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Journal of Food Engineering 74 (2006) 191–197

Rheological properties and fluid dynamics of egg yolk

J. Telis-Romero a, C.E.P. Thomaz a, M. Bernardi a, V.R.N. Telis a, A.L. Gabas b,*

UNESP—Universidade Estadual Paulista, Departamento de Engenharia e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 15054-000, São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil
USP—Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos, 13635-900, Pirassununga, SP, Brazil

Received 15 July 2003; received in revised form 13 November 2004; accepted 3 January 2005
Available online 19 October 2005


The rheological behavior of egg yolk was studied at a range of temperatures (277–333 K) using a concentric cylinder viscometer.
Rheological behavior was pseudoplastic and flow curves fitted by the power law model. The consistency and behavior indexes,
dependent on temperature, were expressed by an Arrhenius-type equation. The rheological parameters, together with experimental
values of pressure loss in tube flow were used to calculate friction factors. The good agreement between predicted and observed val-
ues confirmed the reliability of the equations proposed for describing the flow behavior of the egg yolk.
Ó 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Keywords: Pseudoplastic; Power law model; Non-Newtonian fluid; Friction factor

1. Introduction 2001 were processed (American Egg Board, 2003),

requiring shell cleaning and removal, filtering, blending,
Egg (Gallus domesticus) is a rich and well-balanced pasteurization and freezing or dehydration.
source of essential nutrients for human diet composed During production, the egg industry deals with egg
by fatty acids, iron, phosphorus, trace minerals, vita- yolk in a variety of temperatures and unit operations
mins A, B6, B12, D, E, and K, and proteins of high bio- such as pumping, pasteurization, frozen and spray
logical value (Stadelman & Cotterill, 1995). It is one of drying. In order to allow the adequate process design,
the most consumed foods worldwide, being an impor- operation and control, knowledge of the rheological
tant commodity in international trade. Brazil ranks the behavior of egg yolk as affected by temperature is of
eighth position among the egg-producing countries, with fundamental importance.
an expected egg production for August 2003 of 3271 Several works are available about the influence of
thousands boxes of 30 dozens (Aves e Ovos, 2003). temperature on the rheology of different fluid food prod-
Egg production in the USA during 2002 was 73.18 ucts, including orange juice (Telis-Romero, Telis, &
billion table eggs (American Egg Board, 2003). In this Yamashita, 1999), fruit purées (Guerrero & Alzamora,
way, egg industry is an expressive segment of the food 1997, 1998) and concentrated milk (Vélez-Ruiz &
market, with a large supply of egg derivatives, such as Barbosa-Cánovas, 1998). On the other hand there is
dried, frozen and liquid egg-products, being used as almost nothing in specialized literature on fluid dyna-
ingredients in food formulations or food services. mics of egg yolk.
Approximately 30% of all eggs sold in the USA in
1.1. Rheological models
Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 19 3565 4043; fax: +55 19 3565
4114. A large number of fluid foods has a non-Newtonian
E-mail address: (A.L. Gabas). behavior—what means to say that they do not exhibit a

0260-8774/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

192 J. Telis-Romero et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 74 (2006) 191–197


A empirical constant in Eq. (14) v velocity (m/s)

D diameter (m) XW water content (w/w)
DP pressure drop (Pa)
Ea activation energy for flow (J/mol) Greek letters
f friction factor e roughness (m)
K consistency index (Pa sn) c_ shear rate (s1)
L length (m) g viscosity (Pa s)
n flow behavior index q density (kg/m3)
R universal gas constant (8.314 J/mol K) r shear stress (Pa)
Re Reynolds number r0 yield stress (Pa)
Reg generalized Reynolds number rw shear stress at the tube wall (Pa)
T temperature (K)

