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COMPETENCY: Illustrate permutations.

Lesson 1: Review of Counting Techniques
Objective: Apply the fundamental principles of counting

We enjoy eating out together with our family in restaurants which offer a
wide variety of food choices, ranging from a selection of appetizers, soups, rice
and breads, viands, desserts and beverages. With the choices available, are we
aware of the number possible combinations of dishes?
Have we ever wondered why longer password in our email or facebook is
more secured than a shorter one? Have we ever been aware that there are
different possible ways in doing most activities like planning a seating
arrangement, or even deciding what songs a disc jockey would play using his
playlists? Do you believe that awareness of these things can help us to draw
conclusions and even make wise decisions?
Let’s TRY this!


A. A close friend invited Nica to her birthday party. Nica has 4 new blouses
(stripes, with ruffles, long-sleeved, and sleeveless) and 3 skirts (red, pink, and
black) in her closet reserved for such occasions.
1. Assuming that any skirt can be paired with any blouse, in how many ways
can Nica select her outfit? List the possibilities.
2. How many blouse -and –skirt pairs are possible?
3. Show another way of finding the answer in item 1.
B. Suppose you secured your bike using a combination lock. Later, you realized
that you forgot the 4-digitcode.
You only remembered that the code contains the digits 1, 3, 4, 1nd 7.
1. List all the possible codes out of the given digits.
2. How many possible codes are there?
3. What can you say about the list you made?


Guide Questions.
1. Were you able to list all the possibilities asked for? How did you determine the
different possibilities asked for in the two situations?
2. How did you ensure that your list was complete?
3. What method(s) did you use in order to give the accurate count?
4. What did you feel when you were listing the answers?
5. Why do you think there is a need to know the number of possible ways a
certain task can be done?
6. What mathematics concept or principle did you use? How was that principle
Let’s SUM IT UP!

A. Explain “The Fundamental Principle of Counting”

If one thing can occur in m ways and a second thing can occur in n ways, and
a third thing can occur in r ways, and so on, the sequence of thing can occur in
m x n x r x ...ways.
1. How many different 3-letter patterns can be formed using the letters a, b,
and c?
A pattern is a selection of 3-letters. Each one must be a or b or c.
Letters: First Second Third
Ways to choose: 3 3 3
There are 3.3.3 = 27 possible patterns.
2. Sheanica, a student from Balayan National High School is taking a matching
test in which she is supposed to match four answers with four questions. In how
many different ways she can answer the four questions?
Here if an answer was used for the first question, it can no longer be
used for the next question. Hence, we have four choices for the first answer,
three choices for the second, two choices for the third, and one choice for the
fourth, that is
4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24
There are 24 different ways of answering the 4 questions in the matching test.
3. How many three-digit even numbers can be formed with the digits 2, 4, 5, 3,
and 7 with no repetitions allowed?
We make three boxes, since we are after the three digit numbers. One box
for the hundreds place, one for the tens place, and one for the units place. We
will fill the units place first. Since the three –digit numbers must be even, only 2
and 4 can be placed in the units place box hence, there are two choices for the
units place, there are four choices in the tens place box since no repetitions are
allowed and there are three choices in the hundreds place.
3 x 4 x 2 = 24
There are 24 three-digit even numbers.

Answer the following questions with your partner.

1. Consider BNHS Math club with five members: (Yna, Angelo, Agnes, Xander,
Alden), in how many ways could they elect a president and a secretary?
2. Yaya Dub buys two pairs of pants, four shirts, and two pairs of shoes, how
many new outfits consisting of a new pair of pants, one shirt, and one pair of
shoes would she have?
3. If there are three roads from town A to town B and there are five roads from B
to town C, in how many ways can you go from town A to town C if you are to
pass through town B?


1. A die is rolled and a coin is tossed. Determine the number of different

possible outcomes by using the fundamental principle of counting. List all the
possible outcomes by constructing a tree diagram.

2. Think of your own example of real life situation that make use of the
Fundamental Principle of Counting.

OPTION 2: You may use these activity sheets to recall the Fundamental
Principle of Counting.

Activity Sheet 1

Code Breaker

A code must consist of 3 letters.

List all the possible codes that can be made from the letters you have been
given, in the box below.
e.g. ABC

How many codes have you?

