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Drama Text “Day and Night”

Lecturer: Hj. Dra. Nurhaeda Galilea, M. Hum.


Laela Fitri Febia 2223150095




Day and Night

Narrator: Long time ago, sun and moon are has same orbit, therefore in the day
or night the people on the world can saw sun and moon at the same time.
Nevertheless there was living a deity of sky and universe named Tenzin. Tenzin as
a deity, manage all situations in the universe. Until one day in the peace center in
the world named Atlantis...

Scene 1 = at Tenzin’s house. Tenzin and Pema talking each other.

TENZIN: “I has dreamed, that there will be a destruction if I not send my son,
Zuko to the Sprit world.”

PEMA: “It's a bad dream dear. So, what should we do?, Zuko is the only child we
have.” (Gloomily Tenzin’s wife turn away her face).

TENZIN: (with remorsefully Tenzin says) “I’m so sorry Pema, but this is the
regulation of our live. Furthermore; Zuko will be sun deity if he goes to spirit

PEMA: ( Crying) “but, it still a selfish decision Tenzin!”

TENZIN: “Of course, it is not!, my descent is must be a deity same like me!”.

Narrator: At that time the infant Zuko not understand anything, forced to be sent
to the spirit world. When Zuko sent to the spirit world, the world was plunged into
darkness without the sun, because since the departure Zuko, although he was
little, he has become the deity of the sun.

*a few years later*

Narrator: Tenzin and Pema has a new child, named Jinora, she has a destiny at
the age of 21st years as a goddess of the moon. On the other hand Jinora has a
superiority i.e. can visit to the spirit world.

As her brother Zuko, Jinora was grew up very well, she grew into a beautiful girl.
Scene 2 = a beautiful park in Atlantis on the dark day.

AUNT KYA: “hey are you Jinora?”

JINORA: “Yes, I am, who are you?”

AUNT KYA: “I am Kya, your aunt.”

JINORA: “oh.. hello aunt Kya, you look so different, how are you?”

AUNT KYA: “Hi dear, I’m fine thanks, um…. Jinora I saw the different from
your eyes.” (said with confused face)

JINORA: “what is that aunty?”

AUNT KYA: “You can go to the spirit world! You have the ability of that young
girl!” (Vigorously)

JINORA: “Do dad will let me go there?”

AUNT KYA: “Yes, you can try it dear, the spirit world is the beautiful place.”

Narrator: Tenzin is didn’t knows that Jinora trying to go to the spirit world, then,
Jinora success came to spirit world.

Scene 3 = In the Spirit World, different atmosphere and full of unique spirits

ZUKO: (playing around in the spirit world)

JINORA: (Curious with surroundings around in spirit world) “this is a wonderful

place, so amazing, all spirit is has different appearance but they still in a peace”

ZUKO: (Approaching from a distance) “I have seen you, are you a new people
from here?, but as I know there is nobody come here.”

JINORA: (Jinora just ignored zuko and then go away)

ZUKO: (speaking in the heart) “a bad girl! Is she didn’t hear me? But she’s so
beautiful I've never seen her before”
ZUKO: (trying to speak again to Jinora) “hey you! Who are you?”

JINORA: “oh hey.. do you speak with me? I’m so sorry I'm not notice on you, I
think you speak with another people” (smiling and full polite)

Narrator: Since it Jinora frequently visited Zuko in the spirit world, unbeknown of
Tenzin, then Zuko and Jinora falling in love each other, they’re didn’t know that’s
they are the siblings because Zuko memories erased when he enters the spirits
world, then Jinora are never told about her brother.

Scene 4 = in the castle of deity Tenzin, before 21st Jinora's birthday party

JINORA: “dad, I would to tell something to you?”

TENZIN: “what is that baby? “

JINORA: “I’ve seen the good guy for my future, could I choose him for my

TENZIN: “hahahahahaa…….. my little girl was growing a lot”

JINORA: “daaad, please I’m serious”

TENZIN: “ok ok what do you want?”

JINORA: “tomorrow morning when I have become the goddess of the moon, I
would like to invite you to go to the spirit world”

TENZIN: “why spirit world?”

JINORA: “because my future husband is there dad! His named Zuko! The Deity
of sun!, so cool right?”

TENZIN: “whaaaaaat?! Zuko ? if he the person who wants to married you, my

answer is not!”

JINORA: “are you crazy with that answer?” (Angry)

TENZIN: “stop Jinora stop! You should focus for this celebration and tomorrow
you became a goddess of the moon!” (Furious)

Narrator: Then Jinora go away from the castle, Jinora comes to Spirit world to
meet with Zuko. Then in spirit world Jinora tells all stories about what happened
with her and her father

ZUKO: “its ok Jinora, may be I would try to go out from spirit world for life with
you, now go away from here, you should become the goddess of the moon”

JINORA: “ok Zuko, please don’t do anything, which make our in a problem”

Narrator: So, in the morning Jinora become a goddess of the moon, Jinora has all
power of the moon from now. Meanwhile; Tenzin put the superiority of Jinora, it
makes Jinora can’t go to the spirit world again. Knowing that, Jinora just feel
gloomy on her room.

JINORA: “When I was alone, I did not feel lonely. But for the first time I love
someone, and now when I have to leave, I felt very lonely. As if I alone in this

Meanwhile with Zuko in the spirit world

ZUKO: “Do not hurt when I was not there”

“No matter the time elapsed, when I have endless time I never thought of
that time is a valuable thing. But now, if I could get one day longer to be with her,
I do not care if I lost everything I had. But, even though I let go of all that I have, I
know now that I will not be able to get a 'time' ”

Narrator: Zuko and Jinora didn’t meet for several days. This condition makes
Zuko put a decision. He meets the secure of spirit world for fixed this problem.

ZUKO: “I want to get out from spirit world and married with goddess of the
moon, Jinora”
NOATAK: “you can’t Zuko! If you still force you will get some consequence”

“do you think if you come to Jinora’s World there’s make you happy each
other? Of course, NOT ! ”

ZUKO: “hey Noatak! Do you think I believe you?”

NOATAK: “hear, you can go to Jinora’s World and life with her forever but both
of you cannot be together, because”

ZUKO: “because of what?” (Angry)


Narrator: Hear that from Noatak, Zuko were very shock, Noatak’s chatter is
unbelievable, yet Zuko still want to meet with Jinora so, he Decide for Get out
from spirit world. After Zuko came to the world, world became light because of
the sun. But Zuko can’t near with Jinora, same with Jinora, she can’t go near to
Zuko. No matter how hard they are trying every day.

JINORA: “After thinking hard about your decision, why you choose the tragic

ZUKO: “This is like a dream. You're there in front of me, but I cannot touch you”

Narrator: Jinora and Zuko are the sad couple, they life in the same world but they
can’t meet each other. Jinora rise from morning until evening, whereas; Zuko rise
from night until dawn.

---THE END---

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