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PFLAG Buffalo-Niagara

PFLAG Buffalo/Niagara
Parents, Families, Friends and Allies United with LGBTQ People

PO Box 61
Buffalo, NY 14207

Next Sharing Meeting

Sunday, March 18

Generally, monthly sharing meetings are held at Kenilworth United Church of Christ, 45 Dalton Drive,
Tonawanda 14223, from 2:30-5:00. Newcomers and anyone interested will be offered the option of meeting
privately with a PFLAG parent. Our monthly meetings are in the library, which is near the parking lot entrance.
The facility is handicapped accessible. New Parents Meetings are scheduled as needed at a location
convenient to those involved. These self-help one-on-one meetings deal with the concerns of parents and
family members who have recently learned that a loved one is gay.

We meet because we have learned that someone very close to us is Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, or Transgender. We try
to help one another deal with this information in a positive manner. Although we do not agree at all times, we try to be
understanding. We offer help to those who seek it, but do not force ourselves on others. We strive to maintain
anonymity while sharing on a level that is comfortable for all of us. We encourage all to attend meetings for their own
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County executive signs conversion therapy ban bill into law. From left, David Barrett and Bryan Ball,
with other supporters.

Conversion therapy- a practice attempting to change someone’s sexual orientation-

is now illegal in Erie County. County Executive Mark Poloncarz signed the a law Monday
morning banning converstion therapy in Erie County.
Practicing conversion therapy on minors in the county is now a misdemeanor crime.
Violators would face a $1,000 fine or a year in jail.
According to the American Medical Association, conversion therapy is used by
people who think homosexuality is a mental disorder.
PFLAG Buffalo-Niagara

Legislator Patrick Burke proposed the bill two years ago. It passed the county
legislature in February. PFLAG members as well as many others attended a hearing
before the vote, as well as people who passionately spoke out against their own
experiences with this type of therapy.
PFLAG member David Barrett attended the signing of this long-awaited bill. PFLAG
Buffalo/Niagara wholeheartedly thanks the county exectutive and all members who
voted unanimously to pass this ban.
Also thanks are sent to Bryan Ball, president of Stonewall Democrats, who pushed
for this bill and rallied many to write and speak.


The Interfaith Roundtable that usually takes place in

January will take place in April. Please mark your
calendars for April 15th at 2:30 at Kenilworth United Church
of Christ.
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Walk with us on May 5!

New year, new website! AIDS Walk Buffalo is excited to kick off 2018 with a fresh new site
that makes it easier to make a difference. Join hundreds of Western New Yorkers in registering
to walk solo, with a team, or by donating.

This 5K Walk brings awareness to the impact HIV/AIDS continues to have on our community and
allows Evergreen Health to continue to provide critical help to thousands.

Register Now

All registrants must join as a “New Participant" this year.

View our quick toolkit for getting registered

If these links do not work on your newsletter, please visit Evergreen Community
Services online.
PFLAG Buffalo-Niagara

You don’t even have to be signed up to Facebook to read our posts!

“Like” us or just visit the site for articles and posts!

PFLAG Buffalo/Niagara Board of Directors

President: Phil Salemi, Jr. Director: Lisbeth Ball

Vice President: Amy Fularz Director: David Barrett
Treasurer: Brian Carrier Director: Sharon Barrett
Secretary: Michele Perry Director: Ann Carrier
Director: Julie Christiano

PFLAG Buffalo-Niagara, is a non-profit, all volunteer, community-based organization not

affiliated with any ethnic, religious, economic or political group. Membership is open to all.
PFLAG membership lists are kept confidential.

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