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Know-Innovate-Think-Explore-Share~~Soar high with all that and more!

A bi-monthly journal from BSS-CoE
From the desk of CoE...

Dear Associates,

Happy New Year 2014 !!!

Happy Reading,

Sriram Sampath



Blog Space

Q u i c k B y t e s....

Page 5
Page 4

PAS 55 - Standard for SAP Travel on Demand

Asset Management

Dhanasekaran Vadivalagan
Jatin Malhotra
Page 6 Page 9

SAP Netweaver MDM Vs Methodical Procedue


Safeer Abdul Vaheed Anantha Padmanaban

Page 13 Page 16

Brain Teasers

Page 20

Editorial Team:
Mohammad Abdullah Shamim, Sameer S M, G Krishna Kumar, Bhargav C,
Raghu Ram Reddy Devagiri, Venkatesh Kanniah, Arun T Abraham, Priya Thomas
Design Team:
Naveen Kumar K, Annie Jose, Ramya C Subramanian


Quick B y t e s....

SAP India and Native Lead Foundation Nurtures Spirit IBM and SAP Help Shell Launch One of the Largest
of Entrepreneurship SAP Solution Upgrades in the World
SAP India signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Native IBM and SAP AG today announced that Shell has reached a milestone
Lead Foundation (NLF), a non-profit organization that works in South in its downstream business IT infrastructure by having successfully
Tamil Nadu to promote innovation and instill a spirit of entrepreneurship delivered one of the largest single SAP upgrade implementations in the
in students graduating from engineering colleges. Under the MoU, SAP world, covering operations in 35 countries and four global businesses
India will work with 20 engineering colleges that NLF partners in the and Shell business service centers, and impacting more than 29,000
Madurai-Trichy area to educate students on the various facets of users. Improved functional capabilities, which are highly integrated and
entrepreneurship, with a vision to create quality "Made in India" products cost effective, will enable Shell businesses to work faster and more
and innovations that can compete in global markets. NLF works with effectively. Furthermore, new functions allow for future business growth
educational institutions, students, and aspiring entrepreneurs to create and expansion into areas that have the potential to deliver competitive
awareness, motivate, train, and prepare them to become innovators and edge, including mobile enablement through mobile apps and interactive
business leaders. As part of its three-year plan, NLF will engage with self-service portals.
organizations and sensitize 100,000 youth from 100 educational
institutions on entrepreneurship, with the end goal of creating 50 brands.
SAP to Interconnect Rich Communication Services
for Mobile Operators
As consumers seek to communicate better and further through mobile
Largest Dutch Insurance Provider Achmea Addresses devices, SAP announced a new cloud-based service that aims to
Global Regulatory Issues With SAP simplify interconnecting rich communication services (RCS), such as
SAP announced that Achmea, the largest insurance group in the instant messaging, video and file sharing, for mobile operators. With
Netherlands, is among the first to choose SAP Insurance Analyzer more than 200 LTE network deployments since 2010i, the issue of
analytic applications to address international accounting and regulatory isolated mobile networks is becoming more prevalent. SAP Mobile
issues. New standards in financial reporting and risk management pose Services, a division of SAP, is the first to announce a standards-
challenges for the insurance industry, especially with the implementation compliant IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) for IP-based services,
of the new accounting rules for insurance contracts (IFRS4) and the including RCS and Voice over LTE (VoLTE), intended to allow
Solvency II standard model. With SAP Insurance Analyzer, Achmea will consumers to communicate beyond traditional voice and messaging
adapt an integrated standard model in order to address these services across any device, network and geography.
regulations while improving data management and data quality. Based in
the Netherlands, Achmea offers life and non-life insurance and health
Rolta and SAP Announce a Strategic OEM
and banking products and services in the region. Similar to any
organization that operates on a global scale, the company needs to
Rolta and SAP AG announced a strategic original equipment
comply with all regulations, including IFRS4 and Solvency II. Due to its
manufacturer (OEM) agreement where Rolta will integrate numerous
complex application infrastructure with many legacy policy and claims
industry solutions with platform technology from SAP. Rolta will provide
applications, there is a need to implement an integrated platform that
customers across the world with cutting-edge business analytics and
streamlines the collection of all data from several different legacy
Big Data solutions designed to exploit the power of SAP technology by
systems and to process them for the regulatory organizations. Achmea
combining Rolta’s products with the database and technology portfolio
plans to deploy SAP Insurance Analyzer over the next two years and will
offered by SAP. The portfolio, which includes the SAP HANA platform,
commence the implementation with the IFRS4 regulation.
SAP Sybase IQ software, SAP Predictive Analysis software and the

