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*Frames of Learning (Highlight frames for which you are preparing)

*Conceptual Understandings: Conceptual understandings are statements of essential ideas that accompany each of the overall
expectations. Conceptual understandings include concepts, skills, attitudes, and habits of mind.

We are responsible for our own choices and decisions.

Everyone wants to be calm, focused and alert.
We each need different strategies, environments and supports to be calm, focused, and alert.
We need to learn about strategies and environmental factors that can help us self-regulate.
We can learn how to adapt our behaviours to suit a variety of social circumstances, including the customs of different groups of people.

*Overall Expectations (OE): Knowledge and skills described, in general terms, in each frame. Educators focus on the overall
expectations when co-constructing learning with the children.

2. Demonstrate independence, self-regulation, and a willingness to take responsibility in learning and other endeavours.

BC − Belonging and DLMB − Demonstrating PSI − Problem Solving

SRWB – Self Regulation and and Innovating
Contributing Literacy and Mathematics
Well Being Behaviours

*Noticing and Naming Learning : Making Learning Visible

Learning Goals: Enable children to think about and to begin to direct Success Criteria: Enable children to know when and what they are
their own learning. Support the knowledge and skills described in the learning. Accomplishments along the way.
overall expectations and conceptual understandings.
I can use strategies to self-regulation
I will learn about zones of regulation I can express my emotions through oral language
I will learn how to self-regulate I can identify my zone of regulation
I will learn strategies to self-regulate

Ways in Which Children Might The Educators’ Intentional Interactions

Specific Expectations: describe in
greater detail the knowledge and skills
Demonstrate Their Learning: How educators engage with children’s learning-
Children are not required to demonstrate students; strategies; materials; environment – based
related to overall expectations. on observations
their learning in all three ways.
2.4 Demonstrate self-control and adapt
behaviour to different contexts within Say: Students will work as a group Respond: “Where can you go right now when
the school environment. you are sad?” “What can you do to make
Do: Students will sort different emotions into yourself feel better”
the correct zone of regulation.
Challenge: Can students move between zones
Represent: Students are able to think about
when they are feeling a certain emotion. (ex.
the different emotions and how they may fit
into each zone of regulation. Yellow zone to green zone)

Extend: Are students able to acknowledge that

they are ready to move to a new zone. Have
they used resources to help them with self-
Teacher Questions/Prompts:
- How can we tell when we are sad, mad, angry or happy?
- What can we say when we get happy, sad, mad, or angry?
- What can we do when we get happy, sad, mad, or angry?
- Have you seen a fellow classmate get upset?

- Can you move to a space that will help you feel better?
- What can you do to help yourself?
Assessment Documentation:
- A documentation of learning will be used to observe and make notes of students as they learn about each zone of
Materials required:
- Zones of Regulation boards displayed in four different areas of the classroom
- Documentation of Learning
Possible learning next steps for learning:
The possible next step for learning would be to have students create their own sensory items that they can use when they
need to self-regulation. This could involve painting pictures, making sensory bottles, using playdoh etc.
Script how you plan to engage the students with this opportunity.(if required)

Post Self-Regulation discussion: “So now that we have discussed each zone, I want you think about how you are feeling right now. Are you
feeling happy? Are you sad? Are you nervous about something? Are you tired? Are you hungry? What are you feeling? What we are going
to do, is we are going to sort ourselves into the zone that we are feeling. You can see that in each corner of the classroom we have a zone of
regulation. When I say go, I want you to move to the part of the classroom that has the zone of regulation that you are feeling. For right
now, I want you to take one minute and close your eyes to think about how you are feeling and when you are ready we will move into our
Date: Thursday November 23rd Learning Opportunity: Zones of Regulation


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