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Content Poor (1 pt) Acceptable (2 pts) Good (3 pts) Excellent (4 pts)

Topic & Context Presentation focuses More clarity in the opening Presentation starts Presentation begins in a
immediately on the may be needed or the somewhat broadly, and broad manner and clearly
literature review, or no Presentation may begin with provides some theoretical or explains the problem to be
context for the topic is a definition of the topic but real world context for the investigated and defines
provided. provides very little context main concept in the study. important constructs.
for the idea (e.g., may begin Definitions and an
immediately with review of explanation of the key
previous research). concept or question is
Definitions not provided. provided, but it could be
Literature review All studies are described in At least 2 studies are At least 3 studies are At least 3 studies are
an unclear manner; described clearly and in described clearly. presented clearly and in
connection of studies to enough detail for the Connection of a study to enough detail for the
thesis is unclear. Fails to cite audience to understand OR thesis may be slightly audience to understand.
important literature related 3 studies are described in an unclear.
to the research work. unclear manner. Connection Excellent visual and tables of
of 3 studies to thesis may be Overall, Excellent references summary.
Overall, Minimum slightly unclear. with good critical analyses
references done and no done (20 - 30) Overall, excellent references
critical analysis (less than Overall, Good references and critical analyses done (>
10) with good critical analyses 30)
done (15-20)
Aims and objectives The aim is missing or The aim is stated. The aim is clearly stated. The aim is clearly and
unclear. concisely stated.
Objectives are missing, are There are some objectives Objectives further detail and A few, additional objectives
not connected to the aim or but they are only partly sub-divide the aim. further detail and sub-divide
are too many and connected to or follow only Objectives are connected to the aim. Objectives are
overlapping. partly from the aim. the aim. clearly connected to and
follow from the aim.
Proposed study One suggestion for study is One suggestion for study is One suggestion for study is One suggestion for study is
provided. Design is not provided. Design is not provided. Design is provided. The design is
appropriate for the complete or the complete and appropriate clear, complete, and
hypothesis; variables are not operationalization of the but not clearly described. appropriate to test the
operationalized or not valid. variables is not clear. Variables are appropriately hypothesis. Variables are
Measured variables may be operationalized but may be appropriate and
simplistic or not simplistic operationalized properly.
Methodology (Participants, Discussion misses two or Discussion misses one of the Participants, materials, and Participants, materials, and
Materials, Procedures, Data more of the following: following: participants, procedure are discussed. procedure are briefly and
analysis planning etc) participants, materials, or materials, or procedures. It One of these components clearly discussed.
procedures. The method is unclear whether the may be unclear. Participants, materials, and
does not accurately test the method provides a good test Participants, materials, and procedure clearly provide a
hypothesis and/or does not of the hypothesis or procedure provide a good test of hypothesis and
match study design. matches the study design. test of hypothesis and support the study design.
support the study design
Plan of work (Research plan No plan of work Presented but very general Presented and well planned. Presented and well planned.
etc) Gantt chart is provided. Gantt chart is clear and have
tangible and realistic goals.

Communication Poor (0 pt) Acceptable (1 pts) Good (3 pts) Excellent (5 pts)

Clarity and organization Audience cannot Audience has difficulty Students present Students present
understand presentation following presentation information in logical information in logical,
because there is no because students jump sequence which audience interesting sequence which
sequence of information. around 50% of the time. can follow 75% of the time. audience can follow 100% of
Students were unprepared Students were 50% Students were 75% the time. Students were
and did not rehearse their prepared. prepared. 100% prepared and have
presentation. obviously rehearsed.
Powerpoint slides More than 50% of the slides 50% of the slides display 75% of the slides display Each slide displays text in a
contain too much text and text in a way that is easy for text in a way that is easy for way that is easy for
little to no visual images. audience to understand. The audience to understand. audience to understand.
The slides are hard for the slides contain too much text Slides contain text that This may be an outline,
audience to understand. and information that is should be replaced by a photo, table, chart, figure,
overwhelming to the visual image, such as a chart etc. Visuals are creative or
audience or too many or figure or unrelated to the clean, and help the audience
distracting, unrelated topic. remember the presentation.
Response to questions Demonstrates little grasp of Shows ease in answering Demonstrates most of the Demonstrates full
information; has questions but does not knowledge of topic; tried to knowledge of topic; explains
undeveloped or unclear elaborate explain and elaborate on all and elaborates on all
answers to questions questions questions
Academic integrity No citations at all Good number of citations Good number of citations, Quotations AND citations
and no references has references and quote included on slides when
authors most of the time. citing someone's exact
words (including your own).
Citations included on slides
when citing someone’s
ideas, theories, etc.
References included at end
of presentation. Self-
plagiarism and plagiarism of
other sources not present.

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