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The story is all about the magnetic field surrounding the earth. And this
is also known as a science fiction.a stories about how the people and
societies are affected by imaginary scientific developments in the
future. The earth inner core has stopped rotating, we have seen many
causes happen in the planet. because of this phenomenon. It is
revealed by a geophysicist that if the liquid outer core stopped rotating
then the earth will be broken. The people living on the earth were no
longer live, because of this any kind of phenomenon happen. So the
group of geophysicist have a mission to trying to find out the solution
to saved the earth. There are 5 geophysicist went down the inner core
to fix the problem.but the 3 geophysicist doesn’t achieved there
mission. The 2 of their companion were survived. Its been taking a long
time when the geophysicist settled the problem.

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