Sci275 Appendix E

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Axia College Material

Appendix E

Water Resource Challenges

Review Ch. 10 and 11 of your text, then complete the following:

Provide at least three freshwater and three ocean water resource challenges by filling in the
following table. Then, respond to the question that follows:

Freshwater Resource Challenge Description

Climate changes The Global warming effect is having
a negative impact on water supply.
Water pollution Instances such as dumping are
causing the water to be polluted by
bacteria and other harmful things.
Redistribution of water resources The allocation of resources is not
being systemized and run correctly.
Ocean Water Resource Challenge Description
Sewage contents Fisherman and ships are disposing
of their garbage and contaminating
the water.
Agriculture supply/ drinking The agricultural industry is using
water that is not healthy and much
of it is bad.
Development Real estate development is
destroying resources around the
coastal line.

In 200 to 300 words, respond to the following: Choose one fresh or ocean water resource
challenge and describe in detail why the issue has become a problem and how human activities
have contributed to the problem.

Freshwater is a resource used in everyday life activities: drinking, cleaning, cooking, farming,
manufacturing, etc. However, with the increasing number in population, so has the significantly
increased demand for this resource - as well as global concern. As our numbers grow, our
precious resource becomes significantly exhausted. Although we may currently have enough
available freshwater, this is not to say that we may soon reach our maximum capacity, and face a
bigger challenge than even global warming! Aside from the escalating need for water and growing
population, humanity's activities are leading the marine environment to be exposed to a number
of various pollutants. These untreated sewage disposals, industrial wastes, discharges from
power stations, agricultural silt runoff, and deforestation methods have all impacted the amount of
available fresh water as well. However, marine life that subsists within this aquatic environment is
also in danger of harm. Poor land practices for agricultural production has polluted and caused
sedimentation of nearby fresh water reservoirs. These nutritive chemical wastes, such as nitrogen
or phosphorous, contribute unacceptable levels of pollution, resulting in excessive plant growth.
Then, oxygen is depleted within the water - making it unsafe for human consumption and

SCI 275
utilization. Overdrawing of surface water tends to be the biggest concern that I have. The
exploitation and regulation of freshwater resources has also been the cause of significant
changes in redistribution of water resources. However, despite the mounting evidence of all that
is occurring in today's world, knowledge is the best tool to fighting and preventing future effects -
before it's too late! The awareness that the earth has a major issue that affects all who live on it
can prove to be the inspiration needed for change.

SCI 275

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