Brassard Courtney

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*Frames of Learning (Highlight frames for which you are preparing)

*Conceptual Understandings: Conceptual understandings are statements of essential ideas that accompany each of the overall
expectations. Conceptual understandings include concepts, skills, attitudes, and habits of mind.

Written communication enables us to make thoughts, ideas and feelings visible to others
We write for a variety of reasons and purposes
It is important for others to understand what we are trying to say through writing.

*Overall Expectations (OE): Knowledge and skills described, in general terms, in each frame. Educators focus on the overall
expectations when co-constructing learning with the children.

10. Demonstrate literacy behaviours that enable beginning writes to communicate with others

BC − Belonging and DLMB − Demonstrating PSI − Problem Solving

SRWB – Self Regulation and and Innovating
Contributing Literacy and Mathematics
Well Being Behaviours

*Noticing and Naming Learning: Making Learning Visible

Learning Goals: Enable children to think about and to begin to direct Success Criteria: Enable children to know when and what they are
their own learning. Support the knowledge and skills described in the learning. Accomplishments along the way.
overall expectations and conceptual understandings.
I can say each letter of the alphabet
I will learn each letter of the alphabet I can sound out each letter of the alphabet
I will learn how to sound out each letter of the alphabet I can stretch out a sentence by sounding out the word
I will learn to stretch out sentences by sounding out the I can space each word properly, use proper capitalization and
I will learn to use proper spacing, capitalization and
punctuation when stretching out the sentences

Ways in Which Children Might The Educators’ Intentional Interactions

Specific Expectations: describe in
greater detail the knowledge and skills
Demonstrate Their Learning: How educators engage with children’s learning-
Children are not required to demonstrate students; strategies; materials; environment – based
related to overall expectations. on observations
their learning in all three ways.
10.2 Demonstrate an awareness that Respond: “What is this letter” “What sounds does
Say: I am able to verbally say each letter of
text can convey ideas or messages the alphabet. “That letter is s and it makes this letter make” “Let’s sound out this word, what
10.3 write simple messages using a the sound ssss, like a snake” do you hear”
combination of pictures, symbols,
Do: The students are able to think of Challenge: Can students identify silent letters in
knowledge of the correspondence word. “The chair is flat”. Can students use the
sentence and stretch out each word by
between letters and sounds. sounding out the letter. proper punctuation.
10.4 Use classroom resources to support
their writing Represent: Students are able to space out Extend: Can students write longer sentences (5-10
each word and apply capitalization and words). “Today we went outside and ran around.
punctuation where needed. Provide students with a list of high frequency

Teacher Questions/Prompts:
- What letter is this?
- What sound does this letter make?
- Do you see it on the word wall?
- Can you think of a sentence?
- Where does a sentence start? The left or right side of a page?
- Do we capital letters when starting a sentence?
- Let’s sound out this word
- What sounds do you hear?
- Did you remember to space out the words?
- How can we end this sentence?
Assessment Documentation:

This daily routine is used as an everyday diagnostic assessment to see if students remember the letters of the alphabet and
what sounds these letters make. When stretching out sentences, I will observe if students understand where a sentence starts
(left to right), if they put proper spacing between words, and if they used proper capitalization/ punctuation.

Materials required:

Laminated sheets that have each letter of the alphabet

White board
Dry erase makers
Word wall as reference

Possible next steps for learning:

The next step for learning would be having students writing down their own sentences in their journals and having them
sound out each letter. Students can use high frequency words and the word wall as reference.

Script how you plan to engage the students with this opportunity. (if required)
Students will sit at the carpet, and as a group we will run through the letters of the alphabet and sentence stretching.

“Okay let’s run through the alphabet, what is this letter (have students say each letter)? What sound does this letter make
(have students sound out each letter)? Now let’s stretch out a sentence (have students think of a sentence). Can someone
come up and help me write the sentence (choose a student to write the sentence on the board). Where do you start the
sentence (assist student with starting from left to right)? Do we use a capital letter? Make sure you space out the words with
your finger.”

If students have difficulty spelling the word, have the class sound out each letter to determine what letter is in that word.
Encourage students to end the sentence with proper punctuation.

Date: Monday November 20thth- November 24thth Learning Opportunity: Phonics and
Sentence Stretching


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