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ENGLISH THROUGH PICTURES BOOKS 1,2 I. A. RICHARDS and CHRISTINE M. GIBSON ft WASHINGTON SQUARE PRESS, INC. * NEW YORK PREFACE ENGLISH THROUGH PICTURES This book will teach you the first steps of English. It gives you about 500 important words in sentences, with the meaning shown through pictures. Read each page like this: The sentences wili take on meaning for you as you compare them with the help of the accompanying pictures, page by page. The lead on your memory is kept light. All your attention can be given to seeing how changes in the sentences go along with changes in the meaning. Learning English this way is more like play than hard work. If you have to work alone, it is best to work through writing and wait for the pronunciation until you have help. Study two or three pages together until you can give the sentences that go with the pictures. When you are forming the sentences do not rely on your memory alone: try to understand in English what the pictures say. If you do this you will be thinking in English from the very start and that is the way to a masiery of the language. XV When you have worked through thirty pages of the book in this manner, test your knowledge by answe- ring in English the questions on pages 31, 32 and 33. Compare your answers with those given on page 34, Further questions with answers are provided at inter- vals throughout the book. Ba een ew ce wen ce ee ec en nw Ho ne enn en ce ee een eeene ' wee ee ene nen ne oe ne pe nn ene en ee ee ee ene s ' s 2 ' 2 ost) 2 { “ =x \ 6 1 ' ' ! x ! ' we ewe eee ne nnn enn nee ene | we wn wen we een nn nee n nee eee ' 1 ig . ' $s § i 2 § i od - i ' ! ------ 2-4 5 +--+ This is a woman, That is a woman. This is a man. That is a man. That is a table. That table is there. It is there. t { , t tishere, | I ' 1 t ’ This is a table. This table is here. This is a hat. This is a hand. It is o hat. This is the thumb. & & These are the fingers: This is my head. My hat is in my hand. It is in my hand. This is my hat. O = meee we wee een e en -- = My hat is on my head. It is on my head. my hat. This is Her hat is in her hand. on his head. His hat is 12 That Is your hat. Itis on the table. Those are your hats. They are on the table. a Those are your hands. That is your right hand. ec ec These are my hands. This is ms is That is my tight left “rel hand. hand. hand. S 13 He will take his hat His hat is on the table. off the table. 7 He is taking it off the He took it off the table. table. He will put his hat on his head. 4 He is putting his hat on his head. He put his hat on his head. He put it on. I lt was on the table. It is on his head, 15 He will take his hat off his head. his head. ir AP wee w eee ence ee ew cen semen eeeeeeeececene He is taking his hat off 1 ' His hat isin hishand. | He took his hat off. It was on his head. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 ttis in his hand, ‘ 1 ' 16 This is a hat. This is a table. These are hats. This is a hand. These are tables. Fam = are y This is a man, This is a woman.” ; These are men. These are women. AM Banas 1633 This is a woman. This ts her hand. It is the woman's hand, This is a man, NS This is his hand. "tis the man's hand. This is o man’s hat. 's hat. tis on a man's head, This is a woman's hat It is on a woman's head, Now it is in the woman's hands. It is In her hands. Now it is in the man’s honds. It is in his hands, SERENE ey a He will give his hat to He ts giving his hat to the man. 1 ee eres ce It Is in the man’s hands new. gp He gave it to the man. He gave it to him, M “Sa 19 The man will give his hat to the woman. If eee ww ew ewww wee weer en cence e= He is giving his hat to the woman. He gave it to the woman. He gave it to her, ik It is in the woman's hands now. She is putting it on the It was in her hand. It is on the table. table. it a The woman will put the hat on the table. This is o ship. These ships are on the water, This ship is in the bottle. 22 This is o glass. t I ‘ It is on the table. This is water. | ' ' — 2 ' cs This is a bottle. ' a ZI, = The bottle ' isina : man's hand. ' ' Now the glass is off the The glass and the water table. are on the floor, = Qs This is a bottle This is o gloss and this and this is is a bottle. Q "9 These are glasses. This and this are bottles. some —_ ~ That man and that woman are there. That Is a bird and that is o bird. This man and this woman are here. Those are birds. They are birds. 24 This is o man. This is an arm. = This is a leg. This is a foot. / i This is a table. These are his arms. These are his legs. These are his feet. This is a seat. -These are its legs.— a tt These are its legs. —_ Its feet are on the floor. } Its feet are on the floor. 25 This is a room. This is a door. This is This a door, - is a picture. These are the windows of the room. This is a window and this is a window. Hh This window This window shut. is open. 26 This door is open. This door is shut. This is a wall of the This is a picture of man and a woman. This is the cord of the picture. This is! This is a hook. a wall. A picture is on this wall, room. This is the frame of the 1 1 ' This is the floor of the | 1 1 i picture. 