C Zentrix Manual

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C-Zentrix 18 Release

What is Cockpit?
It is the Centre of activity, which shows the system displays. The Cockpit of C-Zentrix includes
the Channel Status and System Status.

What is Channel Status?

It gives information about number of communication channels, and the status of the channels.
The admin can view the channel status by clicking on the channel button.

Green (Free) -: If the channel is green in color it means channel is free.

Blue (IVR/Dial) -: If the channel is blue its means the call on that channel is in IVR (Interactive
voice response)

Pink (ACD)-: If the channel is blinking Pink its means calls are in the queue.

Yellow (Incall) -: If it blinking yellow it means the channel is busy.

Red (Warning) -: If it blinks with red color it means the agents has crossed the Call warning
time, exceeding the time allotted for calling that assigned in the campaign “Call Warning
Orange (Bad Health) -: If the channel is orange in color, it means Bad Health. In case of ZAP
channels, the PRI may be down or not properly connected. In case of SIP channels, the SIP
gateway is not getting ping.

System Summary-

It also shows the System Summary which includes the following categories:-

• Campaign name: - Name of the campaign in which calling is going on.

• Type: - Type of the campaign whether it is (Inbound) in which the customer calls the
agents or (Outbound) in which the agents call to the customer.
• Channel: - It gives information about the communication channel, whether it is ZAP (for
inbound calling) or SIP (for outbound calling).
• Start time:-It shows the starting time of calling.
• Calling Duration:- It shows the total duration of the call.
• Logged in Agents:-It shows the number of agents logged in for calling.
• Active List:-Name of the list which has been imported containing the table of customer
information and which is active.
• Inactive List:- The imported customer information list which is currently inactive.
• Deactivate Reason:-You can see the reason/rule why a particular list is marked inactive.
• Calls in Queue:-The total number of calls in queue for an inbound campaign
• Zap Status:-It shows number of ZAP communication channels active.
• Bandwidth Monitor:-It gives the used, unused and total bandwidth available.
System Status: -
It gives complete system information including the following
Features as listed below:-
• Disk and System Up-time Status
• C-Zentrix Status
• System Status

Disk and System Up-time Status

Disk and System Up-time Status:

• Disk Usage Details

 File System
 Total Memory
• System Uptime Details
 System Uptime
 Telephony Uptime
 Telephony Last Reload
• Patch Details: Details of all the patches uploaded.
C-Zentrix Status: You can edit and/or restart and also know the detailed status of the Switch,
Dialer, and CDR with the following features:

E tab - To enable the console i.e. to open telnet. Click on this E tab and in run prompt type
"telnet server IP 10000".

 Virtual Memory
 Shared Memory
 CPU Time Taken.

System Status: -
It gives complete system information including the following
Features as listed below:-

• CPU Status
• Tasks Status
• Memory Status
• Swap Memory
CPU Status: - The CPU Status shows percentage of CPU utilization which are as follows:-

 User: - The amount of CPU utilized by the agents.

 System: - The system utilization of CPU.
 Nice: - It displays the nice value (urgency) of the process as a decimal value.
 Idle:- Idle process
 Waiting: - Process waiting in queue.
 Hi:-Intended for testing of the CPU unit of computer on the stability of operation.
 Si:-The amount of memory swapped in from disk.

Tasks Status: - It shows all the assigned tasks and their current status.


Memory Status:- It shows how the memory is distributed as follows:-


Swap Memory:- It shows the status of the memory swapped from the disk, which are distributed
as follows:-

C-Stats :
Campaign Status- It describes the live and complete campaign status of the calling process. It
covers Agent Status, Skills Status and Dispositions.

Agent Status- Agent information

• Calls in queue: Total number of calls waiting in queue.

• Talking: Number of agents doing calling.
• Wrapping Up: Agents which have completed their call, but not yet disposed the call.
• Free: Number of agents free.
• Break: Number of agents in break.
• Not Ready agents: Agents not in Ready mode.
• Agents in Preview: Agent can dial number manually.
• Logged on Agents: Total number of agents logged in.
• Total no of Agents: Total number of agents created for the campaign.

Skills Status- This options shows all the skills assigned to the agents.

• Abandon Calls- Calls not answered.
• Answered Calls- Calls answered.
• Answering Machines- Answering machine if present or not.
• Busy Calls- Calls in Busy mode.
• Called Party Hangup- Call is in Waiting mode.
• Faxes/Modems
• Invalid Number- Dialed number is invalid.
• IVR- Set IVR will play at the time of calling.
• No Answers- Dialed number was not answered
• Not Set- No disposition set.
• Wrong Number- Number specified in incorrect.
• Do Not Call- Do not call that person again.
• Gateway Unreachable- Gateway not assigned to the campaign.
• Dial Timed Out- Call gets disconnect after specified amount of time if unanswered by
the agent.
• Individual Campaign Names- To check the live and complete campaign status of the
calling process of a particular campaign.

Campaign Wise Status-

Individual Campaign Names- To check the live and complete campaign status of the
calling process of a particular campaign.

R-Stats :
Agent Registration Status(R-stats)- It shows the agent registration status along with the agent
Extension Id and IP Address to which it is being registered, if any extension id is not displayed
in the R-Stats it means the agent has not been registered.
Sip Device Status-
• Extension- The Extension will be used as the peer's extension number.
• IP Address- IP address of the peer registered.
• Logged Agent- Whether the agent is logged in or logged out.
• UnRegister Reason- Reason why the agent is not registered may be it is not registered
on the soft phone.

L-Stats :
LIST STATUS (L-Stats)-It shows the Campaign wise data list usage, including the Lists
Stats/Reports and List Stats/Graphs with the following characteristics.

• List Name- Name of the list.
• Campaign Name- Name of the campaign with which the list is associated
• Total leads- total number of leads present in the list.
• Total Phone number- Total number of phone numbers in the list.
• Fresh Number- These are those customer numbers which have not being dialed by the
dialer or not disposed with any disposition.
• Rescheduled Number- This option is used to reschedule the list.

Campaign Wise Status: - It shows the Campaign wise data list usage, including the Lists
Stats/Reports and List Stats/Graphs with the preceding characteristics.
P-Stats :

IPBX Live Status(P-stats)- It show the live status of all the peers with showing the complete
details of peer as :
1.The Peer belong to which department.
2. Type of call peer is handling like Inbound or Outbound.
3. Call Connect time for current call.
4. Called/Calling number.

IPBX Live Status-

• Extension- The Extension will be used as the peer's extension number.

• Username- The User Name will be used as the peer's extension name
• Called/calling Number-Number which is called by the extension.
• Department Name- The Extension will be used as the peer's is assigned to which
• Call start time- It shows the Call start Time.
• Connect time- It shows the Call start Time.
• Call type- It shows the status of extension.

Agent Status-These are the Stats that give all the information about the agent and also about

Agent Status-

• ID- The ID will be used as the Agent id.

• NAME- The NAME will be used as the Agent name.
• CAMPAIGN- The CAMPAIGN will be used as the Campaign name.
• EXT- The EXT will be used as the agent extension.
• C-STATE- The C-STATE will be used as the Call state.
• A-STATE- The A-STATE will be used as the Agent State (pause/hold).
• PHONE- The PHONE will be used as the Customer Phone number.
• LAST ATTENDED CALL- The LAST ATTENDED CALL will be used as the Last
attended Call.
• MODE- The MODE will be used as the Dialer type.
• CONN TIME- The CONN TIME will be used as the Call Connect Time.
• FREE TIME- The FREE TIME will be used as the agent free time.
• HOLD DUR- The HOLD DUR will be used as the Hold Time.
• PS DUR- The PS DUR will be used as the Pause Time.
• WRAP DUR- The WRAP DUR will be used as the Wrap up Time.
• LOGIN TIME- The LOGIN TIME will be used as the Agent Login time.
• PS TYPE- The PS TYPE will be used as the Pause type.
• TOT HOLD- The TOT HOLD will be used as the Total Hold duration.
• TOT PS- The TOT PS will be used as the Total Paused.
• CALLS- The CALLS will be used as the Complete Calls.

Campaign Status-These are the Stats that give all the information about the agent.

Campaign Status-

• Agent ID- The Agent Id will be used as the Agent's extension number.
• Initiated By- The Agent Name will be used as the Agent's extension Name.
• Customer Name- The Customer name will be used as the Customer's Name.
• Customer Ph No- It shows the Phone No.
• Connect Time- It shows the Call Connect time.

Call Center: The Call Centre includes the following Field Menus:-
 DNC Lists
 List Groups
 DNC Numbers
 Block Manual Dialing
 DNC Scrubbing
 List Scrubbing
 List Calling Rules
 Disposition Rules
 Campaign Wise Leads
 Campaign Wise Phone
 Area State Mapping Lists
 Campaign Mapping
On the Agents screen we can see the all the agents created by you in the Campaign with the
Complete Agent Status:-


Edit Agent ( 'E' ): By clicking on 'E' tab, the agent or the supervisor can be edited.


Delete Agent ( 'X' ): By clicking on 'X' tab, the agent or the supervisor will be deleted.

What are Agents?

Agents are basically the Employees of a Call Centre doing calling which maybe be inbound
process where calls are coming to the agents or Outbound in which agents call to the clients
Steps to Configure :-

 To add agents to the Campaign click on Add Agents option


 ID: Add the agent id, starting with 2, 3 or 4. The length for the ID should not be more
than 6 digits. This cannot be edited later.

 Secret: Add the password, for the agent. The length for the password should not be more
than 6 digits. This is an editable field.

 Name: Add the name of the agent. This is an editable field.

 Campaign: Select the name of the campaign, from the list of drop down available.

 Channel: Select the type of channel, from the drop-down. Either it can be Zap channel,
for the agent directly using PRI channels or the Sip channel, for agents connected through
some Sip device such as Audio-code or Linksys.
 Codec: The codec to be assigned to the agent. As per requirement, it can be changed. By
default, it is g711.

 Remote VoIP Login: This option is checked, for the agent to log-in, remotely.

 Phone Type: Select the option from the drop down. Either it can be Soft Phone, for agent
using X-Pro, X-lite or Twinkle or it can be Hard Phone, if the agent is connected to a
analog phone directly.

 Login Mechanism: Select the type of calling. By default value is Forward Calling.

 Register Mechanism: Either value can be selected. If the value is 'Register', then this
agent can be logged in, on any machine but for 'Gateway' registration, on the specific IP
Address only, that agent will be able to login.

 Preview Dialing: To give the permission of making calls in preview mode.

 Recording Permission: To enable the parameter, for agent to record a call.

 Save In Preview: To save the call, made in preview mode and information related to the
same, when the agent is in preview mode.

 Callback: To get a ring back for a call, this option is selected.

 Lock: To lock any agent from logging in.

 Call Termination Message: An option to get a tone, when the call terminates.

 Manual Dial: To give the permission of making the manual call to the agent.

 Disable * Key: If this option is enabled, then on pressing '*' key, call will not disconnect.

Already created agents can be cloned , by clicking on "Clone Agent" Tab.


Clone Agent: Select the already created agent from the drop down.
Agent Start Range: Mention the agent id (not yet created).
Upto: Select the number of agents to be created as cloned agent (automatically incremented).

Add Supervisor: The quality agent can be created here.

• ID: Add the supervisor id, starting with 2, 3 or 4. The length for the ID should not be
more than 6 digits. This cannot be edited later.
• Secret: Add the password, for the supervisor. The length for the password should not be
more than 6 digits. This is an editable field.
• Name: Add the name of the supervisor. This is an editable field.
• Campaign: Select the name of the campaign, from the list of drop down available.
• Remote Barge Number: If any specific number is to be barged, then that number, needs
to be mentioned here.
What is a Campaign?
Campaign is the name given by the Call Center authorities to their process for which calling have
to be done.

ADD CAMPAIGN: The campaigns can be created, by clicking on "Add Campaign" Tab.


 Name: Add the name of the campaign. This is an editable field.

 State: Depending upon whether you wish to run the campaign immediately or later select
the Activate or Deactivate option.
 Type: The value can be OUTBOUND, INBOUND or BLENDED. If the call is incoming
for from the customer select inbound campaign or else if it’s dialing out by the agent or
the dialer then select outbound. If both types of calling are done then select blended.
 Channel: Select the type of channel, from the drop-down. If the calling is for a domestic
process (Within India) select ZAP. If the calling is for International Process over VoIP
select SIP.
 Dialing: This takes the value of the dialer to be used. It can be Progressive, Predictive,
Preview or Autodial. If manual dialing to be done by agents, select Preview option. If
autodialing to be done by the C-Zentrix Dialer select progressive or predictive option. If
Inbound campaign the Dialer option is disabled and if no C-Zentrix dialer license then
this option is not visible.
 AutoDial Level: The pacing with which the dialer dials. If Preview option has been
selected then set the autodial level as 0(disabled).For progressive dialing set the level of
pacing as required which means the numbers will be dialed with that pace e.g. If we set
the pacing level as 2 , then the dialer will dial the leads ,twice the number of free agents.
 Local Call Start Time: Campaign start time is mentioned here. It should be in
HH:MM:SS format. The campaign is automatically activated at this time and the dialer
starts dialing the leads.

 Calling Duration: The duration for the campaign to remain active. This should be in
HH:MM:SS format.
 Queue Time Out: The time till which the call will be in the queue. By default, in case of
incoming campaign, it should be 300 seconds and for outgoing campaign, this value
should be 5 seconds. The value is taken in seconds. This is to define the time interval for
which the customer will be in the queue, if all the agents are busy. The customer will be
hung up if they do not get connected to the agent by this time.
 Campaign Prefix: If any number to be prefixed that can be added here. This is optional.
- This prefix is used to be added before numbers to be dialed for the particular country to
be dialed for if required by the service provider.
 IVR (Interactive Voice Response): To activate the IVR for either inbound or blended
set up. IVR class can be added by using IVR feature.
 Queue Policy: This option will allow the routing mechanism based on which the call will
be transferred from queue to the agent.
o Ring all - Ring all available channels until one answers (Default)
o Round robin - Take turns ringing each available interface
o Least recent - Ring interface which was least recently called by this queue.
o Fewest calls - Ring the one with fewest completed calls from the queue.
o Random - Ring random interface.

