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Computers in Industry 82 (2016) 205–223

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Empirical evidence of an integrative knowledge competence

framework for ERP systems implementation in UK industries
Uchitha Jayawickramaa,* , Shaofeng Liub , Melanie Hudson Smithb
School of Computing, Staffordshire University, Staffordshire ST4 2DE, United Kingdom
Graduate School of Management, University of Plymouth, Plymouth PL4 8AA, United Kingdom


Article history:
Received 25 August 2015 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems can greatly improve business productivity and better serve
Received in revised form 29 April 2016 customers by creating values through integrating business processes and sharing current information.
Accepted 20 July 2016 Knowledge Management (KM) is crucial for ERP systems implementation, but is particularly demanding
Available online 3 August 2016 task. This paper discusses ERP systems implementation in UK manufacturing and service sector
organisations, focusing on empirical evidence of an innovative KM approach for improving knowledge
Keywords: competence for ERP success. Qualitative research was conducted, using semi-structured interviews with
Innovative KM approach ERP experts. Data analysis used a combination of thematic and comparative analysis. The findings suggest
Knowledge competence wheel
that the integrative knowledge competence framework can provide ERP practitioners with useful
Knowledge network model
guidance on what the key knowledge determinants are and how the relationships between knowledge
ERP implementation success
components should be best managed to achieve ERP systems implementation success in real life business
ã 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction information security protocols. ERP systems implementation

requires a substantial amount of financial, human and technical
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems play an resources to succeed in business reality. As a result, ERP
increasingly important role in contemporary business technology implementation is classified as one of the most expensive business
management [47], with many organisations and industries information technologies in the corporate world [30,26], with
implementing ERP systems during last two decades to gain most resources consumed in the implementation stage, rather
competitive advantage in the demanding business environment. than the pre and post implementation stages [48,1]. Therefore, this
Over 60% of Fortune 500 companies have adopted an ERP system study specifically focuses on the implementation stage.
Mishra, 2008. Business benefits from ERP systems have been well The complexity of ERP system packages provided off-the-shelf,
recognised, including integrating business processes, sharing along with the huge number of stakeholders involved in ERP
business information, better communication and collaboration, systems implementation, create high levels of uncertainty and risk
improving supply chain and customer relationship management, that can result in ERP failure [65]. One of the main reasons for ERP
faster response to changing markets, reducing inventories, failure is the lack of sufficient support from knowledge manage-
shortening cycle times, lowering costs, increased productivity ment (KM) approaches throughout the ERP project lifecycle [23].
and better customer service [45,16]. Research further shows that Sedera and Gable [51] identified the importance of KM in order to
there are numerous advantages of implementing an off-the-shelf achieve enterprise system success. ERP systems require complex
ERP system over a bespoke ERP system [47,54]. These include: and detailed knowledge to implement within an organisation, in
adopting best business practices by using the standard functional- order to provide measurable business benefits. Effectively
ities of the ERP system, the integrity of information for accurate managing a wide range of knowledge, which resides in multiple
and timely management decisions, better corporate image and stakeholders including experienced implementation consultants
improved customer goodwill with a renowned ERP system in place, and business users/representatives, has been identified as a crucial
uniform reporting based on global standards and better factor for ERP project success [66]. The implementation con-
sultants mainly possess knowledge of ERP system functionalities
and configurations, whereas business users hold knowledge of the
* Corresponding author. business processes of the client company and industry specific
E-mail address: (U. Jayawickrama).
0166-3615/ã 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
206 U. Jayawickrama et al. / Computers in Industry 82 (2016) 205–223

knowledge [51]. Hence, it is important to discover innovative manufacturing and service industries. There are three key
methods, techniques and approaches that can integrate such contributions to the existing body of knowledge from this study.
knowledge among individuals and across stakeholder groups. They are: (1) the identification of important determinants that
For clarity, there are six definitions related to knowledge drive ERP knowledge creation, transfer, retention, and application
management used in this study which will be useful in during ERP systems implementation; (2) the creation of a
understanding the contents of this paper. These are presented in “knowledge network model” that elaborates the knowledge flows
Table 1. based on the relationships between knowledge components and
Knowledge competence is a strategic asset of an organisation ERP project stakeholders; and (3) empirical evidence of an
which brings competitive advantage [67,4]. ERP implementations innovative knowledge competence framework that integrates
demand complex and detailed knowledge for successful imple- knowledge from multiple complementary perspectives (knowl-
mentation [17,24]. This includes aspects such as; knowledge of best edge layer, knowledge type and knowledge lifecycle) to achieve
business practices, ERP system functions and features, system ERP systems implementation success.
configurations, current business processes, implementation meth- The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents
odology, business requirements, etc. By integrating various a critical review of relevant literature on KM in the context of ERP
knowledge components such as knowledge types, knowledge systems implementation and proposes a theoretical framework,
layers and KM lifecycle, new knowledge can be generated in a while the research methodology is discussed in Section 3. Section 4
particular context and in this case, in ERP implementation context. provides the main empirical findings of the research. Further
Therefore, knowledge competence is essential in creating, discussion of the integrative knowledge competence framework,
transferring, retaining and applying a stock of ERP knowledge to management implications, limitations and further research are
the right individuals, groups and departments at the right time considered in Section 5.
during ERP implementations [47,51].
The purpose of this study is to determine the integrative effects 2. Related literature
of various knowledge components to achieve ERP implementation
success. Knowledge competence attempts to integrate different ERP systems is one of the most important business information
knowledge components together, in order to generate stock of systems in the modern business world that can seamlessly
knowledge for ERP implementation. This study aims to answer integrate different business processes across departments and
three specific research questions: (1) What are the key knowledge functional areas into a coherent system [12,33]. Many studies
components required to increase knowledge competence in ERP related to ERP systems are largely focused on ERP implementation
systems implementation? (2) How can the relationships between success factors [42,53,18], failure factors [65], selection of ERP
different knowledge components be managed to achieve ERP packages [9,58] and factors affecting ERP implementation in
systems implementation success? (3) How can knowledge flows general [20,60]. There are relatively few studies that specifically
between various stakeholders be facilitated to create competitive focus on issues relating to the management of knowledge during
advantage? To answer these research questions, there is an urgent ERP systems implementation.
need to explore innovative approaches in addressing interdisci- Similarly, KM has emerged as a distinct field of research and
plinary issues across the ERP and KM domains. KM itself is a well- matured gradually by combining with other fields such as human
established area with a clear lifecycle defined in existing research, resource, organisational behaviour, information systems, and so on
which includes knowledge creation, knowledge transfer, knowl- [51]. It has only been in the last two decades that some researchers
edge retention, and knowledge application [2]. Similarly, ERP has have started to link KM with ERP systems. The next three sub-
also advanced to become a significant area of business information sections attempt to provide a clear view of the past studies that
systems. The prospect of synergies between the KM and ERP areas have been carried out closely related to KM and ERP domains, with
makes it an attractive area for many researchers. Existing research an intention to provide a theoretical foundation for the integration
has typically addressed the issue of ERP knowledge management of KM with ERP to achieve competitive advantage. For the ease of
by treating different knowledge components in an isolated understanding and introducing the main aspects of KM for ERP
manner, without integrating various knowledge components in step by step, this section classifies literature into three streams: (a)
order to explore the relationships between different knowledge the concept of knowledge competence and its links with
components for new knowledge generation [47,51]. To fill this gap knowledge layers and KM lifecycle; (b) knowledge flows and
in the literature, this paper develops an integrative knowledge knowledge networks; (c) KM influence on ERP success. Finally,
competence framework dedicated to ERP systems implementa- section 2.4 presents the theoretical framework and summarises
tion, based on empirical evidence from 14 UK companies in both research gaps.

Table 1
Definitions of KM related terms.