27 This is These are This is the door of the house. These are houses. He went there. i ih He was here, iA He is at his door. He is at the door of his house, This is a question mark. & > What is this? . It is a hat. “What is this?” is a We put question marks question. after questions. “It is a hat,” is an answer. E> “Is this a hat?” “Is this a hat?” That is a question. “No, it is not a hat. It is “Yes, it is.” a hand.” That is an answer. That is an answer. QUESTIONS ' 1 (Yara) | pss} @ What is this? ttisa t ¢ What is this? € What is this? e What is this? This page is page 31. The answers are on page 34, cy QUESTIONS @ What are these? | b What are these? AeR , CFE0 pot wnrv sue pod wets st ¢ What are these? di What are these? Hew And what is wel | And what is this? QUESTIONS a Is the hat on t b Is the man in the table? ! the room? I t 1 | | | 1 1 1 I ¢ Isthepictureon | dis thebirdon the wall? the seat? > e Is the glass in Is the water in the woman's hand? the glass? tr g Is this ship in h Are the man and the a bottle? woman at the door? This page is page 33. The answers are on page 34. These are answers to questions on pages 31, 32, and 33. This page is page 34. Page 31 a Itis a house. ¢ Itisa table. e ltisa leg. g Itis a leg of a table. Page 32 a They are three men. That isa woman, © They are fingers. That is the thumb. e They are houses. That is a street, g They are feet. That is a foot, Page 33 a Yes, it is. ¢ No, it is not. ft is on the floor, e No. It isin the man's hand. g No. It is on the water, 34 b Wisaship. d It is a bottle. f Itisanarm. h {tis an arm of a seat. b They are glasses. That is a glass. d They are windows, That is a door. € tis a picture of a man and a house. That is the frame of the picture. (Its frame) h That is a room A table is in it, b Yes, he is. d No, it is not. It is on the floor. f No, it is not in the glass. h Yes, they are at the door. What is this? What is the time? This is a clock. The time is two (2:00). What is the time? It was one (1:00). The time is one (1:00). It will be three (3:00). One hand is at one- 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' t ' 1 ' ' 1 What is the time? 1 What is the time? The time is four (4:00). 1 Now the time is six It was three (3:00). + (6:00). It will be five (5:00). | _ Itwas five (5:00). ! It will be seven (7:00). t , What is the time? What is the time? Now the time is eight Now the time is ten (8:00). (10:00). It was seven (7:00). tt was'nine (9:00). It will be nine (9:00). it will be eleven (11:00). These are the numbers from one to twelve. What is the time? ee One, two, three, four, ae. 00). is twelve five, six, seven, eight, it was el (11.00). ning, ten eleven, It will be one (1:00). . The two hands are at twelve now. 36 What are things? 1} A house is a thing. Houses are things. A hat is a thing. Hats are things. Doors and windows are things. Tables and seats are things. There are two persons in this room. They are a boy and a girl. pA The girl is at the door. The boy is at the window. This is a man. This is a woman. ‘ \ This is a boy. i ' This is a girl. ‘ Men and women and boys and girls are not things. They are persons. You are a person. | The girl will go to the window, She will be with the Boy at the window. She will be with him at the window. The gir! is going to the window. Where was she? [——]__ She was at the door. + She went to the window. _ | Where is she now? 38 They are ai the window together. She is with him at the window. . He is with her at the window. These books are together on the shelf. ‘ ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' . ‘ ' 1 “QL ene ee ' ' ' ' ’ ' 1 ' ' ' ' ‘ ————_—"—======== These books are not together. They are on the shelf, but they are not together. The girl and the boy will go from the window. ie They are going from the window. They were at the window. They went from the window. She went with him and he went with her. rye eee Now they are at the door together, The boy is with the girl at the door. She is at the door again. This is my head. That is her head. These are my eyes. ‘ Her eyes are open. ! [aml | i — ' This is | Her eyes are shut. This is the ' one other |! eye. eye. | \ ‘ 40 My eyes are open. Isee. Her eyes are shut. She does not see. Now her eyes are open. She sees. - What does she see? She sees me. I see her. Our eyes are open. Her eyes are open. <> <> She sees. They were shut. She did not see. rat She did not see me. eet Her eyes are shui. Inne Trt They were open. She saw. What did she see? CEE cy She saw me. 4a Aman has a mouth, Shave a mouth. A man has two eyes. Thave two eyes. om a These are my eyes. Aman has c nose. Uhave a nose. LE ° This is my nose. This m man's mouth i is His mouth is shut. » He will say “mouths.” This is my mouth. Heis ‘saying “mouth.” His mouth is shut, He is saying “mouths.” { He said “mouths.” | He is not saying He is net sayi ! “mouths” now. Hei or seying ; His mouth is shut again. 