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Jessica Bowlby

Statement of Intent

I have always known from a very young age that I wanted to be an educator. My mom

and my great grandma were both educators. When I was younger, my mom would take me to

school with her and I was able to see how she taught and how other teachers at her school taught.

She has always been my biggest inspiration to become a teacher. My mom seems to make her

students feel comforted and safe. She always acts warm and friendly towards them and they act

the same in return. She teaches in a way that is fun and interesting for the students.

During my first year of college while attending Ohio University, I decided that I wanted

to be an art educator. However, Ohio University does not offer an art education program so I

looked into the Art Education Program here at The Ohio State University. I quickly decided that

I wanted to get my degree through the top ranked Department of Arts Administration, Education

and Policy at The Ohio State University.

Over the years, I have gained many skills and traits that give me the ability to become a

strong art educator. Some of my traits and abilities include determination, compassion, and

inspiration. I believe that all three of these traits combined would give me the character to

become a great art teacher. I am detail oriented, which will give me the ability to see the small

details in my students and bring them to their full potential. The faculty in the Department of

Arts Administration, Education and Policy has been extremely helpful, passionate, and inspiring.

They have helped me discover my potential to become an art educator.

I believe that everyone’s artistic ability is unique in its own way. Not all children are on

the same artistic level. As an art teacher, I would strive to promote the concept that art is meant

to show expression and there is no incorrect way to create art. Art education is a very important

part of our children’s lives. Children have opportunities in art classes that they do not have in

other classes. Art allows children to be expressive and creative. Children can be their true selves

while in their art class.

The Art Education Program at The Ohio State University can give me the knowledge and

resources I need to pursue a career in art education. They offer opportunities that I would not be

able to receive at any other institution. Art education is vital in children’s lives in order to

produce a healthy understanding of the artistic world. The Art Education Department empowers

its students to foster this idea and apply it in their own teaching.

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