No. Term Definition References

1 Knowledge The processes that generate and integrate knowledge of a particular domain, thus generating knowledge stock of that particular [34,25,46]
competence domain.
2 Knowledge types K-types are categories of knowledge pertaining to a pool of knowledge in a particular domain. [45,47,35]
3 Knowledge layers K-layers are different aspects of the knowledge pertaining to a certain subject such as know-what (declarative knowledge), [52,10,36]
know-how (procedural knowledge), know-why (knowledge reasoning) and know-with (knowledge integration).
4 KM lifecycle A continuous process of creation, transfer, retention and application of the right level of knowledge, at the right time, with the [40,22,43]
right people.
5 Knowledge K-determinants are the factors that drive knowledge creation, transfer, retention and application activities. [61,66,24]
6 Knowledge Knowledge components are k-types, k-layers, KM lifecycle and k-determinants which are also known as knowledge [17,51,8]
components perspectives.
U. Jayawickrama et al. / Computers in Industry 82 (2016) 205–223 207

2.1. Knowledge competence and its links with knowledge components positive knowledge transfer climate during ERP implementation.
They identified that top management support and the internal
The concept of knowledge competence is defined as the processes incentives of the client organisation have a positive impact on
that generate and integrate knowledge of a particular domain, thus knowledge transfer. These studies have only concentrated on
generating knowledge stock of that particular domain. Ozkaya et al. knowledge transfer without considering other phases of KM
[46] used knowledge competence in the context of marketing. They lifecycle.
focus on market knowledge competence which comprises customer Jones et al. [26] examined eight dimensions of culture and their
and competitor knowledge competencies. They propose market impact on how the ERP implementation team is able to share
knowledge competence as a mediator of the relationships between knowledge effectively during implementation. This study shows
market orientation and market-based innovations. The literature ways to overcome the cultural barriers to knowledge sharing. In a
indicates that market knowledge competence has a direct positive later study, Vandaie [61] identifies two major areas of concern
effect on organisational performance [34,25]. Market knowledge regarding the management of knowledge in ERP projects through
competence has been used in new product development [4]. the developed framework; managing tacit knowledge, and issues
Knowledge about markets and its behaviour are essential in order concerning the process-based nature of organisational knowledge.
to develop goods and services to satisfy customer requirements [67]. Jeng and Dunk [24] investigate knowledge creation and its
It is evident that from design to production of a product, market relationship to ERP success particularly in footwear and apparel
knowledge competence is vital. These studies have mainly industries. The empirical findings indicate that knowledge creation
investigated market knowledge competence, but not ERP-related has an impact on ERP success. However, these studies have only
knowledge competence. considered a single KM phase i.e. knowledge transfer in first three
[51] are the only authors to investigate on ERP knowledge studies and knowledge creation in latter three studies, and lack the
competence in-depth based on a quantitative survey. They integration of different knowledge dimensions such as knowledge-
integrate knowledge types and the KM lifecycle (creation, transfer, layers, knowledge-types and multiple KM phases.
retention and application) in order to enhance the knowledge Many scholars believe that KM is a continuous process of
competence of ERP implementation. They discover the positive creation, transfer, retention and application of the right level of
influence of ERP knowledge competence to achieve ERP imple- knowledge at the right time with the right people [19]. Most of the
mentation success. However, this study was unable to explain how, studies have considered the KM lifecycle with the four phases
why and with-what (knowledge layers) specific types of ERP [55,2]. The four-phase KM lifecycle model has been widely
knowledge need to be created, transferred, retained and re-used explored, including in general KM [63,19], process improvement
during ERP implementations. [56,5] and organisational learning [21,3]. There are very few
studies that specifically explore KM lifecycle with ERP systems.
2.1.1. Knowledge layers [51] discovered the significant and positive relationship between
Generally, the literature has defined four knowledge layers to knowledge competence and enterprise success.
investigate KM. They are termed as know-what, know-how, know-
why and know-with. “Know-what” are facts about problems and 2.2. Knowledge flows and knowledge networks
solutions in a particular knowledge oriented domain. This is also
referred to as declarative knowledge [59]. “Know-how” concerns Knowledge networks show knowledge flows between various
the ways knowledge is created, transferred, retained, used and re- stakeholders of an organisation, group or set of individuals [49].
used using various methods and is also known as procedural Knowledge flows are comprised of different knowledge types
knowledge [52]. “Know-why” relates to knowledge reasoning [14]; pertaining to a particular domain. [31] discusses managerial
why different types of knowledge need to be created, transferred, knowledge flows related to a health-care system and identifies
retained and applied in a certain domain. Understanding of “know- three main categories of knowledge flows: (1) national informa-
why” is important for business managers to justify their decisions. tion steering, (2) regional information steering, and (3) internal
“Know-with” helps to identify inter-relationships between differ- control information. From this, he develops a knowledge network
ent types of knowledge on the subject being investigated [2]. The structure in order to demonstrate the knowledge flows between
concept of these knowledge layers have been explored in other numerous stakeholders such as health-care administrators,
areas outside the ERP context. For example, Chen [10] uses these specialists, elected officials, etc. Williams and Lee [64] develop
four knowledge layers for his study with information technology and test a new network model of knowledge flows in emerging
sector in general. Liu et al. [36] have used the same terms of the market multinational corporations (MNC), based on the way
four knowledge layers (but with new definitions of the meanings) people are managed in its foreign subsidiaries. They found human
in order to investigate the knowledge required for supply chain resource management practices based on formalised procedures
management in the automotive industry. However, knowledge weaken the effect of socialisation, but strengthen that of human
layers have not been discussed in conjunction with KM lifecycle capital, while empowering practices within the subsidiary weaken
phases or knowledge types (k-types) related to ERP systems the effect of human capital, but strengthen the effect of social-
implementation in the literature. isation. Kaminska and Borzillo [27] explored knowledge creation
and integration through effective knowledge flows within and
2.1.2. Knowledge lifecycle and stages between the different organisational communities; drawing on a
Knowledge creation and knowledge transfer have been longitudinal case study of a large firm operating in the highly
recognised as distinctive stages during the KM process [32,43]. competitive Specialty Chemicals industry. However, these studies
Maditinos et al. [38] present a conceptual framework that have not discussed knowledge flows and knowledge networks
investigates the way that human inputs are linked to communica- related to ERP implementations. This is a new concept for ERP
tion effectiveness, conflict resolution and knowledge transfer. A implementation.
study carried out by Xu and Ma [66] revealed four sets of factors
(characteristics of knowledge to be transferred, source, recipient 2.3. Knowledge competence and its impact on ERP success
and context) which have different effects on ERP knowledge
transfer from implementation consultants to key users and vice Knowledge competence is broadly considered as the core
versa. Hung et al. [22] investigate the factors that produce a expertise, skills, know-how, abilities and personal qualities needed
208 U. Jayawickrama et al. / Computers in Industry 82 (2016) 205–223