SAP and China Telecom Expand Strategic SAP Recognized by White House for Enabling Real-
Partnership to Provide SAP Cloud Portfolio in China Time Personalized Medicine
SAP and China Telecom announced a strategic partnership in cloud
At a recent event sponsored by the White House, the National Science
computing through which the SAP Cloud portfolio will be offered to small
Foundation and the Networking and Information Technology R&D
and large organizations in China by China Datacom Corporation Limited
program, SAP was recognized for its collaborative efforts to enable real
(CDC), a joint venture between SAP and China Communication Services
-time personalized medicine through innovation with Stanford
(CCS), a subsidiary of China Telecom Group. CCS will be the first local
University and the National Center for Tumor Diseases Germany. The
customer to adopt the industry-leading offerings. The announcement
Washington, DC-based event, Data to Knowledge to Action, featured
was made at China SAPPHIRE, being held November 20-21 in Beijing.
public and private organizations that enhance scientific discovery and
The cooperation marks another development in the partnership that SAP
biomedical research and derive greater value for consumers by
and China Telecom began in 2011 and will expand on the current work
innovating Big Data tools and technologies.
the companies have done to promote mobile development and device
management. With the inclusion of cloud solutions from SAP, the
companies will move from basic cooperation such as Internet Data
Center (IDC) to a partnership on cloud offerings and application
Blog Space

IoT - The Rise of the Machines

Shanmugarajan G

IoT - The Rise of the Machines need for human effort. And unlike humans – machines
If the title sounds a bit like “terminator” series of movies – don’t need “a day off” from gadgets/facebook to go to the
you are not mistaken. The most important technology hillstation.. They can talk incessantly and generate BIG
trend and yet the most silent is “Internet of Things”. Atleast data enough to do smart analytics and optimize
it is not as popular as the other Big four – Social, Mobility , themselves as an ecosystem. Already there are
BIG Data , Cloud. One reason is that you don’t always indications that Machine to machine communication has
know & feel it even when you are really relying on IoT overtaken Human input in the internet.
( Much like our Bosch products ) and the other is that the
possibilities of IoT are like they are right out of a sci-fi Opportunity
movie. But as surreal as they feel, dreams of talking cars , At Bosch, we have been wise to spot these trends early
intelligent robots , Social machines are closer than ever to and invest heavily. One of our major units is already
reality. working on this topic and another has been exclusively
formed to cater to this huge business opportunity. We are
What’s new ? – Decentralized Intelligence: already recognized as pioneering innovation in the market.
Let me take an approach of simplifying what my So what do we at BSS make of it ? We are a bit away from
perspective is on the topic. In my second week of travel to all this electro-mechanics and automations and deep in
Germany during the harsh winter of ’00 – I visited our the business processes , isnt’ it ? Not Really !
biggest warehouse in Karlsruhe and for the first time
spotted so called ‘robots” – little shelves with wheels My personal take on this is – IOT will provide a huge
rolling along automatically and fetching goods for dispatch. opportunity for us and impact many processes.. IOT will
They were all controlled by a Central Embedded software change the way the factory operates - in Europe they are
and integrated to our Supply Chain logistics. The calling it “Industry 4.0” . BIG Data generated by machines
machines have shown their intelligence , they have and the sheer information that each component can
interfaced with each other ..what is so new ? provide will mean sweeping changes in the way we design
our processes. A bin of bosch spark-plugs being emptied
Well the answer is so-called “decentralized Intelligence” . in OE factory must now generate Sales Orders for refill by
Each of the entities in the BIG ecosystem of the future the time it is put down ! Another big focus would be
machines is going to be intelligent and interfaceable analytics and seamless integration into our Business
without even knowing for what they would be used for. process world.
The intelligence is self-contained and not dependent/
controlled by a central node..(unless you want it that It is all hazy how business can generate revenue and what
way..).That makes the whole system dynamic and self- can we do to prepare for this “Quiet revolution” . One
evolving.. You would know the right word for this kind of thing is clear – the business models that are emerging are
stuff is ofcourse “internet” - that is why it is called Internet that of an “Ecosystem” and not isolation, It would augur
of Things. well for us to closely watch this ecosystem , decipher the
monetizing ecosystems and ofcourse be part of it.
Eliminating the Middle”Men”:
The biggest impact according to me is going to be
elimination of Human intervention and intelligence to work References: “A quiet revolution takes Shape” – Economist
with the machines. Driverless cars communicating to avoid IOT – European School of Technology and
collisions, Refrigerators ordering groceries, Smart homes Management material.
managing the airconditioning & security - all eliminate the


