant. Shame on them! But, what will be the ramifications of their actions, of which UCLA will apply?
Remove their free-ride and let them find some other place to play their children's game. We are watching.

Sent from my iPad

From: Terry Mcmanus
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: China Trip
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:44:10 AM

How lucky we are to have our National and UCLA emissaries back in the US. They should be applauded for their
strength and perseverance under such oppressive conditions which show a total racially based disrespect of
culture. They may not understand and appreciate the overwhelming contributions of diversity in China but we
certainly do and the consequences of this shopping trip will no doubt reflect it.

Terry McManus

Sent from my iPad

From: Terry Mcmanus
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block;;
Subject: China Trip
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 12:20:22 PM

I’m sure the efforts from your athletic department to minimize the theft of sunglasses, as it has been portrayed, are
substantial. However, this was not just an impulsive act of putting a pair of sunglasses in your pocket. They
deliberately targeted three different stores for this theft spree which made international headlines and embarrassed a
visiting US President, our entire country and maybe even UCLA.

I’m sure that most all who witnessed this, including myself, have lost a certain degree of respect for UCLA.

Terry McManus

Sent from my iPad

From: john huber
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: China Visit
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 5:43:42 PM

Dear Mr. Block,

I am writing to you as a retired Assistant Sheriff in San Joaquin County, a recently retired Linden School
Board Member, an
I am appalled at the actions, if true, of the
three basketball players who are on full ride scholarships at your university to play basketball. They are
an embarrassment to the university, its Alumni, and the State of California. If the allegations are true and
following the investigation that I am sure your office is already well into I would encourage the dismissal
from the university and the revocation of their "free" education.

John F Huber Jr.
From: Stephen Menard
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: China
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 5:09:21 AM

and just finished watching NECN news about your basketball players and
their behavior in China. My opinion probably doesn't matter to your school. But your students were in China
representing your school and wether you think so or not they were representing our country. Wow what a
disgrace! I hope your school stands up to what is right and what is wrong. Your students were wrong!! No
Sally Menard
Sent from my iPad
From: Rick Larson
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: China
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:00:24 PM

Those 3 basketball players should be suspended from school and all activities. They not only
represented UCLA, but they also represented the United States. UCLA probably has a code
of conduct, but just suspending them from basketball for a short period of time laughs in the
face of all the students attending UCLA. You are showing that basketball is more important
than the school.
Rick Larson
From: Andrew Diffenbaugh
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: China
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:37:20 AM

Dear Chancellor,

I think this is an appropriate time to discipline the 3 basketball players who were charged with
shoplifting of sunglasses. No need to go into details of the criminal incident, suffice to say significant
suspensions are called for in this instance. California call ill afford continued emabarassment.

Andrew Diffenbaugh
Office- & FAX-
From: Jeff Crawford
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: China
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 5:06:40 AM

Chancellor Block,

The 3 boys who made a mockery of the US and caused an international incident by stealing
sunglasses deserve to be removed from the team, for a minimum of this season and lose a
year of eligibility.

The stupidity of these "students" cannot go unpunished nor can you show favoritism because
they're athletes.

Take a stand and do the right thing.

Jeff Crawford
From: Peter Beninu
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; Campos, Julie
Subject: China
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 1:31:40 PM


Im writing to pass along my strong feelings in relation to the 3 shoplifters.

having said that, if the 3 basketball
players are aloud to return and attend UCLA, and
opt for another school. Lastly, I'm not providing my real name because I don't want to alienate
but it wont be too hard to figure out if your office decides to keep these offenders in school.

From: Dry, Sarah M.
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: comment
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 1:45:47 PM

Dear Professor Block,

I would like to comment on the 3 UCLA basketball players recently returned from China.

Are we like USC, or do we have ethics and values that guide our behavior at UCLA?? Does money
brought in by people matter more than their behavior, or do we have some standards??

Teenagers don’t always think clearly, particularly about consequences of their

behavior, and what occurred may have been the result of a dare. Nevertheless, it was a crime, and it
is wrong. Furthermore, they were in China as ambassadors of UCLA and the US, and as such are
under even higher expectations for their behavior. Furthermore, I do feel the larger basketball
program has some responsibility for how their players behave overseas.

I hope UCLA imposes consequences that are proportional to this situation. I do not think a
suspension for a few games is proportional. I would urge suspension for at least half, or perhaps the
entire, season. Such a large suspension will make it difficult for these players to get drafted to the
NBA in 2018 (and let’s be honest with ourselves that the goal of these kids is likely to play in the
NBA, not graduate with a UCLA degree). But, such a suspension would not prevent them from
playing as sophomores and being drafted after their sophomore year. To me, this type of
consequence would send a strong message that UCLA believes shoplifting is wrong and that UCLA
athletes are expected to adhere to the law, while at the same time permitting these athletes to get
on with their lives. At this point in their lives, a year seems like an eternity. But you and I know that
is not the case.

John Wooden used to instruct the team bus to drive away if not all players were on the bus by the
designated time. He played games without stars like because he had missed the bus. I
hope we can demonstrate that we continue to have the same set of values today as those help by
John Wooden (and that made him so famous and respected).

On a final note, why the heck were these players in China in the first place???
, in a 10 week quarter system. Missing 10% of their educational time in their semester
doesn’t seem like a good idea to me. I get we feel we need to compete with other NCAA schools in
various areas, but could we also at least pretend we believe academics are important for the
“student”-athletes we recruit here??


Sarah M. Dry, MD
Department of Pathology, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine
Vice Chair, Biobanking and Research Services
Director, Anatomic and Surgical Pathology
Director, Center for Pathology Research Services
Director, Pathology Research Portal
Director, Translational Pathology Core Laboratory
10833 Le Conte Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90095
310-794-9311 (office)
Assistant – Melinda Incorvaia 310-825-2339

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From: Carlin Glucksman
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; Swearingen, Taylor; Smith, Brian
Cc: UCLA BBall
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 11:03:48 PM

Dear Chancellor Block, Dan Guerrero, Steve Alford and Brian Smith,

and I have watched with keen interest the recent events in China as well as the
most recent media reports. While the three players expressed remorse, it should in
no way excuse their behavior. Inasmuch as we are keen fans of UCLA athletics,
there are far more important issues and concerns at play. This is as much a
"teachable moment", not only for these athlete students, and the entire student body,
but for the community at large that no "lapse in judgment" should be brushed off.
Their actions were criminal, their apologies anemic. Steve Alford's intent to put
together the best team possible may be undermined by these unfortunate
circumstances. But our society appears to be plagued with social, moral, ethical and
legal problems affecting many areas where power, influence and status have
supported corrupt behaviors.

These men have admitted to committing a crime. According to Title 5, California

Code of Regulations, Student Conduct Code, and UCLA's Violation of University
102.04: Theft, Damage or Destruction of Property
102.04a: Theft includes taking without expressed permission or, misappropriation of, any property or
services of the University or property of others while on University premises or at official University
functions; or possession of any property that the Student had knowledge or reasonably should have had
knowledge was stolen.

they are subject to being expelled. While basketball fans may think this harsh, it is
an appropriate message to send to other students and the community at large that
UCLA does not treat "star" athletes differently than any other individual. They
should consider themselves fortunate to not still be awaiting judgment and justice
from the Chinese legal system. Our sincere wishes are that the administration bites
the bullet and supports both the moral and legally appropriate response. The fault
lays first with their family's parenting. At least UCLA should set a clear example.

and Carlin Glucksman
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Cc: AD
Subject: Concerns About Recent Events
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 10:43:02 AM


November 16, 2017

Dear Chancellor Block,

I am contacting you as a result of the unfortunate incident involving three UCLA basketball players in
China. According to reports in the press, you along with others from the administration joined the basketball
team on the trip.

Let me begin by stating that I have great respect for UCLA as an institution of higher learning. I also have
extensive ties to the school.

Bruin blue and gold runs deep in

our family tradition.

It is fair to say that I am both appreciative of the opportunities provided by UCLA and I am a strong
believer in its mission. I am solicited frequently for donations by the school. Notwithstanding my support
for UCLA, I am disappointed and disturbed by the news reports about the recent trip to China by the
basketball team and the University’s response.

First, I significantly question the importance placed on education by any university which would support a
trip of this nature. The challenges of student athletes trying to keep up with their academic studies are well
known. Basketball players are already expected to travel extensively and miss numerous days of class
during the regular season. For many freshmen, adjusting to the academic rigors of college can be a
challenge, and that is without traveling abroad for several days during their first academic quarter.
Notwithstanding the demands placed on these students during a normal preseason and regular season,
UCLA had its basketball team travel to China so that the players could participate in various promotional
events and play a preseason game during the middle of the quarter when they should have been attending
class. How many days away from the classroom were missed in order for the team to travel to China?

This trip was very different from attending a Thanksgiving tournament in New York or missing class time
in order to compete in the NCAA tournament. I am disappointed that an institution like UCLA would
apparently trivialize the importance of our student athletes getting a quality education in such a public

Second, I question the values of a state funded university that would fly its basketball players to China and
house them during their visit in luxury hotels. Will the three students who were required to stay behind
reimburse UCLA for the additional costs incurred by their actions? Will UCLA start providing the same
level of accommodations and assistance for other students who might be conducting academic research in
foreign countries or is this treatment reserved for a few privileged athletes?
Third, an “indefinite suspension” of the players is not sufficient. According to published reports, the three
players admitted to shoplifting from more than one store. Instead of making a clear statement about the
values and integrity of UCLA, coach Steve Alford leaves open the possibility that the three players may
soon be allowed to practice with the team and eventually return to the team this season. Frankly, I am
saddened by this response. This incident casts a long shadow over UCLA and raises serious questions
about the priorities of the University, including its administration. As an alumni, I care much less about
winning basketball games than I do about ethics and honesty. I hope that UCLA is capable of addressing
the conduct by the students with integrity and without making allowances for student athletes who are
already provided with preferential treatment.

Finally, I urge all those at the University who were involved in the decision to support the trip and who are
considering the school’s response to consider UCLA’s motto of “let there be light.” Only thoughtful
introspection as to what transpired ands actions consistent with the true mission and purpose of UCLA will
restore my faith in the University. I urge UCLA not to underestimate the negative implications this event
has had on the University

From: Paul Grayson
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:06:01 PM

Dear Dr. Block ;

The well planned excursion to China for the Basketball Team to represent the University and the
United States will become a case study for decades on how a simple dream can turn into an
administrative and public relations nightmare. As Administrators who are charged with the care
,custody and control of 18 year olds; you will not escape criticism . No matter how well you handle
the matter and brace for the Monday morning quarterback critics.

My suggestions: Ten games suspension plus Community Service in depressed nearby

neighborhoods such as painting Senior Citizens homes; garages ; interiors; cleaning up trash
around these homes fixing fences cleaning abandoned lots. Last but not least; distributing Toys
for Tots and serving Thanksgiving and Christmas meals at a local food pantry . This will go a long
way for public relations for the University ;the Athletic Department and Conference and US
Relations with China on how the matter was handled here . They are still young Adults who
received the front end of aa second chance . All efforts must be documented and supervised.
Each must get a haircut and look well-groomed in public.

Subject to the discretion of the AD ; each player can reduce the ten game suspension by at least
two games if there are no further matters that arise(zero tolerance) and each produces a
reasonable GPA for the semester . One more violation of this magnitude should result in an
automatic expulsion from the University.

Brace yourself for rowdy fans on road games even when and if they return; assuming each
completes the terms of the Probation.

Enough said;
Paul Grayson
Superior Court New Jersey
Former NJ Division of Juvenile Probation
University of Pennsylvania ‘74
The College of Insurance ’83
Risk Management / CPCU programs
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Consequences for
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 5:10:06 PM

Dear Chancellor Block,

Both my husband and I are graduates of UCLA and we are both very proud of our affiliation with the
university. We have been watching closely this situation with This is not just a “stupid
mistake” as they describe it but speaks to a more moral corruption. In 90 minutes they managed to steal
items from three stores. That is just plain criminal.

We are hoping that UCLA does the right thing and terminates their association with the team. There has
to be consequences for one’s actions. If it hadn’t been for President Trump being in China the cost to
these three individuals could have been much more severe. I believe that one’s education is not only
academic but should have a moral component as well. There are consequences to one’s actions and in
cases like this it can’t just be a slap on the hand. It’s time for the university to do the right thing and put
justice before money or fame. If you let them off lightly then what does this announce to the rest of the
world and, yes, the world is watching. It’s important to send a message to prospective UCLA athletes and
their families that the university takes this very seriously and will not tolerate this kind of behavior.

Please do the right thing.

To: AD
Cc: Chancellor Gene D. Block; Rebholz, Joshua; Wilson, Shana; Forman, Victoria
Subject: Consequences for UCLA Basketball players involved in China Shoplifting scandal
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 11:20:06 AM

Mr. Guerrero:

I write to express my thoughts on the three UCLA basketball players who, through their actions in
China, brought shame to the UCLA family. As a proud UCLA graduate (Class of ), I take an
active interest in the performance of our athletic teams. More importantly though, I take a more
profound interest in the way our school executes on its mission to educate and mold the next
generation in a way that will bring the greatest amount of success to not just a few individuals, but
society in general.

The three student athletes involved in the recent shoplifting scandal in China,
(“the Three”) should be removed from the Men’s Basketball team for their actions.
However, I also believe that they should allowed to remain in school, on scholarship, for the current
year. By doing so, UCLA provides The Three a chance to learn from their actions and see that
consequences come from bad choices. They are basketball players and therefore, I presume, will
want to play organized basketball. Being kicked off the Basketball Team is a just punishment for
acting in a manner that evidence suggests was criminal. However, UCLA shows compassion and
furthers its educational mission by allowing The Three to remain in school and learn from UCLA
professors and the UCLA community at large. By staying the course, going to class, and gaining
back some of the honor they have lost through their earlier actions, The Three can earn their way
back onto the Basketball Team and likely earn back some of the respect that they have lost from the
UCLA community.

To let The Three remain on the Basketball Team this season would send an incredibly damaging
message to everyone associated with UCLA. Members of the Men’s Basketball team would learn
that virtually no act is bad enough to warrant consequences. The student body at large would learn
that student athletes do not need to follow the same set of rules to which they must abide. Alumni
like myself will see that UCLA’s educational mission is now fully subservient to whatever money can
be generated from intercollegiate athletics. Indeed, letting The Three back onto the team this year
would tell the world that winning basketball games (and the money those wins generate) is more
important to UCLA than honesty, integrity, and something as simple as following the law.

The Three are just kids. They made an enormous mistake on a monumental stage and I feel for
them. However, just because The
Three have experienced justifiable embarrassment, they are not exempt from consequences. There
should be consequences and those consequences should be fair, not just to The Three, but to all
others who are asked to follow the same set of rules. Please do not fall prey to the false narrative
that someone who breaks a rule has learned his lesson by simply being caught. People learn their
lesson through the process of punishment and restitution. Make The Three EARN their way back
onto the Basketball Team and we will all be better for it.
From: Adam Zutler
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Dan G is an embarrassment
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:50:12 PM

Mr. Bloch,

With all due respect how long will you allow him to embarrass the university?

• His futile football record speaks for itself. 16 years without a conference
championship. Awful record versus USC. Giving Coach Mora an extension two years
ago for no reason. Getting out negotiated year in and year out.

• Hiring Steve Alford, a rape apologist in the past, speaks for itself. A man who puts
ahead of the team. A man whose mentor hates John Wooden and spews garbage
about him at every opportunity. A ridiculous buyout that reeks of incompetence.

• Pointing out that he wasn’t around when the items were stolen in China, speaks for
itself. Why wasn’t he there? Or another 2-3 adults? Why were the kids allowed to
shop in China? This whole episode could have been avoided with some planning.

He is an embarrassment to the university.

• The revenue for a decent football team would create many more opportunities for
student-athletes at UCLA, yet his last 16 years have not even scratched the surface of

Students, alumni and fans are disengaged. Some forever. Many will not donate to the school.

We deserve so much better. It is your duty to replace him.

Do you even care about your legacy? It is starting to be tied to Dan’s!!!!

Sincerely and respectfully,

Adam Zutler

A low-level fan who donated a few small times to the university.

From: George Clark
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Diplomacy
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 6:17:12 AM

If the shoplifting charges are indeed true, the three UCLA basketball players have embarrassed
themselves, their families, UCLA and unfortunately the USA on the world stage. They
should in the very least be suspended for at least ten games.

I am sick and tired of the coddling of athletes and the image of the ugly American. Now is
your opportunity to take a stand.

George Clark
Gclark @
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Disappointed and ashamed to hear about the 3 men"s basketball players who were arrested in China
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 5:42:40 PM

Dear Chancellor,

As a UCLA alumni and donor, I am ashamed to to hear about the arrest of 3 during a
"goodwill " game in China. Your message to the UCLA community is interesting yet does
not address the anger the UCLA alumni are expressing. We demand expulsions in order to
keept He integrity and high level of academic reputation intact. However, I understand that
money talks and you risk decreasing your funds from China if the players are expelled. I
understand. That's why I will stop donating until those 3 players are no longer a UCLA
student. If you can't afford to expel them, I would like them suspended one academic year.
They can play basketball again in the 2018-2019 season.

I can't wait to see your decision. If the players are still at UCLA and only suspended till
conference games start, then clearly money was the only factor. You are not a UCLA alumni
so you don't understand the UCLA integrity we alumni honors.


UCLA 2003
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; UCLA BBall; AD
Subject: Discipinary actions for the 3 players who stole from China
Date: Friday, November 17, 2017 9:09:51 AM

Dear Gentlemen, I am a UCLA alumnus who is absolutely shocked, infuriated and embarrassed
of the actions of the three UCLA basketball players who stole sunglasses while in China.
I understand you are under a lot of pressure to win games and have to answer to many
individuals, but in this case, there should be a zero tolerance policy.

These three players should be PERMANENTLY removed from the team and EXPELLED from
UCLA as the price for their actions.

They stole from a store

They did not do any prison time which could have been for multiple years
It caused an international incident involving the president of the United States no less
It cost the university and our government resources and dollars to defend them, not to
mention bad PR

I don’t buy the argument that they are kids/young adults!!! They are old enough where they
should know the difference between right and wrong. And I certainly hope the university
makes a goodwill gesture toward the government of China for the trouble this has caused

Respectfully yours,
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Discipline for UCLA Basketball Team Thieves
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 4:46:45 PM

Dear Chancellor Block:

Regarding , UCLA needs to display it's Bruin character
and sternly discipline these student-athletes (read shoplifting thieves). As a UCLA alumnus, I am
appalled at the lack of morals and ethics demonstrated by these three reprobates whom have
brought shame and disgrace to a once-proud university and its alumni. It is widely accepted that
UCLA lowers its academic standards to allow second-rate (if even that) "students" to play games
for our school. Given that these students would likely have trouble being admitted to a community
college, they should, at the least, behave in a manner above reproach and with dignity and honor
in appreciation of the unearned gift that our school has bestowed (and in my opinion, wasted)
upon them. Yet, they act like criminals and thugs, smearing the good reputation of Bruins and
Americans by committing criminal acts on foreign soil while allegedly representing our school and
country. UCLA cannot stand by and turn a blind eye to this is akin to the many in the
entertainment industry whom allowed Harvey Weinstein and his ilk to victimize individuals in the
name of money and fame.

I must insist - no, demand - that these disgraceful, criminal thugs be permanently expelled from
UCLA for their heinous behavior and criminal acts. Anything less would exacerbate the disgrace
that already has stained our beautiful university's sterling reputation that so many honest and
hard working individuals have worked over the decades to build. Should UCLA take the low road
and fail to severely discipline these students, I will have no alternative but to discontinue any
financial, vocational or emotional support for UCLA and my morals,
ethics and conscience compel me to discard my once-proud alumnus association with UCLA.

From: Nancy Meyer
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: disgraceful behavior
Date: Tuesday, November 7, 2017 10:05:20 PM
Importance: High

If the charges against the three student basketball players is proven to be true, then I hope you as the
leader of this great institution will step up and do the right thing by letting these boys receive the
consequences for their actions. Of course they are not guilty until all the evidence is in…but lets not forget
that they were given the privilege of being at a great institution….and given a trip to China as
representatives of UCLA and USA….it is a disgrace to have this take place. Entitled athletes are not above
the laws of our country or any other country….IF FOUND GUILTY I HOPE YOU PUT MORAL AND VALUES
ABOVE UCLA BASKETBALL!!! Thank you, N. Meyer
From: Robert Friedland
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block;
Subject: Dismiss basketball players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:43:23 PM

I in China and know how brutal the legal system is.

What are we teaching our kids? If I was a kid I would think I can do whatever I want if I play sports in college. How
many “regular” kids would have gotten off so easy

You should throw them out of school or at the least pull their scholarships.

Character matters and your job first is to teach.

This is your opportunity

Thanks for reading my email


Sent from my iPhone

From: Jeff Sanders
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Diversity at UCLA
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 11:26:08 AM

Wow! What a great diversity program - you even include shoplifters.

Sent from my iPad

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Do John Wooden (and Charles Young) Proud
Date: Friday, November 17, 2017 5:37:41 AM


Please EXPEL the three and send them back to China, and why not fire the basketball staff too! No
doubt you know what I.m talking about.

What an embarrassment for the UNITED STATES.

Please ask yourself -- what would the head of Cal Tech do?

(UCLA class of 1978, cum laud, and thankfully not at all a good basketball player)
From: rbnewton@
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 7:29:31 AM

Teach morality not greed!

As lifetime California residents and TAXPAYERS we don’t care to support THIEVES.

It’s easy to say “I’m sorry” after you’re caught!

Expel them to honor your honest students.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Nancy Meyer
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 10:30:01 AM
Importance: High

THING. I am a USC alum and they do not always do the right thing I always pointed to UCLA as a school
that did…if you do not suspend these boys from the basketball program you are also just interested in the
money that winning teams bring to the school…very sad.
From: Chancellor"s Office Receptionist
Subject: a UCLA Alum, called re the basketball matter
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 1:29:49 PM

Good afternoon,

, a UCLA Alum and called the Chancellor’s Office to offer a

suggestion regarding the basketball matter:

is hoping that UCLA offers some sort of apology to the Chinese sports organization that
had invited UCLA to come play in an exhibition game as well as to the Chinese government, more
specifically, to President Xi Jinping.

has spent time in China and feels that an apology would go a long way to help bolster
UCLA’s reputation.

Thank you.

Chancellor’s Office Receptionist

2147 Murphy Hall
(310) 825-2121
To: AD
Cc: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Embarrassed
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 10:12:26 PM

As a graduate of UCLA, Class of 1995, I am embarrassed by the the total lack of ethics displayed by UCLA and
UCLA’s Basketball Team. Where are John Wooden’s principles? Where is character is more important than
reputation? Please resign Mr. Guerrero.

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From: Fratto Hopstock Chiropractic Inc
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Errant Basketball Players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:21:06 PM

Dear Chancellor Block,

As a citizen of CA (lifelong) I am concerned that our tax dollars have been spent on the illegal
actions/consequences of the 3 errant basketball players in China. And, if state funds have been
extended beyond the planned trip, I believe these boys and their families must reimburse the

I am also concerned about the precedent established over the illegal actions of members of a UCLA
athletic team. Without consequences, these boys will "get away" with breaking the law, breaking
one of the Ten Commandments, embarrassing UCLA, CA and the USA. Furthermore, the youngsters
in our society who look up to college/professional athletes have more BAD role models. These boys,
and UCLA should be grateful that our President intervened on their behalf, however they should
NOT be allowed to walk away from this without consequences. I trust that the Athletic
Administration, as well as the UC Regents will do the right thing and impose consequences on these
boys in the hope that they are deterred from repeating such a stupid action.

As one of the finest public institutions in our country, UCLA has an obligation to do right in this
situation. First and foremost, an appropriate acknowledgement of President Trump and his
intervention in this matter is due. Secondly, a public pronouncement of the punishment imposed on
these boys is necessary to not only uphold the principals of UCLA, but to be an example of
consequences for errant/illegal actions – especially when representing UCLA.

Thank you in advance for considering my point of view on this matter. Although I write on my own, I
know my thoughts echo many law abiding, taxpaying Californians.

Most sincerely,

Suzanne Fratto Hopstock

From: Paul Dickerson
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Examples of America’s Finest
Date: Sunday, November 12, 2017 8:38:11 AM

Congratulations for continuing to show China what American atheltes exist in this country.

China reads about the NFL players disregard to the American Flag and police that proudly
give their life everyday to protect them, to this display of disrespect of China, America and
the UCLA basketball program and school.

You should expel these students and let them seek their gratification elsewhere. To keep these
players would show where you stand. I hope it is not with the Dollar.

This behavior is unacceptable in China and should be in this country.

My friends in China don’t understand why Americans are such a upset angry peole.

Paul Dickerson
From: Robert Musselman
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Expel Immediately
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 2:37:59 PM
Attachments: image001.png

Dear Chancellor Block,

These three players have embarrassed the nation, not just your university and sports program. So
your athletic director says their suspension is somehow temporary while you work through the
“review process.” They admitted stealing from three stores while they were representing UCLA.
What more review is necessary?

I was a graduate of the , from which ANY student would be immediately

terminated for far less. I don’t expect UCLA students to be held to the same standards, but I would
expect members of the varsity basketball team representing UCLA on an international tour not to
commit crimes in the host country!

These students should be expelled from the school, not just from the basketball team.

Do your job.


Bob Musselman


Bob Musselman, President

Altadena, CA
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 7:04:25 PM

From: [mailto:
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2017 10:33 AM
To: ''
Subject: The Three Athletes Arrested in China

TO: Chancellor at UCLA

If you’re going to shoplift, do it here in the USA, not China! They have a different “due process”. 10
years, pal!

How did these students get into UCLA in the first place? I bet it probably wasn’t scholastics.

What they did was Super-Idiocy! And you’re going to let these morons earn a college degree at
UCLA? Looks like they fulfill the stereotype of a “simpleton black athlete.”

They’ve already tarnished the school permanently. If you let them return, and they get a degree,
that will only show complicity among the UCLA leadership.

And certainly ruin the prestige of what a UCLA degree really means. For all other students, past,
present and future.

You need to EXPEL these players.

Dumber than a 2nd coat of paint!

BA, University of California at Irvine, c. 1977.

Lakewood, California USA

From: mike mancinelli
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Expel
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 5:28:09 PM

Please do the right thing and expel the 3 criminals. They disrespected not only UCLA but America as
well. How can I explain that to and , be a great athlete and you can do anything?
Save your integrity
Thank you for your time

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Barbara Henderson
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Expulsion
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 7:29:40 AM

You need to expel all three basketball players from your school. Do not condone reprehensible
behavior. If they cheated on exams, they would be ousted. Is a basketball team more important.
Players are a dime a dozen and examples need to be set. These men were an embarrassment and if
in China they would have been given 10 years hard labor.

Barbara K. Henderson

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: For your consideration
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 10:48:13 AM

The UCLA Basketball players who found it necessary to steal. This is a Shanda.

These people should be asked to leave UCLA.

This is a fine institution; with the finest reputation.

I continue to take classes here.

Our family consists of many Bruins. We are also member of the Alumni.

Please do the mench thing; for these people are not menches.

Thank you.
From: Scherer, Dawn
Subject: For your files ...
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 9:55:27 AM
Attachments: Basketball Players.msg
From: Christina Padilla
To: Scherer, Dawn
Subject: Basketball Players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 9:37:04 AM

Dear Chancellor,
Anything less than a full season suspension (including playoffs, tournaments, etc.) for the
three basketball players who brought such negative, embarrassing attention to the UCLA
family would be shameful. This worldwide story embarrassed America, the UC System, and
UCLA. The men did not make a mistake, they made a CHOICE. A mistake is accidentally
grabbing your spouse's keys instead of your own. They CHOSE to take something that was
not theirs and break the law because their arrogance allowed them to believe they would get
away with it. I can only assume they have never been held accountable because they can
shoot a ball into a basket. Allowing them to think that they function by a different set of rules
is why we see unlawful behavior with professionals athletes. Our responsibility as educators
is to put the students' best interests first and that's what needs to be done now. You have an
opportunity to show three men that there are consequences for their choices and hopefully
save them from making far worse choices in the future. Please don't squander this teachable
moment and show the world that producing good people is more important to UCLA than
winning games.

Christina Padilla
El Rancho High School
From: Eddy.N@
To: Scherer, Dawn
Subject: basketball
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:35:48 AM
Attachments: image001.jpg


The American people demand UCLA to discipline and order the 3 basketball players to
show gratitude to Trump because he saved them from a Chinese prison because UCLA itself
could never pull this off, and their silence is very bad optics for the university. That these 3
tried to shoplift is making America look bad, and UCLA in particular for failing to
instill in them any morals or sense of honor while visiting a superpower like China.

UCLA players were arrested in China on charges of

stealing from a Louis Vuitton store near their hotel in Shanghai. For their alleged crimes, the
players were facing up to 10 years in Chinese prison, but Trump intervened on their behalf so
they could play for NBA. During his tour of Asia, Trump brought up the issue with Chinese
President Xi Jinping, who promised to look into the situation. The Chinese leader assured
Trump the three players would be “treated fairly and expeditiously.” The three players were
freed Tuesday but these scumbags never said thank you when they landed at LAX.
Trump and we the people want to know if they are grateful for their freedom, and say it
publically via a press conference NOW. Had the president not intervened, the three players
might have found themselves in prison and may be tortured. “I would say they could be in
quite a bit of trouble if they have solid proof that they shoplifted,” William Nee, a Hong
Kong-based researcher of the Chinese court system for Amnesty International, told Yahoo
Sports prior to their release, adding, “It will depend on whether their lawyers, the university,
or the U.S. consulate can advocate and negotiate on their behalf.”

“What they did was unfortunate. You know, you’re talking about very long prison sentences.
They do not play games,” Trump said of the Chinese prison system aboard Air Force One on
his way back to the U.S. from his five-nation tour of Asia. We the people are furious that
when the players returned home Tuesday, they did not even say thank you, admit guilt, say
I’m sorry, or offer comments on their release.

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To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: From a concerned alumnus: Three UCLA basketball players arrested in China
Date: Monday, November 13, 2017 12:03:15 PM


I am a UCLA alumnus, B.A. 1988. I understand the process is playing out in China with regard to
the three UCLA basketball players. When the players are finally released, I hope and expect UCLA to expel these
students. UCLA needs to continue to have high standards for all of its students and representatives. Of course,
athletics are an important part of UCLA, but we need to be realistic. The behavior of these athletes on a high-
profile trip to China, accompanied by all the UCLA brass, with the world watching, is unacceptable. There are no
excuses for this behavior. The negative PR and media attention are cringe-worthy. I hate to open the newspapers
and turn on the television to see this daily embarrassment endured by our great institution. Please do the right
thing. Surely we can find three talented but ethical players to replace these teenagers. What would John Wooden
think? What would he do? What if and and and behaved in
this way? Expulsion for sure.