to perform a particular task successfully [51]. Subsequently, ERP- implementation success in the theoretical framework. Knowledge
related knowledge competence is defined as the processes that network facilitates knowledge flows among various stakeholders
generate and integrate knowledge of ERP implementation, thus by enhancing knowledge competence to achieve ERP implemen-
generating ERP knowledge stock. The model proposed by Sedera tation success. In this context, stakeholders could be any
and Gable [51] demonstrates the equal importance of the four individual, group or organisation involved in ERP project
phases for knowledge competence. In addition, information implementations.
quality, system quality, individual impact and organisational There are three knowledge components to enhance knowledge
impact were defined as variables to measure enterprise system competence as shown in the theoretical framework; knowledge
success (Sedera et al, 2003; Gable et al, 2008). The higher the types, knowledge layers and KM lifecycle. ERP success is measured
organisation’s level of knowledge competence; the higher the level through information quality, system quality, individual impact and
of success of the enterprise systems [51]. They explain almost half organisational impact. Based on the above discussion of the related
of the variance in enterprise systems success, identifying literature (section two), research gaps in the context of KM for ERP
knowledge competence as possibly the most important antecedent have been identified and summarised in Table 2. This is the basis of
of success. Parry and Graves [47] discuss the importance of KM for the theoretical framework for knowledge competence in ERP
ERP systems with the use of KM phases such as knowledge sharing, success. The table focuses on the usage of key knowledge
transfer, retention and re-use. However, there is less specific components in the context of ERP implementation. Existing work
evidence in terms of what types of knowledge need to be managed has been classified topically into six clusters in order to reveal the
and how they could be managed. The study also lacks the key research gaps. The “X” symbol in Table clearly indicates the
integration of different aspects of KM. Liu [35] reveals the influence gaps in the literature.
of critical success factors on ERP KM, but the study only examines Cluster 1 literature has used knowledge layers to investigate KM
one knowledge type which is ERP package knowledge, similar to in information technology in general, business information
Newell et al. [44]. Metaxiotis [40] proposes a model with a KM systems and supply chains. This literature has not discussed
lifecycle which also comprises of four phases but uses slightly managing knowledge through KM lifecycle phases. They have also
different terms, i.e. creation, organising, share and re-use. It not used knowledge types related to the ERP system context. The
attempts to integrate KM and ERP in order to fill knowledge studies in Cluster 2 are the only studies that investigate KM for ERP
requirements in small and medium scale enterprises. Candra [8] domain by taking two ERP related knowledge-types and four
introduces a research model to investigate the relationship phases of the KM lifecycle into consideration. However, a
between KM and ERP implementation success with the influence limitation of these studies is that they have not examined how,
of innovation culture of the organisation. KM comprises the why and with-what (k-layers) different knowledge types should be
absorptive capacity and knowledge capability of the organisation. created, transferred, retained and applied during ERP systems
Acquisition, assimilation, transformation and exploitation are the implementation. The studies in Cluster 3 have investigated the
dimensions for absorptive capacity. Knowledge creation, transfer, importance of KM for organisations in general, business informa-
retention and application are the KM lifecycle phases selected to tion systems, and specifically for ERP systems using four KM
investigate knowledge capability. The aspects used to examine lifecycle phases. There is less specific evidence about the types of
innovation culture are; innovation intention, innovation infra- knowledge that need to be managed and how this knowledge
structure, innovation influence, and innovation implementation. needs to be managed using KM phases. Cluster 4 comprises studies
However, the study still is in the conceptual stage and the model that have only examined one knowledge type, namely ERP package
has not been empirically tested. Furthermore, O’Leary [45] knowledge, and lack the integration of knowledge-layers and the
investigates the use of KM to support ERP systems across the KM lifecycle in order to investigate KM for the ERP domain in-
entire lifecycle, with particular interest in case-based KM. depth. The studies in Clusters 5 and 6 have focused on one single
However, all of these studies lack the dimension of knowledge phase of the KM lifecycle in isolation, for ERP systems implemen-
layers that reveal how, why, and with what the different types of tation (Cluster 5 covers knowledge transfer and Cluster 6 covers
knowledge have been created, transferred, retained and applied to knowledge creation). The limitations of all the studies that have
achieve ERP implementation success. been carried out on KM-ERP domain share the common issue of not
being able to examine the impact of integrating multiple
2.4. Theoretical framework and research gaps perspectives of KM in their studies.
It can be seen that the studies discussed in this section have
A theoretical framework has been proposed based on the explored a limited number of knowledge types, knowledge layers
literature reviewed in section two. Fig. 1 demonstrates the and KM lifecycle phases in an isolated way (see Table 2). In
relationship between knowledge competence and ERP addition, the majority of existing research has been restricted to

K-types K-layers

key component of key component of

Knowledge achieves ERP

competence facilitates
knowledge flows Information quality
System quality
key component of measures
Knowledge Individual impact

KM lifecycle network Organizational


Fig. 1. Theoretical framework.

U. Jayawickrama et al. / Computers in Industry 82 (2016) 205–223 209

Table 2
Literature review summary and research gaps.

Cluster No. Cluster name References Knowledge layers Knowledge types related to ERP KM lifecycle
1 Only k-layers [14,2,52,10,59,36] Between one to four k-layers X X
2 Both k-types and KM lifecycle [17,47,51] X Two k-types Four phases
3 Only KM lifecycle [63,3,2,19,40,8] X X Four phases
4 One k-type [45,44,35] X One k-type, ERP package knowledge X
5 Only k-transfer [26,66,22,38] X X One phase, knowledge transfer
6 Only k-creation [61,24] X X One phase, knowledge creation

theoretical research and conceptual models. None of the studies reveal new themes by allowing interviewees the freedom to
has been able to explore the KM from multiple perspectives, to express their views in their own terms [6]. Usually, interview
simultaneously consider knowledge types, knowledge layers and participants are not willing to share their personal project
KM lifecycle phases, in particular the relationships between the experiences in front of superiors, peers and subordinates; thus,
knowledge components, for ERP systems implementation, in order adopting one-to-one semi-structured interviews is appropriate for
to resolve the complex issues related to the phenomenon. this study [29]. Having a one-to-one interview provides the ability
Although effective KM has been recognised as one of the key to obtain in-depth individual ERP implementation experience with
drivers for successful ERP systems implementation in real business respect to a particular project [39]. The interview template can be
world, there has been a significant shortage of empirical research found in Appendix B.
on the management of knowledge related to ERP systems In order to eradicate the limitations of only using semi-
implementation in order to enhance the company’s competitive structured interviews, ERP project documents and validation of
advantage [17]. Therefore, it is evident that the domain of coded data were used as additional data sources to achieve
knowledge competence for ERP success demands more research, triangulation. ERP project documents from case implementation
especially empirical evidence, to answer the three research companies include As-Is process documents, solution designs, To-
questions defined in Section 1. Be process documents, customisation documents, project hierar-
chy documents and functional documents. After coding, all coded
3. Research methodology data were validated by the respective case implementation
company in order to ensure the integrity of the results derived
It is vital to select carefully appropriate research instruments from the semi-structured interviews and the ERP project docu-
when conducting scientific research [68,11]. The nature of the ments.
research questions advocated a qualitative approach for this study.
Fig. 2 demonstrates the research instruments used in this 3.1. Empirical data collection
qualitative study.
The company case implementations were investigated with This research attempts to collect empirical evidence from
three different sources of evidence: (1) the data collected from experienced people who have been directly involved in off-the-
one-to-one semi-structured interviews, (2) ERP project related shelf ERP systems implementation. A qualitative rather than
documents have been analysed and (3) the coded data obtained quantitative approach was adopted, because it attempts to obtain
from interviews and ERP project documents have been validated ERP experts’ opinion on how, why and with-what knowledge has
with the respective companies. The 14 case implementations been created, transferred, retained and applied in relation to
comprise SAP and Oracle ERP system implementations across both different types of knowledge during ERP systems implementation.
the manufacturing and service sectors. More details about case Such opinions from participants cannot be elicited using quantita-
implementations such as the number of modules implemented, tive methods. Hence, the main method of data collection was
the scope of the project, implementation duration, the nature of through semi-structured interviews with ERP experts in respect of
the business, etc can be found in Appendix A. Semi-structured implementations. More specifically, one-to-one semi-structured
interviews were helpful to confirm what was already known and interviews were selected over other data collection methods
[6,29,39,37]. Therefore, they were also able to discover the
determinants for each KM lifecycle phase in order to focus on
specific aspects of KM during ERP projects by industry practi-
Specific criteria for recruiting suitable interview participants
for this study have been defined based on the nature of the
research demands [44,26]. The criteria are: (1) The participants
must have directly involved in off-the-shelf ERP systems imple-
mentation (such as SAP and Oracle) but not in-house developed
systems/bespoke systems, including the respective case imple-
mentation in the UK. This is because off-the-shelf ERP systems are
very different from bespoke systems in that off-the-shelf systems
are more standardised, hence the empirical evidence collected
would offer guidance to a wider range of beneficiaries. (2) The
participants must have at least 10 years of experience in ERP field, to
ensure that the participants have high level of skill and more
refined experience, or expertise. One-to-one semi-structured
interviews were carried out with ERP experts from 14 companies
in the UK which have implemented off-the-shelf ERP systems.
Fig. 2. Research methods adopted. Appendix A provides an overview of the companies, interviewees
210 U. Jayawickrama et al. / Computers in Industry 82 (2016) 205–223

