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Section one (1)

 Introduction/ Statement of Problem

 Problem Statement
 Aims and Objectives of the study
 Literature Review

Section two (2)

 Research Design
 Sample Selection
 Data Collection Tool/ Research Instrument

Section three (3)

 Presentation of Data
 Analysis of Data
 Discussion and Findings
 Recommendation
 Bibliography

Introduction/Statement of the Problem

Cayon village is located in the east of St Kitts. The village was one of the most peaceful

villages in St Kitts. Now the village has ‘graduated’ to be the ganja capital of the nation. The

young men of the area are planting and supplying this illegal drug, as a result there is not one day

that goes by without gunshots, or some act of violence.

As a youth growing up in the Cayon community the situation is one of grave concern. The

faces of law enforcers are always present. The peace and tranquility that was evident in Cayon is

no longer there as I see my fellow youth smoking marijuana, planting marijuana, stealing

marijuana and even fighting over marijuana. The actions displayed by the youth have affected

the researcher so badly that there has become a burning desire to investigate the effects of

marijuana on the youths of Cayon. Doing this investigation will help me to identify the major

causes of the use of marijuana. Academically, it will increase my knowledge about marijuana

and my writing and research skills would also be developed.


Marijuana is widely used among the youth of Cayon Village.

Aims and Objectives

 To find out what is the major causes of marijuana use in the community.

 To investigate the way in which marijuana affects the youths, either physically or mentally.

 The advantages and disadvantages of using marijuana.

Literature Review

According to, Marijuana is the dried leaves and female flowers of the

hemp plant used in cigarette form as a narcotic or hallucinogen.

Results from the 2009 Monitoring the Future survey show, Marijuana use continued to

rise among the youths. Tetrault, et al (2007) argued in a study that smoking marijuana has

exposed persons to situations of bronchodilation and increased respiratory symptom such as

obstructive lung disease.

Kaidel and psychiatry (1984) argued in a study that Marijuana users were characterized

by higher use of other substances, membership in networks of marijuana users, lower

participation and greater instability in conventional roles of adulthood, history of psychiatric

hospitalization and lower psychological well-being, and participation in deviant activities.

Involvement with marijuana-using friends and use by spouse or partner, as well as use of other

illicit drugs, were important predictors of current marijuana involvement. Most marijuana users

and suppliers are males and are often regarded as criminals because of their dabbling in an illegal


In an article entitled Who Commits Crimes,, “Girls have a

readily available female role model at home (their mother), whereas boys have less access to

their role model as traditionally, the father was out at work for most of the time or was just


In this case boys were socialized largely by their mother and tended to reject behavior

that is seen as feminine as they compulsively pursue masculinity. Because of the emphasis on

toughness and aggression this encourages anti-social behavior and delinquency. Albert Cohen

(1995) believed that if boys don’t have that readily available role model, socialization can be a

difficult process. Boys can experience anxiety about their identity as young men and a solution

for this is all male peer groups or street gangs. In these social contexts, aspects of masculinity

can be expressed and rewarded. The idea of being tough and breaking rules can help to conform

to the idea of masculinity.

Moreover, many Delinquent Subculture theorists took their general inspiration for

explaining crime and delinquency, especially among boys, an example is Robert Merton’s

reworking of Durkheim’s (1952) notion of ‘anomie’. For Durkheim (1952), anomie implied a

situation where social conditions produced a de-regulation of social life, so that prevailing norms

and standards no longer held sway. This means that a condition of normlessness prevailed.

Delinquent Subculture theorists argued that crime and delinquency is a product of an imbalance

in society’s culturally prescribed goals and its opportunity structures, especially among young

working class males. The chasm between the lived experience of boys and their prescribed goals

generates a sense of frustration and strain. Therefore, they come to terms with their frustration

and thwart aspirations by forming delinquent subcultures which provides a collective solution to

their problems. As Cloward and Ohlin (1960) put in: “Delinquents have withdrawn their support

from established norms and have invested officially forbidden norms of conduct with a claim to

legitimacy in light of their special situation.” The smoking of marijuana can be established as a

means of rebelling against the powers that be.

Research Design

The researcher intends to investigate the effects of marijuana on the youths of Cayon. This

particular topic was researched because of severity of the issue at hand. Objectives were

formulated surrounding the problem statement and a sample for research was chosen to include

the youth of the Cayon community between the ages of seventeen to twenty-five.

Secondary research was conducted on the topic. Literature from both Sociology books and books

on Marijuana were perused to get the necessary data on what others said about the use of

Marijuana. The information from the literature review comprised the literature review. Primary

source was also used in the form of the questionnaire.

This investigation was carried out using questionnaires as the research instrument. Twenty

questionnaires consisting ten (10) questions was distributed to twenty persons within the

community between the ages of 17-25 years. Some advantages of using a questionnaire are it is

easy reliable, confidential, easily quantified and analyzed. Some disadvantages of using a

questionnaire are it is an inflexible method, time consuming and lack of information towards

questions. After collecting the questionnaires the answers were analyzed, put in statistical form

and the findings recorded.


The researcher used random sampling to collect the data. The sample was taken from among the

boys of Cayon. The age range for the sample was sixteen (16) to twenty-five (25). The names of

40 young men were put in a bag and the first 20 to come out formed the sample. This method was

used because it gave each boy an equal chance of being selected to take part in the exercise. The

questionnaires were distributed and collected after three days. The answers were then codified and

the findings given.

Sociological Perspective
Various perspectives were used in this research. One sees the relevance of Albert cohen’s
theory of juvenile Delinquency,

Data Collection Tool

As a source of gathering data for my Sociology Internal Assessment, the researcher has chosen to

use a questionnaire. Based on the topic “The effects of the high range of marijuana users in the

community of Cayon,” Your assistance towards completing these questions below would serve

as a foundation towards the investigation. Thanks in advance.