Thank you for your attention,

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW:
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 9:18:01 AM

Chancellor's Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

From: David Paradine [mailto

Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 4:46 PM

Your three basketball players, and they are yours a long as they continue to attend UCLA, should be
dismissed from the university. Unless, of course, you wish to allow these three individuals to
continue to represent UCLA.

Their conduct is unacceptable and they should be dismissed.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Scherer, Dawn
Subject: FW: "Indefinite" Suspension
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 9:11:18 AM

Forwarding for your files ...

Dawn Scherer
Executive Assistant to Chancellor Gene D. Block
UCLA Office of the Chancellor
Box 951405, 2147 Murphy Hall
Los Angeles, California 90095-1405
Phone: (310) 825-2151
Fax: (310) 206-6030

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017 5:48 AM
To: Scherer, Dawn <>
Subject: "Indefinite" Suspension

I am a graduate of the UCLA School of Law '73. Please let the Chancellor know my opinion that these players
should be off the team.
Not an "indefinite" suspension. Not a few games.

What an embarrassment.

Best regards,

Sent from my iPhone

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: 3 basketball students in China who shoplifted
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 9:15:24 AM

Chancellor's Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 5:55 PM
Subject: 3 basketball students in China who shoplifted

Please keep these students from ever going to another UC. They are an embarrassment to any student or parent who
are proud they are in one of your campuses.


Sent from my iPad

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: 3 men on basketball team in China stealing
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 8:33:01 AM

Chancellor’s Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

From: Mike Friedman [mailto

Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 8:26 AM
Subject: 3 men on basketball team in China stealing

These 3 individuals should be expelled from UCLA immediately. Their actions are not the
image this university embodies. Get them out. Put them in jail where they belong.
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: Basketball
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 9:16:21 AM

Chancellor's Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

From: b f [mailto:billfjr@
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 3:30 PM
Subject: Basketball

Suspension! Is the administration joking? Those three yahoos should be expelled. Ten year olds get
suspension for stealing. Those yahoos represented UCLA in a foreign country. Perhaps their juvenile
minds thought right and wrong was different in China, ya think? Trump should not have wasted his
valuable time expressing concern. Like a bubble gum chewer in China they should have been left to
face a bamboo whip.

With your upside down values you can bet your school is off the list for my daughters, thank God.
Likewise your teams will not be watched in my house. Out.

Bill Ferrary

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: basketball players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 8:34:02 AM

Chancellor’s Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

From: [mailto:
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 7:23 AM
Subject: basketball players

I am so angry that I am not thinking straight on where to start, hence the reason you
all are first on my list.

About the players accused of shop lifting in China,

If there is credible evidence, then when they land in the US, they should be escorted
DIRECTLY TO JAIL, and held without bail, without privileges, and put on trial. If they
are guilty, they should be given the absolute maximum sentence, including being
thrown out of UCLA. They are an embarrassment, and, if guilty, they should have
kept them to serve sentences in China.

Apparently, somebody is NOT doing their job in ensuring that UCLA students who are
going abroad, or even to the city next door, that they understand they SHALL NOT
be the "ugly American"--upon penalty of death. (Ok, not real death, the 'penalty of
death' that those of us with self-respect, and love of country, feared during out
formative years.)

At minimum, the players should be suspended pending investigation, and, grounded

during the investigation process. If they are not guilty, then, harsh treatment now, is a
good lesson for them, and a good example for other would-be ugly-Americans.

If they are guilty, put them on a chain gang, and throw the book at them.

Either way, they need to beg Americans for forgiveness, apologize to the Chinese
and publicly thank President Trump and the Chinese government.

Thank you for listening.


Proud Bruin 1994

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: Basketball Thieves
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 8:29:19 AM

Chancellor’s Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

From: Tom Mayer [mailto:tmmayer@

Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 8:18 AM
Subject: Basketball Thieves

It is an embarrassment to our country and your so called “education system” (what in the world are
you teaching them anyway?) to have such reprobates representing us in foreign countries. Each of
the identified thieves on the UCLA basketball team should be prohibited to play for the remainder
of the year. If I had my preference, they would be expelled.

Tom Mayer
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: beyond sad
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 1:09:09 PM

Chancellor's Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017 12:42 PM
Subject: beyond sad

Hi: I'm weighing in on those 3 brainless basketball players. They are an embarrassment to the community, country!
Hopefully The Esteemed Board will weigh in with a lengthy suspension. I think an outside suspension opinion
from The Board would be able to fairly determine what these knuckleheads deserve without considering the
implications of basketball. And it should not be about basketball. These 3 characterless, moral-less individuals had
the audacity to rob 3 different stores, in a foreign country yet!

I'm so upset I can't even type this correctly. Please please please meddle, and handle this so it sends a message about
what will or will not be tolerated. And again, it should not be about basketball.

Thank you for your esteemed attention to this. I don't need any reply as I will be closely following this in the news.

Proud Alumni & Donor.

From: Scherer, Dawn
Subject: FW: Conduct and Comments of Bruins Members
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 2:35:47 PM

For your files …

Dawn Scherer
Executive Assistant to Chancellor Gene D. Block
UCLA Office of the Chancellor
Box 951405, 2147 Murphy Hall
Los Angeles, California 90095-1405
Phone: (310) 825-2151
Fax: (310) 206-6030

From: Carol Fuller [mailto:

Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 2:26 PM
To: Scherer, Dawn <>
Subject: Conduct and Comments of Bruins Members

Ms. Scherer,

On behalf of a large number of friends/family in Atlanta, we are still in disbelief that the
members of the UCLA basketball team would behave in such a disrespectfully way...........we
in the United States are appalled and still in disbelief that they would steal while in China.

We will be watching closely - all of us in the United States and will not tolerate their playing
ever again for UCLA.

It is truly disqusting and illustrates their arrogance and distain for rules and regulations.


Atlanta, Georgia
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: Expel your athletes
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 9:32:40 AM

Chancellor’s Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

From: Patt Keane [mailto

Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 11:18 AM
Subject: Expel your athletes

The purpose of institutions of higher learning in my mind is not athletics. You now have
athletes who have stolen goods in a foreign country in your care. There is a simple solution.
Expel them from the university. No other punishment is enough. I would write the same to
my own university. Do the right thing.
- Patt Keane, Minneapolis, MN - a proud graduate of the University of Minnesota
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: Hello from Texas
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 9:16:20 AM

Chancellor's Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

From: Barbara [mailto:

Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 3:43 PM
Subject: Hello from Texas


Watching the news concerning the 3 young men who were caught on
videos stealing in China is most disturbing.

Were they not cautioned on how to act in a foreign country. Did

they not realize that their actions demonstrated to all a lack of
dignity or was that ever considered. What a disgrace to all their

It was only through the intervention of our President Trump were

they allowed to leave. They could have justly been put in prison for
their behavior.

These young men need NOW for this university to remove them as
they do not deserve any FREE education. Let them pay for it.
They humiliated this country to the world and especially this
university if they allow this behavior to have no consequences.
Looking forward to seeing if this university has any standards.
Don’t disappoint us.

Barbara & Richards

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: Many Misdeeds in China
Date: Monday, November 13, 2017 9:27:37 AM

Chancellor’s Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

From: James Jones [mailto

Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2017 11:35 PM
Subject: Many Misdeeds in China

Dear Regents Office,

Regarding the PAC 12 game between UCLA and Georgia Tech in China, there may have been more misdeeds that

For example,

1) Whoever scheduled a foreign trip right at the beginning of the UCLA quarter stole some education from these
UCLA basketball players. There is very limited opportunity to recover from missing that much time in a ten week
quarter system. This stolen time doesn't include the missed opportunities for student friendships that are formed at
the start of new years. These foreign trips should be before class starts as to not impose jet lag and other distractions
on student-athletes studies.

2) Pac 12 Commissioner Larry Scott, who didn't get the "no comment" memo, stole the presumption of innocence
from 3 UCLA basketball players with his "not the standard", "very unfortunate", and "very disappointing"
comments. Further, his loose comments where easily misinterpreted and may have prevented these 3 UCLA
basketball players from returning with the rest of the basketball team.

3) Whoever is promoting these trips to communist China is probably acting as a foreign agent. Potential foreign
agents such as Larry Scott and others should register per the Foreign Agents Registration Act and disclose
activities, perks, and finances related to these games, trips, and contracts to Regents and other universities

Please do follow up on these potential misdeeds by the PAC 12 representatives.

James Jones
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: Please act wisely
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 9:17:25 AM

Chancellor's Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

From: alabastur@ [mailto:alabastur@

Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 1:49 PM
To:; President <>
Subject: Please act wisely

Dear Regents and President Napolitano,

I am appalled by the "so called" apology from the thugs who shoplifted in China. First, they did not
apologize to the tax paying citizens of the State of California. It is a State University and our taxes help
support UCLA. Second, they did not apologize to the People of the United States of America. Their illegal
actions in China makes all Americans look bad. These actions cannot be undone, and as an American
who has traveled to China as well as other international destinations their illegal actions make me, as an
American embarrassed by their actions forever.

They de facto did make a bad decision, a decision that should have NEVER even entered their minds.
Shoplifting is a crime in every county in the world. They made the decision to be thugs in at least 3
separate incidents. They should be banned from ever playing in the "University" system; I personally
believe that they should be banned from playing at any school. Maybe, that way this kind of behavior will
never happen again by anyone who is acting as a Representative of the United States, which was what
they were doing in China. I am being hopeful.

What is this country turning into with behavior like this by people who think they made a "bad decision"?
Get them out of the education system that I help support. Their apologies were without merit. Look at the
body language. They were embarrassed that they were caught, not by the crime.


Ebon Alabastur

PS Who paid for their 5 star hotel so that they didn't have the indignity of being held in a Chinese prison.
Did I help to pay for that too?
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: Poor representation
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 10:42:47 AM

Chancellor’s Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

From: Jessica Silver [mailto

Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 10:41 AM
Subject: Poor representation

To all board members concerned,

I absolutely understand that as members of the board of a large, prestigious campus, there
will be many times when students may conduct themselves in a manner unbecoming of your
campus values. What I do not understand, however, is how three of the basketball players on
your men’s team could be caught stealing in another country, arrested for said theft, need the
President of the United States to intervene, and then be allowed to return home and let 24+
hours pass without expressing extreme gratitude to our President for his intervention. As far
as I know, the school itself has not even expressed gratitude to our nation’s chief for stepping
in and bringing these three young men home.

How embarrassing it must be for your students to behave so brazenly in a foreign country,
but I would be just as embarrassed that you have not made a public comment on the subject or
even had these young men apologize and express gratitude or even remorse for the situation. I
have two young children of my own, and I must say, situations like this will be at the
forefront of our minds when choosing a university for our children.

It is one thing to be young and make a mistake. It is a completely different issue when
adults that are supposed to be guiding these young people allow occurrences like these go
unaddressed. Also, just in case there has been some sort of private apology, I urge you to
remember that this was a very public, international event that should be addressed in kind. I
really hope I hear of some kind of public address soon.

Best Regards,

Jessica Silver
A concerned American citizen
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: RE:
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 4:18:33 PM

Hi Chancellor Block,
Please forward to appropriate party.
Many thanks.

Mr. Dan Guerrero Director of Athletics UCLA


I am sure all are happy the young men are home safe. The consequences
could have been dire. I am certain there are only a few who have not made
mistakes that were not regretful. That is not to excuse the action but to put
in in context.

Having read the article in the November 15th Los Angeles Times, it is clear
that others believe a higher price should be paid than what has transpired
to date.
This quote from the article clearly demonstrates the need for additional
action in order to recoup the publics favor.

“These young men are going to have to prove [by] their words and actions
that this isn’t who they are, and that they will not let their identity be
defined by this incident,’’ Coach Steve Alford
I would like to offer you an opportunity to participate in a project which
would be a key component in restoring the good will which seems to have
been lost.

Our company has been operating in South Los Angeles for over 40 years. We
have maintained a high level of community partnership and trust.

Due to the amount of blight in the community due to illegal trash dumping
and the lack of services being delivered to the community, I took a proactive
role in addressing the issue.

Our company offered the community the opportunity to

bring in trash and dump it for free. This would provide an alternative to
those who may want to dump it illegally in the alleyways or on the street.

To date our company accepted over 3 million pounds of trash for free. This
comes at no cost to the public or city.

We are fortunate to be in a position to receive much more trash for free and
want to have an Official kick off for the All Communities Matter, Clean Up
Los Angeles Campaign.

We would like the three young men to patriciate in a Kick Off Press
Conference at our facility to announce the expanded program.

You can think of it as Community Service without having to pick

up the trash.

As Coach Alford said, actions will speak louder than words.

This would not be an endorsement of my business but of the effort to
address Illegal Trash Dumping.

Please contact me and we can discuss further.

, UCLA Alumni
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Friday, November 17, 2017 10:56:29 AM

Chancellor’s Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

From: Susan Shershow [mailto

Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017 5:16 PM

I believe the basketball players should be suspended for the remainder of

the year. No practicing, no
playing, no classes. They should not be living with other students. This
shameful incident reflects on all students. They stole from three stores,
not one.
You should have the courage to put integrity over sports. What lessons
are you teaching. Is scholarship
money being used. It should go to more appropriately behaved students.

Susan Shershow
Los Angeles
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: School standards
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 10:36:18 AM

Chancellor's Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

-----Original Message-----
From: Carol Shrigley [mailto
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017 9:27 AM
Subject: School standards

Gentlemen, just to let you know, neither of will be considering UCLA at college application

We couldn't possibly send them

to a university that looks the other way when 3 Bruins basketball players steal while visiting a foreign country.
They embarrass themselves, they embarrass UCLA, and most of all, as ambassadors of America, they embarrass

You come across as a morally-lacking school in questioning how long these Neanderthals will be suspended from

Not only should that occur, but they should have been told when landing back in the U.S. that they are expelled from
school. Period. Here, boys, we've taken the liberty of packing up your things. There's the door.

I guess "points on a scoreboard at any price" is your new school slogan.

What a disappointment in California's second oldest university. Shame on you.

Mrs. Robert Shrigley

La Jolla, California
(In a neighborhood full of Bruins, with heads held low)

Sent from my iPad

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: Students shoplifting.
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 2:44:45 PM

Chancellor’s Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

From: JOHN COFFEY [mailto

Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017 2:22 PM
Subject: Students shoplifting.

After seeing the news of the young men they were sorrry I can only say that one seemed to be secere. That was the
, I think his name The one to speak was . He came across as I am
entitlend. What an atitude. The did not seem to understand what the fuss was about. This mess did not
happen the were young men with poor judgement. It was an act of totale derespect for any one. I want them to be
punished and all taxe payer funds withheld and any scholarship fund be resended. They do not deserve the
help. The funds then should go to students that work for an acdemic achievement that are not persued for
sports to boost the school. Two of the fellows could hardly speak english. I am not a good one to talk about enlish
but I paid my own way thru school so let them see what is like to work support yourself and attend school with not
help and get out with no debt. Good luck they cry like babbies. Tell them to see what the real world is like..They
can I sorry sll thay want but they think are due. Go to hell !!!
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: This IS the best you can do?
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 9:13:21 AM

Chancellor's Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

-----Original Message-----
From: NORM [mailto:nreynolds@
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017 6:17 AM
Subject: This IS the best you can do?

I guess we should have expected this happening from a whacky California university….3 hot-dog basketball players
trying to stealing something as trivial as designer sunglasses….no other university I am aware of would have
allowed and most likely prevented it happening. Here are 3 guys that have the potential to earn millions in their
years have to pull a theft IN a foreign country….why should the Chinese trust Americans when low-level guests in
their country pull a caper like this??? AND to have THEIR national leader bail them out? How much DID that
cost in the negations held there?

Apparently it was not important enough for UCLA to prepare them for visiting China, nor the coaching staff to
enforce discipline in preventing a despicable action by 3 spoiled brats. AGAIN UCLA has exhibited it’s inability
for students to recognize that they cannot abuse or ruin other people’s property. WHAT good are you providing
this country with activities like this…..we do not hear anything about the good from there.

I hope California just goes away ASAP.

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: Three thieving UCLA basketball players
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 9:17:38 AM

Chancellor's Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

From: David Schminck [mailto:

Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:18 PM
Subject: Three thieving UCLA basketball players

There was a time when academic institutions instilled and defended high moral standards. Today,
thieving UCLA basketball students are given the proverbial slap on the wrist: suspension from basketball
activities. Why don't you get the surveillance tapes that prove the students were thieves and use it as
evidence to expel them from the school? What are you teaching?

UCLA= University of California for Lenient Action

David Schminck
From: Stefani Leto
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: ucla
Date: Friday, November 17, 2017 3:52:28 PM

Chancellor’s Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

From: Eddy.N@ [mailto:Eddy.N@

Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 9:47 AM
To: Anne Shaw <>
Subject: ucla

Dear UC

The American people demand UCLA to discipline and order the 3 basketball players to
show gratitude to Trump because he saved them from a Chinese prison because UCLA itself
could never pull this off, and their silence is very bad optics for the university. That these 3
tried to shoplift is making America look bad, and UCLA in particular for failing to
instill in them any morals or sense of honor while visiting a superpower like China.

UCLA players were arrested in China on charges of

stealing from a Louis Vuitton store near their hotel in Shanghai. For their alleged crimes, the
players were facing up to 10 years in Chinese prison, but Trump intervened on their behalf so
they could play for NBA. During his tour of Asia, Trump brought up the issue with Chinese
President Xi Jinping, who promised to look into the situation. The Chinese leader assured
Trump the three players would be “treated fairly and expeditiously.” The three players were
freed Tuesday but these scumbags never said thank you when they landed at LAX.

Trump and we the people want to know if they are grateful for their freedom, and say it
publically via a press conference NOW. Had the president not intervened, the three players
might have found themselves in prison and may be tortured. “I would say they could be in
quite a bit of trouble if they have solid proof that they shoplifted,” William Nee, a Hong
Kong-based researcher of the Chinese court system for Amnesty International, told Yahoo
Sports prior to their release, adding, “It will depend on whether their lawyers, the university,
or the U.S. consulate can advocate and negotiate on their behalf.”

“What they did was unfortunate. You know, you’re talking about very long prison sentences.
They do not play games,” Trump said of the Chinese prison system aboard Air Force One on
his way back to the U.S. from his five-nation tour of Asia. We the people are furious that
when the players returned home Tuesday, they did not even say thank you, admit guilt, say
I’m sorry, or offer comments on their release.

This message and any attached document is sent privately in the public interest and may contain
candid, open, and truthful advice, recommendations, opinions, proposals, and information that is
privileged, proprietary, non-public and exempt from disclosure, confidential or otherwise protected
by law, and may be subject to executive, diplomatic, judicial, clerical, deliberative process or other
privilege and is intended solely for the recipient and not for disclosure or distribution. If you are not
the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the
intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you are prohibited from reviewing, retransmitting,
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manipulated, incomplete, arrive late or contain viruses. The sender therefore does not accept
liability for any errors, revisions or omissions in the contents of this message which arise as a result
of email transmission or unauthorized disclosure or distribution.
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: UCLA Basketball Players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:55:17 PM

an o ’s i

o ai as i d in ou o i . as spond o o a d as ou d app op iat .


t ani to

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents

1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor

Oakland, CA 94607

From: Fratto Hopstock Chiropractic Inc [mailto:frattohopstockchiro@

Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:43 PM
Subject: UCLA Basketball Players

D a nts

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u ann atto opsto

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: UCLA Basketball Players arrested in China
Date: Thursday, November 9, 2017 9:01:45 AM

Chancellor’s Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

From: atkain [mailto

Sent: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 9:47 PM
Subject: UCLA Basketball Players arrested in China

Dear Reagents,

As a California state tax payer, I hope we are not paying for UCLA to play basketball in China. If we
are, taxpayers are going to be upset due to the high tuition costs. I would imagine the cost of
sending UCLA basketball players to China would definitely offset the costs of the current tuition

Please do not say this is goodwill gesture to China. The UC system does not need to be involved in
goodwill gestures to China. Let’s leave that to private enterprise and the Federal Government.


Ann Kain

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: UCLA Basketball Players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:38:24 PM

Chancellor’s Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

-----Original Message-----
From: Nancy Trost [mailto:
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 10:13 AM
Subject: UCLA Basketball Players

Your three basketball players represented a TAXPAYER FUNDED SCHOOL, THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA,
AND AMERICA. They are a disgrace. It will be interesting to see how you handle their return. They should be
removed from the team and lose any scholarships they have.

I have a feeling they will get a slap on the wrist. It certainly appears they have not been brought up with any moral
values, as one of their fathers reportedly said it’s not a big deal. It is a big deal. It will be interesting to see what
your value system is.

Nancy Trost
California taxpayer
year educator

Sent from my iPad

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 2:46:03 PM

Chancellor’s Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

From: BOBnJOHN [mailto

Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017 2:24 PM

I do not feel that the apologies offered at the press conference by the UCLA basketball players about
their felonious activities in China were sincere.
They acted like privileged people who were trying to appear sorry to save their futures.
Yes, they are afraid that they could ultimately lose their gravy train.
Yes, they should have been made to pay for their transgressions in China.
President Trump now owes China a special consideration which Xi will publicly extract from him at a
later date.
It is ironic that, under Trump’s immigration programs, potential émigrés are asked if they have ever
been arrested. It may be a fine point, but they would probably be denied any opportunity to enter
the United States – as unsavory characters.
I would hope that any and all expenses incurred by anyone on their behalf be transferred to the
players as restitution to be paid by them.
There should be no use of taxpayer funds, scholarship funds, or university “special slush funds” to
pay any expenses.
Ultimately, I do not think they merit to be students in the California public university system.
Athletic teams should represent the best of our educational systems goals and ideals.
These men (and they are men) failed.
I, with many others, feel that they will ultimately get a slap on the wrist and be told, “Don’t do that
What will you do when one of these men pull a stunt in the future – and they will? It’s all a part of
an inbred sense of entitled.
“What can happen, we did it before and got away with it?”
Supporting and defending students is admirable – but not if they commit criminal acts. While not
convicted in a court of law, they admitted their wrongdoing.
Don’t reward them, you will setting up those who follow . . .

R Marsili

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: UCLA Basketball Players---China Thieves??
Date: Thursday, November 9, 2017 10:33:28 AM

Chancellor’s Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

From: [mailto
Sent: Thursday, November 9, 2017 10:15 AM
Subject: UCLA Basketball Players---China Thieves??

Dear UC Regents:

Subject: UCLA Basketball Students in China---Thieves?

If allegations that 3 UCLA Basketball players on a school sanctioned trip were guilty
of stealing in a foreign country (China), then any and all scholarships should be
withdrawn, and the students expelled from the UC system!

For too long California taxpayers have been subsidizing free education for
questionable athletes/students. Back in the early 1990’s, we watched as tuition
doubled for our son’s time at UC Riverside, and now we watch in horror as UC
student/athletes cause international incidents, and shame to the UC System and our
nation. This has got to stop!

There needs to be more vetting of these student athletes, background checks, and
general review of their understanding of civics and ethics, before California
Taxpayers continue to subsidize these people. There are too many excellent
qualified students that should be receiving these scholarships at taxpayer expenses,
rather than these constant sports RAH Rah abuse of public funds. As senior citizens
who have supported public education our entire lives, the public funds should go to
students DESERVING of these taxpayer funded institutions.

Thank you,
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: UCLA basketball student-athletes vs Chinese military thefts
Date: Monday, November 13, 2017 9:42:46 AM

Chancellor’s Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

From: [mailto
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2017 11:45 AM
Subject: UCLA basketball student-athletes vs Chinese military thefts

Chancellor Block,

It seems China and the Chinese military can steal millions of dollars of University of California intellectual property
and nothing is done by you or the University of California. But, China is at liberty to embarrass and detain
UCLA student-athletics? Are UCLA and Georgia Tech (GT) basketball players so threatening that it tasks 20
Chinese Gestapo police to investigate sunglasses theft?

Let's talk about real theft by China.

Are UCLA students or UCLA researches required to disclose their relationship to the Chinese military or Chinese
How many UCLA students or UCLA researches served or are serving in the Chinese military or are collecting a
Chinese pension?
Is Chinese military service required to be disclosed to UCLA or the University of California?
What are the punishments and loss of benefits for failure to disclose relationships to the Chinese military or Chinese
What actions are UCLA and the University of California doing to detect, prevent, and be compensated for Chinese
theft of UCLA or University of California Intellectual Property (IP)?

Why is UCLA and the Pac 12 entering into relationships and visiting a communist country with known hostility
towards blacks, a pervasive history of IP theft, and the sophisticated tools to steal even more IP with greater access
that these relationships provide?

I expected the GT basketball game to be cancelled without the release the 3 basketball players. Is UCLA just going
to leave these three UCLA student-athletics in China? Is UCLA going to continue to have relationships with a
communist country that intentionally embarrasses student athletics.

UCLA Class of
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: UCLA Basketball Thieves
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 9:17:21 AM

Chancellor's Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Mason [mailto:
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:44 PM
Subject: UCLA Basketball Thieves

America does not need to reward the 3 thieves that you sponsor. At
a minimum, remove them from the basketball team. Of course this
really means remove them from UCLA as they have no other use to be there since they can't play basketball.

We do not need a system that encourages lack of morals. Come up

with some courage and remove them..
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: UCLA News Conference Today, 11/15/2017
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 9:17:24 AM

Chancellor's Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:20 PM
Subject: UCLA News Conference Today, 11/15/2017

To the Regents and the Bruin Family.

As the mother of a UCLA graduate, I was most proud of the UCLA news conference of today regarding the
shoplifting charges that occurred in China. The student athletes apologized in a heartfelt and sincere manner. The
coach and athletic director were also dignified and forthright. I am especially appreciative of UCLA’s decision to
suspend the student athletes until further notice. This takes a lot of courage, because it’s an example of overlooking
the many very public benefits of the UCLA basketball program, and instead, focusing on what it means to accept
responsibility for one’s actions. One of the great experiences of my son’s life was his four years at UCLA.
He is also a Bruin through and through, attending as many basketball and
football games as he can. It is my view that the many lessons he learned at UCLA will impact his decisions for the
rest of his life. I’m sure that the lessons these three student athletes have learned in the past week will also have a
positive and lasting affect now and in their future lives. Thanks again for the thoughtful way in which this very
unfortunate situation was handled. Sincerely,
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: UCLA shoplifting ALTHETIC SCHOLARSHIP recepeant
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 8:49:32 AM

Chancellor’s Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.
Thank you.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

From: Fred Kimball [mailto

Sent: Tuesday, November 7, 2017 8:08 PM
Subject: UCLA shoplifting ALTHETIC SCHOLARSHIP recepeant

I'm all for reforming FELONS, but not at a UC school by giving out free rides to the NBA.
Where does the UCLA athletic dept. dig up these "I can do anything, I'm a athlete." ?
I'm watching. Clean this up. Did someone cover up these CRIMINALS records?
I'm sick of paying for a full SCHOLARSHIP for future wifebeater/ drug dealing, criminal
scum who get away with stuff that have a normal person in jail for 20 years, but they are
"Great ballplayers", so they get to skate free.
A University is for learning, not minor leagueing for the NBA.
Fred Lee Kimball the Old Archaeologist
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: UCLA Student Basketball Players Headed Home
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 1:11:38 PM

Dear Chancellor Block:

My name is staff member at the . My association with UCLA goes

back years, as a grad student, post-doc, and now as a staff member.

If I might be allowed quick input on this issue, I think it is safe to say that most of my colleagues
believe that there should be a substantive response to the actions taken by these three young men,
actions that have brought such disrepute and embarrassment to the school. That said, I understand
what it means to be 18 years old, and if I were look back at some of my actions at that age, well, it
does bring some perspective.

Just so you know, most folks here I think would be fine should you choose to suspend their
membership on the team for a year, as long as they still had the opportunity to go to school and get
their education. Who knows, in this age of “one-and-done” interface between major college sports
and the NBA/NFL, this might be the best thing for them, giving them the opportunity to focus
exclusively on their studies. To those who counter that this would somehow “damage” their pro
prospects, I would point out that these young men always have the option of leaving UCLA and
playing pro-ball abroad for a year.

No one could fault UCLA for a response such as this, actually offering a full year of free education at
one of the world’s premier institutions of higher learning and not even requiring the quid pro quo of
these young men playing for the team. It would make clear to them (and to parents who feel that
they might be in a position to blackmail UCLA by directing their offspring to play elsewhere) what
UCLA’s values and priorities are, and what they are not.

Thanks for listening,

From: Chancellor Gene D. Block []

Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 8:33 AM
Subject: UCLA Student Basketball Players Headed Home

Office of the Chancellor

To the Campus Community:

I know many of you have heard the news over the past week about three of our men’s
basketball student-athletes who were detained by police in connection with a
shoplifting incident in China. Since that time, our primary focus has been on bringing
our students back safely, and I am pleased to report that they are now returning

I would like to express my gratitude to all who helped us get to this point. I also want
to acknowledge everyone who wrote or called to express their thoughts and concerns.
We have heard and appreciate everyone’s views. I want to be clear that we take
seriously any violations of the law. We remain one of the world’s top academic
institutions in large part because of our values and standards, which we work hard to
infuse throughout our campus community.

When members of the UCLA family fail to uphold these values, we review these
incidents with fair and thorough processes. In this particular case, both Athletics and
the Office of Student Conduct will review this incident and guide any action with
respect to the involved students. Such proceedings are confidential, which limits the
specific information that can be shared.

Our primary concern remains the safety and well-being of all members of our
community, particularly our students. I am grateful they are headed home.


