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Bestlink College of the Philippines

1.0 Introduction

Human Resource Management (HRM) is a relatively new approach to managing

people in any organization. People are considered the key resource in this approach it is
concerned with the people dimension in management of an organization. Since an
organization is a body of people, their acquisition, development of skills, motivation for
higher levels of attainments, as well as ensuring maintenance of their level of
commitment are all significant activities. These activities fall in the domain of HRM.

Human Resource Management System is an application of computer to employee

related record keeping and reporting. HRM is an integrated system used to gather, store
and analyze information regarding an organization’s human resources comprising of
databases, computer applications, hardware and software necessary to collect, record,
store, manage, deliver, present and manipulate data for human resources function.
Human Resource Management is a strategic and comprehensive approach to managing
people, it is important because it deals with the issues related to people such as
compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety,
wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training.

HRM deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring,

performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits,
employee motivation, communication, administration, and training. Human Resource
Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment
of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization.
HRM can also be performed by line managers. Effective HRM enables employees to
contribute effectively and productively to the overall company direction and the
accomplishment of the organization's goals and objectives. HRM is moving away from
traditional personnel, administration, and transactional roles, which are increasingly
outsourced. HRM is now expected to add value to the strategic utilization of employees
and that employee programs impact the business in measurable ways. The new role of

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HRM involves strategic direction and HRM metrics and measurements to demonstrate

What are the responsibilities of Human Resource Management? Human resource

is responsible for recruiting new employee’s, training, performance appraisals,
assessment, rewarding of employees, workplace safety, organizational leadership,
motivating employees as well as workplace communication and ensuring compliance
with employment and labor laws.

1.1 Project Overview

Max's Restaurant's beginnings started in 1945, After World War II, American
Occupation Troops stationed in Quezon City, Philippines, were befriended by Maximo
Gimenez, a Stanford-educated teacher. A few came to his nearby house for a drink or
two, until they insisted that they pay for their drinks. Maximo decided to open a cafe
which served chicken, steak and drinks. He was joined by Mercedes, his wife, and
Felipa, his sister-in-law. The cafe initially served chicken, steak and drinks. Maximo's
niece - Ruby, who managed the kitchen, created a special recipe for chicken that became
an instant favorite for the GIs. Soon enough, the Filipino public heard about the delicious
chicken - tender, juicy and crispy. Encouraged by her mother to expand the menu and
serve more Filipino food, Ruby set up the Baclaran branch along Roxas Boulevard in
Paranaque. Max's Restaurant was born. Over the years, Max's Restaurant's popularity
grew and became known as "the house that fried chicken built". It was decided that the
restaurant would be named Max’s which was Maximo’s nickname. It has expanded in
Metro Manila, Southern and Northern Luzon, Cebu and California, USA. Looking
towards the next millennium, Max's Restaurant has established itself as a household
name, an institution, and a proud Filipino tradition. Today Max's Restaurant has opened
a window of business opportunity for dynamic individuals interested and willing to
invest in the long standing tradition of quality which only a Max's Restaurant can offer.
It opened its doors to franchising for the first time in the second quarter of 1998. This is
the opportunity to join the thriving food service industry in the Philippines.

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Human Resource has come to be recognized as an inherent part of management,

which is concerned with the human resources of an organization. In other words, Human
Resource Management is concerned with getting better results with the collaboration of
people. It is an integral but distinctive part of management, concerned with people at
work and their relationships within the enterprise. We develop this system to keep more
records as well as better prepare for future growth. Our propose system is composed of
viewing, updating, and print some important files coming from the database. The system
help the user to reduce manual works and store it in the database to avoid lost of data.

Since our system is integrated with the other system, by the use of computerized
process it will very easy to connect. Human resource management deals with employees
on several levels. When conflicts arise, the HR staff may play a role in bringing about a
fair and speedy resolution. Human resources management also acts pre-emptively,
looking at issues such as job performance and employee interaction, taking measures to
make sure that things run smoothly

1.2 The Problem Domain

1.2.1 Statement of the Problem

 Slow process of their Human Resource

In the past recording keeping was done on paper and with

 Security of employee’s records as well as the company

Employees are becoming more sensitive about who sees their
personal information.

 Difficulty in monitoring their daily records

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They are just using papers and spreadsheets for their employee’s

 Slow retrieval of data

The information of employee’s are stored in different parts of
department and take a long time to retrieve the data.

 Paper Wastage
Much paper is waste due to the number of employees in company,
that’s why unproductive use of storage space happened.

 Poor Data Storage

All the data is stored in filling cabinets and because of that Data’s
could be misplaced due to human error or in the event of a break in data
on the employee could be stolen very easily.

 Unsecured data
Since data is stored in filing cabinets it is freely available to
anyone. Information may falls into the wrong hands.

1.3 Background and Objectives of the Project

a. Current relevant institutional gaps

 Many companies nowadays already using a computerized Human

Resource Management System for their HR process to lessen
problems when it comes to the security of their employee’s

 Traditionally, an employee's immediate boss conducts his or her

performance appraisal. However, some organizations use other
devices, such as peer evaluations, self‐appraisals, and even

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customer evaluations, for conducting this important task. The latest

approach to performance evaluation is the use of 360‐degree
feedback. The 360‐degree feedback appraisal provides
performance feedback from the full circle of daily contacts that an
employee may have. This method of performance appraisal fits
well into organizations that have introduced teams and employee

 Recruiting strategies. Many external recruiting strategies are

available, including the following: Employment agencies (private,
public, or temporary agencies), Executive recruiters (sometimes
called head-hunters), Unions, Employee referrals, Internship
program and Internet employment sites. But there's more to
recruiting than just attracting employees; managers need to be able
to weed out the top candidates. Once a manger has a pool of
applicants, the selection process can begin.

b.Improvements / Enhancements to the current running system

 The proponent realized that they need to enhance their slow

process of HR to a more computerized one and looked into
different Human Resources Management System. To keep more
accurate records as well as better prepare for future growth.
 Updating different types of projects to database and providing
detailed information about employees who are working on specific
 The Data’s / Files / records of every employee is securely keep
from this system that we develop to lessen the slow process in
retrieving the files of employees.
 Paper takes up a massive amount of room. If a computer system
were bought, the paper could all go and there would lots more free
space which could be used for other purposes.
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 It can hold more files in an organized way rather than a non

computerized system. It also doesn't take too long to find any
information about the employee. It is 99% free from human error
and cannot be tampered.

c. Request by users / Clientele for systems development initiative

 The clients wants to change their slow process of monitoring

their employee, and since they using manual they just want it to
enhance it into a computerized system enable for them to have a fast
and reliable system that could help them definitely in terms of
hiring, checking benefits, employee’s motivation, communication
and training and also they want to use a user friendly system to avoid
hustle to their work.