 Monitor Calls: This option will enable the format, in which the voice files will be
 Deskless Agent: If this option is checked, to make deskless agents.
 Answering Machine Detection: In international calling set up, if the AMD is detected,
then the call should not be transferred to the agents.
 AMD IVR: This will let a sound file to be played.
 Campaign Timezone: This drop down allows selecting the timezone for the campaign
 SIP Gateway Server: Select the gateway for the campaign, in case of VoIP calling.
 Play: This option will allow for using a sound file to be played, when the call is in queue
or a ringer to be played.

 Music Class: Select the sound file from the list of values.

 Channels Required For Transfer: Here the channels can be reserved. Note these
number will not be used for calling purpose. Reserving can be helpful for making a call
transfer or for conferencing, when the call flow is very high.

 Call Warning Time (in seconds): This time will set the maximum limit for the call.
Within the provided time, the call should be finished by the agent.

 Call Wrap Up Time (in seconds): After the call is disconnected from the customer end,
then the call wrap time starts, during which the agent fills the information, in the CRM.

 Conf Wrap Up Time (in seconds): After the conference call is disconnected from the
customer end, then the conf call wrap time starts, during which the agent fills the
information, in the CRM.

 Call Originate Timeout (in seconds): The time till which the call keeps trying to get
connected. By default, it is 16.

 Agent Free Warning Time: ===========empty=========

 Agent Connect Warning Time: =============empty========

 Failure Limit Of List: This option will set the values for the numbers failing in a row

 Set CallerID: Add the number here which is to be displayed as the caller id.

 Action Against Abandoned Calls: In an inbound set up, whenever the calls get
abandoned i.e. when no agent is available, then the call moves to any of the option
available. As per your requirement, select the option, from the drop-down.

 Track Changes: To track the changes, select this option.

 CallerID Based Routing: By selecting this option, the call routing on the basis of caller
id, will be enabled. Possible in case of inbound or blended campaign.

 Simulation Flag: To get a dummy set up ready on the server. For testing the call. For
calling using ZAP, card should be configured and for VoIP calling, gateway should be
 Skill Based Routing: If the call routing to be done on the basis of skills. Should be used
only in case of INBOUND or BLENDED campaign.

 Allow DTMF: To have the DTMF option enabled for the particular campaign.

 Monitor File Format: Select the format in which the monitor file should be created in
voice logger, for the campaign.

CLONE CAMPAIGN: Already created campaign can be cloned, by clicking on "Clone

Campaign" Tab.


• Clone: Select the already created campaign from the drop down.
• Campaign Name: Add the new campaign name.


DELETE CAMPAIGN (X) : By clicking on 'X' tab, the campaign will be deleted.

EDIT CAMPAIGN (E): By clicking on 'E' tab, the campaign settings can be edited.
CUSTOMISED TABLE (CT): This will allow to add the fields for verifier and multi-verifier

• Add fields: Put the count for fields to be created.
• Name: Add the name for the field to be created.
• Type: To select the type of the field to be created. The value can be INT (integer), BOOL
(true or false), varchar (alphanumeric value) or enum (drop-down).
• L/V (Length/Values): Mention the character length.
• N (Not Null): If any field cannot be kept empty.

• U (Unique): If any field to be made as, Unique.

• D/V (Default Value): To set the default value for the field created. Mandatory in case of
int and enum type.
• Des (Description): Add the name i.e. to be displayed on the agentUI.
• SC (Style Class): To add any specific class for a field.
• EV (Event): If any action to be taken for a particular field.
EXPORT DATA (ED) : This will allow to export the header of the already running list.

PROPERTIES (PROP): This will allow to set the callback timing for the basic disposition.

• Configure Campaign Parameters: Set the timing for the basic dispositions.
• Configure Maximum Retries: Add the value to set the maximum retries on the
• Set Alternate no. For Dialing: If any alternate number is provided, then the retries for
that number.

• Assign Disposition Rules: Using disposition Rules (in call-center), the rules can be
created. Those rules can be assigned to the particular campaign.
• Set Default Strict for the Campaign: Select this option, for all the agents of a
campaign, to get the strict calls (agent who is disposing any particular call, then that
number, should again be dialed, for the same agent) .
• Set Agent Strict Rescheduling Call As In Preview Mode: Strict in case of preview
• Set Sequential Dialing: For the sequential dialing in the campaign.
• Set Auto Dial Time for auto preview mode: ========empty==========.
DISP (Disposition) : This will allow to add the disposition for the campaign and to assign the

 ADD Disposition: This will allow adding the disposition for campaigns which the agent
will use to dispose the call from the agentUI.
• Name: Add the name of disposition.
• Callback: Callback option to be activated for a particular disposition.
• Verifier: If any disposition to be used by the verifier.
• Time: Time in form of days, hours or minutes can be set for the callback.

 ADD CATEGORIES: This will allow adding the categories (if sub-dispositions are

• Categories: Add the name of category.

 ASSIGN CATEGORIES: This will allow assigning the categories to the dispositions.

• Category: Select the category to which the disposition to be assigned.

• Disposition: Select the disposition from disposition box and move it to
disposition category.
AGENT CONFIGURATION (AC) : This will allow to add the options/features, to be added,
on the agentUI.
 Search Parameters: To allow what all dispositions (basic or customized), to be searched
by the agent, on the agentUI.
 Permission Parameters: To give the WRITE permission, to the agent, for the particular
fields, on the agentUI.
 Viewable Headers in Preview Mode: In a preview mode, if only few headers (fields), to
be displayed on the agentUI.
 Transferable Campaigns: Select the campaigns, to which the call can be transferred, if
required, from the agentui.

 Add Break Reasons: The agent break reasons can be created here. Note: If the break
reasons will not be created, then break reports, will not generate.
 Phone Based Update: To enable the option of DNC, Next Call Time or To view data
from the inactive list.
 Supervisor Information: Add the information about the supervisor for the campaign.
 Map Basic Fields: To change the name, style or to add the event for basic dispositions.
 Write Script: To add the start script, end script or both, to be applied on the UI, if any
template is uploaded.
 Upload Template: To add a customized UI for the agentui.
 Update Styles: Should not be changed.
 Scriptor: To add the script, to be used by the agent, so that the agent can read out the
whole script, to the customer.


State (of the campaign): Gives the state of the campaign. If the value is "ACTIVATE", that
means the campaign needs to be ACTIVATED (campaign is not active) and if the tab says
"DE_ACTIVATE", that means the campaign is running (campaign is active).


ERP: This will allow creating rules for sending request related web service, HTTP service,
Database Integration, Mail configuration and Sms configuration.

This feature is will only be active, when the license for ERP is active.

Skills: This will allow getting the calls, on the basis of skills. This will be active, if the campaign
is INBOUND or BLENDED and the skill routing option is checked in the campaign

FEATURES (F) : This will allow to add or remove the features from the agentUI.

LISTING: This will enable the option of Black Listing or White listing, Numbers to dialed from
the list. This option will only be active, if the CallerID Based Routing option is checked in
campaign configuration. If it’s WHITE Listing, then those numbers will be dialed for that
campaign and if it’s BLACK LISTING, then those numbers will not be dialed.

DTMF: This will allow the call routing on the basis of dtmf pressed. There are different options
for call routing, on the basis dtmf pressed. If DTMF option is enabled, in the campaign settings,
only then it will be available for use.

FB (Feed Back) : For any kind of feedback call, related to sales or lead, FB tab can be used.
What is a list?
List is a table in which the customer database is imported and associated with the campaign.

How to Configure a list?

• Click the Add list button on the lists screen

Add the values in the following field:-

 Name: Add the name of the list. Spaces are not allowed.
 Campaign: Select the name of the campaign, to which the list will be assigned.
 Local Start Time: Mention the list start time. The format should be HH:MM:SS.
 Calling Duration: The duration for the list to remain active. This should be in
HH:MM:SS format.
 Allow Agents To Add Customers: This option will allow adding the customers from the
agentUI, in the list, available for the campaign.
 Weight: This is the priority of the list. Based on the weight of the list, the list is dialed.
 Group: If the list to be assigned to a specific group.
 Default Disposition Rule: The disposition rules which are assigned to the campaign,
from AC tab, can be selected, from the drop down.
 Dispaly Timezone Code: This option will show the timezone either in code format or in
complete timezone name format.
 Assign Time Zone: Select the timzone for the list.
 Assign Multiple Timezone: This option will allow selecting more than 1 timezone for
the list.
 Select Country: Select the country name.
 Select Timezone: Select the list of timezones for the list.
 Default Timezone: Select the default timezone for the list.

Once the List has been added we have the following options:-

DELETE LIST (X) : By clicking on 'X' tab, the list will be deleted.

EDIT LIST (E): By clicking on 'E' tab, the list settings can be edited.

EXPORT LIST ( T TAB): This will allow to export the list by specifying the conditions.

CONDITION BASED UPLOAD ( C TAB): This will allow to upload the list.

• Browse: Upload the list by browsing the list from saved location. The list should always
be created in .csv format.
• Populate Mapping from the existing list: Select the list from the drop down whose
fields will be used for the mapping purpose.
• Mapping of Mandatory Fields: Map the fields from the list with basic fields.
Mandatory fields are phone and name. If there are more than one number, i.e. phone1,
phone2 and etc. then the mapping is required too.

• Merge Rule Name: Add the merge rule name. If the merging of columns is required,
then this option can be used.
• Destination Column: Select the column in which the data of merging columns will be
• Column Names: Select the columns to be merged by pressing 'ctrl' key.
• Priority: The priority of the rule will be selected.

• Prefix Rule Name: Add the name of priority rule.

• Column Name: To select the column name to which the prefix rule will be applied.
• Matching Pattern: Add the pattern that will be used for pattern matching.
• Prefix: Add the text to be prefixed.
• Priority: The priority of the rule will be selected.

• Search and Replace Rule Name: Add the name of the rule.
• Column Names: To select the column name on which the select and replace will be
• Search: Add the pattern or character to be searched.
• Replace: Add the pattern or character to be replaced with.
• Occurrence: To check, where that pattern is occurring, in the defined column name.
• Priority: The priority of the rule will be selected.


• Specify Condition: Name of the condition rule.

• Condition: Select the condition to be used for the rule.
• Column Name: Select the column on which the rule will be applied.
• Value: To specify the value to be replaced.
• Priority: The priority of the rule will be selected.


• DNC Mapping: This check will enable the check on DNC list.
• DNC Lists: Select the DNC list, from which the numbers will not be dialed, for that
particular campaign.
• Dialer Type: Select the dialer type.
• Strict: To set the strict dialing for the list.
• Import: This will upload the list.

RESCHEDULE LIST (R TAB) : This will allow rescheduling the finished leads as fresh leads
on the basis of dispositions.
Re-Scheduling Based On Dialer Disposition: The rescheduling can be done on the basis of
basic dispositions.
Re-Scheduling Based On Customize Query: The rescheduling can be done on the basis of
customized query.

REASSIGN LEADS (Re TAB) : This will allow to reassign the leads to the agents.

• Search: Add the value to be searched.

• Fields Drop Down: Select the field to be searched.
• Fields: Select the field, on which the query will run.
• Query Box: Add the query here.
• Assign Agents: Any lead can be assigned or transferred from one agent to another.
What are leads?
Leads give complete view about customer information in a list with its status.

LEADS (LEAD TAB) : This will allow to view the uploaded leads, in a list.

• Create Search Conditions: The condition can be specified, to search the leads in the list.
• Add Customer: This will allow adding the new customer, in already uploaded list.
• Delete Customer: The leads can be deleted using this option.
• Extended View: This will display the view about all numbers and caller id uploaded.

LIST AGENT STATUS (S TAB) : This will allow to re-assign the finished, re-schedule or
finished leads.

• Dialer Type: Select the type of dialer.

• Type Of Leads: Select the type of lead.
• From Agent: Leads to be moved from which agent.
• To Agent: To which agent the leads to be moved to.
• For Dialer Type: To which Dialer type the leads to assign to.
VERIFIER LEAD (VL TAB) : This will allow to re-assign the verifier leads.

HEADER (HEADER TAB): This will allow to download the headers(fields) present in the list.

CALLING RULES (CALLING RULE TAB): This will allow to enable the calling on the
basis of list calling rules.

• Primary Number Phone Mapping Rule: This will automatically create a rule on the
basis of number uploaded in phone1, phone2 and etc.

• Time Based Calling Rules: This rule can be created using List Calling Rules, in call
center. This rule will be time based.
• Rule Based Dialing: This rule can also be created using List Calling Rules. This rule will
be based on any type of rule created.

What are DNC Numbers?

DNC means Do Not Call Numbers, it is one major disposition set to customer number by the
agent if customer doesn’t want to receive any calls from that particular company. Then that
number would be marked as DNC number and won’t be dialed by dialer again.

ADD DNC LIST: Using "Add DNC List”, the DNC (Do Not Call) list can be added.

• Name: Add the name of the DNC list. Spaces are not allowed.
• Global: This check will allow the particular DNC list to be used as globally, for all the
• Campaign: Select the campaign from the drop down.
EXPORT DNC LIST: Using "Export DNC List”, the already created DNC (Do Not Call) list
can be added/exported.

• Campaign: Select the campaigns from which the DNC list needs to exported or
• List: The entire DNC list or any particular list can be selected.

IMPORT DNC LEADS (C TAB) : This will allow to add the DNC Leads in a DNC list.

DNC LEADS : This will display all the DNC leads for the DNC list created.

EDIT DNC LIST (E TAB) : This will allow to edit the DNC list.

DELETE DNC LIST (X TAB) : This will allow to delete the DNC list.

ADD TEAMS : This can be used to create groups of agents, in a campaign.

• Select Campaign: Select the campaign for which the team to be created.
• Team Name: Add the name of the team, to be created.

ASSIGN AGENTS : This will allow to assign the agents from the campaign, to the created

• Select Agents: It has the list of all the agents.