How many choices do you have for the 1st letter?

If A is picked, how many choices do you now have for the 2nd letter?

If B is then picked, how many choices do you now have for the 3 rd letter?

Can you come up with an easier way of arriving at your answer for the above

Activity Sheet 2.


You must choose a new 4 digit ATM pin number from the numbers 5, 0, 3, 8.

List all the possible pin numbers in the space below.

How many pin numbers in total are possible?

How many of these pin numbers begin with 3?

How many of these pin numbers are greater than 4000?

Can you come up with an easier way of arriving at your answer for the above
COMPETENCY: Illustrate permutations.
Lesson 1: Review of Counting Techniques
Objective: Apply the fundamental principles of counting

Let’s TRY this!

1. If there are three roads from Balayan to Calaca and there are five roads
from Calaca to Lemery, In how many ways can you go from Balayan to
Lemery if you are to pass through Calaca ? List them.

2. Let us now have a variation to problem 1, suppose that there are two
roads going directly from Balayan to Lemery, in how many ways can you
now travel from Balayan to Lemery?



1. Were you able to list all the possibilities asked for?

2. How did you ensure that your list was complete?
3. What method did you used in order to give the accurate count?
4. Why do you think there is a need to know the number of possible ways a
certain task can be done?

Let’s SUM IT UP!

1. Multiplication Principle of Counting

If event A can happen in m ways and event B can happen in n ways,
then event A and B can both happen in mn ways.
2. Addition Principle of Counting
If event A can happen in m ways and event B can happen in n ways,
then event A or B can happen in m+n ways.
Multiplication Principle is used when event A and B are both to occur while
Addition Principle is used if it is a matter of choice between A or B occurs.

1. To buy a computer system, Mr. Fronda can choose one of 4 monitors, one
of 2 keyboards, one of 4 computers and one of 3 printers. Determine the
number of possible systems that a customer can choose from.
N=4 x 2 x 4 x 3 = 96
2. Ben can take any one of three routes from school (S) to the town plaza
(T), and can then take five possible routes from the town plaza to his
home (H). He doesn't retrace his steps.
How many different possible ways can Ben walk home from school?

Answer: By the Basic Counting Principle, the total number of routes Ben can
take is 3 × 5 = 15
3. Sarah goes to her local pizza parlor and orders a pizza. She can choose
either a large or a medium pizza, has a choice of seven different toppings,
and can have three different choices of crust. How many different pizzas
could Sarah order?
By the Basic Counting Principle, the number of different pizzas Sarah
could order is 2 × 7 × 3 = 42


A. Answer the following.

1. You can leave an island by boat or by plane. If there are 5 flights and 3 boats
leaving the island every day, in how many ways can you leave the island today?
2. Daniel is going out of a party. As he is deciding what to wear, he finds that he
has 8 good shirts, 4 pairs of pants, and 2 pairs of shoes to choose from.
Assuming that any set of these clothes go together, how many possible choices
of outfits does Daniel have? 3. Suppose you have 7 different shirts, 5 different
pairs of pants and 3 pairs of shoes. How many outfits are possible?


Think of your own example of real life situation that make use of the
Fundamental Principle of Counting.
COMPETENCY: Illustrate permutations.
LESSON: Permutations
OBJECTIVES: 1. Define permutations
2. Illustrate permutations

Once there was this good happy family consisting of a father, mother, and
ten healthy children. The family made it a habit to eat dinner at the same time.
However, too much noise every time the children were seated around the table
always irritated the mother. She decided to order a table suited for the family and
assigned each child a permanent seat to at least minimize the talking. The
mother succeeded, but one day while the family was quietly sitting waiting for the
dinner, the youngest boy exclaimed that he never got his fair share of soup
because his place was situated far from the soup.

As expected, the mother was able to think of a solution to the problem and that is
by arranging them in such a way that the 12 of them would be put each time in a
different order. It is the same thing as putting 12 things in all possible
The mathematicians call these arrangements permutations.
Let’s TRY this!