1.4 Significance and Scope of the project

 Human Resource Management System is a strategic and comprehensive

approach to managing people, it is important because it deals with the issues
related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management,
organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation,
communication, administration and training.

 HRM is defined as an integrated system used to gather, store and analyze

information regarding an organization’s human resources comprising of
databases, computer applications, hardware and software necessary to collect,
record, store, manage, deliver, present and manipulate data for human
resources function.

 Employee’s Information- Access of viewing employee’s records including

employee’s status, service history, contacts especially personal information are

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 Hiring and Recruiting- The proposed system will be able to post

advertisements with connection to hiring employees.

 Security -For the confidentiality of employee information the system is

protected with password.

 Employee Filing of any kind of leave- Access to key employee information

(status, service history, contacts, personal information).

 Performance Appraisal and training details- the proposed system have a record
for performance evaluation of the employee.

 End of Contract- To avoid overdue of working days.

 Performance Rating – A rating is supposed to be assessed for the actual

performance of a given year. As commonly known, someone’s performance
carries the execution of specific goals along with the skills they exhibited to
carry out those objectives. The combined assessment of what they
accomplished and how they accomplished it makes up the final rating for that
year. In theory, someone ranked highly in the talent review process should
demonstrate high performance year over year. In practice however, even highly
talented individuals may have “off years” where they did not achieve all the
expected objectives. This does not necessarily mean that their talent has
diminished or that they should be viewed as such.

 Employment Test - is the practice of administering written, oral, or other tests

as a means of determining the suitability or desirability of a job applicant. The
premise is that if scores on a test correlate with job performance, then it is
economically useful for the employer to select employees based on scores from
that test.

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 Leave Request – Human Resources has developed resources under the Life
Events heading to help employees plan for leave. To offer employees excused
personal leave of absence without pay when circumstances (such as health,
child/dependent care, education or personal needs) necessitate. Personal leaves
of absence will not be approved under any circumstances for temporary
workers, or employees who have completed less than one year of continuous
employment with more house School of Medicine, unless otherwise required by
applicable law.

The following are the beneficiaries and their benefits from the computerized
Human Resource Management System:

1. Restaurant Owner – The owner will not having a hard time to monitor the
records and information of their employee. For the security of the system,
the owner has to input a username and password to use the system. The
system will automatically view the information of employee. They don’t
have to exert time in looking for the record of their employees.
2. Programmer – One benefit of a programmer is personal satisfaction in
creating a system. Computer technology changes daily, this provides
opportunities for learning and growth. As technologies change, so do skill
3. Future Programmer – we, the students, have benefits in proposing a
computerized HR system to enhance our skills in information technology.
And this is a big help for us in our future careers.

1.5 Documentation of existence and Seriousness of the problem

1.5.1 Documentation of current systems (if any)

Manual Paper-based Systems

Developing a manual system - Financial constraints may require that a

laboratory use a manual, paper-based system for all
its information management. Careful planning,
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attention to detail, and awareness of problems can

allow for the development of a good paper-based
system that will provide satisfactory service.

Registers, logs and worksheets - The logbook or register can be

supplemented by the use of daily logbooks. For
example, a separate logbook might be used to keep
track of the numbers of employees.

Data entry - When using a paper system, it is important

to emphasize to staff that all data entry must be
complete. A computerized system usually requires
that all “essential fields” contain data, but in
handwritten records there is no check on this point.

Legibility - Illegible writing may be a problem, but it

must be addressed; emphasize to employees the
importance of legibility. Carefully consider the ease
of use, and legibility of the final report of results - it
is the primary product of the laboratory, so make
sure it is done properly and professionally

Handwritten reports - When handwritten reports are issued, the

company needs a copy for its files or archives. Not
having an exact copy of the report can lead to later
problems, if errors in transcription occur. It is
imperative that the records be kept in a safe place
where they can be easily retrieved

Storing paper-based materials - When storing paper-based materials, keep in

mind that the goals are to be able to find a result,
trace a sample throughout its pathway in the entire
process, and evaluate a problem or an occurrence to
find its source.

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Some useful rules to think about are:

 Keep everything, but develop a system for

when and how to discard.
 Ensure easy access to information by those
who need it.

Paper is fragile, and vulnerable to water, fire, humidity, and vermin (rodents and insects).
Use a storage area that will protect against these elements as much as possible.

1.5.2 Problem/s identified with the existing systems

All of the company have the same problem with regards of their manual works
one of this is lost of files and difficult in retrieving employee’s information
that place at the cabinet so hustle to work.

1.5.3 Process models of existing systems contributing to the problem

1.5.4 Data models

1.5.5 Data (or any form of statistics) that may be relevant to prove existence
and seriousness of the identified problems.

1.6 Review of Existing Alternatives

1.6.1 Description of how user/s clientele currently cope with the problem

 We asked the companies about their HR department process and they explain
some ways to solve their problems. One of this is on how to protect the
important documents of every employee. Their solution to that is, by placing
it in a safe place. They also solve their problem regarding of their recruiting
and hiring of new employees, their solution is to give a fliers and lastly their
problem with regards to the absences of employee, their solution to that
problem is to give employee a form where they are obligated to fill up to let
HR department determine their absences.

