Adivasi Struggle in Asam

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Adivasi Struggle in Assam administrative failure. Also at play seemed

to be a certain mindset which views the
tea garden workers as inferior human
beings. The state government in a de­
Udayon Misra layed damage control exercise has or­
dered a CBI enquiry into the incidents

The adivasi struggle for scheduled hat happened on the fateful and has transferred some senior police
tribe status in Assam is part day of November 24 on the officials. The Central Bureau of Investiga­
streets of Guwahati not only tion (CBI) probe may eventually be able to
of a wider struggle of identity
brought into sharp focus the changing go into some of the reasons behind the
assertion – a search for cultural power equations of the state but also violence and fix responsibility for the
roots and heritage. revealed certain fault lines in a society administrative failure.
that has prided itself on its liberal founda­
tions and tolerant lifestyle. The merciless Problematic Coexistence
manner in which the adivasis were beaten Inbuilt prejudices and perceptions about
up in full glare of an unresponsive public the tea labour community are still very
in retaliation for acts of vandalism commi­ much extant among the influential sec­
tted by a section of the demonstrators, tions of Assamese society. Yet it cannot be
brought unto surface certain inbuilt pre­ denied that in all these years, ever since
judices and assumptions of mainstream the first batches of indentured labour were
Assamese society towards the margina­ brought into Assam in the 1860s from
lised and peripheral sections. present-day Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh,
While it is true that the violence which Orissa, West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh,
climaxed with the stripping of the adivasi there has not been any major clash invol­
girl needs to be seen against the overall ving the tea labour community and their
climate of brutalisation that has set in immediate Assamese neighbours. But the
throughout the country, the happenings absence of tension between the two was
cannot be seen without certain grave con­ also quite often due to the fact that inter­
notations which went with them. Although action between the two communities was
it would be wrong to view the three crimi­ quite marginal, with the management
nals who assaulted and stripped the girl as acti­vely preventing tea workers from mix­
being representative of the Assamese ing with the local population. This is true
ethos and society, the act is being seen by with many gardens even today. Thus, for
many as an ultimate expression of the in­ the average Assamese the community of
built prejudice and class hatred which tea garden workers has remained very
mark the approach of a sizeable section of much the “other”, and it is only in recent
the Assamese middle class towards the tea years that there has been a noticeable
garden tribes. However, one redeeming change in perception about the adivasis
aspect of the shameful episode was the and their significant contribution not only
sharp reaction of an otherwise moribund towards Assam’s economy but also to As­
civil society. samese lite­rature and culture.
For once, civil society in the state acted All the prejudice and social divide not­
with alacrity and condemned the incident withstanding, there seems to be a con­
with one voice, while at the same time as­ scious effort by organisations like the
serting that the November 24 incidents Asom Sahitya Sabha to make the adivasis
should not be viewed as an Assamese- feel that they are major components of the
adivasi clash. No amount of outrage seems still emerging Assamese nationality. That
to be sufficient right now to heal the di­ a substantial section of the adivasi com­
vide that has set in between the adivasis munity too consider themselves as part of
and the Assamese because of this one inci­ the Assamese nationality is reflected in
dent. On that day, Guwahati saw a total writings of adivasi intellectuals who
collapse of the administration and the have had their education in Assamese. It
chief minister, who is also in charge of the is significant that barely a week after the
home portfolio, had admitted that his ad­ Guwahati incident, the All Assam Tea Tribe
ministration failed in its duty. But there Students Association (AATTSA) leaders
seems to have been more to it than mere asserted their Assamese credentials at a
Economic & Political Weekly  december 22, 2007 11