42 They are on a shelf. cSS> ' i ' Thave the book in my ‘hand now. : ott the shelf. It This book is between the : was between the other other two books. | two books on the shelf. | These are the fingers of These are the pages of 1 my hand. the book. : i ' i This ' finger These are the covers of ; is the book. : between , other two The pages are between ; _ fingers of my hand. the covers of the book. | 43 My nose Is between my eyes, And it is between my eyes and my mouth, My mouth Is under my My nose is over my mouth. Our noses are over our mouths. The light Is over the table. wy TI SA The dog is under the table, This is a clock. ft is on the wall. It is over the bookshelves. COT} COT CUT) The bookshelves are under the clock, This is his hair. These are his ears. It is short, | ° * Where are her ears? This is her hair. It is long. : 1 ' 1 1 They are under her hair, ' 1 t ' ' 4 1 | Her hair is over her ears, ' This is his head, % This is the face of the clock. The clock has two hands, a long hand and a short hand. The long Rese foes. and hand is at 5. The short ‘ " hand is between 7 and 8. his mouth are parts of his face. 45 Aclock has a face. it has no nose. u It has no eyes.

It has no mouth. The long hand of the clock is between one and two. One is before two. Two is between one and three. Three is after two and two is after one. 46 It has a face and two hands, the long hand —->- and the short hand. —> have this book in my hands. It was on the shelf with the other books.” It was between the other two books before I took it from the shelf, ‘ ' Thave itin my hand. + lam putting it between | : : : 1 ' t ‘ ' the other two books. Then it will be with the other books. This is a room. What do you see in the room? Do you see the floor and three walls of the room? Do you see them? Now it is on the shelf again. It was in my hand. I had it in my hand. It is not in my hand. Where is it? Do you see a door ano two windows? Is one of the windows open? Is the other window shut? Do you see two seats and the bookshelves between them? Do you see the clock over the bookshelves? Yes. I see them. These things are in the room. The room is ina house. 47 “ib bit Which are his feet? These are my hands. This is a face. Which is my right hand? Which is my left hand? Eyes, nose, and mouth 1 Which are my thumbs? are parts of a face, Which are my fingers? Which are the eyes? Which is the nose? Which is the mouth? eee This is his head. ' °o ' ~ ' “MN ' These are ' his arms. ' t These ore ‘ his legs. i ' . This is a man. ' These are his feet. Which are his erst ! Which are his hands? + se abs, Which are his legs? | What is this? + ' ' He has a Ce. mene ‘ — : This is his body. | ‘ She has a body. ' All men and ‘women and boys and ‘ irls have bodi His head, his arms, ‘ airs neve meas his legs, and his body ' : This baby are parts of a man. has a body. OF sew erecenae nese ennnneeeoneecnees This dog has a body. ‘This isa dog’s head. : This is his a ; : Semen! o , , ' rN This is his body. } Which is his mouth? ie has four legs anda 1 Which are his eyes? ead and tail Heh 48; = Which ore his ears? no arms or hands, 1 Which is hi: ? he has feet. His head, his » ren ters nose body, his legs, and his} t tail are parts of a dog. 3 Saxas 1633 49 This is a foot. These ore toes. They are parts of a foot. These parts of a foot are its toes. This is a toe. —S] Ow is aneck. It is o part of a man. It is between his head and his body. The part which is between his head and his body is his neck. 50 This is a leg \ This is a knee. ltis part of a leg. This part of a leg is its knee. Our legs are parts of us. This is a man’s head, e) This is his chin. Itis under his mouth. {tis a part of his face. The part which is under his mouth is his chin. This is a man's body. This is his body. ; O The part ! whichis 1 between; This part hishead, ! of him is hisarms, ! his chest. and his ! pots dy. : This is a chest of drawers. ' i=, = 1 This man has his finger | This baby is on his on his chin. hands and knees. Fr. This baby is on his hands and feet. This baby is on This man has his his knees. hand on his chest, This baby is on his feet. 3 st se ‘Answers to these questions are on page 56. 53 QUESTIONS What is he saying? > Flac Answers to these questions are on page 57. What do you see? QUESTIONS ‘Answers to these questions are on page 57. 