direct proportionality between shear stress and shear where q is the fluid density, v is the average flow velocity,
rate—and different flow models can be used to describe and rw is the stress in the wall, given by
their flow behavior. One of the most extensively used is
the Ostwald–De Waele model, given by Eq. (1), also DDP
rw ¼ ; ð5Þ
known as the power-law model (Rao & Anantheswaran, 4L
In Eq. (5), D is the tube diameter and DP is the pres-
r ¼ K c_ n . ð1Þ sure drop observed in a length L of the tube.
In Eq. (1), r is the shear stress, c_ is the shear rate, K is For laminar flow, the friction factor can be obtained
the consistency index and n is the flow behavior index. from a simple function of the generalized Reynolds
When fluid foods are concentrated, an additional resis- number, which is identical to the dimensionless form
tance to flow may appear, which is represented by the of the Hagen–Poiseuille equation (Darby, 1996):
yield stress, r0, in the Herschel–Bulkley model according 16
to Eq. (2) (Saravacos & Kostaropoulos, 1995): f ¼ ð6Þ
r ¼ r0 þ K c_ n . ð2Þ
in which
The rheological parameters K, n and r0, are influ-  n
enced by temperature and water content (Gunjal & Dn vð2nÞ q 4n
Waghmare, 1987; Ibarz, Pagan, & Miguelsanz, 1992; Reg ¼ . ð7Þ
8ðn1Þ K 1 þ 3n
Telis-Romero et al., 1999; Thomas, 2002). In order to
quantify the effect of temperature on the viscosity or Eqs. (6) and (7) can be used for both Newtonian and
consistency index of Newtonian or non-Newtonian food power law fluids, since for Newtonian fluids n equals 1,
products, an Arrhenius-type equation (Eq. (3)), is fre- and K equals g, so that the generalized Reynolds num-
quently used (Vélez-Ruiz & Barbosa-Cánovas, 1998): ber (Eq. (7)) reduces to Re = Dvq/g.
  According to Rao and Anantheswaran (1982), con-
Ea sidering that non-Newtonian fluids are in general highly
g or K ¼ A0 exp ; ð3Þ
RT viscous, they will be found more often flowing in the
where g is the Newtonian viscosity, A0 an empirical laminar regime than in turbulent regime. This fact is
constant, Ea the activation energy for flow, R the gas reinforced because very high pumping pressures would
constant, and T the absolute temperature. not be economical for typical production rates encoun-
tered in practice and, also, because the transition
1.2. Friction factors in tube flow Reynolds number is higher for pseudoplastic fluids than
for Newtonian ones.
One of the most important applications of rheologi- Under turbulent flow conditions, the existing correla-
cal parameters is to calculate the pressure drop during tions to estimate the friction factor are semi-empirical.
flow, which is usually made through the friction factor, For Newtonian fluids flowing in rough pipes with
f. The friction factor is defined as (Garcia & Steffe, 1987) Re > 4000, the Colebrook equation is commonly used
(Eq. (8)). This is an empirical modification of the von
2rw Karman equation to include the effect of wall roughness
f ¼ ; ð4Þ
qv2 (Darby, 1996):
J. Telis-Romero et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 74 (2006) 191–197 193
1 e=D 1:255 The speed of the rotating cylinder varied from 0.028 to
pffiffiffi ¼ 4 log þ pffiffiffi ; ð8Þ
f 3:7 Re f 243 rpm. Shear stress (r) were obtained by multiplying
torque readings by the viscometer constant, whereas
where e/D is the relative roughness of the tube.
shear rate (_c) were obtained according to Krieger and
An empirical relation that approaches Eq. (8) was
Elrod (1953).
proposed by Drew, Koo, and McAdams (1932), and
The accuracy of the viscometer was checked using
Govier and Aziz (1972), and has the advantage of being
two fluids with well known rheological properties: ethyl-
simpler, as it is explicit in f:
ene glycol and chlorobenzene (Perry & Chilton, 1986),
f ¼ 0:00140 þ 0:125 Re0:32 . ð9Þ which present Newtonian behavior. Twenty-three repe-
titions were accomplished to determine the rheological
For power law fluids, probably the best-known corre-
properties of each fluid at 268, 283 and 343 K for ethyl-
lation is that presented by Dodge and Metzner (1959),