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1.6.2 Assess the best available resources for addressing the problem

1.6.3 Describe how you propose to take advantage of existing and current best
practices in your project

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2.0 Review of Related Literature

Foreign Literature

According to John Hart (1999) appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of Restaurant
and Catering in Australia. John Hart stated that Restaurant and Catering Australia (R&C) use
Online Training Portal to help owners and their employees with learning and development
opportunities that enhance capability, competency and ultimately your competitive
differentiation. And as such is able to deliver nationally recognised certificate level training and
industry short courses. Competitively priced regulatory and professional development courses
are available across multiple states and in a variety of delivery methods: face to face client
premises, face to face at selected venues and distance learning online. As and when government
funded training becomes available R&C extends free places to members and their employees.
The recent additions of the “On Line” course capability provides a great opportunity for regional
and metro members to up skill and keep abreast of industry developments in a cost and time
effective manner. Through the Doing Business Better program we also run a number of informal
educational seminars across the country covering topical and on-trend areas of interest to our
members. Presentations and interactive sessions range from key trends influencing food, wine,
service and fit outs through to social media and consumer activation strategies and innovations.
After you register for an online course you will be given access to the Online Training Portal.

According to Sumathi V. Selvaretnam, the role of the HR professional has evolved with
new business demands. HR is now expected to play a more proactive role, engaging different
business units to drive HR-business alignment. “Increasingly, HR is expected to play a strategic
business-partnering role in the organisation, contribute to business growth and productivity,
drive change management, and establish organisational culture,” says Gog Soon Joo, Executive
Director, Institute for Adult Learning (IAL) Singapore.

Today’s HR professional also needs to go beyond his or her main domain and grasp a
good understanding of areas such as finance, legal and operations. According to the HR
Certification Institute, the field of HR is constantly evolving and changing as technology,
legislation and other factors shape policies and procedures. “Many of today’s HR professionals
oversee the function for offices across the world and must understand workforce regulations for a

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number of jurisdictions,” it says. “They also must be able to translate their understanding of HR
regulations to the business and serve as advisors to the C-suite on how to shape the workforce for
success.” With the economic restructuring taking place in the local operating environment, HR
will also need to play a key role keeping its workforces employable through workplace learning
and workforce development, Gog says. “As the economic landscape toughens, heads of
companies are also demanding clearer demonstrations of how these deliver value to their
business. Most HR professionals are great with the HR Management aspect, but when it comes
to HR Development, or what some call Capability Development, many are unfamiliar or lack
experience, says Arthur Chiang, Assistant Director, Learning, Curriculum and Design, Kaplan

HR professionals who want to find future success would benefit from learning about the
industry in which their organisations operate and how it is affected by the economy and
competition. According to the HR Certification Institute: “They also should be social media
savvy, as the social media landscape has – and will continue to – greatly influence how
companies and HR departments communicate with former, current and potential employees.”
Other areas that an HR professional should consider learning more about for a successful career
in today’s global economy include global economies, data privacy and security regulations,
cross-cultural communications, and strategic planning, the Institute said. It is also advantageous
for HR professionals to develop themselves as “T-Shaped” professionals, says Gog. A T-shaped
professional is one who focuses on both attaining deeper expertise as well as holistic
development beyond specific industry specialisation. “Developing oneself as a T-Shaped
professional would afford (HR professionals) more career mobility, and help them to move and
develop their career across industries,” Gog says. For example, HR Development professionals
need to learn how to plan ahead to ensure they are able to demonstrate the business impacts of
workforce development investments. This will combat the increasing pressures to justify
company investments in training its workforce, says Gog. “This means they need to learn how to
obtain good ROI data.” As Singapore continues to strive for productivity gains, there is also a
need for HR professionals to analyse their organisational needs, profiling and equipping
employees with the right competencies, developing their capabilities, and importantly, retaining
them. “I suppose most companies don’t invest a lot in these aspects because it’s tedious work –
but nonetheless, it’s important,” Chiang says.

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Beijing Foreign Enterprise Human Resources Service Co., Ltd. (FESCO) founded in
1979 and being the first company in China to provide professional service of human resources
(HR) to foreign enterprises' representative offices in China, foreign financial institutions and
economic organizations, has a long history of providing professional HR service and is highly
experienced in the market and fully qualified to provide such service. As one of the top 500
enterprises in China, FESCO is the primary HR strategic partner for multinational companies in
China and is reputed to be the best in competitiveness and brand value in China’s HR service
industry. As a leading company in China's HR service industry, FESCO provides service to
above 10,000 customers from hundreds of countries and regions as well as 700,000 domestic and
overseas employees working for these institutions. The customers include a large number of
leading multinational companies, exclusively owned foreign enterprises, joint ventures of
Chinese companies and foreign companies, cooperative companies of Chinese companies and
foreign companies, state-owned enterprises, private businesses, covering high-tech industries like
communication electronics, IT, bio-technology, Internet, automobile and many other industries
such as petrochemical, medical, financial and fast consumables industry.

By relying on its website and call centre among other technical facilities, FESCO
provides services in recruitment, dispatch, personnel welfare outsourcing, IT personnel
outsourcing, finance outsourcing and foreign personnel service. FESCO has established over 60
investment companies and branches across China and formed a service network reaching out to
280 cities 31 provinces and autonomous regions from its two centres in Beijing and Shanghai.
The service mode of "contract signing in one place for services across the country" provides
great convenience for its customers. At the end of 2010, FESCO joined hands with Adecco to
establish FESCO Adecco, a joint venture in Shanghai. The joint venture is not only a milestone
in FESCO's Go-International initiative but also a new starting point on its way to the
international arena. In the future, FESCO will constantly improve its abilities in participating in
international competition so as to contribute to the international and professional development of
China's HR service industry.

In their HR management FESCO assume the responsibility as the employer who

dispatches employees, Management of employees’ HR profiles and labor contracts,
Management, accounting and payment of employees’ salaries, paying employees’ social

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insurance, Counting and paying personal income taxes on behalf of employees, Implementation
of other employee welfare programs and the settlement of employees’ labor dispute.