• Assigned Agents: The list of agents to be assigned in a team.
ASSIGN USERS : This will allow to assign the system users, those who can access the team,
when they login through their IDs.

• Select Agents: It has the list of all the agents.

• Assigned Agents: The list of agents to be assigned in a team.

DELETE (X TAB) : This will allow to delete the Team.

What is Group?
Group means grouping of few agents of a particular campaign according to their id’s in to group
under a group name assigned. The purpose of creating a group is when we want to make any
changes in number of agents or assign anything together we can give it to the group saving time.

EDIT (E TAB) : This will allow to edit the Group.

DELETE (X TAB) : This will allow to delete the Group.

ADD GROUP: It is used to assign number of agents from a particular campaign in a group and
if required, that same group can be assigned to some other campaign.

• Group name : Add the name of the group.

• Campaign Name: Select the campaign, from the drop down, to which the group, to be
• Phone Type: Select the type of phone that the agents are using to logging.
• List Of Agents: It will display all the agents that are available in the particular campaign.
• Member Of Group: Add the agents to the group.

LIST GROUPS : This can be used to assign number of list, in a group.

• Campaign name : Select the campaign for which the List Group to be created.
• Group Name: Add the name of the list group, to be created.
ASSIGN LIST : Select the list that are to be assigned.
• Select List: It has all the list that are created for a particular campaign.
• Assign List: The set of selected list.

DELETE (X TAB) : This will allow to delete the List Group.

BLOCK MANUAL DIALING: This will block the manual dialing on the basis of patterns

Add Block Patterns: This will allow adding the pattern on which the manual dialing should

• Rule name: Add the name of the rule to be created.
• Block number (Starting with): Add the pattern, on which the calling should be blocked.
• Campaign: Select the campaign name, to which the rule will be applied.

DNC NUMBERS: This will display the list of all the DNC numbers uploaded in all the DNC

LIST SCRUBBING: This will block the dialing (manual or dialer) for the numbers from list.


Scrub Campaign/List: This step will allow selecting the campaign and listing corresponding to
that campaign.
• Campaign: Select the campaign name from the drop down.
• Lists: Select the list.

Upload File: This step will allow uploading another list, which will be used for pattern
Activate / De-Activate Leads Selection: This step will allow activating or de-activating the lead

Create Condition: This step will allow activating or de-activating the lead selection on the basis
of condition. The query will be saved.

Import Data: This step will allow to use the lead wise scrubbing or phone type scrubbing.
Select the option for scrubbing the list. This can be done on the basis of either LEAD wise or
PHONE wise. If it’s Lead Wise scrubbing, then all the numbers, in a particular lead, all the
numbers such as phone1, phone2, etc will be scrubbed. However, if it’s Phone Wise scrubbing,
then any specific field related to phone1, phone2 or etc, will be scrubbed.

DNC SCRUBBING: This will block the dialing (manual or dialer) for the numbers which are
set as DNC.
• Campaign: Select the campaign name from the drop down.
• DNC Lists: Select the DNC list.
• DNC Scrub Type: Select the option for scrubbing the list. This can be done on the basis
of either LEAD wise or PHONE wise. If it’s Lead Wise scrubbing, then all the numbers,
in a particular lead, all the numbers such as phone1, phone2, etc will be scrubbed.
However, if it’s Phone Wise scrubbing, then any specific field related to phone1, phone2
or etc will be scrubbed.

LIST CALLING RULES: This will Allow to create the calling rules based on which the
numbers will be dialed from the list.

Rule Based Dialing

• Select Campaign: Select the campaign name from the drop down.
• Rule Name: Add the rule name.
• Type Of Rule: Select the type of rule. This option will allow that on which type of lead
the rule to be created. It can Fresh Lead, Re-schedule List or Both.
Time Based Dialing
• Rule Name: Add the name of the rule.
• Primary Phone Number: On which phone number (phone1, phone2 or etc) the rule
to be created.
• Calling Start Time: Add the timing of rule to start.
• Calling Duration: The duration till the rule will remain activate.

DISPOSITION RULES: This will allow creating the calling rules based on the basic


• Rule Name: Add the name of the rule.

• Max Retry: Add the value for the maximum retry on any number (in case of failure).
Value should not be more than 16.
• Phone Count: Select the numbers on which the tries will be made.
Cloned Rule Name: To clone any rule.

• Configure: This will help in configuring the phone numbers on the basis of basic
• Prop: This will allow to set the flow of the call on the basis of its retries for different
type of basic dispositions.

CAMPAIGN WISE LEADS : This will allow to view the leads count and the state of the leads
on the basis of campaigns.

CAMPAIGN WISE PHONE : This will allow to view the leads count, state of the leads, phone
type (phone1, phone2 and etc) and the timezones, corresponding to each lead for particular
Area State Mapping Lists: This will allow to view or to upload the leads on the basis area code
or state code.

AREA CODE : This will allow to search the code.

UPLOAD MAPPING : This option will allow to upload the list for area code, state code or
timezone for mapping.

Upload File: This step will allow to upload the list which will be used for mapping purpose.

Map Compulsory Fields: This step will allow to map the fields. Area code is a mandatory field
to be mapped.

Import Data: This step will allow to import the list from the saved location. The file should be
in .csv format only.
ADD MAPPING : This will allow to add the leads one by one.

UPDATE MAPPING : This option will allow to update the leads.

Upload File: This step will allow uploading a new list which will be used for mapping
purpose. Note the headers in the list should be area, state, time_zone and callerid.

Fields To Update: Select the fields to be updated and mapped.

Fields To MAP: This step will allow to map the fields from both the files.

Create Condition: Add the condition to be applied for the fields to be mapped.

Import List: Import the list with the updated data.

Multi-Verifier-Step 1 :
Campaign Mapping

This will allow the mapping between the basic campaign and verifier campaign (with multi
verifier, if required).
• Campaign: Select the basic campaign for the mapping.
• Supervisor Campaign: Select the supervisor (verifier) campaign.
Multi-Verifier-Step 2:
Campaign Agent Mapping

This will allow the mapping between the agent of basic campaign and the agent of verifier
campaign (with multi verifier, if required), on the basis of disposition. This disposition will be
selected by the agent from the agentui and then will be sent to the verifier.

• Basic Campaign Name: Select the basic campaign from the drop-down.

• Fields: Select the fields if required.

• Agents: Select the agent of the basic campaign.

• Customised Disposition: Select the disposition, on which the call will be disconnected
and moved to the verifier.

• User Type: Select the type of user.

• Verifier Campaigns: Select the mapped verifier campaign.

• Verifier Agent: Select the verifier agent.

Multi Verifier Dispositions
This will allow adding the dispositions for verifier / multi verifier.

Verifier Disposition: This will allow the mapping between basic campaign and verifier
campaign based on the disposition.

• Basic Campaign Name: Select the basic campaign.

• Verifier Campaign: Select the verifier campaign.
• Agent Disposition: A list of agent dispositions.
• Verifier Disposition: Selected verifier dispositions.


Verifier Search Parameters: This will allow to add the search parameters for the verifier.
• Campaign Name: Select the basic campaign.
• Select Verifier Campaign: Select the verifier campaign.
• All Fields: A list of all the fields.
• Selected Fields: A list of selected search fields.


Map Verifier Call Date Field: This will allow to map the field for call date for the verifier.
NOTE This field can be created in the CT TAB of campaign.

• Basic Campaign Name: Select the basic campaign.

• Verifier Campaign: Select the verifier campaign.
• Verifier Call Date Fields: Select the field from the drop down.
• Date Format: Select the date format as per the requirement.


Map Verifier Call Date Field: This will allow to map the field for call date for the verifier.
NOTE This field can be created in the CT TAB of campaign.

• Basic Campaign Name: Select the basic campaign.

• Verifier Campaign: Select the verifier campaign.
• Verifier Category Field: Select the field from the drop down. This can be created in the
CT tab of campaign.
• Verifier Disposition Field: Select the field from the drop down.
Multi Verifier Campaign Rules

This will allow to add the dispositions for verifier / multi verifier.


Add Multi-Verifier Campaign Rule : This will allow the mapping between verifier campaign
and the multi-verifier campaign.
• Basic Campaign Name: Select the basic campaign from the drop-down.
• Fields: Select the fields if required.
• Verifier Campaign: Select the verifier campaign.
• Verifier Agents: Select the agent of the verifier campaign.
• Customized Disposition: Select the disposition, on which the call will be disconnected
and moved to the verifier.
• User Type: Select the type of user.
• Category: Select the category.
• Multi-Verifier Campaigns: Select the multi-verifier campaign.
• Multi-Verifier Agent: Select the multi-verifier agent.


Extensions- It provides the interface for adding extensions numbers as peers. We can also
configure different facilities per peer wise. Peers can individually have different facilities and
features as mentioned below-
• ID: The ID/Extension will be used as the peer's extension number. So it needs to be a 3-
10 digit number Starting with 5, 6 or 7 only. It cannot be changed later.
• Name : Name of the extension.
• Email : Email-Id of the extension.
• Extension Password : Password assigned to extension.
• Departments : Extension is assigned under which particular Department.
• Codec : Codec to be used by the peer for compression.
• NAT : NAT is used in conjunction with network masquerading (or IP masquerading)
which is a technique that hides an entire IP address space, usually consisting of private
network IP addresses
• Voicemail : To activate a voice mail.
• Monitor Calls : Select this option if you want to monitor calls for quality.
• IP Address : IP address of the peer.
• Caller-ID : We can configure the caller-ID mapping as per peer.

Departments: Department grid shows all the departments’ records.

• Del: This column having delete buttons for each department so you can delete any
department which isn't required.
• Edit: This column having edit buttons for each department so you can edit any
department which you want.
• Dept State: This column having buttons for activation and deactivation departments.
• Disposition: You can set disposition through this column. When you will click on this
button a form will appear on the screen while filling all information you can easily set
• Call Route: It provide the interface to select priorities for different route patterns used to
call numbers of different patterns to be called through different departments.

• Call-Forwarding: You can undertake call-forwarding or DID-forwarding i.e. forward a

call to a particular phone number or DID to a specified number.
• Assign Peer: This column having buttons with "Assign Peer" name. Whenever you click
on this button then a form will appear on the screen, in left sides list box all a peers will
be display then whichever you want to assign then select and use move buttons after
doing this click on "Assign Peer" button peer will be assigned.
• Department Name: This column shows department name.
• Department Type: This column shows department type.
• Call Handle Type: This column shows "Call Handle Type".
• Caller ID Number: This column shows Caller ID Number.

Add Department Form-

• Department Name: Requires name of the department which you want to create.
• Department State: There are two states are there in drop down list such as
• Department Type: There are three type of department you can create, types are
• Outgoing Dial Timeout (should be in seconds): It is a time period, within this time
period calls should get connect after dialing else system will automatically disconnect the
• Incoming Dial Timeout (should be in seconds): It is a time period, within this time
period calls should get connect after dialing else system will automatically disconnect the
• Enable CallerID: If you enable the Caller id check box then caller's id will be shown.
• CallerID: You can provide caller id .
• Add Prefix: If you enable "Add Prefix" so you can add prefix value in front of telephone
number. If you enable "Strip Prefix" so you can strip the prefixed no. from telephone
• Call Handle Type: There are five kind of call handle type available, these types are
"Operator","Ringall","Huntgroup","IVR","ACD". If you select "Operator" then operator
drop down will be activated, if you select "Ringall" option then Ringall list box will be
activated, if you select "Huntgroup" option then Hundgroup list box will be activated, if
you select "IVR" option then "IVR" list box will be activated, if you select "ACD" option
then "ACD" list box will be activated.
• Operator Number : If you select "Call Handle Type" as "Operator" then this drop down
will be enabled and you can provide your operator number .
• Prefix: If you select "Department Type" as "Outbound" or "Blended" so you can add
prefix value. This value will be attached in front of each dialing number.
• IVR(Interactive Voice Response): If you select "Department Type" as "Inbound" then
the drop down will be enable and you can select IVR if you required.
• Monitor Calls: These calls get recorded for quality in mp3 and wav format.
• Customize Disposition: Customize disposition.

Barge: Barge is an option which provides the facility to listen the live calls.

Barge Grid: Barge grid shows all the barging related records. This grid provides extensions
information and each row having a delete(X) and edit(E) buttons so you can delete and edit any
Add Barge Extensions-
• Barger Extension: Barger extension field provided to allow user to barge calls.
• Barging Password: Barging password field is provided for authentication.
• Department: Department list box is provided to select the department for which you
want to barge the calls.


IVR Nodes: IVR (Interactive Voice Response) is a technology that allows a human to
communicate with computer systems through voice. So through this interface you can upload
IVR files.

IVR Nodes Grid: IVR Nodes grid shows all the IVR Nodes related information. This grid
provides information such as their node name, description, IVR resource and URL. Each row
having a delete(X) and edit (E) buttons so you can delete and edit any record. In third column
there are buttons with "UXI" name available so through this you can upload XML IVRs in the
case of "internal IVR source" else you will have to provide the URL in the case of "external IVR

Add IVR Nodes Form-

• Node Name: IVR node name required in this textbox.
• Description: In this box you can provide a description of the node.
• IVR Source: You can specify resource location such as internal or external.
Sound File:

Sound File Details Grid: Sound File Details grid shows all the Sound File related
information. This grid provides information such as their File Name, Recorded By,
Record Date, Uploaded By, Uploaded Date and Directory Name. In first column there are
checkboxes available for each record so if you want to delete any record select the related
checkboxes and click on "Multi Delete" button. Second column having play button for
each row so you can play sound files through this. Second column having upload buttons
so if you want to upload any file then you can upload it. Third column have download
button so you can download sound files through this.

Import Sound File- If you want to import sound files then click on import sound files
button, a form will appear fill file name and browse sound file then click on import
Import Multiple Sound File: If you want to import multiple sound files then click on
import multiple sound files button, a form will appear select sound file. Write directory
name its option. Then select sound files and move right side's list box through move
buttons and click on "Save" button.

Record Sound Files: Click on "Record Sound Files" buttons then fill extension no. and
file name and click on record button.

