Module 7 Determ Health Part III Fall 2017

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Nursing 1112 – Module 7

Determinants of Health – Part III

Specific Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this module students should be able to:
 Describe data to be gathered about each of the following determinants of health
 Early childhood development
 Personal health practices and coping skills
 Health services
 Illustrate how the above listed determinants of health impact health and how they are
interrelated with other determinants of health
 Document assessment findings and nursing interventions
 Identify resources that promote health related to each of the above determinants of

In the lab session students will have the opportunity to:

 Demonstrate a professional identity
 Apply critical thinking and clinical decision making within the context of the nursing
process in simulated situations
 Document assessment findings
 Adhere to principles of medical asepsis


Potter, P. A, Perry, A. G., Ross-Kerr, J. C., Wood, M. J., Astle, B. & Duggleby, W.
(Eds.). (2014). Canadian fundamentals of nursing (5th ed.). Toronto, Canada:
 Chapter 1 (pp. 7-10)
 Chapter 2 (pp. 23-26; Setting for Health Care Delivery & Levels of Care)

Web Resources
Public Health Care Agency of Canada. (n.d.). What determines health. Retrieved May 2,
2016 from
sp/phdd/determinants/determinants.html#income (External Link on Blackboard)

Developed by: MA Wiebe 2007 Determinants of Health III 1

Revised Fall 2017
As you completing the reading(s) answer the following:

Early Child Development – Scientific Knowledge Base

1. What age range is considered under the determinant of early child development?
2. How does early child development impact health?

Concerns and Issues Related to Early Childhood Development

3. How do adverse childhood experiences impact the health of an adult?

Personal Health Practice and Coping Skills – Scientific Knowledge Base

1. Define Personal Health Practices and Coping Skills.

2. What influences lifestyle choices?
3. List personal health practices that impact health.
4. How do personal coping skills impact health?

Health Care Services – Scientific Knowledge Base

1. How does access to health care services impact health?

2. Describe the following settings/services for health care delivery in Canada.
a. Hospitals h. Assisted living facilities
b. Long-term care facilities i. Home care
c. Psychiatric facilities j. Adult day support
d. Rehabilitation centres programs
e. Public health k. Community and voluntary
f. Physician offices agencies
g. Community health centres l. Occupational health
and clinics m. Hospice/palliative care

Developed by: MA Wiebe 2007 Determinants of Health III 2

Revised Fall 2017
n. Parish nursing

3. Describe the following levels of health care:

a. Health promotion c. Diagnosis & treatment
b. Disease & injury d. Rehabilitation
prevention e. Supportive care

In – Lab Activities

Bring the following supplies to lab:

 Pen & paper
 Student Clinical Record
 Stethoscope & BP cuff if you have one

Post – Lab Reflection

Analyze your own personal health practices and coping skills. What health practices do
you engage in that promote health? What, if any, personal health practices constitute a risk
to your health? Reflect on the other determinants of health and how they have influenced
your personal health practices.

Developed by: MA Wiebe 2007 Determinants of Health III 3

Revised Fall 2017

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