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Organizational Behavior o Withdrawal Behavior – actions

Skill mix model to separate themselves from

the company
- Group
o Group Cohesion – support and
o Group Functioning – quantity
and quality of work
- Organizational
o Productivity – effective &
o Survival – able to exist over long

Technical Skills Diversity in Organizations

- Ability to apply specialized knowledge Workplace Diversity
Human Skills Diversity Mgmt -> Surface Level -> Deep Level
- Ability to work with, understand, and
motivate other people Diversity Management
Conceptual Skills - Process and programs by which
- Ability to analyze and diagnose complex managers make everyone more aware
situations and sensitive to the needs and
differences of others.
Organizational Behavior(OB)
- Field of study that investigates the Effectively Managing Diversity
impact of individuals, groups, and - Attracting, Selecting, Developing, and
structure have on behavior within Retaining Diverse Employees
organizations for the purpose of o Target specific groups
applying such knowledge toward o hiring is bias free
improving an organization’s o positive diverse climate
effectiveness. - Diversity in Groups
o Common goal
Basic OB Model o need a common way
Inputs -> Process -> Outcomes o need to communicate well
o Emphasize commonalities
Outcome Variables - Effective Diversity Programs
- Individual o Teach managers about diversity
o Attitudes – evaluation  Legal, fair treatment,
o Stress – unpleasant psych more effective
process o Personal development practices
o Task Performance – for skills of employees
effectiveness and efficiency of
doing your core job Mgmt Implications
o Organizational Citizenship - Know the anti-discrimination policies
Behavior – discretionary - Increase objectivity by challenging bias
behavior that contributes to the - Consider the individual’s capabilities
workplace. - Evaluate accommodations for PWD
- Understand and Respect uniqueness
Attitudes and Job Satisfaction Employee Responses to Dissatisfaction
- reflect how we feel about something
- favorable/unfavorable
- Components
o Cognitive
 Evaluation
o Affective
 Feelings
o Behavioral
 Action

Job Attitudes
- Job Satisfaction
o Positive feeling about a job Increasing Job Satisfaction
- Job Involvement
P – Positive Working Environment
o Degree of psychological
R – Reward and Recognition
identification with the job
I – Involve and Increase Employee Engagement
- Organizational Commitment
D – Develop skills and potential
o Loyalty
E – Evaluate and measure Job Satisfaction
o Identify with org’s goals and
wishing to maintain Emotions and Moods
membership - Feelings aren’t chosen, behaviors are
- Perceived Org Support
- Feelings
o Employees believe org values
o created by thoughts and not
their contributions and cares
actual events
about their well-being
o experiences must be processed
- Employee Engagement
before experiencing any
o Degree of Involvement,
emotional response
satisfaction, and enthusiasm o Emotions results entirely from
the way you look at things
Main Causes of Job Satisfaction Affect
- Job conditions - Broad range of feelings that people
- Personality
o Positive core self-evaluation = - Emotions
more satisfied
o Caused by event
- Pay
o Brief in duration
o Specific and numerous
 Anger
Outcomes of Job Satisfaction (Job Behavior)  Fear
- Job Performance  Sadness
- Organizational Citizenship Behavior  Happiness
- Customer Satisfaction
 Disgust
- Life Satisfaction  Surprise
o Usually accompanied by facial
o Action-oriented nature
- Moods Response Fast Choleric Sanguine
o Cause is often general and Slow Melancholic Phlegmatic
o Longer lasting AffectiveEvents Theory (AET)
o More general - Emotions provide insight into how
 Positive affect
workplace hassled and uplifting events
 Negative affect
influence employee performance and
o Not indicated by distinct
- Emotions, and the events causing them,
o Cognitive in nature
should not be ignored because they
Temperaments 1. Work environment
- Natural disposition or tendency to react
2. Work Events
in a certain way 3. Personal Dispositions
- Choleric 4. Emotional Reactions
o Natural leader
5. Job Satisfaction/Performance
o Confident
o Fast moving, intense
Emotional Intelligence
o Fast output
- Person’s ability to (cascading model):
o Need to feel productive
o Conscientiousness: Perceive
o Need to be appreciated emotions in self and others
- Sanguine o Cognitive: Understand meaning
o Colorful, creative, loud, of those emotions
dramatic, fun
o Emotional Stability: Regulate
o Moves fast
o Easily excited
 Surface acting
o Need to feel loved and that all
 Deep acting
is well
 Emotional suppression
o Need to be noticed and
 Cognitive reappraisal
complimented  Social sharing
- Melancholic
o Deep thinkers and feelers Specific OB Issues
o Introspective 1. Selection
o Long memory
2. Decision Making
o Slow in decision making 3. Creativity
o Organized and detail oriented
4. Motivation
o Need to feel perfection
5. Leadership
o Needs to be understood
6. Negotiations
- Phlegmatic
7. Customer Service
o Cool, calm, observant 8. Job Attitudes
o Peaceful, accommodating 9. Deviant workplace behaviors
o Slow and steady 10. Safety and Injury at Work
o Low energy level
o Peacekeeper PERMA
o Needs to be respected
- Positive Emotions
Emotions - Engagement
Strong Weak - Relationship
- Meaning - Avoidant – feel inadequate and hate
- Achievement criticism

Personality and Values Core Self-Evaluation (CSE)