Time/Festival Rules: There are three step procedures provided to create a "Time/Festival
Time Rule Grid: Time Rule grid shows all the Time Rule related information. This grid
provides information such as Rule Name, Start Date, End Date, Start Day, End Day, Start Time
and End Time. Each row having a delete(X) and edit (E) buttons so you can delete and edit any
record. In third column there are buttons with "ACTIVE" or "INACTIVE" name so through this
you can active or inactive any rule.

Add Time Rule Form-If you want to add a time rule then click on "Watch" icon which appears
in first step box. After clicking a add form will appear.

• Rule Name: Rule name required in this textbox. Its an essential field.
• Start Date: This requires start date so whenever you will click on it then a calendar tool
will appear and you can select the start date.
• End Date: This requires end date so whenever you will click on it then a calendar tool
will appear and you can select the start date.
• Start Day: This requires start day so you can select day from this drop down list but day
should match with the start date.
• End Day: This requires end day so you can select day from this drop down list but day
should match with the end date.
• Start Time: This requires start time and it must be in (HH:MM:SS) format.
• End Time: This requires end time and it must be in (HH:MM:SS) format.

Assign Time Rule:

Campaign-Wise Rules Assignment Grid: Campaign-Wise Rules Assignment grid shows all
the Campaign-Wise Rules Assignment Rule related information. This grid provides information
such as Rule Name, Feature, Campaign name for which it is assigned, Priority, S-Action (success
action), etc. Each row having a delete(X) and edit (E) buttons so you can delete and edit any
Department-Wise Rules Assignment Grid: Department-Wise Rules Assignment grid shows all
the Department-Wise Rules Assignment Rule related information. This grid provides
information such as Rule Name, Feature, Department name for which it is assigned, Priority, S-
Action (success action), etc. Each row having a delete(X) and edit (E) buttons so you can delete
and edit any record.

Assign Time Rule Form-If you want to assign a rule then click on small "Gate" icon which
appear in second step box. After clicking a form will appear.

• Rule Name: This drop down list box having all the rule names so you can select
whichever rule you want to assign.
• Feature: You can select one between these two option buttons so if you select "Call-
center" then rule will be assigned to a campaign and a drop down list will appear you will
have to select a campaign for which you will assign the rule and if you select "IPBX"
then rule will be assigned to a department so a drop down list will appear, you can select
department for which you will assign the rule.
• Success Action: You can select success action related details.
• Failure Action: You can select failure action related details.
Set Rule Priority Form-If you want to want to set a priority to any rule then click on
"Computer" icon which is available in third step box.

• Feature: You can select the feature as "Call-Center" or "IPBX".

• Campaign/Department: Select campaign or department from drop down list box.

• Time Rule: Select Time rule for which you want to set priority click on "Set Priority"

MOH Classes: It provides the interface to upload the sound file to be played when call is in

MOH Classes Grid: MOH Classes grid shows all the MOH Classes related information. This
grid provides information about files such as their name, type, class name, size, format and
action. Each row having a delete(X) and edit (E) buttons so you can delete and edit any record.
Add MOH Classes Form-

• Class Name: MOH class name required in this textbox.

• Sound File: Upload sound files. This file plays when call will be on hold. And click on
"Add New File" button file.

What is Voice Logger?

Voice logger records the Customer and Agent conversation and stores this information. Admin
can listen to the recordings from the voice logger. It has following menu bars:-

 ACD Logger
 IVR Logger
 IPBX Logger
 Directory Browse
 Quality Dispositions
 Quality Reports

If the admin had selected the Monitor option while creating the campaign then Voice logger
records all the agent and customer conversation associated with that campaign when it was
 Admin can listen to the recordings by specifying the values in the following fields

ACD Logger- To search record from ACD logger fields are such as-

ACD Logger-

• Begin Date: Enter date from which you want to search records.
• End Date: Enter date till which you want to search records.
• Begin Time: Enter the time from that time you want to search the record.
• End Time: Enter the time till that time you want to search the record.
• Current Date : present date.
Call Duration-

• Minimum: Enter the minimum call duration time from which you want to search
• Maximum: Enter the maximum call duration time from which you want to search the
• Campaign: Select the campaign from which you want to search records.
• Agent: Select the agent from which you want to search the record.
• Basic disposition : Select that disposition you had assign by agent.
• Skills : Select the skills you had in your campaign.
• Customize Disposition : Select the Customize disposition that is assign by agent.
• Campaign Type : Select the campaign type which type of it is(inbound or outbound).
• Customer Phone : Enter the specific phone number to search the record related to that...
• CustUniqueId : Enter customer unique ID.
• IVR Search : Enter IVRname you want to search.
• Sorting Options : select the fields you want to search the records...
• Search: Search button is to Search the fields given above....
IVR Logger- To search record from IVR logger fields are such as-

IVR Logger-

• Begin Date: Enter date from which you want to search records.
• End Date: Enter date till which you want to search records.
• Begin Time: Enter the time from that time you want to search the record.
• End Time: Enter the time till that time you want to search the record.
• Current Date : present date.

Call Duration-

• Minimum: Enter the minimum call duration time from which you want to search
• Maximum: Enter the maximum call duration time from which you want to search the
• Customer Phone : Enter the specific phone number to search the record related to that...
• IVR Search : Enter IVRname you want to search.
• Search: Search button is to Search the fields given above....

IPBX Logger- To search record from IPBX logger fields are such as-

IPBX Logger-
• Begin Date: Enter date from which you want to search records.
• End Date: Enter date till which you want to search records.
• Begin Time: Enter the time from that time you want to search the record.
• End Time: Enter the time till that time you want to search the record.
• Current Date : present date.
Call Duration-

• Minimum: Enter the minimum call duration time from which you want to search
• Maximum: Enter the maximum call duration time from which you want to search the
• Department: Select the Department from which you want to search the records.
• Peers : Select the peer you had created.
• Disposition : Select the disposition you had applied.
• Customize Disposition : Select the Disposition you had created..
• Call Type : Select the call type ( incoming or outgoing)
• Customer phone : Enter specific phone number , to search IVR records .
• Sorting Options : Select the options you want to sort the records ..
• Search: Search button is to Search the fields given above....
Archive- It gives a complete view of the files archived by the agents with following information-

• Size : The size of zip file.

• Date of Archiving : The date when file was Archived ..
• FileName : The file name specified by agent in which the records are store
• Delete : to Delete the zip file.
• Download : if anyone want to download the ZIP file..

Directory Browse- It provides the interface to configure Samba configuration from the UI.

• Delete : To delete the IP Address.

• IP Address : The IP Address which you want to configure from UI for Samba.
• Start : To Start the Samba.
• Stop : To Stop the Samba.

Quality Disposition- It gives a complete view of the VoiceLogger Quality Dispositions with
following information-
• Delete : To delete the disposition.
• Disposition Name : The Disposition name which you added.
Quality Reports- In Quality reports we can search reports in Remarks Summary and Detail Call
Report by entering information in below fields:-

• Campaign : Select the campaign name.

• Campaign Type : Select the campaign type.
• Dialer Type : Select the Dialer type , is it Preview , Progressive, Predictive.
• List : Select the list you had created.
• Agent : select the agent you had created.
• Start Date : Enter the date from which you want to search reports.
• Start Time(HH:MM:SS) : Enter the time from which you want to search reports.
• End Date : if anyone want to download the ZIP file..
• End Time(HH:MM:SS) : Enter time till that time you want to search reports.
• Current Date : Present date.
• Start Duration(HH:MM:SS) : Enter call duration start time from which you want to
search reports.
• End Duration(HH:MM:SS) : Enter call duration End time till that time you want to
search reports.
• Disposition: Select the disposition you had created in Quality disposition.
• Customer Ph : Enter the specific customer number you want to see Reports.
VOICE MAIL: It has the following menu bars:
 Quality Dispositions
 Quality Reports

What is Voice Mail?

This facility has been provided in the C-Zentrix box, when any incoming call is not able to get
connected to any agent due to unavailability of agents being free, then the connected customer
can leave a Voice message or mail to the admin. The admin can listen to the voice messages by
specifying the values in the fields:-

• Begin Date: Enter date from which you want to search records.
• End Date: Enter date till which you want to search records.
• Begin Time: Enter the time from that time you want to search the record.
• End Time: Enter the time till that time you want to search the record.
• Current Date : present date.

Call Duration-
• Minimum: Enter the minimum call duration time from which you want to search
• Maximum: Enter the maximum call duration time from which you want to search the
• Campaign: Select the campaign from which you want to search records.
• Basic disposition : Select the disposition you had assign to campaign.
• Customer Phone : Enter the specific phone number to search the record related to that.
• Search: Search button is to Search the fields given above.
Archive- It gives a complete view of the files archived by the agents with following

• Size : The size of zip file.

• Date of Archiving : The date when file was Archived.
• FileName : The file name specified by agent in which the records are store
• Delete : to Delete the zip file.
• Download : if anyone want to download the ZIP file.

Quality Disposition- It gives a complete view of the Voicemail Quality Dispositions with
following information-

• Delete : To delete the disposition.

• Disposition Name : The Disposition name which you added.

Quality Reports- In Quality reports we can search reports in Remarks Summary and Detail
Call Report by entering information in below fields:-

• Campaign : Select the campaign name.

• Campaign Type : Select the campaign type.
• Dialer Type : Select the Dialer type , is it Preview , Progressive, Predictive.
• List : Select the list you had created.
• Agent : select the agent you had created.
• Start Date : Enter the date from which you want to search reports.
• Start Time(HH:MM:SS) : Enter the time from which you want to search reports.
• End Date : if anyone want to download the ZIP file.
• End Time(HH:MM:SS) : Enter time till that time you want to search reports.
• Current Date : Present date.
• Start Duration(HH:MM:SS) : Enter call duration start time from which you want to
search reports.
• End Duration(HH:MM:SS) : Enter call duration End time till that time you want to
search reports.
• Disposition : Select the disposition you had created in Quality disposition.
• Customer Ph : Enter the specific customer number you want to see Reports.

SYSTEM: It provides an interface to update or make changes to the server information. It

has the following menu options:

 Backup and Restore
 Restore Point
 Multiple Hard-Disks
 Apply Configurations
 System Users
 System Roles
 System Logs
 Email/Users Groups
 System Mail Services
 GW Configuration
It provides the interface to update or change the information related to our server as mentioned

• HostName: Hostname of Server

• Date and Time: Date and time of server
• Timezone of the Server: Timezone of the server
• Switch Restart Time: Time at which switch is restarted
• Disable General Reporting Duration: Users are not able to fetch Reports in the given
• Voice Backup and Delete Days: To set Voice and database delete days to disable delete
rule for the number of days specified before the current date.
• Database Backup and Delete Days: It also provide the interface to shutdown or Reboot
the server.
• Database Backup and Delete Days: It also provide the interface to shutdown or Reboot
the server.

These changes can be done by using the tabs provided in General Configuration, Multiple
Harddisk Configuration or System Configuration.
It provides the complete interface to change or update Network Settings like:

Network configuration: Complete information of Network configuration

DNS Server Configuration: Network configuration DNS Server Configuration

Routes Configuration: Network configuration Routes Configuration

Virtual IP Configuration: Network configuration Virtual IP Configuration

This will allow configuring the SIP gateway, which will then be used in the campaigns
(wherever required).

• External Interface: Select the external interface.

• Internal Interface: Select the internal interface.
• Download BW (kbps): Add the download bandwidth.
• Uplink BW (kbps): Add the uplink bandwidth.
• RTP Timeout: Add the value for the RTP timeout.
• Is NAT Required ?: If natting is required, select this option.
• Is QOS Required ?: If quality of service is required, select this option.
System-Backup and Restore:
It provides the interface to take complete backup of CRM Information and of Reporting tables
and to restore the system settings by uploading the backup to the server. It also provide the
interface to upload the system changes as mentioned below:

• Backup: It provides the interface to take complete backup of CRM Information and the
backup of Reporting tables.
• Restore: We can restore the system settings by uploading the backup taken to the server.
• Information: We can see the details of all the backups taken by whom and on which
• Update Software: We can upload the system changes from here.
• Last Upload Patch Details: We can see the details of the Last uploaded Patch.
This will allow to establish the VPN connection, in order to provide the remote access.

ADD VPN CONFIGURATION : This will allow to add the VPN information.

• Server IP: Add the IP Address of the server.

• Server Port: Add the appropriate port for the VPN connection establishment.
• Replace Existing File: Add the key for the VPN connection.

START : This will start the VPN connection.

STOP : This will stop the VPN connection.

System-Restore Point:
It provides the interface to check and download the complete details of the Complete Backup and
Partial Backup.

Complete Backup: User can check the details of Last one month complete Backup taken and
also he can able to download the complete Backup of Last one month.

Partial Backup: User can check the details of Last two months per date wise partial backup
taken and also he can able to download the backup per date wise.
System-Multiple Hard Disk:
Multiple Hard Disk

This will allow adding multiple hard disks.


Hard Disk Details: It will give a view of all the hard disk on the server whether mounted or
 Mounted Hard Disk Details: This will give the details of the mounted partition.

 UnMounted Hard Disk Details: This will give the details of all the unmounted partition.

 Mount Tab: This will allow mounting the partition on the different file system.

 UnMount Tab: This will allow to unmount the partition from the different file system.

 Replica: This will allow mounting the replica hard disk. This will replica hard disk will
have the whole backup of the existing hard disk.

 Sync: This will allow keeping syncing/backing up the replica hard disk.

SYSTEM -Messaging :
This will allow to send the messages to be broadcasted, specific agents or to particular group.

ADD MESSAGING DETAILS : This will allow to create a rule for the message to be sent.
• Options: Select the type of message from the drop down.
• Expired After: The expiry date of the message can be set.
• To: Select, who all will receive the message.
• Message: Add the message here.

