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NABBCESW REGION 1037146434930 Wee 29°93 15:48 No.001_P.02 PRESS RELEASE UNITED STATES INFORMATION SERVICE FOR DOEDTATE sunEAss: Movenber 19, 2953 WeS. VICE PRESIDENT ANDRESSHS ERIC: Tokyo, Hovenber 19 -—(USIS)-- Fotlowing 12 the text of an address by UsS ico Prosidont Rehard M, IHxon, delivorad sefore a luncheon nesting of te AnerdcanJapan Society at the Tokyo Kaikan today: Mr, Aubaseador, Mr. Chairaan, dstdngutshed quests, ant ladies and gente Yrs. Mixon ard T wich to oxprose our appreciation to all of the orgentea- thong bist fave participated sn eponsorang nla seating today and, in express {ng that appreciation, my xe alco thanle all of you who have attended this esting, “This is, I beLievs, ene of the largest’ dimore, or luncheons aheuld Tay, that ve have attendea’ during tho course of our travels around the world, and ve fen) particularly gratifica snd honored Uist so miny of you have: taken the tien from your busy eaheduler (9 cone out on this oeeaston to erect Us you haves Twtoh thas Sm tho course of our stay here we would havo tho time to mest, ouch of you personlly, ar we did a number of poopie prior to the meeting, But unfortunately dt stens that tho sohedule that hae been arranged for this trip is one that will not allow us to do all the things that we would 11ke to io, and so Mrs. Nixon and I will reserva that plessire for a return trip to ‘Jajan, or for the occasion wher many of you, ae I an sure you vil, may cone to'Washington 3.0. May I say that we Mill be happy to wellame Jou thet, as you do cone there, And now my 2 mention just briefly a vary siniticant fact, and that 43 the organizations that are sponeoring this mocting. Tt eeons to ne most adgntti« cant that anong those orgariaatscne are, first of all, the Aiericerdapan Society. ‘This particular society fas a very distinguished histery. 1 kaow that many ignitaries, a5 they are called, neve appeares before it in times pasty an! T feel most hénored to have the ofportunity to appear before it in a aeebing, Wsieh 4 coveponsored as this ons is by this organization, Tan glad to note that the Anerteandapan Sockoty has Invited other oPgankeetions to. participate with Jt tn this aveting, Your chatrran hes mentioned several of then. You've hoard from the president of the smrican Chanter cf Connerca, Mes Saver, prior te my speaking to yeu, Mut in any evant 1 thin that what 46. elenifteant about al2 of these ergariaattons 4s thie: They are rénarily business organs ations made up primarily of Uusineas people, I recognize that the dorica-Japan Soctety hac also other members than from the business consanfty. Sut what ie initeated here 1o°e breed recogn- ton of rosponsfbility by the busines conunizy, whieh coos beyont aerely the acquisition of profits and ths building of thelr om businesses. Mat de recognized here's thst business wen fron America and bueinee aon in Jepan Poslize that their future is Lied us wieh, and 4s nvolved with, the future food relations between Japan and the Unto States of dnoricay ‘nd for that reason, I think St $s most nolpful that these organteations have joined together in sponsoring this meeting, I should Tike to hava the opportundty to conpent. on each organization, of whut st hao done ant what St hip contribated to this nesting; ard I think (hat the very fact that they have Joined together hore 43 elaquent. Lestinony uf the respanoibility thst business People in Japan and the United sates have towand the larger abaa of activi fea whieh can affect, they realize, not only their businesses snd their faxiSes in the year t> como, “r think, Lov, that these groupe symbolize something else (nore) NARA-PSw REGION 1077146434832 WAR 29°93 13:50 No.001 P.08 very stpiitieant and that is thet they bring uo ali togethers they bring us TREUGP' sn a costing in which wu con all lave a tettur opportunsty to unde SEP SSeh other, terapprectate sho vaya in whieh we ote alike, end to under and the ways sh wnden we are different, Ana one 42 just a4 important. 42 the other beoauon, at a matter of fact ot course, we aro very tuch alike in tary ‘ya. He speek different. languages, Me Live th different partn cf th vorld, tut I belicve all. of you ve}1, who Tave Livot! in dapun, we eve also Tived tm the United States, will rocemise the elrdtaritioe that we have, tv, Nin ond T favo oven 4% on every shdow e’were inpresoed by ie when we cams St the airport dn the Tira instance, mong ths groups vho wore thers 19 greot us wire n group of Boy Scouts and Girl Sooute from the United States ard Foy end Chr Scouts from dapan; and Fey were Jost as like a2 poas in a fod, Just ne enthuckuntie, Just e& une snnaited, Ve have seen school etdlron of Jogan Hnod up on the routes we have travel ed both here and throughout otter areas of Jaymn, and T ean repent that far go the aehool. ehfddsen ars cuncetnad.