55 Answers to questions on pages 52-53. Page 52 a The dog is in a room. ¢ He is at the window. e He is under the table. g He is between the table and the seat. Page 53 o Isee a clock. The time is four. ¢ (see a woman's face. e Isee two books. One of them is open. The other is shut. q I see two babies. One of them is on his hands and knees. The other is on his feet. 56 b He is at the door. d He is under the seat. f He is on the table. h He is on the seot. b I see a man's face. d I see o baby. He is on his hands and knees. f I see two girls. One of them is giving a book to the other. h I see a chest of drawers. Answers to questions on pages 54-55. Page 54 a He is saying, “These are my ears.” ¢ He is saying, “These are my eyes.” e Heis saying, “This finger is between these fingers.” @ He is saying, “This is my hair.” Page 55 a tsee a boy anda girl. They are at a window. ¢ !see aroom. it has two seats in it. It has two windows and a door. One of the windows is open. The other window is shut. The door of the room is open. A picture is on the wall. He is saying, “This is my mouth.” He is saying, “This is my thumb.” He is saying, “This is my nose.” He is saying, “This is my head.” rr lc hme b tseeaclock ona table. The time is four. d [see a man. He has his finger on his chin. One of his eyes is open. The other eye is shut. His mouth is shut. He has no hair on his head, 7 Who is this? He is John Smith. His name is John Smith. | Where is John Smith? He has his hand in He is at the door of his pocket. his house. He is taking a key from his pocket. These are other keys. ele will put the key in He is putting the key the lock of the door. ji in the lock. He is giving a push to the door. The door is open now. He is giving a turn to the key. ry 1 1 ' ' ' ' ‘ 1 1 1 ' ' ! eS y t ' t ( . t t 1 1 ! ' 1 1 John took the key from the lock. He is putting it in his pocket. He will go into his house. He is going into the house. This is a room in the He went into the house. house. He is in the house. 's John in the room? The door is shut. No, he is not. an He will come into the room. ' 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 ! oc? ‘ ' ' | ' 1 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 ‘ 60 He is coming into the Mr. Smith came into room, the room. . He will go to the table. He went to the table, She is in the house but she is not in the room. She is in another room in the house. ' ' i ' ' ‘ ' ' ' 1 1 1 ' 1 ' ‘ 1 1 1 1 ' ‘ ‘ ' t ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ is Mrs. Smith in the room? Who is this? This is Mary Smith. She is Mrs. Smith. Her name is Mary Smith, 61 This is one of the windows of the room. This is one of the doors of the room. me is another windon, Rela And this is onother window. One window is oper The other windows are shut. This is one of my fingers. / This is the other door. This is one of my hands. It is my left hand. This is my other hand. This is my left thumb. It is my right hand, These are the other fingers of my left hand, 62 ' 1 Mrs. Smith is not inthe | Mr. Smith is in the room. room, She went out of the room. 7 She went through < this door. He came through this door. Mr. Smith is putting his He put his hat on the hat on the table. table. It is on the table now. He went out of the room He will go out of the through this door. room through this door. She is going ta the table. room. Mary is coming into the Pw nn wow oe won gp en en cme nnn wenn nn= She sees it. She will see the hat. She saw it. When did she see it? She saw it after she went to the table. Writes) qe eee cen www eww nn pee mcesceseeencnnce Gohns batt) (PAs s2non nn, ‘ ‘What is that? $ \ John's hat! / sy pacer 65 She will take the hat in She is taking it. her hand. ay ey EO errs 1 She took it in her hand. | She went out of the She is going out of the room with John’s hat. room. She has the hat in her hand, She is in another room She came into this room ov this wal She What ore these? They are hooks. ces That is another hat. It is on a hook. has the hat with her. 1 1 + 1 ' t ' She will put John's hat | She put it on the hook. on a hook. ' i ’ 1 : | She will put it ona hook ! Now it is with the other with the other hat, | The other hat is one of { Mary's hats. ‘ o 67 John is coming into the room again, The hat is not on the table. 1 He came into the room. 1: He went to the table. He is there now. He is saying, Where is my hat? I put it on the table. wwe a a nw oo ns ew mw ee wn pa cee ene woe eee “Where is my hat? It is not on my head, It isn't = meee c we cesssocccce “It isn’t (is not) here.” A Here is Mary. She is coming into the room. “Where is it? Mary, She says, “Here | am.” where is my hat? Where are you, Mary?” DF wee wc e a enn nn en en nn nn ho nnn we enw enn nnn nnn nn nn nee 69 “You put it on the table. “Where is your hat?” It was on the table.” awe enn cows ew enn ony eee san ann anne eneee “It is on a hook there. “Itook it. | putit in the You will see it there.