Male female


16-18 20-22 23-25 older

1. Between what age group did you began using marijuana.


2. How often do you use marijuana?

Every week
Once a month

3. In what way do you use marijuana?

As a hobby
To cope with stress
As a medicine

4. Who influence you to use marijuana?
Family members

5. Who were affected when you began to use marijuana?


6. Where did you first use marijuana?

On the streets
At school
At home

7. What do you think the use of marijuana has upon your life?
Positive impact
Negative impact

8. Do you think causes the high range of marijuana users in the community?
School dropouts

9. Have you ever discovered any kind of symptoms from using marijuana?


10. Have you ever tried to quit using marijuana?


Presentation of Data

Figure 1 shows age group they began to use


12 14
40% 16-18


Figure 2 shows how often do you use



once a month

Series 1
every week

every day

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Figure 3 shows in what way do you use marijuana.

as a hobby
to cope with stresss
as a medicine

Figure 4 shows who influence you to use




Series 1



friends family yourself others

Figure 5 shows who were affected when you began to you

30% 25%


Figure 6 shows where did you first use


10% Series 1
on the streets Series 1
at school
at home

Figure 7 shows what do you think the use of
marijuana has upon your life.

Series 1
positive Series 1
impact negative
impact niether

Figure 8 shows what d ou thing causes the high range of

marijuana users in the community.

40% school dropout


Figure 9 shows have you ever discovered any kind of
symptoms from using marijuana.



Figure 10 shows have you ever tried to quit smoking



Analysis of Data

In figure one, the researcher asked at what age group did you began using marijuana, forty

percent (40%) said12-14, twenty five percent (25%) said 16-18, twenty percent (20%) said 20-22

and fifteen percent (15%) said older.

In figure two, the researcher asked how often do you use marijuana, fifteen percent (15%)

said every day, thirty percent (30%) said every week, forty five percent (45%) said once a month

and ten percent (10%) said others.

In figure three, the researcher asked in what way do you use marijuana, twenty five percent

(25%) said as a hobby, twenty five percent (25%) said to cope with stress, thirty percent (30%)

said as a medicine and twenty percent (20%) said others.

In figure four, the researcher asked who influence you to use marijuana, twenty five percent

(25%) said friends, twenty percent (20%) said family, twenty five percent (25%) said yourself

and thirty percent (30%) said others.

In figure five, the researcher asked who were affected when you began to use marijuana,

twenty five percent (25%) said parents, five percent (5%) said friends, forty percent (40%) said

community and thirty percent (30%) said others.

In figure six, the researcher asked where you first used marijuana; twenty percent (20%) said

on the street, forty percent (40%) said at school, twenty percent (20%) said at home and twenty

percent (20%) said other.

In figure seven, the researcher asked what do you think the use of marijuana has upon your

life, ten percent (10%) said positive impact, twenty percent(20%) said negative impact, twenty

five percent (25%) said both and thirty five percent (35%) said neither.

In figure eight, the researcher asked what you think causes the high range of marijuana users

in the community, thirty percent (30%) said school dropout, thirty percent (30%) said

unemployment and forty percent (40%) said others.

In figure nine, the researcher asked have you ever discovered any type of symptoms from

using marijuana, thirty five percent (35%) said yes and sixty five percent (65%) said no.

In figure ten, the researcher asked have you ever tried to quit using marijuana, sixty percent

(60%) said yes and forty percent (40%) said no.

Discussion of Findings

While researching about this topic, many fact-finding procedures were undertaken. It was

observe that majority of the youths engaged in smoking are between the ages 12 -14. It has also

been shown that of 20 of the respondents that were questioned 40% first began to use marijuana

at school. The community has been identified as one that marijuana has increasingly affected.

Finally, the rate of unemployment and school dropout has led to the cause of the high percentage

of marijuana users in the community of Cayon.

The research has also shown that many of the youth who turn to marijuana do so because

they are unemployed. They therefore use the drug as an economic means; one cannot help but hear

young men between the ages of 20-25 boosts about the finances. They will relate to you about the

benefits to be derived from planting marijuana. They mention things like owning cars and houses.

However, although there are material benefits these youth fail to recognize that they have a whole

community under seize.

It is Marx who looked at the deprivation of these youth by the education system that have

caused them to become drop outs in society and turn to a life of drug. Moreover, one sees Merton’s

theory of adaptation has been evident for these young men who have decided to rebel against the

status quo. In light of Albert Cohen’s many of these youth would have failed to meet middle class

standards and have turned to drugs. Although, marijuana might be seen by some as a dangerous

drug, the majority of the respondents said that its use had both positive and negative impacts. This

may then lead to the high percentage of the respondents who uses marijuana to cope with stress

and to improve their standard of living.


 More attention should be made to the youths in helping them to remain in school longer

and receive an education.

 Government should put things in place to have these youth searched randomly for drugs.

 Encourage youth to get involved in activities that will keep them occupied.

 The authorities should make sure that boys are not stigmatized.


 Bilton, Tony et al Introductory Sociology: 4th edition Macmillan, 2002

Cohen, Albert. Delinquent Boys: The Culture of the Gang. Taylor

&Francis 1955

 Kaidel and psychiatry, The impact of marijuana. (1984)

Mustapha Nasser; Sociology for Caribbean Students Ian

Randle, 2007
 Tetrault Jeanette M. et al. Effects of Marijuana Smoking on Pulmonary

Function and Respiratory Complications: Published by Arch Intern

Med. 2007


 Bryant Lee Who commits Crime?


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