PAS 55 - Standard for Asset

Dhanasekaran Vadivalagan

PAS, Publically Available Specification for the physical assets, jointly developed by British Standard Institute
(BSI) and The Institute of Asset Management (AIM) in year 2004, is becoming internationally accepted standard for
quality asset management. The standard acts as a valuable guideline for asset life cycle management, quality
control and compliance.

The standard is split into two parts
his standard offers 28 point requirements specification
 Part 1 – Specification for the optimized management of
for establishing and verifying a joined-up, optimized and
physical infrastructure assets. It specifies the
whole-life management system for all types of physical
requirements for an asset management system for the
assets. This article describes the background and
management of physical assets and asset systems
objectives of PAS 55 and how SAP Enterprise Asset
over their life cycles
Management System (SAP EAM) helps an organization in
implementing PAS 55 standards. PAS 55 gives guidelines  Part 2 – Guidelines for the application of PAS 55-1
and best practices for asset management for all the asset
intensive industries.PAS 55 defines asset management as PAS 55-Benefits
systematic and coordinated activities and practices
 PAS 55 standards can benefit companies not only from
through which an organization optimally and sustainably
the regulatory point of view, but also to help them gain
manages its assets, their associated performance, risks
competitive advantage by ensuring that they are
and expenditure over the life cycle. PAS 55 has proven
effectively managing their assets.
very successful, with widespread adoption in utilities,
transport, mining, process and manufacturing industries  PAS 55 gives guidelines and best practices for asset
worldwide. In order to enable organizations to develop management for all the asset intensive industries.
integrated management systems, the requirements and  PAS 55 provides operation and maintenance strategy
structure are arranged within the PDCA (Plan Do Check for entire asset base and information strategy in
Act) framework. accordance with the company’s overall strategy.
 Focus on building the asset management knowledge


PAS 55

PAS 55-Future challenges and directions The ability of the SAP Enterprise Asset Management to
model and monitor processes and procedures provides a
Specific challenges for asset management include:
communication mechanism for the user community and a
 Integrating asset management into companies’ long-
secure data repository for all asset-related information.
term equipment reliability strategies.
 Connecting and integrating asset management with
PAS 55 Asset management strategy, objectives, and plans
overall management strategies and processes
This section of the standard refers to examples of the
 Developing a competency-building framework for asset
components that are typically an integrated part of an asset
information system. PAS 55 states: “where separate asset
 Assuring environmental, regulatory, and legal
management information systems exist, the organization
compliance to meet safe and sustainable
shall ensure that the information provided by these systems
manufacturing requirements.
is consistent.”

How does SAP PM System support the benefits of PAS 55 One of the key requirements of SAP EAM system is to be
Standards? able to integrate efficiently with a range of other systems,
so that at any one time there is only “one version of the
SAP PM Asset Management provides PAS 55 with
truth” in relation to asset information.
knowledge base and communication mechanism for the
users interface and a secure data repository for all asset-
related information. PAS 55 Asset management enablers and controllers
This section of PAS 55 deals with structure, authority, and
It provides the following capabilities responsibilities for asset management. SAP EAM provides
 A single version of the truth for all asset-related full support to
information many of the functions noted in this section of the standard,
 Performance criteria and associated key performance including procedures for
indicator (KPI)  Tactical planning, development, management of
 The identification of performance failure schedules, and resource allocation.
 Tracking and management of incidents, problems and  Asset configuration, calibration, and maintenance.
change  Management of spare parts.
 Support for corrective and preventive action(s)  Maintenance, inspection, and testing of systems and