and ERP systems implemented. Each interview lasted for 2 h on the set of themes across the 14 company cases to detect the
average to allow participants plenty of time to elaborate on their strength of evidence from the empirical data [13,57]. Furthermore,
opinions. The experts largely held senior management positions in thematic analysis helped to find the data saturation point and
ERP client and vendor companies and this helped to obtain the fine thereby stop carrying out further interviews. The coding step
details of what happened during the ERP projects. comprised 3 key activities: identifying and confirming the themes
An interview template (see Appendix B) was developed and of what, how, why and with-what knowledge is created,
questions were focused around obtaining the participant’s opinion transferred, retained and applied; recognising the links between
on how, why and with-what knowledge had been created, different knowledge elements and components; and deriving the
transferred, retained and applied in relation to the four types of determinants for each KM lifecycle phase based on the prevalence
knowledge during the ERP systems implementation. However, of knowledge activities and the strength of empirical support from
there was also freedom for participants to express ideas with the 14 ERP case implementations. Finally, the integrative
respect to the context being discussed, and the interview template knowledge competence framework was developed in the model-
was used as a guide to keep the focus of the discussion on the ling stage, based on the empirical findings, by refining the
subject. Many probing questions were asked to get participants to theoretical framework.
clarify their answers as necessary. Thematic analysis is one approach to analyse qualitative data; it
concentrates on the themes, or subjects, emphasising, pinpointing,
3.2. Data analysis approach examining and recording patterns within the data [7]. Thematic
analysis is normally concerned with experience focused method-
The qualitative data collected through semi-structured inter- ologies. Throughout the analysis, the researcher identified a
views was analysed using the qualitative data analysis approach number of themes by considering the following three stages
developed for this study as shown in Fig. 3. The analysis approach highlighted by King and Horrocks [28]:
consists of 5 steps; transcribing, editing, coding, categorising and
modelling, along with inputs and outputs for each step. Each  Descriptive coding (first-order codes): the researcher identifies
interview audio file was transcribed word-for-word in order to those parts of the transcript data that address the research
avoid missing any elements from the responses given by the questions and allocates descriptive codes throughout the whole
interview participants. Afterwards, transcripts were carefully transcript.
edited to clean irrelevant data. A combination of two qualitative  Interpretative coding (second-order themes): the researcher
data analysis methods were (see Fig. 3) used to analyse the cleaned groups together descriptive codes that seem to share some
transcripts and ERP project documents i.e. thematic analysis common meaning and create an interpretative code that
[13,57] and comparative analysis [41,13]. The thematic analysis was captures this.
used to allow new ERP themes, i.e. knowledge determinants and  Defining overarching themes (aggregate dimensions): the re-
components in this case, to emerge from the transcripts and searcher identifies a number of overarching themes that
documents, whilst the comparative method was used to examine characterise key concepts in the analysis.

Fig. 3. Data analysis approach.

U. Jayawickrama et al. / Computers in Industry 82 (2016) 205–223 211

The second-order themes were identified using first-order dimensions show knowledge integration through the knowledge
codes, and they were categorised as aggregated dimensions to types and KM lifecycle phases to enhance knowledge competence,
reveal the knowledge components and their interactions in order thereby achieving ERP project success:
to enhance knowledge competence to achieve ERP success.
The comparative analysis is closely connected to thematic  The first category is ‘ERP and business knowledge creation’ and
analysis [13] and used with thematic analysis in this study. Using the determinants that fall into this category are applicable for the
this method, data from different people is compared and creation of both knowledge types.
contrasted and the process continues until the researcher is  The second category is ‘Business knowledge creation’ and the
satisfied that no new issues are arising. Comparative analysis was determinants that fall into this category are only applicable for
used to confirm the second-order themes revealed through the creation of business process knowledge.
thematic analysis when there was less literature support. In this  The third category is ‘ERP knowledge transfer’ and the
case, comparative analysis was used particularly to confirm the determinant that falls into this category is only applicable for
discovery of knowledge determinants and knowledge flows (in the the transfer of ERP package knowledge.
knowledge network model) revealed through the thematic  The fourth category is ‘ERP and business knowledge transfer’ and
analysis. Comparative analysis counts how frequently a particular the determinants that fall into this aggregate dimension are
second-order theme is referred in data collected for the 14 case applicable for the transfer of both knowledge types.
implementations. The frequency scales were developed using the  The fifth category is ‘ERP and business knowledge retention’ and
guidelines by Rihoux and Ragin [50] to denote empirical evidence the determinants that fall into this aggregate dimension are
in each case implementation and those have been shown in applicable for the retention of both knowledge types.
Table 3.  The sixth category is ‘ERP and business knowledge application’
and the determinants that fall into this aggregate dimension are
4. Empirical findings applicable for the application of both knowledge types.

The empirical findings for the integrative knowledge compe-

tence framework will be discussed in four subsections: firstly 4.2. Knowledge competence impact on ERP success
evaluation of knowledge determinants and their interaction with
knowledge types and KM lifecycle phases, secondly knowledge This sub-section discusses how knowledge competence helps
competence impact on ERP success is discussed, thirdly a to achieve ultimate ERP success by examining the four ERP success
“knowledge competence wheel” comprised of key knowledge measures: information quality, system quality, individual impact
components is modelled and presented. Finally a “knowledge and organisational impact. Fig. 4 demonstrates how the relation-
network model” that facilitates interactions between the knowl- ship between knowledge competence and ERP implementation
edge components is developed. success was established with the use of different knowledge
components based on the empirical data collected for this study.
4.1. Evaluation of knowledge determinants and their interaction with
knowledge types and KM lifecycle phases 4.2.1. Knowledge competence to improve information quality
The knowledge about ERP systems help to retrieve structured
This section explains how the knowledge determinants were business information from the system effectively and efficiently in
evaluated and examines their interaction with knowledge types the form of management reports and on screen grids. Also, it is
and KM lifecycle phases. Table 4 offers a sample of the empirical clear from the findings that the standard functionalities provide
evidence which was used to derive the knowledge determinants more accurate and meaningful information than that of custom-
for each KM lifecycle phase, with the support of knowledge-layers ised solutions. On the other hand, better trained users with proper
and knowledge-types. It also shows the interaction of knowledge knowledge transfer positively affect the quality of information that
determinants with knowledge types and KM lifecycle phases. The they extract from the system. The ERP knowledge of consultants
full version of Table 4 can be found in Appendix C. The knowledge and the business knowledge of users play a significant role in
determinants were identified through the first-order codes (see deciding on the set of modules to be implemented in client
column one and two) based on thematic analysis. After this, the organisations, according to the empirical findings. This improves
knowledge determinants (second-order themes) were validated the quality of information that it produces through the seamless
with respect to each case implementation (see column three) using integration of business processes to preserve single source of truth.
comparative analysis. The comparative analysis was used to work A thorough understanding of current business processes and ERP
back and forth between the 14 case implementations and establish system functionalities have always increased information quality.
the empirical support from the case implementations for
knowledge determinants. Column four illustrates the overall 4.2.2. Knowledge competence to improve system quality
strength of the empirical evidence from the 14 cases. Finally, The findings confirm that the smooth operation of the system
aggregate dimensions revealed the knowledge determinant’s depends on the amount of knowledge that the company has
interaction with knowledge types and KM lifecycle phase (see retained during the implementation. With the knowledge of the
column five). Column five of Table 4 shows the aggregate ERP system, users have been able to increase business efficiency
dimensions a particular determinant falls into, and those through the new system; for instance, close down month ends
sooner, cash collection is more efficient, paying suppliers is quicker
Table 3 and there is a better understanding of management information.
Scales used for comparative analysis. On the other hand, this study also finds that knowledge of current
Scale Symbol Frequency of occurrence business processes is the foundation of the whole implementation,
No evidence [blank] Zero
because all system configurations are based on the business
Weak evidence U Between 1 and 4 (1  x  4) requirements that need to be achieved by the ERP system. Failing to
Average evidence UU Between 5 and 8 (5  x  8) correctly understand the current processes might end up with
Strong evidence UUU More than or equal 9 (9  x) system failure. According to all the case implementations,
changing the way the company operates has had a big impact in
212 U. Jayawickrama et al. / Computers in Industry 82 (2016) 205–223

Table 4
Empirical evidence in discovering knowledge determinants.

