Brassard Courtney

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*Frames of Learning (Highlight frames for which you are preparing)

*Conceptual Understandings: Conceptual understandings are statements of essential ideas that accompany each of the overall
expectations. Conceptual understandings include concepts, skills, attitudes, and habits of mind.

Numbers can be taken apart (decomposed) and put together)

We can use objects, pictures, symbols, and/or words to represent number and quantity.
We are learning that as we move up or down the counting sequence, the quantity increases or decreases by the number we are counting by
(concept of magnitude)
The same quantity can look different (concept of abstraction)
*Overall Expectations (OE): Knowledge and skills described, in general terms, in each frame. Educators focus on the overall
expectations when co-constructing learning with the children.

15. Demonstrate an understanding of numbers, using concrete materials to explore and investigate counting, quantity, and number

BC − Belonging and DLMB − Demonstrating PSI − Problem Solving

SRWB – Self Regulation and and Innovating
Contributing Literacy and Mathematics
Well Being Behaviours

*Noticing and Naming Learning: Making Learning Visible

Learning Goals: Enable children to think about and to begin to direct Success Criteria: Enable children to know when and what they are
their own learning. Support the knowledge and skills described in the learning. Accomplishments along the way.
overall expectations and conceptual understandings.
I can estimate the number that I see
I will learn how to estimate the number I see I can subitize the number that I see
I will learn how subitize the number I see I can count the number of cookies in the jar
I will learn how to count the cookies in the jar

Ways in Which Children Might The Educators’ Intentional Interactions

Specific Expectations: describe in How educators engage with children’s learning-
greater detail the knowledge and skills
Demonstrate Their Learning:
Children are not required to demonstrate students; strategies; materials; environment – based
related to overall expectations. on observations
their learning in all three ways.
15.5 Subitize quantities to 5 without
having to count, using a variety of Say: Students will guess how many cookies Respond: “How do you know there are 6
materials and strategies are in the jar by using their subitizing skills “I cookies in the jar?”
see 6 cookies in the jar”
15.6 Use information to estimate the
Challenge: Are students able to look at the jar
number in a small set. Do: Students will look at the jar, estimate quickly, and make a guess based on a short
how many cookies they see (subitize), and
viewing of the jar.
then as a class we will count the cookies.

Represent: Students are able to subitize Extend: Can students subitize after one look at
through estimation to learn how many the jar, or do they need to see it for longer.
cookies are in the jar.
Teacher Questions/Prompts:
- What number do you see?
- How do you know?
- How many cookies do you see?
- Can you show me the number on your fingers?
- Did you see it right away?
Assessment Documentation:
- Using an at-a-glance assessment sheet to assess the students’ knowledge on subitizing before and as they work

through the game.
- Using an observation checklist that outlines the success criteria to track students’ learning
Materials required:
- Cookies
- Jar
- Tens Frame Magnets
- Bristol board to show each student’s guess
- At-a-glance assessment
- Observation checklist
Possible learning next steps for learning:
A possible next step for learning would be to have students practice their subitizing and counting skills through flash card type
resources where the number is shown quickly and they are asked to say what number they see right away. This is further
their subitizing skills as well as they counting skills.
Script how you plan to engage the students with this opportunity.(if required)

Students will be asked to join me on the carpet.

“I have here a jar, and it is a special jar because it has something so yummy inside. This is my cookie jar, and I need help counting how many
cookies I have in my special cookie jar. Do you think you can help me count how many cookies I have in my cookie jar? Before we count
though, I want us to guess how many cookies there are. We have been working on our subitizing skills, and if you remember, subitizing is
when we see a number or an item, and our brains can tell us what number it is without having to count it out first. So here’s what we are
going to do… When we are playing I am going to call you up individually and I want you to make your cookie guess. I need your ears open
for when I call you up”.

At the table: “Here is my cookie jar. I need your help to find out how many cookies I have in my cookie jar. Just using your eyes, how many
cookies do you think are in my cookie jar? Can you show me using your fingers how many cookies you think are in the jar?”

Once every student has made their estimation, we as a class will count all of the cookies in the cookie jar using a magnetic tens frame.
Date: Thursday November 30th – December 1st Learning Opportunity: Subitizing/


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