* other room.” Ow ee we we we we eee nw ew be ete cme ween e ne nn- 70 pone says, “I will get my He is getting it. eS Tome cnennnmncooenetanncacenaaccanenan He went out of the room. AL Did he get it? Yes. He has it. ft | He came into the room 1 again with the hat in his | hands. When he saw the hat he | He got it. took it off the hook. He is giving the hat to Mary. “See what is in the hat, Mary!" 72 What isin the hat? What is she taking from 1 Mary will see. ' hat? t ‘ - ot t 1 4 t ' 1 ' V ' ' ' . ' ‘ swmennccnnccceccee $eeecnnananccscesse 1 1 t What is that inher =| han ‘ 1 1 1 J ' eteeene-------> Where was the hat? It was on the table, i What did she see? She saw the hat. She did not see the money. What does she see? One thousand dollars. gc) The money is in her hand. it was in the hat. eww eee peewee een} come meereeesacsoes Does she see the money now? She put the hat in the Yes, she sees it. other room. John went there and got it. Jo Who got it? John did, Oh John! Where did you get it? een nn ne nn nn ne hn nt enn et tne eee ee 74 2 Ce 5 < ‘ f¥ &) if S 2? r 58 I was in the street. Iwas coming here. I went after my hat. Pema menace cmeemcece}ecccewecccceccccen The wind came. My hat The money was under ‘ went up the hat. ' When the wind came, : my hat went up. SN AT | : ' up The hat was over the: money. : ‘ ere ce we coc eeweww no} eo cece ccc csonsened it was over the The hat came down again. The money was under the hat. f 5 /uP DOWN é + “2. seeroee What is Mary doing? They are knives, forks and spoons. knife — fork spoon Seiten hie 4 | 4 17g What are those things in the drawer? The drawer has knives, forks and spoons in it. a fork and a spoon the drawer. in her right hand. She will put them on the table. These are drawers. One of them is open. The other two drawers a 1 t ‘ ‘ ' \ ‘ i ' ‘ ‘ \ ' 1 ‘ + ‘ Mary has a knife, | She took them from ‘ , ’ ' 1 ' : ' ' ' : t ' 1 t ‘are shut, 77 John is taking the seats is ett the . inal oad Alle wii to the table. These are plates of soup- John is in his seat. They are in their seats Mary is in her seat at at the table. the table. 78 Now they are taking their soup. Q © = 8 They have their spoons in their hands. wee een eww cnc econe + John said, “I saw it there under the hat.’ Mary said, “But who put it there?’ ewe ee eee ee eee ene eee eee John is saying to Mary, “IT took the hat up.’” OO Mary is saying to John, “Where did the money come from?” John said, “Nobody put it there. The money was there and the wind came and put the hat down over the money.” Nobodyaeno man or woman or boy or girl or baby. 3 2 80 {And what will you get? I will get a new dress. x This dress is new. This dress is old J will get a new pipe. This pipe is new. Cc. This pipe is old. Q e Sa Mary is getting the new ! dress. She is in a store. The other woman has two dresses in her hands. This is the store. | coins stone | THING STORE ALA 1 ' t ' : These are shoes. ' SS They are women’s shoes. ! i These are gloves, | Dresses and stockings $ and shoes and ! are clothing. ‘ : 4 Banas 1633 81 This is o branch ssa» of the tree. An apple: 1 is on this “> ' branch. 1 It is over ' ' ' t t 1 i t This is a tree. | ‘ 1 1 the girl’s head. She will take the apple from the branch. She will put her hand up. | She put her hand up. She took the apple. It is in her hand. She took the apple which is in her hand, She has it in her hand, She is putting it in her basket. wae e ene mene ewes ee} come nne sees ena= ooo She put it in her bosket. She had it in her hand before she put it in her basket. It was on the branch ' before she put her hand | up and took it, ' 82 After she took the apple she put it in the basket, Then she put her basket down. The apple was up on the tree. Now it is down in the When wos the apple on the branch? “P When wos itover her | When did she take #? It was on the branch She took it ofter she put her hand up. before she took it. It wos 1 She took it then. ‘on the branch then. ' ' ' Peewee cee me wen cna fp eow ene cenococesees 1 J 1 When did she puttin | When did she have the the basket? , aq pple in her hand? ‘ i t t | She had it in her hand {after she took it from | the branch and before ! she put it in the basket, She put it in the basket ! after she took itfrom 1 the branch. \ 4* 83 This is a box. This is the front of the This is the front of the box. house. This is the front door. meee wee mene wenn nnn y ees eme eee eceeecewe ' This isthe back of the | This is a coat, box. ' ' VW ' ' ' ‘ 1 ' ' 1 ' And these are the sides’ | of the box. ' ' \ This is the front of the ' coat. ' t t 1 These are the arms of ' the coat. ! ' I 1 = e- ' t 1 ' These are the sides ot | And this isthe back of the coat. | the coat. t ' t ee een v are a man's arms. Wh a are his sides. And this is his back. 85 What is that? What is Who Is this? This is Mrs, Smith. jigetmans’ She is Mary Smith, She has a tray in her ‘Mary Smith” is her hands, name. Lf OD, M be Cena wwn cen conecccntcccseesccnscocooca She will put the tray on the table. = LB& She Is putting the tray on the table. (i She put the tray on the table. Here is the tray. | / hay it on the tray? {t was in her hands. it is on the table now. emeeevecensn-cwwe These are glasses, What are these? / 0 0 They are spoons. What is this? / What are thset IP They are forks. It is another spoon, ' ' ' ' s 1 ' ' ' 1 ' ' 1 What is this? f : What is this? Gea=> J ' J ‘ J ' ‘ ' ' ' ' e Itis a knife. It is a plate, What are these? They are two other knives. These are three other plates. > => 87 Mrs, Smith is taking o knife and fork off the tray. the table. She has them in her A A wee e ene ee cee w weap