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Photoshop Chapter 4

Incorporating Color Techniques

Assignment Sheet
Before you begin complete the following tasks:
 Create a new folder in your Photoshop folder called Chapter 4

Assignment Due Date

 Lesson 1 (pages 4-7 to 4-9)
 Lesson 2 (pages 4-12 to 4-13)
 Lesson 3 (page 4-17)
 Step 8: change the background color by using the
color panel since you did not download the swatches
in lesson 2
 Lesson 4 (page 4-20 to 4-21)
 Page 4-20, step 4. Use the color panel and type in
the correct values
 Lesson 5 (Pages 4-24 to 4-25)
 Lesson 6 (Pages 4-29 to 4-31)
 Lesson 7 (Page 4-33)

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Project Builder 1

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