-thal weave dn Japan--thay are 20 {eey men Lie the achool crildrn ws ano in tho United States of Anerea Tebutastios untanibitod, out to hive a goo! Line~-like poople who have no Grejuiieet ageines either het fellow elatausten An Jape er yong children Sry Place else 4m the world, nd thon T think that: we!v> D2 boon impressed imuvktotdyr by the fast) ‘that wo Aperdcans ant Japancas, sur fiends in Jayan, are very mich alti tn nother respect!) Ard thet sr our cnthaslars fer sports, 1 motel shal, Just Sotere Teese hore that cevernl. isstican brashall tune bal rude tours in Tapan, T'aoticed that thoy took Lickinge on n cours of cceasione, I think Werte‘ etl Todding fornaed to tin iru) J Wrist, whom we wid) finally havo an Yatermatdonel woria series, Thit wJ1h be a gnest day for beecbally it wil boa geeat day for beth of aun evurtrive, aay 1 sy A804 might say Anciiontatly 1 mau not seo tsny sacrificos along with Mea. Nexon in erdor 40 make tis trip which I would eonciter to be Important. One Of the greatest, of course, 17 that walyw hid to Loave cur tho youngotere ot fooe for a period of two mnths, Anothur ore, howmwcr, whieh was constlerably devious as far ne I vp convornst uc Uo ap om Interest in Tint ne a vomit of "ving to attend briofing Geaotons An eho Stats sepsttacnt ond other ‘ispartucnts Bsfore goto on this Efip, that Time probably the only Onesball fin in tmorien yo aid aot hose OF aso any ong of tha NOE] eurion feeb! gama on telaviston or tale. Be a matter of fact, st uma just ta well Lint 1 didn't, becauom, you sce) T happen to bo a Dodger fan. I xiat 40 mks 4b clear, ayer, eo that for the record that Mea. Micon ina Yonlce fanewwnich mass a pertuek eoebination for Bnybody mie happens to be Sn poli ites, ve eon play both olden, an any event, ve do Rave aL of you Ane aires And thon cote ‘ube to dapsn, a@ wo have for Th iron antinuodaan fo sperte which | aldne 701 Reerieme, shon they ot tite, nos teemndeusly tmprosted by avmunber of ehings thot ne soo that are cintlar to cur own country: The exe Grmmty high low of edunation dn all avsv7 9f Japan att the energy and vitali- By of the people, Ma goo thom work In tho Pulds, 7 talked to a woman who was 69 yoara of age who, Per 45 Juars, has worked Creat npprocinately 7230 dn he mceving to approxiaately 6100 o'elook ou nigit, with vory ttle tine off xcept in the period witch 4a net, the nanvoot aizoon. Tt is that Kint of onergy ond vitality oftoh nekon a creat proplo, It 4s that kind of onerny fand vitelaty whiten auked a @ral arton. Yio have bas Anpesacd ty the devotion to comtry tnat we fin here, & pintlar devotion ve fnericins fo") to our «en country, the wiltingwas 1 Mork, and the ability to aucrifice. Al of theos ara basic ainiiaritios betwoen Sar pooplns, Wow, we amo act completely uli, of course, We 2peule a very GEttoront dangwogée” Z vish tral 1 wuld bo an’ position where 5 cout speak tiie dapanose ianguseoy and T think (hat more Ancrtcane ought to be able to apmak ity boomise cortsinly a grout tury dupeinese know how to speak Bugle fant apes ae vary, way wll, (nor: NiRi-PSY REG LUN Ap:7iasasaasa Wak 29'93 13:51 No.001 P.04 ons We algo are different sn our Mkee and disliee, shall vo aay, in tho field af artsy and yet those differenci do not neceganrsly drive us apart. Thoy ehould, In effect, bring uo closer topsitior beowwe nutual respect for he sraditione, for the culturce of on poste by another, T Uhink, 15 ee~ Sential Zor goed relations belio~n sorta, t think a pretty nod Anaeation fof the fast thet such Usfformneus eam brine ve tonothor Ja the trenendously. favorable teception that the isu toh of Jnpahese paintings and sculpture hae nooolved tn the United Ststoa cursing tho tovr that was aade An tho United States under the euepicen oP the Jayanuve Goverment, Gesteanly, ‘ho mare ‘thet we can bring our two eulsuer tonvtne” Usrough sxchanzo of People, ox change of stitento, ani exobango cf toachere, thu cloter ve Vill coms tone~ ‘ther dn understanding each other, x uiorouamting tho wiye in which we are alike and approctting ani respecting the ways In which ve are different, So much for that rather ret onalysis of one xo bas emp so recently land for the iret ‘iso to Japan. ew, i ant te salk to you vory gortoushy teday on aubjecte thot wil be gemrvhee eoxtrowsroiel, f aolsborstely pok conttermmainl subjects beosues 7 fl hat if an ausioney hae cate cut he Unie ons has, 700 ef you, eat dam to lonch, hed to rash through 44, vase ants you fntahed {tunes T finfohed spoating, (And certainly thet really isn't haceseary. You can go shosd if you have anything eft en your plates). [Bit ie you nave made ail thooe sacesstwn, covtasnly you are entitled 20 somthing nore than Uig veda) ploasangriot wie. ausnartly, T know, character