ene glycol and 251, 273 and 293 K for chlorobenzene.
which is also based on Eq. (8):
Fitted functions were obtained by using the nonlinear
1 4   0:4 estimation procedure of Statistica software (StatSoft,
pffiffiffi ¼ 0:75 log Reg  f ð1n=2Þ  1:2 . ð10Þ
f n n Inc., 1995). The suitability of the fitted functions was
In contrast with Newtonian fluids, there is no effect of evaluated by the coefficient of determination (r2), the
pipe wall roughness in Eq. (10). According to Darby level of significance (p), and residual analysis, as well
(1996), there is evidence that the roughness is not as sig- as by the relative error (Eq. (11)) between observed
nificant for non-Newtonian fluids as for the Newtonian and predicted values:
ones. This is supposed partly because the majority of jobserved  predictedj
non-Newtonian turbulent flows lies in the low Reynolds D% error ¼ 100 . ð11Þ
number range, and partly because the laminar boundary
layer tends to be thicker for non-Newtonian than for
2.3. Pressure loss measurements
Newtonian fluids. If the flow perturbations due to the
roughness elements lie entirely within the laminar sub-
The apparatus, shown schematically in Fig. 1, consists
layer, the disturbances will be damped out.
Considering that there is a lack of published informa- of a heat transfer section, where egg yolk was heated or
tion on fluid dynamics of egg yolk, the main purpose of cooled by flowing through a large thermostatic bath,
this work was to determine rheological properties of egg kept at constant temperature. The heat transfer test sec-
yolk, as well as to develop simple correlations for pre- tion was composed by a set of three horizontal copper
circular tubes with internal diameters of 6.3, 7.8 and
dicting these properties under different conditions of
10.2 mm and thickness of 1.4 mm. The total length of
temperature. The rheological data were used to calculate
the section was 3.1 m providing a maximum length-to-
friction factors for tube flow based on widely accepted
diameter ratio (L/D) of 492. Differential pressure trans-
correlations. These results were then compared with
those determined from experimental values of pressure mitters (SMAR model LD-301) were used to measure
loss in tubes. static pressure at five different positions along the equip-
ment (620, 1240, 1860, 2480 and 3100 mm from the
heated tube inlet). Egg yolk was pumped by a peripheral
2. Material and methods pump (KSB model P-500) at temperatures between 313
and 334 K and between 273 and 310 K using a gear
2.1. Egg yolk samples pump (KSB model Triglav). The wall temperature of
the tube was kept constant by a thermostatic bath of sil-
The liquid egg yolk for this study was provided di- icon oil (Marconi), which was pumped by means of a
rectly from the processing line of an egg breaking plant. centrifugal pump (KSB model C-1010). A static mixer
The moisture content of the initial batch was determined was placed at the end of the equipment to homogenize
in a vacuum oven (48 h, 333 K, 100 mm Hg), resulting in the final temperature (Tm) of the egg yolk. A HP data
54.04(±0.43)% of moisture (wet basis). The pH of the logger model 75.000-B, an interface HP-IB and a HP
samples was 6.40 ± 0.04. PC running a data acquisition and control program writ-
ten in IBASIC monitored temperatures and pressures.
2.2. Rheological behavior Measurements were accomplished to 112 different
conditions for laminar flow and 64 conditions for turbu-
Rheological measurements were carried out using a lent flow. After adjustment of the desired flow rate,
Rheotest 2.1 (MLW-Germany) viscometer, Searle type, the differential pressure data were recorded (10 data at
equipped with a coaxial cylinder sensor system (radii 5-min intervals).
ratio, Re/Ri = 1.04). A thermostatic bath was used to Egg yolk densities at different temperatures, neces-
control the temperature within the range 277–333 K. sary to calculate friction factors, were evaluated using
194 J. Telis-Romero et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 74 (2006) 191–197

