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Lego is a kind of gaming is cracking little plastic that is famous in the world, especially
among children or adolescents don’t look at man or woman. This blocks as well as other pieces
can be compiled a model of what cars, trains, buildings, the city, sculpture, boats, airplanes,
space shuttle as well as robots, everything could dibuat.Alat the game was issued by a LEGO
from Denmark. (quoted from Wikipedia).

Playing is the right way and effective to study in preschool children. Through the game,
children will experience a sense of fun. With feeling like the nerve or neurons in the brain will be
quickly each other had a connection to form a new memories. That's why the kids easily learn
something through the game (Kurniasih, 2012).

Playing the same as working in adults and is the most important aspects in the lives of
children and is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress in children, and it is important for
the welfare of mental and emotional child (Champbelldan Glaser, 1995 have been tagged by
Supartini, 2004).

Playing for the child is very valuable and they very need it. It is therefore needed of the
education that can support the development of children. And playing with Legos is one of the
solution. Playing Legos, not just fun, this game also can boost creativity, especially for children.
As a parent of course to train and improve the creativity of children is important. From playing
with Legos, children were required to arrange blocks sold to form a particular object. It is of
course very helpful to enhance the creativity of the child.

At first his parents can help the children to arrange blocks sold in accordance with the
guide book. But after the child is able to finish it, parents can direct their children to be creative
in accordance with the creativity of the child, for example, make their houses, cars, tables, chairs,
etc. It is of course can help parents to know how their child's feelings of what they are a form of
Lego blocks. Not only describe the feeling of the child, playing Lego can also help parents to
know the interest of the child, in a way to pay attention to what is often shaped by the child from
Lego blocks.

As tangible evidence of the benefits of the game Lego is Soo Chan, a resident of Singapore. His
hobby is playing Lego since childhood to deliver his interest to be an architecture. And now, Soo
Chan has been known as the architecture of the renowned in the world. (quoted from

So, Lego has been shown to be able to become the fun and educational, especially for

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