Gene D. Block
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: ucla
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 12:02:22 PM
Attachments: image003.png

Chancellor’s Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

From: Eddy.N@ [mailto:Eddy.N@

Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017 11:52 AM
Subject: ucla

Dear UC Regents

The American people are not happy with an indefinite suspension by UCLA and we demand
UC to enforce and impose a “morals clause” on all student athletes, and permanently ban the
3 players from ever playing or wearing UCLA
uniforms again, because they have not just shamed NCAA, UCLA, the UC system, Bruins
fans, the public, but they dishonored our great nation in front of a very rich and powerful
China. Stealing designer sunglasses from Louis Vuitton in China while our president Trump
is visiting is NOT who we are as a nation, but it is definitely who they are, a bunch of
knuckleheads, lowlifes, thugs, and with attitude. UC must put country above self and
ban them NOW, because their apologies were not sincere but coached and scripted, and they
are toxic to basketball just like serial sex predator Harvey Weinstein is to Hollywood. If this
is not cause for expulsion, then we don’t know what is because they have committed serious
crimes and dishonored not just UCLA, California, but the entire nation! UC must be
proactive and expel them NOW to improve the bad optics and deter others, to regain the
public trust, and to protect its brand and corporate reputation, as well as the integrity of
college sports.
We remind UC that if they were caught shoplifting on 5th Ave, NY or Rodeo Drive in Beverly
Hills, they would do serious time in jail and we do not want to see their ugly faces on TV
playing at home or on the road because they do not represent the great values and brands of
NCAA, UCLA or Pac-12. Trump did what he had to do not for UCLA, NCAA or for them
but to save the honor and prestige of the United States, and for this he owed China a huge
favor. They apologized only under pressure, but they must still reap what they sow, and that is
a permanent ban from UCLA basketball and NCAA. UCLA don’t need them and could still
win without them, and we are not amused that they all read from a script and not speak from
their hearts. What they did was not just incredibly stupid, it was ghetto and criminal, and we
have no doubt that if there is another LA riot that they will be looting and vandalizing with
their brothers.
They were lucky not to serve 10 years in a Chinese prison because if these 3 were from
, they would not be released at all but rot in jail. China only does this because of the
immense star power and arm twisting of Trump, and UC must send a message to all of its
student athletes that stealing in a serious crime and direct violation of the 10 Commandments,
and must impose the most severe penalty to save the honor of the school and to deter others
NOW. They may have escaped prison thanks to Trump, but they must still pay because
sowing and reaping is a universal law just like gravity. We remind UC that LA Clippers
owner Don Sterling was subjected to the most severe penalty by NBA for rather mild racist
comments in 2014: a lifetime ban, the maximum $2.5 million fine, and was forced to sell the
team. UC must be equally brutal and ban them from playing hoops, impose 1000 hours of
community service, a 4 year probation or better yet, expel them like Harvey Weinstein was
expelled from the Motion Picture Academy.

This message and any attached document is sent privately in the public interest and may contain
candid, open, and truthful advice, recommendations, opinions, proposals, and information that is
privileged, proprietary, non-public and exempt from disclosure, confidential or otherwise protected
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privilege and is intended solely for the recipient and not for disclosure or distribution. If you are not
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of email transmission or unauthorized disclosure or distribution.
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: UCLA
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:19:03 AM

Chancellor’s Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

From: john lebosquet [mailto:

Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 6:07 AM
Subject: UCLA

The 3 basketball players caught steeling in China have embarrassed the people of the USA. It
took the President of the United States to get them released from jail, and keep them from
serving a long prison term. These 3 students should be permanently thrown out of the
California Educational system.
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: ucla
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 10:27:32 AM

Chancellor’s Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

From: Eddy.N@ [mailto:Eddy.N@

Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 9:47 AM
Subject: ucla

Dear UC

The American people demand UCLA to discipline and order the 3 basketball players to
show gratitude to Trump because he saved them from a Chinese prison because UCLA itself
could never pull this off, and their silence is very bad optics for the university. That these 3
tried to shoplift is making America look bad, and UCLA in particular for failing to
instill in them any morals or sense of honor while visiting a superpower like China.

UCLA players were arrested in China on charges of

stealing from a Louis Vuitton store near their hotel in Shanghai. For their alleged crimes, the
players were facing up to 10 years in Chinese prison, but Trump intervened on their behalf so
they could play for NBA. During his tour of Asia, Trump brought up the issue with Chinese
President Xi Jinping, who promised to look into the situation. The Chinese leader assured
Trump the three players would be “treated fairly and expeditiously.” The three players were
freed Tuesday but these scumbags never said thank you when they landed at LAX.

Trump and we the people want to know if they are grateful for their freedom, and say it
publically via a press conference NOW. Had the president not intervened, the three players
might have found themselves in prison and may be tortured. “I would say they could be in
quite a bit of trouble if they have solid proof that they shoplifted,” William Nee, a Hong
Kong-based researcher of the Chinese court system for Amnesty International, told Yahoo
Sports prior to their release, adding, “It will depend on whether their lawyers, the university,
or the U.S. consulate can advocate and negotiate on their behalf.”

“What they did was unfortunate. You know, you’re talking about very long prison sentences.
They do not play games,” Trump said of the Chinese prison system aboard Air Force One on
his way back to the U.S. from his five-nation tour of Asia. We the people are furious that
when the players returned home Tuesday, they did not even say thank you, admit guilt, say
I’m sorry, or offer comments on their release.

This message and any attached document is sent privately in the public interest and may contain
candid, open, and truthful advice, recommendations, opinions, proposals, and information that is
privileged, proprietary, non-public and exempt from disclosure, confidential or otherwise protected
by law, and may be subject to executive, diplomatic, judicial, clerical, deliberative process or other
privilege and is intended solely for the recipient and not for disclosure or distribution. If you are not
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manipulated, incomplete, arrive late or contain viruses. The sender therefore does not accept
liability for any errors, revisions or omissions in the contents of this message which arise as a result
of email transmission or unauthorized disclosure or distribution.
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: FW: UCLA
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 9:15:20 AM

Chancellor's Office,

The below email was received in our office. Please respond or forward as you deem appropriate.


Stefani Leto

Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff

University of California Board of Regents
1111 Franklin Street, 12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607

-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Newsom [mailto
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 6:37 PM
Subject: UCLA

Dear: Board of Regents,

I would like to address the arrest of the three basketball players from UCLA.. These three young men went to China
to represent the university and this great nation. They were given 90 minutes to walk around the area surrounding
their hotel. During this time they decided to steal property from three different stores. In this State it’s considered
burglary, a Felony. They were released from custody where they faced years in prison and possibly life.. They
embarrassed this entire country. They embarrassed you. There are facing no consequences for their actions. They
and UCLA officials call their actions a mistake and they continue with their free college. They didn’t make mistake,
they made conscious decisions to commit a crime. That’s unacceptable. Those three players should be expelled
from UCLA, period. The NCAA should ban them from ever playing college sports. Where were the coaches, when
these players committed these crimes. It was the coaches job to supervise their activities.

Craig Newsom
California native and
Tax payer.

Sent from my iPhone

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Fwd: 3 Basketball players stealing
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:26:43 PM

I'm from New Lenox, Illinois

I'm sorry I didn't put that in the email below.
Mrs. Lockhart

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

-------- Original message --------

Date: 11/15/17 6:38 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: 3 Basketball players stealing

I don't want to even say or write their names. I am so sad and very embarrassed how
they treated and acted in a foreign country. They were representing the United
States of America. What do you think the Chinese people think. Many of them are
poor and dream of coming to the United States. How many are thinking their citizens
would have to serve 10 years. The 10 years there is hard labor. That figures these 3
are Americans, every good thing goes to them.

They get to come to our country easily, we are unable to go across some of our
countries own borders without approval. We can't visit America without a very
intrusive interview with many Officers.
I am ashamed of UCLA so far with just a suspension. I pray they are expelled from

These 3 adults know right from wrong, they know about shop lifting. I'm sure they
were given the rules, by the athletic directors. They were given instructions and the
rules on how to act in a foreign country. China has to give you an invitation.

I HOPE UCLA EXPELS THESE 3 STUDENTS. They embarrassed the USA. They
represented a great school and what they did was huge. I am so disappointed on
how they represented and embarrassed the United States of America. They
represented the Americans and I am proud to be one of them.

I hope the chancellor is able to read my email. I have never written to an any
organization, however, this is our Country. The world is watching. This is not a small
thing that they did and didn't know the consequences. It wasnt game they were
playing. Not a suspension from the basketball team. I pray that UCLA does the right
thing and expels these 3 college adult students.

Thank you.
Mrs. Lockhart
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
From: Philip Lebovitz
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Fwd: Basketball players
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 5:58:08 AM

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: Philip Lebovitz

Date: November 16, 2017 at 8:47:17 AM EST
Subject: Basketball players

These three players are not "good young men". They have embarrassed their
country as well as their race. They have scoffed at the opportunity to play for a
world class college team and the opportunity for a lucrative professional career.
Additionally, they have ingratiated themselves and numerous others to one
Donald Trump.
How should one punish these players? They need some "humble pie". They
should be done for the season, but allowed to stay in school and required to
maintain a C average. Try again next year.
What a shame!
Sent from my iPad
From: Demetri Brizolis
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Fwd: Basketball/shoplifting
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 10:41:06 AM

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

Date: November 15, 2017 at 10:37:38 AM PST
Subject: Basketball/shoplifting

If these young men did in fact shoplift, they must be thrown off the team or, at
best, suspended for one year. You and they MUST thank President Trump. It was
his relationship with the president of China that enabled these boys to return. I
am an alum of UCLA
(Was a student when John Wooden coached) and teach here This is an
embarrassment and you must do the right thing.
Sent from my iPhone
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD
Subject: Fwd: Punishment for
Date: Friday, November 17, 2017 3:23:59 PM

Dear Chancellor Block and Athletic Director Guerrero,

I sent the letter below to UCLA basketball coach, Steve Alford.

Yours truly,
Rich Fond

-----Original Message-----
To: uclabball <>
Sent: Thu, Nov 16, 2017 2:37 pm
Subject: Punishment for

Dear Coach Alford,

I believe that UCLA needs to send a strong message to the university family, to the country
and to the world at large that as a world class university, we do NOT tolerate our university
representatives going unpunished or having diminished punishment just because they are
athletes and make money for the university. These student-athletes disgraced our
university. They not only stole sunglasses from one department store, but also goods from
two others. One of The Ten Commandments is "Thou shall not steal." That is just a basic
law of western civilization. This is a time in their lives where these young men grow from
boys to men and learn some of life's lessons.

They knew that they were in a foreign country, representing their team, their university and
their country. They committed an egregious act of entitlement, arrogance, stupidity, bad
judgment and embarrassed us all. How do you explain their actions, as their father-figure?
Were they on drugs? What were they thinking?

I am a thirty-year basketball season ticket holder. I attended UCLA between the years of
1957 and 1961. I was a in the season. I received a
degree from USC in 1965. My loyalty has been and always will be first with
UCLA. I am appalled at what these young men did. I am certain that the program would
have forewarned them to act as good citizens not only while on this trip, but also while at
home and in life. These young men need to suffer heavy consequences for their
outrageous lapse. Had it not been for President Trump meeting with the Chinese leader,
they most likely would be serving a jail sentence of several years. It is my opinion, along
with my wife who is a 1975 graduate, and our seat-mates on
either side of us at Pauley Pavilion that the minimum punishment for these young men be
that they NOT play basketball this entire season, anything less is unacceptable. Also I
believe that they should not be allowed to practice with the team and not be a part of any
team activity. In addition they should also do a certain number of hours weekly of
community service this season, possibly including but NOT limited to speaking to groups.
They need to be humbled. This is at a minimum. Should they decide to transfer, so-be-it,
that would speak to their character. Hopefully this situation will be a learning experience
that impacts them to stay on the straight and narrow path for the rest of their lives and to
influence others to do the same.

From: Scott Walker
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Fwd: Three thieves
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 4:28:52 PM

D. Scott Walker
Vice President
J. De Sigio Construction, Inc.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Scott Walker

Date: November 15, 2017 at 16:27:13 PST
Subject: Three thieves

Mr. Guerrero,
Do the right thing. “Suspend” the three and let them move on. As a veteran I
remember being counseled as to rules, behaviors, etc before visiting other
I would have expected this from an institute of higher learning while traveling
with student-athletes overseas. I’m certain this occurred. That being said it was
willful lawbreaking. Treat it as such.
If UCLA is in fact an institute of higher learning, with high standards for students
and student-athletes alike, they will do the right thing and expel these admitted
But we both know what you’ll do, don’t we ? You’ll forget all that and go for the
money and let them stay. Because that’s what you, the AD is really for, right ?
You’re simply the mouthpiece for a school revenue source.
Develop a sense of pride and do the right thing.
D. Scott Walker
Vice President
J. De Sigio Construction, Inc.
From: Mitch Lacosse
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Fwd: UCLA basketball players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 9:28:16 AM

No it is again...

-----Original Message-----
From: Mitch Lacosse
To: chancellor <>
Sent: Thu, Nov 9, 2017 7:56 am
Subject: UCLA basketball players

Really, chancellor...REALLY ??

Innocent until proven guilty...ok...but if those players did what they are accused of - GET THEM OFF

This is bordering on the absurd. The UCLA players and team are in a visiting country...representing OUR
country...even worse, while OUR President is over there - are you kidding me??

These players are a foot taller than everyone over there to begin with...that alone might drawn a few extra
looks...and they are still so irresponsible, evidently so poorly brought up, and so stupid...yes, I must use
the word STUPID that they still steal???

You need to do a much better job screening your incoming students (oh, excuse me...we all know these
are not really "students")...your basketball recruits - because for every one of them that would do
something like this...there are a dozen others who would love to have the same opportunity to go to
college and get a good education and actually do something with their lives and for society...rather than
just bounce a basketball.


Mitch LaCosse
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD
Subject: Fwd: UCLA News Conference Today, 11/15/2017
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:31:11 PM

Begin forwarded message:

Subject: UCLA News Conference Today, 11/15/2017
Date: November 15, 2017 at 12:19:49 PM PST

To the Regents and the Bruin Family.

As the mother of a UCLA graduate, I was most proud of the UCLA news
conference of today regarding the shoplifting charges that occurred in China. The
student athletes apologized in a heartfelt and sincere manner. The coach and
athletic director were also dignified and forthright. I am especially appreciative
of UCLA’s decision to suspend the student athletes until further notice. This
takes a lot of courage, because it’s an example of overlooking the many very
public benefits of the UCLA basketball program, and instead, focusing on what it
means to accept responsibility for one’s actions. One of the great experiences of
my son’s life was his four years at UCLA.
He is also a Bruin through and through, attending as many basketball
and football games as he can. It is my view that the many lessons he learned at
UCLA will impact his decisions for the rest of his life. I’m sure that the lessons
these three student athletes have learned in the past week will also have a positive
and lasting affect now and in their future lives. Thanks again for the thoughtful
way in which this very unfortunate situation was handled. Sincerely,
From: Craig Newsom
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Fwd: UCLA
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 6:45:19 PM

Dr Block,

I sent the the below email to the Board of Regents. I am appalled at the lack of accountability
for the three basketball players. It’s your job to hold them accountable and if you can’t do
that, than you should be fired.

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Craig Newsom <csnewsom@

Date: November 15, 2017 at 6:36:42 PM PST
Subject: UCLA

Dear: Board of Regents,

I would like to address the arrest of the three basketball players from UCLA.
These three young men went to China to represent the university and this great
nation. They were given 90 minutes to walk around the area surrounding their
hotel. During this time they decided to steal property from three different stores.
In this State it’s considered burglary, a Felony. They were released from custody
where they faced years in prison and possibly life.. They embarrassed this entire
country. They embarrassed you. There are facing no consequences for their
actions. They and UCLA officials call their actions a mistake and they continue
with their free college. They didn’t make mistake, they made conscious decisions
to commit a crime. That’s unacceptable. Those three players should be expelled
from UCLA, period. The NCAA should ban them from ever playing college
sports. Where were the coaches, when these players committed these crimes. It
was the coaches job to supervise their activities.
Craig Newsom
California native and
Tax payer.
Sent from my iPhone
From: Robert Wolf
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Hello Bruins!!
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 7:30:34 AM

Not expelling the 3 basketball players IS A EYE TO UCLA AN EVERY HUMAN

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD
Subject: How could 3 impostors severely tarnish a world class university
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 1:21:22 PM

I’ve never witnessed such a moral and reputational disaster at UCLA nor more damage done
by 3 selfish, stupid individuals. They are not Bruins. They are barely even and
they’ve set back UCLA’s 98’s years of outstanding reputation decades. You know there is a
serious problem, when Trump has to bail these three out. The man who probably stands
against just about everything the UCLA community defends comes to the rescue of people
who unfortunately are associated with UCLA.

All that can be done now is damage control and there must be swift action which lets no one
doubt that UCLA has zero tolerance for breaking the law, dishonoring the UCLA community
or tarnishing the reputation of our school, state and country. Never again should anyone be
allowed to commit a crime where President Trump has to come to UCLA’s rescue. It is
absolutely disgusting.

UCLA 1978
From: RRosebrock @
To: RRosebrock @
Subject: Huh?
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 5:52:10 PM
Attachments: VA Judgment.pdf .pdf

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans ....

Basketball Players In China Theft Incident UCLA Suspends Basketball Players In

China Theft Incident
incident?utm source=article-

<< UCLA Chancellor Gene Block said Tuesday the players will to through the university's
disciplinary process. "I want to be clear that we take seriously any violations of the law,"
Block said. >>


What part of the attached Federal Judgment's .... "unauthorized by law and therefore
void" ... does Chancellor Block not understand about UCLA's violation of the law
and illegal occupation of Veterans VA property?

The three UCLA basketball players were accused but exonerated.

The UC Regents / UCLA baseball diamond "sharing agreement" was adjudicated in

Federal Court for serious violation of the law.

What disciplinary process did the Chancellor and his UCLA colleagues go through ...

They appealed the Federal Judge's verdict and President Obama's so-called Secretary
of the VA, Robert A. McDonald, snuck around behind closed doors to vacate the
Judgment as he promised to end Veteran homelessness in Los Angeles by the end of
2015 and would execute an "exit strategy" for the illegal occupants.

Los Angeles is still our nation's capital for homeless Veterans and UCLA along with
Brentwood School, et al., are still on land deeded exclusively for war-injured and
impoverished Veterans.
When will Veterans ever get justice?

"Save Our Veterans Land" and "Bring Our Homeless Veterans HOME."

God Bless America and the Veterans Revolution!

From: Blake alcon
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: I’m going to voice my opinions on this.... I THINK ITS BULL CRAP THAT THEY ARE GETTING A SLAP ON THE
WRIST FOR STEALING DESIGNER EXPENSIVE SUNGLASSES.... If it was anyone else or some ordinary person
they would have been LOCKED UP of felony charges ......
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 6:20:38 PM

Sent from my iPhone

From: David
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: If guilty, kick them out
Date: Thursday, November 9, 2017 5:28:40 PM

otherwise, ucla is the grand madame of whores.

From: Kithuds Marian
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: If YOU allow the 3 basketball players who commited a CRIME to remain on the men"s basketball team, then you
are so VERY GUILTY of supporting CRIMINALS!!! ONLY because of President Trump"s intervention are these
THUGS allowed to return to the US. Do the...
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 2:23:05 PM
From: Brody, Harold M.
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: I"m embarrassed
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 7:31:42 AM

Dear Chancellor Block: I am not a UCLA alum, but my sister is (the Anderson School) and I have long admired the school. As a California taxpayer, I also help support the
school. I just wanted to tell you how embarrassed I am by the misconduct of the three basketball players while in China. I’m sure you’re embarrassed, the school is
embarrassed, and it’s an embarrassment, frankly, to all Californians. I’m particularly troubled by what appears to be the emerging excuse – that they’re young men, who
made a very foolish mistake. To me, that’s a bit like Kevin Spacey coming out as gay when he’s charged with sexual misconduct. I was young once, too, so were we all, but I,
and expect you, and virtually everyone I knew, knew we couldn’t steal from stores, and that’s apart from having the privilege of being sent to a foreign country and
representing my school in an athletic competition. I saw that Coach Alford said these men (not boys, sorry) must earn their way back. Not sure how’ll they’ll do that. Just
know that I, and I suspect others, will be troubled if our tax dollars continue to fund these men’s scholarships (which I assume they have) or continued participation at UCLA.
Thank you for your attention to the matter.

Harold M. (Hal) Brody


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From: John Gill
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Incident in China
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 2:51:30 PM

Apparently Alford and Guerrero really don’t understand the full extent and implications of this
INTERNATIONAL EMBARASSMENT. These stupid, entitled three stooges should be kicked off of the
team for the year. These three have damaged UCLA and our Country. Just think for a moment,
what would have John Wooden said and done???

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Indefinite suspension of three UCLA basketball players
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 11:31:34 AM

Dear Chancellor Block:

As a former UCLA alum and a basketball player who played for John Wooden, I strongly
urge the university to suspend for the entire year the three basketball players who stole goods
in China. To do less would be saying that the university regards its basketball program to be
more important than the integrity and honor of UCLA.
These three students could have been sentenced to 10 years for their crimes in China. To do
less than suspending them from playing basketball for one year would be the minimum
punishment that they should receive here in the United States. They have tarnished the honor
of UCLA and been an embarrassment to the United States. To do less than a one-year
suspension would be a travesty of justice .
I have no doubt that John Wooden would have immediately suspended the three
basketball for at least one year, if not disallowed
them from ever playing basketball at UCLA.
Please Chancellor Block, retain the honor of UCLA. Demand a full year suspension for all
three players.

Class of
From: Richard Brown
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: International Incident Created by Barely Literate UCLA freshman
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 8:06:39 PM

Dear Chancellor
I am embarrassed for you. You have sold out the integrity of your institution. Perhaps you
and the Chancellor of UNC should form a club. Both of you are pathetic! Is Trump your role

Richard Brown
From: William Flynn
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: International Incident:
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 10:18:25 AM


I am simply aghast that three UCLA student athletes embarrassed our country on the
international stage! These three immature entitles boys humiliated the USA in front of the
whole world. What does UCLA do upon their miraculous return to school? Instead of
holding them accountable for their actions you have essentially put them in their "Safe
Space", and let them blame the whole Incident on "Racism".
I certainly thought that UCLA was better than that. Can I expect to see them representing
your institution on the basketball court by the New Year? You should be ashamed of yourself


Mr. Christopher H. Kienle

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Is University paying for hotel during house arrest?
Date: Sunday, November 12, 2017 5:39:18 AM

I am a UCLA alum, class of 1973, former Joe Bruin, modest annual donor to UCLA.

My future donations will be influenced by the answer to the following question:

Are UCLA funds being used to pay for the hotel accommodations, in whole or in part, of the
three players left behind in China who allegedly were shoplifting?

Thanking you in advance for your response,

Chief Operating Officer / President
Arc Light EFX, Inc.
9338 San Fernando Road
Sun Valley, CA 91352
(818) 394-6330 office
(818) 252-3486 fax
(805) 432-1402 cell
From: Paul Ahr
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Kick the thieves out.
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 2:31:45 AM

Dr. Paul R. Ahr

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 2:22:56 AM

Dear Chancellor,

I am a UCLA graduate school alumnus. While these students should be afforded due process,
this is a world class University and long term reputation effects should be weighed.

If the evidence supports that these students engaged in shoplifting while on a public good will
tour, I think they should face significant disciplinary action.
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD; UCLA BBall
Date: Friday, November 17, 2017 8:45:07 AM

Chancellor Block, Director Guerrero, and Coach Alford,

Do not hesitate. The integrity of UCLA demands that these players
should be suspended for the season and lose a year of eligibility.
UCLA Alumni and Supporters,
From: Suzanne Hellner
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:16:44 AM

Dear Chancellor Block:

As UCLA debates the punishment for your three (3) basketball players, who were found guilty of shoplifting in
China, please take into consideration the following:

1) UCLA and their student-players were representing the USA while in China;

2) UCLA players committed a crime and should be held accountable for their actions.

The integrity of the USA, NCAA and UCLA is on the line.

Do the right thing and suspend these players now. If they want to complete their education, fine.

But, these players should be suspended from playing basketball at UCLA.

Suzanne Hellner
From: Mary Jo
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 4:39:24 PM

I have only one thing to say to you. You better expel this kid and the others from your University. If
any other kid did what he did, they would still be in jail in China and also would be expelled from
your school. Do the right thing!!!

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 11:33:07 PM

Dear Sir:

My name is Michelle Gordon.

I am appalled at the actions of your basketball players.

To not only have athletic scholarships as well as travel to China, these young men do not deserve the privilege of a
degree from UCLA. I'm sure any other students would be expelled if charged with shoplifting while representing
UCLA in a foreign country.

I do not believe allowing these criminals to continue any time in the future to attend, participate in, or represent
UCLA would send the wrong signal to youth who are drifting with their sense of relative morality.

Unfortunately, there are always consequences to decisions and actions.

I feel sorrow for these young men, but absolutely think their actions violate the academic code of conduct.
had a clear code of conduct.

I hope that UCLA sends the example to upcoming students that high standards of behavior are required with
acceptance to a pillar of higher education especially when given the gift of scholarships and travel.


Michelle Gordon, RN, MSN

From: ljtdds@
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 3:26:03 PM

I watched the three thieves apologize today on the news. Indefinite

suspension? They stole from three stores. They knew what they were
doing and deserve to be dismissed from school! Their only mistake is
they got caught. I realize there is a "process" that needs going through
for legal reasons. At the end all three need to be expelled from school.

Doing a 180, it was interesting to

hear Terry Donahue interviewed last night on sports talk. It had to do with
the history of the UCLA/$C game. Donahue said years ago the stadium
was filled half blue and gold and half cardinal and gold. He went on to say
if they get 5000 UCLA fans out Saturday they will be lucky. Anyone
looking into this as well?
From: Greg Williams
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 2:55:37 PM

thieves! Ucla basketball! Pampered puss ants who probably let their trouser snakes out
on campus screwing anything they see! FUCK EM!!
From: Jon Pride
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Cc: AD; Teitell, Mike; Elliott, Matt; Iacoi, Christopher; Rebholz, Joshua; Rivera, Christina
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:05:50 AM

Good Morning....

I am sure you are inundated with email/phone calls re: the 3 players (and I use that term
loosely) and their predicament.....I implore you to expel them immediately....they are a stain
on UCLA and need to be permanently removed from campus...or otherwise....the school will
be forever labeled as enablers...

My Grandfather, who tutored John Woodens players is turning over in his grave thinking that
any player he or Mr. Wooden had anything to do with would stoop to a thug level activity....

Secondly, although, I haven't spoke to him yet, my client must not be

pleased....And I hope he is actively stressing the removal of these players.

Although remaining in the top 25 is a worthy goal....and a dilemma for the must
do the right thing....Mr. Ball most importantly, and his father is a irremovable stain....and
needs to go


Jon Pride

Jon Pride Designs

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 4:12:58 PM

I have an idea Mr. Chancellor. My son has always been last to register for his classes, even
though he finished with honors from the at UCLA and doing his one year
Masters of the same. Why not let these athletes register last for their classes for the rest of
their one year stay here? Better yet let us see the entire morning of tapes of these three
cause I hear it was four stores and a duffle bag full of stuff. Why start treating blacks fairly at
UCLA now?

Fight On.
From: ljtdds@
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 2:05:02 PM

You are now faced with a huge decision about the three freshman who were
Caught stealing in China. With your background the decision should be easy.
I, and many UCLA fans think these three should be expelled from the
University immediately. One would expect something like this from $C, but not
UCLA. The embarrassment will linger for a long time. Expulsion is in order.
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Thursday, November 9, 2017 4:56:30 PM

Dear Chancellor, I must take great exception to the actions of the 3 basketball players
who apparently stole items in China. This represents great lack of respect and is an
egregious act of defiance to the team, UCLA, and the country. This lack maturity,
common sense and discipline are not qualities that should not be rewarded with
admission to UCLA, let alone a scholarship, and I believe that all 3 should have both
admission and financial aid terminated immediately. This, in my opinion, is one of
the worst incidents in the history of the school. The correct thing to do is disassociate
them from UCLA.
Respectfully yours,

UCLA, 1957
From: Michael Williams
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Friday, November 17, 2017 5:01:47 AM

Dear Chancellor, those three American boys who was caught shoplifting in the People's
Republic of China should be expelled from your school. Not only did they just Grace
America but they made Americans look bad.
From: James Jones
Cc: AD; Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Many Misdeeds in China
Date: Sunday, November 12, 2017 11:36:35 PM

Dear Regents Office,

Regarding the PAC 12 game between UCLA and Georgia Tech in China, there may have been more misdeeds that

For example,

1) Whoever scheduled a foreign trip right at the beginning of the UCLA quarter stole some education from these
UCLA basketball players. There is very limited opportunity to recover from missing that much time in a ten week
quarter system. This stolen time doesn't include the missed opportunities for student friendships that are formed at
the start of new years. These foreign trips should be before class starts as to not impose jet lag and other distractions
on student-athletes studies.

2) Pac 12 Commissioner Larry Scott, who didn't get the "no comment" memo, stole the presumption of innocence
from 3 UCLA basketball players with his "not the standard", "very unfortunate", and "very disappointing"
comments. Further, his loose comments where easily misinterpreted and may have prevented these 3 UCLA
basketball players from returning with the rest of the basketball team.

3) Whoever is promoting these trips to communist China is probably acting as a foreign agent. Potential foreign
agents such as Larry Scott and others should register per the Foreign Agents Registration Act and disclose
activities, perks, and finances related to these games, trips, and contracts to Regents and other universities

Please do follow up on these potential misdeeds by the PAC 12 representatives.

James Jones
From: Stacey Sackerson
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Men’s basketball team
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 11:34:20 AM


You only have 1 choice in the matter of the 3 young men, who while representing their school and country, decided
stealing was acceptable behavior .
They need / deserve/ must be expelled from UCLA and deemed ineligible from college sports. To severe? Vs 3-10
yrs in a Chinese prison? I think not...
I employee you, do the right thing..
2nd chance? Yes, get a job, pay for school, participate in intramural sports. It’s a 2nd chance at a FREE life, not a
I’d hate to be you, it’s a no win situation .... time to spark a change!!


Stacey Richards

Sent from my iPhone

From: Carole Martin
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Mens Basketball
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 12:27:30 PM

As a taxpayer of the state of California, I feel very strongly that the university must act strongly against the three
basketball players that got into trouble in China.

There is no place for allowing these young men to continue to represent the university, or receive financial support
from the university from scholarships or via the athletic department.

I can understand making a “mistake”, but the actions of these young men was
not a mistake. The Chinese government showed mercy, and they are free. Anything short of absolute loss of
scholarship and permanent removal from the team means they face NO consequences for their behavior. Thus they
will be free to continue to believe they are above the law.

It is my hope you act swiftly and deliver the justice that they are lucky the Chinese government did not!

Your actions send a message about expected behavior, and what is right and wrong!

Carole Martin

Sent from my iPad

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Message from Chancellor Block on UCLA basketball players returning to the U.S.
Date: Friday, November 17, 2017 1:03:45 PM

While I understand your concern for the safe return of these young men, I urge their removal from the basketball
program. They do not display the integrity or maturity to represent the university in any way. class of '60

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To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Message Regarding UCLA Basketball Players China Incident
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 2:04:43 PM

Dear Chancellor and Staff,

Actions speak louder than words regarding this matter. As an avid UCLA Basketball follower
for more than 40 years and someone who has had four family members get their Masters
Degrees from the University, I am hoping that short term Basketball success does not out way
the correct discipline measures that need to be taken when a UCLA student (s) steal goods
from three businesses in a foreign country while on an all expenses paid "good will" trip.
Obviously a black eye all the way around. The shoplifters do not deserve the privilege to
represent UCLA on the basketball court, nor do they deserve the privilege of a college
scholarship from the University. All three should be expelled for their actions....period. It's
fairly cut and dry if you remove basketball from the equation; which should be done. As a
true Bruin B-Ball fan, I am always excited about having a good year wins vs losses, but not at
the expense of the UCLA tradition and other players who could be given an opportunity to
step on the hardwood at UCLA. You may also begin to question the type of players that
Alford is now recruiting to be a part of the team. Maybe he feels he can only win with thieves
and family members on the team. Expel both these players and the family from the
University, and let's move forward with some improvements in recruitment for men's
basketball.. I'm sure if these were students from the debate team, they would already be on
their way to CSUNorthridge.