ewen nnn name e ence en She is putting them on She put the knives and forks and spoons and plates and glasses on the table, She put these things on the table, eS! Crm Now she is putting the plates on the table. N _=\ 8 Mary Smith will go from the table to the door. She is going to the door. The door is shut. Mary Smith is not in the room. She was in the room, She went out of the She went out of the room, The door is open now. It was shut. What Is this? Whot Is this? tt is a knife. Coweewc coco cwenecc} comcnecccccceccece Oe 0 What is this? What is this? Mary is making soup. These are potatoes, OOO =} This is a bottle of milk. = ' It Is cow's milk. This is pote of soup. ' DTT > | i This is a cow. 1 1 ' She will make the soup | from milk and potatoes. ' enn e mew we me weer nen} ones ssenmcenncsece Cows are animals, These are some other animals. ons bn Mary is putting some milk in a cup. The milk is going into wn ' ' h We get potatoes from wore” Potato in ‘ the roots of a plant. ' ' 4 i ' ‘ | Here they are in the She is toking its skin off ' earth. if fe. wath o keife \ We get them up with a t fork. I \ , Oe eee This is a plant. ' This is its flower. These are roots of other plants. 92 Mary is making the soup. a> &D es She put the potatoes in the pot. The water in the pot is boiling. This is steam. é= This is the pot. AT This is the cover of the pot. She will make the soup in this pot. This is a flame. The pot is over the flame. The flame is under the pot, 93 This water is boiling. It is giving off steam. The heat of the flame is ' making it give off steam. | lee is solid. This is ice, LN Water is a liquid. This is water. This is a tray. irisa tray ef lee, Tl. Hr WwW Ice is cold, Wee ene nn nn nnn ee ee The room is warm. The heat of the flame is making the room warm, The things in the room are warm. ice is not warm. It Is cold. 80 This Is o plane, It Is in the air. it Is going through the alr, These ore planes. peemwcocowc cc cceee} cocceenanccccceocos We take in air through | our mouths and through { The air is coming our noses. { out. Its warm. ! When it comes ‘out it is warm. ' ‘ 3 | ‘ The air comes in. Then | . Put your hand ft goes out That isa ' here Your { bworm. : ‘ ‘ ’ 95 The room is warm. The air over the flame alt 100° Oem wwe come ew ewe en} cocwe=cnceserccoces t ' ' Isyvery warm. The water in the pot is | very warm, H goes up. Wis boing, 1 tytytetytyyt ‘ S f si ‘ oe “PETIT | The air under the fame 1 is not very warm. It goes ' up fo the flame. ' ‘ This is the fridge It has ice in it. The air in the fridge is — — — This is the fridge Mary keeps the milk in °o the fridge She keeps it in the cold air. The air in the fridge is Thisis These are cold. The cold air keeps the milk, 09s milk cold. 96 This is an instrument for measuring heat, This is a clock. ' ' ' | very warm i ‘ Warm Adlock is an instrument ! Cold for measuring time. ! t Very cold seeee ne nmeensmasengecennencceensseees 4 ee | This is This is a measure. ' Mary's foot. t Itisa yard measure. ; (NUN There are three feet in + These are her feet. ' : ’ ' : ' : ‘ a yard, ‘ : L \ ' There are twelve inches | in a foot. : —— { Thists John’s foot It is ten inches long. 97 The walls and floor of the fridge are thick. [L__ This Is a thin line. This is a thick line. wow e www c owen nnsnee John is having a drink. He is having a drink of milk from a glass. 9 The milk is good. John is happy. 98 eS TT) i y Warm y air rT #7 = 2 “3 The thick walls keep the heat of the room out of the fridge. They keep the heat from the milk. e The cold air In the fridge keeps the milk This milk is not good. it is bad. » John is not happy. 1 t ‘ Thisismeat, | This is bread. ' 1 ! ET ‘ ' ‘ t aD t | Mary does not keep the | bread in the fridge. ‘She keeps it ina Mary keeps the meatin | bread-box. the fridge. ‘ ‘ ee weww nny \ t This is butter. This is cheese. ' Sp t ay, ' ' : ‘ : ‘ () 1 We make butter from milk. We make cheese from + Mary keeps the butter milk. 1 with the milk in the We get milk from cows. | fridge. ! She keeps the cheese 1 there. These are apples. oo These are oranges, Apples and oranges are bees Mary keep the fruit in the fridge? eww enen coe eoowwwnnde ’ What is the fime? Q) It fs five-thirty (5:30). Mary is making the soup. The p potatoes are in the pot. The water in the pot; is boiling, ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ » ‘ ‘ 1 1 ‘ ' ' ' : ' 9 0 4 , , e What is the time? The time is five (5:00). It is five. Mary will make the soup. tt Is five-forty (5:40). @) Mary has a fork in her hand. is putting the fork She into the potatoes. The potatoes are hard. 1 {tis five-fifty (5:50). The fork does not go ing th into then, hon iF is putting the fork She is doing it again. ct emewwne coo cwocooon} on cco ewesoconencen t The potatoes are soft. i The fork goes into them. + J i Cy ' t t ae ' She is taking them out 6 pot and putting ! them on a plate. i 4 ' ‘ iy 101 a e a The potatoes are on the | Mary is crushing them plate. with a fork. SD 1 . ‘ They were in the pot. | They