Answer the following questions.
1. Ten runners from Balayan National High School join a race. In how many
possible ways can they be arranged as first, second, and third place?
2. In how many ways can Aling Rosa arrange 6 potted plants in a row?
3. A dress-shop owner from Taal has 8 new dresses that she wants to
display in the window. If the display window has 5 mannequins, in how
many ways can she dress them up?
4. In how many ways can 5 people arrange themselves in a row for picture
5. If Jun has 12 T-shirts, 6 pairs of pants, and 3 pairs of shoes, how many
possibilities can he dress himself up for the day?


1. How did you find the answer to each of the given problem? What previously
learned principle did you apply?
2. In which situations are order or arrangement of the selection important?
Justify your answer.
3. In performing a certain task where order of arrangement is important, what do
you call each possible arrangement?

Let’s SUM IT UP!

1. What is permutation?
Permutation is an arrangement of all or part of a set of objects, where the order
of the arrangement is important.
Hence, the number of permutations of 5 people is
5 . 4 . 3. 2 . 1 = 120 or 5! (Introduce Factorial)
1. How many different ways can 6 different books be arranged on a shelf?
Because there are six books to arrange on the shelf, there are six stages
in the problem. You must decide what the first book will be, what the
second book will be, what the third book will be, and so on.There are 6
choices for the first book, 5 choices for the second book, 4 choices for the
third book, and so on.
Therefore the number of arrangements = 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1= 720 ways

2. Alexa has 3 different math books and 4 different geography books.

Determine the number of ways all 7 books can be arranged on the shelf if
a. there are no restrictions
b. the math books are on the left and the geography books are on the


a. no restriction--- 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1= 5040
b. There are two stages in this problem. You must arrange the math books
first, then arrange the geography books on the right.
The number of ways of arranging the math books is 3 x 2 x 1 = 6
The number of ways of arranging the geography books is 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 =
Applying the Fundamental Principle of Counting we have 6 x 24 = 144
There are 144 ways to arrange the math books followed by the
geography books.


A father, mother, 2 boys, and 3 girls are asked to line up for a

photograph. Determine the number of ways they can line up if
a. there are no restrictions
b. the parents stand together
c. all the females stand together

1. Thought to Ponder
“Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order,
rhythm and harmony.”
2. Think of your own example of real life situation that illustrates
COMPETENCY: Derive the formula in finding the number of permutations n
objects taken r at a time .
LESSON 1: Permutations
OBJECTIVES: 1. Derive the formula in finding the number of permutations n
objects taken r at a time
2. Use the permutation function to solve counting problems

Let’s TRY this!

1. In how many ways can 5 of 8 students from Taal National High School be
seated in a row of 5 vacant chairs?
a. Tabulate your answer.
Position 1 2 3 4 5
Number of

b. Match each position with the number of choices( n ) for that position.

Position 1 2 3 4 ... r
Number of n
c. Write your final answer


1. How many choices are there for the 1st position? 2nd position, 3rd position,
and 5th position?
2. How many choices are there for the rth position?
3. Were you able to derive the formula in finding the permutation of n objects
taken r at a time? From what principle was the formula derived?
Let’s SUM IT UP!

1. How do we find the number of permutations of n objects taken r at a time?

Using the result of the activity, we found out that there are
n- (r-1) or n- r+1 choices for the rth position and
P(n, r) = n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)…[n-(r-1)]
Manipulating the equation we, will come up with P(n,r)=(𝑛−𝑟)!

1. In how many ways can you arrange the five vowels a, e, i, o, u in a line?
Solution: The problem is the same as finding the number of linear
permutations of 5 objects and this given by
5P5 = 5! = 120
2. In a class of 30students, Ms. Power wishes to select 5 students and
arrange them in a line. In how many ways can this be done?
Solution: This is the same as asking for the number of ways of permuting 30
objects taken 5 at a time and this is given by
30! 30!
P(30, 5) = (30−5)! = 25! = 17 100 720
3. In a class of 20 students, 12 are girls and 8 are boys. The teacher wishes
to arrange 5 of the girls and 5 of the boys in a line such that the girls are to
the right of the boys. In how many ways can this be done?
We begin by counting the number of ways we can arrange 12 girls taken
5 at a time.
P(12, 5) = (12−5)! = 95040
We count the number of ways of arranging 8 boys taken 5 at a time.
P(8,5) = (8−5)! = 6720
Thus, using the multiplication principle, the number of ways we can
arrange 5 of the girls and 5 of the boys in a line such that the girls are to
the right of the boys is
(95040)(6720) = 638 668 800


Answer the following.