Sent from my iPad

From: rbollie@
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Misguided basketball players in China
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 1:05:45 PM

Hello Chancellor
I'm so embarrassed by several of the basketball players actions in China.
It is now up to you to implement fair punishment to these young men.
Ignoring their actions will only make them think that they are untouchable.

So,,,,,think of this:
Christians like to think "WHAT WOULD JESUS DO"
You should think "WHAT WOULD JOHN WOODEN DO"

I spent many wonderful hours walking with this great man before work on
the athletic track. Make him proud of your actions.
Thanks for reading my thoughts.
Robert Oliver
From: Millward
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Money over morals
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 3:37:58 PM

Dear Chancellor,

I have now seen the three players admit that they shoplifted in China. It has
been reported that they players are now indefinitely suspended. The UCLA
coach says "they will have to earn their way back." That sentence alone shows
that the students will be back on the team.

UCLA has chosen to protect their basketball program and profits by not cutting
these student from the team, stripping their scholarships and expelling them
from school. I am disgusted.

and I am not paying tuition to subsidize these players.

The students are getting a pass because their athletic performances will benefit
the school in the long run. UCLA is condoning criminal behavior to win games
and make money.

I am certain that UCLA has harshly disciplined students for far less infractions.
The difference is that those students were not potential cash cows.

Ronda Millward

From: Millward [mailto

Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 8:27 AM
To: '' <>
Subject: UCLA Basketball Players
Dear Chancellor,

If there is video proof of these players stealing in China, then they should be removed from the team
and then expelled from your school. These boys are representatives of UCLA and the school should
be embarrassed and appalled by their actions.

Do not choose ticket sale revenue over criminal behavior. It is UCLA's responsibility to prepare their
students for a successful future. If these students do not realize consequences for their actions,
then you are teaching them it is ok to behave badly. Teach them to be responsible adults.

Athletes should not receive special treatment just because your school makes money from the
program. If these boys remain on the team, that is exactly what you are choosing.


Ronda Millward
From: Jess Rodriguez
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: My opinion
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 6:23:02 PM

Hello Chancellor,
I’m sure your overwhelmed with the up coming decisions you are faced with regarding the fate of the 3 basketball
players that were arrested in China. I’d like to give my own opinion on the matter.
Back to
why I am writing this, I would hope that you would do the right thing and expel all three young men from the
school and permanently kick them off the team. They have brought personal and international shame to your
school/institution and better yet our Country. It would be a travesty to let these young men off with a warning. I’m
am urging you to please make them an example of what is not acceptable behavior.

Thank you,
/Proud American
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: My UCLA donation
Date: Friday, November 17, 2017 2:49:10 PM

Dear Sir,
With the exception of sending in yearly donations, I have NEVER found the need to contact UCLA about any issue
since my graduation in 1969.

However, this incident regarding 3 young men stealing while representing our university on a school trip to China is
simply incredible. I heard their apologies, which were OK. But next comes their opportunity to show that they
really do accept responsibility for their actions. Missing practices, team meetings, etc. is not even close enough of a
consequence. Anything short of a significant suspension from participating in basketball (anywhere between half a
season and a full season) would not address the seriousness of their crime — and it clearly was a crime! They are
incredibly lucky that they are not facing imprisonment in China.

I will not be sending in my next donation to UCLA until I see how the university steps up and delivers an
appropriate consequence for their transgressions.


Sent from my iPad

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: opinion from an alumnus
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 4:23:18 PM

Dear Sir,
I am appalled that the three UCLA basketball players were not kicked off the team
and thrown out of UCLA!! They have disgraced our country and have given our great
university a bad reputation. They are criminals and should never be allowed to
represent UCLA ever again.
Alumnus of 1964
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Players in china
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 1:21:22 PM

Please give a stiff sentence to the UCLA players who got off easy in China.

They are an embarrassment to the me.

They should be expelled and not allowed to play in the games this season. They must regard this as
a prank and think they have "gotten away with it".
They are lucky they didn't have to spend 10 years in a Chinese jail being punished and beaten up.

When we were in China we saw a man kneeling in a field with his hands tied behind him. Several
soldiers with rifles shot him! They don't fool around there.

From: Jim Roope
To: AD; Chancellor Gene D. Block; Wilson, Shana; UCLA BBall; Erickson, Doug
Subject: Player"s Response Requests
Date: Monday, November 13, 2017 4:59:53 AM

Good Morning,

I’m Jim Roope with Westwood One. Could you tell me when the University, the Athletics Dept. and
Basketball will be responding to requests about the consequences facing the three players who
remain in China on allegations of shoplifting? Will there be a news conference or statement beyond
what Coach Alford said over the weekend?

Thank you,

Jim Roope
Los Angeles Radio Correspondent, Westwood One News

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To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Players: Expel from School Immediately
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 11:14:56 AM

As a UCLA grad, I will never provide any additional donations to the school if you keep these thugs in the
school. They represented the U.S.A. and stained our country with their behavior.

They reflect poorly on the team, school and country. DO not put money first, there are plenty of other
wonderful students who can take their place. I speak for our entire Northeast Alumni Branch.

Do the right thing...for once!

From: Gonzalez, Greg
To: AD; Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Please add my name to the list of fans calling for year -long suspension for the "incident" in China.
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 9:15:37 AM

Dear Chancellor Block and Mr. Guerrero –

I am the of a proud UCLA graduate and a lifelong Bruin fan. UCLA has always stood for
excellence in all arenas. Of course, there have been other embarrassing incidents, such as Billy Don
Jackson’s illiteracy or Cade McNown using handicapped parking placards. Over a lifetime of
experience, however, I am proud to call myself a UCLA fan.

Somehow this one feels different. Does the university recruit young men who cannot be trusted for
90 minutes? Some in the media have said these players should have been supervised, implying that
undergraduates at the finest university in the world lack the wherewithal and maturity to not
commit a crime in a foreign country.

I hope you do the right thing and restore some polish to UCLA gold. I already fear the “prepared
statement” if they are allowed to play:

“After a deliberate and careful review of the incidents in China, the three players in question are
now being allowed to play. Their actions were not indicative of the people they truly are and they
have….blah blah blah.” Please do not subject us to double talk, legal jargon, and obtuse lies. We
heard enough of that in the “press conference.” This is UCLA, not a juvenile detention center. Aren’t
you embarrassed enough? The players should be suspended for one year from athletics at the least.
In that time, the university should provide counseling and remediation so that they do not repeat
these dangerous actions.

Respectfully –

Greg Gonzalez,
From: Joan Ruth
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Please punish the basketball players who embarrassed our country while in China,they should be suspended for
at least a year
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 5:45:14 AM

& Joan Ruth

From: Frank Bell
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD
Subject: Please Suspend Ball, Hill and Riley
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 5:05:57 AM

Dear Sirs:

The actions of these athletes should not be tolerated. They brought shame upon the
university, its staff and students, and its storied basketball program.

I have been a fan of UCLA basketball since the 1980s. I would hope that those students get
no less than a year-long suspension and loss of scholarships for their actions in China.

Please hold them accountable and send a message to the administrations of colleges and
universities everywhere.


Frank Bell
From: Toni Ann Blair
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Poor Representatives of UCLA and our Country
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 3:38:10 PM

While, I appreciate your announcement in regards to the proposed handling of the basketball players, I
certainly hope your days at UVA will empower you to see fit that these young men are punished. These
arrogant men, that clearly think they are above the law, not only embarrassed the United States of America,
but also clearly compromised our country and President in his negotiating strength at the China/USA trade

I hope you represent well your current number one public university status and the long held honor code of
UVA, to rise above prostituting your morals for the lure of sports money, and parentally guide these
blatantly ignorant men; so that "respectful", "humble", and "patriotic" might one day be adjectives used to
describe them.

Toni Ann Blair

Proud Graduate of The University of Virginia
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Punishment for basketball players
Date: Sunday, November 12, 2017 3:55:23 PM

Dear chancellor,

As the parents of two proud UCLA graduates I want to ask you to make sure that the three basketball players caught
stealing in China are properly disciplined. We don't care how valuable they think they are to the team. They have
hurt the image and reputation of UCLA.

If these punks committed the same crime here they would be in jail. We hope China will not put them away for 10
years and we hope they will be returned home safely. However, that being said, we want them off the team and
expelled from the great university that is UCLA. We are sure there are three other young men or women who would
love to be admitted to UCLA who would not tarnish the reputation.

There is no excuse for what they did other than they felt they are entitled as athletes. Let them and other know that
what they did is wrong and that the university expects more than criminal activity from it's students.

Thank you for allowing us to say our piece. We hope you will do the right thing and make us proud of how UCLA
handles these ingrates.

Sent from my iPad

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Punishment for three basketball players
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 12:03:08 PM

Dear Chancellor Block,

I understand UCLA is deciding the penalties to be imposed on the three freshman who stole merchandise
from three stores in China. I have three words to say: TRUE BRUIN VALUES.

UCLA should treat this as an extremely serious offense that warrants punishment, not a slap on the wrist.
The fact that these kids stole from three stores, not just one, shows it wasn't some spur of the moment
stupid prank. And I don't care if these three kids are black, white or purple. They have embarrassed the
school at an extremely high level where government officials of two countries had to get involved and
now the US in some small way is indebted to China for releasing them. They have not acted as True
Bruins in any sense of the words.

If UCLA does not suspend these students from the team for at least a season, the school is sending the
wrong message to its students, alumni and the rest of the world. I understand that might mean maybe
those kids would go elsewhere, or the kid might not go to UCLA, or it might negatively impact
this year's season. But this is a teachable moment on a grand scale and UCLA is about more than just a
basketball season or two.

I know I am not a major donor to the school, but I attended UCLA for , my
husband went there for and my son is there now. UCLA holds a very special place in my heart
and it is a phenomenal institution. I feel very strongly that UCLA needs to send the right message to its
students and rest of the UCLA community and demonstrate that all students will be held to the highest
standards and if they fail to meet those standards there will be consequences.

I have never written an email like this in my life. But when I read Bill Plaschke's article in the LA Times
this morning, I felt I needed to add my two cents to the discussion.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to seriously consider what actions UCLA will take in this matter
and hopefully for doing the right thing.


'84, '87
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Re the fate of your basketball team"s admitted shoplifters in China
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:10:43 PM

Dear Chancellor Block,

I am not a UCLA alumnus. My UC system degree is from Cal, specifically Boalt Hall, JD, . My
background can be found at my website:

I don't follow your basketball team religiously, but casually as a general sports fan might.

I currently spend most of my time in the Philippines as a retiree from teaching law in California, being a
California law practitioner, and from many years as a substitute teacher in LAUSD's high and middle

Your "student-athletes" have admitted that they stole from the three stores in China. I'm just writing to
you to urge you to punish them in a substantial way. Oh, I know they have remarkable athletic skills,
hence their athletic scholarships to your institution. I know the basketball program brings in considerable
revenue and worldwide recognition to UCLA. I know virtually no one today cares about anything beyond
that so-called "bottom line."

But (please forgive me for reminding you of the obvious), you should care. You're a scholar, the leader
of a institution of higher learning with a worldwide reputation for scholarship of the highest standards.

Can you, with a straight face, dismiss this behavior as mere youthful indiscretion? Can you send that sort
of message to the kids I babysat (and only on rare occasions "taught," being a sub, the lowest form of life
in an LAUSD school) at places like Audubon Middle School and Dorsey High where there are so many
who aspire to attend your institution largely via their abilities to run, catch, block and tackle on the
football field or hit a jumper on the basketball court. There are also the few, those heroic few, who might
aspire to attend as real scholars, but will see ever more clearly what a mug's game such aspirations are
since their good grades and good citizenship matter not all compared to miscreants in $400 basketball
shoes who apparently are sent on what for so many would be a life's-dream trip abroad with no notion of
where they are going beyond another basketball venue, no notion of the country's customs, of their role
as "ambassadors" for the US, for their university, and yes, I'll say it,
a society with considerable, abiding socio-ethnic tensions.

Barack Obama was a curious

aberration in the eyes of many in places like China and here in the Philippines.

Your kids did the US cause abroad no good, and certainly not that of abroad. That's a
big deal for me and, I think, many others in the ever-more-globalized environment in which careers are
sought and made, or not made.

But all the glory and Twitter following goes

to young men such as your shoplifting three with their halting English and ungroomed hair, and
unfettered impulses of which a five-year-old could well be ashamed. But I don't think these admissions
disqualify my arguments, but rather bolster them.

Giving these young men a "pass" or "wrist slap" sends an awful message to kids trying to do the right
thing, in my view, and I think in the view of many in the world at large. I've even seen Steven A. Smith of
ESPN commenting on the air in much the same vein as I am expressing here.

I realize the punishment will be judged in the larger context of student athletes across the US who have
committed crimes of public and domestic violence, sexual harassment, scholastic cheating, improper
payments, vandalism while an Olympian abroad, etc. I'm not saying your decision (or that of whoever in
your university's hierarchy has that responsibility) is an easy one, but whatever it is, I'd hope that it is
substantial and unequivocal and has no use of euphemisms such as calling what your students did "a
mistake." A mistake is a matter of accident or act of inadvertence, These thefts were deliberate,
repeated, and blatant, just the crazy, brattish nihilism of the "entitled-since-the-age-of-ten-because-of-
marketable-athletic-skills," What your students did was no accident. I was bad behavior. Please address
it as such.

Thank you for your attention.

Yours sincerely,
From: Campos, Julie
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: RE: China
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 1:45:57 PM

Chancellor Block,

I am very sorry you had to receive this junk. Please disregard.

Go Bruins! Beat ‘SC!!


Executive Assistant/Office Manager, Football
UCLA Department of Intercollegiate Athletics
O: (310) 206-6637 | F: (310) 206-0967
jcampos@athletics ucla edu
www uclabruins com

From: Peter Beninu [mailto:

Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017 1:30 PM
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block <>; Campos, Julie <>
Subject: China


Im writing to pass along my strong feelings in relation to the 3 shoplifters.

having said that, if the 3 basketball
players are aloud to return and attend UCLA, and
opt for another school. Lastly, I'm not providing my real name because I don't want to alienate
but it wont be too hard to figure out if your office decides to keep these offenders in school.

From: gemma marquez
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Cc: UCLA BBall; AD
Subject: Re: Indefinite Suspension of Basketball Student-Athletes
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 1:38:18 PM

Dear Dr. Block,

I'm glad to hear the three young men detained in Hangzhou, China have returned to the United
States. Yet, I'm concerned of the incorrect message many Americans will not receive correctly. If
it were any ordinary person, he or she would be in a jail cell in Hangzhou, China. These
unfortunate individuals would not have the luxury of staying in a Five-Star hotel. These young
men were fortunate that many parties worked diligently to bring them home. Our current
President and his administration intervened to help these young men who "Did know better!"
They just didn't believe they would get caught. Luckily, they are home safely!

UCLA has announced the indefinite suspension of these young men from the Basketball team.
UCLA has a responsibility to make sure the message sent to American children is the following:
"There are consequences for actions taken!" Everyday I hear over the intercom at our school a
friendly reminder of actions of character and values. Students are reminded that these virtues are
nurtured and developed through strong family and community ties. Outspoken
Does UCLA share opinion on this? Is stealing acceptable? What does
UCLA stand for? Is UCLA about developing and shaping the whole person? Is UCLA about
winning games? What's more important?

If any other UCLA student had failed to live up to the UCLA Code of Conduct, what would his
or her punishment be?
These young men should be required to do community service. They should volunteer to help
youngster learn the dangers of such behavior. For UCLA to minimize the behavior as a lapse of
judgment is ridiculous. These young men need to own and realize that this lapse in judgment can
actually be the best thing that ever happened to them. Most crimes start with the minor "No big
deal" criminality. Hopefully, they have learned from this incident and they will not ever cross the
line into other criminal behavior.

In speaking to friends from China, I heard these young men would easily be prosecuted,
sentenced to years of incarceration. These men were fortunate! How many individuals sit in jails
who were not given the same support and resources?

Do not minimize the criminal behavior! These young men stole! They are thieves! And, remorse
begins with actions!
What will they do to prove they are men of character. And, what will UCLA do to ensure fairness
in this matter?

"We learned about honesty and integrity - that the truth matters... that you don't take
shortcuts or play by your own set of rules... and success doesn't count unless you earn it
fair and square." by Michelle Obama


Gemma Marquez
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To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: RE:
Date: Friday, November 17, 2017 12:06:03 PM

Hi Chancellor Block,
Please forward to appropriate party.
Many thanks.

Mr. Dan Guerrero Director of Athletics UCLA


I am sure all are happy the young men are home safe. The consequences
could have been dire. I am certain there are only a few who have not made
mistakes that were not regretful. That is not to excuse the action but to put
in in context.

Having read the article in the November 15th Los Angeles Times, it is clear
that others believe a higher price should be paid than what has transpired
to date.
This quote from the article clearly demonstrates the need for additional
action in order to recoup the publics favor.

“These young men are going to have to prove [by] their words and actions
that this isn’t who they are, and that they will not let their identity be
defined by this incident,’’ Coach Steve Alford
I would like to offer you an opportunity to participate in a project which
would be a key component in restoring the good will which seems to have
been lost.

Our company has been operating in South Los Angeles for over 40 years. We
have maintained a high level of community partnership and trust.

Due to the amount of blight in the community due to illegal trash dumping
and the lack of services being delivered to the community, I took a proactive
role in addressing the issue.

Our company offered the community the opportunity to

bring in trash and dump it for free. This would provide an alternative to
those who may want to dump it illegally in the alleyways or on the street.

To date our company accepted over 3 million pounds of trash for free. This
comes at no cost to the public or city.

We are fortunate to be in a position to receive much more trash for free and
want to have an Official kick off for the All Communities Matter, Clean Up
Los Angeles Campaign.

We would like the three young men to patriciate in a Kick Off Press
Conference at our facility to announce the expanded program.

You can think of it as Community Service without having to pick

up the trash.

As Coach Alford said, actions will speak louder than words.

This would not be an endorsement of my business but of the effort to
address Illegal Trash Dumping.

Please contact me and we can discuss further.

UCLA Alumni
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: RE:
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:47:32 PM

Dear Chancellor:

I have never written to your office. However, there is a need to today to maintain the reputation of our school.

I was a student athlete and graduated UCLA, June 1988 with a degree in . My father graduated
UCLA, June 1960 with a degree in So, I have a rich understanding of the traditions and
expectations of a UCLA student, student athlete and alumnus.

is a student athlete and you need to listen to side of the story. However, no foreign country holds a
visitor unless some serious concerns arises. Additionally, when a student athlete is not be able to travel home with
the team is a major concern as well.

All three athletes must be given due process. And, if they indeed violated team rule, applicable laws then there are
consequences they must face.

Do not succumb to an over bearing, loud mouth Enough is enough. UCLA is a school first. We do not need
the kids. The basketball program may suffer for a couple of years but we, as an institution will be much
better off.

Last time I checked, UCLA is The University of California at Los Angeles. Not the University to Showcase

Thank you.

Very Respectfully,

UCLA, Class of 1988

Sent from my iPhone

Go soft on them and you send the wrong signal...Go soft and they go hard...Higher
education must take the high road..


Sent from Mobile
From: Steve
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Re: UCLA Basketball Players Detained in China
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:06:23 PM

You screwed up. Your “indefinite suspension” will be far too weak. We all know this is code
speak for say a three game suspension. You have embarrassed your institution. And did you
notice that your student athletes had trouble reading their prepared statements? Shame on

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 14, 2017, at 12:40 PM, Steve Uthoff > wrote:

Dr. Block, I have no past or present affiliation with your fine institution, and I am not even a
resident of California. However, I am an American, and I was embarrassed by the actions
of your 3 student athletes. They rightfully deserved to be tried and punished under
Chinese law. But it appears that our President had to use precious political capital to
intervene on their behalf, and that makes their actions directly relevant to all Americans. I
hope you treat these three harshly. They deserve to be expelled from your institution as
soon as they return.

Steve Uthoff
Houston, Texas
From: Dav d P ck
To: Ananian Taleen; Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: RE: UCLA Student Basketball P ayers
Date: Tuesday November 14 2017 11:20:09 AM
Attachments: image001.png

Chancellor Block

Thank you for your update on the three student basketball players. I am delighted that they are on a flight home and will be safe. Now is the time to instruct them to enroll at another college or university. They
disgraced UCLA and made the university the laughing stock through out the nation and on national television. It is a shame they did not learn some basic rules at home before they became your problem. In the
past football players that were convicted of stealing were immediately expelled from school. These three very talented basketball players should receive no more special attention or bending of rules.

Thank you
David Pick

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Ananian Taleen <>

Sent: Tuesday November 14 2017 11:10:50 AM
To: pickproperties@
Subject: UCLA Student Basketball Players

Dear David

Thank you for writing to UCLA.

Chancellor Block has asked me to forward you his message that went out to the campus community today.


Taleen Ananian
Manager Executive Communications
UCLA Communications and Pub ic Outreach

Office of the Chancellor

To the Campus Community

I know many of you have heard the news over the past week about three of our men s basketball student-athletes who were detained by police in connection with a shoplifting incident in China. Since that time, our primary focus has been
on bringing our students back safely, and I am pleased to report that they are now returning home.

I would like to express my gratitude to all who helped us get to this point. I also want to acknowledge everyone who wrote or called to express their thoughts and concerns. We have heard and appreciate everyone s views. I want to be
clear that we take seriously any violations of the law. We remain one of the world s top academic institutions in large part because of our values and standards, which we work hard to infuse throughout our campus community.

When members of the UCLA family fail to uphold these values, we review these incidents with fair and thorough processes. In this particular case, both Athletics and the Office of Student Conduct will review this incident and guide any
action with respect to the involved students. Such proceedings are confidential, which limits the specific information that can be shared.

Our primary concern remains the safety and well-being of all members of our community, particularly our students. I am grateful they are headed home.


Gene D. Block
From: gemma marquez
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Cc: UCLA BBall; AD
Subject: Re: UCLA Student-Athletes
Date: Saturday, November 11, 2017 3:33:40 PM

Dear Chancellor Block,

Per UCLA Student Code of Conduct:

"102.04: Theft, Damage or Destruction of Property 102.04a: Theft includes taking without
expressed permission or, misappropriation of, any property or services of the University or
property of others while on University premises or at official University functions; or
possession of any property that the Student had knowledge or reasonably should have had
knowledge was stolen."

If Chinese authorities file criminal charges against UCLA Basketball Athletes, I expect the
Chinese judicial system to be a fair process. Most importantly, I expect UCLA to enforce that
Code of Conduct and expel the students from UCLA. The actions of these young men can not
be overlooked or excused. Learning what is right and wrong is much, much more valuable than
UCLA Basketball winning season or a reality show.

Gemma Marquez
From: David Rogers
To: Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost; Considine, Traci; Knowles, Ernestina C.; Summers, Laurie Kay; Leal-
Sotelo, Margaret; Chancellor Gene D. Block; Beck, Michael; UCLA Media Relations; Kang, Jerry; AD; Teitell, Mike;
Rebholz, Joshua; Palanjian, Scott; Mitchell, Scott
Subject: Really?
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 2:49:50 PM

UCLA needs to break ties with common thieves representing them in a high-profile sport. Shame. Makes
you look like a big joke and that is quite a fall from the John Wooden days. Terrible. And just like Rick
Pitino who does not want to be responsible for the coaches he hired, your head coach whom I LOVE still
needs to be held responsible for having common thieves on his team and taking them on UCLA field trips
and not instructing them to keep their noses clean and that they are in a Communist country that is not
known for putting up with crap like that. Immediate suspension and dismissal from team is what should
happen unless they are vindicated. I thought you guys were respectable as an academic institution but
this is what counts in the integrity department and you fail if you cannot train/instruct/monitor your
students any better than this when they are representing your univ. Try that shit in North Korea and you
will end up in jail and sent back to the US in a coma like the kid from Cincinnati. Maybe a few months or
years in jail is appropriate for common thieves. UCLA needs to institute TRAINING for all students who
are in all sports and travel representing you. If you are doing that, this is what the result is and it is not
effective. If not, you get what you deserve....
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Regarding
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 6:10:27 PM

Greetings Chancellor Block,

I am writing to you regarding . The three students involved

in the China incident.

I understand what they did was wrong. I also understand that these three men have grown up
playing so well at basketball, that when they did things that were clearly wrong, people
around them would look the other way and pretend that they did nothing wrong.

Then, they met you. As a leader, you have shown these young men that you are not willing to
look the other way when it comes to bad behavior from them, or any of your other students
and staff. I thank you for having such high standards.

I understand that the punishment must be enforced, but could you at least consider giving
these men another chance in the future? Watch them. Notice their actions. Life is more then
just basketball.

Secretly give them a year. See them as individuals.

Take notice of who has really changed for the better. If in that time you do not see a change
for the better out of them as an individual, then let the suspension stand for the rest of their
college life. (I pray that all three will be reinstated to once again play the game of basketball,
or any other sports that they desire to participate in).

We all are flawed, and have made mistakes in our youth, as well as adult hood.

We are all a work in progress.

We all have sinned, and fallen short of the glory of God.

Mr. Chancellor, I commend you for seeing the potential in these young men. You did not
suspend them from the basketball ball team because you were embarrassed by the incident. In
fact, I know you suspended them because you care about their future, you just need them to
care just as much about their future.

In closing, I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I would also like to say GO

Former prelaw student,

Class of 1994
Ps. Life happened to me, so I never finished law school, but I will. I will always hold UCLA
close to my heart. If the cost is to high I will still finish my law degree, just at a more cost
effective school, but I am a UCLA BRUIN for life.
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Regarding the utter disgrace those 3 UCLA basketball players exhibited their lack of respect for the USA, UCLA
and themselves while in China.
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 10:25:45 AM

Dear Chancellor:
I lived in California for 50 years and moved in '06. The UC of Davis was the home of the Aggies in environmental
friendly Davis, CA. The Veterinary School was the hallmark of excellence 2nd to none. Today UCD is UC
Berkeley North, violent, protests, disruption, violent. Hardly the tone I remember and admired while I lived in
Sacramento County. The UCD Medical Center is the #1 trauma center for the area and they are know for
excellence also.

When those 3 basketball players went to play a game in China they were representing this county, your Sanctuary,
Hispanic majority State and your highly regarded university.

If they are attending your university on scholarships I strongly suggest they loose them. They can turn to their hero
Colin Kaepernick, GQ's Citizen of the Year for help. America is on the verge of nuclear war with No. Korea and
Iran and some Democrats in the House of Representatives have started the Impeachment process on POTUS
Trump. We certainly have come a long ways from the peaceful climate of the UCD Aggies in lovely Davis, CA.
and the days of Joe Montana QBing the 49ers to Super Bowl Championships. America doesn't deserve black eyes
from our own people. Terrorists want to kill all of us and those 3 former UCLA basketball players have no clue as
to how to conduct themselves as citizens of this country. I was not impressed with their written statements as they
didn't appear sincere to me. We certainly don't need them being drafted into the NBA because they have talent. I'd
prefer they had brains and respect for themselves and your university and this country.

I don't think it was wise to get these three adult men into your university system to represent you in sports. They
haven't learned much to this date and I don't think they will by being pampered and coddled. They haven't grown up
yet and probably never will. I wish you better selection in the future of educated respectful young citizens to
represent your university in the future.

Retired Deputy Sheriff, Sacramento County,

Horseman, quarter horse industry.

Joe MIronack
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Response to basketball players stealing
Date: Friday, November 17, 2017 11:33:53 AM

Dear Chancellor Block,

I am disappointed with the tepid response with respect to the

consequences of basketball players caught stealing. Frankly, I do not
understand the code of ethics or the University's manifesto on how your
school promotes education of the highest level.

Let me remind you that former UCLA football coach Rick Neuheisel
suspended three players
for the season for stealing a backpack from an on-campus locker. So, I
wonder where are your ethical standards in this particular infraction which
appears much more grievous.

I also wonder why a timeline is recommended? Have you not seen the
video which demonstrates culpability? I also ask why is this appalling
event such a difficult decision to process when the players admitted their

I am trying to cope with Bruin values? It appears that this is virtually a

matter of reflection on how big basketball has become at UCLA. Come on
now, if John Wooden was still coaching this would never be an issued. Try
finding players with character, integrity, and honesty. That indeed would
be a step upward for your program and our country.


William Phillips
From: Susan Shershow
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 11:04:17 AM

As a taxpayer I am furious with the UCLA players' behavior and the lack of
an administrative decision to quickly send them home. They should not
have the privilege of ever playing on a UCLA team and should be
sent home immediately. Why would UCLA allow them to remain and fund
the remainder of their trip?
They no longer should be part of the team. Ever. How could you let
them represent UCLA again.
From: Patrick Nudo
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:10:51 PM

Dear Chancellor,

Please note, I am in no way affiliated with UCLA or any of your rivals in sports.
Nonetheless, I sincerely hope my opinion matters to you. I am an average American
citizen who is outraged by the actions of your three basketball players in China. I am
even more outraged that it appears our President used his leverage to "bail" them
out and you have expressed your pleasure that they are now returning home. In my
opinion, they disgraced our country and should be punished for their unethical and
quite honestly, incredibly stupid behavior. However, it appears they were not as
stupid as I had thought; they will receive a slap on the wrist and continue to take
what they want at the expense of the truly stupid allowing it to happen. Unless, of
course, you are brave enough to instill a punishment with a lasting effect.

At the very least, these young men should not be allowed the honor of representing
your institution on the basketball court. The reports that stated,
in referring to this situation, further necessitates the need for a stern
punishment. Obviously, they are lacking the parental guidance that should have
taught them the difference between right and wrong. Unfortunately, that task now
appears to be in the hands of UCLA. I have done my part in setting a good example
, now please pick up the slack where others have failed.

I do not usually express my opinion on matters outside of my family, but for some
reason, I feel the need to reach out to you today. Please be strong and show there
are consequences for bad actions. Perhaps it will make others think, and lead to
more responsible behavior.


Karen L. Nudo
From: Patricia Burkhart
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Shame on the basketball players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 4:51:49 PM

Dear Sir: I have always held UCLA in high esteem, like your Alma Mater Stanford. I find it shameful that our
President brought the thieving basketball players home. I truly hope UCLA shows the world that they will not
tolerate this type of criminal behavior. PLEASE do not keep these boys on the roster, and expel them ASAP. They
are on three video cameras. Please let our youth know that there are serious consequences for bringing shame on
the school, and that theft is not OK if you are an athlete. Sincerely Patricia Burkhart, San Clemente
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Shame on UCLA
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 3:58:56 PM

As an alumna of UCLA I am shocked and embarrassed by the shameful behavior of three members of our basketball
team. The punishment handed down doesn’t begin to fit the crime. They should all be expelled from the university.
What a terrible message to send to students, alumni and the public... if you play on a sports team you are above the
law. Doesn’t honesty and accountability count for anything at my Alma Mater? I can’t help but wonder how Coach
Wooden would have handled it. Needless to say UCLA will never receive another cent from me.