First-order codes Second-order Support from cases for k-determinants (out of 14 cases) Overall Aggregate
themes/k- dimensions/
determinants categories
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
“It is very difficult to codify someone’s knowledge . . . However, Tacit nature of U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U ERP and
it is possible to document how the modules work and make ERP/business U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U business
everybody aware of how the modules interact with each knowledge U U U U U U U U U U U knowledge
other.”  Head of business solutions. creation
“It’s not like a security system where the only business K-centred U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
interaction is when you swipe the card. So that is a real technical culture U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
implementation. With an ERP you are into business process and U U U U U U U U U U U U
you are into culture change where it is to standardisation.” 
Managing director.
“I strongly believe knowledge capturing attitude should come K-oriented U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
from the leadership of the company, I mean managers, and then leadership U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
that positive attitude would pass on to the subordinates.”  U U U U U U U U U U U
Project manager.
“Not just in the formal workshops, but obviously informal coffee Nature of U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
charts, the corridor charts are important because you’re starting individual U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
to build up that rapport between the functional consultant and interactions U U U U U U U U U U U U
the business representative.”  Head of IT services.
“The end users the people who were nominated for the project Individual U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
team, the project team members and those that participated in willingness and U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
the design blueprint, were very willing and able and very ability to change U U U U U U U U U U U
knowledgeable in their particular processes . . . ”  Independent
consultant  freelance.
“What we observed was vendor KM system has supported for Vendor U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
knowledge creation activities within the project team managed KM U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
members...”  Financial system manager. systems U U U U U U U U U U U U

Legend: strong evidence – UUU, average evidence – UU, weak evidence – U, no evidence – [blank].

Fig. 4. Knowledge competence and ERP success variables—data structure.

U. Jayawickrama et al. / Computers in Industry 82 (2016) 205–223 213

implementing a better system with best industry practices by include profit maximisation and cost reduction through the
eliminating non-value adding business activities. For example, one system. With an integrated off-the-shelf ERP system in-place, it
user might go through several screens to enter some data onto the has been possible to save money on business activities as well as
system than entering the same data in the old system, however the being easier to maintain the system. In addition, wider use of
additional minutes spent entering the data will result in reduced correct system features and functionalities have improved
time in other activities (e.g. less time to prepare financial reports). organisational results along with sound decision making.

4.2.3. Knowledge competence to improve individual impact 4.3. The “knowledge competence wheel”
The knowledge of the ERP system was important to gather the
exact business requirements and to manage the expectations of the Based on the data analysis approach, a “knowledge competence
stakeholders during implementation. The study reveals that the wheel” was developed to highlight the empirical findings of this
roles and responsibilities of individuals have been changed study, as shown in Fig. 5. It has been modelled by taking knowledge
significantly and they have become analytical, rather than simply components and their interactions into consideration, as discussed
data entry users, with the use of new ERP system. Good in the previous sections through the empirical evidence. In other
communication throughout the project and a high level of training words, the aggregate dimensions in Table 4 and Fig. 4 were used in
has always given users a positive experience in their careers. If the modelling the wheel. This integrative “knowledge competence
users are not confident in using the system, it can negatively wheel” illustrates the key knowledge determinants identified, the
impact the company after go-live. Therefore, self-confidence in knowledge components viewed from multiple perspectives, and
system use will increase by staff knowing why they are doing their relationships during ERP systems implementation, to
something and how they should do it in the new system. The enhance knowledge competence. The integrative “knowledge
empirical evidence shows that keeping the right users from the competence wheel” is structured with four levels:
start to end of the project without pulling them at the middle of the
project for business activities helped them to gradually develop  The first level of the “knowledge competence wheel” comprises
their skills to operate the system effectively. the four knowledge-layers (i.e. know-what, know-how, know-
why and know-with).
4.2.4. Knowledge competence to improve organisational impact  Knowledge types are in the second level (ERP package
The findings confirm that spending some money for a feasibility knowledge, business process knowledge, and both ERP package
study upfront (to understand the exact requirements) has always and business process knowledge).
been a way to mitigate the risk of the implementation. Also  The third level shows the four KM lifecycle phases (i.e. creation,
according to the findings, business process knowledge is vital to transfer, retention and application).
streamline processes, take out non-value adding steps and  The fourth level displays the key knowledge determinants which
improve the business processes to increase organisational results are then assigned to corresponding KM lifecycle phases,
through the new system. The direct organisational results mainly knowledge types and knowledge layers that are defined in the

Fig. 5. Integrated “knowledge competence wheel”.

214 U. Jayawickrama et al. / Computers in Industry 82 (2016) 205–223

first three levels. Follow the spoke lines on the “wheel” to cross during implementations i.e. ERP package knowledge and business
different levels. process knowledge. The organisational cultural and project
management knowledge have not been formally managed through
The four variables to measure the success of the ERP systems the use of KM lifecycle phases according to empirical evidences
implementation through the advancement of knowledge compe- [23]. It is also evident from Appendix C that organisational cultural
tence are positioned to the right hand of the “wheel”. Between the knowledge and project management knowledge have not been
second level and forth level, it can be observed that certain identified as aggregate dimensions in column five. Lack of
determinants are only applicable to a specific knowledge type. empirical evidence with respect to these two knowledge types
They are as follows: demonstrate the smaller contribution of such knowledge towards
a successful implementation. The knowledge pertaining to
 Knowledge-creation ! two determinants of ‘Ability to define organisational culture and project management have not been
business requirements’ and ‘Capability of integrator in under- created, transferred, retained and applied during ERP implemen-
standing business requirements’ are only applicable to Business tations as with ERP package knowledge and business process
process knowledge. knowledge. Therefore, organisational cultural and project man-
 Knowledge-transfer ! the determinant of ‘Organisation struc- agement knowledge types have not been shown in the integrative
ture’ is only applicable to ERP package knowledge. “knowledge competence wheel”. The knowledge layers were used
to discover the determinants for each KM lifecycle phase which
The rest of the determinants are applicable to both ERP package were applicable for ERP package and business process knowledge.
knowledge and business process knowledge. The four knowledge-
layers are not restricted to a specific component, and the four k- 4.4. The “knowledge network model”
layers have been used to identify the determinants for each KM
phase for both ERP package and business process knowledge types. In order to understand how the knowledge determinants drive
Moreover, there is no priority for one determinant over another, the ERP knowledge lifecycle activities and how the knowledge
but less applicable determinants (two determinants: top manage- components interact with each other, a “knowledge network
ment support for knowledge transfer and KM automation) have model” has been developed. The model is a much larger
been highlighted in the framework. component than that shown in the theoretical framework (see
This study integrates KM from multiple different perspectives Fig. 1), based on the empirical evidence. As a result, it was
to enhance the knowledge competence of an organisation during developed as a separate model, in order to understand the
ERP systems implementation through: knowledge-layer perspec- integration of the various knowledge components in the knowl-
tive, knowledge-type perspective and KM lifecycle perspective. edge competence wheel. The model was developed by identifying
The study reveals specific determinants for each KM lifecycle phase the stakeholders and studying the flow of knowledge between
which drive the KM activities in respective phases. Therefore, it stakeholders during ERP implementations. Table 5 shows the
increases knowledge competence within the organisation by empirical evidence from ERP project documents and interview
effectively managing the relevant knowledge elements during ERP transcripts to develop the knowledge network model by explaining
systems implementation. Out of the four knowledge types knowledge flows between various stakeholders. The full version of
discussed in the literature, only two have been formally managed Table 5 can be found in Appendix D. The knowledge flows among

Table 5
Empirical evidence in developing knowledge network model.

