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Tewu, Claudia

The main character

o Christian - Husband and father stricken by spiritual crisis. Christian is told

by a messenger to leave his doomed city and begin a journey of progress
toward spiritual achievement.
o Evangelist - The messenger carrying the Gospel, or word of Christ, to
o Obstinate - A neighbor of Christian’s in the City of Destruction who refuses
to accompany.
o Pliable - A neighbor of Christian’s who accompanies him for a while.
o Help - Fellow pilgrim who helps pull Christian from the Slough of Despond.
o Worldly Wiseman - A reasonable and practical man whom Christian
encounters early in his journey.
o Formalist - A traveler whom Christian meets along the wall of Salvation.
o Hypocrisy - Formalist’s travel companion.
o Discretion - One of the four mistresses of the Palace Beautiful. Discretion
takes Christian in and feeds him.
o Piety - One of the four mistresses of the Palace Beautiful. Piety asks Christian
about his journey so far.
o Prudence - One of the four mistresses of the Palace Beautiful.
o Charity - One of the four mistresses of the Palace Beautiful
o The Interpreter - Spiritual guide who shelters Christian..
o Apollyon - Fierce monster with fish scales, bear feet, and dragon wings.
o Shining Ones - Three celestial creatures who clothe Christian with new
o Faithful - Fellow pilgrim from Christian’s hometown who reports on the city
they both left behind
o Talkative - Fellow pilgrim who travels alongside Christian and Faithful for a
o Mr. By-ends - A user of religion for personal ends and social profit..
o Hopeful - Pilgrim who replaces Faithful as Christian’s travel
o Giant Despair - Master of the Doubting Castle
o Diffidence - Giant Despair’s wife..

Plot Overview

The narrator defends the story he is about to tell, which is framed as a dream. He
explains that he fell asleep in the wilderness and dreamed of a man named Christian,
who was tormented by spiritual anguish. A spiritual guide named Evangelist visits
Christian and urges him to leave the City of Destruction. Evangelist claims that
salvation can only be found in the Celestial City, known as Mount Zion. Christian
begs his family to accompany him, unsuccessfully. On his way, Christian falls into a
bog called the Slough of Despond, but he is saved. He meets Worldly Wiseman, who
urges him to lead a practical, happy existence without religion. Refusing, Christian is
sheltered in Goodwill’s house. Goodwill tells Christian to stop by the Interpreter’s
home, where Christian learns many lessons about faith. Walking along the wall of
Salvation, Christian sees Christ’s tomb and cross. At this vision, his burden falls to
the ground. One of the three Shining Ones, celestial creatures, hands him a rolled
certificate for entry to the Celestial City. Christian meets the four mistresses of the
Palace Beautiful, who provide him shelter. They also feed him and arm him. After
descending the Valley of Humiliation, Christian meets the monster Apollyon, who
tries to kill him. Christian is armed, and he strikes Apollyon with a sword and then
proceeds through the desert-like Valley of the Shadow of Death toward the Celestial
City. Christian meets Faithful, a traveler from his hometown. Faithful and Christian
are joined by a third pilgrim, Talkative, whom Christian spurns. Evangelist arrives
and warns Faithful and Christian about the wicked town of Vanity, which they will
soon enter. Evangelist foretells that either Christian or Faithful will die in Vanity.
Another fellow pilgrim named Hopeful befriends Christian on his way. On their
journey, a pilgrim who uses religion as a means to get ahead in the world, named By-
ends, crosses their path. Proceeding onward, Christian and Hopeful approach the
Delectable Mountains near the Celestial City. The two pilgrims meet Ignorance, a
sprightly teenager who believes that living a good life is sufficient to prove one’s
religious faith. Christian refutes him, and Ignorance decides to avoid their company.
The travelers also meet Flatterer, who snares them in a net, and Atheist, who denies
that the Celestial City exists.Christian nearly drowns, but Hopeful reminds him of
Christ’s love, and Christian emerges safely from the water.