It provides the interface to check the any IP address configured in the LAN is pinging from the
server or not and to see the details of nslookup and traceroute.
 Command Dropdown:User can select the Commad Type according to action he/she
want to check.
 Commit Agent Changes:User can apply all the changes done related to agent section to
the Telephony Engine.(Changes like some agents are deleted or some agents are newly
 Commit Campaign Changes:User can apply all the changes done related to Campaign
section to the Telephony Engine.(Changes like some Campaigns are deleted or some
Campaigns are newly added).
 Commit TDM Changes:User can apply all the changes done related to TDM Channels
section to the Telephony Engine.(Like changes related to Card configuration,Channel
Configuration under TDM Channels Tab).
 Commit SIP Changes:User can apply all the changes done related to SIP Channels
section to the Telephony Engine.(Like changes related to the SIP Gateway Configuration
or assigning SIP Channels).
 Commit Skill Changes:User can apply all the changes done related to Skill section to
the Telephony Engine.(Like Some new Skills are configured in the Campaign Section or
Deleted from the Campaign section or changes made in assigning different skills to
different agents either through the Cmapaign section or the Agent Section.).
 Commit All:User can apply all the changes done related to Agent,Campaign,Skills,TDM
channels and SIP Channels and all the configuration changes made to the Telephony

System:-System Users:

It provides interface to check all the system users.

System Users Grid: There is a grid available on this page which shows all the users and their
details. Such as their Name, E-mail Id, Phone no., User Created On, Designation etc. And there
are "Delete" and "Edit" buttons are also available for each user so whenever modification
required then you can do it easily.

Add User: If you want to add new system user then for the same you will have to click on "Add
User" button and fill all then required information, and click on "Add User" button. User will be
created successfully.

System:-System Roles
It provides interface to check all the system users.

System Users Grid: There is a grid available on this page which shows all the users and their
details. Such as their Name, E-mail Id, Phone no., User Created On, Designation etc. And there
are "Delete" and "Edit" buttons are also available for each user so whenever modification
required then you can do it easily.
Add User: If you want to add new system user then for the same you will have to click on "Add
User" button and fill all then required information, and click on "Add User" button. User will be
created successfully.
System:-System Logs:
This will allow to download all the types of logs and sms-mail reports on the server.

LOGS DOWNLOAD : This will allow to download the http logs, mysql logs and the system
messages logs.

• Httpd Logs Download: This will allow to download the httpd logs. It will be
downloaded in MS Word.

• Mysql Logs Download: This will allow to download the mysql logs. It will be
downloaded in MS Word.

• System Messages Download: This will allow to download the system messages. It will
be downloaded in MS Word.

MAIL - SMS REPORTS : This will allow to download the mail and sms reports.

• Mail Report Download: This will allow to download the mail reports. It will be
downloaded in MS Word.

• SMS Report Download: This will allow to download the sms reports. It will be
downloaded in MS Word.
QUEUE LOGS : This will allow to download the logs related to queues.

• Queue Logs Status: This will allow to view the status of the queue logs whether its
active or inactive.

• Queue Logs Configuration: This will allow to download the queue or event logs.

SELECT NO. OF LINES TO DOWNLOAD : This will allow to select the values for how
many lines to be downloaded in file.

It provides interface to check all the logged-in system users.

Logged in System Users Grid: There is a grid available on this page which shows all the
logged-in users and their details. Such as their Name, Login-Time, System IP-Address etc.

How to log off Logged in User: In first column in Logged in user grid, check boxes available
and below of this grid a Logoff button is present which ever user you want to just select them
and click on "Logoff" button. If you want to logoff all the users then then select the top most
checkbox of first column and then click on "Logoff" button then all the user will get logoff.


 Backup Server
 Database Backup
 Voice Backup Rules
 Voice Delete Rules
 Rule Status
Backup Server: You can get all the information regarding to backup server at this page.

Backup Server Information grid: This grid provides all the records of server configuration.

• Add new server configuration: If you want to add a new server configuration, for it a
"Add" button is provided click on it there would be a form appear on the screen fill all the
required information in the work and click on "Save" button configuration will be added
in "Backup Server Information grid".

• "X"(Delete): First column has "X"(delete) button, so you can delete any record you
• "E"(Edit): Second column has "E"(edit), button so you can edit configuration of any
• "T"(Test): Third column has "T"(Test), button so you can test servers. And when you
will click on this button then a window will appear with configuration information.
• IP Address: This column having IP addresses of the servers which you have configured
• Username: This column provides you information about the user which you have
configured with a particular server.
• Connection Retries remaining.

Database Backup:

It provides the interface to take complete database backup by configuring the rules as per
schedule date.

Database Backup Grid-

Database Backup Grid: Database Backup grid shows all the Database Backup related
information. This grid provides information such as Rule Name, Scheduled on, Entry Date and
Time, Priority, Rule Type and Comments. Each row having a delete and edit buttons so you can
delete and edit any record. First column have a "+" button for each record, if click at this button
then this will show elaborated information about campaign in a new small window. At last
column a "Check Backup Rule" so if you want to execute any rule then click on this button rule
will get execute. And this button will be converted in "Drop" button so if you want stop rule
execution during execution then you can click on this "Drop" button. If any rule gets expired
then "Scheduled On" date and time will show in red color and "Check Backup Rule" will remain

Database Backup Form-

• Filters: If you required filters then check this check box else leave it.
If you want to create this backup rule for "Call Center" then please click on Call Center
option button and if you want to create this backup rule for "IPBX" then please click on
IPBX option button.
• Campaign: Select campaign name from the campaign drop down list box.
• Start Date: Select start date from the calendar tool.
• End Date: Select end date from the calendar tool.
• Action: Select Action, if you select manual then you will have to set time manually and
if you click on automatic option button system will take backup automatically on selected
date and time.
• Scheduled Date: Select schedule date.
• Auto Schedule Interval In Days: This will get activate in case of automatic action, to
automate the backup on selected interval.
Voice Backup Rules:
It provide the interface to take complete backup of recording files by configuring the rules as per
schedule date.

Voice Backup Grid-

Voice Backup Grid: Voice Backup grid shows all the Voice Backup related information. This
grid provides information such as Rule Name, Scheduled on, Entry Date and Time, Priority, Rule
Type and Comments. Each row having a delete and edit buttons so you can delete and edit any
record. First column have a "+" button for each record, if click at this button then this will show
elaborated information about campaign in a new small window. At last column a "Check Backup
Rule" so if you want to execute any rule then click on this button rule will get execute. And this
button will be converted in "Drop" button so if you want stop rule execution during execution
then you can click on this "Drop" button. If any rule gets expired then "Scheduled On" date and
time will show in red color and "Check Backup Rule" will remain disabled.
Voice Backup Form-
• Filters: If you required filters then check this check box else leave it.
If you want to create this backup rule for "Call Center" then please click on Call Center
option button and if you want to create this backup rule for "IPBX" then please click on
IPBX option button.
• Campaign: Select campaign name from the campaign drop down list box.
• Campaign Type: Select campaign type from the campaign drop down list box.
• Dialer Type: Select dialer type from drop down list box.
• List: Select list from drop down list box.
• Agent: Select agent from drop down list box.
• Start Date: Select start date from the calendar tool.
• Start Time: Enter start time in HH:MM:SS format.
• End Date: Select end date from the calendar tool.
• End Time: Enter end time in HH:MM:SS format.
• Action: Select Action, if you select manual then you will have to set time manually and
if you click on automatic option button system will take backup automatically on selected
date and time.
• Scheduled Date: Select schedule date.
• Auto Schedule Interval In Days: This will get activate in case of automatic action, to
automate the backup on selected interval.
• Schedule Day: Select schedule day from drop down list box. It is option you can leave it
too. But if you select it then, day must match with schedule date.
• Schedule Time: Enter schedule time and it must be in HH:MM:SS format.
• Priority: Enter priority; it must be a numeric value.
• Backup Accounts: Select the Backup account from the drop down list box.
• Working Directory: Enter working directory its option if you want, you can leave it
• Schedule Day: Select schedule day from drop down list box. It is option you can leave it
too. But if you select it then, day must match with schedule date.
• Schedule Time: Enter schedule time and it must be in HH:MM:SS format.
• Priority: Enter priority; it must be a numeric value.
• Backup Accounts: Select the Backup account from the drop down list box.
• Working Directory: Enter working directory its option if you want, you can leave it
• Create Directory: There are some options available in for backup options are campaign
wise, date wise, month wise etc. These all options are available in 'Create Directory' drop
down list box.
• Local Directory: Enter local directory its option if you want, you can leave it blank.
• Rule Name: Enter rule name. It’s an essential field you must write a rule name and
special characters and space is not allowed in rule name.
• Comments: Write a comment for rule, if you want.
• Save: Click on "Save" button.

Voice Delete Rules:

It provide the interface to delete the sound files by configuring the rules as per schedule date.

Voice Delete Grid-

Voice Delete Grid: Voice Delete grid shows all the Voice Delete related information. This grid
provides information such as Rule Name, Scheduled on, Entry Date and Time, Priority, Rule
Type and Comments. Each row having a delete and edit buttons so you can delete and edit any
record. First column have a "+" button for each record, if click at this button then this will show
elaborated information about campaign in a new small window. At last column a "Check Backup
Rule" so if you want to execute any rule then click on this button rule will get execute. And this
button will be converted in "Drop" button so if you want stop rule execution during execution
then you can click on this "Drop" button. If any rule gets expired then "Scheduled On" date and
time will show in red color and "Check Backup Rule" will remain disabled.

Voice Delete Form-

• Filters: If you required filters then check this check box else leave it.
If you want to create this backup rule for "Call Center" then please click on Call Center
option button and if you want to create this backup rule for "IPBX" then please click on
IPBX option button.
• Campaign: Select campaign name from the campaign drop down list box.
• Campaign Type: Select campaign type from the campaign drop down list box.
• Dialer Type: Select dialer type from drop down list box.
• List: Select list from drop down list box.
• Agent: Select agent from drop down list box.
• Start Date: Select start date from the calendar tool.
• Start Time: Enter start time in HH:MM:SS format.
• End Date: Select end date from the calendar tool.
• End Time: Enter end time in HH:MM:SS format.
• Disposition: Select disposition from drop down list box.
• Customize Disposition: Select customize disposition from drop down list box.
• Customer Phone: Enter customer phone no. , it’s an optional field you can leave it
blank too.
• Action: Select Action, if you select manual then you will have to set time manually
and if you click on automatic option button system will take backup automatically on
selected date and time.
• Scheduled Date: Select schedule date.
• Auto Schedule Interval In Days: This will get activate in case of automatic action,
to automate the backup on selected interval.
• Schedule Day: Select schedule day from drop down list box. It is option you can
leave it too. But if you select it then, day must match with schedule date.
• Schedule Time: Enter schedule time and it must be in HH:MM:SS format.
• Priority: Enter priority; it must be a numeric value.
• Rule Name: Enter rule name. It’s an essential field you must write a rule name and
special characters and space is not allowed in rule name.
• Comments: Write a comment for rule, if you want.
• Save: Click on "Save" button.

Rule Status:
You can get all the information regarding to rule status at this page. This page provides a grid
with the rule status information.

• First Column: This column having a clip image which works like a button and provide a
backup to you of any rules status in a log file.
• Rule name: This column provides you information about rule name.
• Schedule Time: This column provides schedule time, at this time rule should be execute.
• Rule Type: This column provides information about rule type.
• Retries: This column provides information how many time it would be retry.
• States: This column provides information about different states of a rule. First, FTP state
it shows FTP status of the rule. Second, Active state show rule is active or not, so if rule
isn’t active then shows a red color else if active green colors check. Third Rule is started
or not. Fourth is Rule finished or not.
• Process: This column provides information about progress of a rule. If rule is execute
successfully then shows progress percentage as 100% else percentage shows according to
• Rule Status: This column provides messages about rule status accordingly so for
instance if any rule executes successfully then it shows "Completed".
• FTP Error: If there would be any error in rule execution due to FTP service then this
column provide this information.
• Parsed Rules: It any rule parses successfully then it updates "Parsed Rule" cell and "Not
Parsed Rules" cell remain blank.
• Not Parsed Rules: It any rule does not parse successfully then it updates "Not Parsed
Rule" cell and "Parsed Rules" cell remain blank.
It provides the interface to add different route patterns used to call numbers of different patterns
to be called through different departments.

Add Call Route Grid:-

Add Call Route Grid: Call Route grid shows all the Call Route related information. This grid
provides information such as their Plan Name, Pattern, Description and RouteId. Each row
having a delete(X) and edit (E) buttons so you can delete and edit any record. In third column a
"Add Route" button available for each record so you can add route.

Add Call Route Interface:-

It provide the interface to configure the different routes or gateway for the different route

Call for the numbers with the different patterns can be route through different routes or Gateway
as configured.

 Card Configuration
 Add TDM Group
 Assign TDM Group
 Test Call
 TDM DID Based Routing
 TDM Channel Configuration

Card Configuration- It provides the interface to set the card configuration for E1 card,
FXO/FXS card and to test the status of the card configured.

FXS/FXO Card Settings grid: This grid provides the information about FXS/FXO Card
Settings. It shows Card type, Port No., Zone Settings. Each row have delete and edit so you can
delete of update settings. If you want to add new card settings then "Add Card Configuration"
button, select your Card type and fill required information. You can even test card settings
through clicking on "Test Card Configuration" button.

E1/T1 PRI Card Settings grid: This grid provides the information about E1/T1 Card Settings.
It shows Card type, Timing, Zone Settings, BChannel, DChannel etc. Each row have delete and
edit so you can delete of update settings. If you want to add new card settings then "Add Card
Configuration" button, select your Card type and fill required information. You can even test
card settings through clicking on "Test Card Configuration" button. In third column Enable &
Disabled buttons available so you can enable or disable any channel.
Channel Configuration Grid: This grid provides all the card configuration information. Such
as Id, Signaling, Channel No, Context, Group, Echo Cancel, Rx, Tx, Dial Plan, PRI Dial Plan,
SwitchType and MOH. Also having edit button for each record so if you want any changes in
configuration then you can do easily.

Provider Settings Grid: This grid provides all the information regarding to card configuration
such as Card Type, Channel, Provider Name, and caller Id. Also having edit button for each
record so if you want any changes in settings then you can do easily.
PRI Capabilities Grid: This grid provides all the information regarding to current PRI
capabilities. Such as Provider Name, Local, STD, ISD and Toll Free. If you want to modify it
then you can do it. First you will have to select or deselect checkboxes accordingly and click on
save button.