were hard. t They are soft now. 1 They are not hard now. ‘ They are soft. ‘ a srocreccccewwocreteccccocercconcconm Bread is soft. = is hard. Meat is soft. Butter is soft. 5 A ew eee ene ee eee eee ene nen eee ne 102 These are teeth. . ’ ' John has a bit of ' He is putting the bit of cheese in his fingers. | cheese in his mouth. ‘ : ' o ‘ ‘ i i ‘ i ' { ee ee 1 ‘ : Now it is between his i The cheese is not soft. teeth. ' : ' tt is hard. i Thisis his mouth. | —) ‘ ' is i i John’s teeth do not go This is @ tooth. i" i into the cheese. ' t t 103 the Mai potatoes ond te mal and other things into the pot. This is salt. Pet (See page 242) ot CS She put the pot over a low flame. She put the cover on the pot. cl —— The low flame ts under the pot. semen nnn w we ccc cetecesmencncenccncce This flame is low. oS This flame is high. dui Been nen cee enn en eee nen eee This building is high. otf 9 This building is low. t) What is the time? It is six (6:00). D Mary Is tasting the soup. Jt has a good taste, The soup is ready. Now she is putting the soup in the plates. tt Now S was in the pot. Ss => it is in the plates. eeem ewe nwcwcw cence} cccwcsccwccecccnce She made the soup. She pvt it in the plates. She took them to the table. The plates are on the table. The soup is ready. It is good soup. Mary made it. 105 ou a milk, > — An apple GF An orange 1 ' ' , 1 1 i butter, = shea 6 o O apples, oranges ' OO OQ ' . ! Apples and oranges are food ! are different sorts of They are different ' fruit. sorts of food. ' seneecenn- wom ecw ent ecccccweccececesce These are different } sorts of glasses. , } Y | Glasses and boxes and | fingers and dresses These are different | and flames are things. sorts of boxes. ! They are different 1 sorts of things. ‘ t ' ‘ ' ' 4 ! These are different sorts of plants. ~ This Is the leaf of one sort of plant. on ay and pis oS and Ae and oon “Ph are animals. They are different sorts of animals. This is the leaf of another sort of plant, These are the same. O00000 These are different. 40x0 These plates are the same. => & These plates are different. S> — These glasses are the same. 0 0 These are different.(] 0 107 These are the same. These are different, ae) prt ttre nen eg eee ee eee eee | | | | | | | Here are a woman ' e ‘ ‘ Here are a woman and a boy. {anda girl. : e A ‘ ik h t ‘ t e ‘ The boy is the ' The girl is the womans son. ¢ woman's daughter. She is his mother. ¢ The woman is her He is her son. ‘mother. ‘ ‘ wmmewon cee een momen pee wcon coon ecesece Here are a man and Here are a man She is his daughter. { his son. ‘ and his daughter. ' 4 iM ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . The man is the father ! He is the father of the boy. + of the girl. He is the boy's father. + He is the girl's father. i : The boy is the brother of the girl. The girl is the sister of the boy. She is the boy's sister. She is his sister. He is the girl’s brother. He is her brother. r 4 This man and woman ih two sons This boy has one brother and three sisters. ‘This girl has two "brothers and two sisters. They are a family of ' 1 ' seven (7). ‘ ' ' ' ' ' , ' ’ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ , ‘ ' 1 ’ ‘ ‘ + ' ‘ ' ® 4 e i s . ’ , ’ ’ ' '‘ '’ and three daughters. 109 Here are Mrs. Smith, her daughter Jane, and her son Tom. Potato soup is a thick soup. It is not clear. Thick soup and clear we ene nnn nae eee cencccene They are at the table. soup are two different They are having their; S0Fts of soup. Potato soup. Sennen enn cweweeet eoecececcn--- weece This water is clear. When a ( liquid is clear we : Ot) ' ' t t t ' ' ‘ ‘ ' seo { through it. {The air is clear. I see $ the mountains. ' When the air is not milk ' clear | do not see them. isnot acleare ™ ' liquid. We — do not see : through it. : ‘ 110 4 This soup is clear. We see the spoon through it. Potato soup is a thick soup. We do not see the spoon through it. 5 This is the soup. Mary made it. This is the soup which Mary made. $o--------- +e = ee Who is this? This is Mary Smith. She made the soup. This is Mary who made the soup. This is the milk. Mary put it in the soup. This is the milk which Mary put in the soup. Wt This is a spoon. It is in my hand. That is a This is a spoon which glass of . wt hand. water. It is ‘sin my nan on the table. That is a glass of water which is on the table. Cee ew ewww ccm wewent ewcwcc ewe eereccece Sf This is a bone. It was in the dog’s mouth. This is a bone which was in the dog's mouth. This is a dog. He had the bone. This is the dog who had it. 112 c What is this? d What are these? we ee ae ew erent www mee w nnn nn cone t 1 1 ' ' e What are these? ' f What is this? Lec en eee eee eee eee Prvroceneeesecesces 1 3 ' 1 1 ‘ g => TP. ‘ Answers are on page 116. Saxas 1633 WN3 ¢ What is this? =| ag What are these? eeeee we ee we men nt encom wee we eeeseeee f What a e What are these? 