Tutorial Chapter 1 Statistic

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Tutorial CLB 20903


Chapter 1

1. Define the following:

a. probability experiment b. Sample space c. Event

2. From the adjoining Venn diagram, find the following sets.

(i) A (ii) B (iii) ξ (iv) A' (v) B' (vi) C'

(vii) C - A (viii) B - C (ix) A - B (x) A ∪ B

(xi) B ∪ C (xii) A ∩ C (xiii) B ∩ C (xiv) (B ∪ C)'

(xv) (A ∩ B)' (xvi) (A ∪ B) ∩ C (xvii) A ∩ (B ∩ C)

3. Which of the following values cannot be probabilities?

a. b. 1.1 c. -0.45 d. 40%

e. -1.1 f. -0.1 g. h. 1

4. A restaurant conducted a survey during lunch hours; it was found that 35 people preferred

Mango juice, 15 preferred orange juice, 45 preferred mangos teen juice, and 10 preferred apple

juice. If a person is selected at random, find the probability that he prefers apple juice.
5. Choose one method out of 5 methods (A, B, C, D, E) for analyzing water quality. All methods

are equally likely. Find the probability of choosing method D.

6. The probability that a test can give accurate results is 0.99. If this test is repeated five times,

what is the probability that the test will give inaccurate results at least one times?

7. The number of daily experiments carried out in food division during one month is given in the

following frequency distribution.

No. of Experiment 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Frequency 2 2 7 15 25 29 33 28

Find the probability that the number of experiments is

a. More than 1 experiment

b. Exactly 1 experiment

c. At least 1 experiment

d. 3 or less than

8. There are four types of noodles made from green and ripe banana peel green and ripe banana

pulp. There are 15 samples green peel, 7 samples ripe peel, 11 samples green pulps, 3 samples

ripe pulps.

1. If a person selects one sample what is the probability of selecting

a. Green peel?

b. Ripe peel?
c. Ripe or green peel?

d. Green peel or green pulp?

e. Green peel or green pulp or ripe pulp?

2. If two samples are selected, what is the probability of getting both green pulps?

9. A piece of candy is selected at random from a collection of 5 chocolate-covered cherries, 4

peppermints, 3 caramels, and 3 strawberry creams. Find the probability of getting a caramel or a


10. A factory has three production lines. Each line produces three different products. The data

are given here.

Line A Line B Line C

Product 1 15 22 21

Product 2 33 22 88

Product 3 44 54 52

If a product is chosen randomly, find the following probabilities

a. The product is product 1 or it is produced by line C.

b. The product is either product 1 or product 2.

11. A box contains 5 apple juice, 3 Mango juice, and 7 orange juice. A juice is selected and its

type noted. A second juice is selected and its type noted. (The selection was done with

replacement). Find the following probabilities

a. Selecting 2 apple juice

b. Selecting 1 apple juice and 1 mango juice

c. Selecting 1 apple juice and 1 orange juice

12. A box contains 5 apple juice, 3 Mango juice, and 7 orange juice. A juice is selected and its

type noted. A second juice is selected and its type noted. (The selection was done without

replacement). Find the following probabilities

d. Selecting 2 apple juice

e. Selecting 1 apple juice and 1 mango juice

f. Selecting 1 apple juice and 1 orange juice

13. Suppose that 0.05 of all computers in a computer laboratory are defective. If 5 computers are

selected and checked, what is the probability that at least one computer is defective?

14. The pollution status of rural, urban, and commercial areas was studied. The following table

summarizes the pollution status for 72 states.

Pollution Low Moderate High


Rural 13 7 1

Urban 5 6 15

Commercial 3 9 13
One location is selected randomly. What is the probability that the location is

a. Urban?

b. Not urban?

c. Urban, given that pollution is high?

d. Commercial, given that pollution is low?

e. Rural and moderately polluted?

f. Rural and not low pollution?

15. Determine whether the distribution represents a probability distribution. In case where a

probability distribution is not described, identify the requirements that are not satisfied. If the

probability distribution is described, find its mean and standard deviation


X 0 1 2 3 4

P( X ) 2/10 2/10 2/10 2/10 2/10


X 15 20 25 30

P( X ) 1/10 2/10 5/10 1/10


X 0 1 2 3 4

P( X ) 0.81 0.11 - 0.6 0.009 0.003


X 0 1 2 3 4

P( X ) 0.502 0.365 0.098 0.034 0.001

16. The probability is 0.6 that a well driller will find water at a depth of less than 100 feet in a

certain area. Wells are to be drilled for six new home owners. What is the probability

distribution for the number of wells under 100 feet?

17. From past experience, a company has found that in cartons of DVDs, 0.95 contain no

defective DVDs, 0.03 contain one defective DVD, and 0.02 contain two defective DVDS.


a. The mean and standard deviation of the defective DVDs.

b. How many extra DVDs per day would the company need to replace the defective ones if it

used 10 cartons per day?

18. An insurance company charges RM 125 per person in a research group for a one-month RM

50,000 life insurance. The probability that a research group will come back without problems

is 0.998.

a. From a person prospective what are the values of the two different outcomes?

b. if a person purchase the policy, what is the expected value?

19. A company purchases large shipment of a particular type of bulbs and uses this acceptance

sampling plan, select 23 bulbs, then accept the whole batch if there is at most one defective

bulb. If a particular shipment of thousands of bulbs has a 3% rate of defects, what is the

probability that this shipment will be accepted?

20. It has been reported that 70% of people who live in Pulau Pinang uses a particular type of

noodles. If a sample of 10 people is selected,

a. What is the probability that at least one uses this type of noodle?

b. Find the mean and standard deviation.

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