Anne-Wil Harzing is Professor in International Management at the University in

Melbourne, Australia. Her research interests include international HRM, expatriate management,
HQ -subsidiary relationships, cross-cultural management and the role of language in
international business. According to her Human resource management (HRM) has been
perceived by many observers as a key ingredient accounting for the success of Japanese
companies on world markets during the 1980s. Suggestions of how Western managers could
learn from Japanese HRM practices were plentiful. Only one decade later, however, Japan went
into a recession from which it has not yet fully recovered. Paradoxically, these same HRM
practices are now being viewed by a series of authors as the root of the malaise. This chapter
investigates whether Japanese HR managers are now planning to learn from the West. More
specifically, it explores whether Japanese HR managers are keen to learn from Western (in this
case American and German) HRM and what they intend to adopt. In order to find answers to
these questions we study Japanese HR manager’s intentions and practices at two levels: at
headquarters (HQ) and at subsidiary level.

Local Literature

ZenHours is the first real fully automated Leaves and Overtime tracking solution
specifically made for the Philippines. Unlike other systems where Leaves & Overtime Tracking
and are different individual systems, with ZenHours they're all fully integrated hence no need for
manual and repetitive encoding. ZenHours is also managed hence updates for government
reports that change regularly are always available. ZenHours was designed and developed by us,
Cr8v Web Solutions, one of the Philippines' top software firms, which means we have no
problem fully customizing it and tailor-fitting ZenHours to our clients' needs. Compared to our
competitors, we did not outsource the development of this system to a third party nor are we just
reselling something imported from other countries.

According to Cr8v Web Solutions, ZenHours track your employees’ schedule,

attendance, leaves and overtime. Find out whose on-time, who's late and who's absent real time.
ZenHours makes it easy to track your employees' attendance, breaks, overtime and leaves.
Managers can review, approve or reject overtime and leaves applications online. And our
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powerful scheduling system can manage even the most complicated BPO-style shifting

Restaurant Human Resource Group believes surrounding your restaurant with the best
people and people systems is truly what separates you from your competitors. That's where they
come in. With their team of HR and recruiting experts, they can help manage your staffing, HR
admin, benefits, HR training and more. Essentially, what they do is give you the time you need
to do what you love – run your restaurant. They are not a one-size-fits-all company and they
support restaurants of all sizes. They can evolve the way they support your restaurant as your
needs change. They pride there selves on being flexible, affordable and adding enormous value
to the restaurants they support.

With regards to the human resources of RHRG, they provide Employee Handbooks, Job
Descriptions, Unemployment Claims Administration, Reward and Recognition Programs,
Employee Relations/Grievances Guidance, HRIS Implementation and Management, HR Best
Practices, Employment assessments, and Criminal Background Checks. Their Benefits
administration, RHRC gives Benefits Implementation and Renewal to their employees, Medical,
Dental, Vision, Disability and Life Insurance, Flexible Spending, and Workers Compensation.
Under staffing of RHRG are Job Postings, Job Fairs/Hiring Events/Open Calls, Source &
Interview Candidates, Hourly Crew, Management, Corporate, Executive, Reference Checks, and
Offer Letters. In their Leadership and Development, they Customized Leadership workshops,
Seminars and training sessions, Ongoing guidance and coaching, and Personal Development
Plans. In compliance, they manage employment eligibility verifications and Equal Pay Act,
Overtime, Minimum wage.

Foreign Studies

Michael Armstrong (1977) is an honours graduate in economics from London School of

Economics, a companion of a Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and a Fellow of
the Institute of Management Consultancy. According to him, Human Resource Management
(HRM) and Human Resources (HR) have largely replaced the term “personnel management” as
a description of processes involves in managing people in organization. Human Resource
Management is a strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization’s most
valued assets – the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the
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achievements of its objectives. Storey (1989) believes that HRM can be regarded as an asset of
interrelated policies with an ideological and philosophical underpinning. He explains six
coherent ways that HRM operates through human resource systems: First is the HR Philosophies,
this describes the overarching values and guiding principles adopted in managing people. Second
is the HR Strategies, defining the direction in which HRM intends to go. Third is the HR
Policies, which are the guidelines defining how this values, principles and the strategies should
applied and implemented in specific areas of HRM. Fourth is the HR Processes, consisting of the
formal procedures and methods used to put HR strategic plans and policies into effect. Fifth is
the HR Practices, compromising the informal approaches used in managing people. Lastly is the
HR Programmes, which enable HR strategies, policies and practices to be implemented
according to plan.

The other founding fathers of HRM were the Harvard School of Beer et al (1984) who
developed what Boxall (1992) calls the Harvard Framework. This framework is based on the
belief that the problems of historical personnel management can only be solved: when general
and managers develop a viewpoint of how they wish to see employees involved in and developed
by the enterprise and of what HRM policies and practices may achieve those goals. Without
either a central philosophy or a strategic vision – which can be provided only by general
managers – HRM is likely to remain a set of independent activities each guided by its own
practice tradition. Beer and his colleagues believed that today many pressures demanding a
broader, more comprehensive and more strategic perspective with regard to the organizations
human resources. These pressures have created a need for: a longer - term perspective in
managing of people and consideration of people as potentials assets rather than merely a variable
cost. They were the first to underline the HRM tenet that it belongs to line managers. They also
stated that Human Resource Management involves all management decisions and actions that
affect the nature of the relationship between the organizations and its employees – its human
resources. The Harvard school suggested that HRM had two characteristic features: 1) line
managers accept more responsibility for ensuring the alignment of competitive strategy and
personnel policies; 2) personnel has the mission of setting policies that govern how personnel
activities are developed and implemented in ways that make them mutually reinforcing. But
these characteristic of HRM are by no means universal. There are many models, and practices

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within different organizations are diverse, often only corresponding to the conceptual version of
HRM in a few respects.

