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Hamilton—Jacobi-Einstein equation From Wikipedi, the fee eneyelopedia In general relativity, the Hamilton-Jacobi-Einstein equation (HJEE) or Einstein-Hamilton-Jacobi equation (EHIE) i an equation in the Hamiltonian formulation of geometrodynamies in supespece, cast inthe "geometrodynamics era” around the 1960s, by A. Pees) in 1962 and others. Ii a attempt to reformulate general relativity in sue a way that it resembles quantum theory within semielassiel approximation, much like the correspondence between {quantum meshanies and classical mechanics, tis named for Albert Einstein, ssuations (EFES) is « modification ofthe Hamilton-Jacobi equation (HE) from classical mechanics, and can be derived from the Einstein-Hilbert ation using the principle of least ation in the ADM formalise, Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi, and Wiliam Rowan Hamilton, The EHJE contains as much information as all tn Einstsi field Contents #1 Bockground and motivation 11 Correspondence Between eesseal and quantum physics + 12 Shortcomings of four-dimensional spacetime © "1°21 General equation (fee curved space) = 3 Applications = 4 See also = 5 References + 511 Notes #522 Further reading #521 Books + 522 Selected papers Background and motivation Correspondence between classical and quantum physics nonin crsenterCZTASR HERR, In classical analytical mechani, the dynamics ofthe system is summarized by the ation S. In quantum theory, namely non-relativistic quantum mechanics (QM), relativistic quaatum mechanics (ROM), as wel as quantum field theory (QFT), with varying interpretations and mathematical formalisms in thes theories, the ‘behavior ofa system is completely contained in a complex-valued probability amplitude ‘F (more formally asa quantum state ket 'P)~ an element of a Hilbert sqac) nthe semiascl Eien eproxaton = ype ‘he pase of is interpreted asthe action, andthe modulus Vp dost Fane {PAP ~ [is interpreted according othe Copenhagen interpretation as the probability on, The teduced Planck constant isthe quantum of action. Substitution ofthis ino the quantum general Sehrdingcr equation (SE): Hy hich is one aspect of the correspondence principle Shortcomings of four-dimensional spacetime ‘On the other hand, the transition between quantum theory and general relativity (GR) is ficult to make; one reason i ace and time in these theories. In non-relativistic QM, space and time are not on equal focting; time n operator. In RQM and QFT, postion rturs 10 ‘the usual spatial coordinates slongsie the time coordinate, although these theories are consistent only with SR in four-dimensional lar Minkowski space, and not ‘curved space nor GR. tis possible to formulate quantum field theory in curved spacetime, yet even this stil cannot incorporate GR because gravity isnot ‘tenormalizable in QFT") Additonaly, in GR paticles move through cutved spacetime with a deterministicelly known positon and momentum at every instant, ‘while in quantum theory, the position and momentum of a particle cannot be exaetly Know simultaneously space and momentum p, and energy E and time f, ao pairwise subject to the uncertainty principles which imply that smal interval in space and time mean large fuctuations in energy and momentum are possible. Since in GR mass-energy and momentum= ery isthe souree of spacetime curvature, large fluctuations in encrey and momentum mean te spacetime "brie" could potentially become so distorted tha it ‘breaks up at suicienly small cates There is theoretical and experimental evidence from QFT that vacuum does have energy since the motion of electrons in eps denikendncghstonte SEATS SENOS ti 2 toms is Nuctuated, this is related othe Lamb shit For these reasons and others at increasingly small scales, space and time are thought tobe dynamical up to the Planek length and Planck timescales) In any case, a four-dimensional curved spcetne continuum sa well-defined and cea etureof general relativity, bunt in quantum mecha Equation ‘One attempt to find an equation governing the dynamics of a sytem, in a close a way as posible to QM and GR, isto reformulate the HIE in thee-dimensional ‘curved space understood to be “dynamic” (changing with time), and no four-dimensional spacetime dynamic inal four dimensions, s the EFEs are. The space hhas« metre (see mete space for detail ‘The metic tensor in general relativity isan essential abject, since proper time, ate length, geodesic motion in euved spacetime, and other things, all depend on the metic. The HIE shove is modified inlude the mete, although is only a function ofthe 34 spatial coordinates F, (for example f= (x, 2) in Catsian coordinates) without the coordinate time w(t). Tn this content gs referred to a the "metric Held" or simply ms General equation (free curved space) Fora fiee particle in urved "empty space" or “five space", i in the absence of matter other than the particle itself, the equation canbe writen wy is 33 5 (Ente tebe) sige RRP ‘here gis the determinant of the metric tensor and R he Ricci scalar curvature of he 3d geometry (not including time), andthe "8" instead of "denotes the ‘atiatonal derivative rather than the ordinary derivative. These derivatives correspond tothe Field momen "conjugate to the mete field" 58. wi(p) =i = 3S () eps denikendncgistonte SEATS SENOS mati o* therate of change of action wih respet fo the id eoordinaes g(t). The grand where ae analogous to q and p = GSI, respectively in lassica Hainan rmochanies, Se