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Name: ______________________

15 Homeostasis Roll No.: __________________

Time: 35 min Marks: 20
Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / Overwriting is not allowed (12 marks)
1 The incidence of calcium oxalate type stones of kidney is _____%
A) 15 B) 60 C) 15 D) 70
2 Excretory product that requires minimum loss of water for its removal is ___________.
A) Urea B) Uric Acid C) Creatinin D) Ammonia
3 The incidence of calcium phosphate stones in kidney __%
A) 10 B) 15 C) 20 D) 30
4 Major homeostatic function of liver is storage of:
A) Bile B) Cholesterol C) Urea D) Iron
5 These have adaptations for reduced rate of transpiration
A) Xerophytes B) Mesophytes C) Halophytes D) Hydrophytes
6 Bats do not regulate their body temperature in narrow range is:
A) Endotherm B) Homeotherm C) Heterotherm D) Poikilotherm
7 Number of ammonia molecules required to produce one molecule of urea is ____
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
8 A diluted solutions compared to cell concentration is termed as ___
A) Hypertonic B) Hypotonic C) Isotonic D) Paratonic
9 A network of closed tubules without internal openings is called ____
A) Protonephridium B) Metanephridium C) Nephron D) Kidney
10 The structural and functional relationship between excretory and nutritive system is present in:
A) Planaria B) Earthworm C) Cnidaria D) Insects
11 Metabolism of purines and pyrimidines produces significant amount of ____
A) Creatinin B) Creatine C) Xanthin D) Trimethylamine oxide
12 1 g of ammonia nitrogen requires how much water for excretion:
A) 50 ml B) 100 ml C) 250 ml D) 500 ml

Give short answers of any four of the following (08 marks)

1 What are pyrogens?

2 What are heat shock proteins?

3 What are flame cells? Give their role.

4 Illustrate function of Malpighian tubules.

5 What are hydrophytes? What are their important adaptations?

6 Differentiate between osmoregulation and thermoregulation.

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