Perhaps the most significant feature of HRM is the important attached to strategic
integration, which flows from top management’s vision and leadership, and which requires the
full commitment of people to it. Guest (1987, 1989a, 1989b, and 1991) believes that this is a
key policy goal for HRM, which is concerned with the ability of the organization to integrate
HRM issues into its strategic plans, to ensure that the various aspects of HRM cohere, and to
encourage line mangers to incorporate an HRM perspective into their decisions – making. Guest
wrote that one of the HRM policy goals was the achievement of high commitment – behavioural
commitment to pursue agreed goal and attitudinal commitment reflected in a strong identification
with the enterprise. Guest (1989a) has suggested that there are two contradictory concerns about
HRM. The first is formulated by Legge (1995) is that while management rhetoric may express
concern for workers, the reality is harsher. Keenoy (1997) complains that the real puzzle of
HRMism is how in the face of such apparently overwhelming critical “refutation” it has secured
such influence and institutional presence. Guest (1989b) remarks that it s difficult to treat HRM
as a major threat (though what it is a threat to is not always made explicit) deserving of serious
critical analysis while at the same time claiming that it is not practiced or is ineffective. It was
noted by Karen Legge (1995) that human resources may be tapped most effectively by mutually
consistent policies that promote commitment and which as consequence, foster willingness in
employees to act flexibly in the interest of the “adaptive organization’s” pursuit of excellence.
But this emphasis on commitment has been criticized from the earliest days of HRM. Guest
(1987) asked: “commitment to what?” and Fowler (1987) has stated, At the heart of the concept
is complete identification of employees with the aims and values of the business – employee
involvement but on the company’s terms. Power in the HRM system remains very firmly in the
hands of the employer. It is really possible to claim full mutuality when at the end of the day the
employer can decide unilaterally to close the company or sell it so someone else. Karren Legge
(1995) holds that human resources are valuable and a source of competitive advantage.

Local Studies

According to Professor Dr. Nagy Sandor, Human resource management is an essential

part for any organization. Moreover, development of this department is the first step, the ground

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on which the future of the company depends. It is essential for any every single business unit and
especially for such international company as coca-cola company. Human resource management
has many advantages as well as disadvantage. It is the global company and it is impossible to
create certain policies or procedures applicable in all divisions of the company, cultural and
political differences need to be taken into account. Human Resources Management focuses on
the acquisition and retention of highly skilled and knowledgeable employees so that it can
maintain its top position in the market. It treats these resources as an asset. It provides such
conditions of employment and procedures that enables all employees to develop a sense of unity
with the enterprise and to carry out their duties in the most willing and effective manner. It also
provides for the security of employment to the workers so that they may not be distracted by the
uncertainties of their future. These objectives, strategies, policies, and programs are pre-specified
by the company, which guides the management and unions in taking decisions. Also they are in
accordance with the organization's mission, objectives, strategies, policies and its and internal
external environments.

Ayesha Mirza stated that HRM is one of the most critical aspects of organizational
management in the 21st Century. No matter whether an organization is a non-profit, start-up
enterprise, or mature business employees are crucial to achieving objectives, delivering results
and being successful. The activity once known as personnel and now more commonly described
as human resource management (HRM) is a fundamental aspect of successful management.

The most important HRM practices are :1) HR planning (i.e. to forecast and foresee the
future business and employee needs and plan for them)2) Recruitment and selection job
descriptions, selection tools, background checks, offers3) Compensation (i.e. methods,
consistency, market)4) Employee relations(i.e. labor agreements, performance management,
disciplinary procedures, employee recognition)5) Mandated benefits (i.e. social security,
unemployment insurance, worker's compensation, COBRA/HIPPA)6) Optional group benefits
(i.e. insurance, time off benefits, flexible benefits, retirement plans, employee assistance
programs, perks)7) Payroll (i.e. internal vs. external options, compliance)8) Recordkeeping (i.e.
HRIS, personnel files, confidential records, I-9,other forms)9) Training and development (i.e.
new employee orientation, staff development, technical and safety, leadership, tuition
reimbursement, career planning) 10) Employee communications (i.e. handbook, newsletter,

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recognition programs, announcements, electronic communication)11) Internal communications

(i.e. policies and procedures, management development, management reporting).

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Analysis and Design

3.1 Software Requirements Specification

- These are the software requirements, enlists all necessary requirements that are
required for the developing a project.

Language : JAVA NetBeans 7.3.1

Database : Sqlyog

Operating System : Windows7

Memory : 32GB

3.1.1 Introduction

Max's Restaurant's beginnings started in 1945, After World War II,

American Occupation Troops stationed in Quezon City, Philippines, were
befriended by Maximo Gimenez, a Stanford-educated teacher. A few came to his
nearby house for a drink or two, until they insisted that they pay for their
drinks. Maximo decided to open a cafe which served chicken, steak and
drinks. He was joined by Mercedes, his wife, and Felipa, his sister-in-law. The
cafe initially served chicken, steak and drinks. Maximo's niece - Ruby, who
managed the kitchen, created a special recipe for chicken that became an instant
favorite for the GIs. Soon enough, the Filipino public heard about the delicious
chicken - tender, juicy and crispy. Encouraged by her mother to expand the menu
and serve more Filipino food, Ruby set up the Baclaran branch along Roxas
Boulevard in Paranaque. Max's Restaurant was born. Over the years, Max's
Restaurant's popularity grew and became known as "the house that fried chicken
built". It was decided that the restaurant would be named Max’s which was
Maximo’s nickname. It has expanded in Metro Manila, Southern and Northern
Luzon, Cebu and California, USA. Looking towards the next millennium, Max's
Restaurant has established itself as a household name, an institution, and a proud
Filipino tradition. Today Max's Restaurant has opened a window of business
opportunity for dynamic individuals interested and willing to invest in the long
Project Study 1 Page 21
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standing tradition of quality which only a Max's Restaurant can offer. It opened
its doors to franchising for the first time in the second quarter of 1998. This is the
opportunity to join the thriving food service industry in the Philippines.

Human Resource Management System is an application of computer to

employee related record keeping, reporting and management decisions making.
Human Resource Management is a strategic and comprehensive approach to
managing people, it is important because it deals with the issues related to people
such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization
development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication,
administration, and training. HRM is an integrated system used to gather, store
and analyze information regarding an organization’s human resources’
comprising of databases, computer applications, hardware and software necessary
to collect, record, store, manage, deliver, present and manipulate data for human
resources function.

