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Name: Defika Putri Nastiti (C16)

Should LGBT be accepted in Indonesian society?

Since the release of the same kind of freedom of marriage in America, the
independence of the LGBT is increasingly seen clearly, including in Indonesia. As a nation
whose majority population convert to Islam is certainly not an easy thing for LGBT people to
liberate themselves. However, Indonesia is still Bhineka Tunggal Ika, the people still adhere
to the difference is the unity, although it is still unclear and many are opposed to the existence
of LGBT in Indonesia also the people of Indonesia still tolerate the existence of those who
merge with their daily life.

What we have known is that the concept of Bhineka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity)
was once the unifying motto of racial, cultural, ethnic, religious and religious diversity in
Indonesia. But it is not interpreted that the motto also applies to gender. This becomes an
understatement because God has always been created by men and women, different, and it is
a common thing that is not interpreted in the motto of Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Then then now
when LGBT polemics are widespread will Bhineka Tunggal Ika evolve, be reviewed and
incorporate gender into its interpretation?

Perhaps as a slogan that will be used by the State, of course, previous Indonesian
leaders have been thinking best until deciding to become the motto of the State. Including
gender elements that are not as diverse as ethnic, religious, racial and classic elements,
gender includes a diversity that reaps a great deal of pros and cons even though no offense in
detail includes part of the Bhineka Tunggal Ika interpretation. Diversity is also integral within

Regardless prohibited or not, sinful or not, LGBT actors in Indonesia are also human
beings who are born and have the right as citizens. Some LGBT actors in Indonesia also had
time to say that choosing who and what is loved included in the right, whether wrong or true.
As I and all Indonesians know that the rightful citizen rights and have been passed by the law
is that all human beings and living beings have the right to live and have a decent life.

Indonesia is still Bhineka Tunggal Ika, still has a living motto. Although in any
religion LGBT is a mistake, but as the people of Indonesia live together with the LGBT
actors is not a mistake. All human beings are different, have their own principles and way of
life. LGBT may be a mistake, but humans also often make mistakes. Despite the strong
rejection, a tough against something that is already hard will destroy everything. Perhaps by
trying to live a good society, directing in a good way, the unwanted things of LGBT actors
can be avoided. Because Indonesia (still) Bhineka Tunggal Ika.

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