Ane 8 spuech before s. luncheon club sluner or lunsheon, as ths ease mieht Bee Wat I vould Aske to do 4s to finet make a yancral statomont, end thet genepal statement {8 thie: That this fesonietp peween peoples tequines Evaniiese an Aigeussing the 4itforenves that wo have. Z shoughe a very elent~ Sheant geatonent. woe nado in om crvicls weisch I read in one of the papers just before T cane to dapan, I boliowe thi Ut was by a representative of ene of the Anorican nvepapers, the Onnietian Selonce Menston, Af 2 ax nist Mistaken, Ha wus Gigeussine tia problew of antcRnerSoanien tn Japan and he fsuelyzed St very cbjectively--tho varioue reasons vy 1 axteted--and one pitave that fertsoviaeay eaueie my attntion was this: Mo said that enti= Anericantsn in Japan ina sence night bo tho result of a compost mLsoon~ ception of the United Statee and of tho propia of tho United States by the pusple of Jepan. ‘You ask the question: “Wsornoeptions abiwt whet? Since I havo been here Z have talked very franiay with Isslery of Japan inthe fold of government, the field of industry, Labor, sducation, ard the Like, an thorp exe husbers of misconceptions wnich exist net in the minds of the people to who T have talked; tut thoy fave in{ivaled to um that thoee nisconeoptions may Gxist in the minds of other pacplo in Jepan, snl 90,7 tonene that no better service could be rendered in ay agposninioy uhi2a I've in Japan than to 2 cube Wterioen polley ae 4t Je, ani act ac ite conosived to'be by those whe ao not know the Tastee Z reslias there are tons ile thie: Ie the uber 9f quevisone Unet ialght be radeed. Guset= initod Btsise going ve te-uye Uno great pover that ieThas, mfevuse £6 An vech « vey that vo in} tick the poace of the worla? Is the’ United ‘too rigid, too wigit’ An uoing ite Fesponsibilaty? Ts the United Staten following tho Lino of svcuptint uo constructive eritieten fas to what Ste peldey or the policy of she foe nations should by durdne thle critteat period? J01 of those questions, nowsver, revolve around a single very baste and seportant quaetion, ani that gueatich 19 toler ie se wether we tne going to fave, a the world dn which vo Iivoy war or peaces ivory place T have’ gone on this trip that we are taldng, 1 fand that’ inst Se the’ question that fo" ‘ppermort 4h the minds of evcrybsay wo musteathe burShone mm, tte professton= si'ann, the aUsienty the laborer au tho Tectary, am tim fara. an tho tela fs nae’ various othe? proton he Sa intorvatod &ny tut above ab2, bo rocogntaes ‘iat tne solutions o¢ other peetlons wll mean avthing unter he 49° aoand to cnloy those eolutiony; at be san't psing to'br arowid to enjoy ten unless wo ate able to dovelop a world In uneh wu can Live at peace (ror) NARA-PSW RESTON 1: 71agasaes2 WAR 29°93 13:52 No.001 P.0S And 90, the great. question whieh de tn the wine of many of these who are locking at fmerieo'a policy, prople 2, think who might want to be Sn thea foarte friendly to Amrice, ip thie: what iv Amrica's poliey Aneofar as var Geifeace ts concerned? Te Sta correct policy? And may £ say that In the cEneettton thas individual statonents tay be unde by Anerican polstical lesders, bby American newepspersy 0 one ratioe! th policy either of the adainist= Plalon ar the opinion of the grost sajar'ty of the Anerican peoples end one fanger ie to take un feclnted statensnt by ouch on iniividual, er such Gublication, ant to say that refiiets Zmrscm pelsey, T know there are Rhone sho say, well, wbly don't you Anertcurs sLienee these rroplo wie make erence that do fob tufleet Am-rsonn yolsey An the international Setd, Kea ay anavor 49 that we belive that vould bo a grave error, because we box Seve" that s6 fs wopentiel in a frco ocicty to potcet the Might of Andivide HS Go critietse the policies of uur eovemeont, just so Long as they do not wae e Sie ge muna which azo Allewil, Al so connoquently it 4s inevitable Ine tree soolety such ap eo have An the United States that individuals tron hae to ton will reflect wlows stitch ay not, trove of tho sdninistration or St the great majoriay of the Mariean propia, ad we would nok have 36 other Ghooy wecanee the only ether way you cout nandle the preblem would bs to ee erst that, of course, we vennot do for the reasons thab T havo man~ Sloneas ‘hot 20, therofore, vo cote into the beste quintion: Mhat do the erent naJority of Anorieano think? Mit. 4a tho ndminioia ldonts post tion on thie GE Problem of war or proce? fa) T think thie Srvt of all T should state eenofel principle, and at is sta: That, there io one puinose and one enly see denibstes imartean thinking unl Amicon policy tod. ind that 4s ren Gouant peace, and wo nant feiondahtp with all the peoples and all tho nations of the world, imorica in a relatively now country in ihe field of world power, insofar ng the