PAS 55

 Management of change and risk mitigation. SAP EAM ensures that information about regulatory and
statutory requirements is associated with assets and work
PAS 55 Risk Management procedures. It provides full support for these activities by
providing all data necessary to track, monitor, and manage
SAP EAM manages the day-to-day operation and
asset condition and performance.
maintenance activities and has a specific role to play in
supporting the identification and management of asset-
related risks. It provides a formal structure for reporting on Conclusion
asset failures based on individual asset and asset type. PAS 55 is designed to help organizations develop asset
This in turn supports the mean time between failure (MTBF) management by meeting PAS 55 requirements. PAS 55
and mean time to failure (MTTF) types of analysis, and standards can benefit companies to gain competitive
feeds key data into failure mode and effects analysis advantage by ensuring that they are effectively managing
(FMEA), which is a key part of Reliability-Centered their asset.
Maintenance (RCM).
PAS 55 Legal and other requirements 
SAP EAM ensures that information about regulatory and  White paper on Implementing PAS 55,Asset
statutory requirements is associated with assets and work Management Standard, Through FMRIMS and
procedures, by MAINTintellegence Synergy.
making workers aware of the procedures and subsequently 
able to take the appropriate actions. SAP EAM also makes pdf/090622_pas_55_white_paper_6815_tiw14035use
it possible to generate the appropriate reports to monitor n00_final.pdf
legal and statutory compliance

PAS 55 Performance assessment and improvement

The two main activities of this section of PAS 55 are:
 Performance and condition monitoring
 Investigation of asset-related failures, incidents, and
nonconformities Let your VOICE be heard at


SAP Travel On Demand

Jatin Malhotra

Every trip has its own objectives, goals, set of procedures and tasks. Our focus is solely on a business trip that
starts with planning followed by booking and travelling and ends once all business travel expenses are
reimbursed. From a company perspective, the travel and its subsequent expenses are closed watched and
monitored. The interrelated details that occur between planning, travelling and reimbursement presents an
opportunity for companies to enforce compliance of travel and expense policies in order to maximize savings.

Introduction Scenario Description

Apparently, Business Travel is one of the highest single As a company, you require the ability to control your travel,
expenditures for companies, which is why it’s one of the budget and execute policies. SAP – Travel on Demand is
largest opportunities for savings. Travel and Expense capable in providing this, by way of a streamlined global
Management (TEM) solutions work to streamline the travel management solution starting from a new travel plan
entire process, providing an end-to-end solution from a pre to booking trips to submitting expenses automatically
-trip approval followed by an online booking leading to followed by expense reimbursements. Certainly, SAP –
travel receipts capturing and expense reimbursements, Cloud Solution is well integrated with SAP ERP –
while ensuring corporate travel compliance is strictly Financial Accounting and SAP HCM (Human Capital
adhered to. Management) system, SAP CRM and more. This ensures

Travel Market Direction

 Travel Cost increasing on a higher scale.
 Business Travel & Travelers are very frequent.
 Processing travel expense cost has increased.
 Implementing Cloud Computing solution (SaaS)
 Enhanced globalization allowing optimization, flexibility
and mobility to connect and process from anywhere
and anytime.


SAP Travel on Demand

the consistency of data minimizes the need of

reconciliation and improves ability during analyzing and
audit expenses. Diagram below exhibits process flow
during travel.

Participants Involved
 Traveler Solution Overview (SAP AG, 2013)
 Auditor How it works ?
 Approver
 Account Payable Accountant
 Employee & Organizational Master Data Transfer.
 Admin
 Cost Centers and Projects can be replicated from
Financials to SAP - On Demand.
For Users, entering expenses in SAP - Travel On
Demand is simple and user friendly. Thanks to features
like simplified screens, populated entry fields and ability to
automatically submit expenses from credit card feeds. On
the contrary, if a user cannot access the application itself
they can also submit expenses via traditional way using an