First-order codes Second-order themes/ Support from cases for knowledge flows (out of 14 cases) Overall Aggregate
knowledge flow dimensions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
“Super users obtain business process knowledge from End users $ Super U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Knowledge
end users about specific business tasks they perform users/key user U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U flow within
within the company.” U U U U U U U U U U U U client bottom
“After super users being trained by consultants, super level
users train end users to use the system.”
“Client project manager works closely with department Client project U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Knowledge
managers to ensure smooth execution of project manager $ Process U U U U U U U U U U U U U U flow within
activities.” champion/department U U U U U U U U U U U U client middle
“Process champions are employees who have detail manager level
process knowledge, in many cases they are department
“Program manager oversees several projects in a Program manager, U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
company, and the strong communication link between client side $ Client U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
him and the project manager lead the ERP project manager U U U U U U U U U U
implementation to the success.”
“Strategic guidance provide by program manager would Process champion/ U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
help to ensure execution of effective knowledge department U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
management activities by process champions.” manager $ Program U U U U U U U U U U U U
“Process champions seek advices and involvement of manager, client side
program manager in finalising critical functionalities of
the system.”
“The client side steering committee leadership holds by Steering committee U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Knowledge
the CEO, CIO, MD or a GM depending on the scale of the leader, client side: CEO, U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U flow within
project.” CIO, MD, GM U U U U U U U U U U client top
“There are instances of having both steering committee level
head and a deputy head.”

Legend: strong evidence – UUU, average evidence – UU, weak evidence – U, no evidence – [blank].
U. Jayawickrama et al. / Computers in Industry 82 (2016) 205–223 215

stakeholders were identified through the first-order codes (see process champions/departmental managers. The bottom level
column one and two) based on thematic analysis. Subsequently, consists of end users and super users/key users. The top level
the existence of knowledge flows (second-order themes) was steering committee leader of the implementation partner organi-
validated with respect to each case implementation (see column sation could be a principle consultant, CEO or partner. The middle
three) using comparative analysis. Column four demonstrates the level comprises program manager  vendor side, vendor project
overall strength of the empirical evidence from 14 cases. Finally, manager and third party consultants. Implementation consultants,
aggregate dimensions were identified to develop the knowledge software developers and technical engineers represent the bottom
network model (see column five). The first 4 aggregate dimensions level. These were evident from the project communication charts
were supported to build the client-side project hierarchy i.e. of various case implementations investigated in this study. Only on
knowledge flow within client bottom level, knowledge flow within a few occasions, such as in deciding critical system functionalities,
client middle level, knowledge flow within client top level and can the implementation consultant directly reach the client and
knowledge flow between client management levels. The vendor- vendor top management.
side project hierarchy was modelled using the next 4 aggregate The knowledge network model is useful in three main ways to
dimensions i.e. knowledge flow within vendor bottom level, understand the current research context being investigated: (1) It
knowledge flow within vendor middle level, knowledge flow assists to recognise how the knowledge determinants drive the
within vendor top level and knowledge flow between vendor knowledge lifecycle activities in achieving ERP implementation
management levels. The last aggregate dimension (Business success. (2) It helps to understand the interactions of knowledge
knowledge flows from client to vendor between all levels, ERP components such as knowledge types, knowledge layers and KM
knowledge flows from vendor to client between all levels) linked lifecycle. (3) The model facilitates to identify how various
the client and vendor project hierarchies to explain knowledge stakeholders are involved in knowledge creation, knowledge
flows between internal and external parties. transfer, knowledge retention and knowledge application in order
The “knowledge network model” in Fig. 6 demonstrates all to enhance knowledge competence. The study shows the impor-
stakeholders/actors involved in an ERP implementation and the tance of effective knowledge management during ERP implemen-
direction of knowledge flow between the stakeholders. It is tation. The framework of integrative knowledge competence
believed that business performance depends on the smooth flow of demonstrates the inter-linked effects of knowledge determinants,
knowledge between stakeholders, rather than pure access to knowledge-types, knowledge-layers and KM lifecycle phases to
knowledge by individuals (Lech, 2014; Newell, 2015). The stake- increase knowledge competence in order to achieve ultimate ERP
holders are divided into two main groups; internal (client) and success.
external (vendor). Business process knowledge flows largely from
client stakeholders to vendor stakeholders, based on the empirical 5. Discussion and conclusions
findings. On the contrary, ERP package knowledge flows from
vendor stakeholders to client stakeholders. It can also be observed The paper has determined the integration of multiple
that the traditional management hierarchy (top, middle and knowledge components with empirical evidence (i.e. knowl-
bottom management levels) exists in external and internal project edge-layers, knowledge-types, KM lifecycle and knowledge
structures. The top level of the client structure consists of steering determinants) to increase knowledge competence within indus-
committee leaders such as CEO, CIO, MD or GM. Depending on the tries in implementing ERP systems. This paper focused on the
scope of the project, there may be a head and a deputy head in the empirical evidence of an integrative knowledge competence
steering committee leadership. The middle level comprises framework dedicated to ERP systems implementation in real
program manager  client side, client project manager and business practices. The key findings of this study have made a

Fig. 6. Knowledge Network Model for ERP implementation.

216 U. Jayawickrama et al. / Computers in Industry 82 (2016) 205–223

number of contributions to the existing body of knowledge while hand, consultant support positively impacted knowledge transfer
answering the three research questions outlined previously: (1) It activities in both studies. Xu and Ma [66] highlight the
provides empirical evidence of the key knowledge determinants significance of consultant support and user support for effective
that drive knowledge creation, transfer, retention and application knowledge transfer activities, which is reinforced by this study.
in ERP systems implementation in the UK manufacturing and This study also demonstrates how the practice of document
service industries. (2) It develops an innovative “knowledge management determines the retention of up-to-date and relevant
competence wheel” which assembles knowledge components knowledge. This study, along with Wang et al. [62] both indicate
from multiple perspectives, including knowledge layers, knowl- the importance of competent consultants and intelligent business
edge types and knowledge lifecycle stages. The “knowledge users in order to fetch and re-use relevant knowledge during ERP
competence wheel” further helps link the identified key knowl- implementation.
edge determinants with knowledge components. (3) It develops a Besides the contributions to theory, this research also has a
“knowledge network model” that facilitates knowledge flows number of contributions to business technology practices (for both
between the multiple stakeholders involved in the ERP system’s client and vendor organisations) in terms of knowledge compe-
implementation, which can help to understand the interactions tence for ERP systems implementation. Firstly, it classifies
between the knowledge components during the KM lifecycle. determinants for knowledge management in ERP implementation
Comparing the empirical findings in this study with that in under each KM lifecycle phase with the support of knowledge-
literature, we find that the four phases of KM lifecycle are types and knowledge-layers to enhance knowledge competence,
consistent with existing research [3,2,19,40,8]. In each KM phase, based on empirical evidence. Therefore, practitioners can focus on
there are important stakeholders to initiate and carry out KM the key determinants in creating, transferring, retaining and
activities during ERP systems implementation, as discussed in the applying relevant knowledge during ERP implementation. Sec-
“knowledge network model”. In addition, the “knowledge network ondly, it informs ERP implementers about the most important
model” shows the hierarchy of the stakeholders and how the knowledge types (ERP package and business process knowledge)
knowledge flows between them. There have been four knowledge and how, why and with-what to create, transfer, retain, use and re-
types discussed in the literature; however, the empirical finding of use knowledge during an ERP implementation to achieve project
this study reveals that only two knowledge types (ERP package and success. Furthermore, they can prioritise and pay less attention to
business process knowledge) have been formally managed the less important knowledge-types (organisational cultural and
through the KM lifecycle. The other two knowledge types project management knowledge). Thirdly, the framework of
(organisational cultural and project management knowledge) integrative knowledge competence shows the determinants that
have not been formally managed using the KM lifecycle, as per are only applicable for ERP and business knowledge respectively, as
the findings. well as the determinants applicable for both knowledge-types in
Among the 19 knowledge determinants identified through the managing knowledge in each KM phase. Therefore, it eases the
empirical findings and shown in the “knowledge competence management of knowledge in each knowledge-type by narrowing
wheel”, the majority of the determinants are new to the KM for the practitioner’s broader knowledge area to be focused into one
ERP success domain. However, there are several determinants knowledge-type and one KM phase. Fourthly, this is the first
that support the literature. Vandaie [61] identifies the tacit nature integrative knowledge competence framework dedicated to ERP
of process knowledge and how the nature of individual implementation in industry.
interactions affect the knowledge creation. This study confirms However, this study does have some limitations. It concentrates
the results in knowledge creation in the context of ERP only on the ERP implementation stage, not including the pre or
implementations. The study carried out by Donate and Guada- post implementation stages. The case implementations only cover
millas [15] illustrates that knowledge centred culture is vital to SAP and Oracle ERP product implementations in the UK. Further
drive knowledge creation. This study also supports this point. research will extend this work, to prioritise the importance of
Hung et al. [22] reveal that top management support is necessary knowledge-types to achieve ERP success with the support of four
for knowledge transfer activities during the project, but the success measures and obtain responses from a wider audience of
findings of this study show that top management support is the ERP field. Finally, the integrative knowledge competence
necessary for ERP projects in general, but there is less direct framework will be extended for the ERP pre and post implemen-
involvement of top managers in knowledge transfer. On the other tation stages as well.