rosponeibilicy wo have. ie arr excoptiona) 4n one instance in that Meld and that te thier Ti pope of the linitod Statas and the governsont tthe Untted Staten, as fur we oar polity 4p coneurned dn tho world, want Sbochately nothing fom ary othr pespls or ony otnar goverment, except thot Felondship and the opportunity to lave st poucy wlth Utems reat powers dn the piot wanted and, Thay Inve vanted censessions, ‘econonie sng oenemvise--of tii type or anethor-ctut our policy ie one that Ste for nothing and dorande noting cxsort what have inddeetod, Aut 6 Since thet ie the central worposc of Ansricin poloy—-tbst ws want peace ‘tbe second question fe thins How are we going to co6 SUP ie voldeva in being very reelistte about getting peacoy Mie do not share ‘tho opinion of some who eay thet the say to get piaco io to simply wish thet Weare going to have i) and not t do too mich About anolysing the threats ateh exdet to eave in'the world todas We boliove in being co rollstic that we must analyze the only thrent which cadata to the pouce of the world Loday-—cnt what 4s 48? Aak yoursolves thet guonsions There 42 oily mye throat to the pesos of sha world today: Tree eee tte whch da presented hy tho International Communist mavenont ‘wlth its power center in th: Doviet lnion. ook at the situation So tho world, If Lt worontt for the Gomuntet: ‘threat there would have bom ne var in Kora, and you would havo peace in reeset bsg, Tf de weren't for tne Congunist Uhrcat there would be no War Korvedochiga today, “If it weren't for tho Comnniets thers would be wo wat Eh Malaya today, 12 St wore ol for the Comuntet throat tho nations of the weld could embark on @ promun of di sarzanort. ‘here ie not another nition or a prone $n the vorla today anak ng nation needs to fear n far ap the throst of war 4s concerned, Now these are tho facta, snd nny rosconable person who analyses tho history of aha past few yard cin roxen no ctinir coneltiston, And thorafore TEPSGEY $5 the bmiy thveal which sists to tho peace of thu world, what gan Ae ee poun dk? Well, ao we aiinyas that thiol wo find Prob of all thet the men 4n tho Krenlin fn’ Yh toting, tha tro power centers ef tho (ram) NARA-PSU RESTON 1: 71agasaes2 NAR 29°95 15:53 No.001 P.06 aoe Soret world, ore retlistic men, Thay aro aon sho fuvdarentatly will never Sake a chance ae Long &o they tre convineud, because of the ailitary-strongth tn thelr side and the weskneve on tho olde £¢ the free nations, thet if they : opin a conflict they WAIL win St , shen there de a rise that they will begin 4 conflict, But as long a8 they are convinced, because of ‘he strength of the tre nations miittarfiy as against the worknees of tho. slave nations on their elde, That Ef they begin a conflict thy will lose St, thoy will net begin a war. ind therefore the first principal in cor polioy, we beldove, must be thist If wo wart, pace furing thie pariod of irtcomtions). tension we must romain Maitarily strengar than the Usmmnteh ition. ow, how are wo doing to do nak? ell, fest of aM, from tho ctandpetnt of the Unites States, we Peoognize shat we ist mofntain our military strength Gf an adequate level and-we aro doing thet, Iot mx cay. 3 know that some of Jou'may have read of euto which wrt ands fn the military Wodget during the {let svesion of the Congrces, tut T Usink thot you should algo realize thet Aeapiee those cuter-taking fer aeayli, tiva Air Pores dn which a oxt of five billion dolars dn tho budget was mde’—that inopdUs thowe cuts, that at the tnd of 1955 the United States will lave mors plumes rendy far const than they ‘Noulé have 42 the progeas of the pavious alinistrction had eentinied in Tifusts, And oo you mignt ak the questions hy tun, hwever, 4f the United Skates recognizes the recenssty of resnining ailttarlly strung during this period of tension, wy then ue any onte at all? ind that brings us to s coose! great peinetpte which wo met bear in mind fas we ansiyaa the throat ta the poses of the world witch the Conmaniate prem Sent, and thet is this: Thay huvo sait--ovse ond cor agsinesthat they might ret fave to dafent the free nations in a var, They have said that they might bbe able to force us to destroy oorbulves Iron within in om efforts to dofond eurgelires from sA8hout. ed that 48 wy the nev adatnirtration in Masbington, recognizing thet tactic and that strategy of the Conmimict Tosdarship, bolioves that Lt de eesontial that at a tire sion we ane mainteining our eilStary strength, that tee also keep the seonory of the Uniued Stats> strong ond oound and profuctive Grd free, And that te wy wo sy ut in spendine for mliteary purpoece wo fist spend what 4a nocessaiy, bet nt coe cent. wore than is necessary to mesn- tain our defenose at an aduguats Vowel. Qt ray T saphasis ono othor paint in that respect, You ean be sire that the