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup.

an empirical correlation (Eq. (12)) presented by Coim- these proteins, greatly increase viscosity even at very
bra, Gabas, Minim, Garcia-Rojas, and Telis-Romero low concentrations.
(in press): Flow curves could be well fitted by the Ostwald–De
q ¼ 1295:72  0:0559T  284:43X W ; ð12Þ Waele model, in the range of temperatures from 277
to 333 K and they determined the flow behavior index,
where q is the density in kg/m3, XW is the water fraction n, and the consistency index, K. These rheological
in kg water/kg total mass, and T is the temperature in K. parameters are presented in Table 1. The behavior index
showed values varying from 0.842 to 0.881 indicating
that, in this range of temperature, the egg yolk is
3. Results and discussion pseudoplastic (shear thinning) in nature. The consis-
tency index varied from 0.064 to 1.742 Pa sn and, in
3.1. Flow behavior the same way as the Newtonian viscosity, decreased
when increasing the temperature.
The accuracy of the viscometer was checked compar- The flow parameters K and n could also be correlated
ing the measured viscosity of ethylene glycol and chloro- as functions of temperature, resulting in Eqs. (13) and
benzene with data presented by Perry and Chilton (14), respectively. The function represented by Eq. (13)
(1986) and the maximum relative error (Eq. (11)) was able to adjust the experimental data with coefficient
observed was 1.82%, whereas the maximum standard of determination (r2) equal to 0.990 (p < 0.05), while Eq.
deviation of experimental replicates was 3.90%. (14) correlated the behavior index against temperature
Rheograms of egg yolk for different temperatures with r2 = 0.919 (p < 0.05):
from 277 to 333 K were obtained and the results are  
showed in Table 1. The egg yolk exhibited non- K ¼ 9:77  109 exp ; ð13Þ
Newtonian behavior, which could be attributed mainly RT
due to the presence of phosphate and lipo-proteins  
and other complex molecules. According to Damodaran A
n ¼ 1:064 exp  . ð14Þ
(1996) high-molecular-weight soluble polymers, such as T

Table 1
Flow parameters for egg yolk at different temperatures
Temperature (K) 277 284 291 298 305 312 319 326 333
Consistency index,a K (Pa sn) 1.683 0.958 0.787 0.421 0.276 0.167 0.148 0.087 0.072
Behavior index,a n 0.843 0.846 0.857 0.854 0.858 0.859 0.872 0.871 0.879
Valid for shear rates between 70.2 and 512.4 s1.
J. Telis-Romero et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 74 (2006) 191–197 195

The flow parameters estimated by Eqs. (13) and (14) dictions of Eq. (6), for the laminar region, and Eq. (9),
exhibited good agreement with experimental values. The for turbulent conditions. There was a good agreement
relative error between observed and predicted values, between experimental and predicted values, indicating
calculated according to Eq. (11), presented an aver- the adequacy of the applied methodology.
age value of 8.44% with a maximum of 19.16% for K, Experimental friction factors for ethylene glycol were
and an average value of 0.115% with a maximum of also submitted to nonlinear regression analysis, resulting
0.309% for n. in Eqs. (15) and (16) for laminar and turbulent flow,
In Eq. (13), the term corresponding to the effect of respectively:
temperature on the consistency index is similar to
an Arrhenius-type equation (Eq. (3)), permitting the f ¼ ; ð15Þ
calculation of the activation energy for flow (Ea). The Re0:994
activation energy obtained for the egg yolk was of 0:137
43,651 J/mol. This magnitude is comparable with values f ¼ 0:00141 þ . ð16Þ
reported by Telis-Romero, Cabral, Gabas, and Telis
(2001) for coffee extract, Vélez-Ruiz and Barbosa-Cáno- Eq. (15) was adjusted in the range of 165 < Re < 2105
vas (1998) for concentrated milk and by Tang, Munro, with r2 equal to 0.989, and the obtained parameters were
and McCarthy (1993) for whey protein concentrated similar to the theoretical values present in Eq. (6). Tak-
solutions. A high value of activation energy means that ing into account the turbulent region (Reynolds number
there is a large effect of temperature on the consistency varying from 9428 to 25,141), Eq. (16) that resulted in
index (Holdsworth, 1971). The temperature dependence an r2 value of 0.889, could be compared with the corre-
of the flow behavior index is also exponential and the lation proposed by Drew, Koo, and McAdams (Eq. (9)).
constant A in Eq. (14) assumes the value of 64.75 K. In this case, the parameters obtained in the present work
The relatively low value of constant A indicates that were a little different from those in Eq. (9), but of same
the flow behavior index is nearly independent of order of magnitude. These results also confirm the suit-
temperature. ability of the experimental apparatus.
Tube flow experiments were also carried out during
3.2. Friction factors heating of egg yolk and the experimental pressure loss
data were used to calculate the friction factor, according
In order to evaluate the performance of the system to Eqs. (4) and (5). Densities were evaluated at the aver-
for pressure drop measurements, experimental data ob- age temperature between the initial and final conditions
tained during flow of ethylene glycol were used. Pipe attained by the egg yolk during flow, using Eq. (12).
dimensions, experimental density and measured pressure Fig. 3 shows the experimental friction factors mea-
drop were substituted in Eq. (4) to calculate the friction sured for egg yolk in conditions of pseudoplastic behav-
factor, f, which was then correlated with the Reynolds ior. The generalized Reynolds number was calculated
number calculated by Eq. (7), using the experimental with flow parameters obtained from Eqs. (13) and
rheological parameters—in this case n = 1 and K = l. (14). In this region (Re < 2000), the relative error calacu-
These results are shown in Fig. 2 that also includes pre- lated by Eq. (11) indicated a good agreement between