Class of 1970

Sent from my iPhone

From: clinton paul
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Shame on your school
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:32:53 PM

The athletes committed a crime and should have stayed in China to serve their penance.

The fact that an unethical and immoral president of the USA arranged their release is disgusting, and the fact that
UCLA greeted them back and the Pac 12 commissioner heralded trump as a savior is a black mark for sports and
for UCLA.

The players committed a crime and should have been punished, and your school should have disciplined them with
termination of their academic careers.

To me, it shows how schools like yours turn a blind eye to crime. Where is your integrity?

I am sure that such a school will never respond to this criticism, i am sure those clowns will be on the court next
game, and i hope the fortunes of UCLA basketball and all school sports continue their multi year slide.

Great year in football! Can’t wait for the UCLA slaughter vs USC!


Clinton Paul
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: SHAME, am cancelling all donations to UCLA
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 6:31:27 PM
Importance: High

As an alumna of UCLA I cannot believe that you have not kicked out the criminals who play
At UCLA, clearly keeping them for sports fans only.
I am so ashamed of this that I am no longer going to donate ANYTHING to UCLA until these students
are kicked out of UCLA.
I used to be in the Blue and Gold donation group, but NEVER AGAIN.
They need to be removed from UCLA, and then reported for criminal prosecution!


The university has become the disgrace of the entire country.
Please get your responsibility in order.

UCLA Alumna
From: Tim Moore
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Shop Lifters
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 8:35:05 AM

Mr. Block:

I hope that the university will take a hard stand against the spoiled rotten brats that created an
international incident, tarnished the reputation of the University and all of its alumni. If there
had not been substantial string pulling these individuals would have spent multiple years in
prison. If it was one store and and isolated incident maybe they should be given some leeway,
but authorities indicated it was multiple stores.

I would believe that these individuals actions would constitute a violation of the university
code of ethics, and thus an appropriate response would be to kick the worthless pieces of crap
out of school. I have my doubts that this will happen, because they are famous, great
basketball players that should be given extra consideration. That is bull shit and that is what is
wrong with our society today. We do not hold our star athletes to the same level of
accountability as the rest of the student body.

For once in my life I would like to see a college administrator say, "enough is enough." I have
been a coach of thirty years and i guarantee there would be no discussion about whether these
individuals were going to play in the upcoming home game, they would be done.

Be a man and make the decision that should be made. Tim Moore/ Madrid, Nebraska
From: ronnie vandiver
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Shop Lifting Students
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 6:11:08 PM

Dear Mr. Gene Block,

I am sure you have been bombarded with notes about the three students caught
shoplifting in China several weeks ago. I am sure you are very distraught over this
unpleasant advertising for the great UCLA the flagship of the University of California
University System. I can remember when you had great student athletes and I have had
the pleasure of knowing many of your graduates. I always preferred your university to
the other schools in the California system because of what your basketball team
accomplished in late 60 and 70’s. I always thought of UCLA players as well mannered
and very clean cut…they looked and acted like student athletes.

I was shocked and frankly be muddled to hear that the players were indefinitely
suspended from the basketball team only. I thought in all society stealing was a crime
and that students especially student athletes should be held to higher standard. My
thoughts maybe harsh but these three students should be dismissed from the university
immediately. There is no place on a university campus for thieves. There is a saying if
you lie you will steal and if you steal you will lie. I find it hard to wrap my mind around
how you can come with a different decision. If a student were caught cheating at UCLA
what would you do? Because one of the students is please do not back down. And
because they are all of them are students please do not let that dissuade you.

I know you are between proverbial rock and the deep blue sea…but we need people like
you to do the right thing. We cannot condone wrong of any kind. Especially since your
university had the pleasure of sending students to China as learn of a different culture.
What a privilege for anyone to see first hand the largest communist country in the world.
It is sad that these students did not know that crime of any sort is very serious there. I
almost get the feeling they thought they were going to a third world country. I hope not. I
wish the best for these three students as I think they are embarrassed and ashamed of
their actions. However, they committed a crime, with all crime they like you, and I have
to pay a penalty. I pray Mr. Block you and your great university will show the world that
crime no matter how small has consequences. These three should never have the
privilege to wear the UCLA colors.

Thanks for your time.

Ronnie Vandiver

Count Your Blessings Name Them One By One!

From: Fred Kimball
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Monday, November 13, 2017 7:43:01 PM

I thank God I'm not of college age and that my son has his degrees, because your institution
seems to be crawling with HUMAN CAIN.
I mean, who would want to go to class with a bunch of ELITIST
GODS who think, and are probably right in that they could GET AWAY WITH ANYTHING
Scott free, from SHOPLIFTING to RAPE and MURDER.
I suggest you clean this up.
Next, NAZI SPOKEMAN, I feel he has the right to SPEAK, BUT, if there are ANY COSTS
Your Republican UCLA Club can PAY, they what to hear the NAZI, pony up your daddy's fat
cat bucks.
Fred Lee Kimball the Old Archaeologist
From: Kenneth Roy
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Shoplifters in china
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 2:21:44 PM

They should not be able to play this season ! No if and or but.

From: Bob Bendzlowicz
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Shoplifters
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 7:37:28 AM

I hope the University is planning to take severe action against the three shoplifters. They are an embarrassment to
the University and the Country. These players do not deserve to represent the University.
However, I anticipate your office will cave for many imagined reasons.
Bob Bendzlowicz

Sent from my iPad

From: Judson Briegel
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: shoplifting basketball players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 9:14:12 AM

Dear Sir:

I am hopeful you will take very strong action against the three members of the UCLA basketball team
involved with thievery in China. In my opinion, they should be treated as though they did in fact do
the crime. They are extremely fortunate to have intervention from President Trump. They have
done UCLA and the USA significant harm. They do not deserve to represent the University or our
country, for that matter, on the basketball court.

Thank you for listening.

Judson Briegel
Tempe, Arizona
From: Lona Inero
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: shoplifting basketball players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:55:40 AM

Ask yourself, what would John Wooden do with regard to the 3 basketball players stealing in
China. You know that he would ask them to leave the team. The reason that basketball was
so successful under John Wooden was his integrity. He didn't do "just anything" to win the
game. The way he coached was to develop the players in every way and if you look at the
players who were coached by Wooden, they are all respectable people.

Certainly comment that is a reflection of his own parenting

values. The other players didn't steal. And to embarrassing
your team and school is no big deal. What is a big deal?

I remember Wooden benched Marcus Johnson for a year simply because he was a hotshot
when he was on the court and not a team player. And he benched him again the next year
because he hadn't learned anything. I doubt Wooden would have anyone on his team that
was guilty of deliberate theft.

Sent from Outlook

From: Dan Hemphill
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Shoplifting in China
Date: Sunday, November 12, 2017 2:27:59 PM

What an embarrassment to our country! I hope that you will not pay for legal assistance for these athletes or request
State Department intervention, let China handle the matter, and that if they are convicted you will immediately and
permanently terminate them as students.

Dan Hemphill
Major, USMC (Ret)

Sent from my iPad

From: dogstarstudiotx
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: shoplifting student-athletes
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 9:04:59 PM

I am writing to encourage you to expel the 3 boys who commited the robbery in China. They
do not deserve leniency.
Beth Jacobs
Houston, Tx

Sent from my Sprint Phone.

From: Junk Junk
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Shoplifting trashy basketball players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 8:57:38 PM

Your college is a disgrace to the American people.
Three of your basketball players were arrested for shoplifting from 3 separate store while
representing your school and the USA while in China.
They need to be EXPELLED!
You have expelled students for much lesser charges. They have violated your code of ethics.

These three pieces of trash are NOT what young people need to look up to in today's world.
They are entitled priapics.
Do your job and EXPELL them.

The world is watching; as are your donors.

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Shoplifting UCLA Basketball Players
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 12:54:34 PM

Dear Chancellor Block,

As someone who once was a UCLA Freshman, I know for certain UCLA are mature
enough to know stealing is bad, and to make the choice not to steal. They are also able to suffer
meaningful consequences, at the very minimum a year's suspension.

UCLA is mature enough to know the right thing to do as well. As an Alumnus of this supposedly
great university, I'll find it interesting to see if the University and its basketball program can
conjure the grit needed to implement appropriately strong consequences. If they can't, and I
suspect they can't, they can hardly expect their players to show more discernment than they do.

Integrity, folks. Time to walk the talk. If you don't, your decreasing Alumni support will reflect
you lack of will.


A Deeply Disappointed Alumnus

From: Fidget
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Shoplifting
Date: Sunday, November 12, 2017 2:37:07 PM

Disgusting behavior caught on tape of those 3 young men. Why haven’t you commented on these allegations?
Americans abroad represent us here at home. What a message to send. You better come out loud and clear.
Sent from my iPhone
From: Susan Hannan
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Shoplifting
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 6:08:55 AM

Please, please speak out about the moral implications of stealing, as well as the responsibility that attends the
privilege your students enjoy.

I recommend that all three basketball players be expelled from UCLA for their activities in THREE different stores
in China.

They are not six-year-olds lifting a pack of gum!

Disgusting representation of American privilege abroad!

Susan Hannan
Lewes, DE

Sent from my iPad

From: EspinHE@
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Shopllifters
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 8:03:49 AM

Dear Chancellor:

UCLA has been shamed in the eyes of the world by the actions of a few basketball players who shoplifted
in China. Suspension from the team is not enough. They should lose any scholarships they might have
had and be expelled from the university. That is justice for individuals who apparently do not have
enough common sense to come in out of the rain. No university's integrity is worth keeping individuals
like that on the rolls.


Howard E Espin Jr
Colonel, US Army Retired
From: Jaime Esquivel
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Stealing Athletes
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 1:05:07 PM

To whom it may concern:

If a person steals they receive good recognition as long as they apologize?

I've been trying to get into a CA University, and struggle till this day because of all the courses and studies, I do on
my own. While these athletes usually get assisted to where they are now, because of their athletic abilities. Now if
they do something wrong and majority of humanity see it as wrong to steal, they can apologize and all is forgiven?
High officials know who they are now, but all is ok they are sorry?

What's up with this? , perhaps I am going about it all wrong.

Please let me know what you think.


Jaime Esquivel

Sent from my iPhone

From: Todd Bidwell
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Stealing in China
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 3:44:59 PM

Dear Chancellor,

I have no relationship with your school directly. What I do have is a respect for our country’s school system and its

Your coach was quoted as saying that the students will need to earn their way back on the team.

This is not an appropriate response.

Any individual fortunate enough to go to UCLA, and travel while representing their school, should be held to the
highest standard.

The students’ loss of participating in college basketball for the duration of their college experience, is appropriate.
To suggest that the students, who are criminals, can earn their way back onto the team within their four years of a
college education, is not appropriate.

These individuals are able to avoid a number of years in the Chinese prison system because of the assistance, of our
federal government.

They should count their lucky stars to only miss out on four years of college basketball.


-Todd Bidwell
Falmouth, Massachusetts
From: Nyquist
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Stealing
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 6:26:23 PM

I hope you kick the thieves off the basketball team...

From: MB
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Stole from three stores? Really? Suit them up, but in pinstripe
Date: Saturday, November 11, 2017 12:58:53 PM

Sent from my iPad

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Strict Dicipline for basketball players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 9:18:46 AM

Dear Chancellor,

As alumni and contributors for over thirty years, my husband and I

wish to express our thoughts regarding the disciplinary action for the three basketball players
who shoplifted in China. We believe they should have severe consequences for their illegal
actions and the embarrassment they caused not only the to university, but to our country.
Please do not allow them to be UCLA athletes going forward. We don't think they have the
morals or values of a UCLA student.

Please do not even consider their athletic talent when deliberating their discipline. Their
athletic talent should not save them from bad character, morals and illegal acts.

Thank you for allowing us to express our opinion.


UCLA BA 1982

UCLA BA 1979, JD 1982

From: Don Kaleel
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Student Athletes caught stealing in China
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:38:54 PM

Dear Chancellor Block,

My name is Don Kaleel and I am a proud American and must tell you how
disappointed I am in what took place recently with your student athletes while representing not only UCLA but also
the USA. Not only is what they did shameful, it is beyond my comprehension.

would think that your athletic department including coach Alford and your athletic director would have laid out the
ground rules with each of the staff and players as to how to act while in China, a Communist country, or any other
country they might travel to in the future. Common sense is one thing but these students, supposedly “college”
students, are more like street hoodlums who have no place at a university like UCLA.

Each of them can count their lucky stars that president Trump intervened in their behalf. My opinion and that of
many others is that he asked for and received a political favor from a country that is going to ask for this favor to be
returned in the future. These students should not only be suspended but also have their scholarships revoked and
asked to leave the campus. As evidenced from their apology, which was read, and hardly from the heart, they are
not qualified academically to even be attending UCLA.
They are spoiled street hoodlums that can play ball. They not only totally embarrassed UCLA but also our country,
all because they did what they have done so many times before but didn’t get caught on film doing it. That
statement is just my opinion. The of one of the players made the statement in front of the world,
. stole from one of the most exclusive stores in the world and got
caught doing it. Maybe that’s not a big deal to , but it certainly is to me and the majority of the citizens of the
USA. Don’t you think that kid could afford to pay for whatever it was that he shoplifted? They should
have been charged as the thieves they are and gone to court just as any other citizen of a foreign country would

If you allow them to remain at UCLA that is your prerogative, however these kids already think that they are
invincible and can get away with most anything, so by allowing them to stay on the team and in school would only
reinforce what they think. They need to learn a lesson and a slap on the wrist is not teaching them a lesson. It was
said during the news conference that if they were suspended for the year they might try to transfer. I would hope
that they would try. How many schools want that baggage? I went to UNC where they had and still have one of the
best basketball programs in the country, do you think Roy Williams would take either of them? Or how about
Duke? Highly doubtful.

Please do the right thing and take their scholarships away and remove them from your world renowned campus.


Don Kaleel


Don Kaleel
Sent from my iPad
From: Rick Swearingen
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Student Athletes
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 7:04:46 PM

Mr. Chancellor,

Please take the appropriate action to discipline the student athletes involved in the
international incident in China - a simple "slap on the wrist" or minimal punishment for such
egregious behavior that has embarrassed your great university and this great country would
be insufficient. Unbelievable that our President should have to intervene on behalf of
common thieves who have created an international incident and violated their university
code of conduct in such a deplorable fashion. Suspension for a few games in insufficient - I
suspect that if you (or anyone) were to have done something so damning in their job you
would be shown the door immediately by your employer. Please uphold the values of this
great university and our country with punishment that is appropriate for the behavior and
crime. I understand they are young adults but for serious violations there should be serious
consequences. What is more important here - basketball or honor and respect?


Dr. Rick Swearingen

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Student athletes; Bruin values
Date: Friday, November 17, 2017 8:43:06 AM

Chancellor Block,
You have a very difficult decision you were going to have to make regarding the punishment to be given to the
UCLA basketball players. Your decision will be made on the world stage, pundits will write many words regarding
your choice.
In making your decision you should Ask yourself what John Wooden would do.

Sent from my iPad
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: student shoplifters.
Date: Thursday, November 9, 2017 11:44:22 AM

How embarrassing for Americans. Your basketball players are a disgrace to

this country. Particularly when the President is visiting.

They should be immediately expelled.

Hopefully they will go to jail in China.


Russell R. Miller
From: David Johnson
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Students arrested in China
Date: Sunday, November 12, 2017 7:56:48 AM

I would hope that the three students arrested for theft in China are expelled from your school.
As ambassadors of our country, they have brought our country down further yet in the eyes of
the world.
Trump is doing a fine enough job of that single handedly.

Dave Johnson
Maintenance Supervisor
From: Sharon Bonino
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Students Arrested in China
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 4:18:55 PM

November 15, 2017

Chancellor Gene Block

Murphy Hall
University of California
Los Angeles, CA

Dear Chancellor Block:

The three students from UCLA that were arrested in China have brought great shame not only to their university but
to all Americans. Their egregious behavior must not be tolerated with a mild punishment regarding an indefinite
suspension from basketball. This is a teachable moment not only for the three students but for all who aspire to
attend college, continue educational pursuits and social justice. The three young men not only represented their
Bruin basketball team, they represented their campus and their country on the overseas trip.

You, Larry Scott the Pac-12 Commissioner, Athletic Director Dan Guerrero and coach Steve Alford did not
condemn the behavior of the three students. Nor have any of you publicly provided leadership with your statements
or appearances with your personal regret to the Chinese with assurances that the students will be punished. And you
have failed in providing the necessary leadership to the your campus and for all Americans watching the outcome.
Furthermore the news conference today appeared to be a promotion for Under Armor and Toyo Tires. Clearly
UCLA has placed commerce over education.

Bill Walton's statement regarding the three UCLA students arrest in China has been the single most adult comment
thus far. He said "I am sad, disappointed and embarrassed. This is a very big deal. The very noble purpose here has
been stained. Our host Alibaba China, the people, they have been better than perfect in everything. They've done
everything right to make this all work. Now members of our family have displayed a lack of honor, a lack of
respect, a lack of decency by doing something in someone else's home that they would never do in their own. And I
want to apologize on behalf of the human race for this travesty."

Your campus mission statement "UCLA's primary purpose as a public research university is the creation,
dissemination, preservation and application of knowledge for the betterment of our global society" has not held up
after the arrest, detainment and world announcement of the three students in China. This may be the time to reflect
on the legacy and words of Coach John Wooden:


Regarding college basketball, John Wooden said in 1988, "IT SUFFERS FROM TWO THINGS - TOO MUCH


Prove to your students, faculty, staff, alumni and benefactors that you support the UCLA mission statement and

Sharon Bonino
From: Robert Boone
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Student"s Overseas Thievery
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 4:37:07 AM

I am a staunch supporter of your sports program, however I was incensed to learn that three players from your
UCLA basketball team had the audacity to willingly, wantingly, and knowingly steal upscale items from a Chinese
store. How dare they represent our country and your school to act as thieves and exhibit a total disregard to both.

Sir, even though they beat the Chinese judicial system there, I would implore you to put ethics before your sports
program and suspend all three students involved for the whole basketball program this year. In view of this horrible
disrespectful actions of these "overseas UCLA and this country's ambassadors, there MUST be consequences. I
hope that you share most of our country's concerns to hold these students to a higher standard and values that they
disavowed overseas. This is a huge embarrassment to our country and I'm sure your school. John Wooden is
rolling over in his grave.

Please do the right thing and ensure accountability to these thieves.

Bob Boone
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Suspend the 3 Basketball Players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 6:39:25 AM

Dear Chancellor Gene Block,

As a UCLA graduate I am disturbed by the news that three UCLA basketball players were stealing while
visiting China.

If it is true that the players were in fact stealing, then the players should be off the basketball team for at
least one full season.

It is a privilege not a right to be playing at UCLA.

The players, student body, alumni and faculty need a clear message from the administration that this kind
of conduct shall not be tolerated.

Very respectfully,

UCLA 1986
From: Charles Durrin
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD; Teitell, Mike; Timiraos, Alex
Subject: Suspend the Basketball Players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 8:46:14 AM

Upon their return to California, basketball players should be permanently

suspended from the UCLA basketball team. These players clearly stole merchandise, as
documented on store video. They felt entitled to get away with theft. Athletes must be told that
they are not above the law and that actions have consequences.

Permanently suspend from playing basketball at UCLA.

Charles Durrin III

From: Marie McMillen
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Suspend them for the season
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 9:41:11 AM


I implore you to please suspend these three self-entitled spoiled brats for the season. If not, you’ll
have it happen again.

Marie McMillen
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Suspended basketball players
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 11:00:03 AM

Chancellor Block,

I am a UCLA alumnus and contributor. I feel strongly that the three students now
suspended for their criminal behavior in China should be suspended for this entire
season and should lose their athletic scholarships during that time. Possible
reinstatement next year should depend on their behavior during the intervening
time. Anything less severe demeans the mission and reputation of our university.

MEngr UCLA 1969.

From: Roland R
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Suspended Basketball Players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 3:25:26 PM

Dear Chancellor,

I hope all of those involved in the decision process realize the implication of the actions that will
follow this initial suspension. While I understand young individuals do dumb immature things this
should not be an excuse for their actions. Had it been my decision the President should not have
become involved in the situation and the players should have suffered the consequences of their
actions. This indefinite suspension should last much longer than this basketball season and even
include the possibility of expulsion from the program. Giving these young gentlemen a pass or a
mere slap on the wrist will do more disservice to them and only foster the culture of entitlement
that is far too prevalent in our society and out of control in sports. A universities greatest roll should
be to mold our children to become good people above and beyond the second goal of academics
and far beyond the importance of any sports program. The moto of my high school was “teach me
goodness, discipline and knowledge” in that order, values that I have lived by and hold dear to this
day some 40+ years later.

With several still deciding on which university to attend the character and
actions of those who lead as well as students who attend the institution will weigh heavily in any
decision. Lead by example and send a message to these students and those who follow that UCLA
and other universities have moral obligations more important than any sport.



From: David Carissimi
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD
Subject: Suspended Players.
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 10:31:13 AM

Sirs, I am an average citizen with . As such,

I understand the cost, privilege and opportunity of an education.
My opinion, for what it is worth, is that the players that created an international incident
should be removed from the team and any scholarships terminated.
Not doing so, sends the message that theft, international law, representing UCLA, the country,
and integrity dies not matter. UCLA us better than that.
Actions gave consequences that we seem to gave lost as a population.

David Carissimi
From: Marie Bruener
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Suspended players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 3:57:21 PM

Absolutely appalling if you let those three players back on your basketball team. Take a stand and show that
character and good morals TRUMP winning.

Sent from my iPhone

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: suspension
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 8:04:13 AM

Dear Chancellor Block,

It is with chagrin that I am compelled to contact you. Three UCLA basketball players
apparently caught in a crime while playing basketball in China deserve your
immediate attention and intervention. If I was an American citizen caught stealing
or committing a crime in China I would not be absolved from the consequences. I
certainly would not have the President of the United States intervene and request
leniency on my behalf. That is the reality of the matter.

I wonder if our student/athletes who represent your prestigious university remain

committed to a higher standard of moral conduct. This was indeed the prevailing
attitude and environment during John Wooden s tenure. Today, athletes show no
standard for human decency, respect or moral deportment.

Let me remind you of Bill Walton apology which I could not express more
succinctly. The noble purpose here has been stained. Now members of our family
have displayed an appalling lack of honor, a lack of respect, a lack of decency by
doing something in someone else’s home that they would never do on their own.
And I want to apologize right now on behalf of the human race for this travesty.”

As a former educator, I feel appalled for our country and your academic institution
that must bear such humiliation and disgrace. In my judgment, these athletes need
to be expelled from the team and lose their scholarship. This will indeed display
our intent on rectifying a wrongdoing. Our Chinese friends will be looking for the
right penalty and I hope that you will adhere to my suggestions. Unfortunately,
UCLA indefinite suspension amounts to very little in the big picture of life.
This reconciliation period of offering a second chance fails to teach a life
lesson. These individuals should be be penalized like all other citizens in
this country. I dare say that this consequence is indeed a poor reflection
for UCLA and our country.


William Phillips
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD
Subject: Suspension of 3 Basketball players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 5:37:56 PM

Suspension??? is that all??? Where's the integrity??? Their scholarship

funding should be revoked and they NOT be allowed to play basketball for
UCLA!!! If they want to continue with their education at UCLA,
whatever, but on their own dime. Wooden would be turning in his grave at
this pithy response to these three students that are representing the
UCLA team and college and our country.

I and my wife are '68 and '69 UCLA alumnae of UCLA. If they are just
suspended, then we will no longer support UCLA financially in any means
or otherwise.

Wooden held his players in high esteem and expected high standards, so
should you two!! These three knew better and were let off way to easily...

Shame on you. Indefinite suspension??? just a slap on the wrist. All

three should be required to repay the cost of legal fees, hotel bill and
food while they were under house arrest. They SHOULD have spent time in
a Chinese jail, like any of us had we done the same.

Just another example of poor little pampered athletic students getting

special treatment.

Do the right thing as Wooden would have, otherwise your department and
school have lost any sense of integrity and fair play!
From: Robert Nielsen
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Suspension of Basketball Players
Date: Monday, November 13, 2017 1:11:17 PM


I am extremely upset with the events of the last week regarding the three UCLA Freshman
basketball players while visiting China. Their actions are totally unacceptable as they do
not reflect the standards of the university!

When these three players return to the USA after the house arrest imposed by the Chinese
authorities UCLA use this as an example as to how this type of behavior will not be
tolerated. I believe the best way to do so is to immediately withdraw all scholarships from
these individuals upon their return.

While the absence of these players will certainly have an impact on current basketball team
these types of actions cannot and must not be allowed to continue. To do anything less
than this could be construed as an acceptance of this type of behavior.

Robert Nielsen
From: Christina Hauseman
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Suspension, not expulsion?
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:08:25 PM


Really? How sad. Steal in a foreign country. Disgrace the United States. Escape prosecution and be rewarded by
UCLA with a mere suspension.

Great message to send. Shame on you and all those who made this decision.

Christina Hauseman
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Take a Stand
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 12:15:21 PM

I am urging you to take a stand and do the right thing. The three players that shoplifted must be removed
from the basketball program and the university for good. Wasn't there also a problem with shoplifting at
the College World Series? Enough is enough.

Today is College Day at my elementary school. It has been a humiliating day to wear the blue and gold.
What a terrible message is being sent to kids.

Class of
No longer a proud Bruin
From: Robert Holmes
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Terminate UCLA Players
Date: Sunday, November 12, 2017 5:15:08 AM

Chancellor Block,

These players should be terminated — or whatever the term is — from any participation at UCLA upon their return
to the USA.

They are an embarrassment, to not only your university, but to the entire country!

Don’t give us any baloney about second chances either … I’m relatively sure they already been given that and
more. These young adults need intervention, not more coddling and denial.

Lack of standards, failure to know right from wrong, and blaming someone else for their actions is epidemic in this

Take a stand against the deterioration. Get rid of them!

Robert A. Holmes
From: Mark Dingman
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Thank you
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:17:47 PM

Thank you for doing the right thing and suspending the three basketball players.
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: The 3 basketball players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 9:02:14 AM

Please swiftly suspend the three players who shop lifted in China. Suspend for the season or forever. There is
nothing less to do.
Class of Winter 1966

Sent from my iPhone

From: Judith Drury Mulryan
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: The 3 basketball players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 11:56:21 AM

Dear Chancellor,
Having just watched the press conference, where, “stupid decision”, “bad decision”, “poor
judgement”, were supposed
to define shoplifting in China. If in fact, Coach Alford had been pro active and talked to the
team about their behavior,
it is even more distressing to us. It was not a pack of gum or a candy bar that was involved.
The trio, in our opinion, needs to understand the consequences of the aforementioned
“indiscretions” and be expelled.
The standing of the basketball team cannot be the priority of over the “standards and values”
of this international institution.
Please do not cave into pressure to just go with “indefinite suspension”. A message has to be
sent for zero tolerance.
please know that our donation will be
impacted by your decision.
Judith Drury Mulryan

My new email address is:

From: Arik Wilson
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: The 3 dolts
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 6:54:11 PM

The fact that I saw the President of the United States talking about it is bad enough, the fact that
these children are only suspended indefinitely is ridiculous. These children should have all
scholarships revoked and have to reapply if they want to attend UCLA,

You should be ashamed of yourself if you

don’t do something. Maybe basketball wins are more important than turning out good upstanding
I can’t wait to hear back from you.

Thank you,
Arik Wilson

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: JoAnna Selle
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: The 3 men who stole
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:03:19 PM

Dear Chancelor Block:

I am appalled at what the 3 students did to break the law in our country as well as China.
Many people work hard to get into UCLA and these 3 men did not care. They obviously did
not work to get in just had it handed to them for whatever reason. They were not and are not
grateful for the great gift they had been given.
They read their half assed apology with no remorse or regret in their voice.
Your students embarrassed America! Not to mention what could have happened politically
between our two countries . You have to raise your standards and require better than what
they gave you.
My opinion is they should be kicked out and serve as an example to China that we don’t go for
stealing as well as to the world and all other students not to do this. If you allow them to stay
it would look as though you caved because they were black.
Disappointing and dispicable!!! I am so angry at the way they said because they are young!!!
so what? That’s no excuse to break the law. Poor me make excuses for me. They will never
learn their lesson if you let them get away with it. Honestly, I will loose all respect for UCLA
if you don’t expel them. Students have been kicked out for less in Ivy League schools never
mind this was an international embarrassment to our Country.
Thank you for reading this.
Very truly yours,
JoAnna Selle

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

From: Phil Syphrit
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: the 3 students on your basketball team
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 3:33:10 PM

Hello, I work for Cornell University. I have had the privilege of knowing and working with
many of our student athletes over the years.

I was very upset by the recent event of your 3 students shoplifting while they were in China.
I've read that they have been suspended
indefinitely while you assess the situation now that they are safely back home.

I'd like to suggest that you consider suspending them from the team for the remainder of this
calendar year; that would remove them for the final weeks of the semester (allowing them to
focus on their studies), would keep them from a few potentially meaningful games, and give
them the symbolic start of the new year to start again.

I wish you, them, and the school well as you deal with this (more than just) embarrassing

My best,
Phil Syphrit
From: Brett
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: The 3 Thugs from UCLA Basketball and their unacceptable behavior...
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 10:53:51 AM

God is in control, not the fake space science world, Not the 3 basketball thugs who stole from
China (and will probably get another chance because of their status. What a JOKE) NOT
​"HIV has never lead to AIDS. Start with Magic Johnson and Greg Louganis and work
backwards. The drug AZT is what killed everyone not because of a low T-Cell count. Your
doctor is CLUELESS or wanting to be part of the bigger problem" The Big Pharma is pure
evil and depopulation is real but your professor simply regurgitates what he or she heard in
school" If you google Isaac Newton Occult you will begin to see how all this happened"

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD; Dean Of Students Office
Cc: Schaberg, David; Murphy, Sarah
Subject: The accused UCLA basketball players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 2:06:53 PM

Dear Chancellor Block, Athletic Director Guerrero, and Dean of Students Blandizzi:

I am a double alumnus of UCLA ( 1984, 1989) and I am a longtime

donor to, and supporter of, UCLA.

I have read Chancellor Block’s written statement regarding the three UCLA basketball players who recently were
arrested and charged in China with shoplifting. Based on the Chancellor’s written statement, it appears that any
penalties for these three students will be decided by Athletic Director Guerrero and by the Office of Student
Conduct which is overseen by the Dean of Students, Maria Blandizzi. This is why I have copied both of them on
this email.