Add TDM Group:

It provides the interface for grouping the channels of the PRI card into different groups provided
by the same service provider. 1. We can group the channels based on different service providers
and capabilities like local, ISD, STD, TolFree and All capabilities.

TDM Group Grid: TDM Group grid shows all the information regarding to TDM groups such
as Group Name, Provider Name, Capability, Channel Count, TDM Channels. This grid having
delete and edit buttons for modification in records. In third column "Assign Group" button
available so you can assign groups to any department or campaign.

Add TDM Group- When you will click on Add TDM Group then a form will appear on the
screen with some Capabilities and Providers.
Capabilities: There are five capabilities are available which are:

1. All: You can select this option to provide all the PRI capabilities to provider.
2. Local: You can select this option to provide local PRI capabilities to provider.
3. STD: You can select this option to provide STD PRI capabilities to provider.
4. ISD: You can select this option to provide ISD PRI capabilities to provider.
5. TOLL FREE: You can select this option to provide Toll Free PRI capabilities to
provider. Then click on "Select Providers with Selected Capabilities" after that some
more option will appear.

Group Name : Enter name of TDM Group.

Provider Name: Select provider name from list box.(Provider name contains channel
configuration and card type).

Save: Save button will save all the settings.

Assign TDM Group:

It provides the interface to assign the configured TDM Groups to different departments or

Assign TDM Group Grid: Assign TDM Group grid shows all the information regarding to
Assign TDM groups such as Group Name, Feature, Campaign/Department Name, Dialer Type,
Channel Count. Each row have a delete button so you can delete any record you want.

Assign TDM Group Form-

• Group Name: Group name specify the name of TDM Group, which you created in Add
TDM Group.
• Feature: Feature gives you a drop down list box, where you want to add group. Options
are Callcenter ,CallcenterAgents, IPBX.
• Dialer Type: Check Dialer type-Preview Or Progressive (It will not be editable, if
selected IPBX feature).
• Campaign/Department: In this drop down list box you will have to select
campaign/department name. Then click on "Assign Group" button.
Test Call:
It provides the interface to test the channel status or phone number status for calling through
TDM channel.

• Channel Type: Select "Channel Type" from channel drop down list box channel types
are PRI, FXO, FXS.
• Line Span: Select "Line Spam" as per card Configuration.
• Phone Number: Enter any phone no., on which you want to make call.
• Channel: Select channel from the channel drop down list box.
• Dial: At last click on "Dial" button, if call will connect successfully it splash a message
then "Call dial successfully" else it will show "Call failed".

TDM DID Based Routing:

It provides the interface to add multiple DID. We can add DID for ACD, IVR, IPBX. For IPBX,
we can map DID per department wise and also per extension wise.

Add DID: For addition of new DID click on "Add DID" button so a form will appear on the
screen, so fill required information such as Start Range and End Range these should be numeric.
Action: Select "Action" as per requirement.

i. If you select ACD from Action list box: Next field would be Campaign- It means DID
is getting assigned to a campaign.
ii. If you select IVR from Action list box: Next field would be Node- It means DID is
getting assigned to a node.
iii. If you select IPBX from Action list box: There would be two drop down list will appear
on the screen first "Call Routing Options" it will be having values such as "Call Forward
to department" and second would be "Call Forward direct to extension" based on these
values next drop down list will be appear and then click on "Save" button.


In ACD DID grid you will be able to get all the ACD DID related information in this grid first
column having "Delete" button for each record so you can delete any DID you want, second
column have DID, third column have "Action", fourth column have campaigns drop down list
box, fifth column have skills drop down list, last column have others drop down list so select the
values as per your requirements and then click on "Update" button. It will be updated.

In IVR DID grid you will be able to get all the IVR DID related information in this grid first
column having "Delete" button for each record so you can delete any DID you want, second
column have DID, third column have "Action", fourth column have nodes drop down list box, so
select the values as per your requirements and then click on "Update" button. It will be updated.


In IPBX DID grid you will be able to get all the IPBX DID related information in this grid first
column having "Delete" button for each record so you can delete any DID you want, second
column have DID, third column have "Action", fourth column have departments drop down list
box, fifth column have extensions drop down list so select the values as per your requirements
and then click on "Update" button. It will be updated.
Quick DID Update:

If you want to update or assign any DID to then there are a tool available below of Add DID
button, so all the DID is present in the DID list box you can select, from action drop down list
box you can select action and from process drop down list you can select process and click on
update button your DID will be updated.

TDM Channel Configuration:

In "TDM Channel Configuration" you will be able to find details of Card Configuration for
every added card.

TDM Channel Configuration Grid: In "TDM Channel Configuration" you will be able to find
details of Card Configuration for every added card. This grid provides information such as Span
Number, Card Type, BChannel, DChannel, TDM-Channel, Service, Status etc.

 SIP Configuration
 SIP Channel Configuration
 Test Call
 SIP DID Based Routing
 DNIS Category

SIP Configuration:
It provides the interface to add the SIP server gateway configurations specifying bandwidth for
the particular SIP server Gateway.

SIP Configuration Grid: In "SIP Configuration" you will be able to find details of SIP
Configuration. This grid provide information such as SIP Registrar Name, SIP Registrar Server,
Phone No., Port No., Dial Code , DTMF, Reinvite, Codec, Codec Bandwidth, Sample Period,
Total Channel, Interface, Allocated Bandwidth, Unit Cost, Sip Overhead BW etc. First and
second column have "Delete" and "Edit" button respectively so you can easily delete and update
any record required. Third column have "Change DTMF" button so you can DTMF whenever
required. Fourth column have "Change Codec" button so you can change codec.

SIP Configuration Form: If you want to add new SIP configuration then for the same please
click on "Add SIP Configuration" button then a form will appear on the screen. Form required
some information which are mention below:

• SIP Registrar Name: Enter SIP registrar name its essential.

• SIP Registrar Server: Enter SIP registrar server's IP address, it’s an essential field.
• Phone Number: Enter phone no.
• Secret: Secret code required for authentication
• Port Number: Enter port number.
• Dialing Code (prefix): Prefix code would be affix to the dialing number.
• DTMF: Select DTMF whichever you want.
• Re-Invite: If you want re-invite then check the Re-Invite check box.
• Primary Codec: Select primary codec.
• Secondary Codec: You can select multiple secondary codec so select as per your
• Select Interface: Select interface from interface drop down list box.
• Allocate Bandwidth (kbps): You can allocate bandwidth in kbps.
• Unit Cost/Minute: Enter unit cost in minutes.
• Optional User: You can enter optional user in this field.
• ANI: Remaining.
• Provider Name: Enter provider name.
• Multiple DID: If you want multiple DID then check this checkbox.
• Registration Required: If registration required then please check this check box.
• Cisco Gateway: If Cisco Gateway required then please check this check box.
• IPBX: If IPBX required then please check this check box.
SIP Channel Configuration:
In "SIP Channel Configuration" you will be able to find details of SIP channel configurations.

SIP Channel Configuration Grid: In "SIP Channel Configuration" grid you will be able to find
details of configured channels. This grid provides information such as SIP Channel, Campaign
Name, Campaign State, Gateway Name, SIP Gateway and Status. And first column have a
hungup button.
SIP Channel Configuration: If you want to assign any "SIP Channel" to any campaign so first
you will have to deactivate that particular campaign. Then these deactivated campaigns will be
available in the "Deactivated Campaigns" drop down list box. There are also a "Available SIP
Channels" list box available with all the available list box select them and click on "Submit"

Test Call:
It provides the interface to test the channel status or phone number status for calling through SIP
• Channel Type: It will be SIP by default and it would be a read only field.
• Line Span: Select "Line Spam".
• Phone Number: Enter any phone no., on which you want to make call.
• Dial: At last click on "Dial" button, if call will connect successfully it splash a message
then "Call dial successfully" else it will show "Call failed".

SIP DID Based Routing:

It provides the interface to add multiple DIDs .We can add DID for ACD, IVR, IPBX. For IPBX,
we can map DID per department wise and also per extension wise. Here, we map the DID with
the SIP Server Gateway while adding.

Add DID: For addition of new DID click on "Add DID" button so a form will appear on the
screen, then fill required information, described below:

• SIP Gateway: Select sip gateway from "SIP Gateway" drop down list box.
• Username: Enter user name.
• Secret: Enter secret code.
• Extension: Enter extension.
• Action: Select action from action drop down list box.
• Registration Required: If registration required then check this check box.
Quick DID Update:

If you want to update or assign any DID to then there are a tool available below of Add DID
button, so all the DID is present in the DID list box you can select, from action drop down list
box you can select action and from process drop down list you can select process and click on
update button your DID will be updated.


In ACD DID grid you will be able to get all the ACD DID related information in this grid first
column having "Delete" button for each record so you can delete any DID you want, second
column have DID, third column have "Action", fourth column have campaigns drop down list
box, fifth column have skills drop down list, last column have others drop down list so select the
values as per your requirements and then click on "Update" button. It will be updated.


In IVR DID grid you will be able to get all the IVR DID related information in this grid first
column having "Delete" button for each record so you can delete any DID you want, second
column have DID, third column have "Action", fourth column have nodes drop down list box, so
select the values as per your requirements and then click on "Update" button. It will be updated.


In IPBX DID grid you will be able to get all the IPBX DID related information in this grid first
column having "Delete" button for each record so you can delete any DID you want, second
column have DID, third column have "Action", fourth column have departments drop down list
box, fifth column have extensions drop down list so select the values as per your requirements
and then click on "Update" button. It will be updated.
AMD (Answering Machine Detect): This interface provides information about AMD. This grid
has like Status, Type, Initial Sil, Greeting, After Greeting Sil, Total Analysis Time, Word length
etc. And there are a update button also provided so you can update it any time.


What is Reports?

It gives the complete detailed information about the Campaign and Agent Status which includes
Call Summary, Call Duration report, Detail Call Report, Day of the Week, Time of Day report,
Daily Call Summary, Agent State Analysis, Disposition reports, Customer, Dialer type, Failure
Calls, abandon Calls, AMD, etc. The admin can filter the information about any particular
campaign by specifying the Campaign, Agent, and Start date, End date, Start time, and End time,
Disposition, Customize Disposition, Customer Phone, etc.

The Reports can be categorized into:

 ACD Reports
 Conf Reports
 CRM Reports
 IPBX Reports
 IVR Reports
 Skill Reports

These reports are the call distribution reports.


Filters can be used for bifurcate the information about the call.

• Filter Check box: This will allow writing the campaign name, list name and other fields
• Campaign: Select the name of the campaign from the drop down.
• Campaign Type: The type of the campaign (INBOUND, OUTBOUND or BLENDED).
• Dialer Type: Select the dialer type.
• List: Select the name of the list.
• Agent: Select the name of the agent.
• Skills: Select the skills.
• Disposition: Select the basic dispositions.
• Customize Disposition: Select the customized disposition.
• Start Date: The date on which the call is made (start date).
• Start Time: The time at which the call is made (start time).
• End Date: The date on till which you want the records to be displayed (end date).
• End Time: The time until which you want the records to be display (end time).
• Current Date: Using current date option, you can fetch the records of current date.
• Start Duration: The starting duration of call.
• End Duration: The ending duration of call.
• Customer Phone: Filter can be done on the basis customer phone number.
• Unique Call: Unique call check.

 Call Summary

This report will give the summary of the call on the basis of campaign and agent.

 Campaign Call Summary

• Campaign Name: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• Dialer Type: What kind of dialer used. Is it a progressive call, predictive
call or preview call.
• Campaign Type: The type of the campaign (INBOUND, OUTBOUND
• Channel: The channel used for calling is SIP or ZAP.
• Total Calls Initiated: Total number of calls generated for the particular
campaign and will vary with the Dialer Type.
• Total Call Offered: Number of calls offered to the agents.
• % offered: The percentage of call offered.
• Total Calls Answered: Total number of call answered by the agents. Note
in case of manual calls, all the calls made are ANSWERED calls only.
• % Answered on Initiated: Total percentage of call answered on initiated.
• %Answered on Offered: The percentage of calls answered, when the
calls were transferred to the agents.
• Disposition Set: It gives the count of disposition set for the calls. If the
customized disposition is created for the campaign, it is mandatory for the
agent to set the disposition.
• Disposition Not Set: It gives the value of calls, on which the dispositions
are not set.
• Abandon: Call answered by the customer and not by the agent is consider
as an Abandon Call. Note: In case of preview or manual, a call can never
be an abandoned call.
• % Abandon on Initiated: Percentage of initiated call which are getting
• % Abandon on Offered: Calls getting abandoned when the calls are
actually transferred to the agents and was not answered.
• Failed: Call that could not be connected due to various Factors.
• Total call Handling Time: The total time of the call, that includes talking
time + hold time + wrap up time.
• Total Talk Time: This gives the value of total talk time.
• Average Talk Time: This gives the average value of total talk time.
• Total Talk Time: This gives the value of total talk time.
• Average Call Handling Time: This gives the average value of call
handling time.
• Calls Held: This gives the count of calls which are kept on hold.
• Total Hold Time: This gives the total value of Call which is kept on hold.
• Average Hold Time of Answered: This gives the average value of
answered call which is kept on hold.
• Calls Queued: This gives the count of calls which is in queue.
• Total Queue Time: The total time for which the call stayed in the queue
of the campaign and was transferred to the agent.
• Average Queue Time: This gives the average count of calls in queue.
• Average Speed of Answer: The Average speed with which the agent
answered the call.
• Max Queue Time: The maximum time for which the call was in queue.
• Wrap Count: The call wrap count.
• Total Wrap Up Time: The total time spend by agents in wrapping up the
• Average Wrap Up Time: The average time of call wrap.
• Total Cost:

 Agent Call Summary

• Agent Name: Name of the agent will be displayed.
• Agent ID: Agent Id will be displayed.
• Campaign Name: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• Calls Answered: Calls answered by agent.
• Disposition Set: It gives the count of disposition set for the calls. If the
customized disposition is created for the campaign, it is mandatory for the
agent to set the disposition.
• Disposition Not Set: It gives the value of calls, on which the dispositions
are not set.
• Call Handling Time: It gives the time, taken by the agent to handle a call.
• Average Call Handling Time: This gives the average value of call
handling time.
• Talk Time: This gives the value of total talk time.
• Average Talk Time: This gives the average value of total talk time.
• Calls Held: This gives the count of calls which is kept on hold.
• Hold Time: This gives the total value of hold time.
• Average Hold Time of Answered: This gives the average value of
answered call kept on hold.
• Wrap Count: The call wrap count.
• Wrap Time: The total count of calls wrap count.
• Average Wrap Time: The average of call wrap count.
• Login Time: The time at which agent was logged in.
• Ready Time: The time between agent logged in and the time before agent
clicking on READY TAB, on the agentui.
• Aux Time: The break time.
• Idle Time: The time when the agent waiting for the call.