canonical eordiats for more background “The equation describes how wavefronts of constant action propagate in superspace- asthe dynamics of matter waves ofa fise particle unfolds in curved space Aditonal source terms are needed to account forthe presence of extra influences on the particle, which include the presence of ater particles or distributions of ‘matter (which contrite to space curvature), and sources of electromagnetic fields affecting particles with electric charge or spin. Like te Kinscin field ‘equations, it is non-linear in the metric Because ofthe products ofthe metric components, and like the HIE itis nor-linear inthe action due tothe product of| ‘asatonal derivatives inthe action, ‘The quantum mechanical concept, that action isthe phase ofthe wavefunction, ean be interpteted fom this equation as follows. The phase has to satisfy the principle of least action; it must be stationary for smal change in the configuration ofthe system, in atber words fo a slight chenge inthe position of the particle, ‘whieh corresponds toa slight change inthe metric component; 15 -¥ 95 + 80555 the slight change in phase i zero 33. Hayes (ovhere dr isthe volume clement ofthe volume integral, So the consieuctve interference ofthe mater waves isa maximum. This canbe expressed by the superposition principle; applied to many non-localized wavefunctions spread throughout the curved space to form a loalized wavefUunetion: ¥= Deve, for some coefficients ¢,, and additionally the action (phase) S,, for each Y,, must satisfy: 55 = Sys - 5 for all n, or equivalently, Sp = Sea. Regions where is maximal or minimal accur at points where there is probability of nding the particle there, and where the action (phase) change i zero. So inthe FHIE hove, each wavetiont of constant action is where the particle could be Found, eps denikendncgistonte SEATS SENOS mati ow ‘This equation still doesnot "unify" quantum mechanics and general relativity, because the semiclassical Fikonal approximation in the eontext of quantum theory and general relativity has been applied, to provide a transition between these theories, Applications “The equation takes various compliceted form in = Quantum grovity = Quantum cosmology. See also = Foliaion Quantum geometry = Quantum spacetime ' Caleuls of variations = The equation is aso related tothe Wheeler-DeWitt equation, = Peres metric References Notes 1A. Pats (1962). "On Caney’ problem in general relativity - 1". Nuovo Cimento. 26 (1). Speiage. p. $382 2. UH Gene (1968), "Derivation ofthe Tea Einscn Feld guns from the Semiclnsial Approximation fo Quantum Geometrdynamics", Phil Review, Princeton, USA 177): 1905-1941, do 101108 PysRex 1771929. 3. A Shomer (2007. "A pedagogical explanation for the noa-zenormalzbity of gravity, Califia, USA. arXi-0708 3555123. ARG. Leer, GL. Tig (1991). Broeopacdi of Physics (2nd ed). VHC Publishes p. 1288, ISBN O-89S73 752-3, 5.1.A. Whose, C Mister, KS. Thome (973), Grovaton, WH. Freeman & Co, p 1190, ISBN 0-7167-034-0, STA. Wheeler, C. Missa, KS. Thome (1973). Graton. WH. Freeman & Ca, p88, ISBN 07167-03660, 7.1. Metra (1973. The Physics’ Conception of Nate. Springs: p. 224 ISBN 90-277.0385-0, 1 Halal J. Pérez Mereaer, WH. Zarek (1996). Physical Origins of Time Asymmiry. Cai Univesity Press. p42 ISBN 0.52-S6437-4 Further reading Books eps denikendncgistonte SEATS SENOS mati * = LLL. Lopes (1977). Quantum mechanics, a haf century later: Papers ofa Colloguium on Filly Years of Ouantum Mechanic, Strasbourg Prance: Springer, Kluwer Actdemic Publishers. ISBN 978-90-277-0734-0, = C.Roveli 2008). Quantum Gravity. Cambidge University Pros. ISBN 0-521-83733-2. = C. Kiefer (2012), Quantum Gravis (3 ed), Onford University Pres. ISBN 0-19-958520-2. = LK, Glikman (1999), Towards Quantum Gravity: Proceedings of the XXXV International Winter School on Theoretical Physics. Polaica, Poland: Springer 224. ISBN 3-540.6691048 1 L-Z, Fang; R. Rufini (1987). Quantum cosmology. Advanced Sries in Astrophysics and Cosmology 3, World Scientific. IS IN 99715-08123 Selected papers T. Banks (1984). “TCP, Quantum Gravity, The Cosmological Constant and all that = BK Darian (1999). "Solving the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for g qeT07046¥23. 1 EER, Bond: DS, Salopek (1990), "Nonlinear evoltion of long-wavelength mee fluctuations in inflationary models". Phys. Rew D. Canada (USA), inois (USA). = Sang Pyo Kim (1996), "Classical spacetime from quantum gravity". Phys. Rew D. Kunsan, Korea: loP. doit 0,1088/0264.9381/13/6/011, 1 SIR Betbena; A.V. Berocal; J. Socorro; LO. Pimentel (2006). "The Einstein-Hamiltos-Jacobi equation: Searching the classical solution for barotropic FRW". Guanajuato and Autdnoma Metropolitan (Mexico) axXivigr-qc/06071230. (PDF). Stanford, USA. (Equation 4.3 in the append) ationaly interacting electromagnetic and scalar fields". Canaéa, USA. atXiv-gr Retrieved from “hupsl/n. wikipedia rg/windsx phptle-Hamilton-Jacobi-Finstin_equation&ol ‘Categories: Quantum field theory | General relativity | Hamiltonian mechanics = This page was lst modified on 29 September 2016, at 17-38 1 Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribtion-ShercAlike License; addtional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree tothe Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Wikipedia? i a registred wademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Ine, a non-profit organization, eps denikendncgistonte SEATS SENOS mati ca

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