joint meet with the All Assam Students’ hold a clear sway over others. For decades, and vice versa. This territory specific
Union (AASU). At the same meeting the the Congress, with the help of its INTUC- classification seems to defy all logic and is
AASU declared that one single incident led Assam Chah Mazdoor Sangh (ACMS), clearly a hangover of colonial ethnogra­
would not be able to “disrupt the nation- had reaped huge electoral benefits out of phy. For instance, the Karbi ceases to be a
building process” in the region, implying its adivasi vote bank in the hundreds of ST outside Karbi Anglong and a Bodo cannot
thereby that the adivasis are an integral tea gardens of Assam. But in recent years claim scheduled status in Karbi Anglong.
part of the Assamese community. Not all there has been much erosion in the Con­ The adivasis are classified as other back­
would agree with the view of Assamese- gress’ vote bank with other parties mak­ ward classes (OBCs) in the central list which
adivasi writer Ganesh Chandra Kurmi ing inroads and adivasi student and youth refers to them as “tea garden labourers
that the “tea tribes are today fully assimi­ organisations like the All Assam Adivasi and tea garden tribes and ex-tea garden
lated into the Assamese national main­ Students Association (AAASA) and the labour and ex-tea garden tribes” and they
stream”. Nevertheless, despite all the hin­ AATTSA taking over the leadership. are divided into 96 ethnic groups. The to­
drances in the form of social prejudices tal ST population of the state in the last
and limited interaction, it must be said Complex Demography census was 3.3 million and if one were to
that the process of coming together of the Given the complex demographic pattern add some 2.5 to 3 million tea garden and
two communities is an ongoing one. of the state and the refusal on the part of ex tea garden labour, then the latter would
the existing ST communities to extend the come to constitute around 50 per cent of
No Tangible Improvement privilege to the adivasis and the five other the total ST population, thereby making it
In this context it needs to be recalled that communities, it is uncertain whether the the largest single group. This would bring
during British rule the tea garden tribes support for ST status offered by the differ­ about a major change in the existing pow­
were forced to lead an isolated existence ent political parties would eventually lead er equations of the state and is bound to
and even the winds of the national strug­ to legislation to grant the adivasis their ST be resisted by those communities which
gle were not allowed to reach the tea gar­ status. There are 23 STs in the state, of are now listed as STs. At present out of the
dens of Assam. Though there are several which 14 are hill tribes and nine are plains 126 assembly seats, 22 are reserved for STs
instances of tea workers going on strike tribes. It is an anomaly that those who and scheduled castes; in about a dozen
during the concluding years of colonial have been accorded ST status in the hills seats adivasi candidates win, while in
rule, it was only after independence that lose their status if they settle in the plains about 36 constituencies minority voters
the first stirrings of change took place
with the beginnings of trade union activity
and the subsequent introduction of some Krishna Raj Memorial Scholarships 2007-08
degree of social legislation under the ini­
Sameeksha Trust, publishers of EPW, announces the award of the second annual Krishna Raj
tiative of then Congress leaders like Omeo
Memorial Scholarships, which have been constituted in memory of the weekly’s distinguished editor of
Kumar Das. While these new provisions 35  years (1969-2004).
did bring some succour to the lives of the
tea workers, successive state governments The trust has established three sets of scholarships at different levels of education – at a school, undergraduate
college and postgraduate institution. The scholarships have been designed for award in either the educational
have failed to bring about any tangible im­
institutions Krishna Raj attended or in the city (Mumbai) where he spent all his professional life.
provement in the quality of life of these
people. The present pitiable condition of NSSKPT High School, Ottapalam, Kerala
the tea worker can be gauged from the Four scholarships, for two girls and two boys, in the IXth and Xth standard, have been awarded in the school
fact that many of the provisions of legis­ where Krishna Raj studied for a few years and of which he always had fond memories. The scholarships cover
tuition fees, uniforms, books and special coaching. In 2007-08, the scholarships have been awarded to
lations such as the Assam Tea Plantation
Sarika P A, Sreejith P S (IXth standard) and P S Sudheesh and K Sruthi (Xth standard).
Act of 1951 and the Assam Plantation Rules
of 1956 are yet to be implemented in most SNDT College for Women, Mumbai
of the tea gardens of the state. Two scholarships have been awarded to adivasi students in the social sciences stream of the BA course. The
Following the Guwahati incidents, scholarship covers tuition and examination fees and boarding and lodging expenses in the college hostel.
In 2007-08 the scholarships have been awarded to Ruke Veena Vijayanand (first year BA Geography) and
almost all the major political parties have
Sneha Ramesh Yadav (second year BA Economics).
been vying with each other to prove their
support for the adivasi demand for Delhi School of Economics
scheduled tribe (ST) status. It is obvious The “Krishna Raj Summer Programme” was carried out in May-June 2007 under the guidance of the Centre
that with the panchayat elections round for Development Economics at the Delhi School of Economics. The aim of the programme is to enable students
from Delhi colleges/universities to participate in field surveys and related activities around issues that have
the corner, none of these parties would
social relevance.
like to alienate the tea workers who have
In 2007 students from Delhi University and Jawaharlal Nehru University conducted a survey of the National
always been a major deciding force in Rural Employment Guarantee Act in Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand. The survey, undertaken in collaboration
battles of the ballot. In about 124 of the with the Institute for Human Development, Ranchi, focused mainly on Ranchi and Surguja districts. Nearly
800 zilla parishad and in 700 out of the 50 NREGA worksites, located in half as many Gram Panchayats, were covered.
2,200 gram panchayat seats, the adivasis
12 december 22, 2007   Economic & Political Weekly

