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Question 1 : One of the questions you will ask in the Conceptualising process of David

Kolb�??s experiential learning cycle is __________

When did you strategize and dedicate your work time?
What changes in your approach to study might help you to learn better?
What seems to interfere with your planning?
Did you judge some of the tasks on standby or not?

Question 2 : The act of learning practical things will involve one of these _____
reflecting on experience
watching your self
simplifying the theory
asking for answer

Question 3 : The challenge of unfamiliar words can be resolved by the use of ________
concept cards
actual cards
lexicon cards
subject cards

Question 4 : In the correct order, identify actions that will enable you get the most from
discussion groups _____
arriving, listening, preparing, taking notes, speaking
preparing, listening, criticizing, taking notes, speaking,
belonging, preparing, listening, taking notes, speaking
preparing, arriving, belonging, listening, speaking

Question 5 : Which of the followings would lift a student�??s morale?

Grade assignment, Disagreeable course, Achievement
Achievement, Creating structure, Knowledge
Mid-term blues, Creating structure, Sharing
Exam anxiety, Belonging, Course elements
Question 6 : In order to manage your reading effectively, you will need to _________
target your reading
pitch speed according to purpose
strategize on your adjustments
present the degree of challenge

Question 7 : The Kolb's reflective learning circle is so named because ______

It's a nice drawing
It's a printed work
it's a planned work
it�??s a continous process

Question 8 : The reasons listed are why it is imperative that you take responsibility for
your own learning at the university except ___________
You should seek support when you need it
You are responsible for your own work schedule
Your scope of courses tends to be distant
You spend a lot of time in private study

Question 9 : In the correct order, identify actions that will enable you get the most from
discussion groups _____
arriving, listening, preparing, taking notes, speaking
preparing, listening, criticizing, taking notes, speaking,
preparing, arriving, belonging, listening, speaking
belonging, preparing, listening, taking notes, speaking

Question 10 : In a class lecture, which of these techniques will prove more significant?
Question 11 : Basic skills in Information Technology include the following except
Search and select information
Explore, develop and exchange information
Present information; text, images & numbers
Troubleshoot the computer if there is booting problem

Question 12 : The short cut to 'undo' in word processing is _______

Ctrl + Z
Ctrl + F
Ctrl + V
Ctrl + P

Question 13 : You are adviced not to record everything during lectures. You should
________ instead
copy the main topics
map the main topics
file the main topics
stretch the main topics

Question 14 : The short cut to 'save' in word processing is _______

Ctrl + A
Ctrl + E
Ctrl + V
Ctrl + S

Question 15 : Study skills are Not a set of ______ that you learn once and apply forever
Question 16 : If you allow your time to dribble away on patchy half-focused activity, it
means _____________
you have low self-esteem
your village people are after you
your investment will bear fruit throughout your life
you have not been able to connect effectively with your studies

Question 17 : Statistics is a branch of science concerned with techniques for ______

presentation of ideas
presentation of summaries
tabulation of fact
gathering of facts

Question 18 : A transient sharp upward or downward movement, as on a graph or table

reading is called _____

Question 19 : To move the cursor to the start of a word, hold down �??Ctrl�?? and
press the ________ arrow key.
left or right
up or down
right or wrong
good or bad

Question 20 : In word processing _________ describes a situation where you play around
with large, bold, purple, gothic lettering on a marble background
print layout
format frenzy
writing skills
marble arch

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