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Journal of the University of Chemical V. Christova-Bagdassarian
Technology and Metallurgy, 44, 4, 2009, 413-415

Short Communication
M. Atanassova, V. Christova-Bagdassarian

National Center of Public Health Protection, Received 05 May 2009

Department of Food Chemistry, Sofia 1431, Bulgaria Accepted 12 October 2009


Tannins represent a wide variety of compounds that can be found in fruits, vegetables, dry extract of red wine, dry
extract of grape seeds, tea and dry not edible plants. Tannins are also known as proanthocyanidins possessing useful
properties such as antioxidant, anti-apoptosis, anti-aging, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory as well as anti-atheroscle-
rosis and cardiovascular protection. In the study 16 food products - 6 fruit and 2 vegetable dry species, 4 dry extracts of not
edible and 4 dry not edible plants were analysed for their tannins content by titrimetric method.
Keywords: condensed tannins, fruits, vegetables, dry not edible and dry extract of not edible plants.

INTRODUCTION antioxidant defenses produced in body, that is, endog-

enous [5, 6].
The reactivity of condensed tannins with mol- Tannins are the most abundant antioxidants in
ecules of biological significance such as proteins, metal human diets. The main dietary sources of tannins in-
ions and polysaccharides has important nutritional and clude some common fruits, vegetables and not edible
physiological consequences, and hence the determina- plans [7].
tion of the content of condensed tannins in plant mate- The aim of this study was focused on the deter-
rial is important [1]. Tannins exhibit many biologically mination of tannins in food products by titrimetric
significant functions, such as protection against oxida- method.
tive stress, and degenerative diseases.
Oxidative stress results in oxidative alteration of EXPERIMENTAL
biological macromolecules such as lipids, proteins and
nucleic acids. It is considered to play a pivotal role in The study covered 16 food products. Random-
the pathogenesis of aging and degenerative diseases [2- ized market sampling was applied. The average sample
4]. In order to cope with an excess of free radicals pro- consisted of representative amounts of three individual
duced upon oxidative stress, human bodies have devel- samples from respectively different manufactures. All
oped sophisticated mechanisms for maintaining redox samples data are stated in the sampling protocol.
homeostasis. These protective mechanisms include scav-
enging or detoxification of reactive oxygen species Sample preparation
(ROS), blocking ROS production, sequestration of tran- 3 g of the studied food product was extracted
sition metals, as well as enzymatic and non-enzymatic with distilled deionised water (dd H2O) into 250 ml

Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 44, 4, 2009

Table 1. Content of tannins in dry fruit and vegetable species.

Dry fruits Dry vegetables
Tannins Apple Sweet Morello White Aronia Quince Red Red hot chillis
(%) cherry cherry cherry pepper pepper
0.58 1.25 1.11 0.58 2.00 0.67 0.69 0.55

volumetric flask during 4 hours at room temperature 1 ml of 0.1 N aqueous solution of KMnO4; g – mass of
and then the sample was filtered. the sample taken for the analysis, g; 250 - volume of
the volumetric flask, ml; 100 – percent, %.
Tannins assay
The analyses of tannins content in fruits and veg- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
etables were performed according to The International
Pharmacopoeia [8] and AOAC method [9], after some Tannins contents in Bulgarian dry products
modifications. 25 ml of the infusion are measured into The results for tannins content in Bulgarian dry
1 L conical flask, then 25 ml of indigo solution and 750 fruits and vegetables are presented in Table1. Almost
ml distilled deionised water (dd H2O) are added. 0.1 N all analyzed products contain tannins in the range of
aqueous solution of KMnO4 is used for titration until 0.55 - 1.25 %. It was established that the larger quantity
the blue coloured solution changes to green colour. Then of tannins has been found into dark dry fruits - Aronia,
few drops at time until solution becomes golden yellow Sweet cherry and Morrelo cherry, while the lower val-
are added. Standard solution of Indigo carmine is pre- ues have been found into white dry fruits – Apple, White
pared as following: 6 g Indigo carmine is dissolved in cherry, Quince and into dry vegetables - Red hot chillis
500 ml of distilled deionised water (dd H2O) by heat- pepper and Red pepper. These results show a relation-
ing, after cooling 50 ml of 95 – 97 % H2SO4 is added, ship between the fruit colour and tannin content in the
the solution is diluted to 1 L and then filtered. The case of the dry fruits. At the same time in the case of
blank tests by titration of a mixture of 25 ml Indigo dry vegetables the tannins content has low values de-
carmine solution and 750 ml dd H2O are carried out. spite the dark colour.
All samples were analyzed in duplicates.
Tannins contents in dry plants
CALCULATIONS The results for tannins content in dry not edible
plants are presented in Table 2. The tannins content in
The tannins content (T, %) in the sample is cal- these samples is several times higher than those given
culated as follows: in Table 1 for the dry fruits and vegetables. The lowest
(V −V0 ) x 0.004157 x 250 x 100 values of tannins found in Hip (Rosa cannia) and Gera-
T (%) = nium are twice higher than those found in Aronia and
g x 25
Cherries. The highest values are found in the Black tea
where V is the volume of 0.1 N aqueous solution of and Rhus cotinus leaves.
KMnO4 for the titration of the sample, ml; Vo - volume Tannins contents in the dry extracts of dry plants
of 0.1 N aqueous solution of KMnO4 for the titration of The results for tannins contents in dry extracts in
the blank sample, ml; 0.004157 – tannins equivalent in not edible plants are presented in Table 3. The values

Table 2. Content of tannins in dry not edible plants.

Dry not edible plants
Tannins Geranium Black Rhus cotinus Hip (Rosa
(%) tea leaves canina)
5.38 10.23 10.53 3.41

M. Atanassova, V. Christova-Bagdassarian

Table 3. Content of tannins in dry extracts of not edible plants.

Dry extracts of not edible plants
Tannins Betulae Green Grape Red win
(%) pendula leaves tea seeds
8.94 55.89 93.44 26.46

of the tannins in this samples varies in large scale – REFERENCES
from 8.94 % in Betulae pendula leaves to 93.44 % in 1. P. Schofield, D.M. Mbugua, A.N. Pell, Analysis of
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Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 44, 4, 2009


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