are the deciding factor. But if the adivasis How far this will be acceptable to the adi­ exodus in Cachar, the tea estates of the
secure scheduled status, then there is the vasis and the five other communities re­ state were virtually untouched by the civil
possibility that an additional 26 constitu­ mains to be seen. disobedience or Quit India movements.
encies will become reserved. Meanwhile, realising that the speedy Even during the post independence
attainment of their demand is fraught period, the tea workers have led a more
Opposition to Recognition with difficulties, the adivasi leadership is or less insulated existence and did not
The state government has tried to work trying to win over the support of the re­ have the opportunity to participate in
out of the impasse by suggesting an exten­ gional forces. The AASU has already ex­ popular democratic protest movements.
sion of the ST list by reducing the percent­ pressed its support for the adivasi demand Hence, it is only natural that during mass
age of quota for the OBCs. But this has not and at a joint meeting of the student bod­ protests by adivasis, there would always
impressed those communities which are ies, the AAASA and the AATSA emphasised be the danger of some sections indulging
enjoying ST status because such a move the need to live in peace and amity with in violence. This is exactly what happened
would open up constituencies presently the other communities. The main thrust during the Guwahati rally.
reserved for the STs to the adivasis, apart of the joint AASU-AAASA-AATSA meeting Not that there has not been trade
from encroaching upon the employment was against the present state government union activity in the tea gardens. Apart
and education sector. The most vocal in its and the Congress leadership which is be­ from the INTUC-led ACMS which is easily
opposition has been the Bodo Peoples’ ing accused of betraying the interests of the largest body, other political parties
Progressive Front (BPPF) which is the rul­ the tea garden and ex-tea garden workers. also have their unions in most of the gar­
ing party in the Bodoland Territory Au­ The AAASA-AATSA led combine is trying to dens. But the activities of these unions
tonomous Area (BTAD) and shares power build up a joint front with the AASU have mostly been confined to immediate
with the Congress in the state. The Bodo because it knows that the demand for ST economic demands and there has been
leadership has been maintaining that the status could eventually lead to a state of little attempt over the years to give an
adivasis are migrants and cannot claim confrontation with the Bodos and other ideological orientation to adivasi politics.
to be indigenous to the region. The BPPF tribal communities. Barely a decade ago It is only in recent years that under the
has warned that if the adivasis are given there were severe clashes between influence of the educated sections of
ST status then it would revive the demand adivasis and Bodos which left scores adivasi youth a new dimension is being
for a separate Bodoland outside Assam. killed and hundreds injured, while over a added to adivasi politics which, not being
Thirty of the 40 seats in the Bodoland Ter­ lakh of people were uprooted from their satisfied merely with short-term economic
ritorial Council are reserved for STs and homes.. It however remains to be seen if demands and the narrow groove of vote
the BPPF has made it clear that it “would the attempt by AAASA and AATSA will banks, is trying to relate itself to the
not allow any new community to enjoy the bring in quick results, for some of the broader issues concerning all segments of
political rights enjoyed by the existing units of these student/youth bodies have the adivasi community.
tribal people in the council”. already expressed their unwillingness to The struggle for scheduled status
The All Assam Tribal Sangha which is enter into a joint programme with the must, therefore, be seen as part of a
an umbrella body representing the ST AASU. Moreover, militant outfits like the wider struggle of identity assertion by