I sincerely hope that if you have proof that these three students actually did shoplift, which should be easy for you to
confirm by viewing the video footage, that your punishment of them will be swift and severe. If these students
actually did shoplift, I do not see how you can justify any penalty short of expelling all three men from UCLA. It
should not matter that these three men are basketball players. Stealing is always wrong. Setting a campus-wide
example that a good character is paramount in life should always be more important to UCLA than keeping players
on its basketball team.

You obviously either have seen, or will see, the actual video evidence of these men’s alleged crimes in China as part
of your investigation. I also have no doubt that over time, the entire public will also eventually see this video
evidence if it indeed exists. Once you have seen the evidence, I urge you to do the right thing and expel these three
students from UCLA if they did indeed shoplift. If these students did shoplift, anything short of their expulsion will
cheapen the value of my UCLA degree and hurt the school’s reputation, and potentially hurt future donations from
alumni. Ethics matter.

I am more than happy to attend any disciplinary hearings in person at either the UCLA Athletic Department or the
Office of Student Conduct and voice my opinion about these three students from my perspective as a UCLA alumni
donor and as a California taxplayer. My office is only a 10 minute drive from UCLA and I will easily rearrange my
schedule to attend. At a minimum however, I ask that this email be included as feedback from your UCLA
constituent community in any and all disciplinary hearings for these three students.

You can reach me at my contact information listed below.

Best regards,
From: Jason Darby
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: The athletes who stole
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 9:11:37 AM


Those boys went out and intentionally committed theft, if not burglary.

I am a Marine Vet, and I can tell you that if I had committed the same crime, and embarrassed the Corps, and my
Country, I would have spent time in the Brig, if not also getting a dishonorable discharge.

Its not simply about the theft, It is that they were ambassadors for the USA. UCLA and each one of those students
NEEDS to come out and thank President Trump for stepping in. Also, they should be suspended from play for the


Jason Darby

Sent from my iPhone

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: The ball family
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 6:23:31 AM

After thus incident with the basketball team...I would not go to a game. In would not donate to the wooden athletic
department. That family is cancer. Just like Kobe was to the Lakers.
These young mem disgraced their country. Disgraced a school with a high standard of excellence. Had to have the
president sweet talk a communist country leader romper them go.

What price will these young men face if their scholarships are not refunded.
Well is the cancer just as and was to the WTA. And
the WTA banned that man from any and all events for life. Why because he was an ass monkey clown

I paid 100,000.00 for my son to attend your university. No scholarship. Just a young man with excellent grades

I hope that your office swnds those boys to the wolves.

P.S. and to hear the news report this morning ...those biys xoming off the plane were not humble or remorseful in
any way.

Quite frankly if they were my children I would force UCLA to remind any monies given.



Sent from my LG G6, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

From: Richard Cook
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: The
Date: Saturday, November 11, 2017 7:25:10 PM

When are you going to get rid of the ????

What a disgrace!!!!

Sent from my iPhone

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: the basketball thieves
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 3:25:23 PM

This is my second email.....I discussed this my Alumni friends......we agreed that these basketball
players are a bunch of thugs that just know how to play basketball.

They should be EXPELLED.......not suspended..................Hope you will do the right thing for the
UCLA IMAGE and not the basketball scores!

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: The Basketball Traitors
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 11:13:16 AM

Chancellor Block: I am writing to you to advise that as an alumni of UCLA ( ) I will NOT accept any
future calls seeking funds for the school UNTIL the three thieves are expelled with no possibility of return.

Let me eliminate a potential canard. My decision is not based on the color of the skin of these thieves.
Of my six grandchildren four are biracial.

For the almost years since I graduated I have been proud to say "UCLA" when asked what university I
attended. I look back on the days of Johnny Wooden and Lou Alcindor (as he was then known) and
professors like the late George W. Hilton and think how lucky I was to be in a learning environment which
set the stage for me to (for example) become the Traffic Manager of Mattel Toys in the 1970's, to
become the Pricing Manager for SeaLand's Alaska Division and other like positions until I retired from
in .

I couldn't attend the actual graduation ceremony in because the VA Schooling Allowance and a
part-time job provided little extra for the event and a young family had to come first. As an aside, shortly
after I received my diploma it was destroyed - how that happened if not important - what is important was
that times were tough and we didn't have the $25.00 to get it replaced.

Given this perspective you should be able to see how hurt and infuriated I was with the media report of
the theft by physically talented individuals representing the school and the COUNTRY. I'm guessing that
they may have even been attending UCLA on a sports scholarship, BUT whether they were or not they
took what I and so many other graduates have held dear and defecated on it!

Justice requires that these three admitted criminals be expelled with no possibility of return to UCLA.

There's no need to answer. I'm sure I'll see your decision in the media.

From: Jason Darby
To: AD
Cc: Eid Soloman Ponch Eid Soloman
Subject: The boys who stole
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 9:41:24 AM

To UCLA and those concerned,

Those boys went out and intentionally committed theft, if not burglary.

Its not simply about the theft, It is that they were ambassadors for the USA. UCLA and each one of those students
NEEDS to come out and thank President Trump for stepping in. Also, they should be suspended from play for the

What kind of message are you sending other upcoming students?

Maybe send this message to the parents of those kids, because apparently they don't understand the gravity of what
their children did.

These boys were not five year olds, these were young adults, who are able to vote and join the military.


Jason Darby

Sent from my iPhone

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: The China Embarrasment
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 5:20:56 PM

Dear Chancellor Block, in watching the press conference today I was

ashamed to be a UCLA alumnus. What I heard at the press
conference regarding punishment was "indefinitely no practice and
games" ...but eventually the three players could be work their way
back onto the team if they demonstrate changed behavior and
scholarship and decisions are to be made in concert with UCLA
Student Affairs and the NCAA.
Chancellor, these players should, at a minimum, be dropped from the
team for the full season. They admitted to stealing while
representing the University and should not be allowed the privilege
to represent the team this season. Throw in the international and
presidential involvement and their offense seems unprecedented. If
they truly want to be student athletes at UCLA missing this season
will only delay their anticipated NBA careers by a year. As an
alumnus who has given my time and money to UCLA for more than
years I cannot continue to support UCLA should you decide to
give these players a lesser punishment.
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: The Chinese 3 and Other Entitled Persons
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 9:38:43 AM

I am reading Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s wonderful book, “Coach Wooden and Me.” Kareem relates the
first time his highly touted and cocky freshman team met with Coach Wooden. After teaching them
how to put on their socks and shoes properly to avoid blisters (really!) he told them the following:

“Number one in your life is your family. Number two is the religion of your choice. Number three is
your studies. You’re here to get an education. Number four is to never forget that you represent
this great university wherever you are, whatever you are doing. And number five, if we have some
time left over, we’ll play some basketball. Questions?”

Unfortunately, these and other “student-athletes” (regardless of the sport that gave them the
opportunity to attend UCLA) apparently have not had the benefit of Coach Wooden’s wisdom.
What a shame. Hopefully, all those who choose not to represent this university in the proper way
will land somewhere (far from Westwood) where they can learn what’s really important in life.

UCLA Law ‘73

From: Deb Gilnack
To: AD; Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: the eyes of the world
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 5:09:28 PM

As I’m sure you are fully aware the eyes of the world are on us as a nation. What these adults did,
yes they are adults, and some still very arrogant. They were given a great opportunity and this
opportunity should be taken away financially. Their scholarships should definitely go to others that
deserve the opportunity that these young men wasted away by disgracing not only themselves but
your university. I have never before written to any university about any media situation, this though
I strongly feel should not just be given a slap on the wrist.

Deborah Gilnack

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: the shoplifters
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:39:40 PM

Dear Chancellor Block,

If the three basketball players are guilty, then cut them from the team and kick them out of the


Class of 1981
From: Mary Prieto
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD
Subject: the stealing basketball players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:35:46 PM

should be kicked out of your school!

what a disgrace they are.
with all of the kids trying to get into your school, these three just snubbed their noses at their opportunity.
I do not know anyone willing to make any more donations to your program.
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Cc: Judy H.
Subject: The Three Athletes Arrested in China
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 10:33:38 AM

TO: Chancellor at UCLA

If you’re going to shoplift, do it here in the USA, not China! They have a different “due process”. 10
years, pal!

How did these students get into UCLA in the first place? I bet it probably wasn’t scholastics.

What they did was Super-Idiocy! And you’re going to let these morons earn a college degree at
UCLA? Looks like they fulfill the stereotype of a “simpleton black athlete.”

They’ve already tarnished the school permanently. If you let them return, and they get a degree,
that will only show complicity among the UCLA leadership.

And certainly ruin the prestige of what a UCLA degree really means. For all other students, past,
present and future.

You need to EXPEL these players.

Dumber than a 2nd coat of paint!

BA, University of California at Irvine, c. 1977.

Lakewood, California USA

From: Michael Brandman
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 9:28:58 AM

Dear Chancellor Block...

These three morons brought shame upon themselves, the University and the country.

They should be given twenty minutes to clean out their lockers and then frog walked off campus. For

Nothing short of that will restore honor to the Institution.

Or to the country.

Please do the right thing.

Thank you.


Michael Brandman
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: The three shoplifters
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 5:28:08 PM

Please register the family, donors to the

since the 1960’s, football season ticket holders since then and proud
parents of son who graduated in 1979 and law school graduate in 1982
as those who feel shame brought about by the actions of members of
our basketball team.

We feel that not only should these men be thrown off the team, they should
no longer be allowed the great privilege of being UCLA students.

Sent from my iPad

From: Atty. Walsh
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: The Three Shoplifters
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 3:05:03 PM

Chancellor Block,

It’s very disappointing to see that UCLA has decided that

some future basketball wins are more important than the
integrity of the University.

John Walsh, Esq.
From: on behalf of Ted Filler
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: The Three Theives
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 7:42:04 AM

"The trio, all , have been suspended indefinitely from the

University of California, Los Angeles, basketball team."

Still students? Still have their scholarship? Still UCLA heroes?

I see they had a press conference, all dressed in nice new shirts supplied by

Your word "indefinitely" shows you really plan on changing your mind as
soon as the heat subsides.

If you need a new job, there is one available soon at the NFL. Great job for
your type who would rather cave than apply standards.

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Cc: AD
Subject: The UCLA Three
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 2:00:14 PM

Dear Chancellor Block…

As a alumnus of UCLA (1988) and lifelong Bruin sports fan, I am furious as to what these
three student-athletes did. They represented UCLA. They were representing the program
John Wooden built. I expect… in fact I demand that these three student-athletes be treated
like any other scholarship student representing UCLA internationally. That said, I find it hard
to believe that had any other scholarship student committed the same crime internationally
that they would not be looking down the barrel of expulsion from the University. At the very
least, these individuals should be immediately kicked off the basketball team and their
scholarship revoked. They should be suspended academically for the reminder of the quarter.
Their families should have to repay the university, for which my taxes contribute, for any
extra fees associated with their act. And then I would offer redemption: If these boys chose
not to transfer, which is doubtful, I would offer them the opportunity to do UCLA-based
community service to earn their way back into the school to complete their degree. But they
would forever be banned from any UCLA NCAA-sanctioned sport.

UCLA really needs to take a long look in the mirror and ask themselves are they going to treat
these three the way they would other students on scholarship representing the university
abroad, or are they going to have a double standard. This is your teachable moment. Do you
kick the can down the road with a slap on the wrist or do you teach them a lesson.

Sadly, I fully expect them to be court-side by the beginning of the Pac 12 season.

From: Kayep51
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: The UCLA Three
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:57:27 PM

Your web page touts Civic Engagement as a priority... really? What an embarrassing moment for your University
today at that press conference. An indefinite suspension? That translates into as soon as your athletic department
thinks they can get by with it ( and definitely by the time Conference play starts) those men, and they are men-not
children, will be back on the Court. Those three caused an international incident for goodness sake- and any time
the President of the U.S. has to intervene to keep Americans out of a Chinese prison it IS an international incident.
There are 18 year old Americans putting their lives on the line around the world every day but this is how UCLA
pampers and protects their criminal athletes. Your University is an embarrassment this entire country. You have
simply reinforced the idea that if you are a talented athlete that laws and rules don't apply. Shame on UCLA!

Sent from my iPad

From: celestedifrancesco @
To:; AD
Cc: Chancellor Gene D. Block; Rebholz, Joshua
Subject: Theft in China
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 2:11:11 PM

Hello Coach Alford,

I am unaffiliated with UCLA and do not watch basketball.

who is very disappointed with your basketball players who stole merchandise in China. You are
hearing from a common everyday, down to earth who tries very hard to practice &
instill common core values such as honesty, respect for others, etc. in .

Your players violated the very values we teach our children and put a stain on our country, UCLA, and
you personally. Those players were representing our country, our values, and they are the face of UCLA.
You should have adapted a "zero-tolerance" policy with no second chances for these types of incidents.
This was not simple "shop-lifting" of one store, but thievery of multiple stores and collusion amongst
criminals. Your players are thieves and their actions revealed serious character flaws that betray trust.
They betrayed not only you personally, but our entire nation!

Your conclusion that they used poor judgement is sugar-coating their mindset. Poor judgement was their
inability to out-think Chinese security and believing they could commit such crimes without considering
the possibility of long prison terms. I'd bet this is not the first time these players have committed such
acts...unless they have gone their entire lives without stealing and decided China was a good place to do
it while they are freshman at UCLA trying to earn their spot.

From the recruits in the fire academy all the way to the top of
the organization it is understood that this type of act is an immediate dismissal for conduct unbecoming
an officer...period. No second chances. That policy has cured character flaws of any person who slipped
through the cracks. Losing a career over such an act simply prevents the character flaw from becoming a
decision or an act.

I suggest that rather than give these players a chance to earn their spot back and give them an
opportunity to "prove why" they should suit up, they should be simply dropped...period. That would send
a message to your athletes that you stand for the values we parents are trying to teach our kids. China's
laws speak volumes about consequences and accountability and fortunately for your players, our
President was there to use his executive status to persuade their release.

Unfortunately, UCLA is initiating an investigation into how long it will take before they return instead of
showing them the door without a goodbye. The stain just gets bigger.


Celeste DiFrancesco
From: kshellabarger@
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Theft
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 4:20:39 PM

It is a sad day when three UCLA players go to China and are caught on video-tape stealing. Assuming the video is
authentic and this occurred which we will assume for purposes of this email it is a total embarrassment to our
country, should be to your school and they should be dealt with appropriately once this evidence is confirmed.
What is even more disturbing is that our President used a "favor" to bring these three thieves back to this country
prior to being processed through the court. There might come a time that a true American is in trouble in China or
some other major request that our President needs to present to the Chinese President and we have already used a
"favor." With all the trouble in this region your three chosen basketball players did the unthinkable and then came
home and did not thank President Trump immediately. These are the three YOU chose to represent your school. I
hope the right thing is done with their suspensions that might make a difference in their future actions.

Disgusted in NC
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: They are not worthy
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:00:16 PM

Dear Chancellor;
My daughter is a senior at UCLA . I’ve greatly enjoyed my time visiting campus and serving on the Parents Council
during her time. Even paying out of state unsubsidized has been acceptable when I see all that my daughter has
learned in her time in LA.
However when I see the story about the three players shoplifting is China, I’m outraged. They are given a life 99.9%
of teenagers can only dream of.. full tuition and room/board paid for, special treatment in classes to accommodate
their schedule, “rock star” status on campus, and other perks I’m not aware of. Now they get an all expense paid
trip to go around the world as ambassadors of their school and this is how they should their gratitude? They’ve
disgraced the school and embarrassed us in the world’s eyes. I live in CT and local NY news stations treat them and
UCLA as a joke with them portrayed as over privileged spoiled west coast brats who feed into a permissive culture
of win at all costs, then get absolved with some intervention by powerful politicians and Hollywood execs.
Teach these thugs a lesson. They can’t spit in the hand that feeds them. Kick them off the team, rescind their
scholarships, and restore some dignity to UCLA. Alumnae will understand the basketball team will have an off year
or two to send a message. Show the college community that you stand for all the values you promote in the videos
and magazine stories. Let’s be a community of optimists, not a punchline for bad jokes.
Thank you for your attention.

Sent from my iPad

From: Bill Black
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: They Shamed our Country and UCLA
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:02:30 AM

Unbelievable that three Bruins-children really decided to steal something.

What do the other Team players think about playing next to three un-trustworthy

I hope these three are suspended for at least ONE YEAR!

William Black

Bruin Booster for over years.

From: Bill Black
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: They Shamed our Country and UCLA
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:10:41 AM

Unbelievable that three Bruins-children really decided to steal something.

What do the other Team players think about playing next to three un-trustworthy

I hope these three are suspended for at least ONE YEAR!

William Black

Bruin Booster for over years.

From: mike h
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Thieves
Date: Saturday, November 11, 2017 9:42:16 AM

You like to have thieves on scholarship at your fine institution? Entitled losers, pieces of shit. They all should be
kicked off the program. But you guys won't, will you? You will kiss their asses.
From: Penny Cook
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Thieving basketball players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:34:17 AM

If UCLA does not (at a minimum) throw those shoplifting bums off the team, your university will have a permanent
black eye and have lost a valuable chance to show you care more about honesty and integrity, than winning
basketball games. What an incredible embarrassment for UCLA.
They are incredibly lucky to back on U.S. soil and out of harms way.
Do the right thing.
Dr Penalope Cook
(Just in case you want to know that I am a real person and that this is not spam.)

Sent from my iPad

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Thoughts on the Basketball Players
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 1:01:07 PM

Dear Chancellor Block,

I want to write to you in regards to the 3 basketball players that were recently enabled to come
back home. Before anything else, I want to state that I am glad they are back here safely and
that this issue did not escalate any further than it did. I received your email, and after quite a
bit of pondering and research on the matter, I'd like to express my thoughts.

To put it bluntly: I don't think there is any justification to not expel these players from the
team, and UCLA itself. I have no vendetta against the players themselves, but the message it
sends to simply suspend them is more of an issue here. It doesn't seem like anyone regards
that punishment as anything more than a slap on the wrist, and to me that is very concerning.
Many are talking about the "dishonor it brings to John Wooden's legacy" to keep the players;
while I have great respect for John Wooden, I honestly don't think he should be involved here.
I believe this has much more to do with the True Bruin values that I was presented with when
I came to UCLA.

While it is certainly true that I do not know the whole picture here, and whatever campus
politics led to the decision to keep these players, I think this appears to many as a test for
UCLA. Will we uphold the morals we claim to hold when presented with the need to do so? I
can't take a suspension of these players seriously in regards to this question, and I believe that
ending it here would be thoroughly denying the True Bruin values we have. These players
failed all five of the values this university lists in a drastic manner. Again, I am glad they are
safe, but I don't think they deserve to remain on this campus.

I know these messages usually end up being read by his staff, but I would feel quite better just
to know that our chancellor read this. I am aware he is not the only person involved with these
decisions, but I thought it right to respond to the email he sent out.

All the Best,

Class of 2018
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Three basketball players
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 8:04:26 AM

Dear Chancellor Block,

As a graduate of UCLA, I have always been very proud of my alma mater and the things that
we stand for. The three basketball players have brought a tarnish to the UCLA name. Having
seen the apologies of the three players who knowingly stole luxury items while in China, I can
appreciate their words of thankfulness for not being stuck longer in China. The fact that two
presidents had to get involved because of their crimes is a shame.

These are young men who clearly made a mistake and I know that they have apologized which
is all that they can do at this point. What UCLA can do is another matter. Suspending them
indefinitely is leaving a door open for them to be able to play this season. This was the time
for UCLA to send a strong message that UCLA does not condone or stand behind this kind of
behavior. By not suspending them from the entire season (I’m aware that it might be the
season, but it might also not be an entire season), UCLA is not standing up for what it should.

I’m very disappointed in what the boys did, but I’m more bothered by the tepid response of
UCLA in it’s handling/punishment. I hope I will not be even more disappointed in hearing that
these boys get any play time this season.

Thank you,
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Three basketball players
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 6:05:28 AM


I havent been involved with UCLA as much as i would want to after graduation due to my schedule, but i am a
proud Bruin and always talk about UCLA during my travels. You see, i am a public servant and travel the globe 18
weeks out of the year, and when foreigners ask me where i went for university, i proudly say UCLA. The past
week has been a disgrace for UCLA. I expect the university to expel this individulas..they dont deserve a second
chance and they dont deserve to be affiliated with UCLA. If the outcome of this this situation is anything other
than expulsion, then i will distance myslef from UCLA, and never mention it again since i wont feel the same about
the instituiton. I am only years of age. People like me will have more capital and choices, and when the time
comes i will consider this situation and the action by those in authoritiy when i decide how and where to spend my
money. i hope this office takes my message into consideration.

Sent from my iPhone

From: Dick Powers
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Three Basketball Players
Date: Saturday, November 11, 2017 10:31:42 AM

This is the time to show your backbone. Three players have embarrassed your great university. They should not be
allowed to continue to represent UCLA on the court.


Sent from my IPAD

Dick Powers
Powers and Company, Inc.
Founded 1991
From: Wayne Borchardt
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
Subject: Three Basketball Players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 6:23:57 AM

To Whom It May Concern:

I heard that China released the three basketball players from your school. They dodged a real bullet
because I can not think of anything worse than being locked up abroad, away from family and friends. I
also heard that UCLA is yet to make a decision regarding these players. Higher education is not just
about what students learn from books. Our universities, especially our better institutions are also
suppose to be teaching life lessons. If these players commit theft and they were caught on tape and they
get away with committing these crimes they learn the wrong lesson. There needs to be some significant
penalty that these players must pay or they will only learn that you can commit a crime, get caught on
tape and get away with it.

If you don't expel these players it only shows that if you are good at sports you can commit any crime and
get away with it. Athletes are not above the law. UCLA must demonstrate it has high standards. Get rid
of these students because they are a blemish on the school.

Wayne Borchardt
From: Killian"s
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Three bb players in China
Date: Monday, November 13, 2017 10:22:31 AM

I am asking that you take serious action with the 3 bb players. This
obviously is about a whole lot more than sunglasses. All of the young
people out here must experience that if you do something like this then
there are serious consequences. And that if you are famous or of a
famous family then these actions don't apply. NO! They do apply.
Eldon Killian
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Three shoplifting basketball players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 9:48:05 PM

Chancellor Block,

"Suspended indefinitely?" Seriously? That's all?

This was not a small child taking a candy bar from a 7-Eleven.

Three basketball players, representing our university, our state and our country, committed
crimes in a country where they were guests and created an embarrassing international

The appropriate punishment is to kick all three off the team permanently, rescind any
scholarships or other financial support, and evict them from campus housing. Furthermore, no
taxpayer or alumni funds should be used to support three men who disrespected the
opportunity they were given to be goodwill ambassadors in China, an opportunity that could
have been given to more worthy students.

Yes, the UCLA basketball team will suffer a shortage of players this year. But it would be far
worse for UCLA to suffer a shortage of integrity.

don't deserve another chance to play for UCLA.


UCLA Class of 1979

From: Mark Tilley
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Three students who sole goods in China
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 4:58:55 PM

I am disturbed greatly that your temporary suspension of these young men send not only a terrible message to your
student body but to the deeper issue of the moral fiber of life with others. If your universities focus is upon
winning ball games over teaching and exemplifying the golden rule this will be a stumbling block not only to your
students but to the college system. Show your strength. Expect more , demand more and permanently suspend
those students!

Dr Mark A. Tilley

Sent from my iPad

From: Jerel Autrey
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Three Thieves
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 5:45:15 AM

I’m writing to say expel these three thieves from school to teach them a valuable lesson in life that
there are consequences in life for your actions. If you let these three thieves off with a slap on the
hand what kind of message does that convey to the rest of the students who don’t take things for
granted, just because they play basketball? These three think because they are on a scholarship
they are untouchable and can do and get away with what ever they want! had
to work way through college and wasn’t given a free ride like these three thieves! So please
send a stern message to these three and the rest of the U.S. that this behavior will not be
tolerated!! And I conducted myself as an ambassador for the U.S. while in
foreign lands by respecting their cultures and laws!
Thank You

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: David Schminck
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Three Thieving Basketball Players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:40:44 PM

Ask China for the surveillance tapes that prove the crime then expel the thieving student athletes!

What are you saying, Chancellor? Words. Words. Words. What are you doing, Chancellor? Nothing.
Nothing. Nothing.


David Schminck
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Thursday, November 9, 2017 10:25:00 AM

Dear Chancellor,

As an American, and as a UC Berkeley graduate, I think you should throw those thieves off of the team.
They have brought shame to the US and to UCLA.

BA Berkeley 1967
From: Bob Russell
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Thugs in basketball
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 12:22:25 PM

Great job recruiting athletes with high standards and integrity.

I’m sure they will be given 15 minutes in the corner and then given back the keys to the
castle. You already had the president get them out of confinement. Sets a great example for getting away with
Who knows that might be next. What is wrong with these pampered kids is their pampered by everyone and they
don’t know right from wrong or they wouldn’t have shoplifted. Apparently it was from 3 different stores according
to video.
I’m sure Wooden is rolling in his grave and I don’t think he’s even dead.
From: Jeffrey Burns
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Trash
Date: Saturday, November 11, 2017 2:30:33 AM

Why would you ever let trash like that out of the country?? It aint no big deal!
No other country in the world would take the crap that we do from a minority 13% of a population for the majority
of crime and other A-Z

Any other minority in the US seem to be able to make it along with a moral compass.

Not to excuse slavery but for decade's now that wants to half way follow the program will make it. Its
time to not hear any more excuses and crutching!
From: Rick A
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Trip
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:16:01 PM

Please be a man and do the right thing with these 3 spoiled underachievers. Just one time!!

Rick Almand
From: Ryan Randall
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Cc: AD
Subject: Tweet by Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:51:03 PM

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)

11/15/17, 7:11 AM
Do you think the three UCLA Basketball Players will say thank you President Trump?
They were headed for 10 years in jail!

Download the Twitter app

From: John Sullivan
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA "Abassadors"
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 6:36:48 PM

Educationally, it seems you needed to conduct a seminar on how to represent the United States and UCLA overseas,
BEFORE any of your students disembarked. You signally failed.

I am a licensed attorney in California, and I am extremely disappointed in your supervision.

So, we sent thieves and otherwise seeming derelicts to China in the name of UCLA and The United States of
America? It appears there is no bottom to the educational level at UCLA .

Bottom line: their education their should be terminated at once; Their athletics are also finished there.

You need to recommend that they not be rewarded with any professional contracts. This is for the good of the
United States (and UCLA). What else is more appropriate under the circumstances? Any thing else is a reward.
Who paid for the PR Firm(s) who prepared their ‘statements on TV?

Is there anything wrong with my reasoning, Mr. Chancellor?

I would invite a discussion, knowing it is too political. But can we count upon YOU to do the RIGHT THING?

From: Thomas Gaard
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA atheletes China
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:17:14 PM

I certainly expect that UCLA does the right thing and expels the athletes from UCLA. Doing what is right takes
courage and exceptions can never be made regardless of the financial impact. I will be very disappointed and very
vocal if expulsion is not what occurs. I live my life professionally and personally on a set of values I learned while
young. I am not perfect, have made mistakes and have paid the price for some of these but I bear no ill will to those
who punished me. I deserved it and am better because of it.

Sent from my iPhone

From: Betty Franklin
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD
Subject: UCLA Athletes in China
Date: Thursday, November 9, 2017 8:15:37 AM

I am waiting to read that UCLA has expelled the three students arrested in China.
They were representing the university and the country, and their behavior was
horrific in a guest country.

While they're lucky not to be sitting in a Chinese prison, they must learn the
consequences of their bad behavior. Suspending for a couple of games or another
'slap on the wrist' would teach nothing. Expulsion is the consequence a non-athlete
would receive, and they deserve no less.

Betty Jean Franklin

From: paul s
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA ball players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 12:35:11 PM

Dear sir, I cannot help but write to you concerning the three ball players,
for their disrespecting the Chinese people, and especially the American in
their arrest for stealing in a foreign country. These three need to be expelled from your great
University, not just for the theft, but for dishonoring the tradition of this University. These
three should not get a pass, just because of the color of their skin. Right is Right, and Wrong
is Wrong, and this is an insult on all Americans. The old adage of the Ugly American seems so
true by the actions of these people. Please do not sweep it under the rug, and slap their
hands, just so they can continue to play for the team. Do the honorable action and expel
them from the University. Sincerely P. Simonyi
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA basektball shame
Date: Saturday, November 11, 2017 9:04:16 AM


I am a UCLA Engineering graduate, and the parent of a High School hockey player, robotics
enthusiast and Bruin hopeful. We look up to Bruin athletes, students and administration as
what an excellent University should be, and his motivation to work hard to get there.

I am deeply appalled to read in the news today that three of our (?) basketball players have
shamed our school by shoplifting on tour.

Should these allegations prove true, I hope they are gone very quickly. This is NOT what UCLA
is about.

From: Kevin Malee
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basket Ball Players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:28:56 AM

RE: Basketball Program

The 3 student athletics need to sit for the year for their poor judgement and crime in China.
Anything less, tells the UCLA community and the world that you take a blind eye to this kind
of behavior. It is an honor to play sports at the college level and especially at UCLA.
Do the right thing….sit the boys for the season. They can play next year.

Kevin Malee
From: Sean McCaughan
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Ucla basketball
Date: Sunday, November 12, 2017 11:29:18 AM

If you do not expell those three basketball players it would be a crime and injustice to 3 three other students who
could use a scholarship . I know it does not matter to you but I will no longer be rooting for UCLA

Sent from my iPhone

From: Thomas A. McCaffrey
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball - Player"s Misconduct
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 11:05:48 AM


I don’t usually write emails to university leaders about items in the news. However, the response (or
lack thereof) by your institution regarding the recent shoplifting by UCLA basketball players while in
China, is very disturbing. These players have violated completely the code of conduct expected of a
student-athlete at an institution such as UCLA. And for your head coach to say these are “good kids”
at a news conference, is ludicrous. Shoplifting is a crime and I expect UCLA does not condone
criminal actions by anyone involved with the university. If a member of the university’s staff was
found shoplifting, would they not be dismissed?

Unless UCLA pulls these players scholarships and dismisses them from the school, any future
discussions about the UCLA basketball program being the legacy of John Wooden is hypocritical. A
review of his “Pyramid of Success” clearly outlines why UCLA has not just been a great basketball
program, but has also help mold over the years young men of character. Coach Wooden believed
that integrity and character are the cornerstones of success. He also said, “Sports do not build
character. They reveal it." This is not only true of the athletes, but also of those responsible for the
leadership of intercollegiate programs and what they represent. Hopefully, John Wooden would be
proud of the decision made by the university on how it addresses this matter.