5 3axas 1633 113 QUESTIONS a What is this? b What is this? Answers are on page 116. QUESTIONS @ This is a family. Ms b This is.a plant. Which parts of the peennen- eee What doyousee? plant do you see? __ ¢ This is a fridge. d This is a dog. [LDssss. What do you see in if? Which parts of the dog do you see? e What do you see? f What do you see? iS h What do you see? Answers to questions on pages 113-115. Page 113 a The time is four-forty-two (4:42). ¢ Itis a pot. e They are roots, g Itis butter. Page 114 a Itis cheese. ¢ They are flames. e It is a high building. g ltisapig. Page 115 a Isee a father and mother and their son and daughter. ¢ | see a bottle of milk and four eggs and two roots. e I see a bone. It is on the floor. And I see the leg of a table. g | see a woman. She has a spoon in her hand. She is tasting the soup. 116 b They are apples. d They are leaves. f It is a bottle of milk. h It is bread. b Itisacup. d Itis a horse. - f They are a box and its cover. h Itis a sheep. b I see its roots and its stem and its leaves and its flower. d Isee its head and ears and nose, its body, its legs, and its tail. f I see two glasses. One of them has liquid in it. h I see a man. He has a glass in his hand. He is having a drink from the glass. QUESTIONS a Where are the ‘women? Kafe What has one woman in her hands? b What are these? 50 o e QO What is the girl [PR doing? K3 Where is the apple? e What are some different sorts of food? d Where will she put the apple? Where was it before she took it? (See pages 82-83) * What are some different sorts of animals? TT g What are some different sorts of Fruits? h What are some different sorts of persons? Answers are on page 120 "7 QUESTIONS ‘ i @ This is ' a glass ' of milk. t - Is it clear? Do you see; 5 Is the glen i in this through it? | window clear? : What do you see ‘ through the window? ¢ ts glass hard? d ls meat soft? e lsice warm? f Are flames cold? ” = Cr one ‘Answers are on page 121. 118 QUESTIONS 7 a What do you see? { b What is he doing? ‘ d What are these? f What are some different sorts of things? Give the names of ten different things which you see in a house. Answers to questions on page 117. a They are in-a store. lt is a clothing store. She has two dresses in her hands, The girl is putting her hand up to the cpple. It is on a branch of an apple tree, a Bread, butter, milk, cheese, meat, eggs, and fruit are different sorts of food, Apples and oranges are different sorts of fruit, b These are shoes (women's shoes) and stockings and gloves. d She will put it in her basket. Before she took the apple it was on the tree. ~ Cows, pigs, sheep, goats, and horses are different sorts of animals, fh Men, women, boys, girls, and babies are different sorts of persons, Answers to questions on pages 118-119. Page 118 a No, it is not clear. No, I do not see through it. ¢ Yes. Glass is hard. e No. Ice is cold. 9 He is taking potatoes out of the earth with a fork. Page 119 a |seea man. He is in a street. His hat is in the air. The wind is taking it up. The wind took it off his head. ¢ They are in their seats at the table. They have their spoons in their hands. They are taking their soup. e We keep the milk, butter, cheese, eggs, meat, and fruit in the fridge. b d h Yes. The glass in the window is clear. | see some mountains and a house. Yes. Some meat is soft, But some meat is hard. No. Flames are not cold. She is putting some salt in the potato soup. b*He is putting his hat d on his head. One of them is a clock. The other is an instrument for _ measuring heat. Rooms and doors and windows and tables and seats and boxes and knives and spoons and forks and shelves... are different sorts of things. 121 This isa bedroom. There are two beds in it. What is on the seat? A bag is on the seat, pe ee wee now ww en Fa nn nn nnn ne nnn This seat is by the bed. A woman is by the bed. Who is she? She is Mrs. Smith. - What is she doing? What is she putting into She is putting things‘ the bag? She is putting into the bag. Mr. Smith's things into it. ' ' t ‘ ! 1 1 1 ' ' ' t t ‘ ' t t ' ' t ' ‘ ' 4 1 ' t Dawe nnn mem m ee eenen te ecewenenscseesese Mr. Smith is going to California. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are in New York State. He will go by train. This is a train. From New York State to California is a long journey. 1 ' 1 ' t ‘ 1 t ’ ' 1 ' 1 1 1 ‘ 1 1’ ' 1 1 1 1 1 ‘ 1 t ' 123 What will he take with him to California? He will take some shirts. Ot wm tome mm een wnte. He will take new socks, New socks have no holes in them. 124 1 ' ' ' ‘ 1 ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' 1 1 1 ’ ' ‘ 1 1 1 1 ‘ + He will take some socks. Woe He will not'take old socks. Old socks have holes in them. These trousers have a hole in them, They are old trousers. He will take some shoes. He will put them in a shoe bag. 1 The shoe bag will keep the other things clean. i The bag is between the shoes and the shirt. The shoes will not make the shirt dirty. meen wee een enna} sane en eweeeenseooe My hands are dirty. My hands are clean. fh This cloth is dirty. ie | \ This cloth is clean. 125

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