Uhieea Sestes, for seasons Ef o6o- heay ot fer ary ether ronson, 1211 never sbSiouta Ste raspenadbalsty--ite rom Sponsibility not only to the daerican poople tut to true pooples everyvhore- tomintain its strength acl tle strength of the true nations ab, an adequate Level ta avoid another world conflict. Jew #o mich for the United Stutow and 416 part dn maintaining ste military strongth, which will insure oofficiont virengih which will guaranteo~-at least during the tine of international tensione-no aggression by the Sommnist ‘The second point 4s Unie: Me rocoynias 4m the United Statso that we ean!t do tho Job alone. Wo aro s strcnz notion, > bnve 160 rAldfon produetivo people, io have great nutural turcuress, Fuc ve realize that the treo nations fist all work together and stand tonstho", Tf ve have roeamnizad that both in duropo and in Asia 4% is cosential that the free nations work together—o put 16 in another way--thel 4t, is sssontial that the United States have fricnds Both dn durope and tx Askas and ono of the differences in the policy of this sérindstoation and ite predeennsor 4a that we havo rocognized that, to a groater ogres than the provious adinictoation, thw baele fact that. what happone tn Aste 4s just as baportant as woot happens in Suropss And at, the nonent nay be even nore Anportant. bocwiss 1t'4a in Asin sont a shooting war is gelns fon and haa been godng om-povviocly dn Kors and now J Todockinarsand to a certain extent in Malaya oe voll, And no new the question orien: Yow doce Japan Tt into thowo goners) principles that I have rontione:? fei 1 hala make coms generel stavenene EEous,Ehateratatanunts thol I ailing most of yeu sill apree=and the first one Le thiat Tede/a key bastion in tho defense of Io dom 4p Ada TE Japan Fatle iden Communist deninsiien, all ef Asie falls, ‘there 48 to question (xe00) NARA-PSU REGION D:7146434632 WAR 29°93 13:54 No.001 P.O? bout t and from Jspants standpoint if the rest of Acda fells under Conan fst domination, Japan sleo will fuk unter Conmuniot doninations and there- fore Af Japan desires to bs frac, osiras to be drlerendont, ne T know the great aajerity of the prople af Japan do desir, it ia eveential that they Work with the free nitions in mainedning adequate defenses and adequate Strength--strength which will dnoure thst the Conmnist aggression e006 no Surther than St hae already gon in tite suction of the world. dovd that, of eouree, beings ne to 6 socond point. i had the opportunity te dnapect aone of the Hatton Safety Forces here ‘Japan. They sre in Gvery Fespect sand may T say thst General ull shares tho epinion that I am Going, te Express in tile resjoct—thoy are in cvory respect excellent forsee, Ecti*ted, well trained, goodsen fron top to botten. And I an confident, too, Uae the dosders of tiges forese wuld be the frst to adit that at the prow bent tine they are not adaquate to defend Jupun against agqreesion from abroad, T think, too, thet dt mrt be adaltted lost tho primary responsibsi4ty {for Japan's defense mist roct spon Japan an! the [epanose people. Tt 4a trus that there are grave problone. The nation's ceonuke capabilities have boen sapped by the war through which it hao gase, tut in the fnal analysia it is Seeontied, 4f Japan ie fo survive ag a feo ond inlepyndent mation, that we Secopnize frakly that ite define forera mist be inereesud avonwally to ah Gdoquate Lovely end Zam confident that the people of Japan and the govern ment of dapan are vorking towan Unat ctd, ani yu. can count on the seststance Wwhien the United states 10 ablo to rontor’in helping dapin to work toxerd ‘hat objectives tiowynay T discuss one of thins points that I indostad to you wold be quite oottreversial, end that 2 this: hero are tiione who say the United States is taking a Yory Inconeistont position about the rearmanont of Japany find T have been talking a Iiutle about history today and others wight vory Well guste a Tittio history hack t2 mn aut thoy aight aay $n 1946 who wa YE test dnedeted that Japon Ginsan? TA wan't the apanoes, although they wero nitling to enbsrk on thst jrogvm, Sul it vas at the iststancs of the United States that Japan A rarwe. Now 4f Gioarnanint was right in L9\6, wy 4s Ab weng 4m 19537 And $f 4k wee right in 1946 and nrong in 1953, why dooentt the United Staves abr Tor onee that it nado a miotalin? fie Ly poung to do eomsthtng that T think porheps ought to be done nore by prope in jubiie fey tm going to adsst Fight here that the United Stetie Ad males a siztako in 18\b. We mode a niotaks beeues we i ajudeod tho Antontdons of the Soviet Load— ores Te nas an heneet mintalc, ie believe now as xo bolioved thon in the principle of aisammetent, Je iclisve in poaces we believe thet tho nations Fhould bo able to Live tathout rmge armive and navica and wir forces