Tom McCaffrey
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball & China
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:15:15 PM

Chancellor Block,

The recent events involving three of the schools basketball players in China is appalling and
the national attention that it has focused on the school is a total embarrassment. The recent
revelations disclosed by the FBI about potential violations in the men's basketball programs at
other major universities seems to have gratefully spared UCLA but the acts of these three
members of the men's team have probably received more national attention and it's specific to
one school.

It's my guidance and expectation that these three individuals are dismissed from both the team
and the school immediately.


MBA 1977
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA basketball
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 4:36:12 PM

Dear Chancellor,

Please do the right thing and expel the basketball players for the what they did in China. What
an embarrassment to the UCLA community. You will disappointment so many if you let this
go. Give scholarships to kids who want to build rockets to the moon!

Please set an example of "Student-Athlete".

UCLA family
From: john p olivas
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 11:51:04 PM

Dear Mr. Chancellor,

My name is John P. Olivas & I am writing to you in regards to my feelings toward the messy
situation with your detained ball players.

I am not an alumni of UCLA, but I have always regarded your university as a fine institution of
learning which has supplied many fine ethics & ideas while turning students into contributing
members of society. The situation with your 3 basketball players really disturbs me because
this does not only make your university look bad but our country as well. I am concerned that
these players will be dealt preferred treatment because

I would really like to encourage you to give this matter sufficient thought & give out the
appropriate punishment you feel suits the situation. I am thinking that these players will be
getting a slap on the wrist. I would like to call for their expulsion from school, but I want to
put faith in your judgement. I'm not sure this would be a factor if any of these players were
not valuable members of the team.

Mr. Chancellor, I just ask of you that this not be taken likely & show your students when you
go abroad somewhere, you must respect the laws & cultures of that nation & not put yourself
over these things because you are privileged or because you are an American. Thank you for
your attention & your time & wishing you success.

Respectfully yours,

John P. Olivas
Whittier, Ca.
From: Vin Rajcula
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA basketball ambassadors to China... LOL
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 7:12:20 PM


With all due respect, the three boys on the men's basketball team that were caught stealing are
an embarrassment to all Americans!

I expect that all three will be removed from the team and also your prestigious university. It's
time to stop all this entitlement towards athletes and let them know that criminal behaviour
will not be tolerated! Sunglasses... really?

Do what is right.

Vin Rajcula
From: simon simon
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball Athletes in China
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 12:50:52 PM

Chancellor Block-

Please do not give up on these young UCLA men. Stick by them & help them grow.

-Simon Gee
From: Gina Petrak
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball Crime in China
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 3:01:02 PM

The UCLA Chancellor Gene Block stated, “I want to be clear that we take seriously any
violations of the law.”

What do you mean when you say that you take criminal behavior seriously? Do you mean that
the scholar-athletes who commit crimes should go to jail, or do you mean that scholar-athletes
are not punished because UCLA does not want to offend its donating alumni and partying
students? To put this situation in perspective, if a student makes another student
uncomfortable he can be expelled, but when a scholar-athlete commits a felony he is allowed
to continue in school. Now, you might say that these scholar-athletes are innocent. If that is
so, then they should have stayed in China and proven their innocence.

Hypocrisy is rarely recognized by the hypocrite.


Gina A. Petrak
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball Player in China
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:19:05 PM

Hello, I need to voice my opinion on the situation with the three players detained in China. As an
alumni, I am thoroughly embarrassed…enough so to contemplate pulling off my UCLA License plate
frames. I believe that the three should be expelled for the shame and embarrassment they have
caused UCLA, the PAC 12 and the country. At a minimum, kick them off the team and revoke any
monetary support and see if theses “student”-athletes really want the world class education UCLA

In the past couple of months, I have sent emails to the AD stating my opinion that I wouldn’t want a
to come and do a “one and done”. There are more deserving students that have been
displaced and the distraction that causes is not worth the risk.

Think of the university as a whole, don’t frame the discussion in the context of sports (and money).

Thanks for your time

Desk: Cell:
To: AD
Cc: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:52:14 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

I’m writing to you as an alumnae who is married to an alumnus (B.S. ’91, medical internship ’96). We
are avid fans of the University, and support financially as we are able. We are immensely
disappointed in the alleged behavior of the 3 basketball players who were representing us in China.
The involvement of the sorry excuse we have for a President makes this situation even more
horrifying, as the University is now beholden to him, albeit in a non-substantive though publicly
humiliating way.

We hope the University and the Athletic Department take appropriate disciplinary action against
these players. As a public university especially, showing leniency to these student athletes smacks of
privilege and entitlement that would do much damage to UCLA’s reputation and standing. (We are
not ‘SC, after all.) Please do not let the long-term integrity of our athletics program and University as
a whole be sacrificed for the potential of near-term success with these young players.

Best Regards,
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA basketball players
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 1:45:46 PM

I heard on the news about the 3 UCLA basketball players stealing merchandise in China. I think that is
reprehensible and should not be taken lightly in spite of sports alumni pressure and other athletic
pressures to keep those players playing. I think they should be suspended for one season of at lest half
and made to do summer community service in China. Stick to your Vision and Values statement or it is

Gary Isoardi
San Mateo Ca
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA basketball players arrested in China
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 12:37:52 PM

Dear Chancellor Block-

The three UCLA basketball players that have been arrested for shoplifting in China during our president's visit is a
serious matter that should be dealt with with the harshest possible penalty. It is an embarrassment to UCLA and to
the United States of America that these three miscreants have broken the laws of another country in so flagrant a
manner. Due to the importance of President Trump's meeting in China, I suspect that your three students will be
sent home unpunished by the Chinese government. Do they not know how serious it is to be arrested and convicted
in China?
If they do evade prosecution in China, they should be immediately removed from the UCLA basketball team and
expelled from the University. Anything less would be a massive failure on your part to uphold the credibility of
Pete Hennrikus

Sent from XFINITY Connect Application

From: Steve Uthoff
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball Players Detained in China
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 10:40:27 AM

Dr. Block, I have no past or present affiliation with your fine institution, and I am not even a resident of
California. However, I am an American, and I was embarrassed by the actions of your 3 student
athletes. They rightfully deserved to be tried and punished under Chinese law. But it appears that our
President had to use precious political capital to intervene on their behalf, and that makes their actions
directly relevant to all Americans. I hope you treat these three harshly. They deserve to be expelled
from your institution as soon as they return.

Steve Uthoff
Houston, Texas
From: Dr Rogers
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball players in China
Date: Sunday, November 12, 2017 5:14:07 AM

Dear Chancellor Block,

I am both shocked and saddened over the recent events in China, and i am sure you are as well.
It is unfortunate that the actions of a few distracted attention from the great performance of the team. I would hope
that the young men involved might learn that actions have consequences,
and that they not receive deferential treatment. In my opinion, they should not be permitted to play basketball for
UCLA in the future.


James H. Rogers, D.M.D., M.D.

Sent from my iPad

From: Chris Lonn
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA basketball players in China
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:04:10 AM


This debacle in China with the three UCLA basketball players is a stain on UCLA and its fine basketball program.
The honorable and reasonable thing to do is strip all three players of their scholarships and terminate them from the
basketball team. The example must be made of these three players who seem awfully entitled. This is a life
learning lesson for them. Please act accordingly.

Chris Lonn
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA basketball players in China
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:31:59 AM

Dear Chancellor,

I am the mother of an optimistic 2017 neuroscience graduate. My son was admitted as an out-of-state student and I
am so proud of him and grateful to UCLA. My son found his academic groove at UCLA. He had the support and
freedom to become a better student while encouraged to nurture the good person that he is inside naturally. Not an
easy task for a university to promote these days. We heard you speak at the graduation and we were more than
thrilled. UCLA doesn’t just talk the talk, it delivers.
We credit the university with providing him the confidence and education to allow him to be a contributing member
of society, which was our goal in raising our children.

I am not a believer in punishment generally. In this case, just as an observer, my preference is the expulsion of these
students. My reasoning is simple. They were old enough to represent UCLA and the US in China and they shamed
us internationally. There is no excuse for their behavior. As guests in China at a time when the president has made
us all feel less safe globally, these students placed their own frivolous greed over our well-being. Whether or not,
deep down, they are good people, is something they will have to come to terms with as they age. For UCLA, if
these young men are allowed to continue to be students there, at a time when entitlement is under such scrutiny
because of the misdeeds in Washington, in Hollywood, news agencies, workplaces, academia and homes
throughout the country, giving these players a pass adds insult to injury. Our moral and ethical scales are calibrated
today to benefit the powerful over the ordinary. If they stay on campus, it may appear that UCLA is putting a
thumb on the scale promoting star power at a time when we are at a moral crossroads.

UCLA is a beacon for us. I trust whatever decision you make, because I trust you and your accomplishments and
stewardship. I just wanted to be able to let you know how one mother feels.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball Players in China
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 12:36:20 PM


I was shocked to learn that three UCLA basketball players were caught shoplifting in China. It ruins UCLA's
reputation for all of us. I believe these three players should be suspended from the team for the full year—and I
would even support having their scholarships suspended or other disciplinary action taken.

Crime should not pay. These players should have already learned about right and wrong and taking personal
responsibility—obviously they haven’t. Their actions should not be condoned or we are sending the wrong message
about our fine university—and we will never
live it down.

Thank you.

Anderson ‘79
From: Cathy Blackburn
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; UCLA BBall
Subject: UCLA Basketball Players in China
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 2:18:57 PM

Dear Chancellor Block and Mr. Alford –

After hearing that when the players returned and so far, you have only suspended them temporarily
from the team I was outraged. UCLA should expel them from the University permanently, the NCAA
should suspend them from ever playing basketball for any other school ever again and they should
never be allowed to be signed by any NBA team.
You obviously have a different code of conduct for athletes on scholarship than you do for anyone
else. These students would have been in prison in China for many years and wouldn’t have been
students or played on your team.
Do the right thing and expel them from the UCLA now.
Cathy Blackburn
From: chris w
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; UCLA Media Relations
Subject: UCLA Basketball Players Shoplifting CRIMES in CHINA
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 2:40:05 PM

To: Chancellor Gene Block

and to whom it may concern

The 3 UCLA Basketball Players Caught and Arrested for SHOPLIFTING in CHINA,and now

They SHAME UCLA and THE AMERICAN IMAGE and REPUTATION,and should not just
get away with just a SLAP ON THE HAND!!

THEY were LUCKY to not face the "SAME STANDARD PUNISHMENT" of CHINA,just
because of POTUS Visit Timing....and SHAME to the WORLD NEWS OF THIS



Chris W.
disgusted by Americans thinking they can do whatever in
other countries,and get away with it.....No wonder we are LOSING our GOOD


From: Frank Meredith
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Ucla basketball players should be expelled
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 7:11:07 PM
attachments from your system as well as destroy any copy of the e-mail and printout
thereof. Thank you.
From: donna nelson
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball players suspended
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 10:12:32 AM

Dear Chancellor,

When the UCLA basketball team went to China to play in front of a Chinese audience they
were representing not just the university, or the PAC-12. They were representing me, an
American Citizen. For this reason I am deeply disappointed with the actions of three of the
players who have now confessed to their shoplifting while in China representing the United
States. Upon hearing that these players were only being suspended for an indefinite amount
of time from the team also has disappointed me. I hope that the university will look at the
severity of damage done to the reputation of the university, the PAC-12, and more
importantly to the country. I hope this 'slap on the wrist' suspention from the team isn't all
that will happen.

I realize that to many terminating their scholarships, if they are on one, and/or removing them
from the team permanently would seem harsh, however, the life lesson learned would be
worth more than just a slap on the wrist.

Please remember, from what has been reported these three were facing a ten year prison
sentence if President Trump hadn't intervened on their behalf. Also, we as a nation have been
embarrassed by your players and lost face in the eyes of the Chinese.

Thank you for taking the time to read my concern.

Dale Nelson
PAC-12 fan & American Citizen

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA basketball players who were thieves in China
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 4:33:57 PM

Chancellor do the right thing expel the basketball players! Indefinite suspension from
the basketball team? That is a molehill to the mountain that they climbed to
embarrass the university system and the United States of America. The father of
one of the players is wrong it is a big thing. Bruce Coffin Saratoga Springs New York
From: Teresa Tindall
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA basketball players
Date: Thursday, November 9, 2017 6:01:16 PM

Dear Sir,

I am horrified that young men representing our country from your school have gone to China and shoplifted. These
young men are old enough to know better. I do not think this is the type of example you want for the rest of your
students. I hope when they return home you not only kick them off the team but out of UCLA. Anything less I feel
will give permission to other students to act like fools also. If I had a college aged child I would not be wanting to
send my child to your school if this situation is not addressed with dismissal. Will be watching to see how you
handle this disrespectful situation.


Teresa Tindall Kilgore

From: Jill Turek
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball Players
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 10:02:30 AM

Dear Chancellor Block,

As a proud Bruin alumna, I'm embarrassed and horrified by the recent international news of the
three UCLA basketball players stealing while representing UCLA in a foreign country. These
young men have tarnished the reputation of the school. The only thing that could worsen the
reputation of the school, and further embarrass the alumni, is to administer a 'slap on the wrist'
to these players with a suspension, instead of properly expelling them from the university. The
university must act with integrity. It must dispel the notion that engagement with criminal activity
while representing UCLA will be met with leniency. I would not be surprised if there was a large
backlash from the alumni, including one financial in nature, if these players are allowed to
continue on at UCLA.


Jill Turek
From: Mitch Lacosse
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA basketball players
Date: Thursday, November 9, 2017 4:10:02 PM

Really, chancellor...REALLY ??

Innocent until proven guilty...ok...but if those players did what they are accused of - GET THEM OFF

This is bordering on the absurd. The UCLA players and team are in a visiting country...representing OUR
country...even worse, while OUR President is over there - are you kidding me??

These players are a foot taller than everyone over there to begin with...that alone might drawn a few extra
looks...and they are still so irresponsible, evidently so poorly brought up, and so stupid...yes, I must use
the word STUPID that they still steal???

You need to do a much better job screening your incoming students (oh, excuse me...we all know these
are not really "students")...your basketball recruits - because for every one of them that would do
something like this...there are a dozen others who would love to have the same opportunity to go to
college and get a good education and actually do something with their lives and for society...rather than
just bounce a basketball.


Mitch LaCosse
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball Players
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 8:50:55 AM

I expected more of you, the University, Dan Guerrero and Steve Alford.

Where is the principled response and punishment to the crimes committed by these players.

I think you’re more concerned about sponsorship money and winning than about being strong, proud of what you
stand for - not only doing the right thing but setting an example.

I’m sorry to say that UCLA has sunken to the depths of USC.

(MBA ‘84)
From: Janis Kendall
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball Players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 11:41:10 PM

Chancellor Block:

As has everyone in this country and abroad, I have followed the news about the three
young men who were in China as representatives of your fine school. These men
have admitted to committing a serious crime in another country. This is a stain on
our country--not just UCLA and the UC System. Your own regulations and policies

Students are members of both society and the academic community with
attendant rights and responsibilities. Students are expected to make
themselves aware of and comply with the law, and with University and campus
policies and regulations. While many of UCLA’s policies and regulations
parallel federal, state and local laws, UCLA’s standards may be set higher. The
regulations within the UCLA Student Conduct Code have been developed to
create and maintain a safe, supportive, and inclusive campus community that
engages students in order to foster their academic success, personal growth
and responsible citizenship. Students are considered to be maturing adults,
capable of making their own decisions, as well as accepting the
consequences for those decisions. [Emphasis mine]

In addition, the first three "True Bruin Values" clearly state that this type of
behavior is not tolerated.

The President of the United States should not have to intervene to circumvent
another country's system of law. That is not accepting consequences for one's
decisions/actions. It is inexcusable for American citizens to commit crimes in other
countries expecting not to have to answer to those crimes. These basketball players
were representatives of MY country and I do not appreciate it being sullied in this

Some people on the newscasts have indicated that these students "should not have
their lives ruined for one mistake." First of all, knowingly committing a crime is not a
"mistake." Second of all, if it is considered a mistake, it is a BIG mistake. It now
seems to be commonplace that athletes do not have to answer for their

I think that these students, who happen to be athletes, should be suspended from
school; not just from sports. When one commits a crime, one has to have
consequences. The players should not be able to separate the student from the
athlete for these consequences. The privilege of attending a university, especially a
public university, should be reserved for those who conduct themselves properly.
Suspend them from the University for a year, with a reduction in the sports eligibility
of one year. (They would only be able to play for three years instead of four.) Some
people may think this harsh; however, that is significantly less time than they would
have received in the Chinese legal system where they would have been


Janis Kendall
American Citizen
From: David Michalak
To: Scherer, Dawn; Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball Players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 5:18:54 PM

It is very disappointing to hear that UCLA has taken a NO ACTION position regarding
disciplinary action regarding the three Basketball player who disgraced our county, UCLA
and themselves with their thievery.
UCLA appears to be testing the waters of public opinion to see how to proceed in this matter
when leadership, justice and reality should prevail.
The three student athletes should in the least be banned from representing UCLA athletics and
UCLA University. Any scholarships should be forfeited and in reality the three should tried in
United States courts for their unlawful acts and serve any appropriate sentence.
These young men should be responsible for their actions as should UCLA University. By
inaction and leniency UCLA is condoning such actions.

Please reconsider your inaction in this crime and lead rather follow.

David Michalak
From: Kirks Gmail
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD
Subject: UCLA Basketball Players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 4:44:43 PM

Dear Chancellor Block,

I am writing to you to express my extreme disappointment with how you, the athletic department, and the leadership
of UCLA have handled the incident involving your student athletes in China.

I have been an admirer of the university, and the foundation of integrity that the university has reflected both
academically and athletically for the last 30 years. UCLA has represented the highest of standards in all aspects of
university life, not only in Southern California and the PAC-12, but on a national and global stage as well.

That standard of excellence has been badly tarnished by the cowardly response given in today’s press conference
regarding the criminal actions of your student athletes. I don’t use the word cowardly lightly. However, in this
instance I can think of no better way to describe your response. While I recognize that you were not directly
involved, the buck does stop at your desk.

The standard of behavior to which a representative of the university must be held has to be higher. And, as paid and
quite visible representatives of the university, these young men have failed egregiously. The punishment they would
have received in China (if not for the political interventions) would have been severe. I am not suggesting that such
punishment be applied domestically, however immediate expulsion from the university, and the loss of scholarship
should have been your response.

If the university wanted to show grace to the young men, and allow them the opportunity to re-enroll for the 2018-
19 academic year, that would be an appropriate level of compassion.

As it stands now, you have allowed UCLA to be significantly tarnished, and revealed to be nothing more than
another in a long line of “academic” institutions pandering to the athletic dollar. Be better than that. Hold UCLA
and her students to the higher standards of behavior that the institution has long professed to value.

Respectfully yours,

Kirk Wolf

Sent from my iPad

From: Tammy Almquist
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball Players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 10:12:41 AM

Dear Chancellor’s office,

I am exceptionally disappointed in the behavior of the entitled freshman basketball players who
stole sunglasses in China. I sincerely hope they will lose their scholarships and be expelled from the
University all together. Their true character has been shown to the world, please do not dismiss
their actions. They are not children and in fact are young men who knew their actions were wrong.
Unfortunately in today’s climate, athletes think they are above the law. While the Chinese
government may have graciously given these young men a second chance, please take this situation
and turn it into a teaching moment to others, punish these student athletes and remove their poor
attitudes from the campus. They thought nothing of shaming UCLA for a pair of sunglasses. They
are not worthy to wear a bruin jersey.

Thank you for your time,

Tammy Almquist
From: Millward
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball Players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 8:28:20 AM

Dear Chancellor,

If there is video proof of these players stealing in China, then they should be removed from the team
and then expelled from your school. These boys are representatives of UCLA and the school should
be embarrassed and appalled by their actions.

Do not choose ticket sale revenue over criminal behavior. It is UCLA's responsibility to prepare their
students for a successful future. If these students do not realize consequences for their actions,
then you are teaching them it is ok to behave badly. Teach them to be responsible adults.

Athletes should not receive special treatment just because your school makes money from the
program. If these boys remain on the team, that is exactly what you are choosing.


Ronda Millward
From: Linda Smith
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball Players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 6:58:28 AM

Dear Mr. Block,

I am writing to express my concern over the recent incident that occurred in China involving three students on the
UCLA basketball team. These three young men not only represented UCLA, but were also there as ambassadors
representing the United States of America - and that is you and me.

I believe it is an honor to be accepted to such a fine and highly respected academic institution such as UCLA. These
three young men were most likely recruited because of their athletic ability. So in addition to an outstanding
education they also have the potential to pursue professional basketball careers after graduation.

Sadly these young men appear to lack a moral compass that differentiates between “right and wrong” and have
embraced an attitude of entitlement. It would be very unfortunate if when they return to the United States and to
UCLA they were not disciplined over this incident. I believe they should be benched for the rest of this season.

Please hold them accountable for their actions; both for their sakes and for the reputation of UCLA!

and Linda Smith

Sent from my iPad

From: Larry
To: AD
Cc: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball Players
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 12:23:02 PM
Importance: High

Hi Dan,

I am a big UCLA fan and if it is all about winning and not about what is the correct thing to do, let
them play. I don’t care how young they are, if this happened in the US at any other school these
players would at the least be suspended for the season, even if they were star players. To debate
should it be half the season means it is all about winning. Even thought it might hurt the team do
the right thing and suspend for the whole season.

Best regards,
Larry Kaye
From: Michael Gillespie
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Date: Friday, November 17, 2017 12:28:58 PM






To: AD; Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball Program
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:03:23 PM

Dear Gentleman,

As a graduate from UCLA I too was appalled at the conduct of the three players in China for shoplifting.

I was grateful to hear their heart felt remorse but am astonished at the penalty. I ask myself what the great John
Wooden have done?

There is no question in he would have kicked off all three from the team. Anything less is a dishonor to his memory
and a crack in the foundation that makes a UCLA great, namely integrity. By merely suspending these players you
are sending a very clear message that UCLA puts athletics above personnel responsibility and are inviting future
problems. When the President of the United States has to get involved to procure freedom for illegal activities
conducted on international soil I’m sorry but a suspension is a joke.

If we’re not developing these young men’s character what are we doing? I am humbly requesting that you take
another look at the situation. Kids like this should never be allowed to represent UCLA. In this circumstance, once
is enough.


Class 1982
From: Bob Mann
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball Punishment
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 6:51:08 PM

Dear Chancellor Block:

I would like to briefly express my view on the alleged shoplifting incident and punishment.

First, I acknowledge that I don’t know the facts of what transpired in China. However, given President Trump’s
comment that the boys could have been incarcerated for 10 years, I’m assuming the boys were guilty of a crime, at
least to some degree.

I heard that the boys were suspended for a undetermined period of time (they have to earn their way back on the
team). Further, I heard their comments at the press conference and was totally underwhelmed.

Saying that you “didn’t use your best judgement” is a total understatement. In fact, you used your worst judgement.

As an educator, and educational institution, it’s your job to insure they truly understand it. I don’t think your vague
punishment accomplished that.

As a matter of fact,
proves it. Saying the boys can earn their way back to the team implies that they will be reinstated this year.

When Duke punished a basketball player for a lesser indiscretion last season, he only sat out a game or two (and
then reoffended).

If coaches of your team had shoplifted, they would have been fired. These kids should be suspended at least one
season; and it should have been stated up front. The “earn their way back on to the team” language should have
been applicable to next season.

Bottom line, if this were my son, I would have suspended him myself (and have been supportive if the university
had done so).

This is what’s wrong about sports — athletes can do whatever they want with little consequence. Please teach them
a proper lesson.

Not just a mere “timeout.”

Robert Mann

Sent from my iPhone

From: John Frick
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Cc:;;; AD; UCLA BBall
Subject: UCLA Basketball Shame
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 11:25:57 AM

Dear Chancellor Block,

UCLA is a university recognized throughout our country and world as an academic

and athletic powerhouse.
it is hard to not be impressed with the dramatic achievements of UCLA
professors, students and programs. Your most recent recognition is truly one of
shame - student athletes shoplifting in China. UCLA has these three young men to
thank for putting the Bruins name in a negative global spotlight. The athletic
department has an opportunity to teach these young men an important life lesson -
"accountability for one's actions". This appears to be something desperately missing
in our society and especially in athletics and professional athletics.

These three young men have apologized for their offenses. Their statements were
read and no questions were allowed. They seem embarrassed and sorry but the
ability to truly understand the depths of their misdeed is missing. The university has
a responsibility to discipline these young men. They should no longer be allowed to
play basketball as a Bruin as they do not represent what this university stands for.
The boldness to commit this kind of crime not once but three times in a country that
is often in opposition to our own. To do these acts when our own president is visiting
China is like "flipping the President off". Didn't a woman lose her job over doing
something like that?? The arrogance of these young men shakes me. Without a
doubt I would assume that the university prepared their students and faculty to visit
China and the importance and responsibility of representing our country. But once
again those rules do not apply to these student athletes. They are different. Most
likely adults have been telling them that they are the best, giving accolades and
special awards, creating men who feel superior and infallible. I can't help but wonder
if these had been three college students or regular citizens and not high profile
student athletes if they would have received the same treatment or would they still be
in a Chinese jail cell (not house arrest in a five star hotel). These men need to be
accountable and should never wear a Bruin jersey again. Simply put-they screwed
up. Yes we all make mistake, yes they are "young and foolish" but we only breed
more of that when we tolerate it.

I live in Kansas and I have to ask myself why this riles me up so much.
; I think I have a pretty good handle on the
mentality of a young person. Without a doubt make mistakes as we all
do. With confidence I can say that they would never embarrass themselves, their
school or their country in this manner. They have been held accountable for their
actions. They are successful and compassionate individuals. They have pride in
themselves and a desire to honor their families. "Why did these young men do
We have to examine the UCLA program itself. On the university's webpage it states,
"As the home of world class champions, UCLA makes a statement as a global
university" and that "The relentless UCLA appetite for success has become a
tradition and legacy". UCLA, now is the time to be a global leader and honor more
than success. Set the standard that integrity, character, honesty and honor are the
hallmark of your school. Do this now to be the example for other universities to
follow. Be that bold school that you claim to be and never allow student athletes who
dishonor the university to represent UCLA as an athlete again.

Pam Frick
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Cc: AD;
Subject: UCLA basketball student-athletes vs Chinese military thefts
Date: Saturday, November 11, 2017 11:45:40 AM

Chancellor Block,

It seems China and the Chinese military can steal millions of dollars of University of California intellectual property
and nothing is done by you or the University of California. But, China is at liberty to embarrass and detain
UCLA student-athletics? Are UCLA and Georgia Tech (GT) basketball players so threatening that it tasks 20
Chinese Gestapo police to investigate sunglasses theft?

Let's talk about real theft by China.

Are UCLA students or UCLA researches required to disclose their relationship to the Chinese military or Chinese
How many UCLA students or UCLA researches served or are serving in the Chinese military or are collecting a
Chinese pension?
Is Chinese military service required to be disclosed to UCLA or the University of California?
What are the punishments and loss of benefits for failure to disclose relationships to the Chinese military or Chinese
What actions are UCLA and the University of California doing to detect, prevent, and be compensated for Chinese
theft of UCLA or University of California Intellectual Property (IP)?

Why is UCLA and the Pac 12 entering into relationships and visiting a communist country with known hostility
towards blacks, a pervasive history of IP theft, and the sophisticated tools to steal even more IP with greater access
that these relationships provide?

I expected the GT basketball game to be cancelled without the release the 3 basketball players. Is UCLA just going
to leave these three UCLA student-athletics in China? Is UCLA going to continue to have relationships with a
communist country that intentionally embarrasses black student athletics.


UCLA Class of 1990

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD
Subject: UCLA basketball students under house arrest
Date: Thursday, November 9, 2017 9:51:10 AM

Dear Chancellor Block and Mr. Guerrero,

Why hasn't UCLA forfeited the GT basketball game and returned home for discipline? The accusations of
shoplifting is an embarrassment to UCLA alumni and the country. But, what does the UCLA basketball team (not
under house arrest) do when some team members create an international incident and black-eye for UCLA and
USA? ...They go to Disneyland (Shanghai). While I can understand the desire to not miss out on perks, the
impressions are not good.

UCLA and UCLA athletics' need to have a strong response to either protect or discipline these students. To not do
so, just leads to rumors and uninformed expectations.

I do not have all the facts, so my judgement is withheld. However, China may not be a good place to be sending our
young students in the future.


UCLA class of 1990

From: Lori Johnson
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball team
Date: Thursday, November 9, 2017 4:19:32 PM

Good evening,

Student athletes have a lot of responsibility and are held to the highest standards. I understand
because I was a student athlete. These expectations were clear when I started college.

Unfortunately, the shoplifting incident that occurred in China involving 3 freshman basketball
players is not only a disgrace to student athletes and to the country, it should be a disgrace to
UCLA. They are lucky if they only have to serve a house arrest in a hotel rather face the full
extent of Chinese law. They are also lucky that this incident happened in China, rather than
in another country like North Korea. Do your students even know the story of Otto

Frankly, their actions are a disgrace and an embarrassment to student athletes and to the
country. I believe they have lost their privileges. They don't deserve to play NCAA
collegiate ball.

Lori Johnson
From: Jackie Blank
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Ucla basketball team
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 5:48:31 PM

Dear Dr. Block,

I am not an alumnae nor do attend UCLA. However I am a fan of PAC-12, NCAA men's basketball
and . The events in China involving three players of the UCLA men's basketball
team was tragic, but even more unfortunate is the involvement of President Trump "resolving" the matter. I hope
the UCLA Athletics department will not sweep this matter under the rug. This "international incident" is a slap in
the face to the PAC-12, NCAA, UCLA, the United States of America and hard working, up standing student
athletes across the nation. If these athletes are allowed to walk away from this unpunished, it will send the wrong
message to athletes every where and only fortify the feelings of omnipotence the three in question undoubtedly
already embody. My suggestion is expulsion. They obviously violated the code of ethics for university students
and student athletes. Will winning at all costs and a possible national or regional title triumph over the integrity of
a well respected university? It will be years before people forget about this incident, please do not exacerbate that
tarnish by allowing them to continue to be associated with UCLA. Please do the right thing. Send a message of
intolerance to these privileged athletes and a message of morality to the UCLA students, athletes, PAC-12 , NCAA
and the nation. Do not let them play at UCLA.
Thank you,
J. Blank

Sent from my iPad

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball Team
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 1:06:08 PM

As an alumnus of UCLA, I am appalled and offended by the actions of the three UCLA basketball players
who chose to disgrace the university and our country by acting as common thieves in China while there
to play in a game with Georgia Tech. Their actions were willful, deliberate, and criminal, and deserve no
special treatment or consideration within the university or the criminal justice systems. I am tired of
athletes being treated as God-like entities and granted immunity and pardons for their irresponsible or
criminal behavior. These criminals stole from three different stores during a mere 90 minute free-
time period in their schedule while in China. Their actions show a complete disregard for their status as
representatives of UCLA, US citizens, and basic human beings who respect the rights of others. Social
maturity and accountability for ones actions seem to be in very short supply in our society these days,
primarily because our institutions focus only upon the almighty dollar as the standard for social morality.
These men, had a valuable opportunity before them, and squandered it three times for some idiotic
sunglasses. Was that a simple mistake, NO! These were acts of arrogance and social impunity. I urge
you to set an example to the UCLA community at large and the alumni, that this type of irresponsible
behavior will not be condoned or tolerated. If you decide to give them a minor slap on the wrist and
sweep this incident under the rug, then you will be doing a great disservice to UCLA, and society in
general by failing to act responsibly yourself. This is a fork in the path for UCLA ethics and I sincerely
hope you select the correct one.
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA basketball
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 11:01:30 AM
Attachments: UCLA basketball.docx

See attached letter.