Laminar region Turbulent region
Turbulent region Laminar region
f=16/Re f=16/Reg

Friction factor
Friction factor

Dodge & Metzner equation

n = 1.1
Drew, Koo & McAdams equation 10-3 0.2

103 104 105 102 103 104 105

Reynolds number, Re Generalized Reynolds number, Reg

Fig. 2. Experimental and predicted friction factors for ethylene glycol. Fig. 3. Experimental and predicted friction factors for egg yolk.
196 J. Telis-Romero et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 74 (2006) 191–197

Table 2
Fanning friction factor correlation for the laminar flow of power law food products according to f ¼ a1 =Reag2
Product a1 a2 r2 Source
Ideal power law 16.0 1.0 – Theoretical prediction (Eq. (6))
Egg yolk 13.1 1.0 0.98 This work
Applesauce 14.14 1.05 – Steffe et al. (1984)
Canola honey 16.0 1.00 0.99 Sopade et al. (2004)
Coolibah honey 16.0 1.00 0.98
Salivation Jane honey 16.0 1.00 0.99
Yapunyah honey 16.12 0.99 0.99
Mayonnaise 15.4 1.0 1.00 Rozema and Beverloo (1974)
Mustard test 1 12.3 1.0 0.98
Mustard test 2 11.2 1.0 0.95
Orange concentrate (sifted) 13.7 1.0 0.98
Orange concentrate (crude) 9.9 1.0 0.91
Apple juice concentrate 18.4 1.0 1.05
Apricot pulp 12.4 1.0 0.95
Pineapple pulp 13.6 1.0 0.95

experimental values and those predicted by Eq. (6)—the curves and the consistency and flow behavior indexes
average error was 8.74% with a maximum of 12.84%. were expressed as functions of temperature. Friction fac-
Some other researchers had correlated friction factors tors measured during heating of egg yolk in laminar and
during laminar flow of non-Newtonian fluids in circular turbulent flows through circular tubes could be well cor-
pipes against the generalized Reynolds number and the related in terms of the generalized Reynolds number.
results are similar to those presented in this work, as The good agreement between values predicted by theo-
can be observed in Table 2. A comparison of these cor- retical equations and experimental values confirmed
relations indicates that Eq. (6) will tend to slightly super the reliability of the equations proposed for describing
estimate the friction factor for many non-Newtonian the rheological properties of egg yolk.
food products. According to Steffe and Singh (1997),
this may be due to wall slip or time dependent changes
in rheological properties that can occur in suspension Acknowledgements
and emulsion type food products.
For higher Reynolds numbers, the experimental data The authors wish to thank the financial support from
were compared with those predicted by Dodge and Sao Paulo State Research Fund Agency, FAPESP
Metzner equation (Eq. (10)), resulting in a good agree- (Proc. 2002/02461-0), the fellowship received from
ment: the average relative error was of 5.77% with a CNPq/PIBIC to the student Marina Bernardi, and the
maximum of 9.06%. technical support given by João Jesuino Demilio and
The data presented in Fig. 3 may be considered of Vanderlei Telles.
limited importance, since they only confirm the suitabil-
ity of already widely accepted correlations for predicting References
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Darby, R. (1996). Chemical engineering fluid mechanics. New York:
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