1. Find the number of license plates possible in a district using only 3 letters,
if none of the letters can be repeated.
2. The plate number of a car consists of 3 letters and 3 single digit numbers.
How many possible plate numbers are there if the letters are not
supposed to be repeated?
3. In how many ways can 10 people line up for movie tickets if two of the ten
people refuse to separate?
4. How many different three-letter sequences can you form from the first 10
letters of the alphabet if no two letters are the same?
5. The Phoenix Group of Company advertises two job openings, one for an
editor and one for an artist. If 15 people who are qualified for either
position apply in how many ways can the opening be filled?



Write an entry in your journal describing how much you already learned
about permutations and their applications. Include also whatever points in the
lesson in which you still need clarifications.
COMPETENCY: Solve word problems involving permutations.
LESSON 1: Permutations
OBJECTIVES: 1.Use the permutation function to solve counting problems.
2. Solve probability word problems involving
3. Relate the process of solving problems involving permutations
into our daily lives.

Let’s TRY this!


Answer each permutation problem completely.

1. Ms. Powers wants to assign 4 different tasks to her 4 students. In how

many possible ways can she do it?
2. Five couples want to have their pictures taken. In how many ways can
they arrange themselves in a row if
a. couples must stay together?
b. they may stand anywhere?
3. Find the number of distinguishable permutations of the of the number
348 838.
4. In a certain general assembly, three major prizes are at stake. In how
many ways can the first, second, and third prizes be drawn from a box
containing 120 names?
5. Two cards are drawn at random from a standard deck of 52
cards, without replacement. What is the probability of drawing
a 7 and a king in that order?



1. Were you able to answer all the problems given in the activity? Have you
encountered difficulties in solving each problem?
2. How do you determine if a situation or problem involves permutations?
3. What mathematics principles/ skills did you apply in performing the
4. What new realizations do you have about permutations? How would you
connect these realizations to real life?

Let’s SUM IT UP!

When you need to count the number of ways you can arrange items where
ORDER is important, then you can use permutation to count. For example, you
may want to know how many ways to pick a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner from
10 contestants. Since you are arranging them in order, you could use a
permutation to do this. Or if you wanted to know how many ways your committee
could pick a president, a vice president, a secretary, and a treasurer, you could
use permutations.

1. How many different 5-letter arrangements are there of the letters in the
word digit ?

= =60 ( i repeats twice)
2! 2.1
2. If a three digit number is formed from the digits
the 1,2,3,4,5,6, and 7, with no repetitions, tell how many of these three
digit numbers will have a number value between 100 and 500.
We need three "locations" if we are forming a 3-digit number.
_____, ______,_______
To be between 100 and 500, the first location ( hundreds place) must be
the digit 1, 2, 3, or 4. There are four possible ways to fill the first
There are 6 digits left to arrange in the remaining two locations.
4 · 6P2 = 120
3. There are 12 horses in a horseshow competition. The top three winning
horses receive money. How many possible money winning orders are
there for a competition with 12 horses?
This is a permutation of “12 things taken 3 at a time”
12P3 = 12 x 11 x 10 = 1320


1. In how many ways can 8 CD’s be arranged on a shelf?

2. If a softball league has 10 teams, how many different end of the season
rankings are possible? (Assume no ties).
3. In how many ways can a GLEE club of 20 members select a
president, vice president and treasurer, assuming that the same person
cannot hold more than one office.
4. A key pad lock has 10 different digits, and a sequence of 5 different digits
must be selected for the lock to open. How many key pad combinations
are possible?
5. A company issues a questionnaire whereby each employee must rank
the 5 items with which he or she is most satisfied. The items are wages,
work environment, vacation time, job security, supervisors, health
insurance, break time, and retirement plan. The ranking is to be indicated
by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, where 1 indicates the item involving the
greatest satisfaction and 5 the least. In how many ways can an employee
answer this questionnaire?

A. Give 2 examples of problems or situations in real life that involve

permutations. In each example,
1. explain the problem or situation.
2. solve the problem.
3. discuss how you can use these sample situations in your daily life,
especially in formulating conclusions and/or making decisions.

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