Moral Lesson :

The many morals include being faithful to Christian theology, belief and practice;
being hopeful toward the coming resurrection and union with the God of Christianity.
Don't be feeble minded and blown from your path by every idea that comes along; be
valiant in defending the truth of Christianity ,don't yield to despondency, be forever
honest with persons. Don't prejudge persons, places or ideas, don't be ignorant,
lacking in knowledge, training and information, don't be obstinate about doing what is
good or right.
Senduk, Febryani


Christian recieves his calling from the Evangelist and leaves his wife and children
behind in the City of Destruction. He effectively maneuvers his way through the
Slough of Despond, passes under the Wicket Gate (the gate through which the elect
must pass, beginning their journey to Heaven) and soon comes to the Interpreter's
House, where he learns to think metaphorically. After leaving this enlightening place,
Christian sheds his burden and receives the garb and certificate of the elect from some
angels. His next stop is the Beautiful Palace.

After leaving the palace, Christian slips down into the Valley of Humiliation, where
he battles and defeats Apollyon, the notorious fiend. After transversing the Valley of
the Shadow of Death in the dark, he catches up to his friend Faithful. Christian and
Faithful arrive in Vanity-Fair together, where they are arrested under the false charge
of inciting a riot. Faithful is tried and burnt at the stake, even though Christian is
miraculously delivered. Hopeful, inspired by Faithful's faith, becomes Christian's new
traveling companion.

The pair of pilgrims soon come to the Doubting Castle, owned by the Giant Despair,
who traps them inside and intends to kill them. Fortunately, their faith allows them to
escape from the dungeon and make their way to the Delectable Mountains. The
shepherds in the foothills warn Christian and Hopeful about the Flatterer and other
potential threats in the last leg of their journey. Unfortunately, the Flatterer manages
to fool Christian and Hopeful anyway. An angel rescues them, but punishes them for
being so blind when they had been warned. In the final stretch of the journey, they
encounter Ignorance, who has not entered the path through the Wicket Gate.

In Beulah, which abuts heaven, Christian and Hopeful arrive at the river. To cross the
river is to die, but the must cross it in order to enter into heaven. When they arrive at
the gates to the Celestial City, they are welcomed graciously with a trumpet fanfares,
and they take their place alongside the rest of the elect. Ignorance gets to the gate, but
because he doesn't have a certificate of election, he is sent to hell. The pilgrim's
progress to heaven completed, the author awakes from his dream.

Part two begins with Christian's wife, Christiana's, conversion experience, which
includes a divine dream and a messenger from heaven. She, her four sons, and her
pious young neighbor, Mercy, set out on a pilgrimage, following in Christian's
footsteps. Mercy is almost not let through the Wicket Gate, but Christiana intercedes
on her behalf, and the pilgrims set out. At the Interpreter's House, they are meet a
guide, Mr. Great-Heart, who will lead them on their journey. The pilgrims arrive soon
after at the Beautiful Palace, where they stay and study for quite some time. Matthew
gets sick from eating the devil's fruit, but he soon recovers. When they finally
continue, Great-Heart is there to protect them. They pass through the Valley of
Humiliation and the Valley of the Shadow of Death without incident. At the end of
the valley, Great-Heart slays the Maul, a giant.
The pilgrims meet Honesty along the road, and he joins their band. Tired, Christiana
wishes for an inn, and one appears. The pilgrims stay with Gaius, the innkeeper, for
quite some time. Matthew and Mercy get married, as do James and Giaus's daughter.
Gaius is a kind and educated man, and a gracious host. After leaving Gaius' place with
their new traveling companions, Great-Heart slays another giant, rescues Feeble-
Mind, and the pilgrims arrive in Vanity. They stay with one of the few good men in
town, Mr. Mnason, and set off again without incident. Great-Heart and the other men
slay Giant Despair when they come to the by-path, and they rescue his prisoner, Mr.

The pilgrims continue through Madam Bubble's Enchanted Ground, acquring more
pilgrims as they go. Soon, they make it to the Delectable Mountains, where the
shepherds prepare them for the final stage of their journey. They cross into Beulah
and prepare to cross the river. Christiana is summoned first, followed by the rest of
the men they picked up along the way. When they have entered triumphally into the
City of Zion, the boys (Christian and Christiana's sons) and their wives decide to stay
behind to grow the church on earth.

Moral lesson :

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