What are the responsibilities of Human Resource Management? Human

resource is responsible for recruiting new employee’s, training, performance
appraisals, assessment, rewarding of employees, workplace safety, organizational
leadership, motivating employees as well as workplace communication and
ensuring compliance with employment and labor laws. Goals and Objectives

To develop a system that updates employee’s information. To

update the employee’s details whenever there are changes in the
employees profile pertaining to that organization. To create a system
that focus on employee’s benefits. To secure all the record files of the
employee such as Employees compensation, attendance and employees
cash bond that they will get after of their contract. To create a system that
will merge the different parts of Human Resources including Payroll,

Project Study 1 Page 22

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labor productivity and benefit management. And lastly to design a system

that can access with the other parts of Human Resource. Statement of Scope

 Employee’s Information- Access of viewing employee’s records

including employee’s status, service history, contacts especially
personal information are available.

 Hiring and Recruiting- The proposed system will be able to

post advertisements with connection to hiring employees.

 Security -For the confidentiality of employee information the

system is protected with password.

 Employee Filing of any kind of leave- Access to key employee

information (status, service history, contacts, personal

 Performance Appraisal and training details- the proposed system

have a record for performance evaluation of the employee.

 End of Contract- To avoid overdue of working days.

 Performance appraisal- performance appraisal is a formal,

structured system designed to measure the actual job performance
of an employee against designated performance standards.
Although performance appraisals systems vary by organizations,
all employee evaluations should have the following: Specific,
job‐related criteria against which performance can be compared, a
rating scale that lets employees know how well they're meeting the
criteria and Objective methods, forms, and procedures to determine
the rating.

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 Employment Tests- Exam should be updated weekly, the proposed

system automatically counts the points of the examinees.
 Employee Schedule
 Recovery of Reports Software Context

The Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is a

software solution for the data entry, data tracking, and data
information needs of the Human Resources, payroll, management,
and accounting functions within a business. Normally packaged as a
data base, hundreds of companies sell some form of HRMS and
every HRMS has different capabilities. Typically, the better the
Human Resource Information Systems (HRMS) provide overall
management of all employee information, reporting and analysis of
employee information, complete integration with payroll and other
company financial software and accounting systems. An effective
HRMS provides information on just about anything the company
needs to track and analyze about employees, former employees, and
applicants. Your company will need to select a Human Resources
Information System and customize it to meet your needs. With an
appropriate HRIS, Human Resources staff enables employees to do
their own benefits updates and address changes, thus freeing HR
staff for more strategic Functions. Additionally, data necessary for
employee management, knowledge development, career growth and
development, and equal treatment is facilitated. Finally, managers
can access the information they need to legally, ethically, and
effectively support the success of their reporting employees. Major Constraints

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 Recruitment
The proposed system will not include the process of
recruiting employee online.

 Linked to other sites

The system is not able to link to other sites for other

 Payroll
Payroll manages the portion of accounting that is related to
salaries, wages, and bonuses for employees. The software must be
able to support the following set of functionality: payroll profile for
the employees, benefits and deductions, eligibility control,
user’s balance, tax deductions, as well as payroll calculations,
processing of payment, check printing, check distribution, tax
documentation, security and auditing and automated timesheets.

3.1.2 Usage Scenario User Profiles

 Administrator
An administrator can access, update and view the whole
profile of a system. Admin is also responsible for monitoring and
registering of new employees.
 HR Clerk
The HR Clerk can add and edit employee’s information,
and also print some reports.
 Employee
The employee can view some of their information and
previews list of their salary Use Cases

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 Log on to system
 Register employee and add employee
 View employees information
 Update and delete employees information
 View Reports
 Print reports and certificate of the employee
 View training list
 View performance evaluation list
 add users

HR Clerk:

 Log on to system
 register employee
 View employees information
 View Reports
 Print reports and certificate of the employee
 View training list
 View performance evaluation list


 View employees information

 View previous salary

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Update and
delete records

Print reports and


Assigning a

View and update


View and update

examination for

View employee’s

View previous

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Figure Use – Case Diagram of Max’s Human Resource Restaurant System

It is the overall used based for HR it shows the general responsibilities of each users. Use – Case Description

Use-case: Log on to system

Primary actor: Employee
Goal in context: To gain access to the system
Preconditions: The employee has the valid username and password
Trigger: An Employee needs access to the system to perform their job
Scenario: 1. The system prompts the employee for their user name and password.
2. The employee enters their username and password.
3. The system sends the username to the server.
4. The Web Server sends back the password registered to the username.
5. The system verifies the password and sets the user authorization.
6. The employee is given access to the system.
Exception: The user name and password cannot be verified.

Figure It shows the scenario in Log on to system.

Use-case: Register Employee

Primary actor: Administrator
Goal in context: To create account for the employee’s
Preconditions: Qualify for the given job
Trigger: The Admin will create an account for a new employee.
Scenario: 1.log on to system
2.the admin filled the employees information
3.the admin checks the additional details
4.the admin select SAVE
5.the system ask an confirmation

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6.the system save the information.

Exception: No vacant job position

Figure show the scenario in registering the employee’s info.

Use-case: Update employees Information

Primary actor: Administrator
Goal in context: To update account Information
Preconditions: The Admin should know the exact spelling of the employee’s name
Trigger: Account Information has been changed and needs to be update
Scenario: 1. The Admin logs on to the system.
2. The Admin selects edit account.
3. The system requests the record from the web server.
4. A form for the report is displayed on the screen.
5. The Admin edits some of the information that needs to be change.
6. The Admin Save the Information.
7. The system sends the updated records for storage.
8. The Administrator’s employee ID number and when the account has
been change are logged.
9. The Administrator receives confirmation that the information was

Figure show the process on how to update employee’s info.

Use-case: View Employee’s Information

Primary actor: Employee
Goal in context: To retrieve account information
Preconditions: The account exist
Trigger: The Administrator decides to view and summarized the reports.
Scenario: 1. The employee logs on to the system

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2. The Employee views the account information.

