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Hi, again, guys.

We are here trying to understand what
are emotions from a philosophical and
even broader vision of,
of the emotions events.
And in this session, we will try to
understand why do exist emotion?
And at the same time,
how many living entities have emotions?
So we will start with a ver,
very simple question,
which one of these two guys cannot exist?
Am I joking?
[LAUGH] Well it's obvious, this one.
Why not?
Because he has not emotions and
without emotions, people cannot survive.
Because they prevent us, for example,
from very dangerous situations
like painful situations,
[COUGH] that are continuously
embedded in our lives.
So, why do exist emotions?
There are several reasons.
First of all,
they allow body regulation, and,
and make possible, the survival of the,
of the, that specific living entity.
Secondly, they are very important.
They are crucial for the cognitive
processes that happens in our brains and
in our bodies and
in the environment that makes
possible these grounded cognitive process.
And finally, they are absolutely
necessary for social interaction,
at least for, for
complex social interaction.
[COUGH] So, we'll try to make
some examples on, on these three
events or, or domains in which
emotions are very important.
First of all, body regulation.
Look, you can find here my
avatar has a stomach pain.
We don't know why, but
any in any case what happens is that
the body sends a signal to the brain and
says, you guy,
you must react,
which is the reaction, no words.
You can understand this correctly
without my direct interpretation and
if not, mm, you have a problem.
And finally, what happens?
That my avatar is happy
with the final situation.
So, the automatic checking
of the internal state of
the body sends messages to the brain
that reacts trying to find the solution.
And, and
achieve the solution that bring make
a happy response for
the whole system is what we will feel
before and, and after go to the toilet.
There's a second option in, in this case.
Happens the same painful situation,
but the,
my avatar doesn't react at proper time and
and it provokes the end of this life.
This is the basic regulatory bodily,
regulatory purpose of
the emotional system.
This is another domain, cognition.
What makes the brain,
in order to understand and
to process information
make two different things.
One is to map information,
receive multiple information
from several sensory inputs
in from our body and
also with external contributions.
At the same time, needs,
need to select all this information and
to tack all this information, and
to make a recording of all this
information into the brain.
In the case, in the future case that
this situation can happen again, and
in that case,
that guy could react more fastly.
And secondly, with all this information,
the brain tries to understand
what really happened.
It's filling the gap all the time.
So which the value and the, and
the role of emotions involved
situations, mapping or
tagging information and filling the gap.
It's basic, truly basic.
Accord regarding to the mapping process,
in 1994 a neurologist called
Antonio Damasio wrote a very,
very interesting book called the,
the Descartes' Error.
In which he introduced
the somatic marker hypothesis.
It, it's very simple,
the idea is all the time that we receive
information our brain trying
to classify it as a positive,
negative or, or
a different kind of categories.
Once level,
it's recorded into the memory of,
of the,
of the brain in order to react fastly to,
to a situation like this in the future.
So, the body can remember the good and
bast, and bad experiences.
At the same time,
the emotional architecture made possible
to fill in the gap to focus attention or
to to make an assessment of the situation,
situation or generate.
Expect, expectation,
bodily expectation that even say, say,
psychic expectations,
can generate appraising of,
of a specific effects, or
even manage the goals of the body.
And finally, help to,
to select the best action in order to
survive another future of that situation.
So, this is a two first domains and,
and this is a third domain that
it's the social interaction.
The, the social interaction level,
em emotions have a really crucial role.
And again, we can, we,
we find the mixture of,
of hardwired processes and
also of cultural processes.
But the basis is, is, is bodily.
At the core of this
situation we find empathy,
empathy is the,
the capacity to put on other shoes.
You have, you,
do you remember from the other video?
But it's not a, a emotional,
like an experience, internal experience
of the guy who is feeling empathy.
At the same it's,
it's evolutionary mechanism in order to
make possible the,
the simulation of central motor processes.
And it happens at a neural level,
thanks to a specific area of the brain
the F5 region in which we
can find mirror neurons.
We will talk about this at,
at different sessions.
And this makes possible that we are able
to imitate other beings like us,
or even not like that.
You can see here an image of,
of a, a small primate
imitating human behavior just
automatically, without no training because
we are designed to react using
this mimicry, natural mimicry.
All these structure makes possible
what I've called as emosity.
This, this, the bodily emotional
skill that shapes all living domains
in which we need to understand the,
the world as an emotional place.
There are not neutral events, never,
and we share this understanding of,
of the nature of these events in
an emotional way, we, and other guys.
And even understand this,
this situation according our feeling.
It's not the same, one landscape that
you are looking at the specific moment.
If you are happy or if you are very sad
because your mom has died this morning and
the same landscape can be
understood very differently.
Like something peaceful like,
like, like something empty,
like something dangerous,
like something, it's,
it's the way the, that, use the humans and
the brains to understand the situations.
So, how many entities have emotions?
All living entities have,
have at a certain levels,
emotional ways of
interacting with the world.
For example minimal entities like
bacteria use chemotaxis in order to,
to produce swimming responses.
For example, to, to attract the, to
good chemical signal or
to make a repulsive reaction and, and
also an attempt to pack far
that dangerous chemical substance
from the, their own bacteria.
At the same time, more complex entities
like plants, fishes, mammals, primates or
humans have also emotions.
So, the conclusions of these
sessions are very clear.
First is that the emotionals,
emotions really
cover a broad range of functional roles
like bodily, cognitive, and social roles.
Secondly, emotions are an evolutionary
property of living entities.
And with them,
we can produce more adaptive actions and
more reach actions, we, we can design a,
a, a, a bigger range of possible actions.
According to different ways of
understanding the same emotions,
and the same informational clues,
and finally,
when emotions are working
on these systems.
Emotions make possible to create emotional
sphere in which the individual and
the individual offspring inside
the social structure create meaning.
In a nutshell emotions
are the mechanism by which
animals create semantic
approach to the world.
Well, thank you so much again, and
hope that you are enjoying this course.

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