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Find the pages where you:

• write an interview for a music magazine.
• listen to a band and their manager making plans.
• read reviews of CDs.

Vocabulary Speaking
The music business: expressions 2 In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
1 Match the expressions in the box with 1 What are your favorite bands or singers?
pictures 1–8. Then listen and check.
2 What are the names of their CDs?
1 sign a contract
3 Do they often appear on TV?
go on tour sign a contract split up 4 Do they go on tour?
do an interview sign an autograph 5 Where do they play concerts?
appear on TV record an album
play a concert


1 2 4

6 7 8

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Listening Exploring grammar
DD and JJ from the rap group “The Nerve” are be going to
talking to their manager, Bryan Ryan. We use the verb be + going to + verb when we talk
1 Are the sentences true or false? Guess the about plans and intentions for the future.
answers. Then listen and check. 3 Complete the chart with examples from
1 The manager is going to organize a tour of exercises 1 and 2.
the U.S.
2 The manager isn’t going to organize a tour
of Europe. When are we going to go on tour?
(1) .....
3 The Nerve are going to appear on TV.
4 The Nerve aren’t going to split up. Affirmative
5 They aren’t going to make a second CD. I’m going to help you.
(2) ......
You aren’t going to split up.
(3) ......


4 Complete the text with the correct form of

be going to.
In an exclusive interview for Music Hits
magazine, DD, ex-rap artist from The Nerve,
talked about her plans for the future.
She’s going to start (start) a new group soon,
but this year she (1) …… (not think) about
music. “I (2) …… (not travel) this year,” she said,
“I (3) …… (spend) some time with my family.”
DD doesn’t have any plans to see JJ. They
2 Listen again and answer the questions. (4) …… (not work) together. In the future DD
1 When is The Nerve’s CD going to be in the (5) …… (work) with “normal” people.
2 Is the manager optimistic about the future?
3 Where are The Nerve going to start their
4 Are they going to have a website?
5 What are they going to do in September?
6 What do DD and JJ think of their manager’s

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5 Put the words in order. Then answer the questions.

Bryan / When / going to / is / contact TV stations?
When is Bryan going to contact TV stations? Bryan Ryan (man
He’s going to contact TV stations in July. Monthly plan – JULY
1 is / contact TV stations?/ Bryan / going to / Where U.S.
• Contact TV stations in the
2 record a video? / are / The Nerve / going to / Where • Buy new guitars for the
the band (London)
3 is / What / Bryan / going to / buy? • Radio interviews with
• Organize photo session (Ju
4 Where / The Nerve / are / going to / do interviews? uth America)
• Record the new video (So
5 is / What / organize / on July 23rd? / Bryan / going to

6 Complete the questions with the correct form

of be going to. Then imagine that you are going
to form a band. Invent a name for your
band and circle your answers. Create a band!
1 3 5
What hairstyle are you going What …… your image …… (be)? …… the band …… (be) mixed?
to have (have) ? a friendly a Yes.
a long b aggressive b No, only boys.
b short c crazy c No, only girls.
c crazy

2 4 6
What clothes …… you …… What type of music …… you …… …… you …… (dance)?
(wear)? (play)? a Yes.
a fancy a rap b No.
b exotic b pop c Sometimes.
c tracksuits c heavy

7 Listen and repeat the questions from
exercise 6. Write about your band’s image.
8 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions Our hair is going to be long.
about the future of your band. Use the We’re going to wear …
questions from exercise 6.

Unit 6 Pop! 59
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Instruments and musicians
1 Listen and identify the sounds. This week’s singles
1 drums Reviewed by
Music Hits journalist,
drums keyboard Stella Morris.