3. All information displayed on the screen.

Figure it show how to view employee’s information

Use-case: View Reports

Primary actor: Administrator
Goal in context: To view a Report
Preconditions: Information required for the report has previously been entered.
Trigger: The Administrator decides to view and summarized the reports.
Scenario: 1. The Admin logs on to the system.
2. The Admin view the reports.
3. The Admin selects the name of the reports.
4. The system requests the report from the Web Server.
5. The report displayed on the screen.
6. The Admin is given the option to close or print the records.
7. The report is closed or printed.

Figure the administrator view the reports

Use-case: Update performance evaluation

Primary actor: Administrator
Goal in context: To view performance evaluation
Preconditions: Information required for the report has previously been entered.
Trigger: The Administrator decides to view and summarized the evaluations.
Scenario: 1. The Admin logs on to the system.
2. The Admin view the evaluation reports.
3. The Admin selects the name of the reports.
4. The system requests the report from the Web Server.

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5. The evaluation list displayed on the screen.

6. The Admin is given the option to close or print the records.
7. The report is closed or printed.

Figure the administrator updates performance evaluation

Use-case: View previous salary

Primary actor: Employee/admin
Goal in context: To view past salary from the start of the contract
Preconditions: Information required for the report has previously been entered.
Trigger: The Administrator decides to view and create a reports for the
Scenario: 1. The Admin logs on to the system.
2. The Admin view the previous salary reports
3. The report is closed or printed.

Figure the employee/administrator can view the salary reports Special Usage Consideration

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Log onto
Diagram Prompt for Username and
Lock User ID
Enter: User name and password
of the System
Check number
Correct of
bad entries
Access granted

Figure Activity diagram for logging on the system

Admin should have an account (user name and a password) to access the system and also for the
system security.

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Register Employee
Activity Diagram

Record personal information

Validate records

Check available Position and


Register Employee

User account is created

Figure Activity diagram for Registering the Employee

This activity diagram shows how to record the employee’s information in a system, employee’s
registration and employees should have a user account.

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View/ Update Employee’s

Logon to system

Select: Employee’s information

Select Search button

Enter Employee’s name

Display information

Select Edit

Determine user Authorization

Edit record

Save record


Figure Activity diagram for View / Updates Employee Information

HR admin can only view and updates employees’ information in a system.

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View and Print Reports

Activity Diagram

Log on to System

Determine User Authorization

[Not Administrator]


Select report

Display report

Prompt to print report



yes report

Figure Activity Diagram for Viewing and Printing Reports

HR should log on to the system then select the reports you want to print or view.

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View and update

performance evaluation

Log on to system

Select: performance
rating and evaluation

Display report

Select: print or update

Print report

Figure Activity diagram for Viewing performance rating and evaluation

Log on first before you select performance rating and evaluation you want to print or update.

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View and print previous


Employee Administrator

Log on to system Log on to system

Select: previous salary Select: previous salary

report report

Search: employee’s id
Search: employee’s id

Display previous salary

Figure Activity diagram for viewing the previous salary of the employee

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Log on to system

Verifying the users


Verifying the users

Figure Activity diagram for Assigning task to the designated department

3.1.3 Data Model Description Data Objects

Registering an employee

User ID : Unique number of an employee

User Password : Employee’s password use to log in to the
Username : Employee’s last name and first name
Age : Employee’s age
Address : Employee’s address
Department : Department to be designated
Position : Employee’s position to be given
Birthday : Employee’s birthday

Educational attainment

Elementary : Name of school attended in elementary

Secondary : Name of school attended in secondary
Tertiary : Name of school attended in tertiary level

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Employment history

Company name : Name of company

Employer name : Name of the company owner
Reasons for leaving : State the reason for your resignation on
your past job
Date Assign : Beginning of your contract
Date of deadline : Date of your end of contract

Performance Evaluation Data Objects

User ID : Unique number of an employee

User Name : Employee’s last name and first name
Department : Department to be designated
Position : Employee’s position to be given
Date Assign : Beginning of your contract
Date of deadline : Date of your end of contract
Assigned task : Task assigned by your employer
Remarks : Remarks for you performance

Add User Accounts

User ID : Unique number of an employee
User Password : Employee’s password use to log in to the
User Name : Employee’s last name and first name
Department : Department to be designated Relationships

The Human Resource is responsible for hiring a good employee to

register the information on the system. The first step in getting the
employee’s information is, HR need to hire a employee and give the
application form to be filled after that HR record the information in the
system therefore One-to-many relationship exist ere between HR and the

The HR /Admin need to monitor the daily and weekly

performances of the employee. The HR records the remarks for this
employee if he/she reaches the qualification of being a good employee.
One-to-many exist in this situation between the Officer and the employees.

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In viewing the previous salary the employee can access that by

logging on the system the hr help the employee in that situation. The
employee enters their password on the system to access it. One-to-One
exist here because the entire employee can access the system. Entity Relational Diagram




Employee’s Accounts Password

save User ID

Pag-ibig employee

philhealth compensation and view Employee_name

Rate per Employee_age

hour Employee’s info.
salary Figure Employee Erd


Project Study 1 Page 40

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Employee’s info
Pk Emp_ID

Performance Eval. Add accounts

PK Emp_ID Pk User_ID
Emp_lname User_lname
Emp_fname User_fname
Emp_position User_Designate


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3.1.4 Functional Model Description Class Diagrams

A class is a description of a set of objects that share the same

attributes, operations, relationships and semantics.

HR Name:

0 *add employee

*view and delete employee’s

Training list info. 0
*view training list Compensation report
Employee department:
Employee ID: *Update employee’s info. Employee department:
Employee Name: Employee ID:
*view and print reports Employee Name:
*skill Rate/hour:
*start date Total work hours:
*duration of training Total salary:
*start date
*duration of training


Employee ID:
Employee Name:
Employee department:

*View employee’s info.

*view previous salary

Project Study 1 Page 42

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HR Administration – admin access all the part of the system responsible in

add, edit and delete employee’s information , monitor the training list to
avoid over due of training and also in keeping it safe by using password.

Employee Information – composed of employee id no., employee name,

and department. Employee can also view employee’s information and
view previous salary.