Personality - Bottom line conclusions about own
- Dynamic concept capabilities, competence and worth
- Describes the growth and development Self-Monitoring
of a person’s psychological system - Measures ability to adjust behavior to
- Sum total of ways in which an individual eternal, situational factors
reacts to and interacts with others Proactive Personality
- Mix of genes, environment, and
individual choices Values
- Basic convictions about what’s right
Personality Frameworks - Lays the foundation and understanding
1. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) towards attitudes and motivation
a. Extroverted or Introverted (E/I) - Influences attitudes and behaviors
b. Sensing or Intuitive (S/N) - Value System
i. Sensing – 5 senses o Rank values in terms of
ii. Intuition – patters and intensity
big picture - Terminal Values
c. Thinking or Feeling (T/F) o Desirable end state
d. Perceiving or Judging (P/J) - Instrumental Values
i. Perceiving – flexible, o Preferred modes of behavior to
keeps options open achieve terminal
ii. Judging – controlled, - Generational Values
2. Big Five Model Person-Organization Fit
a. Extraversion - Extroverts – aggressive and team-based
b. Agreeableness - Agreeable – supportive organizations
c. Conscientiousness - Openness – innovative organizations
d. Emotional Stability
e. Openness to Experience Hofstede’s Five Value Dimensions
- Individualism (IDV)
Dark Triad - Power Distance (PDI)
- Narcissism – entitled - Truth (UAI)
- Machiavellianism – ends justify the - Gender (MAS)
means, emotionally distant - Virtue (LTO)
- Psychopathy – lack of concern for
others Globe Framework for Assessing culture
- Performance Orientation
Emerging framework for studying dark side - Uncertainty Avoidance
- Antisocial – indifferent and callous - In-Group Collectivism
- Borderline – low self-esteem, high - Power Distance
uncertainty - Gender Egalitarianism
- Schizotypal – eccentric and - Humane Orientation
disorganized - Institutional Collectivism
- Obsessive Compulsive – perfectionists, - Future Orientation
details, motivated by achievement - Assertiveness
Mgmt Implications - Contrast effects
- Screen job candidates depending on o contrasting between two
what your organization finds most people
important - Stereotype
- MBTI can be used for training and o setting general rules about
development group
- Evaluate jobs, work groups and org to - Selective Perception
determine optimal personality fit o filter what you see and hear to
- Factor in employees’ situational factors fit your own needs
- Consider people’s different cultures to
determine their work behavior Common Biases
- small set of info, not fair/balanced
Perception and Individual Decision Making - Overconfidence bias
Factors that Influence Perception o better than they think
- Factors in the Perceiver - Hindsight bias
- Factors in the Situation o saying they predicted it, after
- Factors in the Target the fact
- Anchoring Bias
Attribution Theory o relying too much on one piece
of info to make a decision
- Confirmation bias
o only use info that prove mgmt
- Availability bias
- Escalation of Commitment
o keep doing things cause of
enormous investment

Judgement errors
- Fundamental Attribution Error - bad logic
o Tendency to underestimate the - Randomness error
influence of external factors o making conclusions based of
and overestimate internal false info/superstition
- Self-Serving Bias - Risk Aversion
o Individuals attribute success to o min growth if not willing to take
internal factors risks

Errors of Perception Rational Decision-Making Model

- Halo Effect 1) Define the Problem
o impression in one case for a 2) Identify decision criteria
person, assume in other aspects 3) Allocate weights to criteria
- Central Tendency 4) Develop alternatives
o ave instead of the individual 5) Evaluate alternatives
cases 6) Select best alternative
- Recency Effects
o recall only more recent piece of Bounded Rationality
information - Reduce complex scenario into a level
which is readily understood
- People satisfice – satisfactory or - Self-efficacy Theory
sufficient solutions o Individual believing that he/she
- Simplified models that extract essential can perform the task
features  Enactive Mastery
 Vicarious Modeling
Intuition  Verbal Persuation
- Outside of conscious thought  Arousal
- Fast and usually engages emotions o Pygmalion effect
- Supplement intuition with evidence and - Reinforcement Theory
good judgement o Behavior is a function of
Three-stage Model of Creativity o Positive and negative
- Equity Theory
o Make comparison of their job
inputs and outcomes relative to
those of others, then responds
to inequities
o Organizational Justice
 Overall perception of
what is fair in the
Motivation Concepts workplace
Early Theories  Distributed Justice
- Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs  Perceived fairness of
o Physiological outcome
o Safety-Security  Procedural Justice
o Social-belongingness  Perceived fairness of
o Esteem process
o Self-Actualization  Interactional Justice
- Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygene Theory  Perceived degree to
o Satisfiers which one is treated
o Dissatisfiers w/ dignity and
- McClelland’s Theory of Needs respect
o Need for Achievement (nAch) o Expectancy Theory
o Need for Power (nPow)  Act in a way that
o Need for Affiliation (nAfl) depends on an
expectation that the act
Contemporary Theories will be followed by a
- Self-Determination theory given outcome and
o Prefer to feel control over their based on the
actions (autonomy) attractiveness of that
- Goal-Setting Theory outcome
o Tells employees what needs to  Effort-
be done and how much effort is Performance
needed  Performance-
o Specific increases performance Reward
o Difficult, when accepted, results  Reward-
in higher performance Personal go al
o Feedback = higher performance

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