Artist: Metal Axes

Title: Volcano
Our verdict: ✪✪✪✪
guitar Another monster song from Metal Axes. This is hard
rock with BIG guitars from Rory and Joe, the Jones
brothers. I predict that this will be a huge hit, but
2 Match 1–6 with a–f to form the names of your mom and dad won’t like it! Metal Axes are
the musicians. Then listen and check. going to go on tour in December – don’t miss them!
1f drummer
1 dru a arist
Artist: Izzy Palma
2 saxoph b ssist (featuring DJ Bennett)
3 voca c onist Title: We’re gonna have a party
Our verdict: ✪✪✪✪✪
4 ba d boardist
This is my favorite of this week’s bunch: irresistible
5 key e list drum and bass rhythms from DJ Bennett and great
6 guit f mmer vocals from Izzy “Queen of Dance” Palma. I’m sure
that this will become a favorite in all the clubs.

3 Read the reviews from Music Hits magazine. Artist: The Sugar Boys
Title: I’ll be sad without you
Which single do you want to buy?
Our verdict: ✪
The Sugar Boys’ fans will be unhappy with this. It’s a
4 Read the reviews again and complete the bad, sad song: terrible lyrics and boring keyboards. I
sentences with names from the texts. think the band will split up soon – singer Marcus
1 ...... is the name of the music magazine. Dane has plans for a solo CD. He’s going to record it
in March. Good luck to him.
2 ...... writes reviews for the magazine.
3 Metal Axes’ guitarists are ...... .
4 ...... are going to go on tour in December.
Subject and object pronouns
5 Stella’s favorite single is ...... .
They are going to be on tour.
6 Izzy’s nickname is ...... .
Don’t miss them.
7 Stella thinks that ...... will split up.
8 Marcus Dane is a vocalist in ...... . GRAMMAR • PAGE 120

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Exploring grammar 7 Look at more information from the

will and be going to interview. Write sentences with the correct
form of will or be going to.
We use will and be going to to talk about the
future. Marcus’s plans Stella’s predictions
5 Look at the examples and complete the rules I’m going to play I’m sure that you ’ll be (be)
with will and be going to. (play) the guitar. very good.
He’s going to record it in March. 1 I …… (record) a new 2 It …… (be) number 1.
I think that the band will split up soon. CD.
Rules 3 I …… (start) a fan club. 4 You …… (have) a lot of
We use (1) ...... for predictions.
We use (2) ...... for plans and intentions. 5 I …… (travel) round the 6 You …… (meet) a lot of
world. people.
6 Stella interviewed Marcus Dane for Music 8 Work in pairs. Answer the questions
Hits magazine. Write plan or prediction for about your plans and predictions. Use will
sentences 1–5. and be going to.
A: What are you going to do after
I’m going to school?
find a new manager.
B: After school I’m going to do my
Plan homework.
1 That won’t be
A: When you’re twenty, will you be
in a band?
2 I’m going to B: When I’m twenty, ...
write dance music. 3 That will be
popular, I think. Plans: What are you going to do ...
1 after school?
2 tomorrow morning?
3 tomorrow afternoon?
4 next Saturday?

Predictions: When you’re twenty ...

5 will you be in a band?
6 where will you live?
7 what kind of house will you have?
8 what kind of car will you have?

Marcus Dane Stella Morris

Write about your friends’ plans and predictions.

4 I’m going to Carla is going to watch TV after school.
change my image.
5 Your fans won’t
like that.

Unit 6 Pop! 61
© Oxford University Press
1 Match questions 1–5 with suggestions
a–e. Then listen and check.

Tough At The Top!

Music Hits answers your questions about teenage bands. Backstreet Boys
1 I’m going to start a band with some friends. I can play
keyboards and the guitar, but my friends aren’t really
musicians. Will that be a problem?
2 Is it hard work to be in a band?
3 I read that the managers of rock bands have a lot of
influence. Is that true?
4 Hey! I want to be number 1, but I need a band.
Where do I start?
5 Can I make a lot of money in a band? Destiny’s Child