 Detailed Call Report

This report will give the detailed view of the call on the basis of campaign.
• Agent Name: Name of the agent will be displayed.
• Agent ID: Agent Id will be displayed.
• Campaign Name: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• List Name: Name of the list will be displayed.
• Customer Name: Name of the customer will be displayed.
• Customer Phone No.: The phone number of customer will be displayed.
• Queue Time (secs): The time for which the call stayed in the queue of the
campaign and was transferred to the agent.
• Date and Time: The date and the time at which the call was made.
• Call Duration: The total duration of call.
• Call Type: Whether the call is predictive, progressive or preview call.
• Call Status: The basic disposition will be set for each call.
• DID Number: The DID number will be displayed.
• Monitor File Path: The location at which the sound file is saved.
• Customer Disposition: The customized disposition will be displayed.
• Customer Category: This will display the categories that will be created
campaign wise.
• Transferred From: Who transferred the call i.e. from which agent of the
campaign or from which campaign call has transferred.
• Transferred To: To which agent of the campaign or to which campaign
the call is being transferred.
• Session Id: The unique id generated for each call.
• Remarks: The call remarks are displayed here.
• Wrap up Time: Wrap up time of each call.
• Channel: Channel used for calling.
• Next Call Time: The next time the call will be dialed on the same number
depending upon the timestamp that will be stored in this field.
• Skills: The skills of Agents are displayed here.

 Time Of The Day Report

This report will give the report on the hourly basis.

 Campaign Hourly Call Summary

• Date: The date will be displayed here.

• Time Span in Hours (2): Time will be displayed with the gap of 2 hours.
• Campaign Name: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• Dialer Type: What kind of dialer used. Whether it is a progressive call,
predictive call or preview calls.
• Campaign Type: The type of the campaign (INBOUND, OUTBOUND
• Channel: The channel used for calling is SIP or ZAP.
• Total Calls Initiated: Total number of calls generated for the particular
campaign and will vary with the Dialer Type.
• Total Call Offered: Number of calls offered to the agents.
• % Offered: The percentage of call offered.
• Total Calls Answered: Total number of call answered by the agents. Note
in case of manual calls, all the calls made are ANSWERED calls only.
• % Answered on Initiated: Total percentage of call answered on initiated.
• %Answered on Offered: The percentage of calls answered, when the
calls were transferred to the agents.
• Disposition Set: It gives the count of disposition set for the calls. If the
customized disposition is created for the campaign, it is mandatory for the
agent to set the disposition.
• Disposition Not Set: It gives the value of calls, on which the dispositions
are not set.
• Abandon: When the agents are not available in a campaign, then the call
becomes abandon. Note: In case of preview or manual, a call can never be
an abandoned call.
• % Abandon on Initiated: Percentage of initiated call which are getting
• % Abandon on Offered: Calls getting abandoned when the calls are
actually transferred to the agents and was not answered.
• Failed: Failed Calls.
• Total call Handling Time: The total time of the call including talking
time + hold time + wrap up time.
• Total Talk Time: This gives the value of total talk time.
• Average Talk Time: This gives the average value of total talk time.
• Total Talk Time: This gives the value of total talk time.
• Average Call Handling Time: This gives the average value of call
handling time.
• Calls Held: This gives the count of calls kept on hold.
• Total Hold Time: This gives the total value of hold time.
• Average Hold Time of Answered: This gives the average value of
answered call kept on hold.
• Calls Queued: This gives the count of calls in queue.
• Total Queue Time: This gives the total count of calls in queue.
• Average Queue Time: This gives the average count of calls in queue.
• Average Speed of Answer: The speed with which the agent answered the
• Max Queue Time: The maximum time for which the call was in queue.
• Wrap Count: The call wrap count.
• Total Wrap Up Time: The total count of calls wrap count.
• Average Wrap Up Time: The average of call wrap count.

 Agent Hourly Call Summary

• Date: The date will be displayed here.
• Time Span in Hours (2): Time will be displayed with the gap of 2 hours.
• Campaign Name: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• Agent Logged IN: This will show the number of agents loggedIN in the
particular timestamp (in 2 hrs span).

 Daily Call Summary Report

This report will give the report on daily basis.

 Campaign Daily Call Summary

• Call Date: The date will be displayed here.
• Day: Will display the day of the week.
• Week: Week of the month.
• Campaign Name: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• Dialer Type: What kind of dialer used. Is it a progressive call, predictive
call or preview call.
• Campaign Type: The type of the campaign (INBOUND, OUTBOUND
• Channel: The channel used for calling is SIP or ZAP.
• Total Calls Initiated: Total number of calls generated for the particular
campaign and will vary with the Dialer Type.
• Total Call Offered: Number of calls offered to the agents.
• % Offered: The percentage of call offered.
• Total Calls Answered: Total number of call answered by the agents. Note
in case of manual calls, all the calls made are ANSWERED calls only.
• % Answd on Initiated: Total percentage of call answered on initiated.
• %Answd on Offered: The percentage of calls answered, when the calls
were transferred to the agents.
• Disposition Set: It gives the count of disposition set for the calls. If the
customized disposition is created for the campaign, it is mandatory for the
agent to set the disposition.
• Disposition Not Set: It gives the value of calls, on which the dispositions
are not set.
• Abandon: When the agents are not available in a campaign, then the call
becomes abandon. Note: In case of preview or manual, a call can never be
an abandoned call.
• % Abandon on Initiated: Percentage of initiated call which are getting
% Abandon on Offered: Calls getting abandoned when the calls are

actually transferred to the agents and was not answered.
• Failed: Failed Calls.
• Total call Handling Time: The total time of the call including talking
time + hold time + wrap up time.
• Total Talk Time: This gives the value of total talk time.
• Average Talk Time: This gives the average value of total talk time.
• Total Talk Time: This gives the value of total talk time.
• Average Call Handling Time: This gives the average value of call
handling time.
• Calls Held: This gives the count of calls kept on hold.
• Total Hold Time: This gives the total value of hold time.
• Avg Hold Time of Answd: This gives the average value of answered call
kept on hold.
• Calls Queued: This gives the count of calls in queue.
• Total Queue Time: This gives the total count of calls in queue.
• Average Queue Time: This gives the average count of calls in queue.
• Average Speed of Answer: The speed with which the agent answered the
• Max Queue Time: The maximum time for which the call was in queue.
• Wrap Count: The call wrap count.
• Total Wrap Up Time: The total count of calls wrap count.
• Average Wrap Up Time: The average of call wrap count.
 Agent Hourly Call Summary
• Call Date: The date will be displayed here.
• Day: Day will be displayed here.
• Week: Week will be displayed here.
• Campaign Name: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• Agent Logged IN: This will show the number of agents logged in.

 Time Summary Report

This report will give the report on basis of time.

 Answered Time Summary

This report will display the count of call in different hours.

 Line Summary Report: This report will give the report on basis of channels.
• Line Number: The channel on which the call is made.
• Campaign Name: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• Total Calls: Total calls on the specific channel.
• Total Talk Time: Total talktime on the channel.
• Average Talk Time: Average talktime on the channel.

 Abandon Call Report

This report will give the information of the abandoned calls.
 Abandon Call Summary
• Customer Phone Number: The customer phone is displayed.
• Queue Enter Time: The time at which the call entered in the queue.
• Queue Time(Secs): The time for which the call stayed in the queue.
• DID Number: The DID number will display here.
• Skills: Skills will display here.

 AMD ( Answering Machine Detection) Report

This report will give the information about the calls detected the answering machine.

• Customer Phone Number: The customer phone is displayed.

• Call Date Time: The date and time will be displayed.

 Failure Call Report

This report will give the information about the failed calls.

 Failure Call Summary

• Customer Phone Number: The customer phone is displayed.
• Call Time: The time will be displayed.
• Call Disposition: The basic disposition will set for the failure calls.
• Failed Reason: The reason for call failing will display here.

 Agent Login Report

This report will give the information about the agent log in.
 Agent State Detailed Analysis
• Agent Name: Agent name will display here.
• Agent ID: Agent Id will display here.
• Campaign Name: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• Agent State: The agent state will display here. Whether the agent is in
progressive and preview, login or logged out state.
• Start Time: The start time of the agent login.
• End Time: The log out time of the agent.
• Aux Reason: The break reason will display here.
• Ready Time: The time between the agent login and the time when the
agent click on ready tab of the agentui.

 Agent Session Report

This report will give the information about the detailed session of the agent.

 Agent State Detailed Analysis

• Agent Name: Agent name will display here.
• Agent ID: Agent Id will display here.
• Campaign Name: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• Agent State: The agent state will display here. Whether the agent is in
progressive and preview, login or logged out state.
• Login Time: The login time of the agent.
• Logout Time: The log out time of the agent.
• Total Time: The total time for which the agent was logged in.
• Aux Time: The break time of the agent.
• Ready Time: The time between the agent login and the time when the
agent click on ready tab of the agentui.
• Staffed Time: The time when the agent was on call and was waiting for
the calls.
• Calls: The total number of calls taken by the agent.

 Agent Summary Report

This report will give the information about the session of the agent date wise.

 Agent Summary
• Agent Name: Agent name will display here.
• Agent ID: Agent Id will display here.
• Campaign Name: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• Date: The date on which the agent logged in.
• Total Login Time: The total login time of the agent.
• Aux Time: The break time of the agent.
• Ready Time: The time between the agent login and the time when the
agent click on ready tab of the agentui.
• Staffed Time: The time when the agent was on call and was waiting for
the calls.
• Calls: The total number of calls taken by the agent.

 Agent Break Time Report

This report will give the information about the breaks taken by agents.

 Campaign Break Summary

• Agent ID: Agent Id will display here.
• Agent Name: Agent name will display here.
• Campaign Name: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• Break Name: Break wise information.
• Total: The total time for which the agent was on break.

These are the CRM reports, the report that has the information, when the call starts till the agent
dispose the call.


Filters can be used for bifurcate the information about the call.
• Filter Check box: This will allow writing the campaign name, list name and other fields
• Campaign: Select the name of the campaign from the drop down.
• Campaign Type: The type of the campaign (INBOUND, OUTBOUND or BLENDED).
• Dialer Type: Select the dialer type.
• List: Select the name of the list.
• Agent: Select the name of the agent.
• Start Date: The date on which the call is made (start date).
• Start Time: The time at which the call is made (start time).
• End Date: The date on which the call is made (end date).
• Start Time: The time at which the call is made (end time).
• Current Date: Using this report for current date and current date - 1, can be fetched.
• Start Duration: The starting duration of call.
• End Duration: The ending duration of call.
• Disposition: Select the basic dispositions.
• Customize Disposition: Select the customized disposition.
• Customer Phone: Filter can be done on the basis customer phone number.
 Disposition Report
This report will give the information about the disposition of the calls.

 Disposition Reports

• Campaign: Name of the campaign will be displayed.

• Calls Initiated: Number of calls initiated for the campaign.
• Calls Connected: Number of calls connected for the campaign.
• Calls Answered: Number of calls answered.
• Calls Abandon: Number of calls set as abandon.
• Calls Failed: Count of failed calls.
• Disposition Set: Count of Disposition set for the call.
• Disposition not set: Count of disposition not set for the call.

 Campaign Disposition report

• Campaign: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• Operator: Operator for the call.
• Disposition: Basic disposition set for the calls.
• Count: Count for different disposition.

 Campaign Customized Disposition Report

• Campaign: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• Disposition: Customized disposition set for the calls.
• Count: Count for different disposition.

 Campaign Category Report

• Campaign: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• Category: Category set for the calls.
• Count: Count for different disposition.

 List Disposition Summary

• Campaign: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• List: Name of the list will display here.
• Calls Initiated: Number of calls initiated for the campaign.
• Calls Connected: Number of calls connected for the campaign.
• Calls Answered: Number of calls answered.
• Calls Abandon: Number of calls set as abandon.
• Calls Failed: Count of failed calls.
• Disposition Set: Count of Disposition set for the call.
• Disposition Not set: Count of disposition not set for the call.
 List Disposition report
• Campaign: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• List: Name of the list will display here.
• Operator: Operator for the call.
• Disposition: Basic disposition set for the calls.
• Count: Count for different disposition.

 List Customized Disposition Report

• Campaign: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• List: Name of the list will display here.
• Disposition: Customized disposition set for the calls.
• Count: Count for different disposition.

 List-Wise Category Report

• Campaign: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• List: Name of the list will display here.
• Category: Category set for the calls.
• Count: Count for different disposition.

 Agent Campaign-Wise Disposition Summary

• Campaign: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• Agent Name: Name of the agent will be displayed.
• Agent ID: Agent Id will be displayed.
• Calls Initiated: Number of calls initiated for the campaign.
• Calls Connected: Number of calls connected for the campaign.
• Calls Answd: Number of calls answered.
• Calls Abandon: Number of calls set as abandon.
• Calls Failed: Count of failed calls.
• Disposition Set: Count of Disposition set for the call.
• Disposition Not set: Count of disposition not set for the call.