and etosk piles and atouse boubs, fut on vio othor hand, we Tucoprtze that disarsanont Under present world conditions ty the fiuv nabtons woud inovitably lead to war ang, therefora, ¢ de because wo want peace and ws believe dn peace that Wwe oureeaves havo foarmod since 19)6, snd that vo boliovs that Japan and other {pep petions mist asain shor chs'of he ronsoneibdity of searing sineo in other words, what happonsd wos Uhat tn 2946, bath in the United Stoves, dn Japan and An ost of the Frac orid, yo tocked afwad to the future hoping ‘agadnet hope that it would ue posstbio at Long last to. veduoe the armsnonts of nations to ¢ minimin level, Put sineo thet tine, the Conandst threat has felined in poer, ware nave been Sogun—-vitnoea ths one in Kerese-and the threat This became oo great thos ae wo arnuyes it today wo must chango cur opinion. And so 1 think that 4? wo talle frartly 41) Ubet mance, wo oun porhaps havea better Gnderstending as to what our comion reopenoiblisties are in this field fn the onthe acd the yosrs to cai. ‘And’ now, muy I say that I seadise alco thet when T mke tho geseral state= ont that i/49 necesessy fon Japan and Uys othor free nations in sla to work together slong with tho Uniead sustco to msintain cur freedom, that « soecn Guastion that bight be considera to bo cmbarsaosing could well be asked, and (nore) NARA-PSW REGION 1D: 71a643aes2 mar 29°93 1 5 No.001 P.08 that quostion would bo: What about Japante reletion yeith Korea? And T must say thst virtunily every person “hut 7 hav ‘auleed to an vapen and Keven have Tentdoned tint mibjost, Te a Linu hs vee oelote at tho presont tine Conflict of Antoreste betwen tio two sewrurien, lt 1g trus Hint the poskelen of the United Statas has boon ofs of, in uftaet, saying that tho two countries Should vont eut by autual eproonant this contT)Gt witen tnoy ava, X think that ali of un must rocognias thet it in cosenttal not only to ‘the Suture of Kersey toe {Se vononlial to she future of Japan and Kena to work out their alfferonces by mibual agrocment, ard that they not alow thea ftoronene-nutieh sow appear oh Lhe sheruos--to seupt Ant a velent eontlict, Sn the future, and tay T'cay Wis sven tho stendpoint of florea+ and 1 think ete ehould bo seid, I hive Just cune tron Kowa! sho Koroan wad had not bboan fought, Japan today cout viry Woll hats boon undor tho doninstion of Gommunist Aporialisn, anf all tint you leve to do Wo reach that sonclvcson An to Leck at the map and you will tech tat game conclusions And we must eamenien, 00 that an far ue Kava 42 cone.tood, that Kors could nob have bboon deféned and that agchvesion cis?A nok havo Gon stopped there unloes the Unkted Statos ait the United lations fords hal cams to the asgistance of Xores But algo at coud not have won sUoyped, and St vould not have boen stor pod unlass Koros and Koreans hail born wilting to otunt thenelves against Begreseion, And a2 xo dicevey iho yroblinn that ws move, et us bear thet foot of history in mini, ind ac 1 say, Tan curo shut alt of ue vill rocogiso, fae wo Lose at the dsffarenove b.tiven thio tho commenter, that de de cosenbsal ‘hat we got. along as well ep ws cams Avi nay 1 say’ thet we An the United Staten ate locking forward to thu day wich thy repeesuntatives of Japan and Korsa can eft dovm togethin aul work cut aovtlosante Whleh wit) bo hulpfel to the safety and wil being of both muoplez. Thin 4s 0 rewlt whieh wo dosire, and Se ip 'a rugult to whieh ws MiLl Bo willing 40 conkributo Sn any way thet’ And now, say I torn to snothon aubjoct vioh votaton to thie general prom ion of the dofenes of tis frog world agdnol ageswesion and to the future of Sapan, and thot de tho putdvct of twades-ant I'muet say that 1 bave found a ny ety htoroet in ies an l'ot Ue. contetstions Tvs hd mt jentabsite Leauera of busting has net sely {rem Danan ut fron cho United Btates and alse from the various Cth? 2 gunts nf life dn thie. countrys Ant fone conearn that tne bean ratasd frou timc to time iy heen that the United States, de Le fonred, vl) wuback on a podSoy of raising ste tarste barrie and miking and roducing tho porviuility "nl 2h. .oprertuatty of Japan and sthor free contrive to tredo wen th Unseos Stator dn tho tanthe and yosra to. coma. ‘ea tho qoostion has been asked, TWRoL dp the Jeng Fens poldey of the Undved Staton sSuned trade with Wapan in other patiena?