a Yes, it is. Managers pla

n most things for
teenage bands. They
organize concerts,
hotels, travel, and int
erviews. They also say
what the band is going
to record, and where
they are going to go.
Some managers have
lot of rules for the ba a
nd because they want
create a good image. to
For example, some Westlife
teenage bands can’t
have boyfriends or
girlfriends! The mana
ger also takes a lot of
the money – sometim
es 20%! ds sell
d Yes and no. A small number of ban
most bands
millions and millions of CDs, but
b No, it won’t. Some of
the people in teenage lot of luck, and
bands are musicians, never become rich. You need a
but they don’t normall at the right
play instruments when y you need to be in the right place
they record or go on time.
tour. They don’t usua
lly write songs either!
you want to be on TV If
, your image will be ve
important, so think ab ry
out style and learn to e a typical day:
e s very , ve ry ha rd work. Imagin
It’ oto session in
rviews and a ph
you do two inte wns. Then
m or ning , in three different to
ines, and on th e a different
c Look in newspapers, music magaz pe ar on TV in the evening – in
information you ap r friends, or
the Internet. You’ll find ads and un try! Yo u do n’t have time fo
thousands of co easy.
there. And good luck! There are ns. It really isn’t
family, or vacatio
people with the same ambition.

© Oxford University Press

2 Read the texts on page 62 again and answer Writing

the questions. A magazine interview: so and because
1 Do people in teenage bands usually write We use so when we describe the consequences of
their own songs? a situation. We use because when we give the
2 What’s important if you’re on TV? reason for something.
3 Do people in bands have much free time? 6 Complete the sentences with so and because.
4 Who organizes the travel for a band? Check your answers with the text on page 62.
5 When people want to start a band, where do 1 Some managers have a lot of rules ...... they
they advertise? want to create a good image.
6 Why will you need luck if you want to be in a 2 Your image will be important ...... think
band? about style.

Pronunciation 7 Read the interview and complete sentences

1–5. Use so and because, and phrases a–e.
/&/ and /E/
3 Listen and repeat. DD: Er, I don’t have much time, (1) ......
/&/ band, can, plan Stella: Why do you have a new manager?
/E/ sell, friend, pen DD: Well, we fired our last manager (2) ......
Stella: Really. And did you buy a mansion?
4 Look at the words in the box. Then listen DD: Yeah. I bought it for my parents (3) ......
and write the words you hear. Stella: That’s nice. What are the worst things
about your success?
band friend when went can sell DD: The fans. I can’t go out shopping or to
tent plan pen than the movies (4) ......
Stella: And what are the best things?
Speaking DD: Ha! Well, I have a lot of money (5) ......
5 Work in pairs. Imagine that you are a
journalist or the vocalist in a band. Ask a ... I can only talk for five minutes.
and answer the journalist’s interview b ... he was really strict.
questions. c ... they’re really important to me.
d ... I have a movie theater in my house now!
e ... they are always outside my house.

8 Write questions and answers for an

interview in a music magazine. Use the
questions from exercise 7 and so and because.

Think of some bands and songs. Write your

opinions about them.
I like ...
I think their lyrics and music are good.

Unit 6 Pop! 63
© Oxford University Press
The music business: expressions 4 Complete the sentences with the correct
1 Match verbs 1–6 with phrases a–f. form of be going to.
1 sign a on TV
2 record b up
3 do c on tour Nod
4 split d a contract
5 go e a CD
6 appear f an interview

Instruments and musicians

2 Look at the pictures. Write the name of the
instrument and the musician.
1 guitar - guitarist
1 2 3


Nod is going to marry (marry) Clare.

1 Nod …… (buy) some new drums.
2 Rupert and Colin …… (not stay) in the band.
3 Clare …… (learn) to sing.
be going to 4 Rupert …… (not change) his image.
3 Write questions with be going to. Then write 5 Nod and Clare …… (go) to the U.S.
answers about your plans for the future.
6 The manager …… (not work) with the
you / buy any new clothes this month? band again.
Are you going to buy any new clothes
this month? will and be going to
Yes, I am.
5 Write sentences with will and be going to.
1 you / improve your English?
He’s going to change (change)
2 When / your family / go on vacation this his image. (plan)
1 You …… (be) famous. (prediction)
3 you / learn to play an instrument?
2 I …… (appear) on TV on Monday. (plan)
4 your friends / become musicians?
3 We …… (play) concerts in Canada. (plan)
5 you / buy any CDs?
4 I think that they …… (split up). (prediction)
6 your teacher / correct this exercise?
5 This CD …… (not be) a hit. (prediction)
7 When / you / do your homework?
6 We …… (not work) with him again. (plan)
8 How / you / relax after school?