 Agent List-Wise Disposition Summary

• Campaign: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• List: Name of the list will display here.
• Agent Name: Name of the agent will be displayed.
• Agent ID: Agent Id will be displayed.
• Calls Initiated: Number of calls initiated for the campaign.
• Calls Connected: Number of calls connected for the campaign.
• Calls Answered: Number of calls answered.
• Calls Abandon: Number of calls set as abandon.
• Calls Failed: Count of failed calls.
• Disposition Set: Count of Disposition set for the call.
• Disposition Not set: Count of disposition not set for the call.

 Agent Campaign-Wise Disposition Report

• Campaign: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• Agent Name: Name of the agent will be displayed.
• Agent ID: Agent Id will be displayed.
• Disposition: Customized disposition set for the calls.
• Count: Count for different disposition.

 Agent List-Wise Disposition Report

• Campaign: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• List: Name of the list will display here.
• Agent Name: Name of the agent will be displayed.
• Agent ID: Agent Id will be displayed.
• Disposition: Customized disposition set for the calls.
• Count: Count for different disposition.

 Agent Campaign-Wise Customized Disposition Report

• Campaign: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• Agent Name: Name of the agent will be displayed.
• Agent ID: Agent Id will be displayed.
• Customized Disposition: Customized disposition set for the calls.
• Count: Count for different disposition.

 Agent List-Wise Customized Disposition Report

• Campaign: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• List: Name of the list will display here.
• Agent Name: Name of the agent will be displayed.
• Agent ID: Agent Id will be displayed.
• Customized Disposition: Customized disposition set for the calls.
• Count: Count for different disposition.

 Agent Campaign-Wise Category Report

• Campaign: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• Agent: Name of the agent will display here.
• Category: Category set for the calls.
• Count: Count for different disposition

 Agent List-Wise Category Report

• Campaign: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• List: Name of the list will display here.
• Agent: Name of the agent will display here.
• Category: Category set for the calls.
• Count: Count for different disposition.
 Customer Detailed Report
This report will give the detailed information of the call.

• Customer Phone No.: The phone number will be displayed.

• Customer Name: Name of the customer will be displayed.
• Queue Time (secs): The time for which the call stayed in the queue of the
campaign and was transferred to the agent.
• Date and Time: The date on and the time at which the call was made.
• Duration: The time for which the call lasted.
• Call Status: The basic disposition will be set for each call.
• DID Path: The DID path will be displayed.
• Customized Disposition: The customized disposition will be displayed.
• Customized Category: This will display the categories that will be
created campaign wise.
• Transferred From: Who transferred the call i.e. from which agent of the
campaign or from which campaign.
• Transferred To: To which agent of the campaign or to which campaign
the call is transferred.
• Call Remarks: The remarks given for a call is displayed here.

 List Call Summary

• List Name: Name of the list will display.
• Campaign Name: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• Total Call Offered: Number of calls offered to the agents.
• Disposition Set: It gives the count of disposition set for the calls. If the
customized disposition is created for the campaign, it is mandatory for the
agent to set the disposition.
• Disposition Not Set: It gives the value of calls, on which the dispositions
are not set.
• Abandon: When the agents are not available in a campaign, then the call
becomes abandon. Note: In case of preview or manual, a call can never be
an abandoned call.
• Failed: Failed Calls.
• Average Talk Time: This gives the average value of total talk time.
• Average Queue Time: This gives the average count of calls in queue.
• Total Queue Time: This gives the total count of calls in queue.
• Total Talktime: The count of total talk time displays here.

 Export Report : This will allow to extract the report by selecting specific fields, if

 Disposition Wise Report

 Campaign Disposition Summary: This will allow to extract the report on the
basis of customized disposition, campaign wise.
 Category Wise Report
• Agent: Name of the agent will display here.
• Agent ID: Agent Id will be displayed.
• Campaign: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• Dispo_Category: Category set for the calls.
• Total: Total of different disposition.

 Disposition Wise Ratio Report

 Disposition Wise Ratio Summary: This will allow viewing the report on the
basis of customized disposition.

 Category Wise Ratio Report

 Category Wise Ratio Summary: This will allow viewing the report on the basis
of categories.

 Category-Disposition Wise Ratio Report

 Category-Disposition Wise Ratio Summary: This will allow viewing the report
on the basis of categories and the related dispositions.


These are the reports related to IVR.


Filters can be used for bifurcate the information about the call.
• Filter Check box: This will allow writing the campaign name manually.
• Transfer: Select the name of the campaign from the drop down.
• Campaign: Select the name of the campaign from the drop down.
• Start Date: The date on which the call is made (start date).
• Start Time: The time at which the call is made (start time).
• End Date: The date on which the call is made (end date).
• Start Time: The time at which the call is made (end time).
• Current Date: Using this report for current date and current date - 1, can be fetched.
• Start Duration: The starting duration of call.
• End Duration: The ending duration of call.
• Customer phone: The incoming phone number can be written here.
• IVR Path Search: Mention the IVR path for searching.

 IVR Call Summary

This report will give the summary of the call on the basis of IVR nodes.

 IVR Monthly Call Summary

• Month: The month will display here.
• Leaf Node Name: The node name will display here.
• Total Hits: Number of hits made on the node.
• Transferred To ACD: Calls transferred to ACD.
• Abandoned on IVR: Call got abandoned due to campaign time over or a call
was made during off calling hours.

 IVR Call Summary

• Date: The date will display here.
• Leaf Node Name: The node name will display here.
• Total Hits: Number of hits made on the node.
• Transferred To ACD: Calls transferred to ACD.
• Abandoned on IVR: Call got abandoned due to campaign time over or a call
was made during off calling hours.

 IVR Detail Call Report

• IVRS Path: The IVR path will be displaying here.
• DID Path: Did path will display here.
• Phone no: The number from which the call is made is displayed here.
• Leaf Node: Name of the leaf node will display here.
• Link Time: The time at which the call entered into the IVR.
• Unlink Time: The time at which the call was out from IVR.
• Transfer To: The call transferred to which campaign.
• Session ID: The Unique id of the call.
• Duration: The duration for which the call was in the IVR.
• Channel: The channel used.
• Skills: The value of skills.
 IVR ACD Detail Call Report
• IVRS Path: The IVR path will be displaying here.
• Campaign Name: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• Agent Name: Name of the agent will be displayed.
• Agent ID: Agent Id will be displayed.
• Phone no: The number from which the call is made is displayed here.
• Name: Name will be displayed.
• Leaf Node: Name of the leaf node will display here.
• IVR Link Time: The time at which the call entered into the IVR.
• Queue Time (secs): The time for which the call stayed in the queue of the
campaign and was transferred to the agent.
• Date Time: The date on and the time at which the call was made.
• Call Duration: The time for which the call lasted.
• Call Type: Whether the call is predictive, progressive or preview call.
• Call Status: The basic disposition will be set for each call.
• Customize Disposition: The customized disposition will be displayed.
• Customize Category: This will display the categories that will be created
campaign wise.
• Transferred From: The call transferred from.
• Transferred To: The call transferred to.
• Session Id: The unique id generated for each call.
• Remarks: The call remarks are displayed here.
• Wrap up Time: Wrap up time of each call.
• Skills: the skills are displayed here.
• DID: Did will display here.

These reports are the conference reports.
Filters can be used for bifurcate the information about the call.

• Filter Check box: This will allow writing the campaign name, list name and other fields
• Campaign: Select the name of the campaign from the drop down.
• Campaign Type: The type of the campaign (INBOUND, OUTBOUND or BLENDED).
• Dialer Type: Select the dialer type.
• List: Select the name of the list.
• Agent: Select the name of the agent.
• Start Date: The date on which the call is made (start date).
• Start Time: The time at which the call is made (start time).
• End Date: The date on which the call is made (end date).
• Start Time: The time at which the call is made (end time).
• Current Date: Using this report for current date and current date - 1, can be fetched.
• Start Duration: The starting duration of call.
• End Duration: The ending duration of call.
• Customer Phone: Filter can be done on the basis customer phone number.

 Transfer Summary Report

This report will give the summary of the call transferred.

 Campaign Call Summary

• Campaign Name: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• Dialer Type: What kind of dialer used. Is it a progressive call, predictive call
or preview call.
• Campaign Type: The type of the campaign (INBOUND, OUTBOUND or
• Channel: The channel used for calling is SIP or ZAP.
• Total Calls: Total number of calls generated.
• Total Talk Time: Total time taken during the call.

 Agent Call Summary

• Agent Name: Name of the agent will be displayed.
• Agent ID: Agent Id will be displayed.
• Campaign Name: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• Calls Answered: Calls answered by agent.
• Talk Time: This gives the value of total talk time.

 Transfer Detailed Report

This report will give the detailed information of the call transferred.

 Detailed Call Report

• Agent Name: Name of the agent will be displayed.
• Agent ID: Agent Id will be displayed.
• Campaign Name: Name of the campaign will be displayed.
• List Name: The list name will display here.
• Customer Name: The name of the customer will be displayed.
• Customer Phone No: The customer phone number will display here.
• Date Time: The date and time of the call will display here.
• Call Duration: The duration of the call.
• Call Type: Whether the call is predictive, progressive or preview call.
• Call Status: The basic disposition will be set for each call.
• Customer Disposition: The customized dispositions will display here.
• Remarks: The call remarks are displayed here.

These are the reports related to IPBX.
Filters can be used for bifurcate the information about the call.

• Filter Check box: This will allow writing the department name manually.
• Department: Select the name of the department from the drop down.
• Call Type: The type of the call.
• Dialer Type: Select the dialer type.
• Start Date: The date on which the call is made (start date).
• Start Time: The time at which the call is made (start time).
• End Date: The date on which the call is made (end date).
• Start Time: The time at which the call is made (end time).
• Current Date: Using this report for current date and current date - 1, can be fetched.
• Start Duration: The starting duration of call.
• End Duration: The ending duration of call.
• Calling Party: The calling party information is displayed here.
• Called Party: The called party information is displayed here.
• Disposition: Select the basic dispositions.

 Call Summary
This report will give the summary of the call on the basis of departments.

 Department Wise Call Summary

• Department Name: Name of the department will be displayed.
• Call Type: The type of call will display here.
• Calls Initiated: Number of calls generated for the particular department.
• Calls Answered: Total number of calls answered.
• Calls Failed: Total number of failed calls answered.
• % Answered: Total percentage of call answered.
• Disposition Set: It gives the count of disposition set for the calls.
• No Disposed Calls: It gives the value of calls, on which the dispositions are
not set.
• Total Talk Time: This gives the value of total talk time.
• Average Talk Time: This gives the average value of total talk time.

 Detail Call Report

• Calling Party: Name of the calling party will be displayed.
• Called Party: Name of the called party will be displayed.
• Caller ID: The number from which the call is made is displayed here.
• Department Name: Name of the department.
• Call Date: The time and date of the call will display here.
• Duration: Duration of the call will display here.
• Call Type: The type of the call.
• Call Status: The basic disposition is displayed for the call.
• Call Disposition: The call disposition will display here.
• Recording File: The sound file created.
• Unique Id: The unique id for a call.
• Incoming Route: This gives the incoming channel of the call.
• Outgoing Route: This gives the outgoing channel of the call.

 Failed Call Report

• Extension: The extension will be displayed here.
• Called Number: The number on which the call is made will display here.
• Dept Name: Department name will display here.
• Department Name: Name of the department.
• Called Date: The time and date of the call will display here.
• Duration: Duration of the call will display here.
• Call Type: The type of the call.
• Call Status: The basic disposition is displayed for the call.
• Call Disposition: The call disposition will display here.
• Unique Id: The unique id for a call.


What is License?
Software license is a legal agreement which may take the form of a proprietary as well as a
memorandum of contract between a producer and a user of computer software. This Software
has many features, for each feature licensing is required .Gives the information of feature with its
name, status, install date and Expiry date. The License version, String and Feature Details is also

Steps to Install license:-

 The status menu shows the status code/ License String on the right, which will be sending
to the customer support to get the license.
 The status of all features in the C-Zentrix machine is disabled, which will be enabled
after getting the license for it.
 Go to Install License menu.
 Send the status code to the customer support, they will send you a license file.
 Type the location of the license file in the box or browse the location of it and then
 All the features requested will now be enabled with the license and appear on the screen
of the machine.
 Status menu gives the information about the Number of Agents the machine can support.
 The Sip Extensions gives information about maximum number of peers we can create in
an IPBX.
The Live Status of C-Zentrix Admin is shown in real time:


Mail/SMS :

The Mail/SMS can be categorized into:

• Mail Configuration
• Mail Attachments
• SMS Configuration



It contain the Mail configuration information in the server

• Mail Server Name: To provide the name of the Server in which mails need to be
• Server Information: To provide the information of the server.
 Mail Server: IP of the server in which mail needs to be configured(It is a Mandatory
 PORT: Port of the server through which mail can be received.(It is a mandatory

• LOGIN INFORMATION: User has to provide the all information related to Login.
 Authentication Information: To provide the information related to LOGIN

 User Information: To provide the information related to the user

 Password: To provide the password.
 TLS Permission: Whether you want TLS permission to be enabled or disabled.


 Add Attachment: You can add the attachment in the mail.

 Delete: You can delete the attached file from the mail.
 Export: You can export the files from different location and attach in the mail.
 Filename: You can directly attach the files in mail by putting the path and the
name of the file.


SMS configuration helps to configure SMS on the gateway.

Note: To delete the gateway, Please unassigned the mail gateway configuration or deactivate the
mail message from campaigns.
 Gateway Name: Name of the node that allows you to gain entrance into a
 User Name: Name of the user as per our server, who want to send the
 User Name Field: The user name field as per the SMS Server.
 Password: To provide the password of the user.
 Password Field: The name of the password field as per the SMS server.
 To Field: The person, to whom the message is to be delivered.
 Message Field: Title of the message.
 URL: URL of the SMS Gateway.
 Sender: Person who wants to send the SMS.
 Sender Field: Name of the Sender Field as per the SMS server.
 Status: Whether the Status of sender is activated or deactivated.
 Request Time out: If the SMS IP is not reachable to other end then it
shows Request time out.
 Other Static Fields: If you require adding any other fields you can do so

CZentrix LIVE

CZentrix Live shows the live status of Agent which includes all the information of the agent.

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