November 15, 2017
Dear President Block,

It is with chagrin that I am compelled to contact you. Three UCLA basketball players apparently
caught in a crime while playing basketball in China deserve your immediate attention and
intervention. If I was an American citizen was caught stealing or committing a crime in China I
would not be resolved from the consequences. I certainly would not have the President of the
United States intervene and request leniency on my behalf. That is the reality of the matter.

I wonder if our student/athletes who represent your prestigious university remain committed to a
higher standard of moral conduct. This was indeed the prevailing attitude and environment during
John Wooden s tenure. Today, athletes show no standard for human decency, respect or moral

Let me remind you of Bill Walton apology which I could not express more succinctly. The noble
purpose here has been stained. Now members of our family have displayed an appalling lack of
honor, a lack of respect, a lack of decency by doing something in someone else’s home that they
would never do on their own. And I want to apologize right now on behalf of the human race for
this travesty.”

As a former educator, I feel appalled for our country and your academic institution that must bear
the humiliation and disgrace. In my judgment, these athletes need to expel from the team and lose
their scholarship. This will indeed display our intent on to rectifying a wrongdoing. Our Chinese
friends will be looking for the right penalty and I hope that you will adhere to my suggestions.


William Phillips
From: Agnes Kenworthy
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 11:15:02 AM

Those 3 boys should be kicked off of the team. They are lucky that they are not in North Korea.

They need to be punished or will feel even more entitled to do as they wish whenever they want.

The fact that drives around campus in a Ferrari and feels the need, for whatever reason, to steal is
inexcusable. When UCLA athletes fail the drug test, they are off the team. Is this not worse?

They have shamed themselves and our school. They must be punished despite the affect on the basketball
program. I expect UCLA and the athletic department to do the right thing.
From: The Moffett"s
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball
Date: Monday, November 13, 2017 9:25:14 AM

The recent actions of three UCLA Basketball players is inexcusable. Not only have they brought same
to themselves, their families. UCLA, but all Americans. They apparently never learned right from
wrong. As an institution of higher learning, UCLA could teach these "student athletes" Newton's
First Law of Physics. Yes that is right, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. How
about removing their scholarships and the privilege of representing UCLA on the basketball team.
They gave us all a black eye on the world stage.

Pat Moffett
From: Edward Grenchus
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball
Date: Thursday, November 9, 2017 10:44:12 AM

Dear Sir,
if you had ANY backbone, you would throw the thugs (oh, excuse me UCLA basketball players) off the team
for a year. They are a disgrace to the United States, UCLA, and any young aspiring athlete. If you do take severe,
swift and justifiable action I think UCLA would be looked on with high regard, integrity and as a true student
athlete institution. My fear is that the athletic organization will succumb to pressure and make up some excuse like
these thugs were poor misguided youths, they are sorry for their lapse in judgement, etc.
Please do the right thing and show the rest of the United States that UCLA does not condone criminal activity.
Thank you -- Ed Grenchus
From: Jan Lewis
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 11:15:56 AM

Dear Chancellor Block,

It’s very sad that our three basketball players are in the situation they are in China.

I did not attend UCLA but are both graduates, so I have strong ties.
I am an avid football and basket fan, having had season tickets for many years.
Once these young men return to the US, and we pray they will be able to return, please do not allow
them to maintain their scholarships; nor should they remain on the team.
Thank you for your consideration.
Jan Lewis

Jan Lewis, Accountant

JEM Financial Group, Inc
330 Wilshire Blvd. l Santa Monica, CA 90401
T 310-395-3950 l F 310-395-1122 l e-mail

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From: Jay Kaplan
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Basketball
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 8:23:29 AM

Dear Dr. Block,

The disturbing news about the shoplifting arrest of three basketball players was rendered even more
disturbing by your announcement that the safety of these student-athletes was appropriately the
paramount concern of UCLA. One would think that the paramount concern would be for those
students who find themselves in difficulty through no fault of their own. Instead, you and your
basketball coach have implied strongly that these three basketball players-thieves deserve coddling
and protection from the consequences of their multiple criminal acts. The appropriate response
would be the immediate expulsion of these athletes as a message that UCLA adheres to a standard
that does not tolerate criminal acts on the part of its ‘student’-athletes. However, this will not occur
because UCLA apparently values its won-loss record more than its reputation as an academic
institution. Therefore UCLA will likely continue to pamper and entitle its athletes, no matter what
they do – and especially so in sports like basketball in which a few good players can make a team
Disappointedly yours,
Jay Kaplan
From: MsAnastasiaSvoboda .
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA BB Players
Date: Saturday, November 11, 2017 5:31:18 PM

Good Evening,

I certainly hope that if the three basketball players did indeed shoplift anything, that UCLA
would expel them from their organization indefinitely. Their actions are extremely
embarrassing and disrespectful. If ever committed a crime, I would expect him to be
punished and to face the consequences of his actions. It is obvious to me that the parents of
these three 'men' did not raise their children correctly.

From: Alan Kehe
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD; UCLA BBall; Broussard, Duane;
Subject: UCLA can make a difference
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 8:05:02 PM


As a teacher and coach for over 30 years, and as well as being a former NCAA
student-athlete I felt, after the incident in Hangzhou, China, by three of your
basketball players, , that
your follow-up response was more damage control oriented for your public-
alumni relations more than dealing with criminals in your house. This incident
is far more than just poor decisions being made by your recruits.

As your athletic director, Mr. Guerrero mentions it was during their time off,
that this trio of thieves visited three stores and stole items. Who does this on
their spare time?

The insulting and cowardly statement by coach Alford that the players could
possibly earn their way back on the team should disqualify UCLA’s reputation
as goodwill ambassadors of basketball. This spineless response highlights
Alford’s lack of ethical and moral leadership. To even consider putting these
three back in a Bruin uniform to represent your institution would be a disgrace
to all of us who were NCAA college student-athletes as well as your own
athletic supporters.

Part of UCLA’s mission, states that civic engagement is a fundamental to a

public university. These three were caught breaking the law. This was not at
an act of civility. This was criminal behavior that was punishable by law. By
sheer providence and coincidence the US government was nearby and offered
to intervene on their behalf. How lucky this was for them.

If they would have been kept in jail in China your position as to what to do
with these disgraced players wouldn’t be deliberated because you would have
moved on with the season and let Chinese justice run its course.

However, you could now still move on with the season without them.

Also, the NCAA has their own mission, that in part states sportsmanship is a set
of behaviors to be exhibited by student-athletes. These behaviors are based on
values, especially respect and integrity. These three exhibited their true selves
by their actions. This is undeniable.

I do hope that UCLA Chancellors Block’s statement, “I want to be clear that

we take seriously any violation of the law.” actually manifests itself into real
consequences and does not equate to a second chance to play. Letting them
play again after a suspension would not constitute that these three have
redeemed themselves of their guilt, nor would it show any meaningful effort by
UCLA to solve the issue of a basketball roster with criminals (crimes while
being current members) on it. The fact that these boys are now on US soil is
their second chance and without basketball let us see if UCLA remains their
choice of an institution to get an education.

You advocate for maintaining values and standards in your campus community.
Do it and do not let these players represent your basketball program again.

Other educational institutions of learning will be watching the outcome of your

decision. I hope it is a teachable moment for all.

Thank you

Alan Kehe
From: Lulu Li
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA criminals
Date: Saturday, November 11, 2017 4:41:08 PM

As a UCLA alumni, I am shocked and ashamed at UCLA for not taking action against these criminals. You should
be ashamed of yourself for not condemning these “deplorable” acts that have brought shame upon my degree not
only in the USA but in my homeland of China.

I am asking that you disenroll these morally bankrupt individuals from my education institution immediately.

As being a person in the position of authority you should set the standards that stealing is never tolerated in our
society, unlike the degenerate’s rhetoric Obviously controls this institution and is a
fine example for the youth of tomorrow.

Alumni 1996

Sent from my iPhone, please excuse any typographical errors.

From: David Pick
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Cc: AD;;;;
Subject: UCLA Disgrace
Date: Friday, November 10, 2017 10:09:43 PM

The actions of the UCLA basketball players in China is an unacceptable disgrace

to the United States, all of its citizens, UCLA, their alumni and fans, the citizens
of California, and the PAC12 and NCAA.

In accordance with NCAA regulations, parents expectations, and your job

description, your responsibility is to provide supervision of the student-
athletes and supervision over the athletic departments and their respective
coaches. Please explain to me how three (3) UCLA student-athletes,
and in China representing the United States and UCLA,
had no adult supervision and allegedly committed a crime of shoplifting.

Shame on you. You failed your responsibilities. You actions are worse than the
actions at USC where they are continually penalized for lack of supervision of
the athletic department and the coaching staff. I have been a UCLA fan years
and personally attended, with my family, more than 260 UCLA football games
and more basketball and baseball games that I can count. I financially support
numerous UCLA cause including the Maybe it is time
for me to find a better university to support. Maybe it is time to clean house
starting with your position and then going down the line and firing your
athletic director and some overpaid and underperforming coaches. But first,
do not allow those three (3) basketball players back on campus and allow them
to pay the price for the actions, including time in jail. In the past you expelled
football players that stole computers, now expel the basketball players that
stole property.

Stop turning a fine university into a commercial sport’s enterprise. You are a
Stanford graduate, use them as an example. Education first, if we win some
games or an occasional a league championship, then that is a nice surprise.

Stop recruiting students that have no moral values, no respect for law and
order, no respect for the country, and have no knowledge of English
grammar. I am embarrassed when your student athletics, like your arrested
basketball players and even last year’s player give interviews and
use the word “ain’t “. Children at age four learn that “ain’t” is not proper
grammar and unacceptable. This example simply proves you have no regard
for even teaching you student-athletics basic English grammar. Stop the

The attachment below also reiterates the same point. Your university and
Athletic Department is spending millions of dollars training and encouraging
student athletics to enter the NFL. Obviously, your university and others have
failed to teach these young men and morals, and respect for law and order,
any respect for authority, any parent responsibility, and respect for the nations
flag. Your are wasting our money and their lives.

We expected better of you.

David Pick

Jacksonville Jaguars 27
Tampa Bay Buccaneers 27
Cleveland Browns 26
San Diego Chargers 25
Indianapolis Colts 24
Chicago Bears 23
Seattle Seahawks 20
New Orleans Saints 20
Washington Redskins 18
Oakland Raiders 18
Baltimore Ravens 18
Carolina Panthers 18
Green Bay Packers 17
Pittsburgh Steelers 17
Atlanta Falcons 16
San Francisco 49ers 16
Detroit Lions 15
New England Patriots 15
Buffalo Bills 14
Dallas Cowboys 13
New York Giants 13
Arizona Cardinals 12
New York Jets 11
Philadelphia Eagles 10
Houston Texans 9
St Louis Rams 8
Total 656

: Revolting!! It boils down to $$ for the NFL & the team owners and to hell with moral, ethics, etc.
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Emergency
Date: Sunday, November 12, 2017 4:38:55 AM

Dear Chancellor Bloch:

I have two comments and suggestions:

1. I am following the emergency situation with the University of California, Los Angeles and
United States of America basketball players detained in China. When I was a graduate
student at UCLA, a Chinese hacker wreaked havoc on the UCLA network and resources
and UCLA worked effectively with China at that time to block the attacks on UCLA
though no legal action in the United States was taken against the hacker. We could
remind people behind the detention that UCLA has been on the receiving end of
attacks and seek a good resolution and release of our basketball players, who I think
are innocent, and continue our most excellent relations with China. Please work with
Dr. Ross Bolens, retired UCLA IT security officer, who at that time handled the incident,
and worked directly for the Chancellor.
2. The UCLA gifts page, including the page for making a gift to the CHANCELLOR'S
GREATEST NEEDS offers payment options only via PayPal and CreditCard. In view of the
recent Equifax breach and other IT security risks, please provide more online payment
options e.g. payment via a bank account.

Thank you for your prompt action.

Best Regards,

UCLA EE PhD 2011

From: John Briggs
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA ethics
Date: Friday, November 17, 2017 8:26:27 AM

Chancellor Block:

Your equivocal statement on the three basketball players who were caught stealing in China diminishes UCLA.
You've absolved yourself of responsibility by passing the matter to the athletics department and the office of student conduct.
The athletics department, of course, as is true of many across the country, enrolls players who are students only in the most generous interpretation of the
word; even non-readers can stay academically eligible in our one-and-done culture.
These players will make apologetic sounds for a month or two and, surprise! will be found to have understood their error and gained admirable maturity, in time
for the crucial games this season.
You've handed the question to an ethicist, Steve Alford, who hasn't previously demonstrated he cares about anything other than winning.
It makes little sense, one would think, to allow three admitted thieves to remain on the basketball team.Why would any decent person want to associate with
such individuals?
I can't remember the last time the head of a university said anything worth listening to; you've all become cheerleaders and fund-raisers incapable of speaking
cogently on any controversial topic. As a group, you're absent from our national debate.
"Your" statement is inept: it is a committee statement, written, one supposes, by a PR hack on your staff and then vetted by attorneys. As a result, it's without
force. It's discardable.
For shame. Why in the world did you get into this game?

John Briggs


From: JL
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Ucla fan..Suspend the players for 1 season
Date: Friday, November 17, 2017 11:40:49 PM


Ucla fan..Please Suspend the players for 1 season!

Thank you, JL
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA in China
Date: Monday, November 13, 2017 9:41:53 AM

I am a graduate of the UCLA School of Nursing Graduate Program. As a UCLA alum, I am horrified by
the disgraceful actions of the three UCLA basketball players in China.

Those three are a disgrace to the school and its good name. I hope you come down hard on them—
kick them off the team—they don’t deserve to part of it.
From: Fred Rickson
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA in 1959
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 9:45:52 AM

I used your library for help while I attended a local JC. Your scholarship athletics, supported by shoplifters, makes
me sick. Play on, UCLA.

Best...and Ph.D. Biology...U.C. Berkeley (thankfully not UCLA)

Fred Rickson
Tucson, Arizona
"Read something that means something" The New Yorker
From: Michael Dennis
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA indefinitely suspends three players arrested for shoplifting in China
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 7:05:51 AM

Thank god we live where these three are PRESUMED GUILTY until proven innocent. Good call.
Welcome to Nazi germany

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Integrity
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 9:31:35 AM

Sir: As an alumnus of UCLA (BA 1959) and a member of the Chancellor's Circle may I urge you
to heed the front-page article and editorial in today's LA Times to permanently suspend the
three self-admitted thieves from UCLA sports. There is no sports activity more important
than the integrity of "True Bruin Values". Please demonstrate that the values of my alma
mater are different from those exhibited by USC in their recent scandals. James E. McGee,
Sun City, CA
To: Iacoi, Christopher; AD; UCLA BBall; Timiraos, Alex; Wilson, Shana; Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA mens basketball players that were arrested
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:32:53 PM

Dear All,
I’m writing to express my opinion on the players that were arrested in China. As a California tax payer, UC alumni,
former UC athlete (soccer), UC parent, and a parent of a current athlete (Berkeley) I encourage you to revoke any
funding the players received until they can demonstrate that they are worthy of it - regardless of their legal

From: blumango
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: ucla men"s basketball
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 12:08:26 PM

as a follower of ucla men’s basketball for many years.....all the way back to the john wooden
years, the episode in china with the shoplifting needs to be seriously addressed. these
players disparaged the ucla athletic name. they should be suspended for at least a year. their
apologies fall on deaf ears as they only apologized as a result of being caught and the
possibility of a jail sentence in china. if they had not of been caught they would now be
bragging to their peers. patting them on the back for apologizing and then a token
suspension is not an adequate punishment. ucla needs to be firm and focused in dealing with
these individuals. john weeks
From: Jason Quan
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA officials debating length of players" suspensions
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 11:30:33 AM

You have to be joking if you are considering a half-year suspension, as if you already
didn't give enough privilege to these players getting out of China. It's not about
athletic privilege that should determine the sentencing, they should be treated as any
other student.

College basketball is a privilege, not a right, if you don't agree then that is shame on

Jason Quan
B.A. Chinese Studies & B.S. International Business
California State University, Long Beach (Class of 2015)
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To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Parent Concern
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:44:28 AM

Good Morning Chancellor,

As the parent of a current UCLA student, I would like to express my disappointment in the
actions of the three UCLA basketball players while they were in China. I am glad they were
released, but I hope the university takes appropriate action to discipline them. I understand
how important the athletic program is to the university, but I also believe that their behavior
can not go unpunished. I believe they have violated one of UCLA's missions: "As a university
with a public mission, UCLA must make a difference in the civic life of Los Angeles and
positively impact people around the world."

Even though their theft of sunglasses was probably considered by many to be a "minor"
offense, it is in direct opposition to this mission statement. I would hate to think that these
students are receiving financial support and still playing basketball this year in light of their
behavior, when other students who work so hard to be positive role models in our society,
may need the funds more. However, I also understand it is up to the university to select the
course of action.

I appreciate your consideration of this letter and hope to see an announcement from the
university sometime soon.

Thank you,
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA players and China
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 5:21:41 PM

Dear Chancellor Block,

I put my 2 kids through UCLA. This university was their first choice of schools and they worked
their tails to get in. They are embarrassed by this situation to put it lightly. Coach John
Wooden would have kicked them off the team immediately. To have their name associated
with UCLA is a real shame. I hope you do the right thing and listen to the students and alumni
that are extremely distressed about this situation.
Thank you for your time.
From: mark herzog
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; UCLA BBall
Cc: AD; Teitell, Mike; Elliott, Matt; Rebholz, Joshua; Wilson, Shana; Iacoi, Christopher; Casillas, Mike; Timiraos, Alex;
Long, Wes; DiFiori, John; King, Amy; Lerner, Emily; Broussard, Duane; Barnett, Kory; Erickson, Doug
Subject: UCLA Players Arrested in China
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 8:34:04 AM

Good morning,

While I am an Alumni of the University of Utah, I live in LA and I am a fan of the UCLA

The resent events in China with your three basketballs stealing and getting arrested is an
embarrassment to the UCLA Basketball Team, UCLA itself, UCLA students and alumni, plus
the USA. are a disgrace!

While I appreciate President Trump's involvement in getting them released, I am saddened

that they got special treatment and did not have to stay there and face the consequences like
any other USA citizen would have had to do.

I pray, that you the stalwarts of the sports program will do the right thing and apply the proper
punishment allowed under your guidelines and Code of Ethics.

You must show all of us that they are being held accountable. They have tarnished their
reputations and ability to honorably play for UCLA.

Many of us are looking forward to their inevitable punishment and consequences for their
criminal actions. Please set an example.

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Mark Herzog
UCLA Basketball Fan

From: Geiselman, Edward
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: ucla players china
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 6:23:14 AM
Importance: High

So Trump gets charges reduced on shoplifters stealing from THREE stores on video. First, what say you?
Second, these 3 certainly will not be allowed to continue at UCLA will they? Rush to judgement? You
certainly did the day after the election.

Ed Geiselman, PhD
"Even heaven has a wall, a gate, and extreme vetting."
From: Charles Martin
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA players getting arrested in China
Date: Sunday, November 12, 2017 10:39:01 PM

Dr Gene D. Block, PhD

Office of the Chancellor


It is a national disgrace that 3 UCLA Basketball players have been arrested in China for
shoplifting, and at this specific and critical time.

They have embarrassed both UCLA, the US President, who is visiting China now, and every
American citizen.

And as a California taxpayer, it is disgusting to witness.

If these bums somehow manage to escape Chinese prison, they should be immediately
expelled from UCLA.

Dr Charles H Martin, PhD

(University of Chicago 1994)

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From: Beckwith, Patty R.D.
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA press conference
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 1:31:10 PM

Dear Chancellor Block:

Please clarify
The players are suspended indefinitely as UCLA reviews the situation,
Coach Steve Alford said, adding they will not travel with the team and will
not suit up for home games.

Are the players suspended from the team and the university?

Given this very PUBLIC offense (admission of guilt), I would expect more transparency.
Block added, "When members of the UCLA family fail to uphold these
values, we review these incidents with fair and thorough processes. In this
particular case, both Athletics and the Office of Student Conduct will review
this incident and guide any action with respect to the involved students.
Such proceedings are confidential, which limits the specific information that
can be shared."

Patty Beckwith MPH, RD, CDE

Outpatient Pediatric Senior Dietitian
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From: Lin, Andy E.
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Cc:; Leal-Sotelo, Margaret; Summers, Laurie Kay; Knowles, Ernestina C.
Subject: UCLA Standards
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 4:29:10 PM

Dear Chancellor Block:

As a person who has always held UCLA to the highest standards in terms of academics, it appalls me to
hear rumors that the 3 basketball players will serve a suspension rather than be dismissed from their
academic scholarships.

They traveled to China as representatives of UCLA, and were caught doing something unethical and
against the law. After word of this incident leaked out, I was hopeful that UCLA would put aside winning
basketball games to set an example as a world-renowned academic institution.

I am awaiting tomorrow's press conference to confirm my suspicions in regards to a light slap on the wrist
rather than expulsion.

The behavior that these three students exhibited violate the UCLA Code of Conduct as outlined in this

Kind Regards,

Andy Lin

Visiting Instructor
From: Dr. Jessica Barnes
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA Student athletes a NATIONAL EMBARASSMENT
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 2:57:20 PM

Not that I should even have to point out that your own webpage discusses civic engagement:

International engagement is also critical. Our location on the Pacific Rim affords UCLA the
opportunity to pursue meaningful partnerships with peer institutions in Asia, the Pacific and
Latin America. These relationships will enhance our faculty’s research capabilities and
expose our students to critical global issues.

These 3 student athletes need to be immediately expelled!

Criminal behavior (and embarrassing our entire nation), I am assuming, was not what you
were aiming for with your Pacific Rim outreach.

Dr Jess Barnes
The 20Lighter Program
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA student shoplifters
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 10:36:02 AM

Dear Chancellor Block,

As a UCLA alumni, I hope you consider the image of the school, the state, and the country when you
determine what to do about the shoplifting in China by your students.
I’m not sure I agree with the “pardon” obtained by involvement of the President on a critical trip to
China but I hope that there will be consequences for these men based on the facts of the case.

Going further, I question why these students were in China while school was in session. Are they not
scholars first and athletes second?

You face a difficult task, as all moral questions usually are. We’ll all be watching for your moral


Camarillo, CA
From: Douglas Austin
To: AD; King, Amy; Chancellor Gene D. Block;;
Subject: UCLA Students
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 6:32:11 PM

Ms Napolitano,

It is with great distress that this letter needs to be written. The actions by the three UCLA
students during their visit to China is a disgrace to the school, the UC system, and the nation
at whole.

I have some suggestions for actions to be taken against these young men.
First, they are to be removed from the basketball team and the athlectic program.
Second, their scholarships should be revoked.
Third, they should be made to graduate with a meaningful degree within 5 years, as a 4 year
degree is almost impossible to obtain.

Thank you,

Douglas Austin
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA, discipline, and donations
Date: Monday, November 13, 2017 5:12:42 PM


As a UCLA alumni and father of a current UCLA student, I am waiting to see how UCLA
deals with the 3 basketball players that messed up in China. Students mess up all the time but
students on scholarship that are supposed to be representing UCLA, especially representing in
a foreign country, need to be held to a high standard. As a UCLA Bruin I'm embarrassed by
what happened and I will wait to see how those students are disciplined before I make further
donations to my favorite university.

Thanks for your time,

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block; AD
Subject: UCLA"s Next Move Should be Expulsion
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 8:30:47 AM

Dear Sirs,

I truly hope UCLA has the integrity to expel from a school I hold dear. I went to UCLA, had my
career inspired by a teacher there ( ), and have suffered every loss and losing season Bruin football

These three idiots are not just young and dumb, like so many of us were. These are arrogant, entitled,
inconsiderate…well, there is no shortage of negative descriptives in this case. They shamed themselves, their
teammates, the entire Bruin family, and their country.

This was no small matter, committing crimes in China, a nation that may not be openly hostile to the United States,
but one that is certainly working to undermine the U.S. sphere of influence. What these punks did certainly did not
help their country in the eyes of those that occupy spheres we’d like to or continue to influence, so to speak. And if
that seems too much a reach, then let’s consider the potential danger these kids put their teammates in, which is
fully within reach, even if it’s just Chinese protesters throwing rocks at the team bus as it flees a country that had
laid out the red carpet for them.

I fully expect UCLA to do the right thing here. Heaven help us if you don’t. When kids are taught that it is
ultimately OK to steal provided they put up good numbers on the court, the decline of civilized society accelerates.

From: Michelle Li
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: UCLA"s stance on Basketball players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:53:23 AM

Dear Chancellor,

The players have had a simple and painless slap on the wrist. This reflects poorly on the
UCLA institution, detracts from its Brand, and makes it an embarrassment to be affiliated
with UCLA.

I strongly support some form of impactful, character-building, punitive and long-lasting

reprimand be imposed on these 3 basketball players. At this point, I do not believe they
understand the full impact of their actions at the 1000-foot level and on a global scale, let
alone at the domestic nationwide Universities level, and at the Millennial generation /
population level.

I implore you to help them understand the effect of their actions.


Michelle Li

"Make each day your masterpiece." ~John Wooden
From: jimlee@
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Unbelievable
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 1:47:09 PM

I find it absolutely incredible that not only are these three students allowed back in your university so they can play
one year and go to the NBA. It is probably a very safe bet that they did not begin the criminal career in China. They
simply expected no consequences much like they have probably received in the past. The indefinite suspension is
laughable as you probably intend to sneak them back in in a week or is the worst form of leadership possible
and a slap in the face of the four year students who will for years to come champion and support your university.
Way to lead by example. What a joke
Sent from my iPhone
From: Karen Gross
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Upcoming piece in CollegeAD
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 6:18:47 AM

A heads up from a former college president:

I wrote an open letter to you with questions related to your newly returned student-athletes. I think and hope it
might be useful for your press conference and for making a bad situation a teachable moment......

Will try to get it to you — released at 9:30 CST.

Hope it is helpful.

Karen Gross

Sent from my iPhone

To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: We need to talk
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 11:44:00 PM

Hello my name is and I am requesting time with Chancellor block to discuss the current lack of
milkshakes at the De Neve late night. I am paying a large sum of money to attend this fine institution, and in return,
I expect this institution to provide me with the services it promised me. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you,
Elizabeth Gaines
Btw my ID is
From: Bruce Bialosky
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Where is the Thank you to president Trump
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 7:28:19 AM

For getting our three basketball players out of the clink in the communist dictatorship.

Thank you

Bruce l Bialosky
To: Carlson, Christopher
Cc:; Chancellor Gene D. Block;
Subject: Who is paying for your and 3 players "extended stay"?
Date: Monday, November 13, 2017 8:48:40 AM

Mr. Carlson,

I am a UCLA alum, class of 1973, former Joe Bruin, modest annual donor to UCLA, usually
School of Nursing.

My future donations will be influenced by the answer to the following question:

Are UCLA funds being used to pay for the hotel accommodations, in whole or in part, for you
and the three players left behind in China who allegedly were shoplifting?

Thanking you in advance for your response,

Manitowoc, WI
From: Me Bryan
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Why do I have to pay?
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 4:30:17 AM

Why do I, and all Americans, have to pay the price for what YOUR three basketball players did? Why does my
reputation as an American suffer because these three little shits from UCLA think they have the right to steal?
What stupid morons do you recruit to your school who would do something like this?

Sent from my iPhone

From: artattack00 KH
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: You didn"t thank President Trump you jerk !
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 5:46:45 PM

F.U. ungrateful scum !

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab®4

From: Mark VanPatton
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Your 3 UCLA Basketball Players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:32:28 PM

I am writing you because I felt driven to do so. I almost never email anyone, especially about
an issue pertaining to an establishment I don't work with or for.
I am absolutely appalled at the conduct of the 3 basketball players on your men's team. Their
actions were a horrible representation of the United States of America. Shame on them and
more importantly, shame on you and your university for non-action against those offenders.
They shouldn't be allowed to play again, at least for your team. They should be suspended and
maybe after attending some counseling and mandatory community service, then they can
continue their education. Inaction on your behalf shows the world their behavior is okay with
I am embarrassed for you and your institution. Maybe, hopefully, God willing, you will wake
up and stand up and do the right thing irregardless of how it affects the basketball teams win-
loss record.
Some things are far more important.
I'll pray for you,
Mark VanPatton
From: Mike Gianotto
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: your basketball players
Date: Thursday, November 9, 2017 11:34:27 AM

Your players are an embarrassment to the university. Fucking fools! Should all be kicked off the
team… Or is the gate more important to you?
Michael Gianotto
From: Jeff Pietras
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Your basketball players
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 12:53:41 PM

Dear Chancellor Block,

I am just an ordinary citizen who enjoys watching college basketball. I was appalled by the
apparent actions of the three UCLA student athletes while in China. I must say, that if the
allegations are true and UCLA doesn't permanently remove these players from the basketball
team we truly are living in very sad times. These student athletes let themselves, their
families, their team, their school, and their country down. We must have some standards to
live by, and we must accept the consequences for our actions. Please send a message to the
youth of America that what these student athletes did is not OK.

All the best in these difficult times for your university family,

Dr. Jeffrey T. Pietras

From: keith.schlesinger@
To: Chancellor Gene D. Block
Subject: Your three former basketball players
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:44:17 PM

Good Morning UCLA Chancelor,

I enjoy sports like many people but I also put education first.

Many people around the US are watching you and how you handle the three basketball players
detained in China. The eyes are on you.

Steve Alford wants the players back. That is so clear in that the players will be back once the air
calms down. You know that too.

Sports is bigger business than academics at your university.

You should have kicked the players off the team, expelled the three students, and made them pay
their scholarships back to the GENERAL scholarship fund for hardworking students to receive.

Ethics needs to become the number one priority here.

I may live in Wisconsin but I am watching what is happening at UCLA. Ethics and Education first!!

Take the correct action, not the hand slap Steve Alford gave them.


Keith Schlesinger
Madison, WI

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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