Appendix A. Background of the companies, interview participants and implementations

No Nature of the business Number of ERP Number of modules Scope of the ERP Implementation Designation of the ERP
employees name implemented implementation duration interview participant experience
1 Music licencing 260 Oracle 18 Finance, HR and CRM 1.5 years Head of IT Services 10 years +
2 Market research 1500 Oracle 10 Finance and SCM 1 year Financial System 15 years
3 Higher education 6000 Oracle 16 Finance, HR, CRM and 2 years Head of Business 15 years
Operations Solutions
4 Healthcare 90000 Oracle 10 Finance and SCM 1.5 years Project Lead/Principal 10 years +
5 Industrial vehicle spare parts 1000 Oracle 18 Finance, HR, SCM, CRM 2 years Solution Architect 12 years
manufacturing and Production
6 Media 23000 SAP 15 Finance, HR, SCM and 1.5 years Business Systems 20 years
CRM Manager
7 Aerospace and defence 800 SAP 12 Finance and 1.5 years Independent 16 years
equipment manufacturing manufacturing Consultant  Freelance
8 Food distributing 3500 SAP 23 Finance, manufacturing, 4 years Change Management 15 years
SCM, CRM and HR Lead
9 Media 5000 Oracle 12 Finance, HR and BI 1.2 years Project Manager 12 years
U. Jayawickrama et al. / Computers in Industry 82 (2016) 205–223 217

No Nature of the business Number of ERP Number of modules Scope of the ERP Implementation Designation of the ERP
employees name implemented implementation duration interview participant experience
10 Property registering 4700 Oracle 8 Finance 1.5 years Project Manager 20 years
11 Food retail 90000 Oracle 3 HR  covers 1200 1.5 years IT Program Manager 15 years
restaurants in UK
12 Student accommodation 1000 Oracle 16 Finance, manufacturing, 2 years Managing Director 12 years
13 IT services 4000 Oracle 9 Finance and SCM 1.5 years Alliance Director 23 years
14 Steel manufacturing 300 Oracle 15 Finance, manufacturing 1.5 years Associate Practice 22 years
and CRM Director

Appendix B. Interview template j A brief overview about the ERP implementation in your
organisation, when implemented, implementation duration,
Project title: Knowledge competence for ERP implementation which modules, any major system upgrades, etc.
A. ERP package knowledge
Instructions 1. How would you describe the creation of ERP package related
Brief overview of the research will be given before starting the knowledge during the ERP implementation?
interview by the researcher in order to ease answering process of 2. How would you describe the transfer of ERP package related
the participant. However, when answering each interview knowledge during the ERP implementation?
question, try to address the key aspects of the research such as 3. How would you describe the retention of ERP package
What, How, Why, With and ERP implementation success. For an related knowledge during the ERP implementation?
example; 4. How would you describe the application of ERP package
If we break down Question 1 into 5 sub questions, those would related knowledge during the ERP implementation?
look like; B. Business process knowledge
5. How would you describe the creation of business process
1. What sort of ERP package knowledge has been created within related knowledge during the ERP implementation?
the company during the ERP implementation? 6. How would you describe the transfer of business process
2. How ERP package knowledge has been created within the related knowledge during the ERP implementation?
company during the ERP implementation? 7. How would you describe the retention of business process
3. Why ERP package knowledge has been created within the related knowledge during the ERP implementation?
company during the ERP implementation? 8. How would you describe the application of business process
4. With what and whom ERP package knowledge has been created related knowledge during the ERP implementation?
within the company during the ERP implementation? C. Organisational cultural knowledge
5. What is the impact on ERP implementation success by 9. How would you describe the creation of organisational
knowledge creation in terms of ERP package knowledge? cultural related knowledge during the ERP implementation?
10. How would you describe the transfer of organisational
Interview questions cultural related knowledge during the ERP implementation?
Introductory questions 11. How would you describe the retention of organisational
a A brief overview of the company structure, parent company and cultural related knowledge during the ERP implementation?
its operations. 12. How would you describe the application of organisational
b What is the industry sector in which the organisation operates cultural related knowledge during the ERP implementation?
in? D. Project management knowledge
c How many employees are working for the company? 13. How would you describe the creation of project manage-
d What is the ERP system implemented by the company? ment related knowledge during the ERP implementation?
e How many employees are using the ERP system? 14. How would you describe the transfer of project manage-
f A brief overview of your job role within the company operations. ment related knowledge during the ERP implementation?
g What is your current designation? 15. How would you describe the retention of project
h How many years of working experience in this company? management related knowledge during the ERP implementation?
i How many years of experience in the same job role in total? 16. How would you describe the application of project
management related knowledge during the ERP implementation?
Appendix C. Full version of Table 4—empirical evidence in discovering knowledge determinants

First-order codes Second-order themes/ Support from cases for k-determinants (out of 14 cases) Overall Aggregate dimensions/
k-determinants categories

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
“It is very difficult to codify someone’s knowledge . . . Tacit nature of ERP/ U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U ERP and business
However, it is possible to document how the modules business knowledge U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U knowledge creation
work and make everybody aware of how the modules U U U U U U U U U U U
interact with each other.”  Head of business solutions.
“It’s not like a security system where the only business K-centred culture U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
interaction is when you swipe the card. So that is a real U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
technical implementation. With an ERP you are into U U U U U U U U U U U U
business process and you are into culture change where it is
to standardisation.”  Managing director.
“I strongly believe knowledge capturing attitude should K-oriented leadership U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
come from the leadership of the company, I mean U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
managers, and then that positive attitude would pass on to U U U U U U U U U U U