Common Challenges Faced by Companies in Expense

 Manual Data entry and insufficient processes.
 Inability to enforce corporate travel policies.
 Monstrosity increase in T & E expenses.
 Lack of visibility into spends. 3rd Party Integration
 Prolix reimbursement process and procedures.  Travelers login to SAP - Travel on Demand (Single
Sign On) using their Desktops or Mobile devices (I-
 Higher costs for processing an expense report.
Pad, I-Phone, Android) and book their trips (Flights,
Hotels etc.) in the configured online tool (GetThere).
Why most Companies have not implemented?
 Trip itinerary is replicated back to Travel on Demand,
 Lack of budget. allows booking confirmation and cancellations based
 Skeptical whether Return on Investment (ROI) will be on workflows.
positive.  Traveler’s credit card details are stored in Paymetrics.
 No executive sponsorship. Travel On Demand only retrieves tokenized credit
 Customary cognizance of current available solution card transaction data (PCI standard compliance)
and process work.  In split, payment scenario De-tokenization should be
 Unavailability of skilled technical talent and expertise. setup on the customer premise for successful
reimbursement(s) of travel expenses by bank or credit
What Financial Advisors have to say? (PayStream card provider.
 Leverage device cameras and Geo-tagging.
Advisors Inc.)
 Submit Invoices in real time via mobile.
 An average cost to process a single expense
report manually is yet expensive. An aim to fully
automate will eventually reduce the cost of
processing. Hence, increases the process


SAP Travel on Demand

Functional Architecture
SAP – Travel On Demand (SaaS based Cloud Solution)

plays a vital role not only by connecting legacy, Non-

Legacy and 3rd party systems but also in managing data,
flexibility, transformation and expense reimbursements.

Travel Expense Reimbursement – Process Integration Benefits

 Reimbursements can be done through either ERP  Solution supports across industries and languages.
financials (vendor accounts), ERP HCM (Payroll) or  Employers and Employees can connect to SAP Cloud
through excel files (Journal Entries). via Desktops and Mobile Phones. Contrary,
 The system routes postings to the right systems conventional ERP systems do not allow.
according to the configured reimbursement scenario.  SAP Cloud solution allows to see employee individual
receipts in real time (Desktop and Mobile Devices).
 Increased corporate card usage and rebates.
 Eligibility for Loyalty programs and can avail loyalty
bonuses and can redeem it.
 Better ability to enforce travel policies.
 Define corporate legal entities and expense rules for
country specific requirements.
 Define preferred travel partner and supplier through
online booking partners (GetTHERE, AMADEUS &
 Better compliance with regulatory requirements (SOX
Whom it works for?  Line Managers and Auditors can take actions and
 Solution is designed for Employers and their perform audit activities on mobile devices for trip
Employees keeping business as central focus. request approval and expense reports.
 Impart flexibility to Managers and Auditors to approve  Real time budget information for approval decisions
travel requests and expense reports via mobile device and email notifications in case of new request,
Define expense rules for country specific requirements. approval and rejection.
 Better transparency allows analyzing travel expenses  Control Software maintenance costs by implementing
across and negotiating with external travel suppliers. (SaaS) in comparison to its competitors.
 Designed in line service for CFOs to manage expense  Average cost to process a single expense report also
and cash flows. reduces to a great extent.
 SAP Cloud automation improves cash management  Scope to extend the integration with SAP CRM system.
and speed payments to employees.


SAP Travel on Demand

Conclusion Key Terms

Travel and the Traveler being the two main focuses across  SaaS – Software as a Service.
T & E process for the companies, the opportunity for saving  CFO – Chief Financial Officer.
is enormous. Travel cost reduction and gaining control over  TEM – Travel and Expense Management
the travel costs are the top priorities for the companies  SOX Compliance - Sarbanes Oxley Act Compliance.
these days.

Manual travel plans are yet followed in our day to day Scan the BAR Code below using your desktop or mobile
practice and expensive will be soon join hands with an phones to download your copy of this article.
automated approach which is cost optimal and more
streamlined. Travel and expense management solutions
have advanced considerably both in functionality and in
ease of use. The solution stated above is devoted right
from the beginning of a Travel plan initiation to an
Employee expense reimbursement(s) followed with post
trip analysis and reporting for future travelling.

 Enriched and solace User Experience.

 Designed for Mobility (Anywhere and Anytime).
 Flexibility to Integration to SAP and non –SAP systems.
 Adhere to compliance policies and protocols.

 (Paystream Advisors Inc. A Research and Consulting
Group based in USA., 2013).
 SAP AG, 2013.
 GetThere – Travel reservation system.
 AMADEUS – Online transaction processor.
 Cytric - Providing E-Procurement Solution. Let your VOICE be heard at


SAP Netweaver MDM vs. SAP MDG

Safeer Abdul Vaheed


SAP NetWeaver MDM (Master Data Management) and SAP MDG (Master Data Governance) are two solutions that
help organizations to govern and manage information as an asset. This article gives an insight into the
comparison between these two solutions. Since 80% of the business process deals with master data, it’s a key
indicator as to whether or not various processes like inventory, procurement and supply were optimized. It also
matters whether the reporting integrity is intact!