® ind mp answn Rove again ust take {nto seeount curtain practice) censtlcrationg, In the fleet pliey, sa havo tudustriva dn the United Staton, too. Thoy bolieve, in sone dnstontse, tat tay nowt protostion in order 9 survive, Just es" antuseriog ore buiiiw thie thoy nd spade 4n ondur to purvlve,” And Gorefore, in our Gangress, Wore vaziows intorcate mist bo consddsned and they aro Considered, Put | ov male Unie gupiras statunent wiahout foo of contradiotion, Tide the yoltcy of the Fruvidunty and she poliey of thio administration, that an tae Jong ms, bonriorn whieh oxtRt Sstwosn trad, Sree botwoon tho Unitod Staten unl “lapan and othr free nations, that sich barriorsenin the long rur— sust bo roduscd rathor Uvan ratood, And wo MELD work constantly toward that. obj) TWeewsne wo Pualbw tat Af wo are to have poseo tn tha world, if we ars ln 'hiye s proepsnds World, 3f a nation Lika fapan, for cxamle, is goiis to be rolfasutficint, Le going te be abte Govawist, Se 12 cesorsAal yet sis have tie maxsrim snout of traie thet we possibly’ oan Setwaon our peonluy end Setnun Jur counteace, AGA fos can BO ure thts this sdainietretien is lsusvwn 19 thot quncoal peanctplo. ind, not oily are we {ntarotd Im wrpanting the tide between, tha Untted Statas and other trou nitions including Japin, but we are also intefostad in sxpanting trade betwoen thy Thiid Suutoe hat Jopan ant other areas of the word, Worrealito, for exauple, the izpartance of touthuact deka as a prospective trade Ing aren ter Japan tonl'tha policy of the United States wild bo constantly bo work tovard dneronsing tho sros of trade vo thal all mations muy b9 eblo evar ually to dneroose thar ctantende of Living by Uading who other nations throughout the world, NARA-PSW REGION 1027146434882 HAR 29°93 13:55 No.001 P.09 ‘nd now may 1 take up one olbor potne witch 1 think wil also be razed Af x tad the. opportunity te have poreensl sanvorantione with you, and it ie this. Sone mignt reise the quostion, first, that £ have mntionea the neces~ Sly for matntsining the military serongeh of tho United Seatos and the fre nations and Japan in order to svotd a thind worl’ wer, T have wentianed the Rovessity to have grvalar taade between our eouneriog, bub Wore still de a tqusetion thet might tu in the ‘nine of soeae Ta tho tinted States too rigid Gn ike attitude voxard negotiation with the Comat ste? Aod may I cay thie: That Here spain our attitude do 9 realistic oney vat we ate interested in, ant vist we beliove we must be interested dn, da not just yoove in our ting-but peace n tho Lime to com as well, We be Lieve in hegstdation, Dut ge ve oe at the Ristory of nogotiations wath the Conminkats we ere sonnet Hotsrbed, Wo {rd that four tamos ence the Comminiets cane to porer in the Soviet Union, thoy have talked peace and nego- Gated for poaco at the Liua thot thay wore freparing to wage agaressive wars Such was the ease dn 1916, for exorpie. Andi so we vay, and the. President has voll stated, thst 4t to cesuntial i¢ ws sro to protect the ree peoples Ht se agsentdal sf we are not to fall Sto a (rapectat wo fret Rave deode ‘Bon the sen in the freniin and the ron in Felng, rethor than just worde to what their Sntantions arc, ook at the problen of negotiution, ray T cay also that the believes in ons sthor principle, oni Ian sure that the people ff dapan and the other frco nations till agro’ with tide peinolple, ant thet fe that no nation ani no body of (viono has a right to noqotiate any tree poople date perpetual slavery; bestune ve believe thore hut we would plant The seade for another congiuet. that {e one of tho reasons wy = major Sbjective of tho Korean politivel sontercnes, which wo hope wl take place, fe and mist be 2 unified, free and an srispendont Korea. nd go whenever thie Communit ations com with « reasonable offer, when they eny they will quit tkear aggregation in Yalaya, they wilt cease mprorting the fercen in Indochins which avo waning wr there agsine’ the Vietwmese and ‘the Frenen, when thoy agree. to cond sort of a ecteloment in Korga vhich wild Ellow that’ country te rehabilitete stecif, vhon thoy serve to a settlanent of the Gersen prcblan, cr the Aistyian preblom-and you esuld nane many, many ‘ther inetanons in’vhich tho door £2 apen far nogetintlon=-the United States land free ations wild Siways st thn’ thi, woe sic & stop of steps aro taken, be ready, willing and able to sit Jom ae’the conference table and negotiate fer tho future, And aay I say in thet coaneetion, too, thot T fool that we should take note of the fact thee there may havo boca eritceinw of the United Shaves for laining to be infallible, that vo in tho nites States Teva alt tho answers fon thoes problera and this tho cthcr roojde of thw world, that the people of ‘Jopan and’ ceher the fron nations mick follow tio initad States and lo what Nevnayy that we dl2 nce eosepe any ersLiei ine May Z wake one vory Surduonied. pute dn the’ roapoct, Tou can be sure ‘thatthe lesderahip of the Init Statne se Ronsatly and eoapotely humo Sn the now responsibility thet it Ias in tro world. We know that wo have made mistaken dn the pact, Wo welzone (ho alggeations of our friemts, We welccee the oritsetens thet they have of our yelicy, becauby Wo all have ono great oman