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Friends and Neighbors
(pages 66 and 67)
Review: will, be going to, first conditional
Function: Making offers

1 Does Nikki have a good school report


Culture File
(pages 68 and 69)
Topic: Schools

2 How old are children in the U.S.

when they start elementary

The World of Pop

(page 70)
Artist: Nelly Furtado
Country: Canada
Song: I’m like a bird

3 When is Nelly Furtado’s birthday?


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It never fails!

Luke What’s the matter, Nikki? 2 The next day …
Nikki It’s my report card – it’s terrible! If I give it to Mom and
Dad, they’ll be furious. Mom I’m going to wash the car later – it’s filthy!
Luke Yeah, and if you don’t give it to them, they’ll be really Luke I’ll wash it for you, Mom. No problem.
furious! Mom Oh, great. Thanks. Well, I have to go to the supermarket
Greg Ah, but if you’re nice to your parents, it’ll be OK. now.
Nikki Yes! Good plan, Greg. I’ll be nice to them. It never fails! Nikki Don’t worry, Mom. I can go to the supermarket.
Mom That’s very kind of you. Thank you, Nikki.

4 One hour later …

Mom Nikki, what exactly am I going to cook with twelve bags
of potato chips and six chocolate bars?
Luke Dad, this mirror, I can explain.
Dad You don’t have to, Luke. I saw your sister’s report card.
3 Nikki Ah, I can explain that too, Dad.
Dad You can explain when you come back from the
Greg This wasn’t part of my plan, Luke. supermarket with some food for dinner. Oh, and I’ll
Luke Whoops! How did that happen? Dad will kill me! have that chocolate, thank you very much!

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Reading 4 How can you impress your parents? Look at

1 Read and listen to Friends and pictures 1–4 and think of some ideas.
Neighbors. Then answer the questions.
1 Why was Nikki worried? 1
2 What was Greg’s idea?
3 What did Nikki and Luke do for their
4 Did Nikki’s dad read the report card?
5 Where does Nikki have to go before she
explains her report card?

Useful expressions 2
2 Find the expressions in the story. Then
check their meaning.
1 What’s the matter?
2 Good plan.
3 Don’t worry.
4 That’s very kind of you.

Making offers 3
3 Look at this extract from Friends and
Neighbors. Listen and repeat. Concentrate
on your rhythm and intonation.
A: I’m going to wash the car later – it’s filthy!
B: I’ll wash it for you, Mom. No problem.
A: Oh, great. Thanks. Well, I have to go to the
supermarket now.
C: Don’t worry, Mom. I can go to the
supermarket. 4
A: That’s very kind of you. Thank you, Nikki.

5 Practice a dialog in groups. Change the blue

words in the dialog in exercise 3. Use your
ideas from exercise 4.

The World of English 3 67


1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

1 At what age do you start school in your country?
2 At what age can you leave school?
3 Are any subjects compulsory in your school?

In the U.S., the school system depends on the area. In the U.K., the school systems are different in Scotland,
Many children go to kindergarten at the age of five. Northern Ireland, and England and Wales. However, in
However, in most states compulsory education starts all parts of the U.K. education is compulsory from the
at elementary school (first through sixth grades) at age of five to sixteen. In England and Wales, children
age six. go to primary school for Years 1–6, and then to
secondary school for Years 7–11. Students take tests in
At elementary school, the focus is on the basic skills of
Years 2, 6, and 9. These tests are called SATs (Standard
reading, writing, and math, but many schools introduce
Assessment Tasks), but they are very different from
science, social studies (social sciences), and foreign
American SAT exams.
languages. After elementary school (seventh and
eighth grades), students go to junior high (or middle Schools in England and Wales follow the National
school) for two or three years. In all grades, children Curriculum. This means that children have to study
have to take classes in certain subjects such as English, certain subjects. At secondary school for the first three
math, science, and P.E. years (Years 7 to 9), all students must study English,
math, science, design technology, ICT, geography,
After eighth grade, students go to senior high school
history, P.E. (physical education), and music. Students
(ninth–twelfth grades). At senior high school, students
may also take three other subjects. In Year 10 students
can choose different subjects. Students earn credits
choose between five and ten subjects to study for GCSE
when they pass a course. They must have a certain
(General Certificate of Secondary Education) exams.
number of credits to earn their High School Diploma. If
They take these exams at the end of Year 11.
students want to go to college, they need good grades
in the main subjects, and they must also take SAT At this point, students can leave school or they can
(Scholastic Assessment Tests) exams. study for two more years and take A-level exams. You
need to pass these exams to go to university.