A master data management strategy and solution are

critical to managing corporate information in a consistent,
SAP NetWeaver MDM Product

controlled and “single-view“ capable manner. This

enabling technology helps save time, money, frustration
and enables optimized business processes and reporting

Key Processes in the Master data Management

1. Establish an Enterprise Data Management Strategy.
2. Understand the Data - What kind of data do you have,
are there any duplicates?
3. Get the clean Data from the source systems – Use of
ETL (Extract Transform Load) Transformations / It is a Central Repository for Data Consolidation,
BODS (Business Objects Data Services). Harmonization and Synchronization. Data from all the
4. Proper validations for ensuring consistent and clean different Applications or connected systems are
data. consolidated in a single landscape to maintain, manage
5. Manage it for the whole life cycle and distribute them.


SAP Netweaver MDM vs. SAP MDG

SAP MDG Product Data management becomes easier and also for the
identification and distribution of master data.

 SAP MDM is written in C++ and has a different UI than

SAP and a different workflow of its own, where as
SAP MDG is an embedded SAP Application built on
the ABAP stack and it has the same UI as that of SAP.
The BRF (Business Rules Framework) based
workflow configuration in SAP MDG, enables the
work item routing which is a significant differentiator
when compared to SAP MDM.

 SAP MDM offers complex search options. For e.g. :-

Free text Search & Drilldown searches within MDM,
each corresponding to a lookup field in the current
A Master data management tool which enables table whereas SAP MDG offers search at the Main
Governance, Compliance and Transparency through table level only.
integrated staging, approval and central audit trail. It can
compliment and extend SAP Netweaver MDM and also  The Synchronization of data with the ERP system is
delivers consistent data and ensures data integrity. automatically taken care in SAP MDG. In SAP MDM,
we need to handle them explicitly.
Comparison of SAP MDM & SAP MDG – A Synopsis
 SAP MDM is an acquired solution back in 2004 by
SAP to manage master data where as SAP MDG is a
product of SAP itself. The former is a Data
Management tool and the latter a Data Quality tool.

 A lot of time is required for cleaning and harmonizing

data before they can be moved to SAP MDM unlike
how it is with SAP MDG. Also, the data must be
consistent and the data integrity also should be

 The scope of SAP Master Data Governance lies here.

Single record creation with Data Integrity. The
business rules, the SAP standards, the business
logics are evolved and enforced at the point of master
data creation itself.

 With the basic logic needed integrated in the SAP for

SAP MDG, you are creating data with integrity at the
point of creation enforcing roles, standards and
 SAP MDM is designed as a central master data authorizations. In addition to this single data creation
repository to consolidate & harmonize master data with integrity, it also allows for mass upload of data.
from desperate sources. The discrete data from the For e.g.:- if you have data in excels or other files you
various systems would be cleaned up and stored in a could grab them and integrate with SAP MDG by
central repository. There would be a single view of the mass upload. SAP MDG also supports custom master
master data, be it customer/vendor/material master. data as well. SAP MDG cannot cleanse the data, but it
ensures quality & performance.


SAP Netweaver MDM vs. SAP MDG

The Crispy Comparison Table Future of Master Data Management – “A Journey & not a

SAP MDM vs. SAP MDG The next major improvement on SAP MDG is that it would
be running directly or as a hub on SAP HANA which
Function MDM MDG ensures record performance time & access integration to
SAP in a real time environment.
Delivered Data Model X X
The scope of SAP MDM has declined due to the product
C++ Stack X complexity, huge maintenance as well as manual work
required for data cleansing. SAP MDM would be
ABAP Stack X supported until 2020 by SAP, as they have invested and
committed to that solution.
BRF+ Workflow X
In conclusion, SAP MDM is not going away, but its best
Validations X X practices lies with SAP MDG.