Compensation report - HR monitors the compensation of the employee

every cut-off before the pay day to check it, this report is coming from the
accounting department. Software Interface Description External Machine Interfaces

The software is capable for printing reports....... External System Interfaces Human Interfaces

The web pages shall permit complete navigation using

the keyboard alone, in addition to using mouse and keyboard
combinations. Reports Inventory of Reports

All the upcoming reports is coming form the accounting

and vendor system. Layout of Reports Data Dictionary of Reports

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3.1.5 Behavioural Model Description Description for Software Behaviour Events

 Hr register an employee in the system

 Hr recruit employee
 Hr hired an employee
 Hr give an examination
 Hr file all the reports
 Employee class events
 Employee is hired
 Employee log in to the system
 Employee log out to the system
 Employee gets promoted
 Employee is no longer employed States

Admin states Description

Monitoring - admin monitor the performance of he


Terminate - admin can terminate the employee.

Promotion - admin give’s a promotion to the employee

based ion their performance rating.

Accounts - admin can change the accounts of their


Register - admin can register new user and

employees to the system.

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Employee’s states Description

Hired - an employee has been hired and new

account must be set up.

Promoted - the employee has been promoted and

their access privileges may need to

Online - the employee has logged on to the


Offline - the employee has log off to the system.

Terminated - the employee has been terminated and

must be blocked from using the system State Chart Diagram

3.1.6 Restrictions, Limitations and Constraints

The project becomes very useful and enough to solve the particular
problem of company. Just like other system our proposed system have also
limitations and restrictions for example in monitoring of time and attendance of
the employee, Payroll and compensation of each personnel are not included,
accounting department are only responsible in doing that. HR department get
the reports every cut-off just to check it, and lastly, HR didn’t compute the total
salary of employee accounting also responsible for that. In personnel
information the personal family background of the employee are not included in
the personal data of the system.

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3.1.7 Validation Criteria Classes of Test

To prove that our proposed system is already running the following

content should also functions.

 Add employee
 View employee’s information
 Update employee’s information
 Print reports
 Update employment exam
 View previous salary of the employee
 Connected to the other system (vendor & accounting system) Expected Software Response

 The software should display an error message when a value outside

they accepted limits is entered.
 The software should not be capable of deleting customer record
in the system. Performance Bounds

3.2 Software Design Specification Documents

3.2.1 Introduction Goals and Objectives

To develop a system that updates employee’s information. To update

the employee’s details whenever there are changes in the employees profile
pertaining to that organization. To create a system that focus on employee’s
benefits. To secure all the record files of the employee such as Employees

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compensation, attendance and employees cash bond that they will get after of
their contract. To create a system that will merge the different parts of Human
Resources including Payroll, labor productivity and benefit management. And
lastly to design a system that can access with the other parts of Human
Resource. There are many goals for which the system is developed such as:
 Update the employee records.
 Security of data.
 Efficient Statement of Scope

 Employee’s Information - Access of viewing employee’s records

including employee’s status, service history, contacts especially
personal information are available.

 Hiring and Recruiting - The proposed system will be able to

post advertisements with connection to hiring employees.

 Security - For the confidentiality of employee information the

system is protected with password.

 Employee Filing of any kind of leave - Access to key employee

information (status, service history, contacts, personal

 Performance Appraisal and training details - the proposed system

have a record for performance evaluation of the employee.

 End of Contract - To avoid overdue of working days.

 Performance appraisal - performance appraisal is a formal,

structured system designed to measure the actual job performance
Project Study 1 Page 47
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of an employee against designated performance standards.

Although performance appraisals systems vary by organizations,
all employee evaluations should have the following: Specific,
job‐related criteria against which performance can be compared, a
rating scale that lets employees know how well they're meeting the
criteria and Objective methods, forms, and procedures to determine
the rating.
 Employment Tests - Exam should be updated weekly, the proposed
system automatically counts the points of the examinees.
 Employee Schedule – Assigning task for employee.
 Recovery of Reports -
 Time Keeping

Major Inputs
 Employee Information
 Recruiting and Hiring of employee
 Security
 Employee’s filing of leave
 Performance Appraisal
 Training details
 End of contract
 Contract renewal
 Employment Test
 Employee Schedule
 Attendance Tracking
 Overtime

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Processing Functionalities
Function Priority
Employee information entry Essential
Recruiting and Hiring of employee Essential
Security of data Essential
Employee’s filing of leave Desirable
Performance Appraisal Essential
Performance Evaluation Essential
End of contract Essential
Contract renewal Desirable
Employment Test Essential
Employee Schedule Essential
Attendance Tracking Essential
Overtime Essential
Training details Essential

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Employee Information reports, Assigning employee task ..... Software Context

The Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is a

software solution for the data entry, data tracking, and data information
needs of the Human Resources, payroll, management, and accounting
functions within a business. Normally packaged as a data base, hundreds
of companies sell some form of HRMS and every HRMS has different
capabilities. Typically, the better the Human Resource Information
Systems (HRMS) provide overall management of all employee
information, reporting and analysis of employee information, complete
integration with payroll and other company financial software and
accounting systems. An effective HRMS provides information on just
about anything the company needs to track and analyze about employees,
former employees, and applicants. Your company will need to select a
Human Resources Information System and customize it to meet your
needs. With an appropriate HRIS, Human Resources staff enables
employees to do their own benefits updates and address changes, thus
freeing HR staff for more strategic Functions. Additionally, data necessary
for employee management, knowledge development, career growth and
development, and equal treatment is facilitated. Finally, managers can
access the information they need to legally, ethically, and effectively
support the success of their reporting employees.

Project Study 1 Page 50

Bestlink College of the Philippines Major Constraints

 Recruitment
The proposed system will not include the process of
recruiting employee online.

 Linked to other sites

The system is not able to link to other sites for other

 Payroll
Payroll manages the portion of accounting that is related to
salaries, wages, and bonuses for employees. The software must be
able to support the following set of functionality: payroll profile for
the employees, benefits and deductions, eligibility control,
user’s balance, tax deductions, as well as payroll calculations,
processing of payment, check printing, check distribution, tax
documentation, security and auditing and automated timesheets.

3.2.2 Data Design Internal Data Structure Global Data Structure Temporary Data Structure Database Description

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