U. Jayawickrama et al. / Computers in Industry 82 (2016) 205–223

the subordinates.”  Project manager.
“Not just in the formal workshops, but obviously informal Nature of individual U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
coffee charts, the corridor charts are important because interactions U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
you’re starting to build up that rapport between the U U U U U U U U U U U U
functional consultant and the business representative.” 
Head of IT services.
“The end users the people who were nominated for the Individual willingness U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
project team, the project team members and those that and ability to change U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
participated in the design blueprint, were very willing and U U U U U U U U U U U
able and very knowledgeable in their particular
processes . . . ”  Independent consultant  freelance.
“What we observed was vendor KM system has supported Vendor managed KM U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
for knowledge creation activities within the project team systems U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
members...”  Financial system manager. U U U U U U U U U U U U
“The key knowledge that you’ll hope within an organisation Ability to define U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Business knowledge
is what your organisation does, what the business business requirements U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U creation
processes are that support the operation on that (BR) U U U U U U U U U U U U
business . . . The business being able to define what it
wants.”  Business systems manager.
“...The next big enabler is the capability of the Capability of integrator U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
implementation partner to translate those requirements in understanding BRs U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
into that configuration designs.”  Alliance director. U U U U U U U U U U U
“Knowledge has no value unless it’s with the right people Organisation structure U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U ERP knowledge
and then when you look at now who needs to have that U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U transfer
knowledge over the lifecycle of a project...”  Business U U U U U U U U U U U U
systems manager.
“Project team members need to be people who are very Project team power U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U ERP and business
knowledgeable of their particular process area. They need and culture U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U knowledge transfer
to be empowered and that is the key thing. They need to U U U U U U U U U U U U U
be able to make a decision without going through many,
many levels of management . . . If you can get those right
people on the project team, then you will get good
knowledge transfer . . . ”  Independent consultant 
“It would tend to be an area that they technically wouldn’t Top management U U U U U U U U U U
really get involved that much . . . However, the top support U U U U U U U U U U
management was very keen on capturing the knowledge U U U U U U
because they saw it as an opportunity for the future to build
on the solution.”  Project lead/Principal consultant.
“Timely and adequate support from business User support U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
representatives is a must to drive knowledge transfer U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
activities according to our experience during the U U U U U U U U U U U
implementation”  Solution architect.
“We did this in two ways and the first way was the informal Consultant support U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
knowledge transfer between the consultant and the U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
business representative. And we did that by organising the U U U U U U U U U U U
office such that the consultants sat side by side with the
business representatives and in their particular module
area.”  Project lead/Principal consultant.
“The functional knowledge of the solution which is again Practice of document U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U ERP and business
documented in functional documents. There is also the management U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U knowledge retention
training material which is developed. And all of that seem U U U U U U U U U U U
the testing scripts and all the documents all of which is a
vast wealth of knowledge . . . ”  Independent consultant
“I think the big thing here is the solution manager once ERP features for KM U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
again, solution managers are the repository for all your U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
documentation, all your materials, all your process flows, U U U U U U U U U U U

U. Jayawickrama et al. / Computers in Industry 82 (2016) 205–223

really kind of everything.”  Change management lead.
“If you got an organisation that does have a very formal KM automation U U U U U U
automated KM system, then yes you should use that for the U U U U U
implementation. Trying to use one just for the U U U U
implementation will not work because you are setting up all
new if people aren’t already used to the limitations of it...” 
Head of business solutions.
“We had the reviewed within the team and also we had a Quality of document U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U ERP and business
quality review of the documents as well . . . We had a management U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U knowledge application
peer review that had a review by the team and then we U U U U U U U U U U U
had people on the project reviewing those documents
before they were approved and signed off.” 
Independent consultant  freelance.
“To apply knowledge in subsequent stages of the project, we Highly competent U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
must have right knowledge in right quantities. The consultants U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
competencies of the consultants matter a lot to have such U U U U U U U U U U U
knowledge on board...”  Managing director.
“The company is a highly technical company and the Intelligent business U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
employees a lot are very bright people, very clever people, users U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
very well qualified people.”  Project manager. U U U U U U U U U U U

Legend: strong evidence – UUU, average evidence – UU, weak evidence – U, no evidence – [blank].

Appendix D. Full version of Table 5—empirical evidence in developing knowledge network model

First-order codes Second-order themes/ Support from cases for knowledge flows (out of 14 cases) Overall Aggregate dimensions
knowledge flow
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
“Super users obtain business process knowledge End users $ Super U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Knowledge flow
from end users about specific business tasks they users/key user U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U within client bottom
perform within the company.” U U U U U U U U U U U U level
“After super users being trained by consultants,
super users train end users to use the system.”
“Client project manager works closely with Client project U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Knowledge flow
department managers to ensure smooth execution manager $ Process U U U U U U U U U U U U U U within client middle
of project activities.” champion/department U U U U U U U U U U U U level
“Process champions are employees who have manager
detail process knowledge, in many cases they are
department managers.”
“Program manager oversees several projects in a Program manager, U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
company, and the strong communication link client side $ Client U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U

U. Jayawickrama et al. / Computers in Industry 82 (2016) 205–223

between him and the project manager lead the ERP project manager U U U U U U U U U U
implementation to the success.”
“Strategic guidance provide by program manager Process champion/ U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
would help to ensure execution of effective department U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
knowledge management activities by process manager $ Program U U U U U U U U U U U U
champions.” manager, client side
“Process champions seek advices and involvement of
program manager in finalising critical functionalities
of the system.”
“The client side steering committee leadership holds Steering committee U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Knowledge flow
by the CEO, CIO, MD or a GM depending on the leader, client side: U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U within client top level
scale of the project.” CEO, CIO, MD, GM U U U U U U U U U U
“There are instances of having both steering
committee head and a deputy head.”
“Client project hierarchy shows knowledge flow Client bottom U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Knowledge flow
between stakeholders in different management level $ Client middle U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U between client
levels.” level $ Client top level U U U U U U U U U U U management levels
“Top management largely deals with middle level
and middle level largely deals with bottom level.”
“Middle level stakeholders are the interface
between top level and bottom level . . . ”
“Knowledge flow between implementation Implementation U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Knowledge flow
consultants and software developers when consultant $ Software U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U within vendor bottom
building custom interfaces, reports and forms.” developer U U U U U U U U U level
“Technical engineers such as database Technical engineer $ U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
administrators help to setup the technical Implementation U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
infrastructure on which the ERP system runs.” consultant U U U U U U U U U U U
“Knowledge of the database and its table structures
are important to design custom solutions.”
“Software developers and technical engineers share Software U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
the knowledge of customisations and database developer $ Technical U U U U U U U U U U U U U
between them in order to develop necessary custom engineer U U U U U U U U U U U
functionalities to the ERP system.”
“Third party consultant provides directions to the Vendor project U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Knowledge flow
vendor project manager in terms of the project manager $ Third party U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U within vendor middle
activities.” consultant U U U U U U U U U U U level
“Vendor project manager communicates project
statuses to the third party consultant and support
to guide the project on the correct track . . . ”
“Vendor program manager provides wide range of Program manager, U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
project management expertise to the vendor project vendor side $ Vendor U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
manager to ensure implementation success.” project manager U U U U U U U U U U U
“Vendor project manager communicates project
statues to vendor program manager for project
monitoring purposes.”
“Third party consultant looks at the project as an Third party U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
independent unbiased person to rectify if there are consultant $ Program U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
any issues in the project.” manager, vendor side U U U U U U U U U U
“Both parties share project management knowledge
between them . . . ”
“The vendor side steering committee leadership Steering committee U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Knowledge flow
holds by the CEO of the vendor company, a leader, vendor side: U U U U U U U U U U U U UU U U within vendor top
principle consultant or a partner of the advisory CEO, Principle U U U U U U U U U level
company depending on the scale of the project.” consultant, Partner
“There are instances of having both steering
committee head and a deputy head.”
“Vendor project hierarchy shows knowledge flow Vendor bottom U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Knowledge flow
between stakeholders in different management level $ Vendor middle U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U between vendor

U. Jayawickrama et al. / Computers in Industry 82 (2016) 205–223

levels.” level $ Vendor top U U U U U U U U U U U management levels
“Top management largely deals with middle level level
and middle level largely deals with bottom level.”
“Middle level stakeholders are the interface
between top level and bottom level . . . ”
“Broadly, all ERP project stakeholders can be divided Client/business U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Business knowledge
as internal and external stakeholders. Any representative/user U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U flows from client to
stakeholder attaches to the client company (internal) $ Vendor/ U U U U U U U U U U U U U vendor between all
belongs to internal group, and all others are Implementation levels.
external to the client company.” partner/integrator ERP knowledge flows
“Business knowledge largely flows from client side (external) from vendor to client
to the vendor or implementation partner side between all levels.
whereas ERP knowledge largely flows from vendor
side to the client side.”
“Client and vendor stakeholders are directly
communicating with stakeholders in respective
levels . . . ”
“ . . . Some instances such as deciding critical
system functionalities, implementation
consultants directly reach both client and vendor
top management for proper guidance”

Legend: strong evidence – UUU, average evidence – UU, weak evidence – U, no evidence – [blank].

222 U. Jayawickrama et al. / Computers in Industry 82 (2016) 205–223

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