dbgective and that cbjert ive sp thot’ wo can develop a community of nations in whideh We can Live together (n poscas and a comunity of nations én Sihich any people, ne mattor hor oxall, at any nallon ne water how weak, Wilt have tho right €@ be foo and to bo Lnpundente Ind ines thet objective ie ono that is sharcd by our friends throvshoxt the world, we are confident shat ye enn and will work closely together with our Feiende dn eveliedng that objective, An mit, toy I say cao final word to vids ehdsence wasgh har Miotend co gatintly foday {ogo of the things thet T nave vanted to say abost thy yeliey of thy United Status during this eritical period, (nea) NQRA-PSW REGION 1D:7146454832 WAR 29°93 13:57 No.001 P.10 T rovert again to tho talk stout amti-tverfeonten in Japan, ene Z an going to expreee an opinion that iy rvhaps exactdy the contrary of that held fy eositiy tone dn tvs room, ané 4% 19 antes I om sarprivod Shet there is BY Jory Little antielmeicanisa in Japan, 7 there ie antintnricanian, nay $Pely Was the man in the tiv, ant ths nan in the fhelds, and the school Guldeen have a vory strange way of niawdng i& to» viekting Awnican View Erosidont. We should face up to Un Seto. After alt, tho mir 4s only eleht years pact, Te deft scare-ineritable ours on the hfarts of our peoples, There Bie cocupation forces thet Fave baen here. nd may T osy in enared, Hull's Sresence that T think that for the most part cnr occupation foroes--tho Serena Clay marines, naval neti--have oonucted tlenselvoa in an admirable flokton an Japan, and’ thonk that the pront.of that zac is Shat the rolat— seer Soewoon bur’ countries, Wexpite tots pointe of irritabion, are as close tone Cee od that thie’ basis feiendship aiste between uo.” ind St 12 our Meakr Tele’ Ute tea of organizations Like this onow-the Japahatnurics Sootttyy Taek corican Chater of Oonmstes, ai ¢f ths onen represented at this mooting-- Ue ebrtinue to work to reduce wnat litle enticinerieanion there 4s. and oo SSotlaone thas that tack ind that reeponoibilseyr will be wat by ald the Stone here, aot by people who avs honestly 4nberosted in good relations be- Green cur countries. fe ere entoring an ere--a nw orn—-iu the rolationshtps between Japan and the United Statees Te dg erro in which wo intend, both of us, to Live figethor am peace, Aid may 1 cay in that comsction that tcugh I fave tabled Stlthe theoet of var whieh Ar jovacntod ty the internatdonel Conuntet. coo Gelzacy, Ewald net wont any of you to Seas this room today under the of Suhonelon thet T'was pessimistic aa to the catcers, In ny opinion, we bave Bitieatt protlens te geet coca ihe way % peace through negotiation is Siistines such ore eifcicelt Unon the wap te ware But Zam oonfident thet wevate going to fir the way, an! one of tho major reasons that I an confident, TF eee tat the peoplo of the world evsrguharo want pace. And that has ‘eon true of people Uhee tire, linen and I have pat An every country that we Titited-cchineee, dapaneve, Auztrslsana, Mow Zoslandars, snoPdoen nen you elk to the péopLs below the polities? lovsleeand also ab the politieal Levels, let bo siy-cthatw in no quustlon but that their only deatre [pita ng fogtier So pace on Dont th tote nigh Wrought ‘the world, nd 05 a5 we Leake tovant thy Sulu, not only wii Jopan and the Untted States continue to live, to eu toqethor in puuee and An friendship, bub werk= aaidons., find fay Tsay in that’ connection, that vatle wo are adnittint mistakes by the United Statss, that one of them, Think, whieh should be wisictod 4s thet win wo agrood to give the Huseians Gnrwo seete in the Unite! Nations and the nent to aony Japan end other coun Etles even one sest, at vee a mdeteks, Ani iim United States, of course, wld. Continue to support the Tight of Japan to tako Ite rightful place dn the United Netione, working for our semion cbJective oF pusce. But with oll of our poorlea, working tegathor, there i no question ae to the oubeons, We undorstend the throat, fe are wilitng to make the ncces cary escritioes 10 mot it, realize thet ww met saet it-—togsther and inBeds dad most inportant of all, we avo on thy right eido--the olde of freee dor, the aide of Sustice-ageinet the fora. of totalitardanim and slevery. Riv that fe nooded £0 Inaderehiy, a Tan conten. that both Japan and the United States, a betwo>n cur ndons ani the other free nuthens, will and fan develop tho Inadership which will Bring tho world into a new’ ora viol eo sik wants an ere in ahioh the yotng prople of dapan, these 1ittle children That we nave ouen, the young poops of Aricn, of al] the world on both sides Of the Aron curtain, ean look’ fervent to prewing up in a world An which they. Uve tn peace end with Priealahip wath their notehbors throughout thy worlds

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