Reuse of SAP Business Logic X

Source: SAP AG
Common SAP look / feel X
Integration with Content Server for
Documents storage X

Consolidation of data in a Single View X

Unstructured Content – In a single
repository you can put your content,
photographs, pdfs, etc. X
Let your VOICE be heard at


Getting Lean – shed the dead weight

Part 2- Methodical Procedure for VSDiA

Anantha Padmanaban

The Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is a visualization tool oriented to the Toyota Version of Lean Manufacturing
(Toyota Production System). It helps to understand and streamline work processes using the tools and
techniques of Lean Manufacturing. The goal of VSM is to identify, demonstrate and decrease waste in the
process. Having understood the need to get leaner and importance to eliminate waste from the previous edition’s
write up on “Introduction” – “Getting Lean – shed the dead weight” let us now try and understand more on getting
leaner with VSDiA.

T he minimum standard for optimizing processes using

VSDiA are:


Methodical Procedure for VSDiA

Let us now look at each of the minimum requirements

stated above: Queries or recursions, and critical points also arise in
a. Visualisation the process.

Parallel to the visualization in the value stream, all the

 The depiction in "swim lanes" particularly draws the
established questions and the process flash symbols are
eye to the points in the process where there are
collated and described in separate lists on the flip chart.
handovers between the various roles and functions.
They form the first sources for specific improvement
 This handover between functions increasingly arises, measures.
particularly in the administration areas of the company
A first view of the visualization with respect to VSDiA will
and a need for harmonization between the interfaces
help us understand the description better.
is the result.

 A further advantage of swim lane depiction is that it

allows for only part of a process to be reviewed. In such
cases, the end of the process often represents the transfer
to an "internal client".


Methodical Procedure for VSDiA

Pictorial form Visualisat ion Explanation

Swimlanes  A separate lane for each involved role.
 One lane for each of the participating roles
 Large format posters support joint development and
visualization. A direct depiction using a PC and LCD projector
would hamper interaction and discussion within the group.
 A0 plotters, adhesive foil, or (12x) folded metaplan paper can
be used as starting materials.
 Roles are generally departments or groups. If a higher level of
detail is provided, these may also be individuals.
 Title of the process, creation date, and participating team
Pictorial form Visualisat ion members should be documented.
Process Box Brief, appropriate description of the activity (ies) of the process
step. Several associated activities are summarized into one
process step.
Core data per process step. Traffic light designation:
 Green – Vale creation
 Amber – Support
 Red – Waste
Process time – No. of associates, if required

Information Logical sequence ; Transition period; recursions in red; on split flow

Flow indicate percentage. As represented by red

Process flashes Critical comments, particularly from a lean perspective (Lean ten to
be explained later) with reference number to a separate list

Query Indicate relative frequency and duration. Eg: 10%/1 min


SAP Netweaver
Methodical Procedure
MDM vs.

Time Elements Transition period, feedback time, process time

b. Lean Ten: Characteristics in Detail  Individuality and

 Quality
Why Lean? of the products or services offered.
We use 60-98% of our time, to do things which increase
process cost but do not add value! The paths for What is Lean Ten?
improving process:  Ten specific characteristics can be used to represent
 The classical path: the core of a lean system for the application on
 Work harder processes in the administration area
Work smarter  These ten characteristics
 The lean path  Form the backbone of the entire process
 Why do it all?  Enhance the view for potential improvements
 Removing waste as soon as the current state is visualized
 Optimize the flow  Provide direction for objectives and thinking
when analyzing and designing processes and
What is Lean?  Offer starting points for measuring parameters
 Lean management means creating value without in the process improvement
 It is the goal: More on Lean ten to follow in subsequent editions…
 To optimally align all activities which are
necessary to create the added value and
 To avoid unnecessary activities
 It is also the goal to fully meet the expectations of
the customer regarding
Let your VOICE be heard at
 Availability


Brain Teasers ...
a. What is the Auto ABAP Program that runs every 5 second in background?
b. SAP license are handled with the sap license program which resides in the run
time directory, Name it.
c. How can you prevent particular ABAP dump from being deleted by an ABAP
reorg job
d. Which computer industry billionaire owns Valley Crest Companies, Americas
largest landscaping firm?
e. What term was given by Lou Montalli in 1994 of Netscape communications
which is also a food item?
f. What is the difference between service user and dialog user
g. Which communication company was founded by the founders of the peer to
peer Sharing network Kazaa?
h. A centralised agency responsible for defining, refining and standardizing the
complete methodology of data migration
i. Process involves taking goods from a storage location and staging the right
quantity in a area where the goods will be prepared for shipping.
j. Identify the Logo

Please send in your entries by 31st Jan 2014 to:


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