© Oxford University Press
2 Read the text on page 68 and answer 4 Listen again and choose a or b.
the questions. 1 Claire’s school has approximately …
1 In the U.S., how old are children in the first a 600 students. b 900 students.
2 The school year starts in September and
2 In the U.S., which school do students go to finishes in …
after elementary school? How many years do
they stay there for? a June. b July.
3 Which grades does a student do in senior 3 At lunch time, Claire usually has …
high school? a a hot meal. b a packed lunch.
4 How do America students pass their High 4 At the end of the year, Claire is going to
School Diploma? take …
5 When do children in England and Wales a a vacation b SATs
take SATs? 5 After high school, Claire wants to go to …
6 In England and Wales, how many years are a university. b Woodland Hills.
children in primary school for?
6 Claire wants to be …
7 Which subjects must students study in the
first three years at secondary school in a a math teacher. b an art teacher.
England and Wales?
8 When do students choose which subjects 5 Complete the table. Use the words in the box.
they want to study for GCSEs? SAT GCSE P.E.
9 How many subjects can they choose? ICT A-level Science
10 What exams do English and Welsh students
need to pass if they want to go to university? School subjects Exams

............... ...............
............... ...............
3 Listen to Claire ............... ...............
talking about her
school in the U.S.
Put topics a–e in
a Claire’s university Write a short text about the school
plans system in your country. Include:
b the school day • students’ ages
c school food • the different schools
d the school year 1 • the way classes or years are numbered

e Claire’s SATs • important exams

The World of English 3 69

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I’m like a bird
1 You’re beautiful, that’s for sure;
2 (1) ...... never fade
3 (2) ...... lovely, but it’s
not for sure
4 That I will never cha
5 And though my love
is rare,
6 Though my love is true
7 I’m like a bird, (3) .....
. only fly away,
8 I don’t know where
my soul is,
9 I don’t know where
my home is,
10 Baby, all (4) ...... to
know is
11 I’m like a bird, (5) .....
. only fly away,
12 I don’t know where
my soul is,
13 I don’t know where
my home is,
14 Baby, all (6) ...... to
know is
Nelly Furtado 15 Your faith in me (7)
...... to tears
16 Even after all these
Full name: Nelly Kim Furtado 17 And it pains me so
much to tell
Date of bir th: December 2nd, 197 18 That (8) ...... know
me that well,
Place of bir th: Victoria, Canada 19 And though my love
is rare,
20 Though my love is true
Parents: Portuguese …
di (Repeat chorus x2)
Languages: English, Portuguese, Hin
Instruments: ukulele, guitar, tromb
First band: Nelstar
teen, a
Oppor tunity: When Nelly was eigh
manager discovered her at a talent con
First album: Whoa, Nelly! (2000)

Nelly Furtado (Canada)

1 Read the information about Nelly Furtado
and answer the questions.
1 Why does Nelly speak Portuguese?
2 How many instruments does she play?
3 What was the name of her first band?
4 Where did her manager discover her? Glossary
1 for sure = certain

2 Complete the song with the words in the

box. Then listen and check. 3 Write true or false for sentences 1–3.
1 She wants to stay with her boyfriend.
you don’t I’ll you need I’ll you need
2 Her boyfriend is good-looking.
you will brings me you’re you’re
3 It’s easy for her to break up with him.

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