communities of the state, has also op­ Adivasi Cobra Force, the Birsa Comando the adivasis – a search for their cultural
posed the move saying that neither the Force which played a major role during roots and heritage. Of the 96 different
adivasis nor the five other communities the Bodo-adivasi clashes, have now begun groups which make up the adivasi popu­
claiming scheduled status, – the tai- to increase their influence among the lation of the state, quite a few have
ahom, moran, muttuck, chutiya, and adivasis. This could further complicate organised themselves on their own tribe
koch-rajbanshi – fulfil the requisites laid the situation. platforms. Therefore, it would be interest­
down for qualifying as a ST. This has ing to see as to how far the present strug­
pushed the state government into a vir­ Growth of Militancy gle led by the student/youth organisations
tually impossible situation. If it does not Given these complexities, there is every would be able to bring together the dif­
support the adivasi demand, then it possibility of the built-in adivasi anger and ferent groups with a common agenda of
stands to lose its traditional vote bank frustration being channelised into mili­ struggle. And, this struggle for political
and this could have a disastrous effect tant lines. In this context it needs to be empowerment would get its impetus
on panchayat and assembly polls. On the noted that apart from history of strikes for only if it is accompanied by an agenda
other hand, if it does try to push through improved wages or against oppressive which would address the immediate
the adivasis’ demand for scheduled status, policies of the management from the 1920s socio-economic issues facing the adivasis
then it stands to lose the support of its onwards, the tea garden workers have of Assam.
coalition partner, the BPPF. As a final way seldom been organised to participate in The deplorable state of health and sani­
out of the impasse, the state government mass democratic struggles. For instance, tation in the overwhelming majority of
is now offering to give the six communities the vast majority of tea garden workers the tea gardens of the state, the wide
demanding ST status all the facilities which were kept out of the freedom struggle scale illiteracy and unemployment, the
the STs enjoy minus political empowerment. and except for instances like the Chargola abnormally high rate of malnutrition and
Economic & Political Weekly  december 22, 2007 13

female mortality, the high incidence of management of these gardens. It needs no degradation and who still continue to
diseases like tuberculosis and the almost underlining the fact that the tea garden work in an atmosphere reminiscent of the
total lack of social security measures are workers are among the most neglected colonial days. It is a measure of their grow­
some of the aspects which would have to sections of society, their regular wages ing maturity that within a week of the
be addressed by the youth leadership. and other attendant “privileges” notwith­ Guwahati incident the adivasi youth lead­
Every year water borne diseases claim standing. Worse is the fate of the ex-tea ership succeeded in stopping acts of vio­
hundreds of adivasi lives and this year garden workers who have settled mostly lence carried out against Assamese villag­
alone more than 200 died in the upper in and around the tea gardens. ers in certain adivasi dominated areas in
Assam tea gardens, prompting the state The present upsurge seems to be the be­ upper Assam and made it clear that the
health minister to say that first informa­ ginning of a wider struggle for securing destiny of the adivasi community cannot
tion reports (FIRs) would be lodged for the rights and dignity of a people who be seen as separate from that of Assam
culpable murder against the errant have suffered some of the worst forms of and her people.

14 december 22, 2007   Economic & Political Weekly

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